Newspaper Page Text
3F,. lvi.o-ocd.ra.curi dc Sens.
At Olio I tollin' a Year iu advance
or One Dollar anil Fifty IVtils it
not paid in ailvam-e.
1- tiil l*o\\ ilia Springs Street. Mini
JOHN t). (iAKTHKI.I., MUmu-j
at 1.-ur, practices iii Colili and ailju- '
lent counties. ntlicc in Masonic Knit,l
-ii )i stairs. Marietta, Oct. 10, IS7>.
\\Y >I.HUSSIONS, Attnrm tjut Litf*
k * \\ • ollit'i* north M(lt‘ ot‘ PuMit* S|u;iiv
L". Illackwrir* Building, up stairs.
■pj.\l arietta. Oi'tobci 1. 1577. ly
Bay-s E. M. ALI.EN, Itrxideu!
7, ot'moiv t iian t \v a nty
yoars. ( KDasonahli*.
Mi-kick —North side of Public Stpiaiv.
Marietta, M.irrli U. 1877. ly
DU. U, TKSXKNT, irimj
Physic-Urn, OlUrc on <'assy ilie .
Residence on i ‘tietokeo street
Marietta, M;in li lit. J*77. 1>
5 \U. K. J. SETZE, J’it l/sil'illil ititil
fj r tenders hi* |r<|V**doiial
%*,**• \ ices in the praefiee of Medieine lualJ
Uu< brancho* to the citizens ot Marietta
H.itUuiToiimliii£ country. Ofliee at the
FtMiig; .More of Win. Root. inch Rt-1>
tfSunii slur or djj: Priiiac Siji'ahk.
Marietta, Georgia.
U.V T. 1!. IK WIN. Alt'miry* tit j
. Will practice in tin* HI tie j
Ridge, Rome, ami Coweta t'imiit*. \
Marietta, March 13, 1878. Iv j
IWaChmaker . Jewellers, • INTT \. JgjggL t* KOKtJI A.
\ibfiiO). n£‘ , alor in Clocks of every de
seiripVtvvt- Repairing of Watehes,
Clocks, eit . specialty. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Siign of Big Watch, west
side Public oet 2
N’ RW and Buggies.
Wagons and Harness on hand.
Ail kiipl.s of Vehicle* built or repair
ed. W<m L srija rauteed. Orders soliefc l
ed. ' )*;;!!> .V (iIIAMUMJ.
•*ApjMMiretiees art* s/Mncihiug with
everyone—-everything h?|l >oMe.'* —
Bishop Berklev.
1857. 1878.
Jim. \V. Metcalf, respectfully in
10t iii- the citizens of Marietta Mini
vicinity, that In* is heller prepared than
cvci; to ilo anything in tin* Tailoring |
line, guaranteeing tjjs patrons faithful
work at moderate prices. sepHt J y
■ i am now prepared to ilo all kinds
. >1 (repairs on Carriages, Ituggies anil
i'V.ijyzns ; also, Plack-iuit liing in all its)
U)i!n*(rs. Horse-shoeing ami Karin
Woilj.ittiC especial business. Flows al-
Vi'.iyvss nniMnilfor sale. Work giiaran
nveUl lUejVcrs solicited.
Marisffx.itnti. g,'\. '.'n. liccatnr st.
Dlf. II *„t...K,}y> NOI.DS I'lttfl iriwf
I p h if sit'ti f ;> .
---When not ni*g ; lHVh cWwlicrc may he
huind during t .hc day at liis olliee in Hu*
McClatchey Huifding. .South West cor
ner of Public Si|i*{U'c. and at night at
tin* Residence of J.'r. A. Reynolds near
Rail Jioad Bridge,
Marietta. May, Ist,. JB7O. ly
n. t. (aihT,
Saddle and Harness Maker,
Marietta, <eo.. March 13, 1877. ly
;■/ y TORY ft y rir
OMiee South Side Plihlie S|uare, {
M A Ri KTTA tiMtilA.
ffm PIANOS, fi fW
i f |\|| H uiuhu signcd rt >p<*cl l ully ten
-1 ,Ip 4 s hi* services to the citizen* of
.*4ariK-f 1 n Jtud vicinity as timer and re
mV 4 "' :,,lU '- Warrants Ids work
;ucvov rcsi , ' l ' 1 * anil will doit aschcap
or . l.esper tin. l ’":'V l1 , i " ,ls
.lrnl>|*.l in tin* /’"-t-nllmm J J re
proiiipt attention. '
tlif-aiis at thelowcs, fii f ''"'l
a- latino te. ;
time, tog*od ;nl reliab ' 'J/V .
julyli-tl .JOi N SKAI,
N VTIONAI. 1 I OTi"' I '’
nil OXI.Y FIItST-r , l.\'.H HoIKL . x
fifth's. jo y' tin if. Sf.htf
jt|. 1
fiith.s. jH / j| ( rk'. JUf.
fifties* pet Month, 'V t->.oo+
t.irge Sample Room.' for < uiiiiihm
Tr:i velars.
A. LEWIS, Proprietor.
\\ . M. LEW is. rlfik.
snm i:\^n;(oniA\v.
I . S. llrainh
J.iahilitie- 2,101,700 !•’
Surplus over nil liabilith-> sl,7b*,l*l •!
Total income of 1577 $2, 71 *SO '.Vi
* expenditure-of
surplus income of 1*77 $1,100,11-
\ggregato “l - paid by tin*
< onipany over S7O,tMM).OOO
ELk taken at tvdm and latcsof Premi
um-. Applv to.
Wm. KIN*.. A-.-nt.
1. lid. Oct. 31 . I*7*.
Kil M IM IC.
f j^|| E ii:pl'T'i2‘ *oiitinue- hi* bu-i
i fl .— *t Rib U Making, >tone .ts!
jtri.-U Building. :1 4 1 i* prepared at an\
tin- to t:ik• * emit la* t-gii t•- ino*l *e:i*-
muthle t•-mi-. and to*':••■ute th*m in t fie
most -at I• i*> manner.
H. ii. WAU.Is.
Marietta, Ch Mar I*. 1®77. I>*
rum's’t stir the a iii: to ia o\
Voi. a.]
W. Hart, :tn ■ HroailSt. Atlan
ta. G.i. |.*c v.lvertiscniet ill this
I'apcr. I
rpl! K best of JBhides, the safes! of
JL Driver*, aijrtlie fastest of Horses,
an* always ready, night and day, for
hire. No man or woman or child has
given me a call in the past who has been
nor shall any ever in tin* future, he dis
satisfied w ith my teams or the men iu
my employ Everything and every
body aboui me are \ \o, J.
I have chcapcuctl my charge.; propor
tionate n the stringency of the limes.
Por reference to the truth of v\ hat J sa>
as to the turn-outs anil charges, go to Illy
friends. Parties hiring are strjcfly re
sponsible to< the safety of Ihemselve*,
vehicles and horses,
dan.}* Jy. J. \.(i. ANDERSON.
(farriagfs! tuiqqirs! dedaqons
Still at the Old Stand.
Vlariifla, , , , (.corgisi.
f 111 IE sub scfiliofw olicw Oarriugvs
Isiijif>ies, WagottM ntiJ liar
!it*ss of Kiipcrim material ami pn
ish, at tin* newt rensunaMe jiriees.
Work Wa ranted!
All kinds of Vehicles Imill or
repaired to order. Encourage
your home industry when y.,;:
have every reason to expect good
work at moderate prices.
tVc arc still making and rcpaiciiiu ali
kinds of Veil ides, t'laan a I’lia lon ton
UTp.j ttja ri ow . We intend dial nulliiiig
*Jiall )cii,c{>m' sli.op unless it is a tirst
w.assjnl*. i*ii')iad :#0 years experi-
I cnee in Marietta we giv g *.*)) acipiainlcd
i with tip- wants if tin* cniipi,nijjly in
! this secijan of tfcargiii.. ai(ep
; lion given p> m 'ders. ciihec in Carriages
or Harness, pi jresreduced to suit tin*
■ times, tv,, will givu a bettor j.oi> fori lie
■ money lino, can ht-‘ done tinyH’lierc.
. Thankful for past favors, w<* cantwsll.t
ask a I'oulinuaiii'c of tl#e same.
i;i:bi auk % t|j.i\G,
Marietta, dan,, !t. '7B. iv,
Arrival mill HeptiHure of Mails
Wuhicun & Ari vsin It. I!.
S. mail arrives 7.1. a, in. & ddtO. p, in.
N.•• *• 12.1d. )>, in, “ 10,07. *• :
S. *• leaves p. m. “ 10.07. "**
\. *■ ** 7.1d. .I, in, 1 ' ■* **
Arrives d'ly(Sinidaysex.)at I I. t.’i. a. Ml.
I.caves “ ** *‘ “ I.oo* p, pi.
11A Id. AS .VI All,,
Arrives d'ly’Siunli .s**x.)at 2.d0, p, in.
I.eaves •* “ “ *• M.dO, a. 111.
Arrives d'ly 'Smnlay ex.)at and. lA. p. m,
T.caves “ 0.30. a in.
Week days from 7.30a. in. to a.tin. p.m.
Sundays “ 7.30. a. iii. to S.du a. in.
and from 3,45 p* 4.00 p. in.
1 *osi M.vsn ii
<treat Kciliiction In Prices.
Knowing that very many of tin* peo
ple ot this country fee! the need of
Dental work, who owing jo tin* high
mu-ices asked for tin* same a iid (he sea ref.
ay of money, cannot ail'ord it, I have de
termined to do what I can to tiring
prices and Itrsf class work within lln*
kk.vcii or■ .vi.i.: to do this I w ill put in
Gold Killings from 50 ets, A
nudgmii Killings from 25 to 50e!s. (Jnt
taperelia and other fheaper liilings 25
cents. Kull sets of artificial teeth ifs to
tfiO. i will work on time wlien reijuest
ed to do so In’ responsilde parties.
Having an ofliee Iniilt and tilted lip
espeidaily for my Imsinessand supplied
with lirst class instruments and appara
tus 1 am prepared to perform all opera
tions on tin* teeth in the hest manner
possible. Keniemher, I guarantee my
work. I also manufacture a Superior
Tooth I'invdri for cleaning and lieaiili
fying the Teeth, for pirfuniing Ilo*
lircath and inltaincd gums.
Don't forget the place, otliee in
Mct'luteey's iiuilding. South-west eor
uor Public S(|iiaie.
dan. dO. ] y
a A MONTH guaranted. sl2
a Hay at lioni' made lv tin*
indu-drimi*. < npital not re
quired : we will start you.
Men,w omen, boys and girl -
money faster at work for us than
. hiii 4 *; else. 'Hie work is light and
idea-ant jm ‘* s oeh ;is anyone can go
1 i"ht at. * hose who are wise who -ee
lh r w ill send 11* their address at
onceami .-•■ 1 < oMtly (Ini
lit ami terms Ire.' 1 • '- 1 the
• Those atrmuly At t*rk arc layuiK ii|>
i larsjc sum- ol inoiil*/.
| Address TRf K &{■(}■■ A ngusta, .Mil
w. 0. McLellan,
\\ I*lll.* TO INFORM Ills
fnemti and the friends of L. <
M< la-lliUi, Unit as successor of
lie lalUM'. lie lias anil will keep
■i hand, fully up t< old stand
j.-iils. nil tin- lending brands of I in
l-.r1.-d WINKS and RRANIMKS.
AJso full lili< of old lU I', and
ROHKBON Winski.-s, with do
uiestic (il\S ind WHISK IKS.
and would rail attention Wipeci
ally to Hu- OHIO V A I.KKY
WINKS, on dratt and hot tied at 1
very reasonable prices.
The Medical fraternity are in
vited to examine.
W. C. M- LKU.A.N
" 3i.uuua. <*.. jJdrth i 7i>
Marietta, Ga., Thursday Morning, August *2B, 1871).
Ml isc r 11 anc o ua.
A l)fS|HTai(‘ Duel.
Iv;i]>! r.iji! ra]>!
I shook off the slmnLor that
t'osted heavily upon mo tind lis -
toned. I could hear nothing in
ly tin* sound of milk wagons and
hut flier carts in the street and
the heavy tramp of some late
traveler on the woodon sidewalk
beneath. 1 dozed oil to sleop a
Rap! rap! rap!
Home one below at the olliee
door, surely( opened tin* small
window at the head ot' my bed
and looked down info the street.
A lnirly form sfood-;|t the ofliee
floor, loaning with one hunfl a
gainst t|ie casing.
•Who's there f’ 1 flemaipltuf
■Git up aml give me a lmrse! !
saifl a thick, inebriate voice,
‘What do you want with a Imrse
M iilljean V I asked.
dining ter hie-. Hunter's pint
some l’t|n tlntf. Git o]> ! I want 3
horse '
•‘The scoye is ;oo long, Killv
('and ilo jt
•Uiitt’l flo jt, eh '• Ver j nsci is-iD
.voting nun).'
•It's no tiae, Mulligan, oij owe
a large bill now, with no prospect
ol paying it. \ ou'fl bet ter leave ;
I am going to sleep." and I closed
I he window.
‘Yon w ill hi I\.-hear from me In
the moiing, man,’ln* threatened;
gild Killy Mulligan, tin* despera
do, reeled ayyaydown the street.
I dropped to sleep again. Rap !
rap! rap ! 1 sprang L> mV feet. It
is inorning, th<>Hglit J. and lip.
hostler is at the floor, I
opened the window and looked
down. 1 saw ;it a ghince jt wn s n't
1 he hostler,
Who's thorp/
*I -Garland. (Jet tip, Moulton,
and saddle two horses ijuick !
there's a due! eoming offal J|un
tor's point this morning at sun
rise, We've just time to reach
j hastily dressed, descended
from thelol't nod admitted my
<v j. id, In two minutes the hors
es were saddled. I awoke the
hostler, directed him to look aft or
the stable, and in live minutes
more we went dashing down
Kearney street on our way to the
‘What l inn* is it. Garland I'
•Three o'clock. The road is
heavy and the mud fearful at Is
litis Greek. We have barely time
to reach there with good luck.’
•Who arc to light {'
‘Two gamblers. They ijuarrel
ed at tin* Eldorado last night o
ver a game of faro.'
‘You know them V
A cold fog swept iu over, the
Mission Hills, Tint darkness was
deep, scarcely permitting; us to
make out tin* road. Nevertheless
we dashed recklessly along, out
Mrumiam street and over the San
Bruno road. Il was scarcely day
break when we arrived at the
Point, our horses <juile blown and
covered with mud and foam. Not
a soul was on the ground. A
cold mist hung over the bay, and
now ami then a drizzling shower
came sweeping down from the
hills. We tied our horses to a
si tinted oak si mi walked tilling 1 lie
sand, ten minutes, perhaps, in
one direction, and then returned.
There had been.meantime, anofli
er arrival. A tali form, in a heavy
•torm cloak, was pacing solemnly
back and forth on the sands. JI is
bead Was bent low, lli eyes; upon
the ground. He seemed entirely
oblivion, to everything about
him. lle look 110 not ice* of our
presence, but kept up hi- slow,
measured march, to and fro. lie
tween a jagged rock and a piece
of drill wood t ha ; lay half buried
in tin* sand.
A half hour pa-sed in t tie cold
fog. drizzling mist and -etui dark
ties.-.. (tor horse- champed their
bit- impatiently and occasionally
neighed then unre.-l. Garland
ami I stiodc back and lortli on
the bench, looked at our Watcloe*
every I hive minutes and wonder
ed if I he duelists were ever to nr
It grew lighter at last, and
the sun lasing in distafl
mountains nearly succeeded ■*9
b.caking t lining It tie.*
carriage came da^LjHM
hair I!u imii. i.! S! i >a' I : • M
'ic/i a I: I en
tie ‘ii \■ i .ie c it;* ii
till* -li!. in,; In I
and t Incvv open t lie
fin ec alighted .
medium -i/.ed man iIhTHH
hair and beard,and with the
villainous lace I had ever loolr and
tipon. He commenced ti shamb
i ling walk on the beach,his hands
thrust into his pockets, and his
hat tiji|ul liipik Irtmi hijs*
head. The occupants of the’ car
riage J judged to be bis second
and surgeon. They consulted to
gather a iffonieut, whetj the sen
ond approached me an’demanded
if either of t|s was the “friend of
the other parly," pointing to the
tall figure who still kept up his
solemn march.
Wo flSstprd lli in \U‘ were total
ly unknown to lijm. having c<ui|c
here nn*rely as spcfalors to wit
ness the duel. He then advanced
to l||U t•JI ligure ill the cloak and
addressed hitu. \Ve ivcrc not
near enough to patch the words,
presently (|m second pel timed to
■This is cursed rot)gh !’ said he.
•Here In* is out here along ready
to tight, he says, but has no see
! ond with hil11. Onrse me if I ev
it heard of such a thing. Twon’t
do, no how . Wouldn’t one of yon
gentlemen he kind enough to act? 1
Garland instantly declined,and
sit did I. Iliad uo intention ol be
i||g U party lo what | mmsidered
little better than a murder, f in
ipliled, however, what were the
Weapons and fife distance. His
answer horrified me.
Well, stranger, it's pretty
rough.’ said the second; it's
i his arrangement, though,' point
! ing to the ligure in Hit* storm
cloak. ‘They hold each ot her by
the left baud, shoot at the word
navy pistols. Both will be killed,
; sure, Thai ain't my business,
though, If men will be such fools
.taiul m.v affair.’
‘Hir!' | answered, G an you be a
parly to miaiidiT like this' for
murder it is nothing else. In
heaven’s name lot t|s try and end
it before it goes further'!’
‘Sail iu ! Stop il if you can ! Ye
don’t know Bed Kill and Yank as
; well as I do or ye wouldn’t talk
that way,’ replied the second
I immediately advanced and
addresssed the tall stranger.
‘I trust, sir,' I said, ‘that you
■will not persist in the terms of
theduel. Il is murder, it Hither
falls you cannot lie regarded
guiltless of a terrible sin.’
lie raised bis eyes to mine and
shook liis head. j olt are was!
ing your time,’ In* simply said.
lie had a line face, a fair brow
with delicate lips, but eyes that
laid a strange, almost unearthly
‘Can nothing move you ' Think
of your friends—of your sister or
mother ’, consider their terrible
grief when they hear ol this fear
lit! tragedy.’ -
He shook his head and coolly
smiled ‘I have no friends,,was his
only answer.' ‘You waste time.'
I returned to Garland. The
second of Roil Kill again advaitc
ed, conversed with him a short
time and then joined In.* prinei
pal. Red Kill made a gesture ot
assent, and the two duelists ad
vanced toward each oHiur. I'lie
seconds look two pistols from the
coach; the to.(ding took place in
the presence of the witnesses; a
coin was tossed for choice of
weapons. Red Kill won. they
took their position-. The-perta
tors beneath the tree were com
menting on the appearance of t tie
men. and giving opinion- a- to
the result.
•Gentlemen.' said the second, in
a loud voice,*it is iir*,v that
I hotild make some explanation.
This'ere gentlemen has seen lit to
. tuna here without a friend. lie
also insists on lighting according
to agreement made last -
■L . bold
Ha ■ !
Their left hand- met,t
were slowly raised till the in*, *!
zle of each almost touched
check of his opponent.
and li nit 1 v eatpe the
I’rotu each : Ajfl
•( )m* ! two! t hree ! lire !’
Kel'orethe Will'd life lh(< report
ot lied Bill's pistol rang onion the
llir. and was foilowed instantly:
by that ot hjs oppotienl. Both
men fell (o the earth, the one mo
t ion less and stifl'.the other in ter
rible eon\ ttlsious ot agonv. The
tall stranger had met h>' death
without a pang, the ball from liis
treacherous foe penetrating and
passing ll|rot|gli liis brains.
Red Bill bad fired before iln*
word. IJut I'eti'ibutioi), s\yil't and
terrible, followed.
The pistol of liis adversary had
exploded in time to send a ball
crushing through his lower jaw,
inflicting a most terrible wound.
The surgeon pronounced it fatal.
Bed Bill was placed it| the car
riage with the second Mild surgeon
which was driven rapidly stwa.v.
We unlethercd our horses from
tlie tree and mounted again lo
the saddle As we rode away
from tin* fatal spot the sun broke
the heavy clouds and f**ll in a ha
lo of radiance around the form of
the dead duelist.
The small cavalcade spurred
their horses towards the city. At
I slit is Greek we passed the coach
the horses floundered in the mud.
As we (lashed by,the bead of the
second was thrust from the win
flow, ami I canghl two words
“Bill's dead!"
The preparation of llio Territo
ry of Arkansas to be made into a
Slate called for a thorough revis
sion and codification of the laws
ami iu the process (juitc a strin
genl law against gambling was
established. Down in that sec
(ion, watered by the Terrapin riv
er, where the low draught steam
ets pulled in from the Miisissippi
this law was hardly comprehend
ed, The rangers, and loungers,
and toilers of those hot I outs found
i if hard to believe -licit an act had
uver been passed by an intelli
gent legislature with set ion- in
Bill Judge Bounder, of Snag
cape, believed all law.- were tin
acted to be enforced, and In .vtts
determined to enforce all In*
found in tin* legislative reports.
Word was brought to him that
, gambling was going an, daily and
nightly, in Snagse ipo, de-pi I e hi:
stern proniinciamenlos. One
Mark Daggel, a riiflian from down
the big river, in deliance of law,
was openly tempting, the youths
of that growing etllemenl to
games of liaz ird.
.111-lie. Boumlei made out a
warrant for the apprehension of
Mark Daggel. and gave it to lie,
fail Ill’ll I sheriff to be set veil.
■Arrest the hi in and bring him
belcre me.' said the judge, with
righteous indignation. I have
Hie proof against, him plenty ol
it. t will make an example of
him !
Sheriff J owl*i took I lie warrant
and went loHh upon hi mi -ion.
He found Dagget alone, in a back
room of a shanty at the upper
landing, practicing vxith a pack of
carils. evident ly for tin* purpo-e
of keeping In hand in.
All! Dagget. my bo\ I'm glad
I’ve (bund you. I've got a war
rant n your arrest
•A .variant -for ms itre-l :
•j .*,;
Ua what ehargii f
■(lainbling; playing at sundry
limes ami insumlry places within
\ll" I- !I• ■■ l '
iJKjfe; He
mSmk,.. , - 5
‘Why. don't
you, it’s nothing at till for me ; if
you beat, I II double vour fee -
give you three dollars, ami you’ll
leave me to slope.’
‘That's fair,’ * I .Jowler,
Ami they t ,\ drink, and sat
down to 'bo game. The sheriff
won; pocketed the three dollars
took another drink ; ami -later,he
relumed the warrant, willi the
report : I*
• I’aiit’l no use, \St|nine * i'lizft'G
chap’s sloped, I guess he must
have heard t hat you had your eye
on hint !’ s. e. .lit.
I have laughed a great many
times as I have called the im i
dent to mind. Il was in the years
agoiie, when the common affairs
of to Hay were very uncommon,
I was at work at I lie print mg Inis
iuess. on (hirnhill, and in my cm
ploy was a man from Bangor,
Maine. I luring I Ik* summer aver
dantspecimen of the genus van
fee made his appearance in the
olliee. I|<* was a of my
Bangor journey man, and fresh
from the bark woods of the I’ine
Tree Slate a tfs/, lank sunburn
ed youth of two and twenty, ge
ii ini, modest, and good nidured.
Hc answered to the* name of Iselia
bob lit* had conn* to pay his
cousin a visit and to see the
One day Isehabol was just e
merging from Gornhill street
when one of the new sprinkling ]
carls came along—a huge cistern ,
upon wheels—and as it reached;
the corner where Seollay’s Build
ing then slood tin* driver placed
his fool upon the lever and open
ed I lie ‘sprinkler.'
ischabn! had seen wafer drawn
upon wheels before, lie had done
il himself, tin the farm at home
Was a hogshead, which could lie
placed upon whee ls in time ol
protracted drought for the pur
pose of bringing water from a
distant pond.
‘Hallo! I say, you chap on that
ere cart ! Yew’re losin' yer water.
Ver hogshead's sprung aleak f
The man on the cart paid no at
t cut ion.
Hallo! Yoon! Mister ! 1 Hit Jr!’
Now the man on the calf look
ed around
..lerevv-alum ! ole feller, veour
hogshead’s sj ;u.ig aleak, and yer
water all going
coin* !■ don't ye see
The man on the earl placed Ins
Ihtiin bto liis nose, slight ly wig
gling his lingers, and then drove
on with apparent unconcern.
•Will, I’ll In* ,larn"i| exclaimed
Isehabol. -El'tlial cliaji amt a
bout lie* all firedcsl fool I even
did -ee ! But I glie.-h lie'll op:" 11
his eye when lie finds I told liiue
the 11 ewt li Blast In in ! I lie
can* for liis own interest. I’m
blamed if I do !’
Isehabol wondered greatly
what the by-lalidel were laltgll**
mg at. -In t I lieu liis eoiism came
out trout <'(,le* worthy's, and to
Inin In* appealed.
Wloil are they billing at V . **
fell me first wliat you've been
doing. I scliabol
I ch abol i-Xplailted.
And then bis cousin explained :
and I cliabol un<leitl#od. e.
Sul# i 11 be tot In* Field and I'ire
’■V; -m J
son A
G Richardson, \V r t
‘‘is-. Bohert Dotijfl
my. L. R. H
X Ain
[No. 1.
0 i .;
ill -• 111;: 11 leu,
■ll h I ne sJiBBSm
i" . .
i iSH
<■ 111 H ‘jpmt^HHj
: w
■ i.
: 1 I.i ’
Be 1,.ml
!,,i,\)iei . eaimli^H
'' x -
writ ten a v . ter foj
ly puhli-le-d
i fleet t hat- Ik
Ilf says ho was I JM
IHl.‘{, anil is Iherel'nro in his (!7lTll
year, lie* adds : “| do nnl need!
tlk* Kill of years now. I have
* n>11” 1 1 already, and am sure id'
earning more wilhoul depending
on charily. (live them lo some
lad 100 log for a hoy and not big
enough lor a man. who would like
lo In | > 1 11in| m■<I into lull manhood
at once, wilhoul the kicks and
cull's so often employed in ripen
ing voidh.
And now I lie idea is advanced
I II 'll
perience and it in
for observ.'it i, Jjj
>ll’ jM |
111 Ibis eoMB
■ i.'jJSm
v x i
Tin* Sprit
whence ill
the Halims 1
' i
'l'.- ji •!
"'ii 11
i 1 * i
' t . h HHHB
Jm I H