Newspaper Page Text
Daily Advertiser-Appeal
{[he $dveqtistr-$$peaL
FuJiUshed Dally and Weekly at
T. U. 8TAC» * 805, Hlttraaad Proprietor!.
subscription Bates: Dally, by mall,ordollvercd
by cnrrlora within the city, pi per annum; Week,
y It per annum, '
Advertising Kates oxtremely nflwonablo, and
mmlu known on ap»Mcatlon.
Advertisements (or which no definite contract
e made will lie published until ordered out, and
payment exacted accordingly.
Olliei;:! Organ of City and Comity.
Remember the noon prayor-mcot
Fob Rent—One 0 room house. Ap
ply to N. B. Hakkison. tf
Dr. Gann is putting up an elegant
eight room <•<•• L:i"e on G street.
Fob Sai.e ; Five shares sories B,
Building aud Loan Association Stock.
Apply to A. H. Baker, Newcastle st.
The park is putting on its spring
robes and will be very beautiful'.
John B. Stetson A Co. fine, soft and
stiff hats for sale at Taylor A Fleet-
wood. the shoo men.
Mr. W. S. Hawkins, the lumber
man. is in the city to-day, attending
to the.loading of hts vessels.
B. C. YoungH & Co’s, hand made
shoes $4.75 n pair, at J. J. Lissner
& Co.’s
For the benofit of those who love
the Sabbath we would state that
there will bo 53 Sundays in this year
instead of the usual 52.
Edwin C. Busts line shoes for sale
by Taylor & Fleetwood, the shoo
The Tiventon has now on board
5,000 bales of cotton, and will have
rest of her ci
Fob Sai.e: Ten shares Building
and Loan Association Stock—Series
A, and five shares scries B. Terms
cash. Apply at this offltfe.
Mr. E. Mills has moved into his
new brick residence near our office.
He has not yet determined when he
will give his “house warming.”
Taylor & Fleetwood will sell you
shoes and hats for less money than
any house in town.
Messus. Editors: The cemetery
would look much nicer it’ the leaves
were cleaned out. Please suggest it
to the chairman. Lady.
We arc sole agents for James
Means $3 shoes. Taylor <fc Fleet-
wood, the shoe men.
•>' TheE. T., V. A G. trains went out
on time yesterday, the wreck of Fri-
duy night at O’Brien having been
cleared away and the track repaired.
Fob Rent—One half of the Rail
way Co Operative Store. Will divide
it either length or cross-wise. Ap
ply to E. R. Mitcueu., Agent.
Quite an exodus from the Ogle
thorpe this morning, but the estab
lishment is still full to overflowing.
How are we going to take care of all
the people another winter ?
Ladies spring heel, kid button
boots for sale ut Taylor <fc Fleetwood,
the shoe men.
Messrs. Haziehurst <fe Mason have
one of. the nobbiest offices in the city,
just as neat as a pin. They.are now
fitting up the lower part of their of
fice building for Mr. Aiken, the ship
Just Received—A cargo of frasli
unslacked lime, and for sale by
Ed. Braooins.
and just as green as a leek. The ac
tion of the salt air seems to counter
act that of the col^ in somo way as
regards vegetation.
Fo»Rent: A nice rcsidcnco.ncar
the park. For particulars apply to
Wm. Anderson, on Gloucester st.
Tho Jewish Passover begins to
night and wjll last for oight days.
Some of tho stores will close at six
o'clock this p. m., which will bo tho
only outward observance of the oc
casion in Brunswick, except with a
very few. * \
Dr. Frank Gale is unhappy to-day.
Ho is making his antaual visitation
to Darien at this season looking af
ter the decayed molars of 1 tho good
people of that city, going ovor every
Monday morning and returning Sat
urday nights. This morning the
steamer Hcssio pulled out at seven
o’clock instead of eight as per adver
tisement and the Doctor was left. It
is a good thing he is not given to say
ing naughty words, or he might be
tempted to express himself.
Wanted to Exchange
The right for the State of Florida
of a patent Orange Picker, for a house
aud lot iu Brunswick. Apply at this
office. .
Our Water Supply.
From Mr. Will McCormick, Asst.,
Superintendent of our water works,
wo gather some interesting figures.
He says that Brunswick uses from
his works 100,000 gallons a day. Tho
tank is left even full every night to
bo ready in case of fire. By eleven
o’clock the next day there is only 15
feet or 56,000 gallons ill the tank.
The pumps aro* then put on and the
gjjQ fo! 03 ' b y, tank filled once more. By night 'this
is somowhat reduced again, but is
filled once more by nightfall, so that
about 100,000 gallons per day is used
from this source. Besides this, we
have six ottier wells in town, one in
the park,-one at the Railroad shops,
one at the Oglethorpe Hotel, one at
the ice factory, besides .the private
wells of Messrs. C. P. Goodyear and
T. W. Dexter. Five others will be
bored during tho year by private
Judge S. R. Atkinson and Steno
grapher C. 1. Stacy are gone to Black-
shear this week to attend Superior
Court. His Honor is winning lau
rels on the Bench as a polished gen
tleman and an able jurist.
Notwithstanding there has been
A Safe Depository.
Mr. J. R. Hunter, agent of the But
ler Safe Company, is in the city to
day and informs us that bo hns writ
ten the proprietors to come at once
to Brunswick and see if ho has not
found the very place they have been
hunting—a place for a depository of
their safes, for the states of Georgia,
Florida and Alabama. He thinks
^Brunswick just the location he wants
and if the owners and proprietors
feel the same as he, Brunswick will
at once be made the depository.
The David Clark Palled Oat of
the Mud.
The stranded steamer David Clark
wiy) hauled off Snturday by the tug
Maggie and the steamer St. Nicho
las, and came up to the city under
her own steam, towing the pile dri
ver. She arrived here about seven
o’clock Saturday night, and was
moored across the river opposite the
foot of Lincoln street. She was found
on examination to have suffered no
material damage from being ashore
in the marsh, except a slight leak
which was easily kept free with her
pumps. She will be immediately re
paired and resume her route.—Sa
vannah News.
The Steamer Tar Heel Goes to
Bottom near Doctortown.
The steamer Tar Heel went to bot
tom on her waynp the Altamaha last
trip, about flvo miles above Doctor-
town. The steamer Wadley wont to
her assistance, but saved very little
of her cargo. Sho satak in fifteen
feet of water, which leaves her upper
decks above water. Tho Tar Heel is
a new boat, built for tho rivor busi
ness, on tho flat boat order, and very
common. It is hoped* that she
can be : aisod, and yet become an im
portant factor in our shipping to the
Her cargo is probab y a total loss,
The question will no doubt bo sprung
as to wboso loss this w li be. Messrs.
Franklin & Jones had -11000 worth
of goods on her, Mess; s. Glauber A
Isaacs $700, besides sq iilior amounts
by others. There bob g no marine
iusuiance, tho mutter of loss is be
tween the consignor, ihc consignee
and tho carrier. The onto of ship
ment beiug ordered, th j shipper's re
sponsibility ceases whi it ho delivers
the goods in charge of he public car
rier. All will thcreft - c depend on
the ability of the mer hants here to
collect from the pai tie ordering tho
goods. This,is tho se ond steamer
of this line that hns b< :n sunk since
tho line opened,
Darieu Items Oil
Tho rivers are in
McIntosh’s new
The steamer
business between
Three hundred dollars has been
raised for the Mclatosh exhibit at
the next State Fair. t
Another steamer put on the route
between Darien ami tho uf> country
would pay handsomely;
There is talk of a $100,000 hotel
in Darien.
Capt. Wright's now boat will soon
bo ready for the Hammersmith route.
There hits been a great deal of
timber down during the week. Prices
arc good.
The steamer Tar Heel carried a
cargo of corn and guano up Alio river
on Wednesday. Tho Swan went up
on Tuesday with a good freight.
Our colored friends met at the
court house ou Saturday last, aud
organized an agijeulturnl society.
They are on the right track.
A New York dispatch of the 20th
says, the ship Record, Capt. Forbes,
train Calcutta, reports that March
17, about seventy miles’southeast of
Capo May, lie fell in with an open
boat containing Capt. Whitmore and
the crew, eight men in all, of the
schooner W. L. White, from Doboy,
Ga., for New York in an' exhausted
condition. He took them on board
and brought them into port. They
had abandoned their vessel on the
day of tho terrible blizzard and had
suffered thrrible hardship, nearly all
being frost bitten. The W. L. White
left this port for New York on the
29th. She was loaded with timber
and lumber by the Hilton Timber
and Lumber Company.
That Rarest of Combinations.
True delicacy of flavor with Ityie
efficacy of action has bo~n attained
in the famous California .iquid fruit
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant
taste and beneficial effects bava ren-
ice here within the last few days, we | ^. erc ^ it immensely popular. It
saw yesterday volunteer stalks '«f Fw'ISe ‘b^LlSd’*
corn yesterday over one foot high: Adams.
^Ktor^L ButVs ori^Utilgdd^idL
ver and crystal paintings will be ex
hibited at|L’arioeo Hall on'.' Mon
day and Tuesday nights. The first
night will illustrate on ooavat the
book of Revelation, in 34 scenes, and
the second night will be > a pictorial
resume’of the Qld Testament, the
outfit constating of7,660 square feet
of paintibgs on cylinders. They have
be6n exhibited in seventeen dlnetent
States, and judging from* tho notices
given them by the press, they are
well worth seeing. /
Whon they set onifto lie in North
Carolina they make no bone^ of it.
Here’s a sample story-of. the pulling
of the tooth of a linear old* boy of
the Tar Heel The extraction
of the tooth waslWlfflcult operation.
The dentist tried thirteen times be
fore he succeeded, and when ho did
pull it out he found it to be just 6J
inches long. Tho cavity extended
through to the top of tho head, the
tooth actually bringing some ot the
hair. The end had the appearance
of having been hrndded on the top of
the head.” •
' ■
Fishing for sea gulls is an inter
esting winter pastime at Rocbestor,
N. Y. A few of these birds have
made their appearance in tho Gene
see river. The method of catching
them pursued at Rochester, while
not remarkably successful, is n very
novel one. Fish Jiooks are baited,
then attached to a long line and al
lowed to float down the stream. The
gulls capture the bait and are then
Cedartown, one of the most flour
ishing towns in North Georgia, is to
have a new paper backed by a strong
and will be gotten up in first-class
style. Mr. M. M: Folsom will be the
editor. Ho has many friends in this
city who will wish him success,
The blizzard that imprisoned the
Northern peoplo in their houses and
stopped all railroad and telegraphic
communications, has struck Europe.
Cau it be that the Sunny South is
the only part of tho world intended
for people to inhabit?
The Amcricus Recordcrjs now at
work on the “Southern Empire,” tho
now immigration paper of tho South,
which is published by the Central
Railroad’s Bureau of Immigration.
It will be a neat and interesting pa
per. ’
It is gratifying to notice tho gen
oral preparations in Georgia for the
observance of Memorial Day. Wher
ever there is a Confederate grave it
ought to be covered with the sweet
est of Georgia flowers on that day.
March has distinguished himself
all over the world this year. France
is snowed under and deluges are re
ported from Rome to Russia.
Syrup of Figs
Is Natures own true lnxative. It is
the most easily taken, and the most
effective remedy known to cleanse tho
system when billions or costive; to
dispel headaches, colds and fevers;
to cure habitual constipation, indi
gestion, piles, etc. Manufactured on
ly by tho California Fig Syrup Com
pany, San Francisco, Cal. For salo
by Lloyd A A dams.
«- » —•
Lightning ll<|ds.
I take pleasure in announcing to
tho citizens of Brunswick and viciu-
Mv that I have a stock of Lightning
Vcls on band, both copper and gal
vanized. which I am prepared to fur
nish and put up at the lowest possi
ble prices, and on tho most accom
modating terms, copper rods from
— •
I have just received tt, fteqb supply
Of stationery and blank books ofev
ery description. &fy stock of crock
ery, china, and fisiwrars la the larg
est and moat complete in the city.
Dinner cots, 118 pisses $16 to $20.
Tea seto, 66 pieces. $6 to $16. Cham
ber cets, new and handsome decora
tions, 10 pieces, $4 to $7. A large
variety of the following named goods
at lowest pricesLamps - of all kinds,
and lamp supplies, hammocks, .bird
cages, silver plated ware, artist ma
terial, picture frames, fancy goods,
toys, base balls, bats, etc., croqnet
sets, iunoh baskets, smokers’ articles,
paintings, wall paper, window shader-,
music and . musical instruments,
school supplies, etc., eto.
rach22-lm HENRY T. DUNN.
New Advertisements.
O. I. c.
(ESTABLIsnZD 187S) *
Hu moved into bit now (tore on Need wood
PlnntnUon, Evelyn, On., C.OJi mUee from Bruns
wick),and con.lnuesdoaliag mUonornl Merchan
dise, Ureen Groceries, Fiesh Heats,eto., and Mbs
neont.niinneoof the pa.ronago of my friends.
dr*Anyone wanting plowing or hauling at
any lime, or n horso ana baggy, can'be aoeonw
modalod by calling on mo. ’
' —BY—
ing to say to young men at the Y. M
C. A. Rooms on that night, at eight
o’clock. All young men, whether
members of the Association or not,
arc cordially invited to attend.
> v
A FAMILY intending to rs roof
will dispose ol nil the folk „
contained in house on Richmond street, seco
door south of London: t
1 handsome parlor suit In raw silk and velvet,
with linen onvers.
I handsome Italian inarblo top table. v
8 Brussels oarpetp, with stair carpet and rods.
1 pair hassocks in satin.
1 handsome black wnlnnthatraok, with mirror
1 elegant hand-onrvod black walnut bed room
suite complete, massive, with French plate mir
ror, Queen Anno style.
1 hnndsome black walnut suite, French plate
1 elegant blnck walnut wardrobe, Queen Anno
style, French pinto glass front.
1 hoary black walnut wardrobe, very hand
, 1 black walnut cheffonloro, with French plate
mirror. • g
1 black walnut commode.
18-oetavo “Guild" piano. In full rosewood
case, almost now, with cover and stool Included.
1 ebony and gilt music stand.
1 elegant blnck woluut rotary desk and book
caso combined. ,
1 elegant black walnut sideboard with mirror
Iroht. ,
1 elegant black walnut refrigerator with mirror
1 black walnut dining extension table,
a black walnut dining epalrs.
1 black walnut butlcr’atray.
1 black walnut card table, extension. *
1 black walnut loungo. -
1 black walnut crib and mattress.
I black walnut combination eating chair.
1 black walnut mosilulto net frame. i
1 baby carriage.
i patent National Wlro Mattresses.
Easy chairs, rockers, boddlng, shades, matting,
rugs, fire dogs, cuspadoros, ornamonts, lamps,
fixtures and clocks.
l No s Geo,,,;.i Queen stove, nearly now, with
kitchen ale . iK furniture, etc.
Chinn aud
Water sets. Ice cioum freezer, buckets, tin and
gate ware.
1 Ice grinder and 1 Ico crasher,
1 fine canopy phwton- " .
I piano box lop buggy.
Woolen ami linen horse blankets, robes, etc.
aim other articles too nnnieroua to mention,
. •
Any of tho above uf tie'es can be aeon and treat
ed for at private! tnlo until day of safe by calling
L. J. LEAVY <fc CO.
Young Man, Remember (
That M. B. Williams, the State Sec
retary of the Y. M ■ C. A. will be hero
next Tuesday night, and will have
something instructive and entertain- h5c. to 20c. per foot Galvanized
tods from 12c. to 16o. per foot
Parties wishing rods will do well
to see mo before contracting else
where. All work thoroughly guar
anteed. Respectfully,
U. A. Baker, Jii.
7“Oh, my, have you soon tho now
‘Mathor’ fastening ? No buttons !
. no books ! and so convenient! They
! aro for sale by J. J. Lissner A Co.”