Newspaper Page Text
r O* aa "nr» -Olaaa
Aecotm-clasa Mail Hatter.
10 cent a. week or $5.00 per annum
FFICL: Corner Broad Street and
fc 'iftn Avenue.
Official Organ
Of.the city of Rome, and Foyd, the
“Banner cou'ity' 1 of Georgia.
Georgia Democracy ahould organ
ize DoJJclnb to fight a Georgia Dem
Think of the precious days that
%re"tfliding by and never the note of
Evans club r*ported.
Our devil when aeked if the
Editor was a Byrd of prey replied:
“no, he says ‘dam the Etowah,’
Let the little n p riersoall off their
dogs, and quit annoying the new
Ojuncilnaen about city officers*
No administration is strengthened
by employing a “boot-lick’ to fill
espoasible offices under it.
Max Meyerhardt calls General
Evans a “Statesman,, in the truest
sense of the term, and the people
of Rome call for the proofs.
■ i ■■■
A Pennsylvania editer saye: “Vaci
lation an administration will kill it a?
dead as damnaticn “ This is a clear
and concise statement »f facts.
.»!■ W— -1' -*L
Put wide awake, energetic, able,
young Bill Atkinson, in the Govern
ors chair and see what a vigerous ad*
ministration Georgia will enjoy.
ma_ia. .'—'.J. 'it
Why do theEvansi es wish to com
mit the voter to their man at this
early stage of the game .’ are they
afraid of the issue.
With almost universal aceord the
Evans organs oppose a joint debate.
Why? are the Evans men i f aid that
their man eould not stand the rub?
The John D. M oore ticket will give
Rome one of the most vigerous ad
ministrations she has ever enjoyed
Mark that prediction.
M aeon's Democrats have been with
out money and without Price long
enough. Her Post office has at last
ketched a “Daisy.”
The Tribune and the Atlanta
•‘specials*’ frem Rome continue to
elect city officers. Perhaps after all
it. was a mistake to elect a city coun
Many an embryo politician had
his leg pulled in the recent munici
pal election. And now their faces are
‘longer than they really ought to
They telijas that the slate is “wild
or Evans, end yet the politicians
art t.uruii he., on and earth to
“club” ‘he ancscent boomers back
into li a
Al •. Meyerhardt cata't be muzzled
and the sooner the Evans people learr
t and govern themselves accordingly,
the sooner will the Max Meyerhardt
Evans Club of Rome begin to grow
, Georgia's hop erop is being heard
from. When the frog begins to sing
and the swamps with eroakiugs ring,
and the bull -frog gets the swiag,
then the spring begins to cling and
he lovy 1 ke everything. See?
Only four debates could be secured
by Mr,Atkinson from the old Atlanta
candidate who was bera in 1824
And histery has nut yet recorded tire
fact that the tool of the Atlanta Ring
has faced the young statesman. Mav
be ho will though.
A Kangas nessj apsr, wanting to
help a local politician, said of him
*’W. A. Johnson is the strongest
man in this part of Kansas for any
public position.** The wieked types ,
made it “strangest candidate,’ * and
it was only by the most abject apol
ogy that the editor escaped a horse ]
whipping. (
T» MB, W .
Fob tbk ■
MydrarMt! yeaalßt of earth', creature*,
Who ImitataengoK above;
Ah ! rival tb m in point at ivhl beauty,
and bankrupt the stock of womis'i love.
And yet, with your stock of groat beauty,
Trevillion and good education,
You're negligent, quite ot your duty,
Whieb curtails the arm of your station
a true man’s rank is excelling,
All else [O-taining te earth ,
While short of the sphere there's no tolling,
The bi ternrss of hdr worth;
in order to fill the proud rank,
Os man, io but the expense
Os prudence, polite'-ess and frank
Which tells to he world you have sense'
Aud if you should play at a party,
Where each song that's sung, charge a kino,
Just step up and smauk your beau hearty,
And learn of the source of true bliss I
Then hear my polite intimation,
The woman you so slurred in the play;
Is no phlebian in station,
Though she ever goes clad in ohoap grey.
Her heart Is as large as a pumpkin,
Her brains fill a skull of good shape;
’Tie high rolling top and not sunk in
Which r<nk< her too high for an ape.
Her life has been pure as the angles,
That silently kneel by your couch at night;
And her eyes, what a wealth of love
could gleam from their depths so bright.
'Twas just for politeness she offered,
To soil her sweet mouth on your lips I
And you lowered your rank when you prof
To knock In her head-lights a<~d skip.
Thee sweet one, ye beauty, oh gracious !
Won't measure a woman by her dress ;
For fear that her means are too spaeiees,
If she should attempt to distress.
Ford'G>-, Minnie Lee Arnold.
Swell head is a bad diseaae for
men and rivers—baa aueh away
of working their months “doncher
!■ L— JL-.M
Atlanta id a mighty city one of
ths chief products of her rural
eectiona is crab grana and the
Georgy chigger.
A jar of door jams is often aerv
ed the editor by that arch fiend,
the devil, who has departed th*
sanctum with copy.
In the Gubernatorial campaign
every sore haad in the democratic
party has promptly hopped onto
the Sentimental, “war record”
boem of Rev. C, A Evans and are
now riding it—to defeat. Blsased
are the disappointed “aore heads,’
for they are use to it.
A Pittsburg burglar who rifluod his
life to steal $ 000 in ceafederate
naoney asked the judge to give
him a good, long aontence for hie
a-iinity. He was accommodated. Po
liteness costs nothing in sueh eases
axd it pays to be obliging.—Mobile
Ajcity officer who fought The Poo.
pies Ticket, and who will now boot
lick to retain his position, has not
manhood enough in his anatomy to
add a particle of strength to the ad
ministration' Let him be promptly
turned down.
Mr. Meyerhardt, papa to the
Max Meyerhardt Ivane’ Club of
Rome eays: “While not a politi
eian, General Evans is a Slates
, man in the truest sense of the
term.” Ge whizz, what rot I We
defy the learned gentleman to the
! proof. Perhaps this ia why cer
. tain Evans people want Mr. Mey
, erhardt “muzzb
In the winter me ice crops of
tho North are laid by. In the
spring, the eggs of the Eastern
hen are laid by—the Southern heo
In the Summer the “dust” of hie
daddy, is laid by the smiles of the
ice cream girl, and in the Kall the
linen duster is laid by the see-er
sucker coat and a pawn ticket
from your “uncle” and we sing
“what shall the harvest be?”
WWW— •—■*“
The People’s party is hard at
werk organizing throughout the
state. Nearly every country week
ly which comes to this office has a
call for a county convention. This
means hard fighting after the
Democratic nomination is made.
Is other words, the Democratic
party will need a leader who knows
how to form the lines for a politi
cal battle; an aggressive fighter
who can give aud take hard blows ;
who is thoroughly equipped with
an intimate knowledge es state
and national affairs aud who can
not be tripped by the shrewd fight
ers who will lead the Populist
hosts. The need always produces
the man It has this time in the i
person of W. Y. Atkinson cf (
Coweta. f
After careful consideratioa ef'
all th* facts that have been brought
to bear by the editorial friends of
these gentlemen, coupled with our
past experience in a land of bull
dozing inkslingt'rs, and big m«n
so called big city papers, in their
efforts te cause’the people te for
get that in this country that a!j
men are equally free aud indo,
pendent in their individual ca) ac:-
ties, and they are endowed with
the inallienable rights of life, lib
erty, the enjoyment of property,
pursuit of happiness and the
privilege of private judgment, de
oided that the people owe the hon
ors So the Hon. W. Y. Atkinson,
Bo our exchanges will observe
that we are now in the ring with
gloves off, being actuated by honest
motives, we make our first whoop
for ths people's candidate.—Vi
dalia Star,
Illinois has quarantined against
Georgia Cattle. There is just as
much sense in this as though Geor
gia should quarantine against
Chicago dressed beef. It is a slan
der against Georgia cows to insin
uate that they are diseased —Ma
•on Telegraph.
This kind of weather brings the
red-bug, the caterpillar and th*
base ball crank into blossom, —
Albany herald.
A slugging match took place in
Savannah this week. And yet
“Gineral” Northen was not en hand
to stop it. —Thomasville Adverti
ser .
i Miss Callie Rice, who resides a
few miles from Dahlonega, has just
completed a beautiful quilt con
taining 6,300 pieces. Twelve hun-
i dred yards of thread was used in
, making it —Dahlonega Signal.
r—.. _.... ■
1 The Constitution seems consid
erably worried because Mr Atkin
son is fighting the “Atlanta ring.”
That’s all right. The “Atlanta
• ring” is fighting Mr. Atkinson,
’ and it is a sorry sort of man who
! won’t, hit back when he is attack
’ ed. —Newnan Herald.
j If a gubernatorial dark horse is
( being groomed in Georgia, the
name of his horse and backers is
bsing studiously kept frem the
public,—Waycross Herald.
Is it true that ths Evans organs
h have been petitioning the govern
or to call out the military to pre
vent the young man from demol
ishing his aged antagonist?—Meri
wether Vindicator,
There are two or three Evans
! organs so “rampart” in their flings
- at Mr. Atkinson that they ars now
. trying to claim that he is not a
> good Democrat, but a Populist,
i This is the merest es bosh. Th*
> people know “Bill” Atkinson. and
- they know with what energy be
fought in 18 92 the very party in
which they are trying to place
him. No gentleman, this will no!
I do, you’ll have to try something
’ else. —Eastman Times Journal.
Mr. Atkinson made nine speech
es in the Tenth district during the
1 campaign of 1892. Will the Con-
> stitution be good enough to state
) whether Gen. Evans spoke at all
. in that campaign, either in the
, Tenth distric or elsewhere? If he
did, his oration must have beou
' sumanally suppressed, for the
public has never heard of it, —
Newnan Herald.
Evaus or Atkinson will make a
good governor, but we believe At
kinson will make a better oue,
hence we are heartily in favor of
his election. No one can bring a
serious objection to him.—Monte
zuma Record .
From present indications, the
race between Mr. Atkinson and
General Evans has been run and
as usual the young Coweta states
man has whipped the fight,—Cor
Bill Flemming, of Augusta, the
man with tho mouth, says he |
promised General Evans nearly
two years ago to support him for
Governor, and yet General Evans
says he ‘ is not seeking ths office,'*
No Democrat has yet advanced j
a single partical democratic reason
why General Evans, the aged iup
oranuated minister es the Gose-i a
“war record” shou'd be elected
Govoror, over W Y. Atkinson the
tried aud true young demic-fttic
The tremendous Evans - r lan
che has pwept around and disap
peared from view, hut s’rs to
i-av the chances of the Go, - 1 B
siiccefs have gone Hying mtl op
posite direction.
The cry has gone forth th;.'
people of the stale are solid for :
General Evans but at the same
time there are being organized ,
campaign clubs, circular letters ;
being sent out, personal ap| e s
being issued, regularly authorized
campaign journals published, aud
the face of tho earth raked for
Why all this agitation if Geor
gia unanimously demands that
Generals Evans be elected govern
or. Some of these days, and that
right early, too, the fact will be
thoroughly demonstrated that the
mighty Evans avalanche has re
solved itself simply to the scratch
ing of ingenious and inventive
pens in the sanctums of certain
enthusiastic journals. —Athens
This from the Maeon Telegraph:
The Evans paper# have been put
ting the Roms Hustlkb in the list of
Evans papers, and here is what Phill
Byrd has to say about it:
“Fancy that! Thk Hcstlsr or
Romo quoted with the Evans week
lies! Oh teaapo! Oh Holy Mosee!
Dam—'dam tho Etowah!”
The Americus Times-Roeorder
doesn’t miss the nail head far when
it says:
Th ) Atlanta Journal is now en
gaged in giving two colomns daily
free advertising to tho Constitution.
On’ an island off the Mosquito coast,
Nicaragua, a species of ape is found
that closely resembles the African go
rilla both in size and disposition.—
Athens Banner.
Must be a swarm of modern gal
The factional bitterness that Mas
grown out of the municipal election
in tho seven-hilled and throe-rivored
eity, at the head of the Coosa, should
be snuffed. Rome should be used to
to these things. —Brunswick Times.
The Brunswick Times should go
preach the Gospel to “Brunswick’s
acre’ This is Rome’s funeral and no
monkey-wrench business is Heeded
on the head wagon. Hid the Tribune
Evans’ aids won, toe Times-Adver
tiser would bo crowing instead of
watehingits “staid old sister** of the
Hills, !‘eating crow.**
No state in the union can boast of
as bright a galaxy of weekly papers ns
Geergia. All hail to Georgia.—Thom
asville Advertiser.
Hail, tho mischief! better give
them rein, for they have more sense
than their drivers, and if let alone
will pull the wagon of state safely
Citation—Leave to Sell,
Georgia— Floyd County
To all whom it may concern :—Cezar Stallins
Administrator of Tempy Stalii.s deceased has
ih due form applied te the undersigned for
leave te sell the lands belonging to the estate of
said deceased, and said application will be
heard on the first Monday in April next, This
5.h day of March ISM.
John P, Davis,
li 5 1
: to h imsc If, •* If the £
-in ' .-n ! could get,
j wlicbever I’m dry' .1 yf
; ■'•■••l* ■ I could
. wet; liie moon is a '
l| - quarter with aquar-
4 tcr 1 you can
• purchase fve gal-
t| tons of
?. ..-A Rout Beer.”
} * h Dcl’clnuv,
®. nce ' Thirst-quenching,
- s Heajtb-Giving Drink.
j Good ior any time of year.
, As: '.. pad. age makes 5 gallons. Be sure and
j get Hires'
Warters “Extra Good”
Cigar, most fragrant,
newest brand, and
Rome made, ask your
dealer for one.
if you want a first
< iars tailor made suit,
cheaper than vou ever
caw trash sold, visit
Gammon’s Cash Cost
I Have a sixty horsn pnwer mill
—Wheat, eoru, and saw mill that
.vaut to exchange for good rent
big property in Atlanta. Mill is
in good first class condition and is
surrouuded by IG acres good creek
' bottom lands, Correspondence
Ph ill G. Byrd.
E .T. V. & G. Ry.
ONLY. 2.1-2,
Lv Romedaiiy 835a.m
Ar, Atlanta . 11.10..
Lv. Rome . 1 130 a m
Ar* Atlanta. 2.30 p.m
Lv. Rome .11.10 p.m
Ar. Atlanta. 1.30, .
C SMITH G Pa & Ta.
Armstrong House,
Application for Charter tinder
name of Oostanaula S earn
boat and Trading
G Borgia, Floyd Co’jxty—
Te the Saperior court of said county ;
Goo, W Trammell, H L Trammell, Frank
Holdbrooks and their associates show they de
sire to be made and created a body corporate,
L nat they be created such body corporate
under the uame of the Oostanaula Steamboat
and Trading Company,
That they be created such body corporate for
the term of twenty years and as such and in
said name that shsy be allowed to sue and b?
The prineij al offloe and place of business of
such corporation to be in the city of Rome
pioyd County, Ga,
The character of the business to bo done and
•arried on by said corporation is the running of
a steamboat upon the Oostanaula aud Coosa
rivers and hauling freights aud charging there
for; the buying and selling of Inmber, bricks
aud all kinds of building material and dealing
in country prodnee and geneial merchandise.
Ihs object es said corporation being pecunia
ry Rain to stockholders therein.
Tho capital stock of said corporation to be
two thousand dollars actually, paid either money
or property before beginning business and divl
ded into shares of one hundred dollars ea'
with the privilege of iuereasing tho ca*
stock to twenty five thousand dollars or
other amount as may be agreed upon by
stockholders, not in excess of twenty-fire thou
sand dollars
That such corporation be allowed to (upon
organization) pass such by laws, as it may deem
to its interest and advantage, that are not in
consistent with the la Geor~ «, or i nited
Wherefore petitioners pray an or. ir be grant
ed creating them a body corpwate nJsr name
for the term, purposes and ject rorssaid aud
thereby duly chartered a- such body cjrpora e
Ge.. .< waller Harris,
I‘etit.ioners Attorneys.
Fi ed in office Feb 19, 1894
Wm. E,_Bevsiegle,'
„ Clk, Sup, ct.
GKouai A Floyd County—
The above application for charter of '‘Oosta
naula Steamboat and Tradiag Comwanv ” is a
tr-B m^cb a i^" f ” a
Wm, E, Beysiegle,
Clerk Superior Court,
F. O. G, A.
Citation-Leave To Sell.
Georgia, floyd County :
To all whom it may concern;—w: A Rhudt
Administrator of Henry B-rryhill deceased
has in due form applied to the undersigned
or leave to sell the lands and personal Proper
ty belonging to the estate of said deceased, and
application will be heard on the first Monday in
April next. This 7th day of March 1894.
John P. Davis Ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
To all whom it may concern :_W arren V Timms
having in proper form applied to me forperma
”®"t.lett!?o,adm‘niß»r«i<’aonthe estate of
y lUiam V, Tinims, late of said county. Tins is
Uic’teallandsingniarthe creditors and next
of km of W ilham v . Timms to be and appear at
uiy office witbin the time allowed by law and
show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad
ministratum should not be granted to warren
\. 1 imms or some other fit and proper person
on willisuiV. Timms estate. Witness my hand
ngnature this 6th day of March
John P.
Ordinary Floyd County.
DENTIfiTfi ""S
WllaLS—Dentist—1 ■*.
, ever (Mntrull and Owen,
Attorney at Law
Office upßtairsio new Court Hou
in rear of Superior Court R Oom
A-MK-i 11 NEVIN -Utorn* v
I’evorcy Hui poseur eorLrYr?? A
4 Attas,
Masonic Temple, Attorney at
Roias, Ga.
R’ln 1..
WH. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law
Roai9 ' <*’'2*l
W S: M HENRY J. Vr\A*f fv-w
, J. NEAL—M’llenr,,
, Attorneys-at-at Law. office
Davidson Hardware Co., Broad streetXm%
geon—Office in Masonic Tenn". .I* 1 '
A' office day and night. Telephone*”!*
D > at residence fillavetue
pie of and »uw<mnXi „ the *
( &8 a treeL aCh
I streVt
110. residen >». No. 21 Aeieptwa
iFIN- Physician and
~'ue“ OUiC bUildi " e -
I The Penn. Mutual Life ij
. Burance Co. of Philadelphia
( Assets $22,773,00 with thii
Co. the Ass’n will get benefit
•f Inter-'st rents & protiti
• that have been accumulating
for a century. R, G. Cross,
l Agent, can show many ad
vantages to be derived by
taking their Policy.
I will root, ehfi&p, to right party
my former boooo Fourth Avi.
an elegant 9 room re»idenc« witk
splendid garden fisd a numberof
excelent fruit troes,jHas been rwt
Ing for S4O. per. month. Will rent
now for $25.00 per. mouth. Addrea
or apply to:
i Mrs. Joe 11. Sergent,
h 2 —25 J f. Central Hotel.
t Coosa Steamboat Schedule,
r After this date steamers dl tbJ
t White Star Line Steamboat Co.
’ will leave Rome on Tuesdays and
f Fridays at 5:30 a. m., instead ol
e 8:40 as heretofore, Freight sot
Coosa river points will be recived
1 on Mondays and Thurday evening:
‘ J. D. Kirkpatrick, '
• General Manager,
Opposite New Court House,
: Mm andLuiisiHg
1 Meals at all Bourse
Ail unpaid taxes for
1893 are being put in
hands of Sheriff for
1 Colection
Jno.J.BlaCk. T-C.
Road Citation.
Gsoroia, Floyd County : itlie
Whereas, T. J .Glenn, et al have petition'
Board of Commissioners of Roads and R e ' 11 ?
of Floyd County, Georgia for a change m
Bass Ferry road at blue Fond, so as to r “ B
the east side of Z. T. Carver’s field, an
same having been favorably reported on by
reviewers: This is to notify all persons 11 ‘'J 1 ,
objections thereto or claims for damages 111 ‘ ’
therefrem to file the same with said M
Commissioners at their regular meeting on
first onday in May, 1894, n
Witness the Hon, John C, Foster, chair
This March 7th,1894.
3 7d-30 d Max Meyerhardt, clerk.
All persons in debt to R«* c ®
Whitehead are requested to call aJ
settle at once. .
All aicouuts unpaid on Slot o
March will be placed for
by law.
A. B. S. Mosley
Meh 7- D-t.