Newspaper Page Text
■1 l\l! I I!!! ii .
i?; h ' m
iii' i”i
■■lßSP'sting tn mu u ;nh r-.
Rih uni (no much i sit\ >il' n.
Mil it is him* of liif ablest docii
Wc'iitnvvi*|* issued IVoiii tin* K\(*r
■t iv e ollicc ol lli- Nation; i‘siir
Jpfrtlly is licit pol l lull nl il <>u i lie
Notfthern policy highly gratifying
t<> all right minded Sonthern pi'u
pie. Il concedes iill we e:tn lie
. siie ll< Mil tile govel'umeul. ’l'll**
*d. r iteinenl mill opinion-, on the
[question of resumption, eeni |o
Bis plain, intelligent am! worthy
hot general approval.
* \ lli-nieljilir I'lirreliey.
That is to soy, as we unilersiami
it. a currency of gold ami silver
of equal relative value, I'hisrel
alive value, from the earliest ages
of tile world up to the ailluiliis
nation in this country of .lames
Buchanan, averaged aliout one to
fourteen, anil never varied thro'
out this ureal period, save from
irregularity in the supply of the
two metals. I'he ell’orts of the
trieuds of a sound currency tend
to place them attain on the same
sound basis. Beecher talks of a
tri metallic currency, and there
can In 1 no objection to includin';
copper according to its true rela
tive value. These, with a re
definable paper currency would
give the country all it needs as a
stable foundal ian to its pros peri
The New I'olitinii Ufa.
• lie Republican party, t lieoret
ieally and practically, through it
l*resident. has made itself demo
eratie, so that there is not a li\
iving issue remaining between
two parties. Both stand on
the amendments both agree up
on southern and national policy
- the result of all v Inch is i hat
they are becoming merged the
republican pajty. a* such. becont
|ng extinct, tan we get along
Hill one party f Of eourse not.
the people are all brought
though there should lie
for division, doma
■HfVvviii iiml i"iu's and the
beiliv ided u pun
hamts ,
Be. ,' tR; w i... ti
mauv a v
bore a tuosV H " 1,1
ns (hough liti-he
HHI strove to eatch
mm, *.
l)i tutr Wroiyr.
t .
Tl* Eletlimi in Cobh County.
I In - elec I iitji lii-iil ill ( '.ilili (full. i
I y fUi Wednesday lii-t. p.l--efl nil
i.i L. mid though ilic weather
tfabypry uii-ti‘!ii(-iii, ,1 rO'jjM‘i , ifn*li.*
vn(i‘ t*4 >sirious .i-iHi
jMidnJrs iollouiW iMiu- in.
Iggsw[ !!• : - -1; i; i;-. l"itili
1 '
9kMpfT.i|iiiin J:im! uti ilnMiDoid
; Ar lint ilieat i<>n. I 7 s '!
t nil ilit-ul inll- -‘l4 I
tf>r AtluuKu 'ii\'i*
kT or M iHydge-ville, "yl
- For homestead. 1*77. 17-12
Toy Jl'*i*<->U-.|iJ. I Xl;i>, 4251
r*tr Sv t nth>) ;
Win, l‘. Winn. I I \ I ,
HVUn I*. llov\(‘]l
J* nr //nj >rt > r/fn ft *
< baric- I> Fhillip . vlu
( ienrg** - Robertl:
\. i *;oi
J^nTu< v-. ’ f ~
W in. K **T"\i y . ' " l
fey (>. II Sbi-pfiiil.
Jr! B. -Ajnlcisi'ii, I*'
IV 11. li iiin plirit- .Jh *- *
N ‘el.-t V Kolb, jf *’ M
\illi <u < i'iiiil> ir
dl II lit.
Willi! 1014: ~H\ I iMc-yd - Hill ini'-
i) v •<iv-r Winn, i'i< toy I iilt -iijMi n tc> .
i- vs l, making ItowelM lotM iii"T
jm‘ll v in I Ik- i liri-i'rmini ic-. 4.*M
voles. * \
. .. ....
The Election ill th#' Stale.
So far Ui- Ik nprl from. pM.OdMw
ill:; i- llk - i*4 suit hi t/ie cUqrijou
held Oil W Cl I host 1:1 \ Ll-I ihroll.ill
*Mit 11n- Si:ilt-. I In'll - iii<• yi'i Minn*
t ilili \ Vollll I i*s In lio;ll, IViilll, lUltl
which. mi iluii lil. will - well t lW*e
majoritii"- large!v :
Majorifh- Ini' Al lallt:K 42,1 I <
Mill. - Ilk \!ill.-.i2.:i::n
<f - •
MlljnlilV I'll I' A llillify • " 40,* I
! nr Rat ideal ion. 4 I
,A li;i illßalilical ioli, 4.044
Majority l'nwillilhaiinn. 41.420
I luliK" tead ol l*it, 12,042
II niiii' Imnl nl I *4*. >, iO4
Majority for 1*77, 44,244
linVl MI \ICVI I 11. I
\\ ill ymi please llif lit!
1 1 wiiin' lines, rmnpust-il In ,i litllc
i iiirl. M. li. Ainli-i'son. U>n vi'in-nl
;iu*. .i' ;i 'l'lioul I'ninpi wil inn :
Spring and the Times.
the w inter w inds arc o\er mid |>ased.
\ lid ill" -wcel liive/.e- il -pi'lng are iV'll
:il lil-l :
Tile I let'll- .ire |illti i llg toll It I led r green.
\ lid I lie e ii'ly flow er- in:n now In- -ei-ii.
< Add M;i reli. I lie tif,l t in glad il m-'r :
lleliillllig w ind- \\ •' 11 reel nil mure,
till -mniner i- |ia-i. and w inier tun.
\ lid I tie ii -In'll einiii' again anew.
X’nw . A| n 1 I lie -eentiil. i- on tier \v ay ,
\ lid ne\! will tie llie in oil 11l ot* Ma v ,
Vtie la-i iiionlliot ilie tliree oi -pi iiig
Tliaidolli iiio-i | trolly llower- tiring'.
I’lioiigii spring i- late it- w itiionl inleii
i ion,
Ow illg to | lie la It- < nil \el 11 ion ;
The lluw er - did Tear (heir head- In show
l est dial < niiveul ion Older -now ,
the wheal (teld- now ale eloltn-il in
\nd die lore-i- pmiing tordi again:
the hlooiti- in die nreliard mat now lie
Hiii Ip a-eataw agorder may all lie-lain.
Ilnl. we hope dial thing- w ill all work
\ml put die evil- devil- mil ol -iglit :
The darkie-On n w ill have done their do
And -eni ad i ill w i(h the sen law age tew .
Then vveieonie-wee? May vv idi die he-t
you ran do.
We ll lake of vonr linvver-', hnili lei,
vv Idle and nine.
\nd dm- in our all a r ymnl lilnii - vv e'll
W Idle joined in Hue l lie nd -li i p our an
llieins lo -ing.
Vnd now Mi--, yonr pardon I mi v ing vv Idi - prill-.- die i idieal head
' haltin' 'n I I e:m ’•’ at piv-enl till you,
ini don ai.iv heat the -walla-
TII I-: F I H LI) AND !■' I 1! KSI ]>K.
North tii-nrcria t oiifV-n-nri*.
The Inll l *w i 11 ” sire aiiinnjr th<*
<ipp"iiitiih'iil- In tin Noi'in < ii'<>i'
n'i :i ( 'imll’lVlii'i* nl ! ilr Miiln nl i-1
I'.pnS*--,i i! (‘liiii'- Ii Inc tln - mi'iiiii”
* s
\\'i--otist-i'vi from the prin eeil
4U- XliUl .\|aiifU;t i- mlm lfil .i>
llii' next place ol nn'ciim;.
. I Hi 1,111 /)/ .%(/■/rt .
W I-. ('-.ok. I‘re-oiliin: l-.hii-r.
l-ii-vt rlnii'ch. I’arkm
Trinity. .1. li. Kvan-.
VlvaiV* A Oaklarul. < L K. t ianlut-r.
I chapel. \\. F. < Jnillian.
M I’aulL. F. A. Kimbell.
Nf-wton. .1. \\ . \ arl>oroiin||.
Aueiicv Orphan's Home. W .1.
s>i-ot|. nre-iih-nt.
*l. .faiiii--. A nuustJi. A. .1. .lam-11.
Afill'mM. v il|e. ti. <i. Smith.
■ />"},!<„■!, I fillin'/.
■ I \\. Sfjlj.,. I'll-- Kl.lci,
.Vlmyraiii on: W. 11. Spi-i-r.
Flli.piy. .1. Wg < yiii11 i;111.
la-j M-r ami i'ickeii'. .1. 11. Ilcnlly
ami \. K. Mi Brayev. .
ita 1 1 on. V Al. iiy I iti ri>
‘l'ffhitcxr',[)(• IHMrii-t.
-f. F. \ft\ps, I’rc'lilin:; lihler.
i- .; i.- • \ Ole. W . W. W .nl w nil Ii
A Iplmi i-ll a. W. ! Sitjjili
t'union. -I. M. I-owrey.
CtlierokeiS .L 4. Ilarri-.
< 'iimmiim. W . T. Lainc.
Howry Iham-li. -I. 11. MashhltTii, *
HellOo. \V. li. Shackh-foril.
laiwrenct-vilh*. 11. Al.
lioL'ansviLy.-t. S. KniKry.
I >i iTirt li, -TCT -Sniil It.
Mfttf Alrtiml |*l(*:i.s.u,| |).
I Amlmsrtii.
i 'Mill s. .1 |el|srit.
\’or*-t W . A. Simmon-; ,
Flow all. -I. \V. P.akyr.
li</mi Ift m!i‘> (V. .
S. I’. fill ll.UUisos; Bl CsiliiliLi IvTilct'.
IWhuc. O. \\ . A iirhotw%h.
Iti-Sofu. I!. 1.. 1,. liinmim-. n(
I om*>t \ ille. \V. 1.. Aiirlu,ouM-. ,
i cilarlown. W . I>. .Amlm'okr-mc
( 'mini' \ alley, t). I \ SiimniinJ
Five Sprint;, it. A. lin'iiwo:
Ivnekniari. F. K. Aik> . ■ f~
'V.i!t;t liiea,, I >.-I. \VseM~.
II a I'frtson, I'. F. Jley iyihl
( i I It*. .1. 11. Baxtei.
4 M.u iel ta. 11. .1. A.laiii'. * .
\i vini h. -I. -I Smvlei.m.
iSnvtier Sprint;--, A. tirjy.t^
Tjii. -L i. < iMi -on.
I taii'j ia- ai !■. ‘ *
New nail. VI /'. .eHr-on. •• *
I Kiv all \I! It . W . M lt.
- The Holder Troiihle:
tiem-ral Ord, liMttre the liow -e
I'mniull fee on foreign allVni's. an
werint; a 'direct f|iiesiion In Mr.
Fox. sail! fliat diplomacy had
laileil to corrt-ci llie Oiiscliiel'.
the millihiry was ttrailnally -nc
cceiliiptt. lie llioiitthl congress
ional endorsement of I he mi lil ary
policy would have the desired
result, because it would convince
llie .Mexican government and
peojile that military policy warn
not a temporary i-xpedienl, lint
would be continued until cattle
stealiiut was discontinued.
A iiswerinj*' Forney, of Alabama,
()nl expressed tht- opinion that
the recognition ol' the Bia/, gov
eminent would have a salutary
etleet as tending to promote t|iii
i'l and stability iu Mexico.
From Mexico.
Fi l l hi .Mkxk n. I >ee. I.— Lor
do withdraw> Iji- preten
linns In the Mexican presidency
and intends retiring in France.-
I It- reeninnii-mls (ien. Esenbeda
In the suffrage nl hi- Ivieuds. \'a
rinii- Imdit's of Irnnps are mnv ing
In this Irnntier. I’lie Rusecraus
railroad enm-essiim is -nppnrled
bv a majority of both houses of
congress. It is believed llie Bos
eerAns company has one deposit
ol len million dollars iu England,
and that Tom Seoti i- lhe leading
spirit ol llie eompany. is
-aid iia- three million ready lo
commence ope rat ions. Tin- com
pany agrees to deposit three
hundred thousand dollars as -ectl
rily with the Mexican govern
incut and to build one hundred
and lifiy kilometres of road be
lore receiving any government
siibv out ions.
The spirit of llie Mexican press
i- peaceful.
The steady manner in which
the Mississippi river Inis washed
away and is washing sundry, and
various town- and landings, or
left them inland, i- -peeially no
led by the Natchez telephone. -
Si. Joseph and Rodney have been
led behind : Waterproof is being
chased low ard lhe Tensas ; \ ick
biirg is left in (lie lake ; I >elta
will soon bo washed away; a eul
oil has Keen made al (Land (lull,
sind iu another season Fori (iib
son and Flaihorue county will
, have no lauding.
The War.
Lo.MriiN. Dee. A dispatch
dated Adrianople Decemlier ttb
-ay' a report Inn reaebed lien
that the Turks iiave ea |>t 1 1 red Fi
ilia wit Ii ti ve t housaud prisonerii.
A sin mia dispatch, lk-cem
ber till, siv- an engagewient
took place yc'lcrdav at Ai’iiiedli,
mi tile Tiinova road. The Turk
are reported lo liave been -.ue
eesslol. I’lie lighting is still pro
A special dispatch from l’era
to the Post says that Saleiman
Fa-ha ha* captured Elena and
six cannons, and lie hope- to cap
t ore Tirnova short ly.
Eonimin. Dee. s.—lt is rumored
that the bombardment of Erze
ionm has commenced.
A (jiioruin of the 'l'urkish cham
ber of deputies having arrived in
<'onstantinople, imperial notice
ha< been issued convoking par
liament for December loth.
The Times' dispatch sav-: .V
halt has been called in Servia’s
warlike movement's.
Foxsi A\TiNoi>in:, Dee. 5.--A di
jiateb from Snlcman Pasha, da
ted yesterday, confirms the cap
t.ure of Elena, with eleven guns,
twenty ammunition wagons and
three hundred prisoners. The
Russian loss i- estimated at three
thousand killed and wounded.-
Mehemei Aii telegraphs as fob
low-, under date of yesterday:
"W’c- have advanced beyond Ka
inarl. Our lines now eonfronf
the Russians, who have fallen
back on M retelie-li.
LoNHuN, Dee. li. The limes'
BeJgrn-le eorrespoiident -ays
Ail-Ilia has -eni remoiislranee
against Servia's ]iartieipation in
the war. An note ha- been re
ceived from Tiirkev or England.
ThelitKil arraiigejnents between
><-rvia and Bus-ia flo not seem to
Ja- complete. A Bucharest di-
I>.ilvdc -.ay- the Ibmmanian- have
iieen ordered, to check their ad
vgnee on W idde ; n.
v Adi-patch, tfmn Rasgrad to
fWio I'lTues says a Turkish division
from has crossed the
Lom. taken I’opkoi and i- now
marching' in the direction of Vei
bora. .
A -pecial to the Daily Tele
graph from Adrianople say* the
vjetory at Elena removes t lu
da tiger of an at t ae|, on„ 1 fainbor.
gha/_oi- t\ !, d enable- U-n Turk
b-h I*..Aillions. which have liitli
Vrto been guarding ii. to,join Su
jeiman Pasha’s army.
tkIN.ST AXTIXoI-l.i:. Dee. ll.—A
'l'urkish division, under Fuad Fa
sha. is in three hour's march from
Eon nox, Dee. It is reported
here to day that Sulicman Fa
sha has gained another victory
between Elena and firnova.
Roc.kkt. Dec. *.— \estorday
(ieneni! Deltinghaiisen. with re
infocemeuts, arrived at Jaliowitz. j
Simiiltaneousl\ a detachment
was sent to Slateritza and turned
the Hank of llie Turkish main j
body, which was marching from
Elena to dahowitz. Thereupon
the Turks suddenly ceased their
movement against (ienera! Del ;
tinghaiisens division.
CONSTANTINO!-!.!-:. Dec. S. (ilia
zi Mukhtar Pasha*' army immhers j
25,000 men. This is considered
lnsullieient to hold Erzeroum.
and reinforcements will be sent
ii ini.
M iNt iii:stki!, Dec. s.— Pern dis
patches to the (imirdian, state
that the Russians expect shortly'
to make a determined effort to!
capture Batouin. Its fall is be !
lieved to be certain. Aflaivs in
Bulgaria are going badly, and
despite the Uussiau checks on,
the Balkans, should Plevna fall it
is believed the porte will be un
ablo to continue war for any
length of time.
Lo\no\. Dee. >. —A Russian of
tieial dispatch, dated al Bogota,
says the battles of Mariani and;
Elena on the 4th inst., were more j
unfortunate for the Hussions thaw
at lirst reported. Fifty ollieers
and eighteen hundred men were
killed and wounded.and four guns
captured. 1 In- operations on tin
sixth wore routined to driving the
lin ki-h right, numbering 10,(ton
men. from Salatranta lo Bebrona.
Ex *;• \. Uiiiii- B. Bullock has
arrived at Atlanta, and made him
-ell comfortable at the Kimball
house, lie came from Id- home
iu Albion. New \ ork. to attend
the call ol' the criminal docket of)
tin- I* niton Superior Foiirl. iu
which com i lie sl.inds indicted loi
c.lleuses alleged to have Keen
committed by him while lie w.a
Ilu* fin east le ( \ a.) Ilerald say- '
that it is estimated h\ men com
petent to, judge, that ihe total
los to the citizen of Botev'”' m
mV ! li** kilo JiOOu IK* k*-"
tliiiii li.uil ;i million.
Affairs iu Frame.
i.oNiMix. Dec. 7. flic, I inn-s
has the following -pecial from
i’lii'is. dated i In' *>i !i :
The French ministry tendered
t heir resignal ions at tlii- morn
ing's council, and President Mac
Mahon ha.- accepted them. ’Hie
following art-the condition.- mi
which M. Diifaure has agreed to
attempt lo form a cabinet : I hat
the ministry shall liave entire iib
erty as to all oflicia! appoint
ments; that tin- mar.-lial agree
t* bill restricting tin- power to
declare a stall- of siege, and mod
Hying (lie press restrictions; and
that In- shall send a message to
the chamber guaranteeing it a
gainst capricious dissolutions.
llie marshal accepted these
conditions with much dillicuity,
at lirst declaring he would re
sign. He'till desires to have
the choice of ministers ol marine,
war and foreign affairs. M. Du
fame made no engagement on
lids point, and ii is considered
unacceptable. The ministry
will probably not be definitely
formed for t wo days.
Another dispatch to the limes
says that President MacMalion's
submission is dm- to the linn
course of tin- Orleanisl senators,
who resolved not to support a
second dissolution of the chain
ber of deputies. M. d’Awdifre!
Fasi|uier. president of the senate,
told President MacMahon on
Wednesday that In- would him
self leave the president's chair
and lake i In* tribune against
such a proposal.
F aims, Feb. 7. ll is believed
that the new ministry will in
elude M. Leon Sa,\ a- minister of
linance, M. tie Maieeie as minis
ter of Ihe interior, M. Fhrislople
as minister of public works, Al.
i eisserine Deliort as minister of
commerce, M. \\ addinglon as
minister of public instruction,
and M. de Burdoiix a- minister of
justice. M. la-on Sa,\ is designa
(<-d as tin- jirobable president of
the council, but other reports
stak- that At.'Diifaure will accept
the presidency without the port
11:45 a- .M..— Frosiden! Mac
Mahon has linallv conceded to
DufimtH- lull.liberty of action Lu
forming a cabinet. I’iie new
ministry willy'therefore, be ho
uoeogencous in charai'ter, and is expected, be cmistitu
ted to-morrow. i'his excludes
President MacMalion's resi-iva
lion that he might have choice of
the ministry ef war, marine and
foreign ollices.
M. Diifaure has la-l<l a consul
tation with delegates from the
left, it is rumored that ditlk-ul
ties t-xisi because President .Mac
Mahan persists in holding tin
portfolios of ihe foreign, war and
marine ministers aloof from the
intlm-nces of parliaiiieutar.v Hue
t nut ions.
The following semi official
note is published: --The presi
dent, having accepted the condi
l ions on which Al. Diifaure agreed
to form anew cabinet, lias, on
his part, asked as his sole condi
tion that the ministers of war,
marine and foreign affairs should
retain otlice. No difficulty ought,
it would seem, to liave arisen on
this point, as it has been admit
ted under all previous ministries
that these departments should in
the interest of the country and
army be placed beyond the
reach of parties.
-•At the last moment, however,
these port folios liave been claim
ed by the projected ministry,
the marshal lias not been aide to
agree to this modilicalion. which
appears to him adverse to the
good organization of the arinv
and tin- continuity of diplomatic
relations. Negotiations conse
quently being broken oil", Du
faure has been relieved of the
mission of forming the cabinet
and AE Bat hie is entrusted there
llie Richmond W hig say* that
there is a lour room two sforv
house, which was washed down
the river by I lie Hood, and ashore
near the "stone yard. Mr w hich an
owner is wanted. I’he structure
i- apparently in a good state of
I he Vicksburg Herald says Dial
a planters' meeting w i- held in
Lowndes county, the other dav,
that took measures to attempt the
passage of a law that w ill make
the obtaining ol niom-v or good
under false promises of labor, a
penal oll'em-e; also, a law that
will prevent the hiring of any
person who ha contracted for a
j-necified term of" service until the
Hu the War Hath Again.
DkaO'w oon. Dak., Dee. 4.- Alanv
rumors are in irculation aboui
indian depredations on the north
eni routes, but lew can be traced
i to reliable sources. <>n Saturdav
ia-i six nu n reached Crook Fit v
suff'i'ing from exposure and want
ol'food. They repoit that tlie'r
s amp on the Belle Forirehe Riv
er, about forty miles from this
city, was at tacked by a band of
more than two hundred Indians.
1 lu-ir pat ly kept the Indians at
bay for some time, but were (in
ally forcetl to abandon the camp,
leaving their horses, mules and
camp equipage. in addition to
I other properly captured by the
Indians during the tight. ‘Three
Indians were killed, but no
w hiles were injured.
A repoit from another source
-iates that a band of Indians vis
ited .Madden's rancho at Chey
enne crossing of Fiore
route and drove off all the st ock.
A heavy was discovered
last week leading across the Bis
mark road. Al the intersection
of the trail with the road the In
dians had made a crude sketch of
an Indian and a white man fra
ternizing. -urmounted by three
A rancho on the Sidney road,
six miles from Crook City, was
attacked recently, hut tin* people
escaped into the woods. The In
dians ransacked the house and
: destroyed all the property they
could tind. „
ihe County Coniiiiissioners
were iiiforim-d by ( ieneral Sheri
dan to-day, by telegraph, that
(ieneral Crook has been ordered
to afford relic/to the freighters,
amjal-o to the settlement in the
Black Hill-.
Owing to ihe death of Bishop
E. Al. Marvin. Bishop N. 11. Ale
Tyeirewill preside at the annual
; confereiici' of the Alethodist Epis
copal church, smith, which con
Veiled in Jackson. Mississippi, on
5 he 7th inst.
!’!u Virginia and Tennessee Air
Line railroad, which was con aid
erably damaged by the recent
freshets in Virginia, sweeping a
way several of its bridges, is all
right again, and freight is now be
mg shipped w ithout the least de
Ihe <iwinnet j Herald says ihe
farmers of that county have rais
ed bigger crops than they can
| gather. The fields are still white
with eniton, and al lea-l half the
corn is -till migathored. There
has been a great demand for labor
in that section.
The Douglasville Alodium says
that on tin- 2t)th of November, a
| very sad accident occurred at N il
la Rica. While Air. J. K. J*. Ale
• arley was at work with 2 young
men. Ales-is. Chambers, in tln
' gold mine, the embankment car
ed in. killing both tlie Chambers
in-tantly. Air. AlcFarley escaped
without any serious damage, ow
ing. perhaps, to the prompt as-i*
tance rendered him by his fat her.
He was covered completely ti]>
with the dirt, and was dug out bv
hi- lather before he had suffoca
Air. Hinton, one of our most in
dustrious and energetic fanners,
; has. latteucd quite a number of
hogs by feeding to them green
corn, stalks and ear, together with
kitchen garbage and fruit. The
hog seems to thrive on a green
die*, which places him in good
condition to receive the solid fat
tening of a purely corn diet. The
above process commends itself jinr
i it- economy, enabling the farmer
ito utilize material which would
otherwise be of no value. We
need the general introduction of
economic method-in all depart
ments of the farm and household.
1 nllmltn,/ Jti'ifisif/•.
A party of gentlemen from N.
•Mr ey are prospecting in Fanola
county. Alis-issippi, wilh a view
ol making large purchases of land
in that county.
The Jone-boro News says that
Airs. Elizabeth W hatley, of Fav
cite county. (ia.. i- 104 years of
age. read- without glasses, and
walk- vi-iiinga quartorofa mil
and returns the -ame day. She
wa - married in her sixteenth year,
and 'nas rai-cd three sets of chil
diet!, eleven in all, five of whom
art living, tlie oldest a daughter
o: y ear-of ago. She lias rais
ed three pairs or twins of lev
own. and iwo sets of grand chil
dren. Never did ailay's washing,
nor made a pot of soap, has cook
ed hut few meals, and milked a
cow a few times. Her hair is