Newspaper Page Text
i i\ Om
During Change of Life,
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Graniteville, Vt. — ‘1 was pusina
througn the Change of Life andsuffere
TSy from nervouspesr
NS % andother annoylnq
LU © | symptoms, and
0 PO | can tm]fl“{, that
<y R el I‘?ydsaE. nkham’s
apff Ol { Vegetable Com
' R N %] pound has proved
.A% £ JB¥. | worth mountains
e Y |of gold to me, as it
e, .3 | restored my health
:fm . {‘QV and ltrength. i
%] never forget to tell
} aid my friends what
oL bk laydiaE.Pinkham's
Verqetable Compound bas done for me
{during this tryfng fieriod. Complete
restoration to health means so much
to me that for the sake of other suffer
ing women I am willing to make mK
trouble public so you mag publis
this letter.” —MRs. CHAS. BARCLAY,
R.F.D.,Graniteville, Vt.
No other medicine for woman's ills
has received such wide-sgread and un
qualified endorsement. No other med
icine we know of has such a record
of cures of female ills as has Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Comround.
For more than 80 years it has been
curing female complaints such as
inflammation, ulceration, local weak
nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, indigestion
and nervous prostration, and it is
unequalled for carrying women safely
through the period of chamie of life,
It costs but little to try Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and,
ax Mrs.Barclaysays,it is “worth moun
tains of gold ” to suffering women,
“Sometimes our disappeintments
come to be recognized as blessings.”
said the ready-made philosopher.
“That's a fact,” answered the flip
pant person. “It's always a sweet re
lief to me to discover in-the morning
that I forgot to wind the alarm
clock.”—Washington Star.
Get what you ask for—don't let any drug
clerk dictate. When you want Painkiller,re
/member Perry Davis’is the only genuine.
“Waiter, get me a newspaper so [
can hide my yawns; this concert is so
“Yes, miss; I'll bring the largest I
can find.”—Fliegende Blaetter.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens thegums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25¢ a t ottle
Percy Pickle—Aw—l thought 1
heard you liell Miss Wose that you
were never kissed by a man?
Miss Tabasco—So I did.
Peroy Pickle—But—aw—pawdon
me:; I kissed you lawst night.
Miss Tabasco—l said a man.—Phil
adelphia Bulletin.
!’:vl;ll:hEADACHE—nlck-’. CAPUDINE
N orvgu seTrrgS%fls,c(g:g%d llx?: ‘;'flls::m‘v?yo:
{g’:l liqu,ll‘d-x:lelstnt to take—iacts immedi
m:-:i. ry it, 10c., 25¢, and 50c. at drug
“I'm overstocked on beef and pota
toes,” said the manager of the de
partment store restaurant.
“What are you going to do?”
“Guess T'll have to get up a clear
ance sale of hash.”’—Louisville ‘Cour
Every Reader Will Concede the Truth
of This Statement.
One who suffers with backache or
any form of kidney trouble wants a
-~ Cure, not merely tem
("’? porary benefit. Rev.
M ei' J Maxwell 8. Rowland,
JC L&\ of Tops River, N. J.,
%‘ i makes a statement in
[ ’ this connection that
A /"' l {s worth attention.
Says he: “I was sud
¥4 | denly taken with an
| W attack of kidney
trouble, had severe
pains in my back
A loins and was
ka]ly run down.
/ ors were not
o S, P helping me, so I be-
G gan using Doan’s
Kidney Pills, They brought me
prompt relief, and as 1 continued tak
ing them the pains in my back disap
peared and the kidneys were restored
to normal condition.”
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
“Do you take any interest in tele
pathy?” sald the young man who was
trying to make conversation.
“No,” answered Miss Cayenne. b
should never countenance a method
of communication by V';hidi people
could intrude their opinioms on Yyou
without even golng to the trouble of
R son up—washington. Star.
| Firing For Olgare.
During the army manosuvres the
gubject of rifle shooting often crop
ped up in the officers’ mess,
« “I' bet any ome here a box o
)" sald Lieutenant A, “that |
fire twenty thots at 200 yards
and tell, without waiting for the
hurkcr. the result of each one cor
rectly.” ’
“Done!"™ cried Major B. And the
whole mese turned out the next morn
ing to witness the experiment.
The ILieutenant fired.
M\iiss!” he announced calmly.
Another shot.
“Miss!"” e repeated. ot
A third shot. kg .
“Here, hold on!” put in Major B.
“What are you trying to do? You're
not firing for the target!” :
“Of course not!” was the cool re
sponse. “I'm firing for those cigars!”
And he got them.—New York Jour
" A Severe Case of Ecaema.
Garland, N. C.
Mr. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, gl
" Dear Sir:—Last winter my mother had
eczema all over her. Could not rest day
or night for the stinging burulnf. itch
ing. She tried various kinds of salves
and ointments but they did her no good
at' all. She happonog to see Tetterine
advertised. We ordered one box and tried
it on her arm. It did her so much good
we showed it to our doctor. He imme
diately ordered one-half dozen. Bhe used
it as directed twice a day. It did her
g 0 much good we ordered one dozen
more. After using it several weeks she
was completely cured. I can certainly
recommend Tetterine as it is a sure cure
for eczema. I really belleve it saved my
mother’'s life. Yours truly,
Miss Minnie Cromartie.
Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring
Worm, Ground Itch, Itching Piles, In
fant's Sore Head, Pimples, Bolls, Rough
Scaly Patohes on the Face, Old Itzhiog
Sores, Dandruff, Lankered Scalp, Bun
jons, Corns, Chifblains and every forin of
Bkin Disease. Tetterine 50c; Tetterine
Soap 26c. Your drugi!at. or by mall from
the manufacturer, The Shuptrine Co.,
Savannah, Ga.
In Real Life.
Daysey Mayme Appleton was read
ing a newspaper last night when sud
denly she gave a scream and fell to
the floor in a dead faint. Now, ac
cording to the books and fradition,
Daysey Mayme fainted because she
read the anngun-cement of an old
sweetheart's marriage or death (and
it will turn out afterward, according
to the books and tradition, that he
was a cousin of her old sweétheart
by the same name). But real ¥fe
is so unlike the books and tradition.
Upon being revived, Daysey Mayme
related that the saw hosiery adver
tised for 27 cents that she had paid
35 centzs for the day before.—At
chison Globe.
Hick’s CAPUDINE i 3 the best remedy—
mllevozs the aching and feverishness—c
1e Celd and restores normal conditions. “fta':
uid—effects immediately. 10c., 25¢. and
, atdrug stores.
Old Time Methods.
To illustrate the twentieth cemtury
child’s ignorance of old-time methods
and to show that as she designated
it, there is nothing new or wonder
ful in the electric light-automobile
of today, a mother told thig story:
“A piano tuner was busy putting our
instrument into condition, when our
little five-vear-old son rushed into my
room, with wonder stamped on his
face, and exclaimed: ‘Mother! think
of it! there is a man in the parlor
playing on the piano with his hands.””
The youngster had been.a;ccustomed
all his life to mechanical music mak
ers. |
Rough on Rats, unbeatable exterminator.
Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25¢.
RKough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25c.
Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c.
Rough on Roaches, Pow'd, 15¢.,Liq'd, 85¢.
Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c.
Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 85c.
E. 8. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J.
*Did you succeed in getting that
Indian to smoke the pipe of peace
with you?”
‘“No,” answered the agent. “We
were just getting to a friendly under
standing when 1 made the pipe of
peace proposition. He got angry and
wanted to go on the warpath because
I didn't offer him a cigarette.”—Wash
ington Star.
Lame back snd Lumbago make a young
man feel old. Hamlins \%izard oil makes
an old man feel young. Absolutely noth
ing like it for the relief of all pain.
The hobo had asked for a hand
out or cold bhite.
“Why,” inguired the householder,
“do you tell such an elaborate lie
when the truth might perhaps serve
“Art fer art’s sake, my good sir,”
responded the wagfarer with a Ches
terfleldian bow.—Louisville Courier-
“Get out the hose reel, Si! Peleg
Whiffletree’s barn ig afire.”
“Can’t do it, Seth. That hose reel
was jest painted today.”—Louisville
DRSS IR ST A S L ee A L D e¢ ) PA S T s
3 RRILTTN A e e ORI e Rt P G -,\h 7 ’ .
" YNTeALST TO e e ZiHste R it ‘
. it B Ot MO PRI Ee S A o R £t SR {
eBStGgl eDt v R ‘e HE N &
S(R % | SRR A)LRPLRL RsX e By USSR A CRLit o e Foty ey il 2| # :
.[L e e A "Af‘avl.'f-:' R A -.'.(Ak‘ Ry :;i H P iiy e ) BN B R
v-pn.[DMgRNbAI NMoHDTR R T i RVTATooBk 0y i :P i . ey I. v o
BSTo AT R e il RDLARA PR ot -3, LD! A 0 1, : & : b k 4 “‘, . 3
A ..:,A.')-“’,",'ri“[vf lAU RN ONS) ‘u.'.l.','!;"l b RES T£abyot IR O ’T" RIS STI and LA 3 e ! &4 . 3 ‘ A iI . :
i¢Releg SBB7 sl 4 B el2e e 1 AN {! 4 ;
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SR ' R G Y d ) N e & ¥BAR e TRt
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(PR et £ s rht s B TRE : oDk R ¥ e
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Ay A - ) . 20 .
‘:,"I 2 .
“ 3100 4 Bo e et N
—"—“-'_—-_-_“‘——W}" . s e : B ,
Because of those ugly, arizzty, gray huirs. Use "LA u WALR WPM 9100, retafi.
. el -
Not a Penny to Pay For the Fullest
Medical Examination,
If you are in doubt as to the cause
of your disease mall us a postal re
questing a medicsl examinationblank,
which you will fill out and return to
us. Our doctors will carefully diag
nose your case, and if you can be
cured you will be told so; if you can
not be cured you will be told so. You
are not obligated (o us in any way, for
this advice is absslutely free; you are
at liberty to take our advice or not as
you see fit. Send to-day for a medl
cal examination blank, fill out’l and
return to us as promptly as possible,
and our eminent doctors will diagnose
your case thoroughly absolutely free,
Munyon's, 5/d and Jefferson Sts,,
Philadelphia, Fa.
Marvels About a Watgh,
A watch is the smallest, most dell
cate machine that was ever construct
ed of the same number of parts,
About 175 (iifferent pleces of ma
terial enter into its comstruction, and
upward of 2,400 separate operations
are comprised in its manufacture.
Some of the facts connected with
its performance are simply incredi
ble, when considered in total. A
blacksmith strikes several hundred
blows on his anvil in a day, and is
right glad when Sunday comes
around; but the roller jewel of a
watch makes every day, and day af
ter day, 432,000 impacts against the
fork, or 157,680,000 blows in a year
without a stop or rest, or 3,153,600,000
in the short space of twenty years,
says a watchmaker in the Chicago
News. ,
These figures are beyond the grasp
of our feeble intellects, but the mar
vel does not stop here. It has been
estimated that the power that moves
the watch is equivalent to omly four
times the force used in a flea’s jump;
consequently it might be called a
four-flea power. One horse-power
would suffice to run 270,000,000
Now the balance of a watch is
moved by this four-flea power one
and forty-three-one-hundredths inches
with each vibration—3,s6B3% miles
continuously in one year.
If you would preserve the time
keeping qualities of your watck you
should take it to a competent watch
maker once every eighteen months.—
New York World.
Assured of durability the next
thonght in painting is beauty —the
complete aim being durable beauty,
or beautiful durability.
National Lead Company here again
offer you the co-operation of their
paint experts—this time in the line
of color schemes, artistic, harmonious
and appropriate. You have only to
write National Lead Company, 1902
Trinity Building, New York City, for
“Houseowners’ Painting Outfit No.
49,” and you will promptly receive
what is really a complete guide to
painting, including a book of color
schemes for either exterior or interior
painting (as you may request), a
book of specifications, and also an in
strument for detecting adulteration
in paint materials. This outfit is sent
free, and, to say the least, is well
worth writing for.
Diamonds and Prosperity.
Cable reports from South Africa
indicating that the diamond industry
fs again running full capacity make
unnecessary further assurances from
commercial agencies that “prosperity”
has begun to show its head. They
may very acourately gauge the con
ditions in the general financial and
commercial life, but the barometer
that tells of the restoration of that
elusive conditlon which lis called
“confidence” is 650 miles in the in
terlor of distant South Affica. It is
the shipping desk of the De Beers
Coneolidated Diamond Company at
Kimberly. This isolated barometer is
so sensitive that it forecasts trouble
long before there are any visible in
dcations of tight pocketbooks.—lndi
anapolis News.
Lo s
The Ple.
Knowed him when he was a Doy,
Many yedars ago.
Never saw a kid enjoy
Cake an’ pastry so! ;
All along through dinner time
Used to hear him sigh.
“Had enough o’ plain food. I'm
Ready for the pie.”
He's a statesman with a face
Known both West and East.
Holds a most important place
At the mental feast.
Through debate he sits at ease,
Yet, as time goes by,
Yawns as if he’s thinkin’, “Please.
Pass along the pie!”—Washington
French Opera Tea
French Opera Coffee
* X
P Lom
‘ ;:"A" OQ
= X
! &‘;}ma:-";.
i¥} /"‘i&l_’:‘t
frd o
o b ""}."’
i \\"l‘s'%
IS g v LI L f
RO TR, ST 7--‘
BN 4 o
A W 8 % ’i’
' eb et
J TS -
B Y Medicin®
Cures Constipation, Diarrhoea, Convulsi
Colic, Sour Stomach, etc. It Destroc;rs Woxgnn::
(AillaysnF;‘v?sh%less and Colds. It Aids Diges
on. akes TERTHING Easy, P ¢
fulnesr and Produces Naturtfisglee;?mom -
45 i B Gives
5 Iy 2 Quick
_. . Rellief.
~ Removes all swelling in 8 to 20
; " days; effects a permanent cure
As\ ¥ in3oto 6o daye. Trialtreatment
Wit )\ [\ I given free. Nothingcan be fairer
ety Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons,
AR KA Spaclalists, Box B Attanta, d»
you write within 5 days and state
where you saw this ad. Regular
price is SIOO. Books and_stationery
free. If notready now, write and have one
reserved and we will let you pay when you en
ter. Can also teach you by mail if you prefer.
RUSINF.SS COLLEGE. Dent. 809 Louisville,Ky.
A. N. HOLLIS, A. 8., President.
Best Preparatory School in Kentucky. Both
town and country advantages. Free from
temptation. Beautiful and healthful location.
NO MALARIA. 15-acre campus. Steam heat.
Gas light. All modern equipments. Newly
tfurnished in home style. A cultured home for
boys and girls. 24 courses of instruction in
Academy. Specials in Music and Elocution.
Work accepted by best colleges and univer
sities. Boarding and teaching under same
roof. Christian watchcare. Send for Cata
e e e T S S sAR
acts on the bowels just as some
foods act. Cascarets thus aid
the bowels just as Nature would.
Harsh cathartics act like pepper
in the nostrils. Soon the bowels
grow so calloused that one must
multiply the dose. 878
Vest-pocket box, 10 cents—at drug-stores,
Each tablet of the genuine is marked C C C.
f 4 °
5 @& This Trade-mark
\’ ,@4 Eliminates All
A /i ‘»‘\.‘ o .
Dl 3 ncertaint
2 i i——
P in the purchase of
PRGRR Zy paint materials.
Bk ;';"i‘:.fif ey It is an absolute
fl’“.l; guarantee of pur-
SR YE] ¥4 ity and quality.
" & ;@s’2@& For your own
PR ——> protection, see
QB el that it is on the side of
8 cvery keg of white lead
."Jt\ you buy.
- 1802 Trinity Bmflng. New York
For Pink Eye, Epizootic |
sm‘g:ma Fever
& Catarrhal Fever..
Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at .nw
Infected or "u&«l." Liquid, given on the wnetwu on the :
Glands, expels rollonom ‘sorma from the y. Cures Distemper in
and Sheep m Cholera in Poultry., Largest selling live stoek remedy.
La Gri human beings and is a ine Kidney remedy. 50c. and
bome;'?‘ mdw; dozen. Cut this out, Koew Show to your dn&
who Il got it for you. Free Booklet, “Distemper, Causes and O
Special agents wanted.
SPOHN MEDICAL (0., (Chemists and GOSHEN, IND., U.B.A
P -
oo & oW v ol
B°& i 3
Made of Steel.
For Miners, Quarrymen, Farmers,
and All Men who do Rough Work.
Can be attached to your old shoes, and will
make them n:cfood as new. You can buy
new shoes fitted with them. They will never
wear out. Lighter than leather, casy to
attach. Any cobbler can put them on.
Write for booklet that tells aYlu about them.
*\\wfi !,- )
: -’ .e'\ :é '-'l'l---
- ® — ; Tfiw
’ - ; '. ’
L . ‘-'fi
E ,
Most grateful and comforting is
a warm bath with Cuticura Soap
and gentle anointings with Cuti.
cura. This pure, sweet, econom
ical treatment brings immediate
relief and refreshing sleep to skine
tortured and disfigured little ones
and rest to tired, fretted mothers.
For eczemas, rashes, itchings,
irritations and chafings, Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
worth their weight in gold. :
! Sold throughout the world.) Depots: Londen, 27,
e & o '§&3l'n§§' 1° {adin, B K. Penk
Calcutta; China. Hong_Kong Drugz Co.; Japan
BAi L, Cape o oß.s S
Potter Drug & Chem. &mficsocl’:%rg;%.'. %on:.‘
(At-35'09) ;