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__See This llachine. Read Our Offer.
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ey SINgING Mf’* hine
ARy | 82.98 Cash ito Every Customer
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Call at our Store and hear the specially prepared Records of Bgfiis ?nd other instrumental Music, Songs, Stoties, Recitatior s
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Ong Standaid-- Taking'Mackine with Handsome Flower Forn for $2.98 so Brery Customer whose Gast-Purchases Amounis to $95,00
mi~ See and heir this wondérful instrument a::.diféarn how, easily you cati obtain ofne, o 4
3 - X B a 'A“ . .
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.- R~ The Oid Reliable Grocerymen,~—> .
HAZLEHURST;: -+ = © = . 9 g GEORGIA.
> gTI RI L
A% A & GR Sl oiy Bl TRO
Py g\ SR OLIARR2SR gk TR L 4
4 M 5 B 4 x S Gk ; Pahy R o
4 Ay Gl - omo R ;N B
; .:fé“?..:; ‘ Gl Wimatie i Y N W R
A 0 SBy » A LR gl «.\l‘:‘, i ik )ss -Wi
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5 4 hA Sed BLo Uy g g N S
g om LUO S 0 BRAW &BB ¥o €
A gkhy V. 4 PSS, * &BTS N 5 x
Mg i ,'l'v.( A é .‘\: P oD i B S LY, ,S:yi’%' - %A\ 0 o 5
ER L AGA YX e PR TT . RID e e | } j &
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3 N
v The Ki ad You Hive Always Boqg]i’t, and which has peen
. in vse foriover,3o years, had Borno the fignatute of .
L s and has been mide under his‘per= .
y : fi% gonal shtpervision sincg its infancye
j & Epdes Allow no one todeceive you in g.:hisfl
. FAU Courterfeits, Imitations and ¢ Just-as-good’’ aré but.
. kExperimeiits that trile wigh and éndariger the health of
! Infants and Cl}ildrcn—Eprriencb against Experiments
4F’ ’.\ :. s 5 8t j §
. What is CASTORIA
“+» What is GAS | .
.L’ Castoria is 8, harmless substitute for Castor ol rau-)l !
, geric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. %'}
ol contaitis neither Opium, Mdrphine nor other Nagcotis
" | substance. Its age is its gudiraitice. Jt destroys Worms
snd allays Feverishness, It cures Digrrhoea and Wind
. Celic, Itreligves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, ~
L ald Flatulendy. It asrimilates the Food, regulatas tho) %
,‘g Stomach and‘ Bowels, giving healthy pnd nttural sleeps k" |
", Thd Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Lzicild, ' A
5 gat® fhis b o 3 %
: : : J " | 4
cenyine! CASTORIA [aLwavs]
G .3,"'.-,' .Z‘ bl : gt - 3
sl Beaxs the Stonature of - R
"fl‘ i', ""’ : Q‘E y‘ 4 / : 4!-“‘; 2 i’l & 'f‘,;;"s:{g
il s s PR ,7 ip E-’-"*ésfexff:
I?‘)‘E‘_A' “. ¥ 4 "& ’ 5. ’ : . " “'fi} o; ‘j
! ...‘ 's_. g -.“:?‘..‘ - }:, ’ B _}f t I‘,‘.
The Kind Yt Have Always ought
b 0 I Use For d_'gver B 0 Years. -f;‘
s ""'“:I’ 0 Fun éti«rhntun-v. vr tlinnav -ri‘.fz'i;r. nEwW Yons "",'if,, _ .gi
SXEN o W : Litch
Yourisining reand-Hoot coit be
totiched ip.#nd refihished with
Ctfi:‘i‘:bgl}’s Floer Fimish andl the
#egult will be very: satl tory.
Péoples Drag Btoréicargi & fail
LAt L e chandal -iisarfec tJ
| ¥ & ‘e B : S
Y. One of Ehaw's Ciijicms.
“Bafore fame cameéqgic. {'m,” sald &
playwitight, “tLat.great :ival of mine,
George Dornard Sbhaw, wrot» theatrienl
criticgiis for the Yondon Sumn‘.u;\‘
Review. Ncow,. those were criticisms:
indeed, Nobody could pinlte a good
play: ;0 beautifiily -as this critic.
Nobody could roust a bad play €0
-tellincly. lListen. Ylere is a samplc.”
‘A.n& the playwright read:
“@am 0 #t somewhat foolish position
conce¢rning a 8 play mt the Opera Co
‘mique, whither ¥ was bidden this day
-woel,, For’some gegson 1 was not
.supplled with @& progtam, so that 1
. pww the pagie offhie piap. At
the om he second. acPthe play had
adgyross ebout as fay as an ordinary
w would hawe Drought it five
after the firgt rising of tho
curtaln, or, gy, ad fui as Ibsen woul!
have brought &t ten ycats beiore i
event. Taking eadvantage of tHe sec
,mmrval. to stfoll out into the
l. for alittle exprelse, I unferia
nately forgot all about my biteiness
‘and #ctualiy’ reached home befort &t
oc-«ui:}‘ed to me that I had not segn the
end df the play. Under these eircum
stances it would 111 become me so dog
matizé on th inerits of ‘the work or its
performances 1 can Pnly offer ,*e
mauagoment my apologies.” e
“ ~ What thé Jury “ound, ~
Somc ycears ago the body of 6 -well
Gressed mar:was founty i a flekd od
the outskirts of an Firiglish {owi.
Therl were ifo mirks of violence, and
it sas doubtful whether:death had oec
curfed from natutal catises or it tle
individual had committéd suleide: In
Aue tourse ‘the body was idenfified,
and*g gentlethan who had beew ac
quaintod with the. decenshd was cslled
upinto gtve &tddénce it the inghest.
Amorig bther things, e stated that he
had flwiys copgiléred him to be a man
of mdrktd idfosynerisies, snd his brsin
was bontinually ézcited by his irresiet
ible ‘fondness for 'chimeras of wwri
ous kindse The: jury way evidenfly
satisfied with htfi statement and fm
medtgitly brough! in a verdict that
“deathi. was rdusegd by I(Uo§)'ncrnstu
forming on thié briin fn consequetice
of extessive influlgence o citfmerds,”
additig. n rides that ‘lt shodild be a
warfilghg to ded to tefrain from that
#nd dtber intd 7'c’¢'lt_@x¢ bev@rwi‘b
B e ”*”" X
i h rflt‘Tfl ,it 3'30 N
Pigblitog o roll ol LMI tn thface of
~for one.of tL¢& finished iyps ana céuld
safely have welked unarmediat-sid
‘night throggh a wildernsss ¥ igfested
" with thiewos without ‘Maipovertyronce
+ belng questfoned. Thetelwasinot: a
:whole thread ih the war%gnmwogt-ot
+his shirt thad, extended 'from seam to
- seam, and only ap expert
48t could have detected whicly open
ings were those originally mdde tn the
garment for putting 1t ou and off
Just what portion of those rags was
sohd and strong enough to retain the
roll of bills 18 a mgreelous g ma.—
M Herald. 'y, .4t
C ot A Fest of"’r‘o‘ififi&.’; 9
Juat- befdve - Artemus - Shaath
Bobertson pogswd WM:
and oticred it s, 10
said, "My dear Tol, Iwon't takewasy
more of that Botrible etuff.” o
Roltertson urgéd him'to swallow'the
mixture, saying? “Do, now—{tliere's. a
dear fellow—for #ny salge. You ‘Knpow
I would do anythking for'vou.” Vg
“Wieuld you?:, said- Wapd feebly,
grasping ‘his frichd’s hand for Che isst
time.’ sypr ¥
“I would indew),” said Robertsdini:
“Then you take it : s
Ward passed away a fcw. hours aft
erwand.—*“Recolloctions of' the Ban
crofis.” o
% A Great Carest Ahud;@‘
v you the profegsor? ™& -
“Yes, air. What carn I do for soti? .
"I bave,a @atighter and I'd like to
knoi¥ whatifeswill cost me to have her
taughit to stng. ‘1 Milnk sk will be
come o great operatic. star 1f her voice
ts properly thdined.” & e
“Does she #éem to'have extfaortding
ty gifts as a vocglist?” ’
“Well, no; we bavew®-moticed that
ber vocal gifts are ofit of the ordinary,
but' nobody seems t¢- be abls to man
kge¥'her.”—~Lhicago Macord-lioralde
4 TWe Bishdg's Visit::
~ Bishop i{who . bags “looked in” &f
rurd!’ Sunday school)—Now,;children;
‘can Aty of you tell what is ineantgy
the ;visitation of the bisbop?- é
Girl (dftér a long pause)—Ples if;
an aflktkm‘ sent from heavcn’.'umn
\ A s :
g s The Gredat Change: '- W
) “Tommy,” said thé teacher Hf the Ju°
enile ¢lasg, “when Water becotbes. see;
wp_&%‘u” the great Change thit takes
sR PP .5 i ¥ :":“:\ ;
e price, sgplied Toin
: T s io N e i B 485 AR PRIR it
Hurrah Fer Rowl
J. T. R.Rowland is deing m:
the peer, laboring class of
accerding to his ability, th
ene elsedin this country.
just cloged a deal for eve
acres Qf;"the‘ best farming
Jeff Davis Ceunty, and he
te cut it up in such size fa
a purchaser might wan
sell it at a reasonable p
any eme; and on easy
Sheuld any ene wish te pa
cash dewn, Rowland is in
tien te make thein a good a
ficient title. Hvrtah for
land. ad.
2 SuißDealerid &
' Theve seme bargfi.}fis in
ilg aouars alse in vacant
(® . .ash, balance; ter
at. £
I:lal.!ehurst' rveep fl.:c
‘ ' 4 ."' s &
TRADE-MARE; E-al,, <
e Copyright, i%4, 5. '6; 1902, ¥ ofd 1904,
| by W. G. Brawnsen.
| mfollo"gfix disaaves are caused by acid
in the bloof.axd are thisring,
whish takonyfrom one day %> two weeks,
ying commeices to work according te 4
eircumstanc?y. Theé rixuflad tho acid ¢
cloctrn-oheuysnl action. removiug thd
acid, which cyros tho diseass and will heep
Br‘i:ht'l D zonse, X)Zlb{tas--it, is ot & ks
childron, Ulorea-.-fit. Vitus's Danse, Ch
gf:i.:d illtglibu--s;inful .\EJ lt.'. \m.‘{iu
® s. U ia, Snyeep spileref, Neyy
tratiem. h'omlud. fnwr.n(ql &omn\e’rias
lith..-n mrx.mntlon &g"n‘"‘ i"'tho no
gide. Polypu¥: Cutaract, Feitre., Y hoopin
oumatism---Inflammatery, Geui: Lumi
ticul.r.goht;’c. Musoular, A‘thnt,-j-}o J
relgia. Neurjiis, Valrniat - Rhoumitism
F.hoeumatio Kever, LRhe<m stio 3';rul{n’n
g;xr. Eyo(;- E::‘.L'illbl. Plon. Oponmn..t'u
oy, Ovesisg, Fatty Deguuaration :
nfl::m., lnf..’&‘mnv’,m nrfimmlu'. Chreni
try, Acidity, of, Btomnack, whichicaunses ¢
H%d of oconstivatios--thy ethor kind is
liver disease. Cancer--Crreinoma«Qsnee
méte. Ooageition of Kiipeys, Bténe in
Prestatitis, Gtgrel, G;H-F.n s, Oalinli, D
Teeth, White Epots on ¥iils. Froriaris, Ma!
Véticosn Veins and Ulders, Varicecele
v‘ in the .pn':u-;"‘irim.'Vnn‘s;d ]
otum--ofton mistakoddop piles an
afite” ofucte o Blplbin. boabiai 1 é‘n
arial Fovess i This ring »k"‘t ? cee
l’uuliv js 00 aai nowe, of {EA iver
: B fag .90 -cv rerad
g‘“ "U i ] .._-‘ ay SRy
os three 3 oy pim tos | :
’tf-j (2 B Ry
3 “u-.h;fl« - % r 'xfiw‘ ‘%
- ey O L ’ i O ¥