Newspaper Page Text
PublUhod Dally ana Weekly at
tTo.sTACT * gpy, K41 tors sad ProyrletamT
y fl poi 1 annum.
AdvertUlng Untea extremely reasonable, anil
made known on application.
Advertisements lor which no definite contract
a made will be published until ordered out, and
.•xyniont exacted accordingly.
Oflicial Organ of City and County.
Strangers are earriod away with
the beauty of our groves.
For Sale: A nice buggy, recently
repainted. Can be seen at. Porter’s,
the painter.
Sheriff B-rric left this morning for
Bhtckshear with a prisoner who will
be tried for burglary
Wanted.—By a respectably young
man, Of good habits, a furnished room
either in private family or otherwise.
Apply at this offleo.
There has been quite a demand for
low priced lots in the past few days.
Purchasers want to invest for the
benefit of the rise. “
Just Deceived—A cargo of fresh
unslacked lime, and for sale by
Ed. Bbaqoins.
The E. T. V. & G. morning train
has not yet arrived, owing to a wash-
up and overflow near Ccjhran. The
river trestle is under water, and the
trains cannot pass. The morning
passenger from this city will double
back this afternoon.
For Rent—One half of the Rail
way Co Operative Store. Will divide
ifi.fither^length qx cross-wise. Ap-
It 1 . M. B. Wiillams, State Secreta
ry of the Y. M. C. A., addressed the
Brunswick organization last evening
, and stirred them up in their work.
He is an enthusiastic worker and
mukes things hum when he takes
Taylor & Fleetwood will sell you
shoes nud hats for less money than
any house in town.
This warm weather with have the
effect of changing the character or
rather cl:fss of the Oglethorpe’s visi
tors. The Northern tourist will be
going farther north nnd the folks
the interior will be coining to the sea
We are sole agents for James
Means #3 shoes. Taylor <fc Fleet-
wood, the shoe men.
Lieut. Chrisman, of the United
States navy, with his wife, is visiting
the editor’s family. Mrs. Chrisman
is a daughter of the gallant Captain
McConnell, who fought with and was
a warm, personal friend of Gen.Grant
(then a Captain) in the Mexican
war. The Lieutenant and his wife
have been spending some time in
Florida and are now on their way.
North. -
Fou Sale: Five shares series B,
Building and Loan Association Stock.
Apply to A. H. Baker, Newcastle st.
The cholera is still ravaging the
cities of Chili. Unless the greatest
precautions are used, the dreadful
disease may eftect a lodgement in
the United States this summer. The
escape last year was narrow.
That $4,000. -
Mr. W. E. Kay inarms us that wo
£ ade a slight error ip our figures yes
rday about the Oglethorpe. The
$4,000 paid into the treasury is not
clear gain as we stated, from the fact
that $8,500 wore borrowed at the
start to purchase sqpplics and pay
running expenses. This $4,000 goes
to pay back part * of .this borrowed
money. Whilst this puts a .new
phase on to the affair and changes
the bank account somewhat, it really
makes a better shoVi,ng for the hotel
than our version of yesterday, for it
shows wbat a volume of business, it
is now doing, in that since it has
commenced paying expenses, (prob
ably a little over one month) it
should be able to pay back $4,000 of
money borrowed at the start.
For Rent—One 6 room house. Ap
ply to N. B. Harrison. ‘ tf
Attention* Tax Payers.
Parties who may bo behind on their
State and county tffcceB for 1887, and
who have had to settle same with the
Sheriff and Constable, will bear in
mind that their poll tax belongs to
the schools, and that the law re
quires a separate tax fi fa to bo made
out and served for these. These have
been made out by the Tax Collector
and turnfed over by him to the Coun
ty School Commissioner, who will
have same served on these delin
quents. We make this explanation
at the request of Collector Read so
that the people may understand.
Edwin C. Burts fine shoes for sale
by Taylor & Fleetwood, the .shoe
Lightulng Rods.
I take pleasure in announcing to
the citizens of Brunswick and vicin
ity that I hare a stock of Lightning
Rods on band, both copper and gal
vanized, which I am prepared to fur
nish and put up at the lowest possi
ble prices, and on the most accom
modating terms, copper rods from
15c. to 20c. per foot. Galvanized
rods from 12c. to 10c. per foot.
Parties wishing rods will do well
to sco mu before contracting else
where. All work thoroughly guar
nntced. Respectfully,
II A. Baker, Jr.
Work on the new hotel is moving
briskly forward. No idlers arc to be
seen around the premises.
The rails for the street-car line
will be landed in Brunswick and
lightered down to the ocean pier.
Thfe car for the line is now being
built. It will be elegant in finish,
but different in shape from those in
use here. It will be a long car, with
side steps running the entire length,
with scats running from side to side,
nnd capable of accommodating sixty
*NotVery Consistent.
Two little darkeys dropped into
Mr. Lott’s store last Monday begging
for a certain colored church in town.
Failing to get what they asked for,
they strolled back to the rear end of
the store, and quietly filled their
pockets with apples. They were
caught and made to pay for what
they had stolen. It would seem as
though these chaps were hardly fit
subjects for church begging.
The Wounded. *
Dr. Tucker informs us that nW
wounded” patients, Mr. W. J. Wil
liams and Mr. Alderman, me both
doing wcll._ Mr. Alderman was dis
charged yesterday from medical care,
and the Doctor thinks Mr. Williams
will pull through all right in course
of time.
The First in the Field.
Messrs. Hodges <fc O’Connor are
the first in the field this season, and
are dispensing that delightful bever
age—soda water, which they know
so well how to make. They did not
start too soon,.for summer is evident
ly on us. Try their beverage.
That Rarest of Combinations.
True delicacy of flavor with true
efficacy of action has bo«n attained
In tho famous Californh ..quid fruit
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant
taste and beneficial effects havo ren
dered it immensely popular. It
cleanses tho system, cures costive
ness, etc. For sale by Lloyd Sc
Adams. ♦
Blackshsak, Ga., March 26, ’88.
Two weeks ago Blancshear was
hardly known outside of’this imme
diate section—to-day It if celebrated,
all over the U. S., wherofer the news
of tho late fearful wreck ijfmiles from
here has gone;. and their passengers
who survived on.thos ill fated train,
and the newspaper accdunts of the
accident, have all added their voices
to tell to tho world of tbpnoble deeds
done by the self sacrlflcft g men and
women of Blacksliear. Ain all Ages
and all timed thfi good ecds of he
roic men and women ha\$ been sung
and written of by bardiw and poets
and now one more thei has been
added to the list. Would that! had
the pen and tho words o?a poet, that
I might tell in flowing ‘words that
should go sounding dow i the ages
of the deeds of Mrs. A. ; M. .Moore,
who mnid the shrieks o j, tile dying
and the ghastly corpses f the dead,
tenderly bound up the
conductor Grillin, and
request kuelt by his sid
on the banks of Hunicai
up a petition to Him whi>
things well, that He ml
cy on this poor stifferin
and spare him to his wij
ren; of Mrs. McKinne;
Kinney, Mrs. W. G. . B;
Converse, Miss Ella Bri
en of others, who, unm
own comfort or feeling!
wounds and soothed ti
f ilm X
dead; who, after worki
daj r at the wreck, went
ing to the depot, and amid the gath
ering gloom, carefully washed the
pale faces of those who had so sud
denly ushered into etcinny, and pro*
pared them for their last ride, many
of. these heroic women going on to
Wnycross with the wounded. Thus
have the citizens of this lovely little
Southern town shown to ttiese unfor
tunate visitors from the North, that
‘‘good Samaritans” still lire, and tiint,
believing in the “universal brother
hood of man,” they know no l^orth
ind no South, and thus has one more
link been added to the great chain
that shall bind together it) an insep
arable union the two parts of our
country that have but lately faced
each other with sword and cannon
and bayonot, and thus hah one more
long and rapid stride been made
towards that happy time when
all these United States of America
"shall be united in deed, in truth, and
in heart, as well'as in name. - *
about four hundred feet of which, 21
feet high, was destroyed, havo all
been -replaced, and trains run- slow
ly over the Into scone of deiith and
suffering, and tbo passengers crowd
to the windows and platforms and
lookout upon the wreck beneath,
and are thankful that it was not their
train that took the awful plunge. A
false track has been laid* down the
embankment, on which {Stands tho
Lehigh Valley R. R. private car,
“Minerva,” which will probably he
pulled out to-morrow, while, on every
side arc the charred remains of cars
that, after being stripped. of every
thing portable, were burned where
they Jay.
of this place, whose thij
(whose father, J. T. B
neck broken, although
a scratch upon him), wii
tbo other wounded ones,! have been
taken to Savannah for treatment.
Only n few of tho wounded remain
hero, and some at Wayprost. Wo
learil that the Company have settled
with most of the injured for their
damages. Superintendents Fleming
left here to-day, his presence' being
no longer necessary. ‘ ;
has received letters the
country, asking information, about
the wreck and those Injured in it,
every letter expressing thanks for
kindnesses rendered, and sympnthy
fbr tho wounded and the families of
the dead, but one, and that one Svas
from a rich man, who was ono of the
uninjured passengers, now in Flow'd a,
and who wrote to Mrs. McK. that he
had lost a whiskey flask in the wreck
and desiring that she would have it
sent to him. I would give his name,
but when u man gets so low, and is
so devoid of heart and soul as that,
I havo too much sympathy for him
to expose him to tho contempt nnd
ridicule of his fellow beings.
convened here this morning, Judgo
Atkinson presiding. Much of the
business will havo to bo continued
on account of the absence of our Col,
Frank H. Harris, who is in attend
ance on the Supreme Court, but there
is enough boro to ‘Intel cst tho Court'
until about Thursday or Friday.
The famous case of the heirs of
Middelton vs Brantley, Nlcholls, the
Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist
churches, et al, in which tho title to
about half the town of Blackshear
was involved, has been settjed and
dismissed. C.I. S.
A party of New York people pass
cd through Liberty county last week
traveling by private conveyance,
Syrup of Figs
Is Natures own into laxative. It is
the most easily taken, and tho most
effective remedy known to cleanse the
S ystem when billtous or oostivq; to
(•pel headaches, colds . and /fevers;
to cure habitual constipation, indi
gestion, piles, eto. Manufactured on
ly by tho California Fig Syrup Com
pany, San Francisco, Cal. For sale .
by Lloyd & Adams.
; J •; ; -.nj
New ‘Advertisements.' ‘
night. Theirobject was restoration
to health. They oxpeoted to travel
through the country to Thomasville
and then to Atlanta.
For Sale: Ten shares Building
nnd Loan Association Stock—Scries
A, and five shares series B. Terms
cash. Apply at this olllco.
Congress is thinking of approprin
ting $1,000,000 a year to the support
of the militia in the several States,
Whether Congress docs this 'or not,
Georgia ought to do her duty to the
volunteer soldiery of this Stato.
Rhode Island is one of the small
est States in the Union, but she
heads the procession of States in
structing for Mr. Cleveland.
For Rent: A nice residence near
the park. For particulars apply to
Wm. Anderson, on Gloucester st.*
A farmer in Oconee county sal’ 8
he has five acres in cauo. from which
he keeps from ton to fifteen head of
cattle fat all the winter, without
.particleof other food.
It is said that the young ladies of
Dublin, Ga., intend to boycott the
young gents who go to parties smell
ing of whiskey.
I have just received a fresh supply
of stationery and blnuk books of ev
ery description. My stock of crock-
cry, china and glassware is the larg
est and most complete in the city.
Dinner set#, 118 pieces $16 to $20.
Tea sets, 56 pieces. $5 to $16. Cham
her sets, new nnd handsome decora
tions, 10 pieces, $4 to $7. A large
variety of the following named goods
nt lowest prices: Lamps of all kinds,
and lamp supplies, hammocks, bird
cages, silver plated ware, «rtist ma
terial, picture frames,' fanw. goods,
toys, base balls, bats, etdfISroquet
sets, lunch baskets,smokers’articles,
paintings, wall paper, window shades,
music and musical instruments,
school supplies, otc., etc.
mch22-lm HENRY T. DUNN.
See my Bargain Counter—2 articles
for Fifteen Cents. 8. L. High,
Nove’.y store.
Hint wl'lbo acceptable to ovcryonc.
Buy Your Tickets*
O. I.
(ESTASUSniD 1875) t
Has moved Into his now store oh Needwood
Plantation, Evelyn, GaT. (low miles from
wlck),and continues dealing in Ucneral Merchan
dise, Green Groceries, Fresh Moats,otc., and r -Jts
a continuance of the patronage of my friends.
ttj Anyone wanting plowing or funding at
lytlme, or a horse and buggy, can bo actom-
Ime. or a horse and __
ted by calUng on me.
nasMi WATER 'FfiOGF, i«SM£!3
In H the Kuo mi S the Ubur maf other way. DOCS ao3
C unt nor r«ttl& Iti* >° Kvsnoailwl fttwl DVIMULK
UIISTITUTU for I’LARTEl* on walls. Ornament*.
JAIiPETM nnd UUtiB of him tutorial. cheaper « »
latter U
, 03*CaUlogvo and Stun pica Free j
W. E. PORTER & Co., Agts.
Call nt Storo and seo samples of
Cumberland Eoute.
Brunswick and Inland-
Thin populur route to Florida U now op un»
der tho mont auspicious circumstance a.
The onjoj able features of this short nud de
sirable Steamer Transfer on the Inland Bey*
among tho islands of the South Georgia Coajt,
need only be tried to be fully appreciated. }n<
full sight of tho ocean and yot not affected by ill
“City of Brunswick!”
ick ana
bar regular dally trip, between Brunswick
Fomvndlnn, upon
Hat bean recently rebuilt, and ta now !
" trips between Brunsw
following Schedule: I
Leave Brunswick byatonmor. .., 0X0 am M
Arrivo atFornandina 10X0am '
Leave Fornandina by K. K.AN,By,...10.10aD>
Arrive at Jacksonville .. .11.40am
Lcavo Jacksonville by V, R. ft N. By... 1.15 pm
Arrive at Fornandina S.I5pm
Leave Fornandina by steamer,.......... 4.15 p ■
Arrive st Brunswick ., *.. 8,15 p i
sl-tf Han't Bassengc.-
Attention. Merchant^!
In order to close ont my entire atock of
hereby offer them TO MERCHANTS at ACTU-
COST. Now Is your lima toncnre(
This offer is to the
Do VowrOww Dyeing ni Home, wltk
Peerless Dyes!
Thcy^wMdy. everything^ The^wsold every
hive no equal for strength, brightness, awonffff
in psoksiN if for fastness of color* or lot nd*
Inequalities. They do not creek or neat. Fot
Golden Moirtor) Bnuw« *Co a Druggists. 7«di