Newspaper Page Text
°** "" r
\A/p want you to see our superb spring stock
i t rivals anything ever shown in
hat beauty, style, fashion, superior quality
d low figures can do will be in full force .in
all our departments,
look BE
< ■*' DO NT
y W / THIS
Every lady snould see our magnificent line
ot new Spring dress goods they are sure to be
White Goods
Unequaled drives in our Domestic department. Shirtingi.
Sheetings, Cotton checks at factory prices. Any quantity
you desire. From one yard to five hundred. We can and will
meet your demands.
"(Ready made Sh.eets®*-
We have in stock an excellent line of ready made sheet!
and pillow cases at prices never before known for cheapnesi
you should see these goods by all means. Keep your eye on
his column in The HUSTLER, Bargains every day.
THOS FAHY, 24 B'o£=“o d a sl
fine portraits
n water Coilors, India [nk, Crayon, Pastel
or Berlin, By the,
Washington Portrait Company,
N °RTH first and LOCUST STS
,P -Perkins, Agt. Rome Ga,
e Mean Business Call snd get our Prices
Before Buying we are Selling,
** » 1 XT-
‘ Clusters and brackets
A . AT bottom prices.
Alexander & hume
<3 as safe and harmless as a flax
seed poultice. It acts like a poul
tice, drawing out fever and pain,
and curing al’ diseases peculiar
to ladies.
“Orange Blossom” is a pas
tile, easily used at any time; it
is applied right to the parts.
Every lady can treat herself
with it.
Mailed to any address upon re
ceipt of si. Dr. J .A. McGill & Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
Sold by
D. W. Curry, druggist,
Water tax for the Fourth Quarter
is now past duo. This being the last
quarter for the fiscal year, it will be
necessary for consumers to meet the
bills promptly. All bills will be pre
sented at once, If not paid the water
will be cut off.
Consumers who wish to settle, at
the water works office can do, be
tween the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock p
m L J Wagner,
iGKNT MAKES Five Dollars a ayselling
“the greatest Kitcfceu Utensil ever invented.
Retails fer thirty five cents. Twe to six can be
sold in every house. Millions scld in this conn
try alone. Dent miss the greatest opportunity
ever known te make nieney, easily ami quickly.
Sample sent, postaen prepaid for five cents.
MoMAKIN & CQ., Cincinnati, Ohi*
Warters “Extra Good”
is his newest brand
and is the best cigar on
the Rome market.
a p ~r g V' ?
r*t j* :*••<! prio, or say
li*s ha a c t <s»e •< tiAupad cl
bottom, p ut iiiijA dow n uj fe frn u<i,
AojW*’ '’’S&o
W.d --A
W. L. Douglas
33 “WORLD.
W. Ti. I>OUGUAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit
ting, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad
vertibcd than any other make. Try one pair tno
be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas’
name and price on the bottom, which guarantees
their value, saves thousands of dollars annually
to those who wear them. Deniers who push the
Bale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers,
which helps to increase the sales on their fuH line
of £oods. They can afford to sell at a less profit,
and we belie. e you can bv buying aH
your footwear of the dealer advertised below.
Catalojn.e free upon application. Address,
»< ktow. Ssnid b?
The persibtent cough which usuall
follows an attack of the grippe can li
permanently cured by taking l Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy, W. A. Me
Gnire of M? K°v, Ohio, says: “La
Gr.ipe b h 1 ie with a severe cough,
After using aeveral different medi
cines without relief, I tried Chamber
r s C' ugh Remedy, which effected
.1 nermpnent cure, I have also found
it to be without an equal for children
when troubled with colds or croup.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Lowry Bros Druggist.
Many women die in the very prime of life.
Others live to middle age, but are seldom sound
and healthy, why is.this you ask? We answer
SELF NEGLECT, but your life can be lengthen'
ed and home made hsppy if you commence AT
ONCE. Try one package of Parks Viginal Sup
positoril s and you will never “regret it. Will
make a new woman of you and will absolutly
•ure all the distressing of female weaknesses.
NO EXPERIMENT. fto doctors examination
A positive cure. Leucorrhea or whites are
usually entirely cured by one or two applica
ions. Price SI.OO per pokage by mail prepaid.
Particulars (sealed) 2c.
Is sold with written
guarantee io cure
vl l ' xJI ne«S,HcadHCh<‘ >mu
Neuralgia and Wake
i.lL J fula''«.,eautdb,BX-
•BEFORE -• AF-FeR- MorUsotterin«ot’
the Brain, causing W!’sery v Insa 'iry Rud Death;
BarroLie»a, Impotencjr, Lo«t Power in eitaer sex,
Premature Old Aae, Involuntary Disses, caused
by over-indulgence, over-exertion of the Brain and
Errorsof Youth. It gives to Weak Organs then
Natural Vigor and doub: -a the joys of Hie; cures
Lucorrbcca and Femu’e Wrukness. A month’s treat*
.nent, In plain package, by to any address, fl
per box, 6 boxes $5. With every |5 order we give a
Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money.
Circular*! f: er. Guarantee issued only by our ex
clusive aTCMt.
I Hammack Lucas & Co'
gathbrbd fkjcsii and served hot
Nannie, Ga., Mareh 12. ’94.
Mr«. Frank Woods,of Talladega
Ala., ia h®re an a Tint to her fathor
Hon . 8. J. Whatley .
Dr. J P. Bowdon, of ndairavil’a
pnesed through tin* place on
Thursday enroute to Rome.
Deputy Sheriff Dall a» Turner, of |
Rome, was ht»r« uu business Fri
Messrs Cox and Fuller, of Lit
tle Row was hero on business this
Hr. J D. McConnell, of Duck
Creek, Ga., spent Saturday and
Sunday in this place with B. G,
Mr. T, W. Dugger spent Wed
nesday iu Rome.
Hon. S J, What'ey ?p*nt Thurs
day in Cave Springs on business.
The maay friends of Ilea. E. P.
Prioe will be glad to know that he
is out again after a severe sickness
of several weeks duration :
Mr. Will Watters, who is attend
ing school at Rockmart, spent Sat
urday and Sunday at his home
near Shannon.
Miss M attie Jones, of Shannon’
who has been visiting near Sum
merville, returned home Friday.
Marshall Sales.
Will be aold before the Court house Soor iu
the city of Rome on the first Tue.d»y in April
1*34 b.tween the hoars of sale, the follow
lag described property to-wit:
one brick bouse and lot the same is bow being
used by the Rome Electric Light Co. on the cor
ner of Ith Ava sind Mast Ist street. Levied on as
th* property of tllS Rome Street Rail Road cu,
by virtue of afi fa in favor of the mayor and
council of the city of Rome vs Rome Street
fail Road co- for taxes due said city for the
y >ar 18:4!
Also at the same time And place oue vacant
lot In the Fifth Ward fronting on Main St 40 ft
more or less bounded on the south by the Etc
weh Land Company on the North Broad St ee
Bridge and on the eaet by the Etowah river,
Lovied on as the property of Charles M. Harper
by virtue of a tax B fa in favor of the mayor and
council of Rome vs Charley M. Harper for
pavement—Tax due the city for the year 1892
J. C. BROWN, City Maiahal.
Our congratulations go out to
that puissant Atkinson paper, the
Hustler of Rome, on its splendid
victory in the municipal flight that
terminated Tuesday in the election
Huylers candy rec’d
fresh every month,
at Hammack Lucas &
Fresh stock of Buist
Garden Seed for sale
cheap. Hammack Lu
cas & Co’s,
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy give
the best satisfaction of any cough
medicine I hanble, and as a seflor
leads all other preparations in this
market. I recommend it because it
is the best medicine I ever handled
for coughs, colds and croup. A. W.
Baldridge, Millersville, 111. For
sale by Lowry Bros. Druggist.
A severe rheumatic pain in the
left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. II
Loper, a well known druggist of Des
Moines, lowa, for over six month”.
At times the pain was so severe that
he could not lift anything. With all
he could do he co <1 t get rid of it
untill he applied C b plain’s Pam
Balm. “I only made three applica
tions of it,” he says, “And have since
been free from all pain” He now
reccommends it to persons similarly
afflicted. It is for sale by Lowry
Bros. Druggist.
W W Wl' I. ■ . 'W'l- »iw—
Fits, dizziness, hysteria, waks
fulness, bad dreams and softening
of the brain quickly cured by
Magnetic Nervine. Sold by D. W
Curry Druggist,
There is no money saved and
compounded without danger from
panics and depression, like that of
a life policy in the Penn, Mutal
Life Insurance Company.
R. G. Cross, Agent.
In a leaky house or have
a garden without fences while
the Cundell Lumber Co. is selling
the best neart shingles, oak posts
and heart fencing at ‘‘hard times
prices. Lumber arriving every day
2 9-lmo
Warters “Extra Good”
for sale by all cigar
Inflamed itching, burning, crus
ty and scaly skin and scalps of in
fantg, soothed and cured by John
son’s Oriental Soap. Sold by D-
W. Curry Druggist.
Application for L«tter« ot
Georpix—Floyd C<>>’nty:
Whereas Janes H. Vaughn, adml’ilHtrator of
oeorge W. Vaughn, represents to the court in
his petition duly filed, that he has administered
George W. Vaughn's estate Hi is is to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
■h w cause, if any they cm, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday la May 1894 This Fo ,y. 5 1894.
John I* Davis
Ordh a y Floyd County Georgia
Citation—Leave to Sell.
To all whom it may concern John H. Rey
nolds and John Montgomery, creditors of
Thomas Berry deceased has in due form applied
to the undersigned for leave to sell certain
bonds bstonging to the estate of said deceased
and said applicat on will be heard o the first
Monday iu April next. This sth day of March
1894. John P. Davis,
Letters of Admwnutration.
To all whom it may concern:—Mrs Hattie
Ware Matthias having in proper form applied
to me for permanent letteis es administration
with will annexed on the estate of Bl zabeth
Ware, late of said county This is to cite all
and singular the creditors and next kin of
Elizabeth w ar * to be au,t appear at my office,
within the tints allowed by law. and show cause
if any they can why permanent admiuistration
with will annexed should not be granted to Mrs-
Hattie Ware Matthias on Elizabeth Ware s es
tate. wß ness m y hand and official signature
this sth day of Mareh 1894.
Jehu P, Davis
Ordinary Floyd County
Application for Letters oi
Georgia—Floyd eosnty:
Whereas, J.S. Berryhill, administrator of
W. N. Buchanan dec. represents to the court
his petition duly filed, that he has administered
W N. Buchanan’s estate. This Is So cite all
persons concerned, kindred, and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said adminis
trator should not be t'iiseharged from his ad
ministration and receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in May 1894. This Febuary
Sth 1894, John P. Davis,
i-«-90d Ordinary.
Application fo.i Letters of Dis
GEOuTIA—Floyd County
Whereas J L Chambers Aduiinistraor Agnes
L Chambers represents to the court in his peti
ion duly filed that he has !adminiotered Agnes
I. Chambers estate. Thsiistoelte all persons
concarned. kindred and creditors to show
cause, if any they can, why said administrator
should not be discharged from his adininistra
aud receivo letters of dismission on the firs
Monday iu April 1894 This Jan 6th 1894
John P Davis
Qrdina-y Floyd Co, Ga
1 ismission.
Whereas Samuel Funkhouser, Administrator
of Hattie McKinzie, Dec’d, represents to the
court in his petition duly fikd, that he has ait
ministered Hattie McKinzie estate. This is to
cite all persons concerned, kiadred snd credi
•rs, to show cause, if r.ny they can, why said
administrator should not be discharged from
his administrat.on ami reo ire letters of dismis
eion on the first Monday iu April 1894. This
January Ist 1894.
Jobs P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County Georgia.
Letters of Administration.
GEORGIA,FIoyd County:
To all it may concern: Parry Lee Garn'gin
having in proper form applied to me to have
an Administrator appointed on the estate es
David Hull, late of eaid county. This is to cite
all and singular the creditors and next of kin to
David Hull to be and appear at my office within
the time allowed by law and show eause, if ai y
they can why permanent administration should
not be granted to C' uuty A'bninistrator on
David Hull’s, estate. wi ,nes| n >y hand and
official signature this sth. day of Mareh 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordinary Floyd County.
Application for Letters of
GEORGIA,-Floyd County:
Whereas Mrs. R. A. P. White Exectrix, of
Nancy Prentice dec’d, represent to the court
in her petition duly filed, that she has adminis
tered Nancy Prentice’s estate. This is to cite
all ersons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why said Execu
trix should not be discharged from her admin,
i.stration and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in June 1894. This Mareh sth.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia
Citation--Leave to Sell.
GBor.JiA, Floyd ounty:
To all whom it miy concein : John C. Printup
Executor of Henry S. Printup deceased has in
due form applied to the undersigned for leave
to sell the Bonds and all other property belong
to the estate of said deceased, and said appli
cation will be heard on the first Monday in
April next. This sth. day of March 1894.
John P. Davis, Ordinary.
Year's Support .
GEORGIA, Floyd County:
To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby
given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart
and assign a year's support to H. Eva Strick
land, the widow of B. M. Strickland deceased,
have filed their award, (it being for a 2nd years
Support) and unless good and sulliieieut cause
is shown, the sa ue will be made the judgment
of the court at the April term, 18S4 of the court
of Ordinary, This March sth 1894.
John P. Davis.
Ordinary Floyd county Georgia.
rixecutors, Sale.
Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordina
ryof Floyd county ;will be sold a auction at the
Court house doorlat Calhoun Ga Coun'y of Gordon
on the first Tuesday in April next, within the
legal hours of s ils: The following property to
wit all that tract of land in the 14 District and
3rd Section of originally Cherokee now Gordon
County, known as the Printup farm lying on the
East side of the Oostauaula Iti-er about (3
miles west of Calhoun and known as lots two
hundred and ten (210) two hundred and eleven
(211) and two hundred and twenty two (222) and
three parts of lots lying on i he East side of the
Oostanaula River, known as lots two hundred
and twelve (212) two hundred and twenty-one
(221) and two hundred and forty eight (148) con
tains in all about seveu hundred and twenty
(720) acres more or less, together with Ferry
and Ferry road sold as the property of Henry 8.
Printup late of County of Floyd, dated. This
i Ist day < f March 1894
John C. Printup
Exector of Estate of
H. 3, Printup Dec’d.
joi ran™
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Note Hea s,
J Ticket
By Getting Estimate.
From the
Prof. E. W. Smith. Prin. Commercial Col •
of Ky. University. Lexington, Ky., was awa
For System nfllo«k-k< cplng nnd Cent-
Huslnes* CrlurMtlon, ete. Cost to com.'
Business Course about J9O, including tuition,r c>
and board. Phonography, Type Writing ~od
Telegraphy taught. For circulars, address,
W. R. SMITH. l*rc-»l<lcnt, iiHrtou.
A&ENTS make five DOLLARS a DA'.
Greatest Kitchen utencil ever invct ted.
Retails 33 et.s. 2 to 6 sold in every house : san pl»
Postage paid Ove cents MoMAKIN & Co.
Clncirnatl, Ohio