Newspaper Page Text
& t^OK. PI BLltiHKJKf.
tESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1888.
ESTABi.i* v HED 187
Brunswick, Ga., Nov. 14,1888.
p* Council met Present, Hu Honor,
and members of Council Madden,
Penniman, Bostwiok, Berne. Atkin
sdn and Fulton. Absent, Crovatt
and Cook. :
So I he Mayor and Council City of
Munswicl;. . v - V- . ad
Gentleman: Your committee in
compliance with your instructions to
meet Lieut. Carter of the tJ. S. en
gineer core in regards to the water
front of the city of Brunswiok, beg
leave to make the following report:
1st. Lieut. Carter advises the re
moval of the B. & W. wharf, if not
all of it, part of it, say 50 feet. If
thf'city decide-to leave it as it is the
pewl.wharf should, be built from the
southern corner of their old wharf to
the north corner of Drury’s wharf.
* 2d. The building of the B. AW.
wharf has been one of the causes of
the shoalingjof our harbor. In the
last three years it has shoaled ac
cording to his statistics more >than
it bas in twice the length of time
previous. ' • f:
3d. He could not recommend a
wharf line at present. Work was go
ing on here now, and .when finished
and placed before a board of engin
eers, who would establish a bulk
head or wharf lino, which he hoped
the government would takecharge of
in the fUtum 1
4th. Xhkt parties should not be
allowed Ihbuild put their ^harves to
deep water, but shouldc build
conform with the old li
deep water could not be h
point they should dredfi“ '
•5th. That vessels s.
allowed to lay across the
/head on,to tho wharves. ■
e also one of
out to
and if
1 at that
ti'. . .
t be
m or
petition was received and the amount
ordered paid.
The caption of two bills to be sub
mitted to the legislature, were read,
adopted and ordered published, and
are as follows:
“An- act to set apart certain por
tions of "Queen's Squsrp” in the city
of Brunswick,- Ton. the location, and
atb sites for the erection of certain
public buildings."
“An Act to appropriate the monies
received from the special taxes upon
liquor dealers in the county of
Glynn to the support and mainte
nance of the public schools of said
county.” r r
Mr. W. A. Jeter appeared before
Council and stated that if the city
would" donate a site that cotton mills
would be erected.
On, motion, a committee consisting
of Aldermen Madden, Bostwick and
Fulton, and Messrs. J. £. DuBignon
and S. C. Littlefield, was appointed
to confer with Mr. Jeter and Cap
tain Henley and see see what could
he done in the matter with instruc
tioiin tu ixyifhack to Council.
By Alderman Penniman—
Resolerd. Realizing the extreme
necessity of at once taking some
measure toward the adoption of some
feasible plan by which a system of
sewerage may be obtained at an early
date; and whereas there exists,
and has existed a disputed question
as to the constitutionallity of J'
issue of bonds by the ciiff of ®ru:
wick, owing tojconstituttoual enaction,
inthe year-1877 ; and vi
disputed point can on
™ined by carrying th;
fibre the Supreme Co;
al adjudication; and
wayto,,arrivea r
had in Savannah at the S. F. &
whatves. '
6th. If wharf owners want vessels
to lay head on they should build
slips so that the vessels there should
not extend bej’ond the wharf line.
7th, That Charleston, Savannah
and * Brunswick were commercial
iowns and dependent on the com
merce for existence. If the}- allow
their deep water to bo impaired their
prosperity will be decreased in the
same proportion, and they should
look after their harbors better in the
future. All of which is respectfully
submitted by your committee. ,
J.M. Madden,
J. W. Drury,
Report was received, and following
resolution whs adopted:
By Alderman Penniman—
Resolved, Inasmuch as the com
mittee who ha$e held conference with
Lieutentant Carter, U. S. engineer,
have reported that Lieutenant Carter
has expressed himself emphatically
'that the B.&W. wharf shall not ex
tend further into the river than the
northern part of Drury’s wharf;
therefore bo it
Resolved, That the proper authori
ties be notified through, their attor
neys, Goodyear <fc Kay, that they
must comform to that line and cease
further operations upon their wharf,
except upon the line running from
the corner of the old 3- & W> wharf
to tho north of Drury’s wharf.
* On tnotlon, the city attorney was
instructed to draw up an ordinance
in accordance with the report of the
committee with Lieutenant Carter in
regard to vessels laying across stream
or “ head on.”
The Committee appointed to locate
a site for a permanent quarantine
station submitted their report, which
was referred to the Committee for
further investigation.
A communication from James .R.
Mlnnehan asking that licenses of H,
S. fiJeCrary & Co. bo transferred to
him, was received and granted.
A communication was read from
' Dr. Butts, stating that he had re
ceived only fifty dollars for services
‘ rendered as Port Physician for the
month of October, and asked that he
be paid the further ram of $50. The
Dr. Hamtlton’i
tion flpurgeon Gee
resign and accept
the Journal of tho
cal Association at
doubt received with]
has filled his .
satisfactorily for
though a republican^
did not ask for his
cause, he was satis
about as good a mar
there was in the maf
vice. InhiB new
have the same sSlarjj
ceivcs, and only, a, i
wlU be occupied ' w
duties. He will k$i
ty to build up a pr !_
in that way grea
be inten-
amilton to
Itorship of
lqan Medi-
was no
,v • .3 —»—AND
Real Estate Aaeiit,
• ' | mu iiiiiniiiTjfljri
Rrpriso. Hel
ion very
Hears. Al-
■ation, be-
rhe Wfts-
| the place as
pit he now re-
i of his time
f ’editorial
otice and
pease bis in
Prohibiting smoking on the wharves,
in railroad depots and other places,
and on loaded vessels at the
wharves within the city of Bruns
wick, whore cotton, naval stores,
hay, oil or other inflammable mer
chandise is stored, or where it is
. hetng loaded or unloaded; prohib
iting Brooking or use of matches in
holds or on deck of vessels, load
ing or unloading cotton, naval
stores,bay,oil or other inflammable
• merchandise, and providing for the
election of sign boards, and pro
viding penalties for violating the
MM .. .
Section 1. Bo it ordained by tho Mayor awl
Sen York.
Houses to Rent and for Sale.
gar,cigarette or tobacco. Ignited In 1
Ere, upon any ol the wharves In aald 1
ly vessel or vesaela are loadlr- —
itton, naval stores, hay, oil, or
Surgeon Generali
port on the epidemic-i
be looked for with' a J
tcrest. It will he rs
he called attention t
of an epidemic of _
some of the Florida:
before the first cast!
Jacksonville, .-uul be
question whether tC
was the first one of j
this year.
Iton’s re-
Florida will
i deal of in-
cd that
fever in
ns months
reported at
j rJke the
ormic case
rfevev there
Office In Kaiser Block, over Flint National
Bank. tc5-lv
a good deal’of att
suit of that experif
with at-contidt
understood 1&at' aev|
thiiigahave crab qgg
established thore-
Among them are i
rill receive
ad the re-
ay he dealt
It is
ng: That
yel :
bay, nil or otherlnflaran.... . _ a
In’aafd city whore cotton, naval
or other inflammable merchandise U stored t
P 'sECu'f. BeTfS^ortalnodbv theauthc
aforesaid, and It iatiereby, Th
lawful for 1
matche. in
the tone that wild veaael may - ,
unloading cargoes of cotton, naval atores. I
oil or other Inflammable morehandlMi.
Sko. 8. He it and It Is In like mann
ordained. That there may bo prepare
to the effect that no amoklng aUowod nnder pon-
nitvof tbe law; and itahaU bo unlawfulfor any
ipt the owner, lessee or agent of the
uuuuiii, J Which saldslgn Is pi acceTto remove
any such fiiKn or notice eo ereotefla
%o. 4. Be it and it to In like ma
srdalned by the authority
person viol*
a,nanoe.b«^» , MS£g
lice Court ol »ld clty.toflnod In a aumnot
Tube Paints, Gold Paints,
' Wall Paper and Decorations.
sac 6. Bo it In like manner further ordatne
ind It U hereby, that all ordlnancoa or parts
li'dlnanccs la oonfllot herewith bo and tho Ban
oldinancesiu confliet hero’
are hereby repealed.
Passed in Council Nov. r
arts of
JOHN B. COOKlMayorpro.tcm,
P AINTING of ovory deaeration dono^wlth
■ NELSON, Olttfrot Connell.
neatness and dll
supreme power is by the passage of
au ordinance by the common council
of the city looking to the issuing of
sufficient bonds for tho retiring out
standing bonded indebtedness, and
such other monies as are necessary,
ratified by the people; therefore be it
Resolved, That the city attorney
be requested to prepare an ordinance
in accordance with above by the
next regular meeting, that the mat
ter may be fiaaliy determined.
A vote of thanks of Mayor and
Council was tendered Merssrs. Good
year & Kay for offer of services.
Permission was granted Messrs.
Littlefield & Tison to handle fertili
zers in bags over their docks.
The City Surveyor reported that
the city had 1014 feet of water front
south of McCollough’s dock that is
not leased.
Council then adjourned.
E. A. Nelson,
Clerk of Council.
Something to remember. .That we
are selling 46 inch henrietta cloth at
55cts a yard. J. J. Lissner & Co.
The Now York World has flung at
the public this question, “What
would you do if you had a million
dollars?” It invites, everybody who
hasn’t a million to answer it. Prob
ably the World will regret its action.
There are any number of people in this
country who have been figuring for
some time on an answer to the ques
tion, and if they should send the
World the result of their air-castle
building, Mr. Pulitzer would have to
hire several men at big salaries to
attend to letters.
that yellow fever .can be isolated and
that the germ tlfeory is the correct
if it becomes accepted that the pe
riod of incubation does not exceed
five days, the time of detention at
quarantine stations in futureVepi-
demies will be greatly reduced, and
if yellow fever can be isolated the
policy in future will be to put; an in
fected place in quarantine, as it were,
instead of quarantining against 'it.
If all communication with an infect
ed place is cut off, and its citizens
are permitted to pass out through a
quarantine camp, where detention
will be sufficient to make it certain
that they are free from infection, all
tho rest of the country will move
along as usual without .pprehensjon
of danger. The isolati in plan will
be far less expensive til >n the shot
gun qurantine system, l ut it can on
ly be carried out by the government.
Isolation must be perfecotherwise,
there would be a lack >f confidence
in it, and other localiti s'would re
sort to measures to p oteot them
selves. -r •.
Surgeon General £ fimilton can
congratulate himself foi having made
some advance in the uta lajBfcnt of
yellow fever epidemics,
Wanted—Five thousand men to
buy our unlaundried shirts, at 45cts,
a bargain. J. J. Lissner he Co.
8yrnp of Figs
Natures own trne laxative. It is
the moat easily taken, and the ,most
effective remedy known to cleanse the
system when billions or costive; to
dispel headaches, colds and fevers;
to rare habitual constipation, indi
gestion, piles, etc. Manufactured on
fy by tho California Fie Syrup Com
pany, San Francisco, Cal. For sale
by Lloyd* Adsms,
Gloucester St., opposite Advertiser-Appeal,
Gratd Oping 1
Millinery, Notions, Fane; Goods,
Children’s Worsted Goods,
Elegant Corsets,
Zephyr and Saxony Yarn, Embroidery Sill,
Demorest Reliable Patterns
For Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses.
Groat Bargains in ladles’ and children s Ho
siery half tho usual prices. Tho ladies are re
spectfully invited tocomo and seo for thomsolvcs.
SIB Newcastle Street,
Brunswick, Ga,
1888. TAX NOTICE. 1888.
State and County Taxes.
I will be at tho followiurfiame.l places on the
dates mentioned for the pfirposo of collecting tho
State and County Taxes for the year 1883 to-wit.
8t. Simons Mills Store, Oct. 11. Nov. 7, and Doe.
Bethel, Oet. 12, Nov. 0, and Deo. 6.
Ponnick’s Store, Oct. la. Nov. 10, and Dec. 6.
Brunswick (Council Chamber), Oot. 15,18, 17,
Nov. 12,18,14 and l)cc. 7.8.10.
No 1 E. T. V. A G. U. lb, Nov. 17, Fancy Bluff
Nev. 22, Powell’s and Jordan's Stores. Nov. 28.
All other davs not above mentidned, 1 can be
found at ray o.Jro in the Council Chamber. I’leaso
remember dates. O.J.nSAD.
September 20, 1888. > T.O.G.C.faa.
An Elegant
For oils, salts, pills, and all kinds
of bitter, nauses medicines, is the ve
ry agreeable liquid fruit remedy, Syr
up of Figs. Rcccommendedby lead
ing Physicians. Manufactured on
y by the California FigiHyrup Com
pany, San Faancisco,
Stove Wood
Oak, Pine and Lightwood delivered
in any part of the city. Orders left
at Greer’s stabte'or Brunswick J'rug
Store promptly attended to.
V AN. Dixon.
For Sale.
Five fine milch cows and several
grade Jersey heifers. This is a fine
chance for some one wishing to go in
to the dairy business. Apply to
F, Ft 6aU^ /
Up stairs, Kaiser block.
McDonald &,dean,
Keat Met,
Fulton’s Old Stand, - Newcastle St.
And Pork, Venire* sad Game In thelrieiaren.
Give m a caU. •“P- lm .
Notice. ^
■V7EITHER tbe Oaptaln, owner* nor consigner*
B.CICBIHO, Master.
o‘ and from the city. Truck .and froit canbe
shipped from thla
anil Altamaha canal dlrectto the- city In *mnll
b0 FiBytre(i h havo*been added the part winter
tb. r nH/tntn atnalr. anniMIlllff Ol IQO
Fifty trees have Keen auaeu tne pay
graftod on the LoOonto *tock.con*i*tingof the
Howell, Sugar, Bartlett and Irish Green pearl,
a* •“pljr 4 ' 4
lOWeil, BUgar,
Plans and Speciflcntions
furnished on application.
Best of references given. Leave orders
L.D. HevtAO-'. plW - ,m -
dtctw y Ol
Hm-atf or innlo, wagdh or buggy can he had at
?>• JiSSlSS- - Dm1 “
any time, nlgni aim any. raraw iwvm
can go to Bruhswlck and retuni**“eaaf- U»-
formation can be hecl'flppni M. J. Cnriitopner
blacksmith, Darien. oct4
Physician and Surgeon.
„ Gioncetterrtreott.latelyMowted?yDrtJ.
Wilton. CaUaleft wlthRoekvrelljtheDrng^ib
qFFICE northwest eoi
ri 1 i\r > rdrtoX.T n vsido^n hn o i s , 7ore-
»on^» 'to dl^e. o»
throat and lung*; . • •
■rpnOM and nftcir this date the‘sole agency of
I the above-work* la placed In the hand* of
to make contrecta;
Who are alone —
sale*, and to whom —r.ww,, . ™,
addroMCd, ’ Wm. OBOVATT,
— For Sale: A nice heating
(coal burner), with six Joints of pipe;
good as new, will sell cheap. Apply
at this office.*