Newspaper Page Text
|, r i!t,ISIIKI) WEEKLY.
f|.|.;\r )•'>', - ■ ■ * OKiHtGIA
ARRIVAL of trains.
Local schedule, Alcbamft 'lrpr
Railroad (Queen
Crescent Route).
[iM EFFECT. FEB. 10, 190'<J.
South Bound.
\ IK 1, R. & D. Limited. ~ . ,8:35 p'ji;
Pan American Special. ,7:18 A. m.
North, Bound,
y () 2, (T &N, O, Limited ~.. .9:.V) a. m.
\ O . i, Pan Amerirtn Special •11 MO Pi M.
Inr stops#
jj o’St 0 ’ St l and 2, fast mid! frtditfy stop at
fr flton. f .
Pade Superior Court meets 3rd Mondays
,j March and September.
Jn -ice Court for TretUon District meets
Saturday in each month.
County Okklckrs—'* Win. O i Ueese ? Or
(tniarv; S. J. Hale, Clerk Superior Court;
|- \V. Thm Hum, Sherifl J NV. 1\ Pace,
fa < Collector; Samuel .J. Hale, T:tx Ke
K< !u. S. Rotifers, County Treasurer;
T. iI County School Commit
• j,,W. ti. Alorrismt, Surveyor; Mark
-fttle; Coroner;
Ciunu'il SphyiCKS; M. hi. Church, South
, | tll ,( Jt!i Sundays to each mouth,
riavcr Heeling edUh Siiiillay evening at
o'clock. Lf“*m?e meet?* every
♦ **vetiusf. Sunday school every
* IIB ,hy morning ai IT’Ol). I>. il. Rogers,
1C Lt SMITH, Pastor.
frenbn Do '%*, F. & A. M*,
pin. 179.
Meets at the Masonic. Hull on
\\ etlnes.lity night, on *>t before the
lull moon and every 3 i Saturdny
jtight t.hMrefroitt at 7 J3O.
J, M Lyemancc} W. Mi
Tfentun Lodge, No 38, I. O. O- F.
Meets at tlpir hall north side pub
lic square every Saturday evening
jit 7 \7fl. W. G. Coin, N G.
Dade Lodge, No. 12*3, K. f P.
Meets in Odd FelowC llitll Mon
day evenings at 7:30
Frank Mtuuison, C. C.
j. W. RUSSEY M. D.
V\ ysician and Surgeon
i ■■■ i ,ii
1 1 c r e q /-a t Lx ?. w.
• t-USING FAWd bA.
,111.111 ini, in., Kn>.i.. ... i.. mm-mm, <i imt ■■
Will practice in all li.e courts
3tate and Federal.
'Mil practice in all the Courts. Prompt
given all business.
Attorney a Law ,
er-’j _ .. .... . ■■■
—Collections a Specialty—
New England City, Ga.
- -‘.CALL OK
; wit in
|H. Schwartz & Bra,
- _
Qetthe “ DUX” Shoe
By Mjs. R, S. Rodgers.
OJenn Sii pson has Lee very sick
Prof' E. G. (kmoll spent Satur
n Cha tnnoogo.
Newt. Holme was ftp hefe frofu
Monganville, Saturday.
Hugh Cure ton left Tuesday fo r
Horne, to enter seeool.
W . W. Pace left Wedneday, for
Hal i as, Texas.
Mrs. Geo. Street Was here from
Sly Lt>, this week.
Gordon and John Price remain
very ill.
Master Gerald Reese is ill with
Mrs. Gordon Hughes, of Cl t tta
ftooga, spent the past two weeks
Mack is home front Ensley
Ala on a weeks vacatioi
W. IE Brook, (>f Whit well To mi
is visiting relatives in this county.
George Wheeler has moved from
Piney Grove to this place.
Miss Maude Brook, of Rising
! avn. \ isitt and here this week.
( to. Ca t eherry and wife of
> Mug Fawt , wore here Tuesd *v.
Mrs. S* 11. 'Thurman has return
ed Irom a months stay in K ssville
M:s. Marv Se’ls and dntehtes.
Hannah, (if Atlanta, are visiting
J B L'-a, of Wildwood, attenbed
Quarleily conference here Sunday.
W, J. Townsend and sister, Miss
Annie, of Wildwood, spent Sunday
Mrs, W. G* Morrison and son,
Earnest, spent Saturday in Chatta
nooga i
3liss Dana Tatum was home from
Hooker, Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Noima Connally was home
from Atlanta, several days thb
v\ eek.
3li ss Bertha Cureton, of Rising
Fawn, was in town the last of the
George Jacoway and wife of Ris
ing Fawn, weae here Saturday an j>
Dave Kiser, of New England
City, visited the fami y <1 A. J.
J'Tfrits, this week.
Miss Ktlml Woolbri&ht ami bio
ther, Tom, spent Sunday at CuL
bran, Ala.
Mrs. Bert, Fridell and childr i.
of St Elmc* visited Mr. and *M s
Hugh Price, this week.
Miss Elizabeth Sharpe visited
her mother, Mrs. Kate Sharpe, in
C hattanooga, Saturday.
Mr. Pittard, of Cassville, Ga.
visited his daughter, Jessie, here
the first of the week.
M isses Jennie and Annie Lea, of
Wildwood, spent Sunday here with
their sifter, Miss Ada.
Mrs. Dolph Smith and sister
Miss Vergie Gober, returned Mon*
day from a'visit near Morganville.
Airs. Lee Barnum and little dau
ghter, of Valley Head, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Case,
Miss Norma Connally entertain
ed several of her friends with a
watermelon party Sattrday afu i
Mrs. Luther Gordon and mother
Mrs. Nail, of Hill City, have been
visiting relatives at New England
Several young people ol the
town enjoyed supper at the Acad
emy Saturday evening followed by
a watermelon cutting*
Pick Dp’s
Miss Leila Killiah left yesterday
on avisit to her brother in Pinning
Atty. C C. Moore, of Chattanoo
ga, was here Wednesday on legal
Thursday’s Cot; ige prayef meet
ing Avas held at t’.io itsidene of G.
M . Tatum.
Mr., and M.s. W. 11. Hirmr
have returned from an extended
visit Jo Lexington, Ky.
31 r. and 31 r*. ( ’ A. Kill ill 11 are
the proud parents of a little daugh
ter. horn Fridtv. at Dora, Ala.
M e are pleased to see Mr. W F,
Nethery out agu n.- lie has bepn
badly indisposed for several mon
ths, is able togt out again.
Watermelons are plentiful an 1
cheap. Are greener outside, redder
inside, judier, sweefier and more 1-
i icious than ever.
A train of six coveted wogons
loaded with prducts of the farms
on Sand mountain passed through
on route to Chattanooga Wedncs*
Luther Evatt and W ill Pittman,
of Rising Fawn st >, ped over in the
capitol yeseerday on route home
from a business trip to Marion
county, Tonn.
Mr. James Bates is hom from
Biaminglmm, where he holds a re
sponsible position with The Moore
Handley Hardware Cos. He is on
his summer vacation and will re*
turn Sunday.
Quarterly conference of the 3E
E. church w as h Jd here last Satur
day and Sunday in tlK* C. 1\
church. Tlie services were conduct
ed by the Presiding Eldc., Rev.
R. A. Kelly, of (diattanooga.
r.. W. 11. Smith is visiting
her children here. Mrs, Smith has
been living with one of hr daugh
ters in Chattanooga, for the past
several months She is enjoying
splendid health and says the city
agrees with her.
"William Cox, of Lookout moun
tain, was here on business Wednes
day. Mr. Cox is one of the best
and most prosperous farmers in the
county and is one of flic few that
manages to find something to do
on the farm every work day in the
year and does it.
R. F, Lycmancc has completed
arrangements to start a Brick mak
ing plant at Jacksboro, Teun. It
will be built on modern plans and
will turn out 35,000 brick daily
w hen complete and running at its
fullest capacity, The Times wishes
him success in the manufacturing
Several persons from thos place
attended the Administrators sale
of the personal effects ol the estate
of Jas* 1 Kigali; in the valley ol Sly
go, Satusday. A full quota of can
didates were present, present ing
their claims to the voters of that
section. Some of the candidates are
duly constituted announced, and
s mie are unduly constituted anno
unced candidates* S. J. Hale was
J, B. Williams h.s wrecked the
rear half of on of hi* s ore build*
ings on the Public, rquare, in order
to enlarge the campus to his hole].
He will use the lumber in the
election of a dweling on one of hi."
lots on Nethery avenue near the
county jail.
John W. Castleberry, of Sum
merset, Ky. is spending a few days
with friends and relatives in Dade.
Mr. Castleberry was born and
raised in this county. He is a son
of Westley Castleberry, a pioneer
citizen, Mr. John went to Texas
several years ago for the purpose
of locating there, but not liking
the country he drifted about over
the west and finally concluded it
wa.-’ 1 ot the place for him and
went to Kentucky, his present
h>i e, where he has lived libout
seven years,*being in the employ
ment of a railroad company.
SeeJ. C. Ho be rs on for you
dry goods, groceries and most ev
erything else, except saw mills, a
the lowest possible price.
Telephone, mail your orders or
go to Dan C. Wheeler & Cos., at
GOT Market St., Phone 175, Chat
tanooga, Tenn., for grain, hay and
feed supplies. Cotton seed meal
and hulls a specialty. Don’t for*
get the place,
To The Public
Having bought the 3lerchantile
business of I. If. Wheeler, I beg to
announce to the public tout 1 shall
endeavor to niaintain tin* business
along the lines as liberal as tire
conservative with safe business
31y stock will consist at all times
of anew and compl le line of gen
eral merchandise.
In my Dry-Goods and Shoe de
partment the very ln*st the gener
al public demands, in this partic
ular community, will at times be
found in my stock.
Groceries of all kinds, of the
very best brands, fresh and pure
will be found at all times in my
stock. In fact everything carried
in a general stock can be had at
►Jlfe very best price to you.
lam pre paired to give some
hatgains in winter suits and shoes
Will close the*e suits out at less
than cosL Also have a line of dish
ph that 1 will offer bargains in.
To friends of the business in the
past, 1 cordially ask for acontmu
aiice of your patronage, and to all
others I extend a cordial invitation
to come and see me. IN THE
VV. L. Wilkinson.
We w ill take potatoes, chick
ens, eggs, pigs or any old thing
useful to a man of family on sub
i script ion Deliver to this office
. an:l you will be allowed market
i prices and rcceited for same.
Toere will be an ice cream festi-
I val at New' Liberty chuach, Satur
j day night Aug. 30th. for thebene
it of the church. Everybody in
vited. Comm i tee
Tor infants and Children.
The Kind You Hove Always Bought
Bears the
Signature) of
C. We have recently equipped our office
with a complete stock of Legal Blanks,
Which we will furnish you in any quanti
ty, from a single copy to a thousand
copies, at the lowest prices.
G, Our catalog, containing a list of over
two hundred and fifty forms, furnished
free upon request.
Second Shop North of Central Depot.
Shave 10 Cents
Baths 15 Cents
Give me a call .. 1113 Market St.,
C H A TT A \ O O O A * Tell 11
Anvone sending a sketch and description mai
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
lent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Cos. receive
fecial notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal, terms, fa a
year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. ,
MUNN & Cos. 36,BroadMy New York
Branch Office, e?o F St.. Washington. D. C.
Harris & Johnson, 13 E Bth st
Chattanooga, are the only exclusive
opticians in the city. 15 years ex
perience assures accuracy and cor
rect fitting. The most up-to-date re
t acting rooms in the South, Ev
erything at moderate
The Franklin-Turner Cos., Atlanta, Ga."
'v 1 >• our motto for the year 1908. A big line of
everything now and substantial for men, women
and child en. Shoes for everybody.
( ome to ihe ‘'South Sided’ merchant and save from
25 b &> l-D percent, on yonr purchases.
Low Raites to yexa^^SS&jjW
in Arkansas, Louisiana. Texas'
Oklahoma and New Mex-
ICO. Return limit 25 The Cotton Belt is the
and t i direct line front Memphis
ays and stop-overs the Southwest. The
lowed both going Cotton Belt is the only line
j • f3 operating two daily trains, carry
ancl returning. ing through cars without change —
fir the only line with a through sleeper
Memphis to Dallas. Equipment in
eludes sleepers, chair cars and parlor cafe
cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast
igjjifegy make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton
t * ie t i ckct a £ ent to sell you a ticketvia Memphis
’Z&Zjf* Write for Texas or Arkansas book whichever section you are
-‘t y fffsf interested in. There hooks are just oil the pres*, and arc full ef
,f§Mw fact* and examples of what i9 actually being done by farmers, track
Aj3A>- ,3. '•■' * ~ gardeners and fruit raisers in this highly-favored section. Afive
rHKs^.dolor map is inserted in each book —Free upon request.
H. H. Sutton, District Passenger Agent,
iO9 ’ W. Ninth Street,
—o— LAXATIVE —o~-
Cures constipation indigestion, Liver
and Stomach Troubles.
Cut this out and take to G. W. M. TATUM’S
DRUG STORE and get five cents off on botth
of Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin*
Clover, Red Top, Timothy Or
chard Grass, Millet Hay, and all
duds of field seeds at Dan C.
Wheeler & Co’s., 607 Market St.,
Phone 175, Chattanooga, Teun.
Cotton seed meal and hulls a
Open an account by mail with
the Avenue Bank & Trust Cos.,
Chattanooga. Safe and sound.
Good business men at the helmt
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
auickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica-
Uorls strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patent?.
Patents taken through Munn Sc Cos. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Americas.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. J ,nrge-t dr-
IV3UNN & fio. 36,8,5 " , " ,i Nav/ York
Branch Of"c> 62ft F S*- D C-
Rising Fawn
Miss Katherine Holt, of Birim
ihgham, is the guest of Miss Maud
The Skating Club gave a party
for Miss Holt at the Commissary,
at thefuenace, Wednesday evening
W. H. Brock is here from Whit
well, Ten in
W. P. Evatt has moved his fam
ily to Chattanooga.
Mrs, T. G. Hughes is visiting
Mrs, R. L. Cagle.
“The Georgian Literary Club 7 *
was organized last week, with Prof
John Hay at its head.
Miss Maude Brock will entertain
(Live and let LIVE
We are still to st
To Farmers and Friends
of North end of County
Try your home Store be
fore you visit the Citv
i For your GROCERIES
Save You Money.
Our Motto is
The World Over.
Friday evening in honor of Miss
Mrs. James R. Goodloe, of Nash
ville is the guest of hey sister Mrs.
G. W. Cureton.
Rev. J. R. Hatfield has returned
to Whitesides, after a visit to his
children here.
Hon. John L. Burnett, of Gads
den, will deliver his lecture “Eu
rope as I saw it 77 at the Baptist
church, Saturday evening Aug 29th
Admission 25c, children, 15c
Benefit of church.
L. R. Downing has returned
from South Pittsburg.
Mrs. W, L. Allison visited ii\
Fort Payne, recently.