Newspaper Page Text
~ The News,
8. A.FAOKLER, Rditor and Pub'r
JULIAN K, PARKER, Asso, Bditor
e el oe e e .
likotered as second- class “matter
Mareh 1, 1004, at the post office a
gulelnmt. Ga. i
'TWURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1000.3
Qlied - =~ < 2
Supgrior Court. i
The fall term of Jeff Davis
S,npegifi}“()fufi convened Yoo
Monday morning last, with
Judge T. A. Qarker presiding,
and Solicitorr J,' H. Thomas look
ing after the inteéresf of the state.
The Judge's charge to the
Grand Jury demonstated, con
clusively, that he wanted this
body to find bills agaimst law
violators whenever they hacd
sufficient cvidence before them
to warrant a bill, and that he
would do the rest. His charge
was a master effort, and we dare
say, met the approval of all law
;vbiding citizons within his hear
ng. .
Monday was what you might
term divorce day, for most of
the day was taken up in trying
divorce cases, _
Tuesday the criminal docket
was taken up, and as there are
four murder cases to be tried &t
this term they will probably con
gume the entire week,
The following attorneys, are
here in attendance:.
Cols. J. B. Moore, W. W. Ben
nett, H. D. Williams, J. F. High
smith and A, V. Sellars, of the
Baxley bar; Col. John. W. Ben
nett, Wayvecross; Cols. C. A.
Ward, Levi Osteen, Judge W.C,
Langferd, Judge F. Willis Dart,
of the Douglas bar; Col. J. F. De-
Lacy, Eastman, Ga, Cel. J. M.
Denton, Denton, Ga. The local
Bar was revesented by Cols.
H, A.King, S. D.. Dell, P. &
Smith, J. H. Parier, R. B. P’rice,
and Jas. R. Grant.
We will give a full list of the
cases tried at this texm, in our
next issue, and the dispositon
mmade of them.
The big clock in the tower of
of the court house has been stop
ped for several days, owning to
something had gone wrong with
it. On Saturday last Messrs.
0. W. Clark and S. F. Leßoy as
cended to the tower to regulate
it, and had finished their work—
as they thought—but decided to
remain in the tower for a few
moments and watch the clock, te
see that it was runningall right
before they came down. Als of
4 sudden the cable that was held
ing the 80CC pound stricking
weight broke, and the weight
came tearing through the ceiling
to the second floor, making an
awful noise and {frightening
everybody who happened to be
in the building at that time. It
was fortunate that noone was
hurt. It will take 3500 to repair
the damage done to the building
py the falling weight, and we
dare say, that it wili be quite
awhile before our people wili
hear the court house clock strike
again. e
We had fondly hoped—yea,
firmly believed —that this weel:'s
issue of The News wou!d have
been printed on the big press,
but owning to the illness of the
gentleman who was to come and
put the press up for us, huve
been disappeinted. However,jour
son is here now from Florida—-
came up to pay us a visit—and
he understands these kind of
presses, so lie hag linked right
. dewn to it, and we hope that it
will be in ranning order by rext
week. We told him upon
his arrival, that he could go to
work and put up the press, and
visit us afterwards, So Le took
tisateur wordand jerked L s
‘coat off and went at ic.
Notice “ :
The memkbters of the Presby
terian church of this place are
requested to mees ag the chifrch
Mrfi“fld&}' next, 19th ih.t-. a}.
.4:30 p. m.) for the purpase '
e . ¥%fi* .R ;fl ‘nz “ L 2 * wfi.—m
» ’, .I el ! ' ’ Ty |
gtemen of he Gondition of
o \ b——nrul—
; +
Located at Hazlehurst, Ga., at
[_ The Close of Business
\ Sept. 1, 1909.,
LLoans and discounts........ 62,650,064
Overdrafts......ccopernrennnseonnnis) 242,64
Ranking HOUSE. ..oviresvesss . §,842,42°
Furniture apd qurel.. vene 1,448,19
pue from Bgnks « Bankers
h\ 'he .“w..’;\-..-o--.... "635.99
Due from Banks and Bankers
’n oth” .“nlflo " 35\6.- e 8’036.“
Curnno’.. cessee oo.uocc.o-ocoo-3,472.°°
GOld 00000000 0000008000 t laoow
Silver, Nickles and Penp1e5...1975.62
Inter'elfl’ald....u segeqeglirenee 7“:5‘
TOt&lu- sre ey Q’76’206'81
Capital Stock Paid in.......15;000,00
Undivided Profits, less Cur
rent expenses and taxes
i ik i can e 0 ) 1,244.?8
Due to Banks and Bankers v
in this 5tate........ ........
[ndividual Deposits Subject
soCheck.....c.oooooo ... 80,938, 06
Tyme Certificates............ 5,324,36
cashier’s Check 5............ 1,203.92
Bilis Pavable, Including Time
Certificates ropresqqgng
uvorrowed M0ney...:....12,600.00
Total.....cocevvvts 876,200,81
Jeff Davis County )
Before me came T. R. Enight, Cash
ier of Bank of Hazlehurst, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and
foregoing statement is a true condition
of said Bank, as shown by the books
of file in said Bank.
- Sworn 30 and subscribed before me,
this 14th' day of Sept. 1909.
' ¢ "H, A: KING,
N. Po J' n‘ COC Gal
Mrs. N. R.Swain returned
home & few days ago from Crys
tal River, la., accompanied by
her son, Tom, and his wife and
baby, who had been sick in Flor
ida. However We are glad to
state that they all are improving
rapidly since arriving back in
[ s, HEYWARD, Vice-Pres, 4. F. WILLIAMS, Secty.
~ The Heward-¥illiams Co.,
Incorporated. ; Capital Stock $50,000.00
120 Bay St. East,Savannah Ga.
Bagging And Tics At Attractive Prices; Now
i Ready For Shipment.
! The officers of this Company are veterans in the
| eptton business. It’s facilities for selling and handling
l cotton can not he matched.
ANTS IN THE SOUTH, in handling of Upland ®ea
Island, Florodora, and Egyptian Cottons.
Liberal Advances. Quick Returns
o't Run
The risk of losing your rights bv net having
yeur Deeds and Mortgagés on Record.
“Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtef the County
where the land lies. Recoerd may be
made at sany time, but such deed loses its
prisrity ever a subsequent tecorded deed
from the same vender.”==Section 36; 18.
“Mortgages en realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; en per
sonalty, inithe ceunty where the mertgager
residesat time of execution.”-Section 27, 26
I will fe-record at half price any deed
recerded in the eld ceunties.
o i ‘gja&_fi_@fo% pratection,
GEORGIA—Jest nfi?’ County
Notice is hmby' ven that the
undersigned applied to the
Orainary of said county fer leave
to sell land belonzinf to the es
tate of Elegy Dyal, for the pur
pose of distribution, said appli
cation will be heard at the reg
ular term of the court of Ordina
rg for said county te be held on
the first Monday in Qctober 1909,
This the Pth day of Sept. 1909,
' F. L. DyaL,
‘Administrator on the estate of
Elegy Dyal. ,
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis. County.
BLvirm of an order of the
couft of Ordinury of said county
will be sold a:&nblic outory, on
the first Tuesday in October
1909, at the Codrt House in said
eounty, betweep the usual hours
of sale. the following real estate
and capitol steck in Jeff Davis
county to-wit: one lot afd resi
dence on Tallahassee and Mcßae
Street, 185 by 242 feet, also
Twenty-five shares of the Cagitol
Steck of the incerporation Com
pany known as Jarman & Wil
liams, ag evidenced by stock cer
tificate.* Terms, ene third cash,
one third in six3.months and one
third in twelve months, defered
payments to be well secured,
Said sale to coctinue from .'day
to day until all of said property
is sold. This the 6th day of Sep
tember 1909. 1. L. CookK,
' Administrator.
Give Us Your Ginning.
lam in the ginning busineSS.
T gin both Upland and Sea Island
Cotton. Will gin Sea Island cot:
ton at SI.OO per hundred, and
cover for same. Upland cotton
40cts, per hundred, and cover
for SI.OO. Will deliver it at the
depot at Pine Grove free of
charge. Bring on your cotton,
* M. B. Johnson.
Money to Loan at 73 per cent
per annum on farms.
Correspondent Frank & Sop,
Augusta, Ga.
' “" . e
Look Listen.
, A\ v :
'We invite the public $o stop at our Storg
loek at our Geods, and listen at our prices.
We é‘parant-ee to sell you ggpds as gheap as
you can buy them any w]?grc. gonsidering ghe
OQur Furniture
is stacked from the floor to the ceilirg, and is the best
assorted stock ever shown in Hazlehurst, consisting of
OakK and Irop Beds, Mat.-
tresses, Springs, Chairs, 4
Room Saits, Odd
Drecsers & Wash-
o ' . «
Center Tablz , Dining Safes, Etc.
l and we are selling them justas cheap as they possibly
- can be goid. Let us know your wants in furniture be
fore buying,
The Famous Red Seal Shoes.
A complete stock now on our ghelf, just arrived a few
days ago. You should patronjze home industry. Red
Seals are made in Georgia, and gre made good, too.
The Red Scal Shoe Factery will give away 100
pairs of shoes this year {or a record of longest service,
Buy your next pair from us, try your lack fora new
pair free. ;
ohild Brand Clthing
We have just received and marked up one of the
nicest lines of Men’s and Boy’s Custom Made Cloth
ing ever shown in Hazlehurst. The price is printed en
each Shield Brand Suit, and you know at a glance what
a suitis worth. Prices range from SIO.OO to $15.00, no
more or less. ; .
We also carry a goed line of Hats, Staple Notions,
Dry Goods, Crockery, Tin and Enamel Ware. Trunks,
Bags, Etc. :
Call on us when in tewn, make our stere
headquarters; . and remember, if YOU 3r¢
leoking for both quality and quantity, it will
pay you to see us.
s f
H. COOK & SON. |