Newspaper Page Text
WtNKSDAY, APRIL 17, 1929
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
MWill lie sold before the court house
dobr in said county on the first Tues
day in May, 1929, within the legal
hours of sale, to wit:
! AH that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in the 10th District of
Ro. U.l ale county, Georgia, and located
about three miles west of Conyers,
Ga.. and bounded as follows: North,
by S. It. Farmer Estate; East, by
lands of Goddard and Blonde; South
by| lands of Joe Hill, and West, by
lands of Turner lands. Containing fif
ty acres, more or less, with all im
movements thereon, said land levied
on as the property of S. It. Farmer to
satisfy a fi fa in favor of the State
of ! Georgia, and county of Rockdale
against said S. It. Farmer and It. F.
Farmer Est. for the year 1026.
’ This April 9th, 1929.
,1. F. COOK, Sheriff.
Now is the time
I to fix up your
I Model T Ford
RIGHT now, after winter lay-ups and winter driving, is
the time to go over your Model T and find out just what
it needs in the way of replacement parts and adjustments.
For a very small cost, you may be able to protect and
maintain your investment in the car and get thousands
of miles of additional service.
To help you get the fullest use from your car, the
Ford Motor Company is still devoting a considerable
section of its plants to the manufacture of Model T parts
and will continue to do so as long as they are needed
by Ford owners.
These parts are quickly available through Ford deal
ers in every section of the country. Note the low prices
in the partial list given below:
Piston and pin - ......... $1.40
Connecting rod - ......... 1.60
Crankshaft 10.00
Cylinder head 6.00'
Cylinder --------- - 20.00
Time gear - -- -- -- -- - .75
Time gear cover - -- -- -- -- 1.00
Crankcase - - - -- -- -- -- 12.00
Magneto coil assembly - -- -- -- - 5.00
Fly wheel - -- -- -- -- -- 13.00
Transmission gear shaft ------- 1.65
Transmission cover - -- -- -- -- 6.00
Clutch pedal - - .65
Steering gear assembly (less wheel and bracket) - - 8.50
Starter drive - -- -- -- -- - 4.25
Generator - -- -- -- -- -- 12.50
Battery - -- -- -- -- -- 8.50
Carburetor ---------- - 3.00
Vaporizer assembly (with fittings) ----- 9.00
Rear axle shaft - - -- -- -- -- 1.75
Differential drive gear - -- -- -- - 3.00
Universal joint assembly ------- - 2.50
Drive shaft pinion - -- -- -- -- 1.50
Front axle ---------- - 9.00
Spindle connecting rod ------- - 1.75
1 Front radius rod - -- -- -- -- 1.80
Rear spring - - -- -- -- -- 6.00
Radiator—less shell (1917-23) ------ 15.00
Rudiator—less shell (1923-27) 14 00
Hood (1917-1925) CSO
Hood (1926-27) black 7.00
Gasoline tank - -- -- -- -- - 6.00
Front fenders (1917-1925) each ------ 4.00
Front fenders (1926-1927) each ------ 5.00
Rear fenders (1922-1925) each 3.75
Rear fenders (1926-1927) each 4.00
Running hoard --------- - 1-25
Horn (battery type) -- ------ - 1..>0
Headlamp assembly (191..-26) pair ----- 5.50
Touring ear top (1915-25) complete 27.00
Touring car top ((1926-27) complete, includes curtains
and curtain rods - -- -- -- -- 35.00
These prices are for parts only, hut the charge for
labor is equally low. It is billed at a flat rate so you may
know in advance what the job will cost.
Ford Motor Company
Let’s Swap Tires
You can Trade in your
old tires for Brand New
GOODRICH Silvertowns
Have your old tires appraised today
McClelland garage
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tues
day in May, 1929, within the legal
hours of sale, to wit:
Lying and being in Lorraine Dis
trict of said county of Rockdale, Geor
gia. and bounded as follows: West,, by
tlie lands of W. s. Powell Estate and
G. T. Truelove; North, by lands of
Mercer George; South, by lands of
C. O. Cook, and East by J. N. Dodson
Estate. Containing sixty acres, more
or less with all improvements there
on, said land levied on as the prop
erty of Tom Booker Estate to satisfy
a fi fas in favor of the State of Geor
gia, and county of Rockdale against
said Tom Booker Estate for the year
This April 9th, 1929.
J. F. COOK, Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tues
day in May, 1929, within the legai
hours of sale, to-vvit: All that tracA
or parcel of land lying and being in
| the 10th district of said county, and
being part of Land Lot No. 33 and
being fifty and one-fourth acres in
i south-east corner of said lot. Bound
ed as follows: Beginning at a rock
corner with J. J. White; then due
north 22 chains and 13 links to a
rock corner on original line near a
post oak tree; then due west 22 chains
and 70 links to a rock corner near
branch; then due south 22 chains and
13 to a rock corner on original line;
then due oast along original line 22
chains and 70 links to starting point.
Containing fifty and one-quarter
acres, more or less, with all improve
ments thereon, said lands levied on to
satisfy an execution Issued on the
loth day of July, 1928, from the Su
perior court of said county in favor
of E. F. Anderson, Receiver, First Na
tional Rank of Conyers, Conyers, Ga.,
vs. Emma D. Mote and J. W. Mote,
which has been transferred to G. C.
Sims, W. T. Baldwin, M. W. Hull and
J. H. McCalla.
This sth day of April, 1929.
Sheriff Rockdale County.
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tues
day in May, 1929, within the legal
hours of sale, to wit:
Lying and being in Lorraine Dis
trict of said county of Rockdale, Geor
gia, and bounded as follows: West,, by
the lands of W. S. Powell Estate and
G. T. Truelove; North, by lands of
Mercer George; South, by lands of
C. O. Cook, and East by ,T. N. Dodson
Estate. Containing sixty acres, more
or less with all improvements there
on, said land levied on as the prop
erty of Tom Booker Estate to satisfy
a fi fas in favor of the State of Geor
gia, and county of Rockdale against
said Tom Booker Estate for the year
This April 9th, 1929.
J. F. COOK, Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tues
day in May, 1929, within the legal
hours of sale, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in the 16th District of
Rockdale county, Georgia, and located
about three miles west of Conyers,
Ga., and bounded as follows: North,
by S. R. Farmer Estate; East, by
lands of Goddard and Blonde; South
by lands of Joe Hill, and West, by
lands of Turner lands. Containing fif
ty acres, more or less, with all im
provements thereon, said land levied
on as the property of S. R. Farmer to
satisfy a fi fa in favor of the State
of Georgia, and county of Rockdale
against said S. R. Farmer and It. F.
Farmer Est. for the year 1928.
This April 9th, 1929.
J. F. COOK, Sheriff.
Dismission from Administration
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
WHEREAS, Joel A. Owens, Admin
istrator of John A. Owens, represents
to the Court in his petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that he has ful
ly administered John A. Owens’ es
tate :
Tins is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why
said Administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration, and
receive Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday in May, 1929.
THOS. H. MARSTON, Ordinary.
Dismission from Administration
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
WHEREAS, A. P. Owens, Adminis
trator of Cara G. Camp, represents to
Ihe Court in his petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that lie has
fully adminisftered Car,a G. Camp’s
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why
said Administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration, and
receive Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday in May, 1929.
THOS. 11. MARSTON, Ordinary.
Government inspected and
truee to name. Improved Porto
Rico, Pink Skin Porto Rico,
Early Triumph and Nancy Hall
potato plants at\ S2.(X) per m.
All orders cash and ready to
ship by April 15th.
Hatley, Ga.
Want to hear from owner hav- I
ing good Georgia farm for sale I
for fall delivery. Send descrip- ■
tion. F. R. W„ Box 408, Olney, 1
Atlanta, Georgia 1
Grow Cotton
at a lower cost per pound
I How to grow cotton at a lower cost per pound is the big
problem the Southern Farmer faces today. There is
abundant evidence to show how this can he done.
are adapted to the soils of Rockdale and adjoining Coun
ties. A liberal amount of this well balanced fertilizer will
produce larger profits from cotton.
Farmers’ crop contests, results of experiment station tests,
and the experience of thousands of practical farmers clear
ly demonstrate that the more liberal use of a well-balanc
ed fertilizer will greatly increase acre yields and lower the
per pound cost of producing the crop.
High yields per acre and low cost of production go hand in
PORTERS’ FERTILIZERS have been sold and used suc
cessfully in this territory for more than a quarter of a cen
A full line of PORTERS’ FERTILIZESS is carried by-
McDonald & Still
Phone 29 Conyers, Ga.
Hewlett & Downs
Conyers, .*. A^^/j^^^Georgia
Men’s Wear I Ladies’Wear
\i/l 4 I WHITEand COLOR
/ k FANCY broad.
Wp r /ly Shoes
Ift ' 1 S Robinhood
Solid Leather
MEN’S SUITS ch shoes’ s NQ
$14.95 to $24.95 I
All Year Round Etchison Straw Hats I
2 Piece Super Tropical wor- $1,95 to $3*95 j
sted . . . $19.65 to $25
White and Fancy Men—Women-Child*
95c to $2.25 ren I