Newspaper Page Text
' We dre lending money on im+
‘proved real estate, in Jeff Davis
county, 5 years at 7 per cent In
terest. We want your business.
M. A, Grace, Manageer,
. Douglas,
5 ’ l
Hunt the Tent,
"1, Wackym,. Photographer.
Out and in door work. All kind
of Photos, large aud small sizes,
Post cards a specialty, Group,
private and public., buildings,
views, &ec.. a call,
Located back Best & Williams.
. Why send your children off to
college when you have a good
boarding school near yon? Bunp
Bell Institute, Waycross, Ga.
Teachers, all eollege graduates.
Literary, music, art and expres
sion departments. Wholesome
christian inflvence. Healthtul
location. Most comnplete college
building of its kiad in the stale.
Discipline kind, but iirm." Rates
reasonable. ®chool opens Sep
tember 29th. Write for catalogue
E. G. Hall, President.
Money to l.oan at 3, per cent
per annum, on farms. |
> R, T. WiLr.raMß
Correspondent Fraic v
Jos 3L Augusta. (7.
Any intelligent person may
earn a good income correspend
ing for newspapers: experience
unnecessary. sond stamp for
full particulars. Empire Press
Syndizate, Middlepert, N, Y.
e hadl
wil tell you somedivm wou |
may not know about [': g, |
Nires, Pearl :|Fishing,
Woman’s Invasion, Flyings
Machines, and Acton.f C
Tewill giv s you lotsof good shoti
stories znd beautiful pictures,
"oYou’fl like it. (et one to-day.
TR ST - = ; ¥ N 00, >
. iiS l ’ I ’ k@ BB T S
! n S i.‘ i i’\"’? 3:' e
’ = %, <
g 3 ¥\ e i ¥ o z
\ B ora - j & _, T @ . _,; .
Sce This [lachine cad Our Offer.
s . e - &el - ©
xWx.—;;W’ po— ._____w LIPS S .- ' g £ § :
“e R x‘t;w:m'mmmt" ~ e »—‘__—‘mmnwnmcmcmz—_
/ ‘ A $25.00
: ‘{3,"/- S ' : % ? vl ® F
T w“fi; ) ~ " i 5 6 R
& > A 0 NATURAL iore L slk
oPlit me B n . . 4 AT T !
"%s‘\s@:, A TS S g . Lo AN D_ etz | ;
Gy &BT¥ %x Y ¢
Ui RO L TR SRR - B ® 5 ; ®
g Clmnidare Machine
et (S sinoific Machine
e 2% ';4»%\, a'f .L'“ Al (f_j 2 ¢ .
VO g S R T o : 3y [ il , - ; Vi e
SR R S 5%,£785 @ g A g @§v@ M@ fom
W, oS TR I T - Cg D ISD Ko 44 30 @V Wty g " % y & & ¢
@g&;«%flgy,fii gi s éfi’ oy &7&D£ Ul = y M [ B
W% SR TE , e, 2. ok ; . ’
s , Whose Cash Purchases $25,0
1O 20 LN NTSTSTR AL MM W&’Wfl‘_—‘ ‘m""“"”""""““"""""'r“'{" m""‘m“m—fi—-—'— _“;—
Call at our Sters and hear the specially Ff-épa“d Bg_CéOfd_’ of Bands and otnerh,mtnm_xent;l Music, Soiigs, Stories, Recitations,
ey eTR Ete., and assare yourself that this is the iost offéred. -
oke Standard Talking Mazting with Handsome Flewer Horn for $2.08 to Every Gusfomer whiss Gash Purchases Amounts o $25.00.
: )i j : . .'.",' . ;e ‘ ‘ ! . o 4 )
e\ D€ ind hedr this wonderfulinstrument andlzarn how easily you czn obtain one. /o
J. . F' l‘ lfl\ .. . }.; | ‘AI S | |
- .. T J Frazier & Son -
. < J.Jd. Prazier & g
, ; L ; " L Lo Nl - -
i&g72l@¥ P mw 4 ; {
. R~_-The Old Reliable Grocerymen,;v—3%>
ok si S Rl vRI RSN sMRe LI A e Ley . et gl
i 4 s foha ig b R e AR S P Di) WF bah s 7 es R e e 1 e A se g
tI YE FTNEYE IRR&LY 8., ;afla*»@‘ gfi*@@m?ewd&fi,, i A fimfie&yfiéxgfimfi‘ !zgg,: ¢@:’s4 ? ‘:*’ %< g ' ‘ r
Peoples Drug Siore,
We handle nothing but the very bestand purest
RIl Proseriptions Receive gr_ompt and Careful Attention,
A cemplete stock of all Drug
~ Store Siindries,,
e se e
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Geld Jewelry
ever seen in Mazlshurst befere; and, you will
: e find eur prices ri.ght, toe.
We carry a fine lize of STATIONERY of every des’
criptien. Vhen in need of writing material
come to the ; \ :
Peoples Drug Store,
. W, JARVIS, Pro.
Farming Ivpliments for Eals;
I have in my possession, and
am agent for same, one and twe
two horse Cultivators. Thesq
are great labor-saving machines
on the farm, and are the latest
improved and are made from
the best material. They alse d¢
the very best work that can be
done, with farming impliments.
These machines can be bought
within the next 60 days at actual
cost, for casin &
I have also, corn and cottem
planters, which will be seld a
cost, within the next 60 days.
Come and see them, if you
need axr{ything in this line
‘ . H. J. Fussell,
Hazlehurst, Ga.R. F. D, Ne. 2
‘B Pealerin M
I heva suz¢ bargains in dwell
ing anure s else iu vacant lote. |
- .ash, balanie; terms {o
£, :
Haelehuret, v o v 7 ¢ Georgia
| . Estrayed
One black, sow has been at my
place about 18 months. Crep in
one ear ana swollow iotk in the
otheri ©Owner can get same oy
paying for this ad. J. I Lewis,
Hazlehurst, Ga., Route No. 4,
. Real Estate for Sale -.
i ‘ Hazlefiuz;j‘;i; .
Trece NoO. 141,000 acres in body,
125 seres in evidvation, 3 gocd fuim
builaimgs, Ibhis lapd Lus cne mile
river tront, cun’ be 800 acres pui lu
farm; 2 miles “horth of Cliy ot ks
zlehurst, At §B.OO per acre,
Tract No, 2750 acres in body, goad
Jocation for stock farm, can be 43V
acres put in cultivation, small farin
now on lands, very good house un
finished, has one mile river front; »
miles northeast of Haziehurs(, Ga. At
SB.OO per acre, \
Tract Ne. 3--370 acies in hody, 40
acres in cultivation, good buildings, 4
miles of Hazlchurst, wesit., At 37-00
per acre,
Tract No. 4—200 acres in body, 4
miles nporth eof Hazleburst, with 175
acrs in cultivation, 70 weres good
swamp plantation, 25 acres upland,
all very rich land aud very produe
tive, ‘buiidings in fair condition. At
SIO.OO per acre, Nomed
Tract No, 5—245 acres in body, 8
’miles east of Hazleharst, ¢3 &eres in
icultivation, good land, good building,
’excellent water, At s6.ooper acre.
- Tract No. 6—245 acres in body, 7 1-2
;miles of Hazlehurst, 40 acres in cul
tivation, commen buildings in good
conditicn, At $6.00 ber acre.
- Tract No. 7—300 acres in body, 65
‘acres in cyitivation, godl ¢ room
hous? freme, finished and painted;
‘good bain aud other outbuildings; 6
ilargo hoating pecan trees and apple
orcherd and goed water, This farm
is two miles north of Hazlehurt, with
pubiic Icad in front vard; telepicne
line paseing, wilh connectjon, This
is one of tio most comioriable farms
in the ccubty, healthy and preductive.
‘High red pimyly lands. $4,500. Terms
31,500 cash, £SOO January 1, 1910, SSOO
Januar 1, 1911; SSOO January 1, 1912;
June 1, 1912, lsee, interest on
deferc® payments at 6 per ceat,
Now i 3 the time to do your fall
and wintar Idve:siising.
wiil bo proud of cull alt ence and o 4
we show you what 1 have, Wl mala
eaay terms end payments on ol lavds,
City Property of Hazichurst, Ga.
No. 1-—oOune’ house and lot in City
of Hazlchurst, Ja, consisting of o
Lalf acve of luud fronting on Talla
hassece suicel, uwe main strect of the
city, and Cemetery street; o corner
101, with ¢ roowm building, 2 zurd as,
aud lot and barn; remts for $12.00
per month; will scll for 81,800, $i,200
ce:l; S6OU Januasy 1, 1911, or wili
take goed noies bankable foo cavird
amount, ]
Ne, &—OoOne house and lot on Baz
ley and Mcllae sireets, consistv: of
one-halt 2cre of land; new, well ‘-
ished 7 room building, house W
painted; good new barn; will sell ¥
$2,600; easy paymeats; rents for §j
per month, i
No. 3—Three-{fcuris of au acre ‘¢
iand frouting Talluhassee strogt, with
two very gouod houses: rent for SB.OO
each per montn; will sell for $1,200
Casy payments,
No. t+—oOne vacant lot on Tallahas
gc2 sirect; one-liwlf acre; well locat
ed; wiil =ell fcr $:00; cash ¢or good
bank nates,
No. 3--Twe vacant lots on (eme
tery wtreet; one-alf acre frout; wiil
sell for $300; cush or good notes,
No. 6—One vueant lot fronting Wil
liams sireet; onc-nulf acre fromt; will
sell for $l5O,
No. 7—Cne vacant Jot on Daxiey and
Mcßae streeis; i oae-hzift acre: will
sell for $250. <Cash or good notes.
Come and see tiis property and get
a home in the City ‘of “\Jlazlehurst.
Gecod faeilities for ~ducating your
children; goud water; healthy nlace;
geod lecality for amy kind of bus,g"
ness, . DGR L
BT pirmimssaiid YL