Newspaper Page Text
r DECEMBER 21. 1906.
What Papa Would
Hd you know that the Gillette Razor had
Igd a world-wide celebrity?
Ii razor has been advertised the world over and
(U deserves the merit that Is heaped upon It.
(or the Razor and 12 Blades, and the worry and
lie of shaving Is all over. Fifty thousand men
tried them and exclaim—“Delighted—awful
to give papa. Hell never forget you."
Nearly Everybody Eats
ter Is never a very bad thing to give to anybody, and right
■ a little showing that may be of Interest to anybody—we handle
je quantities.
amiinity Silver designs are recognized as superior to all others,
the appearance of sterling, and will wear longer, livery piece
nmunlty Silver is guaranteed for 25 years.
oons, set $1.50
Spoons, set $3.00
rt Spoons, set $2.75
oSpoons, set $2.50
set $5.00
let $3.00
Spoons, set $1.50
Heat Forks, each $1.25
the Big House of Many Departments [ Pocket Knives 5c to $5.00
A Young Lady Friend
Would gladly welcome as an Xmas present either
of these articles nnd they are beautiful as well
as economical:
Comb and brush sets,
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15
Jewel Cases In French Gray and Gold,
50c each to 10.00 each
Gold Clocks $3.50 to $5.00
French Gray Sliver $3.50 to $5.00
Large line of Silver Candlesticks, ,75c to $3 each
Clocks for All Purposes
8-day Cabinet Clocks, atrike half hour, with
cathedral gong, $5.00 to $7.50
Small Mission Clocks at, each $2.50
Ingersoll Watohes $1.00
lngersoll Midget Watches, ladles' watch—$2.00
Swiss Watches, worth from $6.00 to $7.60;
special, each $3.50
8-day Wall Clocks, strike hour and half hour.$7,50
Fine line of gold and fancy Clocks for
gifts, $1.50 to $10.00
Etlleen Alarm Clock, special at, each 65c
F. k W. Alarm Clock, black Iron at, each..$1.60
Spasmodic Alarm Clock at, each $1.50
Alert Alarm Clock, back alarm, each $1.00
Fancy Gold Clock, worth $3.50, special at..$2.35
La Sallta traveling Clock, special $1.00
Small Porcelain Clock $1.25
Special line of gilt clocks, $1.50 to..,.....$10.00
Very handsome bronze library Clock, 8-day;
strikes every bait hour $20.00
Nothing Better For Dear Wife
Let the present be “THE KING STEEL.” That's the Range, that
Is today in use in hundreds of homes In Atlanta and In Georgia—the
Range that gives the fullest measure of service and the "King Steel”
Is the best of all.
WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE every Range that we sell and
can give hundreds of testimonials showing that the "KING STEEL”
stands today without a peer. Why? Because It Is absolutely perfect
In every detail of construction, liecause It Is made of the very best
material and on the most scientific lines, constructed entirely of the
best steel and asbestos lined. A score of new nnd desirable features
not found In any other make can be unmistakably demonstrated
right here.
The Boys Shout With Delight
We sell the best manufacture of express wagons to be had.
No. 04 a 75
No. 03 90
No. 02 $1.00
No. 0 $1.25
No. 1 $1.50
No. 2 $1.75
No. 3 $2.00
No. 6 $3 DO
No. 7 $4.50
No. 0—Price $1.26
No. 1—Price $1.50
No. 2—Price 4 $1.75
No. 3—Price $2.25
Last Minute That Contains
nta Claus’ Pack Itself
)se. It will end in a blaze of commercial splendor unequalled in
attention to details has crowned our efforts. Today we stand
lties Ever Shown by One House in the
and are novelties not of the regular kind, but are novelties that are
the best selections you ev^r made in your life;
A Partial List of Things Needful
Every Day In the Year
1-2 Inch socket framing Chisel 20e- worth 40c
5-8-lncli socket framing Chlael 25c; worth 45c
1-1-4-lnch Socket Framing Chisel 35c; worth 60c
1-2-Inch Nut Auger 16c: worth 26c
3-4-Inch Nut Auger ..: DOot worth 25o
00- foot Tape Lines -25c: worth 40c
Tack Puller worth Kk
"Iron" Glue, atick anything, per tube 5e; worth 10c
"Iron" Glue, atick anything, per tube 10c; worth 20e
Army and Navy Glue, 1 quart cans 2Se; worth 66e
Army and Navy Glue, 1 pint rant 15c: worth 36c
Army and Navy Glue, 1 gill cans 10c: worth 20c
Army uml Navy Glue, 1-2 gill cans 60; worth 10c
Cabinet Glue. 1-2 gill cans 10c; worth 20c
For telephone and Telegraph work we carry In stock Klein's Climbers.
Sldecuttlng Pliers and Connectors: Swedish Diagonal Pliers; French and German
Long Round Nose Pliers, Combination Pliers, and nearly any other kind of Pller
that may be wanted.
We are headquarters for Meat Market Supplies, Swinging and Marble Top
Scales, Butchers’ Saws, Cleavers, Knives, Chuck Pins, Meat Hooks, etc.
Now is the time to shut out the cold wind. Bosley's Wsather Strip will do the
Work. All rubber or part matal and part rubbar, ,
1- 2-Inch In 50-feet rolls, 11.00 per roll; or 2 l-2c per foot cut.
3-4-Inch In SO-feet rolls, $1.25 per roll, or 3e per foot cut.
1-Inch In 60-foot rolls, $1.75 per roll, or 4o per foot cut. •
y Lady Appreciates
*ir of Scissors is to a woman what, a
i* to a man—and is just ns acceptable
fistmas. We have Scissors of all sorts
izes for all purposes, at prices from
H.50. Then we have them in sets of
taee, four and five pairs in fine leath-
«s, at per set, $'-'.00, $3.50, *4.00
$1.00 for a Watch
We sell the famous Ingersoll Watch for
only *1.00, ami a million people have bought
them and pronounced them good timekeep
ers. We have a belter class of Watches and
they are of some of the best makes; still we
sell them at popular prices; also a big line
of Chains and Charms, that arc newest
styles and lowest prices.
Please the Little
By getting one of our silver plated Knife,
Fork and Spoon sets. They are very much
appreciated and at the same time are very
Knife, Fork and Spoon, good quality. .$ .50
Knife, Fork and Spoon, pearl handle.. 1.50
Knife, Fork and Spoon, Community
hollow handle 2.00
The Best of All
When you are thinking of Holiday Gifts,
remember that the “Universal” Bread
Maker only requires three minutes of the
housekeeper’s time on bread day.
Put in the liquids, then the flour and an
easy turn of the haudle does the mixing and
kneading thoroughly and accurately with
out putting the hands in the dough. A wel
come relief from 20 or 30 minutes of hand
No woman should try to keep house with
out the ‘ ‘ Universal. ’ 1 Price.... $2.00
elight for the Ladies
*0 very special articles that we are
iwhat overstocked on:
tog Dishes, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50
ir Pitchers, each, $2.50 to.. .$10.00
Happy Are Our
Because they buy here all the
things desired and at the very lowest
possible price. Wo arc known as the
store of many departments.
Things Suitable for Every Home
Fancy papier mache Crum Trays and
Brushes 85c
Black Star Patent Crumb Trays and
Brushes 85c
Heavy brass, nickel-plated Crumb Trays
and Scraper $1.50
Very Special—Nickel-plated Tray and
Scraper, worth 50c; ent to 16c
“Ilcnis” Fruit nnd Vegetable Press. ...25c
Silver's Patent Fruit and Vegetable
Press 35c
Silver’s Patent Beef Tea Press 60o
Columbia No. 1 Beef Tea Press $1.00
Columbia Beef Tea Pre«s, extra quality $1.75
Victor Alcohol Gas Stove, $1.00 kind, for 60c
Travelers’ Companion Alcohol Stove. .$1.00
Fancy Imported Japanese Nut Bowls,
each $1.00
Decorated Imported Japanese Nut Bowls,
each $2.00
Don’t spoil your fruit cake with seed. Get
them out with a “Crown Raisin
Seeder” 76c
ay valuahle artirlpa would be left out. In our place are thousands of serviceable and beautiful things XAT& Offor*
53 Peachtree
87 Whitehall
203 Peters
116 Decatur
New York, Dec. 21.—Funeral services
will be held In five widely eeparated
parts of the world for Nelson Fair-
child, of this city, the American vice
consul at Mukden. Manchuria. Mr.
Fairchild was killed In Manchuria Sun
day, accidentally. It was reported, to
the state department at Washington,
by a shot from his own pistol.
Services will be held here at.the
Church of the Heavenly Rest tonight,
which will be conducted by Dr. Mor
gan, the rector. His father, Charles'
Fairchild, a broker at 29 Wall street;
his brothers, Charles S. and Gordon, the
latter a student at Harvard, will attend
this service.
His mother and sister, Mrs. H. B.
Fuller, who are In Santa Barbara, C'al.,
will attend services there in honor of
the dead vice consul. The burial will
take place In Mukden. A service will
also be held In Madison, WIs.. where
he also has numerous relatives. Mr.
Fairchild was 28 years old and was
born In this city. He wss graduated
from Harvard in 1901.
The plans of the Atlanta and Caro
lina Construction Company have struck
a stumbling block again, the latest
block being Alderman Harwell.
The company aalu a franchise to lay
a single track from the comer of Madi
son avenue and ,Weat Mitchell street,
along Medlson avenue to Alabama
street and along Alabama to Forsyth,
and a double track on Alabama from
Forsyth to Broad. The aldermanlc
board met Thursday afternoon to con
cur In the action of council In granting
the franchise.
Alderman Harwell made a motion
that the franchise be granted, provided
the company pay one-half the coat of
widening Alabama street, which wae
about $6,000. The motion was lost by
a vote of 4 to 2. A motion to concur
In the action of council was adopted.
Alderman Harwell gave notice that
he would make a motion to reconalder
at the next meeting. This keeps tbs
matter open. The Atlanta and Carolina
Construction Company has been grant
ed a franchise to ruri trolley lines from
Conyers and West Point to the corner
of Madison avenue and West Mitchell
gpeclsl to Tbs Georgian.
Macon, Go. Dec. 21.—Opposite Wes
leyan College yesterday afternoon a
Vinevllle street car left the track, caus.
Ing slight damage to the car and a
general ahake-up of the passengers. No
one was seriously hurt. One lady paa.
eenger tainted and had to bo cared for.
The run was resumed after a brief
dpeclal to The Georgian.
Macon, Gs, Dec. 21.—A site has beea
selected on the Ocmulgee river for the
power bouse for the Macon and Albany
electric railway.
Water power will be secured in ths
Flint and Ocmulgee rlvere to drive the
electric can from Macon to Albany,
and as soon gs construction Is com
pleted the power will be In operation In
sufficient force to maintain excellent
gpeclsl to The Georgian.
Covington, Os, Dec. 21.—The Cov
ington order of Knights of Pythias
elected the following officers for the
ensuing term: K. W. Carrol, chancel
lor commander; A. B. Simms, vies
chancellor; T. G. Callaway, prelnte;
W. Cohen, mastsr of work; R. B. Fow
ler, keeper of records and seal; G. T.
Smith, muster of exchequer; J. L. Cal.
laway, master of finance; P. W. God
frey, master at arms; B. E. Stephenson,
Inner guard; C. A. Cannon, outer guard.
Explosion Damages Grstn Houss.
gpeclsl to Tbs Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala, Dec. 21.—A coal oil
stove In a green houee owned by Mrs.
M. A. Stocks on Haralson avenue, ex
ploded Tuesday night and badly dam
aged a large number of potted plants
and the building.
Mormon Leadsra in Florida,
gpeclsl to The Georgian.
SL Augustine, Fla., Dec. 21.—Gcurge
Albert Smith, ono of the twelve Mor
mon apostles, and B. H. Roberts, for
mer Mormon congressman from Utah,
have been In this city during the week.
They are touring the South In the In
terest of their church.
Will Ask for Appropriation.
Special to The Georgian.
St. Augustine, Fla. Dec. 21.—Con
gressman Frank Clark, of this district,
ts here Inspecting the coast line to as
certain the extent of the erosion caused
by the sea. He will bring the matter
before congress with a view of getting
an appropriation for this place.
Father McFaul in Florida,
gpeclsl to The Georgian.
St. Augustine, Fla. Dec. 21.—Rev.
Father McFaul, the oldest Catholic
priest In the United States, has ar
rived here to spend the winter. He lc
a resident of St. Louis- but usually
winters here.
Large Ginnery Is Sold.
Special to The Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala. Dec. 21.—The large
ginnery of the Gadsden Ginning; Com
pany has been raid to the Butler, Kyaer
Oil and Fertiliser Company, of Al
bertville, who will continue to conduct
It. The gin Is one of the largest and
most successful In this section.