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tree as ••nrst-cUss
seconn-class Mall Hatter.
miLG.BYBD, j E M l X’g‘“‘ i
10 eent.. week or $5 00 per annum
FFICE: Corner Broad Street and
btfih Avenue.
Official Organ
'Of tfie city of Rome, and Foyd, the
“Banner county'" of Georgia.
Thirty days from this date all advertising
’pertain' ng te the office of Sheriff of Floyd county
will be done in the Hustler of Rome.
3Thi« April 3, 1894. J. C. MOORE
laivfw Sheriffy F lo d Co., Ga
■‘"The man whose business is to
‘interpret the Bible is likely to
make a sad miss of interpreting a
Qt&tferm “—[Atlanta Journal, Ev
aus argan. ]
The following is a list of appoint
ments of Hon. \V. Y. Atkinson;
Blakeiy, Early county, on Friday,
April 13th.
Albany., Doughtery county, on Sat
varday, April L4th-
Any of these dates are subject to
-cancellation, should they conflict
with dates selected for subsequent
* oint debater.
"Wow d»th the little busy bee
Mourn for the frosted flower,
w bile the boot black on his bended knee
1 inproves each “shining’- hour.
KVinter continues to Breckenrige
with spring.
•“Can a murderer, with money
be convicted in Floyd county ?”
Public spirited men do not neces
se ’ily imbibe their spirits in pub’ic.
Cotton ph.nting time is here,but
the weather refuses to cotton to
the situation.
'1 ae Bed handed colony of Rome
has received another distinguish
ed accessory.
Boarding a moving tram is
• About as uncertain of results as
boarding a moving man.
A nice 6 room cottage on East
1 ii.jt sheet at your own price by
«c’’ing on A. B. S. Mosley.
The tetotaler and the tipler are
a’ he, only different. One never drinks
a drop, and the other never drops a
> Srink.
• I- -
Tne charge of his Honor Judge
il eury, in the Wilkerson case was
•a c.ear, compact, able and impar
tial charge.
Even the Prohibitionists are ad
vis i.g Congress to use more “rum”
-not bay rum or gay rum, hut moe
rum— -quo-rum.
When men with a “pull” go into
ure stump pulling business, perhaps
the etump speaker will have a hard
er time pulling through. Perhaps.
ILee Langley’s Macon Bee seems to
be gathering great combs of honey
despite the filibustering of winter
and the inability of spring to get a
And this from the Augusta Her
ald, one of General Evans’ ablest
supporters: “Neither Gen. Evans
nor Air. Atkinson is too modest
to be governor.'’
A train load of flour from Cin
cinnati will be shipped to Europe
from Port Royal by the Mexican
<?t; the 22ud inst. This begins to
look like business.
The Nihilist ot Russia should
put an insurance policy of a few
. uii'lion dollars on th® life of the
‘dJzar, before they get iu their work
This would be a good way for the
Nihilists to become capitalists,
The Hungarians of New. York must
be genuine, dyed-in-the-wool patri
ots . They marched for hours in a
| jx'ld, drenching rain and never a
cmcl shirked his duty to the memon
of Kossuth, in whose honor they pa
jraded and made speeches.
So far as the two la'ter apply to
the former,they are forever guaran
teed him, in the county of Floyd >
so far as the courts are concerned
The Libertine is a gay fellow at
heart, no matter if his eyes wear a
sad expression or his mustache
droop with seeming modesty.
He is a privileged character too,
and when he bends his angelic
gaze on a woman it behooves her
male relatives and protectors to
tight him with spy glasses and
• ong range rifles —from afar.
For the courts of Flovd will
protect him—have they not said
Besides being gay-hearted, the
libertine has relatives, who, rather
than suffer the disgrace of his
conviction, will turn loose their
c isb to save him to the earth—even
to the “society” of e»rth.
So when the libertine turns to a
woman, let her friends, either
abandon her to her fate, or smite
him down like a dog aud crush
him like the seroent that he is—
for should he decide that he wants
her male protector “removed” the
court,of Floyd have said he has a
right to “remove” such au obsta
And when you go to fight the
white livered traitor, remember
the fate of Free Stephens and see
to it that he has not had access to
your pistol,for the libertine,though
gay-hearted, has as much coward
ice in his soul as he has lust in his
Though he wears the form of a
man he is a serpent, and if you love
your wcmei, remember the law
will not protect them, and if you are
a man you must, so slay him the mo
ment you catch him lurking near the
haunts of your loved ones—your jew
God gives you a right to self pro
ection, and if the honor of mither,
wife sistei or daughter is dearer than
life, then protect it—and knowing, as
you do, that the law extends not the
protection it nromises, you are to be
doubly on guard to save them.
If in the discharge of this, duty to
those dependent upon you, your
courage wavers, remember that mur
derers are never hung in Floyd coun
ty, and therefore the slayer of ser
pents will hardly be arranged in the
We have been slow to take posi
tion in the gubernatorial race for
several reasons. Having not been
long a resident m this part of the
State our acquaintance with Mr.
Atkinson was limited, and from
previous associations we felt kind,
ly disposed toward Gen, Evans,
though we are free to confess there
are other men in the State we
would have preferred to either,
After watching the progress of the
campaign, however, aud becom
ing better acquainted with Mr. At
kinsou, and his character and
ability, we are free to say that Mr
Atkinson is fully qualified to fill
the iflice of governor. His legis
lative training has been such that
he is thoroughly acquainted with
all current matters affecting the
interests of the State, while his
ability has been made manifest in
his speeches and his successful
career. All these things being
true, we admit that his distin
guished services to his party com
mend him to the respect, gratitude
Rud support of the party. —Carroll
County Times.
"Bab,” Writing of a bride and
groom says: “Although he says he
don’t think she ought to talk bo
loud, she has him for the time be
ing under sueh control that he
don’t even dare say that his soul
is his own.” It “do not” strike us
that either of them should talk at
all unless better grammar than
“Bab’s” is used.
Col. Atkinson appears to ha\e
dropped some of his prominence
since the cessation of the joint de
bates. —Brunswick Times.
Yes? But really, now, tell us
where General Evans has dropped
to since Mr. Atkinson was denied
the privilege of drawing audiences
for the Atlanta man, who has
uothiug to run on but a war rec
The fellow who attempted to
hold up an Erie passenger train at
Hammond, Ind., claims that he
was madeershy by getting married
It is very questionable, however,
whether marriage was the cause of
the effect of his sanity.—Columbus
A woman of Hamden, 0., answer
ed an advertisement recently which
promisedto give a satisfactory receipe
for making coffee. The reply was:
•‘Practice till you get it exactly
right, then keep on making it in that
way.” Sue boiled over.— Athens
Banner. ,
Prof. List, th* Bavai nah pian
ist, killed himsult by a sea of
twenty hours com inuous j layi g
This should be a warning t<» new
beginners.—Brunswick Advertiser.
Yes. and to those who have to
List to the “new beginner.’No won
der death gets them on the List.
We learn that the fine p> acb or
chard ot Mr. Milam Gunn, near
Plainville, was badly injured, if
not altogether ruined, by the cold
weather of two weeks ago. This
was a valuable piece of property.
There were 35 acres in the orchard
and Mr Gunn sold from it last
year $6,000 worth of peaches,which
after paying all t Tpenses, left the
handsome profit of $3,000,
Gov. Tillman and his cohorts
are running South Carolina just
like Kolb and his gang would run
Alabama, if they were in power.—
Waycross Herald.
Yes, just like Lewellen and his
gang have run Kansas and Waite
has run Colorado. The people must
keep their State governments out
of the control of revolutionary
fanatics and political cranks.—
Marietta Journal.
Macon is beginning »o punch At
lanta in the column of hustling cities
of Georgia. The other day, the pastor
of the Mulberry street Methodist
church announced that he wanted
e nough money to erect a two-story
Sunday School building. The idea
took and in less than half an hour
over $15,000 had been subscribed.
That kind of spirit is the best adver
tisement a town can have at home or
abroad, and it should be emulated in
e ery city in Georgia. Let's advertise
the State!—Albany Herald.
“We defy any newspaper or in
dividual to prove that we nave ev
er said we were for Evans. Since
the race began we have maintain
ed that A’kinsou was our favorite
between the two men.”—Ringold
New South.
That’s right, Trox, kuss out the
whole shooting match and throw
Hal Moore down and f ake his k’d
gloves away from him and give
them to your girl. None of that
gang will fight fair 'ceptin you
lick the stnflln outen ’em a couple
of times.
In speaking of the Legislative race
today, W. J . Neel, Esq., stated posi
tively, that he would not be a candi
date. Mr. Neel said: “I *am very
grateful to my friends iu all parts of
the county for their expressions of
approval of my record in the last
Legislature, and their promises of
support if I become a candidate again.
I esteem it a very high honor to have
represented Floyd County, and per
sonally I would take pleasure and
pride in a continued service in the
Legislature, but in duty to my friends
and my creditors, I am compelled fer
the present to give my dilligent at
tention to my private and profession
al business. In addition to this, I
have recently been elected a member
of the City Council of Rome, and ap
pointed Chairman of the Finance
committee of the new Council, and it
will be necessary for me to give care
ful attention to the finance of Rome.
I will not therefore be in the race.
Wanted:—A second hand en
gine, about 15 or 20 horse pone
Apply to or address Rounsaviil
4-3-ts. Rome. Ga.
The public is hereby notified
tha r I will pay no bills contracted
by my sou, Pierce Roser, either on
verbal or wriien order.
P. D. Roser.
The H. B. Parks & Go.
We bought it to sell quickly and
this we will do if prices prove a
factor in. the distribution, of desir
able goods.
We bought the stock cheap—
away down under value, and we
can afford to sell it
• I
and at and below cost we will sell this immense
stock of dry goods, trimmings, notions, furnishing I
goods, hosiery and shoes—more than one half of I
them new goods, bought recently in the eastbyl
Mr. Powersforthe springtrade. I
The se u'oods will he sold at or below cost.
clerk will have unconditional instructions to st? ®
them that way and now if you want to save mob®
on buy go to the Parks &Co Store- 1 1 0
fail to find what you want there <2,0 to our old stall®
for it as, prices will alsobe cut in two there in 01 ■
to reduce our present enormous investments in llie E
chandise. No changes in Parks &Co’s force. c ° u ®
to ses us- NNe will save you biq; money- I
M Bass. Bros &Co 1