Newspaper Page Text
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f Parmers— bring mora sweet:
potatoes te tdwn.. You will find
a ready sale'for them. -
! Cotten gins in this section are
running overtime these days, and
ere long, all the cotton in this
pection will be giped. '
. o
Mrs, Wm. Hester, who lives
;h‘;& miles northizgst of town,
};«h rattlesnake Thjper girden
o few days ago whil ethcring
vegetables, The reptile ha
thirteen rattles and a button.
Mr. J. A, Armitage is a “genu’
ine artistin his live, He_ has
just finished painting Mrs. Mary
Mcg,achin's residence amd has
made that building lcok like a
brand new house out and’ out.
Many of our people went down
to Florida on the ‘excursion train
Jast Wednesday, and Mr. Isham
o'Quinn was among the last to
arrive'home. He went to Tampa
and says that he had the time of
his life,
' Dan R. Carry left a few days
ago for Mederian, Miss., to attend
college. Dan has many friends
in Hazlehurst who wish him well
in his studies. Link down to it
old bey, and you arc bound to
accomplish your aims.
They are all here this week,
some has cases in court, some as
witnesses, some to serve on the
ury (and some to get eaught on
e Jury if possible), and some—
“4a]!, just to be here, to sce and
e seen.
The Ups and Downs of a Coun
try Editor Company will give a
performance in Douglas to
night (Thursday 16th) under the
auspices of the Baptist church of
that city. From all reports,
there will be a large crowd out
to witness the performance of
this play. '
‘Chief Webb is all .smiles these
days, and seems to be at peace
with the world and ali mankind.
And, its enough to make him
feel good. A fine 9 pound boy
arrived at his home on Saturday
morning last to cheerand com
forg him and his good wife in
lenely hours. May the littie fel
low grow to manhood’s estate,
and be as useful citizen fas his
father is, the wish of The News.
We deeply sympathize with
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cook upon
the death of their 14 months old
baby'which egcured on Saturday
morning last at .3 o'clock, 1t
had been sick for two or three
weeks priorto its death, and
everything was done for the little
sufferer that medical skill, and
tender loving, nursing could do,
but to no avail. God wanted the
little jewel with him, and took it.
The remains were interred in
the Union Cemetery Saturday
afternoon. : '
Why not drov in and pay your
subscription to The News while
in town this week? We kpow
that yeu have the money for yeu
have just sold cotton. You can’t
expect us to feid the paper to
you always without paying any
thing for it. We have been pa- 1
tient with our delinquent sub
gcribers, but now there is no ex
cuse. Weare going to enlarge
and impreve the News right
away, and need what ycu are
due us.
Our 1909-1910 term of public
scheol opened up on Monday
morning last with 148 puplis and
a new faculty—save ene teacher
—-Mrs. A. T. Vonderau, who
taught the third and fourth
grades last term, and who s
considered a ‘good, and pains
taking teacher, The prospects
are good for a successful term,
and we sincerely hope that at the
end of the present term that
every scholar will be far advan
ced, and that -every patron of the
school will be pleased with the
management of it, Now, lets all
pull for our school.
e, K ik B ! #
7. A. Armitage still paists
houses. The fall is the best time
o have your painting done. *«&
N - :
riepds and Lystomers,
; / ; ; e
WE have been doing business in Hazlehurst for quite awhile,
}md hav"g always tried to deal square and honorable with oyr cus
tomers, Whenéyer we tell them a picce of geods, ora pair of
l . '
shces is all right:. they cam dépend wpon what we tell them. We
' N‘ . , b T
will act misreprssent gopds. In fact, no shoddy goads entdr our
store. We handle nothii?'a but the very best gogds, ~ .
0 AN v . . : : bt g
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Our Fall and Winter Stock
MNe *
‘ Has arvived and besn opened up for your inspection. .
\ i, e v )} Seuw
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‘,. iR RYN c,gcoooooooosoooo?oooooqgo
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0 /A!"“"“‘:‘\\.‘ 5835 mu Al' ‘g" "\
g“‘! '*—,%s'\\ l&%“ ‘;/‘:f",’,""f{;"?";‘n;m i\ We have the most heautiful and
. 474 S A\ | XTh ‘“”‘:“?/‘.‘ 1) \“: ' . 1! ; W
//]m\@ Ve '.t - durable line of Ladies Fall and
SRS x"\ / 78N Winter ‘Dress Goods ever ex
'~;‘,:s‘~%'>;’<"-"4“-:"'["’$‘4’~ RGO " ke
».’ f;‘\'"(}j":i‘.‘~" § i| { § Libiied in this town before,
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Qur Notion Department Can’t be
We keep up with the very latest Styles in Ladies
Neckwear and Rushings.
' "WEAR'and the RED BELL....
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Scheol Shets. SOEL CPIYAL
2 '!,’ : ::'t:]' :;:: "‘ = ‘
Come to our store and bring yourég ‘&3? ,‘§: : &
children, and let us fitthem upina” =~ M . LRGP
geod, durable pair of school shoes, (»
4 G sy N
semething they can’t krick outin a \,'.:.;,f\j,'s';i,fi-*fg‘;\-m.;;'i;‘ "'f,j;;?;;';- N
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week or two. W If length of service
| san imporiant considerafion
Ithissiyl isllla,%as; fitling ‘sl;:q
e e e [ ¥ z -
; fisnexcelled /o s ne.
Let us sell you a SWAN DOWN HAT. We have them for
Men and Boys. ‘ \
s W,‘\\M‘%\\\)\K\\Wfi ®
e “\l\‘%,, ",%'{:l b .. »
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We have a large line of PANTS, for bath Men and Boys.
This is a splendid Shirt, and you will find the prices low.
A fargeline of McCall's Patents on hand all the time,
We cordially invite you to come to see us, inspect our goods
and get our prices. Its a pleasure to show goods, whether you
buy or not. .Boliciti}mg yeur continned patronage, we are,
yeurs to please, G .
i/ HE§ e m&* T?QWJ&A%_M’ A_______..__‘s 5
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ur £l g W lfltfif
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Are here, 3nd have begn opened yp an%
Y marked dewn very gl
. : -t o g ;.... «‘:';f-":d;.“‘b
We keep everything instock that the human
. ) E.
family neced, such a catables and something
to wear. You will alv:r{:aysfi find eur prices
just ag low as we can consistantly make thcm
= £ ‘ A Pr AR
What we state in our advertisements = are
\ T : ; 4 WS
facts. We had rather miss a dozen sales than
to mistje;present a sinjlq article in our store,
Shozs and Slippers
The Kiser King Shoe is the hest
shee in the world. They
wear longer and look bet
tcr than any other shoe
manufactured. e
Al Lew Cut Shoes must go at
Some price before the sum
mer is over.
KVe don’t i usually mazke é GREAT
NOISE, but we_ have a ling of Goeds that
pleases. and the prices age sure to suit yeu,
Clothing, Glothing!
What a glqriaous feeling to
deck out in New. Clothess--
particglarly in such clothes as
we carry. ILhey are designed
and made by : celebrated
master. tailors. 2 &
Our Clothes cost no morethan
the ordinary.’
Come, let us show you. No obli
gation to buy. It will be our pleas
ure to show: you anyihing you
might wish to inspect, and give
you prices on same.
Thanking our many loyal
friends and customers for their
past patronage, and soliciting
a centinuance of same, we are,
yours anxious to serve you,