Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Ch»«. D. Wood left «t 5.30
*> hit r or«‘U«nu for N» w T ork a:'d th?
net. Mr. Wood gm r prepared to
Ity in ono of th« beat stock* aver
to th* City.
Burket Automatic W athing
Machine should he in every hom*
in Rome. It hat been proveu by
The weverpet of te*ta t» be a com
plete eucceta and every hcuorwife
a« ds 'hia machine to lighten her
labors and eave her clothing.
Rupture cured Trus
ses fitted, Full stock
of surgical apoliames
at Hammack Lucas &.
Dr. H. J. Cunyera, of Hunti
ville. Tex., it m the citv the guest
of hia brother Mr, W. D. Cunyera
on Second Avenue.
Blue Grass and Garden a
just received by Trevitc and John
sob Come early and avoid letting
them sprout before you put them
in the ground
Mrs. Alonco Leith, of Birming
ham, Ala., ia in the city visiting
her mother Mrs. E . J. Magruder on
I'ewer Hill.
“Orange Blossom’, is a painless
cure for all diseases to women Sold
fresh by D. W. Curr Dr g ist
Mr. I’. M. Story, <»f Crystal
Springe brought iu a number of
bales of cotton th ia forenoon,
The Hustler or Rome wants to
testify to the great merits of the
Burke Automatic washing ma
; bin*. Our office towel waa broken
in two and ’run through th- ma
chine ona time. Now if we can get
pome good aiater to stich it togeth
er again we will once more hav?
a cloth towel as limber at a dish
n g and aa white aa the driven
Mayor Sam Maddox and Cel. L.
K. Shumate, of Dalton ware among
the many visitors in the oity to
Capt. Felix Corput, of Cave
Spring was in the city for a few
hours this forenoon,
Mrs, C R Garrard is
North purchasing a
nice line of Easter nats
and bonnets for A. O.
Garrard’s Millinery
Store No, 23 Broad
Ladies will find the wafers just
what they need, and can bo depend
ed upon even time to give relief Safe
aud sure. Can be sent l>y mail jealed
securely. Price 82.00 per box. Enier
son Drug Co., Sau Jose, Cal., and for
eale by Reese & Whitehead.
Fine Perfumes, toilet soap combs,
heir and tooth brushes, face pnwdci
and toilet articles at cut prices at
t ie assignee s sole of ReeceJi White
h ad.
* 3-12 dtf
for rent, Two comfort bl te leznen
houses fivaro finis eaci* on 4ti Avnue
f>r r<nt cheap. Can if desired be
eouv tied into one very comfortable
8-12-ts ’ W D. Hott.
The entire stock, fixtures nd
good-will of the late firm or
And wil ! continue business at the old stand
No. 206 Broad Street, where we will be glad
to se-d th ? patrons of the old firm as well as
the frian sos C. A. TREVITT and GUS JOHN
Mr. ’ ernie Hale will remain with us in the
Prescription Department.
Trevitt & Johnson
Mr. Billy W right requested me to
thunk the gallant boy* of the Rome
Fire department, for their prompt
response to the call fortheir services,
and the efficient work they did in cav
ing his property yesterday afternoon,
Tnefire was over the Sth Avenue Bar
of Mi.Chainlee, and was m st difficult
to get at. Finally when the tin roof
was opened and the boards cut away
so a fireman could enter the chemi
cal extinguisher was werked to great
advantage. Had the fire occured late
at night, the Hustlsb of Roms might
have “got it in the neck.**
v •
Ane’her 1< n » drunk at tl e Fs.ll
of Nineveh’’ this forenoon, and
Recorder Fouehe fined Mrs, Mat
Stacy, use Mrs. John Collius, col
$5 Old Matt thought she was en
titled to “mercy” as she claimed
that: “mo’ern three months had
passed since I’ro up heer.
• «
Wood & Freeman, the new gro
cers are moving into their p r ett\
stand No. 202 Rroad St. next door
to Currys. The stock is arriving
daily aud by Saturday, Mr, Ed
Wood hopes to he in shape to ea
ter to the orders of his old patrons
and the publicgenerally.
Livingston, Ga., March 13.
Mr. J. E. Ktepheas left Satur
day for Stanten to be absent sev
eral days.
Mr. Claud Landers one of the
most agreeable young men of
Vanns Valley was down lust week.
Saturday was court day and one
case was disposed of, Three par
ties, Baas Bros., Sandford and R.
B. McArver, claimed a mule. Mr.
Eubanks gained the case for Mc.-
A boy in the country thinks Is
i« quite old enough tu see the giris
but bis mother thinks differently
and was giving him a “private
ialk,“ snatehee of which reached
the ear of a third party.
To her question, why ha had
nut told her where he was going,
he answered. I knew.
I weuld get tuch a eousideabls
oust — preaching, that 1 was afraid
A few an w irable arguments, nrt
this reply ia imitation of Pecks bad
Preach on mother I hope I’ll be
condensed juet keep on—rear and
scotch—l’m about to get happy.
More arguments.
Why look at the circumsquencea,
tin y the very popularest people
in the country.
Finally in desperation.
I wish every girl I know was is
’urgatory or some other het sea
tiort town (Curtain)
Z. Y, X,
cures Dyspepsia, In
digrestion& Debility
Staff's Sales Fur April
BORGIA, Wix»n» Corxvr.
Will l>e ao>«l before the covrt house door In
theenywf B<-<w. Floyd county, Ga., beiwe«u
the legal bourn of »ale on >he flrat lueaday in
April, 18k4, tlx following described property
to wit:
All tha* lot of land anna-ed in the Oon'anaula
di.iaiuii ol the < it) of Home, Ga., aituated on
the north west corner of Eighth avenue (foriner-
Ij J.uiapkin street > and fronting 65 feet on West
Seeoml-treel, and 130 feet on eighth stenti*,
more or leas ;it being half of the oid Fouche
school houwe lot. Levied on by virtue of a jus.
t ce court fl fa i*«ue . from’the 919 district Q.
»1. in favor of Stegmat <Si Will, vs J. w Davh
&<•.,*« the property of J. W. Davis Levie
made bj II Beard. 1.
Also at the sains time and place, all that tract
•f land known as the south three-fourth of lot
'O 286, south half of lot No. 288, south half of
No 287. all of land lots Nos. 289 and 324, all in
lourih distric. and lour.u section, Floyd coun
ty Georgia, containfn SOO acres, more’or less;
also land lot No, 1 in tbird district and in third
district and fourth section, eontai'.ingaO acre-,
in Flopd county. Levied oi> by virtue of a jus he
court fi fa issued from the loiaih dee t rie t, G. * .
ib tar >r of J. A. Ba’e vs Isac Harris and G w
Thomas, as the property of ths t.efeudant, G,
W. Thomas.
Also at the same iime and place, lot of land
No 624 ia thin! district and fourth section of
gt-.vit county. Levie* uu by virtue of ah fa is
sued by John J. black, T.t'., in tavor of State
and county vs Martin J. Habo, as the propertv
of the defendant Levy made by yy. E. Kyle,
Also at the same time and place, one sorrel
mare mule name “.Mary” four years old, one
black mare mule name Jane” four years old,
one cream colored home colt tw.. years old, one
bay horse colt three years eld name “Floyd,”
one bay horse colt three years eld name “John ”
Levied’ on by virtue of two fl fas issued from
the Fiard Chy court in favor of T K. Jones vs
V. T. Sanford, asthe property of the defentant.
Also at the same tini • and place, one undivi
d <1 one-half interest in that portion of lot No.
i tn the village of Timbuctoo, near Forestville,
being a partof lot of land no. 208 in the twenty
third district and third section; bounded oa
■lie north by the Calhoun road, on the east by
Anderson Miller’s lot. no 6, on the south by let
so. 4 owned by Jeff Wright and on the west by
lot so. 3 also owned by Jt ff wrtght. Levied on
by virtue of a fl fa issued from he justice conn
■>r 9191 h district G M., in favor of w. H. < oke'
& co,, vs Lewis Thurman, as the property of
rite defendant. Levy made by w. M. Byars, L,
Also at the same time and place, ali the rights
titles and interest of 7 C B< g/s iu the following
described property: Lot ol land being in the
countr of r loyd and S>ate of G»„ aud more
particularly known as part of lot No. 85 in the
3rd section and ?3rd district touit : Beginning
at a stake on : he Rou’hwest corner of O P Neel
Io on the Dalton road running South along the
Daltou road one hundred and thr-e and nine
inches to a stake theirte Elis’ ?1 rods to a stake
thence North one hundred aud three feet and
ntne inches to a stake, thence West 51 rods to
the pl of begiuni. g. containing two acres of
land more or less Ai’so all that tract or parcel
of land lying a-ol being in the 2dru district and
3rd section of Floyd co ntv, Ga,, being 612
aeros off of lot No. 8’ beginning on the Dalton
road at the line of tract sold to T K Boggs, run
ning thence East ta line of lot, thence Nrr h to
1 ne of H H Richards, thence West to Dalton
read, thence South to beginning come-, the
t’act hereby conveyed being all enclosed. Lev
ied on by virtue of a Justice fourt fifa issued
from the 919th district G. .M in favor of M 1,
Palmer vs Cox A Boggs.
AL oat the sam ' time and place, in the 4th
district and 4’b sec.ion of Floyd county, distin
guisbed in ihe plan of said district, section and
• n’y as lots of land N“S 56 and 57 contain
ing three hundred and twemy acres mo e or less
Levied an by virtue of a fifa issue from the
Flo)d City Court in favor of Henry 'I rvey, ad
ininistrator etc. of J E Berry vs Ike J Berry as
the propertyjof the defendant.
Also a s the s me time and place lot of land ly
ing and being in Block B. of Harbour's dditi.r,
in I'rinlup City, as follows : Lot No. 15 from
isg West on Second aienue 75 feet, being 64 feet
deep oi. ti e South side 62 feet wide iu the -ear
and 130 feet deep on North side; also lot no 13
f o: ting on First avenue, East 55 feet and run
ning back West on South side 168 fee and on
'he North side ISO feet, the same being .53 ieet
fwide in the rear as sh wn n map of Block B
>f iarbou.’s addition to . rintup Citv, Levied
on by virtue of a J slice Cm;rt fita issued from
the 19th district. G M,, in favor of Donald
Harner, Seib Wright and Moses wright vs. Pat
sy Isbell Tom Isbell and Rosa Isbell vs ihe
propertv of rhe defendants
Also at the same time and place one house and
lot adjoining the town of East Rome said lo
fron ing 55 feet on Spring Creek road and run
ning back 155 feet of proper tv of Crockett
< ampbt ll bounded on the East by i roperty of
Eliza Turner and on the west by fsrah Horton
Levie lon by virtue of a fifa issued by J j Black
T. C ,in favor of S ate a <1 County vs Mahala
.McCain asthe property of Maha a and Lucy Me
Cain undivided one-half interest.
a'so at the same time and place west half of
lot of land no 52 in t ie I'h district and 4 th, sec
ti >n of Floyd county, Ga, Levied on by virtue
of a fi fa issued from the il2oth di-trict G M in
favor of W’P Mel eod vs J T Riley as the
prop rty of the defemlaot.
Also at *h save tiiHA And jda> e that tract o
parcel of land situate *, ir the 23rd district an
3-d section o‘Flo d county Ga being on > ere
in re off of lo- o 124 in the forks of the Dal
t n rind Sum “erv lie roads, that is, that : art of
lot no 124 which lies in the forks of s id roads
-bo it. two and one half mile-from the corpotion
imits of the city of Rome Also two acre- of lo
1 7in23 dist ia and 3rd section s aid state anti
c.-unty and adjoining the the above described
one acre off t lot No 124 ind which two acr-s
i-s between - hs Dalton and Summerville roa< s
an 1 more fully described In a deed i v A. <
-Irimbleto D. P Phillips and 11. D. Aycock, now
in the possession of the defendant, levied o
ny vir ne of a Justice court fi fa issued from
the 919 district G, m. Floyd cmmtv Ga. in lav
ol Rome Grocery co. vs. J M Jones s the prop
erty of the dsfendant.
Also at the same time an i place the follow
ing property, 11 wit: One five story brick I- ib
iig known as the Armstrong Hotel, silunted n
th > corner of Second avenue and East r its
street tn the city of Rome, Fioyd couetv Ga
Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from the
k’loyd city court in favor of Joseph R. Peebles
8 Co, vs the R«me Hotel company as the
propertv of the Rome Hotel Co,
Also at the same time and place the following
proper ty.tewit: All thattractof land in theitb
section of Floyd county oa. known in the plan
of said dittaict as whole lots Nos. 264,265 and
241 containing 160 acres each , also 136 acres off
of the E.ast side of lot No. 263, said farm laud
aggregating 616 acres mon-or ess and known
a« tt e Higginbotham farm, Levied on by virtue
of a fi fa issued from the court of Ordinary of
Floyd county Ga in favor of Alice Fowler vs
Tlioraas B. Higginbotham as the property of
the defendant
Jnke C. Moor- , Sheriff
Georgia, Floyd county.
Netice is hereby give- that a Petition signed
by Fifteen or more Freeholders of the “siuth
Waters) District G M of said cmutv has bee
filed in my office asking that the benefits for
the divisions of section -419 1459 1451 1452 1453
and 1454 of Ihe code of Georgia of 1884 and the
amendments thereto shall a; ply to said 859th
1) s aict G M, of said esunty.
1 farther give notice that an Election will l e
ordered oh the 2nd day of A) ril next (is .4) mid
Election to occur o- the2ls;d vof April rext
( 891) •> de-id-* the qne-ti.m--fence” or "stock
liw according *0 the statutes iu such case
m fi aud |to> d d
V a 11. der my hand and official Signature
tn ..11 day of xr irch 1894.
John P. Davis
Ordir.a y Floyd co. Ga.
Z\T? snys: "I: pprecikle the fact
.ydSyCi. * y‘3#. tbst there are many thall
i'. saudsufli-.dicsir.t he United
Suitestha • i:ld like t> try
< M lU y " 1 Ttd-li ■ ■ wncd Face
Bleach: tut .' been
y*4i k-' ( t fttm: • ■.- ~on nc-
VXw' /w 5■ couutt f r a hisK.GU
4GM V per bottle. . tfestukeu
M h. , *? tb M r ’ ■ It* order
thatalloft i' asyhnve
VsT 1 anopportui . J-.'lgive
\L to every calh t , absolutely
_ free, a sample bt.ttle, and
’?/ . of city .or in any partof the
World.l willsend It surely packedin plain wrapper
all charges prepaid. for 25 cents, silver or stamp.”
In every ease of freckles, pimples,moth, sal
lowness, blackheads,acne, ecsenta,ellines« rough,
neaa, or any discoloration or disease of the skin
and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression!
F-tCB Bi.bach removes absolutely. It docs not
coverup, u. Ooamclltw do, but is a cure. Address.
IfATUWF A. MVF.“i PT t -x. 0)
‘ -•«; ci”W
Calarrtal Affections,
Deafness &c
For all Diseases
Elevon yea”? practical exper
ience in the Australian Colo
nies and New Zealand
The eminent Oculist, Aurist and
General Botanic Practitioner and
author of numerous scientific pam
phlets on Eye. Ear, Noe* and
Threat Diseases, a«d Lecturer on
the American Botanic system of
Medical Practice, is now in Rome,
and may be consulted at the Cen
tral Hotel.
NOTE —Dr. Raymond ie in
possession of letters and testimo
nials from persons who had tried
to no avail the highest Allopathic
and Homeopathic Medical Skill
of England, Europe, America and
Auetrailia. and his literary work
been acknowledged by the Prin
c ts of Wales. Patients read the
Doctor s Scientifiic pamphlet and
consult,him at one*.
Will make a lonjr stay if sufficient
y supported, Can be found at tie
Central Hotel, Rome.
“Perhaps you would not think so
but a very large proportion of dis
■ ases in New Yorx comes from care-
about catching cold ’ says
Dr Syrus Edson. “It is such a simple
thing and so common that very few
oeople, unless it is a case of pneumo
nia, pay any attenti <n to a cold. New
York is one of the healthiest places
on the Atlantic Coast and yet there
ire a great many cases of catarrh and
consumption which have their origin
u shis neglect of the simplest precau
tion of every day life. The most
-cnsible advice is, when you have one
_;et rid of it as soon as possible. By all
means do not neg'e tit ’Dr. Edson
loes not teil how t errs a cold but
we will. Take Cbawiberl in’s Cough
Remedy . It will relieve the lungs,
tid expcctora ! ion, open the secretions
vud soon effect a permanent cure .
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Lowry Bros. Druggist,
The following letter was written
by W. A. Rhudy, one of Rime’s
eading businessmen, and he “speaks
mt iu meeting” about the New York
Life Insurance Company. Mr. Rhudy
is a most conservative business man
and his letter is strong and to the
Rome, Ga., March 5-1894.
Jno. J. Mickle Esq.
Agent New York Life Ins. Co.
Rome, Ga.
Dear Sir:—
I have been carrying a
s•> .000 policy in the company you
represent and have received my first
dividend and settlement. lain so well
pleased with the company’s liberality
in dealing with its policy-holders that
it affords me pleasure to say that I
aave taken out another $5, 000 policy
with you aud consider inyself fortu
late ifi having SIO,OOO insurance in
the New Yoik life.
Yours Truly,
W. A. Rfcudy.
Frank Taylor the old knight of
the razor has opend up a new bar
Her shop at 224 Broad street. He
ii.vites all his friendc aud patrons
to call early and often . I—24tj
Have you tried War
ters “Extra Good”
Rome made cigar? it
is the most fragrant
smoke on the market.
Citation—Leave to Sell
Ghohgia, FLoy 1 COUNTY :
To *ll whom it may concern:—W, A- Bhudy.
Administrator of Aggie Berryhill deceased has
in due form applied to the undersigned for
le ive to sell 'he lands and personal property be
longing to tl e estate of said deceased, and taid
application will be heard ou the first Monday in
April next. This 7th day of March 1894.
Job* P. Davis, Ordinary.
iDCigestlon and Stomach disorder* taten
<ll de*l“rt k“on ft *t pc bottle. Gfcaui.vhei
*• iW’e-juarx uitd cr w- -i rexi
Speaking of
When it is serious of course you
call a do< tor, he prescribes and you
are satisfied
But stop a jniniite. That prescription
wants filling, and if the patient is danger
ously ill you wish it. PROMPTLY
PREPARED. In any case you want it
and therefore done by somebody with ex
pedience. Again, you don’t want to pay
more than the .medicine a dservice is
New, all these considerations will prob
ably impel you to ask the doctor, “Whera
shall 1 go to get this quick’y, properly and
economically prepared?’’ llis answer can
not fail to be—
At Bimci LUCAS 4 CO'S
- ■■ Th ffliiilt Ormists.
For the Benefit of Creditor
The large stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods.
Trunks, Bags, Valises, in fact the entire stock of th* late
firm of W. M, GAMMON & CO., will be closed out for
the benefit efereditors.
The money must be realized on this stock at once and
puces will be made to force the sales REGARDLESS OF COST
Dunlaps $5 Ha*s at $2.50 E. &W. Collars at $2 per fa
(lotbing and everything in stock at prices to suit purchasw
CASH down will be demanded. Nothing will be sent out, ej.
changed or taken back. Ail persons Udebted to said nra
aie hereby notified to settle at once or claims will b« put oat
’for collection.
R. G. CLARK, Assignee.
lieFWral hotel. ~
M HAWffl®
. „ . , W FWISBI
N. M. GOMEZ Proprietor.
ick’s floral Guide,lß94,
-WsL r> . O * le l’* oneer Catalogue of Vegetables and Flowers.
A J C° n t- a i nE 112 pages Bxl2 1-2 inches, with descrip- —1
describe,not misleadj illustrations F m-zxt-b'v rrFW
- that instruct, not exaggerate. .
The COTe1 ’ ie charmin « in harmonious blending of Branching Avter,
water eolor prints in green and white, with a gold back- (Often told fnrChrj*
. -7 ground,-* drcam of beauty. 32 pages of Novelties j
SWtTTPFA I printed in 8 different oolore. All the leading novelties Hibiscus, bannob
mtJ.irta l and the best of the old varieties. These bard times you Dahlia, Ethel Vici,
. VICK’S I cannot afford to run any risk. Buy HONEST GOODS Lar-” Horning Gtorie*.
7 Where vou will receive mi MEASURE. It is not nee- -
, Wh l , \ toaiiverUee that Vick’s seeds grow, this ia known Dor-hlo Aut mone,
r'-A’MRj, ff 1 * ' vorld °Y er . and alio that tlie harvest im vs. A verv Cliarmer Pea.
~J 3 k4 I »l'e“t for proper seed will save grocer’s and doc- * 1 . j
Tncslictl . tor stills. Many concede Vick’s Floral Guide Uie band- Beg.-fiJ Narphy
tewaktt eonwet catalogue for 1894. Jf you love a fine garden r ?et*tO<*
New cottage for rent, on West
First Street next to Mr. George
Chidsey. Can be had at a low figure.
Apply to
1 w. Luke McDonald
take notice.
Aon are hereby notified to come
forward and pay your street tax
at once, as you will be summoned
to appear before the mayor and
council, sitting as a board of com
missioners. You are liable to be
(med for non-payment of same.
J. C. Brown,
City Marshal.
Mrs.J. W May is new ready for
spring work. Dresses and chil
dren’s especially Cuttiu and
504 Broad St.
Recommend Johnson’s Magnetic
< for rheumatism, neuralgia
sprain., brui ßeß , j arae baek gl J’
quicaly relieves pain ’
<Mdln S oV^hn 1