Newspaper Page Text
X'hey are full 34 inches long and 20 inches wide. New and bright and
you can buy them at the value of a wash rag at BASS BROS & Co.
old store, and PARKS &. Co, store.
This is but a little item of the Thousand Great Bar
mans in store tor the Fall Trade. Our prices for
the next sixty days will be a revelation to
the people, Prices unmatchable, unap
proachable and phenomenal.
Ere newspaper announce
ment «of our purchase of the
of the Ladies’ Bazaar
Co., of Atlai ta. It was a
great stock of fine Dry Goods,
Notions, &c., invoicing $39,-
The price paid was nearer
nothing than that at which
such goods never changed
hands in this broad land, if our
knowl edge of such matters is a I
true record — 1
3400 Yds, heavy yard-wide Brown Sheeting, worth 6 1-2 cat 4 1-2 c.
<-4.20 “ Turkey red Damask, never before pnder 20c going at 1 2 1-2 c.
.‘SOOO “ Good quality 4-quarter bleached Domestic worth 71 -2c at sc.
3DO “ Cheviot shirts, with collars, priced by othei s at $ 1,50 to go at 75c
FO Fine Count all wool, 1 O-quartsr.Bed Blankets worth $ 1 O.
-*■ DOO Yds Dress Ginghams, lovely styles & colorings worth 7c at 4 1-2 c.
"800 Pairs Ladies Fine button shoes, worth $ 1.75 to go at $ 1.00.
.3500 Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs worth from 1 0 to 1 5c at sc.
J?.DOO Yds. High grade, fine count, Sea Island full 36 inches wide,
9feorth7 1-2 cat 5c
2-/0 Pairs of that celebrated Shoe for Men, “Gcodwear” worth
S2.sO.Until sold only $1.50.
360 Suits Fine all wool Cheviot Suits single and double breasted
sacks-blacks browns. & c., jvorth $ 10.00. Made to sell for $ 1 0.00 or
*rtore. Nothing equal to them in a thousand miles of Rome for the
Bj far tbe largest stock in this
aia«alnsiO6t endless variety from h
<ugk? width American goods from
4c 4jp bo the exquisite effects of
French Artists : extra quality. Covert
Serges, Novelty Mixtures,
'F32mures, Bengalines, Poplines,
Henrietta Cloths, Camel's Hair,
sjKramtes etc.
S*tin Dutchesses , Mone®, Fai!-
a# and Bengalines, China and Japan-
Silks. Surahs, Ginghams, Prims.
1 les, Cheviots, Crepe Cloth. Docks
fiJteniias, Suitings, Stupes, etc.
445-inch Covert Cloth, the latest
i«amer o. new dress fabrics made to
&tsi. 25 ; our price ... .85
iSeAutiful Mixture Covert Cloth ,
'w.'irtL. 80c. nt GO
Iwo toned Diagonals, 3G-inch
’©onble toM Suitings, 36-incb,
■iaLrk anil medium gray, worth twice
“.fae pnee; full suit, 8 yards for sl,
16 000 yards J\ucv Dress Prints,
?4x64 doth, “o.tb 7c 5
Trimmings & c.
4'll t.nJ imugimbles in Silks. Illumi-
JtSEed Surahs, two-toned, shot and
pfi ’c s. Bengalines, Taffetas,
Velveteens. Silk Braidt, Pass-
Je’S. Novelty Tiinitnings,
lUibons. etc. 1 lie desirable things in
Embroideries O)J Swiss, N.iin.
«cok i Cambric., a l-over embroi
460 yards Hamburg Edging worth
3.0 c yard nt 5
Hamburg at JO
30c Hamburg at ,17
A choice assortment lor Men, Boys and Children. Swell effectsin Tweeds, Cheviots, Cas
- meres and Serges: also swell effects in the dressier Fabrics, prominent among which Clays,
■<nd West of England Diagonals. Suits for slender people, stout people, young giants and
attic iellows. Especial attention is called to 360 Men's all-wool Suits at $5.00, They are
tsinply unmatchable bargains, urn* stock of clothing from lowest to best quality comes to
as- as the most brilliant haul of our victorious buyer, and we are determined bp the power
a..'d magnetism of price to pntmore new clothing on men and boys this fall than ever before
nour business experience. The few prices named tln’oughoutthisadvertisementaremere
suggestive of the way other goods will be sold, 300 Gvcreoats less tlun half prices.
Fact. Superb assortment, of Cloaks.
ill LLi NFR Y I ,zaais s tock almost in is entirety was snipped to our
" Rome bouse—cost nearly nothing, and if you want anything
n ibis line, we will sell it to you away down below price- of others. ‘ Come to soe us.
Fc- tne g° o d s here advertised, go to either of our stores, excepting
mat the Millinery will be found at the PARKS & CO. store, and the
Ulothing and Hats will be at the old store. 25 Broad Street.
Less Than 1 9 Ctson $
A good percentage of these
goods has been shipped to us,
and if prices and values
count lor anything they will
go into new homes in quick
order. Our import order for
Fall Goods had been placed
before this purchase was made:
and the goods are arriving!
daily. Must have room, and |
we arc going to make it by
I bidding adieu to a pde of mer
chandise at once.
Smail Wares.
Needles, Pius, Hair-Pins, Thread?,
Wba eboiies, Casing’s, Hooks-ind-
Eyes, Tapes, Dress Shields, Corsets
Daces, Shoe Laces, But tons, Braus,
A straw will show the way the
wind blows, so iu these little items
we wil’ save you 50 to 100 per cent
on your purchases Stick a pin down
here; U you Lave no pin, we will sell
you a whole paper of English Pius
for sc. and everything else relatively
as c* eap.
Blankets and Flannels
These goods at prices (hat cannot
and will not be duplicated by oth
We bought them away under th”
market at the great auction sale of
Faulkner Page &Co New York in
May when the mecury was up and
blankets were down.
We want you to see our full size
Bed Blanket at each—a tritle 25
Our Fine Al!-wool Blankets SIO.OO
value per pair 3 50
Nothing ever offered equal to
them as bargains.
Bed Flannel worth 25c at 15
White Flannel worth 25c at 15
Bed Twilled Flannel worth 40c at 25
Wh.te Twilled Flannel worth 40c at
Every quality of Flannel cut almost
in Two.
Gents Furnishing
Linen Bosom Shirts Laundried and
Unlaundiie ; Percale and Cheviot
Shirts Satine Shirts Drawers Scriveu’s
Parent Drawers; Hosiery and Gloves
So Price! Price!
will do it. When the cost is
small, a fraction of the worth,
our lee-wav is immense-19 1-2
cents on the dollar, and all
■ fine goods too; most of them
Winter Goods—l 9 1-2 cents,
You never heard of such a pur
in gr at variety. Scurfs Ties IL s *
Supporters Cuffs Buttons Collars and
Lulls etc.; all iu the bai. a u cat -
Men’s Fine Ail-Woul Shirts and
Drawees silk SticLed worth each $1-
; xs long as this Sot lasts "ur price
will be .09
1,900 4-ply Linen Collars 10
There is to equal to our Dongola
Button Shoe for ladies at 1.00
Have you yet bought our speeia l
Tap-Sole Blucher Stu e$ for men?
This Shoe is made exclusively for us
and cannot be sold by any on® except
us. We take the bold porition that
there is not a Shoe on ea th of equ u
wear to it at the pric-a 1.5 f)
Ladies’ Cloth Top Patent
value 1.50
Ladies’ Genuine Kid j worth
3.00 at 2.00
Ladies’ Solid Substantial Shoes
Men’s Rex Calf Shoes ] .50
Hand Welt Calf w urth $4.56 al 3.00
Children’s Solid Shoes 50
Misses’ Heavy Shoes G 5
School Shoes worth SI.OO et 75
School Shoes worth $1.25 at I.OG
Misses’Fine Shoes worths2.ooat 1.50
For all our stores we buy as mauy
Shoes as any 4 bosses in Rome ; <e
buy them at headquarters with ih
cash aud wa buy them at lower ptices
(ban those who buy in smaller quani
tie«. Come to our place for Shoes .
Tueres a pair of No. 17 shoes in
I r
j the show window of Cantrell &
j Owen’s shoe store. They were
I made m the annex factory of this
1 well known sin e house, for a color
[ed en-toDier of the firn). The ol i
j iko' ibout ‘ gunboats” and ”‘ah e
| boxes” are not m it wi h this pair
of* Bals.’ If you want to see a shoe
as is a shoe go seethis pair of dan
I notice that Messrs A B McAr
ver & Co. have sold out their en
tire stock of merchandize to Mr .1
Kuttner. I am informed that the
stock has been delivered and Mr
Kuttuer has paid for the same.
And further, lam told that, the
creditors of A B McArver & Cc
will bi paid every dollar. No mar
chant in Rome has more friends
than clever'‘Bud” McArver, the
genial .ddermsii of the First Ward
* *
I am glad to find that Mrs J F
Wardlaw, is recovering from injuries
received in a fall a lew days ago
Mrs Wardlaw tells me that her Fall
Millinery Opening, now closing was
the most successful she has ever en
* *
H ive you read Bass <fc Go's big
add in this paper? Time is said to be
money and if that saw tits you you
will gam wealth by investing time
on that add. See?.
* *
Few men work harder and more
incessently during the leceut state
campaign, than sheriff Jake C Moore
To th» J dertnesr, the activity and the
everlastingly keeping at it lick or
Juke Me ore is due more of Floyds
democratic majority than any other
one eltment. Jake is ‘a good’ un’
any where you put im. tor big
hearted, generous natured, hard
working, ever hustling Jake C.
Moore for any thing he wants.
Them* my politics and I’m with
the majority of the people who
know him.
* *
J. T.Crouch ACo h ive just received
a consignment of ~ctiui-on elover
see'V’and Ins them on tap a* their
handsets® drug store in the M-edical
Building* on Broad AThird Ave;
* *
I notice tha‘ Mr A O Garrard has
secured the store room just vaea’ed
by A B McArver & Co, in the
Medical and will move his big line
of Mihnaryinto the same, at once.
The new goods as they arrive fr<»m
market will also go into the new
building and when opened will
make a display which would do
c.iedit to a Metropolitan City.
rinr -rmf* tnnnuu.n
niiL into ifiunnmu
Mr. J. Wimpee’s Boarding
Burned-No Insurance
This morning about 12:10 the
night watchman at O’Neil Maim
acturing Company telephoned
ihe Telephone Exchange that Mr.
J N Wimpee’s boarding house on
Second Avenue, next to the bridge
was on fire.
Mr Bawsell then telephoned up
to the Central Hotel, and word
was sent up to No 1 Engine h®use.
He also telephoned to Mr Will
Patton who notified No 2,. For
some reason the alarm would not
work and hence the delay.
When the fireman reached the
place the fire had gamed so much
headway that nothing could bt
done towards saving it, und only
the front ami sides were left slant)
The building was a large, frame
two-story one, and was owned by
Mr Winipee, He held no insurance
on the house or household goods,
and the loss will reach something
like $2,000. Considerable furniture
was saved.
A. C Middleton, of Birmingham,
is in tlie city.
Vr. Übas M. Pursley will bt
g’i«« i ■ see his i riemis ai Connel
ly s r.ioe store win-re be will b
during the Fall aud winter.
Re. d and advetise in Sundays
Hustler aud profit thereby.
Mssrs Chas. Parker and Win.
Siglin, of Bluffton, are here.
A in The City of Elberton
Elberton Ga., October 4Mr
Ed Daniels was shot and instantly
killed this morning by Mr. Sami
IL Carter. The killing occurred on
! the str-et in front of Mr Carter’s
The men had a difficulty shout
the payment of the board of Mr
Daniels's horse. They passed a L w
blows ami Mr Carter shot Daniels,
the hall enterting the left eve He
expired in three minutes. ,
Mr. Daniels was a painter and
had been here only a short time.
He lived in Gamsville, where he
had an uncle Dr J tl Daniels. His
father Ilves in Atlanta. They were
wired immediate y and will come
at once.
Carter is in jail and wili be rep
resented by Messrs Shannon Van
Dueer and Tutt. The killing pro
duced quite a sensation. Carter
claims that Daniels was trying to
B hoot him at the time. Mr Bob
Reeves,of Athens was a partner of
Daniels in the painting trade.
Mrs. Polly A. Johnson Died Yes
terday Evening.
Mrs. Polly Ann Johnston wife, of
Mr. Alexander Johnston a prosper
ous farmer of Nannie, passed away
yesterday evening.
She had only a few days,
but the end was not unexpected.
Mrs, Johnston was 58 years of a e
and leaves a husband several chil
dren to mourn her demise She
was an aunt of Policeman Joe
She was a good woman, and had
been a member of the Missionary
Baptist church for many years,
The remains will be buried tomor
row morning at 10 o’clock in
Friendship cemetery at Pinson
A Small Accident.
The b uiimrn train
oi 12, io rth, due burn atlOt'ida in
eai.ic in ■!.’) inn-, ibis im.rni’ g, but
it was found that the cylinder nead
was crackwii, and auqttier engine
had to b« secured. L'hu train w
delayed about fifty minutes, and
the Boudoir cars had to be left un
the side track-
T. A Smith, of Chattanooga,, is
in the city.
; ■ T - oto replete *
<4 ji - on ideal K
I pozzm »
d Combine*! c*’’’’ element of 8
<| beauty and r- nf It is beauti- S
j g ying. iioothmj, h'aiing, health-1
> iul, • -.d ir.u.k-o, aad when I
J rightly us d,s • sibie. A most
ii delicate and desii able protection
•J to the face in this climate.
i Insist upon having tha genuine. I
|Mp iT ls Faß SALE'EyEByV/HERE.
V \ /
\ \* /
\ 7
The comparative value of these twocarda
Is known to most persons.
They illustrate that greater quantity la
Not always most to be desired.
• •
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity of
Ripans • Tabules
As compared with any previously known
Ripans Tabules : Price , 50 cents a box,
Os druggists, or by mail.
BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce St., N.Y.
J 1
iS as safe and b.s —..,7*
seed poultice. 1.. v .“ s a fla >
Ace, drawing out*- •••r'rV 4 ' 0 ”“
and curing al’ ~
tollies. peculUi
‘-□range Bios* i s 3
tile, easily at any
‘.s applied nght to 'ffie a U‘
Every lady can treat
with it. 4Se *»
any address
e Panorama Place, Chicago I?
Sold by
D, W. Curry Druggist,
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
cessefh the results o’ overwork, worr h rlniS?
etc. Full strength, tone and dS
to every organ or portion of the b.. i y foiS
ment i mmediat. ly seen from t he first box. 1 "Z
ands of letters of praise on filoin onrofiim ‘
be carried m vest pocket. Sent by iDruh aJ!
address on receipt of Mk e. One Month's-rS
ment in each box. PnWl.OO.t; box.
Written Guarantee to refund money if p. r eur«L
Yend to us for the Genuine. Circulars Free. 61
Bond Election.
Georgia, Floyd County.
By Direction of Board of Commissioners *of
Roads and Revenue, in ami for the umnty'of
Floyd, noticeis hereby given, that the
day of Noveiubei, 1894, an election will be held
at all voting preciucts within the limits of said
County, to determine the question whether cou
pon bonds to the amount of Forty u w „ 8an d
(t? 40,000.00 Dollars slia.ll be issued by Flovd
County for the purpose of paying the floahLl
indebtedness of said c ounty. Said bonds s ha |j
l«ar interest at the rate of Five percent per
annum, said interest payable on the first day of
January of each year after the date of the issue
of said bonds. Said bonds shall bear date j an .
uary Ist. 1805, and shall be of the following de.
Ten Thousmid Dollars to be of the
denomination of Five (85.00) Dollars leach.
Ten ihousand Dollars tobeoftbe
denomination of Ten Dollars each,
Ten Thousand (.>10,000,00) Dollars to be of the
denomination of Twenty ($20.00) Dollars leach.
Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars to be’ of th,
denomiuat on of Fifty ($60.00) Dollars <aeh.
For the first twelve years, only the interest of
said bonds shall be paid, theieafter iht.e (dial
be paid.
The Tuirteenfb year Five Thousand (iijOOJO)
Dollars of principal aFive Dollar bonds, and tw]
Thousand (2000.00) Dollars of interest;
The Fourteenth year Five Thousand(ssooo.oo
Dollars of principal. (Five Dollar Bonds) and
Seventeen Hundred and 1 ifty (.jIT V'.i I><jlarsof
The Fifteei th year Five Thousand ($5000.00
Dollars of principal, (Ten Dollar Bonds, and
Fifteen Hundred (1600,00) Dollars of interest.
The Sixteenth year Five Thousand .>'.'’oo.oo)
Dollars of principal, (Ten Dollar Bunds) and
Twelve Hundred and Fifty (1250) Dollars ol in
The Seventeenth year Five Thou and (5000.00)
Dollars principal (Twenty Dollar Bonds, and
One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars of interest;
The Eighteenth year. Five thousand ($5000.00)
Dollars of principal (Twenty Dollar Bunds and
Seven Hundred and Fifty (.50.00) Dullarsof
The Nineteenth year Five Thousand(ssooo.oo
Dollars ol principal [Fifty Dollar Bonus] and
Fixe Hundred [s£oo,oo]Dollars ofinterest;
The Twentieth year Five Thousand - 000.00-
Dollars of principal [Fifty Dollar Bonds] and
Tww Hundred and Fifty [5250.00] Dollars d in
terest, when principal and interest will be
fully paid off.
All voters favoring the issuance of said bonds
will have written or printed on their ballots
“For Bonds.” All opposed, the words '-Against
JohnC. Foster, Chairman.
Max Meyerhardt, Clerk.
Board of Comr’s of Etoads and Revenue.
Application lor Letters
GEORGIA, Floyd Couniy
Whereas A. J. Watters Administrator
H. Non, of Joseph W alters, represents t 'i»
court in his pe ition duly tiled, that he n.
ministered Joseph Warters estate, 1 ! ]' ;
cite all persons concerned, kindred a ""'' ‘ 1 . ai |.
to show cause, if any they can, s'H.''
minisi rator should not be di 'eliaree.l IJ "
administration and receive letters ol <li
on the First Monday in November ise .
August 7th. 1894. John p I)aTjs .
Aug. 7.t0 Nov 9. Ordinary Floyd County. <’»■
W. F. Aver I Rulo ' Lnptrior
vs J ( 1,, Floyd SUP er
J. W. Barn'veil Guanl'n. I Court.
G. C. Longstreet et. al. f dJt
Under and by virtue of an order r
the March term i f the Superior court o
county. The undersigned r (."rtition
ted for the pin pose, will sen <
in the above stated cause, at publii " ll • n
fore the Cpurt house door in R <>lß< ■ flri .
the usual hours for public sales, 'U-
Tuesday in November next, the I" ,
senbed real estate, to wit: “That t "“ [jv .
known as the < >ak Hill farm, on . ■
er, about eight miles from Bonn . h"; • ■
pied hy Dr C. K. Ayer, in tlm'-’.'ff'b ’
3 <l. Sec-lon of said c.mnty o' ‘l"' ' ',', r; i,>nS
ing the whole of lot No. 2.':' ami *' liie
ol lots No’s. 300, 3'H, ami 30- p(l .. jninS
Nonhside of the Etowah fll ,asli,
abou* 4W acres. Terms of sale. j' . tll il t 41 ’
Hie balance in equal ii'.iu date
years with interest ar 8 pei V_ A ul nil ;il '
Lie. The title will be Dtb : ' ;M '
purchase money is paid. Septei f , ul]ivaß ,
W. Brook’’,
Smlly Johnsen. ,