Newspaper Page Text
Washington, Dec. 20.—Chargtng that
he has misstated the facta about rail
road accidents, that he has juggled sta
tistics in order to make them show that
railroad travel la much more danger
ous in this country than abroad, and
that he Is a special pleader for the la
bor unions and against the railroads,
Western roads have opened a war upon
Secretary Edward A. Mosely of the in
terstate commerce commission.
It Is charged that Mr. Mosely has
been unduly active and unfair in his
advocacy of the pending "hours of
service" legislation, which proposes to
limit to sixteen hours the continuous
employment of railroad men. This is
the bill which Senator La Follette has
been pressing In the upper chamber and
on which It has been agreed to vote
January 12. The railroads are unlim
bering their guns for a big fight on It.
and will attempt to secure adoption of
amendments that friends of the meas
ure believe would make It Ineffective.
I)r. William Carnes was the victim
of a peculiar accident Thursday, which
may necessitate his staying in bed for
several days, nursing wounds.
At the entrance to the home of Dr.
K. H. Hall, on Capitol avenue, Thurs
day morning. Dr. Carnes slipped on a
piece of tin that had been tacked to the
tloor to cover a hole and fell to the
floor. He was unconscious when Dr.
Hall reached him.
It was found that the ligaments of
the left leg about the knee were torn,
and that one of the small bones had
been broken.
Dr. Carnes Is confined to his room
at his home, at 140 Capitol avenue.
¥|*.-vl«l to The (Jeorglnn.
Buena Vista, (la., Dec. 21.—The Buena
Vista dispensary commission Is con
fronted with a peculiar situation as how
It shall dispose of a portion of tho
whisky on hand when the dispensary
was closed out.
On December 8, the town and county,
having been Jointly operating a dis
pensary for the sale of whisky, were
voted dry, according to the terms of
the Buchanan bill. The commissioners
then proceeded to close out the stock
on hand, but with all diligence used
they had about $360 worth of liquors
Hp<t|iiI to The (soorglau.
Columbus, Ga., Dec. 21.—The Geor
gia and Alabama Industrial Index says
in Its regular weekly Issue;
“Even the near approach of the hol
iday season causes no appreciable dim
inution of evldencfs of Industrial and
construction progress in Georgia and
Alabama us shown by udvance re
ports to The Index for the past seven
days. A $2,000,000 Iron and coal prop
erties deal has been consummated le
the Birmingham district and will be
followed by more extensive develop
ment. Financial arrangements have
l>e*n perfected for the building of a
railway line between Valdosta, (ia., and
Vldalia, Os. A street railway line is in
prospect for Brunswick. Ga. A cotton
mill plant at Jacksonville, Ala., will be
enlarged by the addition of a $500,000
mill. A plant will be established In
Atlanta, Ua., for the manufacture of
gas and electric light fixtures and
equipment. A large furnace at lllstng
Fawn, Ga., will be remodeled. An Ice
plant at Gadsden. Ala., and un oil mill
at Demopolis will be doubled in size.
A i-ampany has been organized at Al
bany, Ua., to operate a line of steam
boat* on Flint river. Three sawmill
plants and a turpentine plant are re
Special tik The Georgian.
Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 21.—A half-
million-dollar hospital, to he the finest
in the South, with the possible execu
tion of New Orleans, will probably be
built at Durham. N. C. t soon.
George W. Watts, a noted philan
thropist of Durham, who some years
ago gave the Watts hospital to the city
of Durham, Is said to be considering
the matter, and In all probability will
make the gift at an early date.
gpet lsl to The Georgian.
Charlotte. N. C., Dec. 21.—A special
from Gastonia brings Information of a
homicide there In which liquor seems tp
have been at the root of the trouble.
I*. D. Cudd was shot by his father-
in-law. J. II. McGathy, while*both the
men were indulging In drink. The
trouble occurred at the Avon Cotton
gpet lul to The Georul. n.
Jackson, Miss.. Dec. 21.—The thi
hundred banking institutions of the
state are closing a very prosperous
year. The average dividend that
be given to their stockholders on the
Erst of the year will be about 8 per
cent, though in some Instances the div
idends of the larger city banks will
run to twelve and fifteen per cent.
Special to The Gcoigtsn.
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 21.—A bill Is
to be presented to the next legislature
to relieve the First National Bank of
Montgomery for amount of a note
signed by W. D. Jelks, J. M. Falkner,
«\ L. Ruth. W. D. Prescott, L. B. Stone,
S. T. Fraxer, A- C. Danner. W. A.
Handley. Samuel Blackwell. A. Y.
Glover, members of the board of con
trol of the old soldiers' home, to the
sum of 12.741.42 and an additional
smal^ amount for Interest. This amount
nas ooj-roued to meet expenses of
ntaint*nnn«'c, being In excess of the ap- 1
propriation for such purpose to saidi
Pocket Knives 5c to $5.00 ] Santa’s In His Glory When He Gets
Guns of Reputation
Remington No. 1 hammer gun $20.00
Remington K hammerlfess gun r. $23.50
Remington KED hammerless gun $31.50
Remington 1 automatic gun $30.00
Remington 2 automatic gun $37.50
Pnrker, V hammerlem $37.50
Parker, P-lt hammerleas $48.76
Fox No. A, hammerleas $37.50
Ithaca F, hammerleaa $21.50
Ithaca 1, hammerleaa $27.50
Ithaca 2, hammerleaa '$45.00
Winchester take down ,.$10.44
Winchester solid frame $18.50
Winchester riot $18.00
Sauer hammerleas $65.00
Stevens No. 325, hammerleaa $20.00
1890 Winchester repeater. 16-ahot, 22 cal,. .$10.20
1892 Winchester automatic, 32, 38 or 44 $12.50
1903 Winchester automatic. 22-cal. 8 $16.04
1906 Winchester repeater. 22-ahot.... $8.50
1902 Winchester, single shot $3.50
1903 Winchester, single shot, thumb trig...$3.00
1904 Winchester, single shot, extra heavy.. .$4.75
If He Plays Golf
Uct a Mashie Niblic $2.00
A Driving Iron 1.60
An Aluminum Cleek '. 2.60
We also have anything in Brassies, Drivers,
('leeks, Mid Irons, Mashies, Putters, etc.
Caddy Hags, $2.00 to 10.00
Golf Jackets, $5.00, $6.00 and 7.00
Sweaters, $2.50, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 7.00
Golf Gloves, pair, $1.50 and $2.00
Golf Shoes. “Best on Earth” $5.00
Tees 15
Balls of every kind, dozen $4.50 to 7.60
Clubs reshaped and repaired.
For the Masses to Pick From.
Guaranteed Rostra’ triple-plate eilver—
Knlvee and forks, per set
Teaspoons, per eet
Tablespoons, per set r
5 O'clock Teas—Brass, copper or nickel,
Community Silver—Orange Spoons, gold lined.
per set, only
Bouillon, per set
Individual solid forks, eet
Cold meat forks, set
Salad forks, set
Berry Spoons, set
Berry Spoons, pearl handle, set
Pickle forks, set
What to Give a Nev
Rosette*Irons j
Heart 8haped Waffle Irons
Turkey Roaster, 75c to
Universal Food Chopper
Universal Bread Maker
Japanese Clothes Basket
Blssell's Carpet Sweeper
Cold Handle Iron
' Majestic Clothes Wringer
Majestic Washing Machine
A few things that are very useful and v
economical. ,
For The Boy
Single Barrel Shot Guns $4.00 and up
22 Rifle, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00
Air Rifle, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and 2.00
Boys’ Double Guns, 44-cal. and 20-gauge, just received.
Boxing Gloves, set $1.50, $2.75, $3.50 and 5.00
Striking Bags, $1.50, $2.00! $3.00 and 5.00
Flash Lights, worth $2.00, for $1.00; the $1.00 kind, foe;
they make 2,000 flashes; new batteries; 30 and 35c.
Bicycles, $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00
Bicycle Tires, pair, $3.00, $4.00. $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00
Foot Balls, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and , 4.00
Foot Ball Pants, $1.00.. i 1.60
Sleds, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6 12.00
Dog Collars (don’t forget the dog), each, 25c to 6.00
Delight for the Young
and Old
Pocket Cutlery—When we go to describe the line of Pi
et Cutlery that we carry, we should devote our page ad to
but in this Christmas announcement will simply state that th
is not a better line or a larger line to select from anywhere
the Southern states, and but very few superior lines in t
United States. The prices range all the way from 5 cei
to $1
If there is any one line of which
we aro proud It Is f’nrvers. And It
Is to the temper and quality of our
Carving Knives that we have given
the greatest attention. We believe
we have a little the best line In the
city and we know our prices are
right. These come In two, three
and live-piece sets, from the best
English and Amerlcnn cutlers at
prlccB ranging from $1.00 to $17.50
We have a great multitude of the
most beautiful and useful gifts for
one's sweetheart, and for either
sex. Tho festival feeling Is on now.
so It would be very well to come
and look through our big estab
lishment and pick out Just the
things that please you most. The
prices are Just right to suit every
Fireplace furnishings are both
practical and ornamental and make
an acceptable gift for any family.
We carry the largest and beat se
lected stock to be found, but we
can show- the goods better than wo
can describe them. e
Iron Flro Sets, up from 75
Brass Firs Sets, up from.... 5.00
Coal Vases, up from 1.50
Brass and Iron Firs Dogs,
Hearth Brushes.
Makes Delicious Coffee Every
Day—The annoyance of having a
fairly good cup of coffee one day
and not quite so good the next Is
rntirsly eliminated by using the
"Universal" Percolator. With this
automatic process you may always
depend upon your coffee being
uniformly delicious. Price from
$2.50 up, according to size.
Here Is a Christmas List for
More Items Than 01(
The Greatest Month of the Greatest Year of this great business is at
modern merchandising. The use of every up-to-date method a
Ready With the Greatest Stock of Holiday
State (
Our marvelous stock represents novelties from the four corners o
select and uncommon. We expect you to come out, take your time;
What to Give Married
A ('lulling Dish i.x a source of cndlcag delight
to a clever entertainer and her friends. Can
you think of a Christmas gift that your sis-
ler would appreciate so much or that you’d
prefer for ypuraelff Here’s a line of beau
ties to pick from. The newest designs—the
latest improvements—the best values. There
are various sizes and styles, in copper and
nickel plate, ranging in price from $2.50
to $15.00
A special line of excellent values at... $5.00
Trays and other Chafing Dish accessories.
Mamma Would Like
A real beautiful Coal Vase. We have
them in many different styles and prices
from $1.75 up, and if you want some more
expensive, there is the Brass Vase, we have
quite an assortment and the price is very
moderate anti depends entirely upon the
style and weight. Also, with the Vase, we
can show you beautiful Fire Sets, either in
brass or cheaper material.
Sporting Line
Gun Cases, canvas, $1.00 to $ 1.60
Gun Cases, leather, $4.00 to 15.00
Gun Cases, imitation leather 2.50
Cleaning Rods, 50c. $1.00 1.60
Cleaning Rods for 22-rifle 10
Record Pads 75
Hunting Coats, $1.00 to '.... $6.00
Hunting Coats. $2.00 to 3.50
Hunting Vests. $1.00 to . 2.00
Canoes and fixtures of all kinds.
For Home Beautifu
We have a score of things to make
beautiful; such ns our Estate Oak Hell
really an ornament, not to speak of the
fort and toil-saving that goes with all
hard coal burners. The season is #
late and we will gladly make n coiiei
on the price, just in keeping with the S
times. *
“A Word to the Wise,” Etc., Etc.
It la generally acknowledged that Community
Silver has achieved a popularity never approach
ed by any other plated ware. The reasons for this
remarkable success are:
First, because It haa the "style" and appear
ance of sterling. The Community Sliver designs
are carefully studied. The ornamentation la ex
tremely rich and deep, and In both the effects of
Second, becuusc II represents the truest econo
my. At the present price of silver the heaviest
plate Is the most economical. Triple plate will
wear three times as long as single, while Its ad
ditional cost is by no means three times as great.
Community Silver Is made in a plate heavier
than triple and la guaranteed (both by the manu
facturers and ourselvea) to last 25 years. Any
piece proving unsatisfactory will be exchanged
for a new one.
Community Knives and Forks, ptr set $5 and $8.50
Community Tsatpooni, per eet $1.50
Community Tableepoone, per eet $3.00
Community Deesort Spoono, per eet $2.75
Sent to any part of the U. 8.. charges prepaid.
Baby’s Safety Xmas
People who love the babies as they
should, dear little things—would not
for any price keep an open grate. We
have all sizes aud styles of Spark
Screens and Grate Guards. They run
from $1.50 up aud may save the life of
a million dollar babv. Order todav.
Heart Shaped
Millions of people eat waffles a gn
many clays in the year. The ne ff(
thing in the way of Waffle Irons is f
heart-shaped Irons. It is the very u e
est thing on the market, and we *
them for onlv ^
Fnr r^pnprnl (diviner We can no doubt please you to the uttermost; it would not be well to undertake an enumeration of thing*
* Vjcllvldl VJi. V111^ that will FILL THE BILL EXACTLY, and *t the same time give your friends or your people some*
53 Peachtree
87 Whitehall
203 Peters
116 Decatur