Newspaper Page Text
The Pluck And Perseverance
oi a xdodest Little Woman
In the Naniinff of Geoigia's Next Ruler.
An Atlanta Paper’s High Compli
ment to Mrs. Governor Atkinson.
The following well deserved
tribute is paid the wife of Geor
gia’s next Gi veruer by Blackburn’s
Atlanta Daily Commercial:
‘ what one woman has done”
‘‘There is a brave, loyal little wo.
man down the West Point road, that
deserves the praise of every true man
in the state.
Ail through the present contest fo r
the Democratic nomination for gov
ernor, she has labored in her own
swrec, devoted way, for the success
or tue pride of her ambition an'l the
king of her devotion.
Through good and evil report, in
{he hour of lowering doubt and in
moments of exultant confidence
against what seemed to be over
whelming odds and in the season of
conquering determination, she has
been faithful, unerring, resolpte and
Now that her heart s best wish
has been gratified and her ambi
tion's most cherished hope has
inateri: .zed into splendid suc
cess, thousands of sturdy Demo
crats pay manly, chivalrous tribute
to the wife Hon. V, Y. Atkinson
whose untiring and brilliant work
for the idol of her heart k has btreu
rewarded by the most phenomenal
success ever achieved in a politic
al contest m Georgi .
While Mr. Atkinson Has astonished
his fiiends and dismayed his oppo
nents with the thoroughness of his
organization and the brilliancy of Lis
tactics, we hazard nothing in saying,
that to the soulful work of his indus
trious wife, wao has, from the retire
ment of home, answered the number
jess letters of his sympathizers, and
directed, in great measure, his cam
paign through the state, is due large
jy the magnificent ecope of Lis vic«
Having none of the aesertite
gese of the woman who clamors
for political HOognitlon, has, nev
ertheless, with a gentleness that is
characteristic of her sex, and a
skill that possessed by few trained
politicians, given a direction to
the contest that is supeibly be
wildering to many who assume
political leadership.
It is not often that the sweet
impress of a woman is seen in
gold fight for political advantage,
but Mr. Atkinson, being without
menus uecetsary to employ' the
machinery of a well organized
campaign committe, there was no
one to whom ho could look foi
such aid as the woman oi his heart
who had served him so loyally in
the battle of life.
In this he was peculiarly blessed
—for, without blunder, she has
discharged the duties that fall to
such committees, and demonstrat
ed to the world what one woman
can do when the test is put upon
The democracy of Georgia will
bless the gently hand that has
been seen in tins contest by the
overwhelming election of the
brainy young statesman and de
voted Democrat who has fought
his way to power through an army
of fixed bayonets.
You can get choice of new up
right or small square piano, rather
than move them, party will oifer
inducements to purchaser. Ad
dress Z. Z. Care Hustler of Rome.
The Teachers Institute of this
county now in session is well at
tended in both the white and col
ored departments, The Institute
has commenced its work in good
—jhu rxza—ll —t-K-A—cYnart _ Juu lu l/i«_
meut of Commissioner VV. M.
Bridges, who is one of the best in
the slate,
Wanted: Lady to do writing
for me at her own home ; S2O a
week easily mace. Enclose siamp
With application,
Mrs. Ln lian Digby,
kfc. -22-tti.. 8< i h I'end Ind.
The Rome Methodist preachers
met this morning in the lecture
room of First Methodist church,
On calling the roll the following
minister were found to be present.
Rev’s, J. T. Gibson, D. D.,G.W.
Duval, John Bale, W. 8. Btevens
8. L- Pope. M . L. Troutman, Jr.,
J. A. Sewell, R. T. Wilkerson, and
8. A. Harns. Rev. J. B. Robbins,
I\ D., of Ist Methodist church, At
lanta Rev. T. F. Pierce, P E, of
Rome District, and Capt, M. L.
Troutman, a layman from the
North Rome, ci., were present as
The election of an editor for “The
Rome Methodist” for the months
of July and August, resulted in
i he unanimous choice of Rev, G.W
Duvall, Pastor of 2ua, church.
The reports from the various
charges, were very encourageing
indeed, and the prospects are good
fora great spiritued advancement
along all lines.
On motion. Revs. M. L. Trout
man, Jr.,G. W. Duvall, and S. L.
Pope were appointed a committee
on topics for the month of July.
I’he topic eelected to be discussed
at the next meeting is—“ What can
we do to increase parental interest
in children services.” Rev. M. L
Troutman, Jr, was appointed to
lead in the discusjiou.
There being no further business
the meeting adjourned with bene
diction by Rev. T. F, Pierce.
Lost:—A diamond stud Ud
cresent shaped watch charm with
my monogram, 0 • R. P. on back.
Finder will be rewarded by return
lug same to me.
6-22 4t. Charlie R. Bitner.
Rev. Jesse G Hunt returned to bis
home in Walker county yesterday af
ter closing one of the most glorious
levivals ever held in Rome. The
North Rome Baptist church received
15 new members, 9of whom wer<
baptized in the Etowah Rivsr yester
day morning. There are a number oi
othej? who have been converted and
hava not oryet gttacbed themselves
to any chui ch.
The Baptist preachers of Floyd
county will meet in regular monthly
conferance at the First Baptist church
next Tuesday Juh 3 i at 10 o’clock
Dr. R. B. Headdeu will read and
interesting paper and there are other
good things on the programme which
promises, to make this a most
profitable session,
Fast Colored lawns
A/Orth 8 cts. for 4 CtS-
A. B. McArver & Go-
Dr. J. T. Gibson preached a pow
erful sermon at the First Methodist
Ciiujch yesterday, and was listened to
will, t ;e greatest interest b j he Luge
congregation present.
Mr. W. S. Gibbons, from his
Vann’s Valley farm, is supplying
Rome in, addition to other nice
things, the finest tomatoes in the
Street overseer Hugh Given has
been busy all day cieuiing sewers
that were choked up yesterday by
large quantities of sand washed iitj
Dr. R.B. Headden preached a fme
sermon yesterday mo j ning at the
First Baptist and at its conclusion re
ceived two member by letter.
The farmers now pretty generally
admit that the glass seed in the
ground were not all ki lied by the
long dry spell.
Wanted: —I want to buv a cot
tage close in, and pleasantly
situated —Anyone having such au
article for sale on the wstallmet
plan would do well to address A’
B. C, care of Hustler of Rome.
Give description of property and
bet terms,
Floyd Superioi court meets again
tuiuOiTOW uiumiug fur Judge TT. M
Henry to hear and dispose of some
motion .
Give ; n your state and county tax
this week or you w 1 je f Ouble-taxed
Romans will not regale themselves
on the celebrated Dean w«termel
ons this year before the latter part of
-I 1 -.
It plays Havock in Many
Near the Brick Works. Rome Would
be a Good Field for Lightning rod
Agents, to ply Their Vocation.
Yesterday’s wind rian and light -
ning storm was one oi the worst that
has visited this section for a long
time, and the probability is that damage has been done through
out the country. \
The rain came down in torrents
and the lightening flashes were
sharp and vivid, and the wind
blew at a terrific speed. The sec
tion of country through which the
storm passed has not been' fully
heard from yet, but it is feared
that great damage has been done,
especially to the growing crops.
Out near the Rome Brick yard, a
negro cabin was struck by light
ning ; from which it cought fire
and was totally consumed, luckily
Ihe occupants of the house were
not at home and lo one was in
Frank Miler’s house in the
Fifth Ward, was also struck by
lightning, but outside of a genera;
shaking up of the occupants, no
serious damage was done. It is
reported that Mr. Jim McCaffr?”,
who l ; ves in the same home was
knocked senseless by the shock .
A tree in the yard of Mr. Gue.
Buford of North Rome was also struck
by lightning and completely demol
Mr.A .B. McArver who was out in
the cot n ry during the storm re. ot>
a cloud burst out in CLulio District.
Near Callier Springs the water
from the mountain sides came
down with such a rush that it
formed a river across the raod at
least eight feet deep, where yester
day morning there was nothing
but the dry earth. Mr. McArver
says that he had to wait for more
than au heur before it subsided
enough for him to ford the stream
with his buggy.
It is feared that hill side farms
have suffered severely, and bottom
lands may be in the same fix on
the account of the earths washing
down on it, covering up small cot
ton and corn.
Effervescent, too.
Exhilarating, appetizing.
Just the thing to build up the
HirCS 9 Rootbeer
Wholesome and strengthening,
pure blood, free from b< :1s or
carbuncles. General good health
—results from drinking HIRES’
Rootbeer the year round.
Package makes five gallons, 25c.
Ask your druggist or grocer for it.
Take no other.
Send 2-cent stamp to the Charles R. Hires
Co., 117 Arch St., Philadelphia, fur beauti
ful picture cards.
A. B. McArver & Co.
store was crowed with
buyers and bargain
hunters last week:
while this sale goes on
they will continue to
ap lEiog jon
•010 jreddoo •riojjtuj
•s&opniM nit) 'letfura *6swjq
aiqjwui qujwd suvep rwy Nog w
‘tpiujog syeQ
•11 saoa
©ipso e qi mojir !
noX JI i 90U0J Tpß?
eqq no eStna jva
RPf qstM noX O<]
•fttiy uog jnoqt?
... .. ~ .■■>'■7— ’-nnt;;:r r-
This was Supreme Court day in the
Fall of Ninevah. Court convened
with a full nench 1 r sett, comistin ,
• o
of Chief Justice Satterfield and Jus
tices Stoffragen and McArver, who
presided with dignity and decorum.
The first case tukeu up was that of
Joe Robinson. Defendant vs. City of
Rome p.aintiff, wherein the defendant
was charged with disorderly conduct*
On account of the preponderance, of
evidence being on Hie side of the de
fendant, he was discharged.
The next case was that of Wil
Turner, col. Deft. vs. City of Rome
plaintiff, wherein the defendant was
uhaiged with sleeping on the side
walk. On account of a ack of witness,
es and briefs in the case, it was con
tinued until Thursday.
The court next tackled the case of
Geo. Terrell, col. et el, charged with
plain er ink. He pie d guilty to
the charge, begged the court to have
mercy on him and make Lis sentence
as light as possible. The Justices,
after holding a short consultation,de
cided that their services were cheap
at a duller each, and as there were
three of them, they fined the defend
ant $3 00, after which court adjourn
Parasols. Parasols If
you ne„ed a Vjarasol
come and get it while
the sun shines hot and
price* are down. A. B,
McArver & Co.
- ’■
V ■ ■- ■
prßie belle
Firstrdass cook stove for coal, wood or
natural gas.
It has nickel and tile ornamentation, oven
shelf and kicker; tin lined cen doors, extra
heavy, ventilated, sectional fire-back and trout
grate and large ash pan.
Size of oven 18 x 20 inches.
Weight 825 pounds.
Its baking qualities are t n surprised.
It is durable and uses fuel economically.
Ask your dealer or write to
Townley Stove Co.,
Manufacturers and Deairrs r
Wood Mantels end Hearth TI’OS,
Furnaces Hot-Vt*ater Heaters,
Cornice Work nnd Cas Stones
f K'R ' ■
j-fceino.lo iW
\ >
1— fl- 1 .- , bluksiV l
•«p«-x i
WlC ’
“ e ’*Tu ,i t-V-'t??.vv S'"<
I WM/ '
• i
p„y ' . -
*BBBI ...
‘l2-uvc }-,■ .5 - - -
6 , -;V joajwd Xiuo’•
'*’3r a 'iL'
W '** <-.4 eV " ,k aJ
* * * *•
® WEAR ®
Every pair stamped on the bottom
If he does not keep them the pub.
Usher of "this paper will tell
you where to get them.
■F» ... ~T~,—— —»
Look Over the Passengers—
Many of Them Will
Interest You
Mr. R. C. Johnston is iu Rome
Hon. Seabe Whatley is in the
city today.
Mr. Thomas Turner has a little
girl seriously sick.
Col. W. T. McWilliams is now
et(adily recovering.
Mr. J. H. Brownlee, of Plain
Ville, is in the city.
The Floyd county teachers in
stitute is m session today,
The prospects for fine crops grow
brigher as the days are going by,
Read A .B.M cA> ver&Co’s
n ewadvertiumentonfrontpage
Mr. D. H. Shelton, the prize
farmer of Georgia, is iu the city to
Mr, Ransom Lennon had a fine
mule killed by lightuiun yester
Mr.C. W Moseley, of Macon is in
Rome |today. He is much pleased
with our city.
Mr. S. Funkhouser, who has
been sick for the past few days, is
able to be at his office today.
sieve Deunison, North Rome.
Cap'. J. C, Eve, from up the Eto
wah, is iu Rume today. He repoit ß
crops looking well and growing fine.
The city council will elect to
night two members of the board
of trustees of the Rome Public
Rev.G W. Duval preached afire
sermon to a large and attentive con
gregation at the 2nd Methodist yeu-
Fine figured persian
lawns guaranteed to
wash. Worth 15 cents
yours for Bcts. 401
Norton Corner. A. B.
McArver &. Co.
Thr 1 iterest in the tent nestings is
incre; sin ' and has wisely Re i de
cided to continue them in the Ward
for this week.
Rev.T F. Pearce, Presiding Elder
of Rome circuit, preached a power
ful sermon at the tent in the sth
Ward yesterday morning.
Rev. H. D. Gilber', pastor of the
Second Baptist, preacLed an unusu
ally able sermon yesterday morning
which is being spoken of most highly
by many who bad the pleasure cf
hearing him.
Mr Dan W. Burnett, of Silver
Creek, reports a fine season in hie
neighborhood yerteaday.He brought
in a cotton bloom which he plucked
on his farm on June 20th. This is the
first one of which the Hustler has
1 ,OOQ Bushels of
Oats just received and
for sale by the Rome
Grocery Co.
Capt. Felix Corput informs The
Hustler that he will not have a
bunch of Concord groves on the
7,000 vines in bis vinyard at Cave
Spring* He says the.e will be no
pious, plums, or peaches and only
a few Norton Virginia grapes.
Hon. Felix Corput, came in this
morning on the “Corput Accom
modatien’’ from Cave Spring. It
is said that this tram is thus porp
erly named because Capt. Corout
is the only citizen of that lovely
little town who is up at 5 o’clobk
when the train passes Cave
A large Jot of dress
hats and bonnets, new
shapes especially suit
ed for midsummer.
Call and get the bene
fit of cut prices in
every line of goods at
A. O. Garrard’s.
Look up the prices in A. B,
McArver & Co’s advertise
ment cn frontpage and go
buy your iroods from them,
"ij. Str ni .
FENCE" OR .. a ;OR
He held a, the C ou rt Ground in" J' 1 ** 1 ' 0 * *>U
trict, (Howell.) q. M . (Of ' ** the >sotth. b ,
14th. day of July next (i8;)4) jn on th ’
tion will be submitted to than Ch the Quts.
of .aid District .'ForFeice
as by Law provided. Petition havi. u U ».”
and Notice given as required In i K been uj
Given under my hand and T'
this 2.5th. day of j uue 1894. Bi Knature,
joß! ‘P.D Aviii
The Appeal
Interest-an the family. ltij
tonal Afro-American newsp ’’
having the largest circulation 3( „
purnal of its class. It is full J'
teresting news matter from ev et v*
where, and contains sketches and
portraits of prominent Afro-Atneri
cans. It has become a great succes’j
by its ununng enterprise. I t h as
attracted attention throughout tbs
country by its persistent and fearlesj
attacks upon the abuses to which
Afro-Americans are subjected Sub
scription $ 2 .00 per year, s t . lo pe J
six months, invariably in advance.
We want live, energetic, pushing
Agents to work for us. We are willing
to pay—and to pr- well for their serv
ices. Send ior sail _ copies and
schedule of agents’ rates. Address.
The Ar?EAL,
/• /i.DAMS,
—jou S9op|
UI 1 1 ,
i ae/i §
11 I *
A branch of the State University
inff 'Tevn begins First
February. Fall Tmu begivs
First Monday in keptetidci.
Best school in the south, for studenis w
InniuA means. The officer,
thorough, oein g under a U. J
detailed by tho Secretary ut var.
Students hre p-epared end
reach in tuo public schools, bj
.egislature. Science*
Lectures,on A gnculture
by distinguished educators an< f! ;
For health the climate is unsurpM-
Altitude ”227 feet. xr eB9
Boara $3 per month and upwards.
ing lower rates.
Each •senator and re P res ? l ! ta '' „ o j n tonr
state is entitled and requested to “F. ‘
pupil from his district or , co . 'L:,. term
paving matriculation fee. diirrng ’
For catalog er infernation, a< " '
vetary or Ti»a»urer. Board of tri'
>' eurn,g !au“db."w-
•BSFOtie - 'Aftek- •ffi'olftl
the Brain, eunsW '2 B " w er >■'
Barrenesn, Tiapotency, Lpat Fo oa« ,
Prematura Old I _'T rt ion the
by over-imiulscuee, o’or-eiertlon their
Errors of Vouth. Itiivesto V |){ . cure.
Natural Vigor and double'' the J J A mo nth 81: ‘ a
Lucoirhcofi and Fema e L, any B<Jdre fv» a
meut, in plain package, by raai , giy _
p<rbox.<t boxee»6. wHh every »or ,
v.’-’tr.--r rr.'-ter. to -o' ” _ )
JC. • ■ 1 i■' * -