Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY. December m, i»oe
Ti 0
Tl L Aw> Twrew^cl (
L-J;- IqL,
>con Bill
1 hree Keekers
1 har Mrs 1 ypical V
crew street pupils have arranged for
carletmaa celebration In - practically
tver y grade Friday. From the older
..jplij to the tiny little one* Interest*
n r program* will be rendered.
Eighth Grad* A.
neeliatlon—James Maneg.
Bet Itatlon—Gladys Dunson.
Recitation—Lee Evan*.
Debate—Mack Htrschberg. Ceef
Kahn, Catherine Parker, Clnrn Stein-
helmer. /
8*v*nth Grad* A.
Song. cla*a—Christmas Bells.
Recitation—Mabel Wellborn,
neeltatlon—Hannah Gerchon.
Declamation—Wallace Brooke.
Recitation— Loul*e Taylor.
Recitation—Irma Sommer.
Song, clas*—The Archer 1 * Glee.
Dialogue—The Interrupted Proposal
Declamation—Marshall Norman.
Recitation—Annalee Jenkins.
Recitation—Elol»e Hayne.
Recitation—Julian Roberts.
Declamation—Richard Hoskins.
Recitation—Katharine Ripley.
Recitation—Mildred Oldish.
Dlatnuge. The Spelling Class.
Declamation—Earle Connell.
Recitation—Mattie Belle Ripley,
song, Good-bye. Old Year.
Seventh Grad* B.
Song, class—Christmas Bells.
Recitation—Vera Thomas, A South
ern Christmas Eve.
Recitation—Madge Manning, A Tale
of a Christmas Stocking,
gong—Class, Christmas Rose.
Recitation—Nellie Kate Mansion, A
Christmas Eve Adventure.
Recitation—May Evans. A Small
Boy's Wants.
Song—Class. Archer 1 * Glee.
Recitation—Frances Wells, gandy
Recitation—Mary Glenn, A Christine
4 Sixth Grade B.
Recitation—Winifred Voumans, Bi -
Ja's Story.
Recitation—Julia Dunning, Three
Bad Little Boys.
Song—Christmas, class.
Recitation—Hilda Pybus, Christmas
Eve Adventure*.
Recitation—Russell Andersop The
stolen Custard.
Recitation—Charlotte Thompson, Just
Before Christmas.
Recitation—Daisy Strickland.
Recitation—John Hargraves.
Recitation — Frederick Robertson,
The Striped Stocking.
Kccltat Ion — Katherine Robertson,
.Managing a Mule.
Song—Praise Song, class.
Debate—Resolved, That Water •*
More Destructive Than Fire, Robert
Maury, Howard Ban-tell. Marlon Brlt-
tnln, John Hargraves, Frank Stornu
kin. Richard Semins.
Third Grad* B.
Recitation -Class, We're Only Little
Song—Class, Song of the Soldier.
Recitation—Herman Heyman, Christ-
mas Eve.
Dlnlouge—Dave Morris ahd Olcnla
Corley. Mutually Batlsfted.
Recitation—Mary Ijoulee Walker,
Child's First Christmas,
gong—Class. Christmas Caroj.
Recitation—Chart** Ratvson. A Hint
to Santa Claus.
Recitation—Mubel Acker, What Did
Santa Do?
Song—Eight children. Sleep, Little
Recitation—Duruard McCord, A
Stocking's Christmas.
Second Grade A.
neeltatlon—Montlne Cain.
Recitation—fllen Whtttteld.
Recitation—Lena Fordon.
Recitation—Nathan Cox.
Recitation—Ben Berger.
Recitation—Joseph Watson.
Recitation—Ruth Fltxpatrlck.
Dialogue—By three boys.
Reeltntlon—Vlrglnlus Been.
Recitation—William Key.
Recitation—Freddie Edwards.
Recltatlon—Sara Metllchnmp.
Recitation—Philip Hchosneck.
Recitation—Helen Wilson.
Recitation—Lula Jones.
Second Grade B.
While Stars of Christmas Shine-
Dolly's Christmas—Charlotte Blg-
Santa .Claus and the Helndeer-
Arthur Branch.
1 hrl.Htmas—Mareellne Canall.
1 hrlatmas Morning—Thomas Cer-
1 Ttrlstmas Time—Song.
Scaring Santa Claus—Addle Cole
Isaac—Sam Corrie.
A Letter—Marie Dorman.
Santa Claus—Harry Fulwood.
Christmas Time Is Coming Soon
— 1 'lass.
The Shiniest Dime—Margaret Klls-
A Christmas Gift—Frank Kidwell,
l>” You Know?—Ruby Eplan.
Mr. St. Nicholas—Clarence Lnmpkln.
Song—Christmas and New Years.
A Letter to Santa t'lau*—Vara Gat
Little Mary—Joe McCorl.le.
Santa Claus—Fanny Golden.
Christmas Bells—Monroe Thompson,
Dialogue-—’The Three Holidays.
Christmas—Rosalind Herman.
Second Grad* B.
JCnla Claus' Talk—Edwin Williams.
Hang Up the Baby's Stocking—Hulda
Santa Claus and the Mouse—Merritt
111 Mahogany finish only, highly
polished saddle wood seat, a large
comfortable rocker,
7.50 value for 6.00
In Mahogany finish and Golden
Oak, highest polish finish, saddle
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7.50 value for 6.00
Fine Mahogany veneered back and
seat polish. A fine sewing rocker,
6.50 value for 5.00
And Upon the Furniture Floors Are,'By Actual Count, Over Two Hundred and Fifty
Different Rockers, Ranging in Price From .1.00 to 85.00.
• t
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Oiamberlin-Joknsoh-DuBos? Co.
Santa Claus—Class.
Santa Claus—Laura Mugber.
A Christinas Wish—Hanes Yar
Santa Claus and the Mouse—Alice
Wishes—W. L. Htrschberg.
Song—Homo Fairies.
Kris Krlngle—Annie McMIlllan.
The Stocking's Christmas—Paul Su
Christmas Carol—Klenwnr Pise.
A Tree Bong—Gusale Swafford.
O. Clap, <?!ap the Hands—Class.
'Bout a Million—Graco DsLortne.
A Letter to Santa Claus—Audrey
Christmas Ha* Come—Eunice Walk
.Waiting for Christmas—Vannle TII-
I h-lstma*—Miriam Johnson.
Hang Up the Holly and Mistletoe—
elite Wolpert.
Make ideal Holi-?
day Gifts and we
show a beautiful
1.50 to 5.00
L E V Y &
17 Peachtree St.
Flr«t Grad* B.
71 i-cltatlon—Class.
Recitation—Joe Ford.
Recitation—Amelia Mellldhamp.
R*c Ration—Class.
Recitation—tjulncey Ulmer.
Hoc Ration—Mary Goodrich.
8- ng—Class.
Ret Ration—Nym Nelms.
Recitation—Ruth Frost.
I toll Dialogue—Six girls.
Rec'tatlon—Leslie Lewkowlt*.
Continued from Page Eleven.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Holomonson have
Issued curds announcing the marriage
of their daughter. Sara, to Mr. Waltar
Kennedy on Monduy evening, Decem
ber 1(1, 1>0(, at Atlanta, Ge.
Miss Levle Wellborn, of Athens. Is
visiting friends in Atlanta.
The proposition to annex the First
Christian church building on East Hun
ter street as an annex to the city hall
and quarters for the waterworks of
fice met with great favor by tho board
of water commissioners Wednesday
A committee of three was appoint'.-1
to confer with the owner of the build
ing. A. G. Rhodes, and get hi* terms
for a lease of from three to live years.
It Is expected that the commissioners
will appear before council next year
and urge the annexation at the church
building In order that the waterworks
may have suitable offices.
General Manager Park Woodward re
ported favorably on the proposition,
citing the miserable condition, and the
great lack of room In the present quur-
te Colonel Woodward also submitted a
report to the commissioners In regard
to the urgent need of funds for the
Improvement and enlargement of the
waterworks. In order to meet the In
creased demand being made on the
He urged the commissioner* to do all
In their power to get the next council
to call for an election for the Issuance
of SMO.MM bom!* for the waterworks.
Frank P. Rhe. president of the board,
made a stirring speech along the same
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kiser have re
turned from New York city.
Miss Irene Kencflck. who was the
admired guest of Miss Adora Ander
son, has returned to her home In Kan
su* City.
Mr*. E. W. Charbonler has returned
from h visit of several weeks to frlunds
In South Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hardy have
moved Into their handsome new home
at Ansley Park.
Colonel and Mrs. T. G. Bush, of
Birmingham, spent Monday In Atlanta
at the Piedmont.
Mr. and Mr*. Robert V. Maddox and
children will leave In a few daya for
Nashville to spend the Christmas holi
days with Mr. and Mrs. X. Baxter In
that city.
Air. and Mrs. Julius II. Mueller and
little daughter, Katharine, will leave
Friday for Indianapolis, where they will I
spend the winter with relatives.
Mr*. Tltoma* E. Fortson. of Washing
ton. tio., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Blanton Fortson.
.Miss Hulllc Hills leaves soon to visit
Miss .Margaret Lewis will return on
Friday from Smith College to spend
the holidays. .
Misses Cobble nnd Marion Vaughn
will return Saturday front New York
city, where they have been attending
the Sacred Heart convent at Manhat-
tanvllle. Mrs. J. O. Vaughn and her
daughters will be the gueats of Mrs.
Robert Ridley for a few days.
.Miss Ruth Glover, who luts been
for some week* tlio attractive guest of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hunter, will go to
Atlanta after the holidays for a visit
to her sister, Mrs. Barrett Phlnlxy. .
Mr. 8. Brooks Smith left Wednesday ■
for Henderson. Ky.. to spend the holi
days with relatives.
Mrs. Robert Riddle, of Nashville, h is j
arrived In Atlanta to spend the hull- j
days with her daughter, Mrs. J. White- Russell, at her home, on Willow
Mr. James Wlllcox spent Wednesday j
In Atlanta en route from New York to
Ills home at Montgomery.
M Iss Edna Llcbmunn. who lias been
attending school In New York, will
return home Friday to spend the holi
days with her parents.
Mr. John FUten Is expected home j
Thursday from Yale to spend the Itoll- j
Miss Nun UuIIIgnnn has returned I
from New York and Philadelphia. *
Miss Roberta Oewlnner has returned
to Macon after a brief visit to the
Misses Morris.
Mis* Mary Myrtls Corker, who has
been attending school at the Randolph-
Macon College, Lynchburg, Va., will ar
rive on the 21st to spend the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A.
Misses Winnie Davis Bell, Willie
Wimberly and Mary Evans, of Waynes
boro, Ga.. will nrrlve on the 21st nnd
will be the guests during the holidays
of Miss - Mary Myrtls Corker at her
home. 540 Spring street.
Miss Ruth Cunningham, of Rich
mond, arrived Thursday morning to bs
the gueit of Miss Lucy Hines.
Miss Xella Lou Walton, of Carters-
llte, Is the guest of Mrs. Colqult
Mrs. Myrta Lockett Avery has been
tailed to Montgomery by the serious
llliipi-s of her mother, Mrs. Locket',
and will probably spend the remainder
ot the winter In that city.
Mrs. Julius Maguth nnd Miss Kathe-
A distinguished visitor In the city at
present I* Dr. Frederick Vesln, who
will spend two weeks with his sister,
Mrs. Alfredo Barlll. Mr. Vesln Is a
famous portrait painter, having paint
ed recently the empress of Germany.
After the holidays lie will return to his
home In Germany.
In plain and
initial linens.
Fancy Silks and
French ideas in
Silk and Linen
25c to 1.50.
L E V Y &
17 Peachtree St.
Mias .Sarah Bell will arrive from New
York the latter part of thle week.
Mlve Edna Popper, of Macon, who Ik
one of the brightest Southern girls at
VaHnnr. will pass through Atlanta Fri
day en route* to Macon, where nhe will
spend the holldaya with her parentiy.
Mr. Clint Merrill # und MIskm Kate
and Elsie Merrill, of Loulnvlll*, Ky.,
will bo the guests of Miss Carrie Mer
rill until after the holidays.
MIhs Anlce Hawkins, who Is at school
In New York, arrived In Atlanta
Thursday to spend the holidays with
her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Haw
Mrs. Hugh Coiner, after visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Clurk Howell* has re
turned to her home at Savannah.
Mr. Gaston Raoul and Mr. William
Greene Raotjl, Jr„ will arrive In At
lanta Friday from Chattanooga, to
spend the holidays with their parents,
.Mi*, anjl Mrs. William G. Raoul.
Miss Grace I*ee Brown will return
Friday from Greenville, ti. C., where she
, went to sing the soprano parts In Han
del’s Messiah at Its presentation Thurs
day evening In that city.
Miss Pearl Campbell, of Carrollton,
Is spending the holiday seaKon with rel
atives In Atlanta.
Miss Lillian Moore, of Birmingham.
Is spending a few days with Misses
Cleo nnd cilfTe Mable, nt their home In
Ltecatur, Ga. Miss Moore and the
Misses Mable have Just returned from
the convention of the Alpha Delta Phi
recently In session at Macon.
Mr. James tfmlth. publisher and pres
ident of the Birmingham Ledger, spent
Wednesday In Atlanta en route home,
nfter visiting New York.
Mrs. William Halley Thomas will
spend the holidays In Boston.
Miss Amanda Moore, who lias spent
the summer and autumn In the North
nnd East, will return to Mobile for
the Christmas season.
Mrs. Robert C. Harrison and chil
dren will upend the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph A. Huger, at SavAn-
Mr. Alfred Truitt left at noon on
Thursday for I^iGrange to attend the
marriage of his niece. Miss Mary Tru
itt. to Mr. Harry II. Mobley, which will
take place Thursday night at La-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Altchlstm. of
Anniston, spent Thursday In Atlanta.
Mr. A. I. May, of New Orleans, Is
the guest of Mr. Joseph May, on Pine
Miss Julia Rosser has returned from
Mrs. Floyd Foster, uf Athens, Is the
Georgia Military Academy Boys
(100 Boys) go through Factories,
Newspaper Offices and the like
in addition to their books—they
learn by seeing.
COL. J. G. WOODWARD, A. M., Pres’t.
College Park (Near Atlanta.)
8prlng Term Begins Jan. 7, 1907.
guest of Mrs. Robert Jones.
Colonel Frank Leonidas Ncufvtlle
will spend the holidays In Augusta with
friends and relatives.
Mrs. William T. Jones will leave on
Friday afternoon for Forsyth to spend
the holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Cater.
A brewing company that pays its
special tax In tho county where Its
principal office Is I orated Is not liable
for an additional tax In another county
because It stored beer there and filled
orders through Its agent.
Buch, In effect. Is the decision of tho
supreme court In the case of Whittle
sey vs. the Acme Brewing Company,
of Macon, from Muscogee county su
perior court. The brewery of the com
pany is located In Macon. A branch Ik
maintained In Columbus, where beer
is stored and dispensed by an agent on
An effort was made to collect the
special tax of $300 from the brewing
company In Muscogee county, and fl.
fas. were Issued. The brewery people
sought to restrain the sheriff from col
lecting the amount through Injunction.
The Judge sustained ‘the Injunction,
and now the supreme court affirms the
Rev. H. M. Newton, aged 71 years,
died Wednesday night at the Presby-
terlun hospital. He was a superannu
ated preacher of the North Georgia
conference, and had served an pastor of
churches at Dallas and Norcroes, Ga..
and was known as one of the most
scholarly preacher* In the Bouth. The
funeral se hr Ices will be'conducted at
8t. Pauls Methodist church Friday
morning at lu o’clock. The- following
gentlemen will please act ps pallbear
ers: Rev. J. H. Rakes. Rev. R. H.
Enkr% Rev. C. C. Jarrell, Rev. M. L
Troutman, Rev. C. L. Pattlllo and Rev.
W. T. Hambry.
The services will be conducted by
Rev. H. B. Edmondson, assisted by
Rev. H. E. L. Tltnmons and Rev. How
ard Crumley.
At Ivy street school the seventh
(trade Hill give Ihe following program
Friday: ,
Song—Class, Christmas Bells.
Recitation—Our Flag, Welborn Hope.
Recitation—Gloria In Excelsls, lone
, Piano Solo—Ida Lichtenstein.
Recitation—The Old Engll.hyChrl-t- ’
inns, Ernest Cox.
Recitation—The Nativity, Julia De-
Song—I Can't Do This Sum. Louise
Logan. Edith Parker, Elite May Bedell.
Daelamatlon—An Appeal to Arms,
Arthur Bass.
Recitation—The Angelic Song. Edith
Fan drill by girla of class.
Declamation—Supposed Speech of
John Adams, Benjamin Clybum.
Dialogue—Daddy Darwin's Christ
mas, Katie Elliott, Julia Dehon, Loui- >
Logan, Bernard Baer, James U. -
Knlght, Eugene Varnelle, Lawrence
Declamation—The Rising of 17JS,
Charles Beardsley,
Recltutlon—His Highness, Young
Pucker. Elite May Bedell.
Recitation—Our Baby, John Flckleo.
Dialogue—Christinas at Skeeter Cor
ner, Ruby Johnston, Ross Edison, Hil
da Pause, Currie Manlnger, Rosa Lich
tenstein. Sophie Constrangy, Arth tr
Boss, Charles Beardsley, BMJaotln
Declamation—Hpartacus to the Glad
iators, Lewis Blodgett.
Song by class. Good-bye, old Year.
A revelation to glasa wearers, dee.
away with two pairs of glass.-- both
reading and walking vision In .me
frame, and looks like one gla-s. Jt has
proven the most successful of all the
advertised Invisible bifocals. They are
being sold by all the leading bouses
In America and abroad. Our oculist s
prescription department Is the nnxt
perfect system ever Inaugurated In this
country. Not how cheap, but hovr w-ll
we can serve you. Ask the oculist about
us. Walter Ballard Opticnl Company, il
Peachtree street.