Newspaper Page Text
ro Hundred Counties to Get
Five Per Cent.
i . —
‘Jist of Counties Which Will Receive
¥ Pay for Common School Teachers
for Bills Due Since February.’
-“ i ol ; i )
’ 4 ¥ W, e
Adlanta, Ga.—Governor Hrown's ar
grangement to borrow SIOO,OOO from the
Atlanta National, the American Na
tional and the Fourth National Banks
of Atlanta, and the American Nation
al Bank of Macon, will enable State
School Commissioner Pound to pay out
o per cent of the $2,250,000 appropria
(Jed tor the support of the common
schools of the state,
There is due to the teachers of 100
connties ai he present time between
$350.000 and $4v0,000 for which bills
are mow in. Many of these bills have
hegn due since February, and ‘the
last wore for work of teachers done
up to August,
There wie 1 the state of Geoorgia
approximaiely 10,000 common school
teachers whose salavies wil laverage
S3O per month, The average pay of
white teachers is $£14.29, and of negro
teachers $20.23. Many of the mare
sadly in need of the meney which
ugas long been due them. | o
‘ollowing is a list ot countics which
¢ had bills in since February 1
1 down to August 1:-
ppling, Baker, Baldwin, Banlks, Bar
w, Brooks, Bulloch, Burke, Butts,
Lampbeil, Carroil, Catoosa, Chatham,
Chattooga, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay,
Clayton, Clinch, Cobb, Coffee, Coluin:
bia, Coweta, . Decatur, DeKalb, Dooly,
Dougherty, Douglas, Early, Echols, Et-
Angham, KElbert, Fanmn, Fayette,
Moyd, ¥orsyth, Gilmer, Gordon, Gra
dy., Greene, Gwinnett, Habersham,
Hall, rlaralscn, Hart, Mecard, Henry,
Houston, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson,
Jeff Davis, Jenkins, Johnson, Lalrens,
‘Lee, Liberty,; Lincoln, Lowndes, Lump
kin, Macon, Madison, Maricn, McDut
#e. Mclntosh, Milten, Mitchell, Mur
ray., Muscogee, Newton, Oconee, Ogle
whorpe, Paulding, Pierce, Pike, Polk,
Pulaski, Stephens, Putnam, Stewart,
Taltot, Taliaferro, Tattnall, Taylor,
Thomas, Toombs, 'Troup, Turner,
Twiggs, Walker, "Walton, Ware, War
ren, Washington, Wayne, Webster,
White, Whittield, Wilcox, Wilkes and
Worth. ‘ :
in addition to the foregoing there
‘s due 5 per cent to the following
counties which are not reguired to
rander bills: Ben Hill, Bibb, Chatham,
Orisp, Emanucl, Fulton, Giynn, Han
cock, Irwin, Jones, Monrce, Montgom
ary, Morgan, Quitman, Randolph,
Richmond, Screven, Terrell and Tift.
There are also 70 small towns which
will receive a per cent of the appro
oriation of $250,000.
Railroads Must Pay When They Fail
to Furnish Cars Promptly.
Atlanta, Ga.—ln a decision handed
down in the case of the Southern
Railway vs. Melton, from Dodge su
nerior court, the supreme court, upon
questions certified to it from the state
sourt of appeals, upheld the ‘consti
sutionality of the railroad commis
sions’ rule, framed in accordance with
the terms of the Steed act of 1903,
requiring the payment of reciprocal
- demurrage -by railroad companies up
op their failure to supply shippers
with cars for the transportation of
their products after due notice has
heen given.
From the standpcint of transporta
tion service, this is one of the most
‘mportant and far-reaching decisions
which has recently come from the su
preme court,
Thoe effect of it will be, when ap
pited, to require the railroad compa
ay to furnish to a shipper who gives
~due notice a car or cars for the trans
vortation of freight, or, 'upon failure
w do so, to pay such shipper a dol
far a day per car during the time
that such failure to furnish the requir
od car or cars continues.
The legality of the commission's
rule requiring the payment of what is
amown a 3 reciprocal demurrage, will.
mean that the same requirement will
rest Dboth upon the railroad and the
State May Indict Some of the Savan
nah Dealers.
Savagnnah. Ga.—R. A. Ewing, a rep
rosentative of the state, sent to Sa
wannah to collect near beer tax due,
Qhmounting to SIB,OOO, has had but
very little success to date, If the
near. beer dealers do not come across
their names will be presented to the
grand jury.
Already . Savannah dealers have
paid the state $47,000. The state tax
ig S2OO, and there is no discount.
Plaintiffs Upheld in Clinch and Echols
Counties Property Dispute,
Macon, Ga.—ln the United States
cirenit court, the report of Special
Master J. N. Tally, in the case of
4 Chandler Land Corporation vs., Geo.
» 8. Baxer & Co., was filed. The spe
cial master sustained titles of plain
The casc involved 30,000 acres of
iands in Clinch and Echols counties.
It has been watched With deep in
terest by land owners of South Geor:
gia, because of the large amount in
volved, A
oy ——————————
Governor Brown arranged with
three Atlanta banks and one in Ma
oon, all state depositories, to horrow
SIOO,OOO for three months at 2 per
cent for the purpcse of paying it to
the school teachors of the state, The
banks loaning the money are the Al
lanta National, the American Nation
al and the Fourth Natioral of Atlunta
and the American National of Macon,
Georgln may . have the vmall brass
cannon conviscated by the union
forces from the grounds of the Geor
gia Military institute at Marietta dur
ing,the war by payment of & small
sum' of smoney, Some time ago Gov
ernor Brown' wrote the secretary of
war, asking if this small cannon could
not be returned to the state, to be
placed on the capital grounds, The
socretary’s reply was to the effect
that under the law arms confiscaied
in war were to be used when possible,
but where such arms were of little
use and sentimental reasons existed
for returning them, they might be
purchased for the actual cost of same,
He added that this small cannon,
now said (o be stored in an arsenal
in New York state, might be secured
for about $75. Inasmuch as the state
has no fund to apply to this purpose,
the amount must be raised by private
subgeription, Governor Brown, there
fore. heads the list with $5. There
are many former students of this now
defunct institute -living, and they will
probably make wup the necessary
amount promptly,
An order was issued by ‘Governor
Brown granting (. C. Covington of
Atlanta, now serving a six months’
gentence in the Fulton Tower for
shooting at another, permission to
attchd his wife’s funeral under the
escort of an officer, It is probable
that an effort will be made at once to
gecure Covington a parden in order
that he may care for his little ones.
The polar controversy has been set
dled by the North Rome Debating
society, and the verdict is in favor
of neither Cook nor - Peary, but
against both. At the last meeting
the socicty discussed the topie, “Re
solved, That the World “is Round,”
and decided in favor of the negative.
The socicty is composed of a num
hor ¢f young men who hold weekly
meetings to discuss current topics.
The advance in the price of cotion
of about $1 per bale, resulted in heavy
sales in the Columbus market. Quite
a large number of near by farmers
sold. their supply to date and a large
amount of cotton, which was being
held for ¢n advance, was dispesed of.
About eight thousand hales of cotion
have been received in Cglumbus up
to date. =
The death of Bishop Ward, mak
ing six bizhops to die since the last
meeting of the general conference, re
vives the discussion of bishopric tim
ber in the church. T.q! the friends
of Dr. William N. Ainwworth of Dub
lin will present his name is certain.
He will doubtless have the backing
of the South Georgia conference. and
perhaps ihe North Georgia as well,
He is not only one of the strongest
preachers in the South Georgia con
ference, but is one of the most pop
Seventy-five . thousand dollars was
the reported consideration in a large
timber deal in. Americus, a Tifton
stock company purchasing a tract of
magnificent timbered lands near
Americus, a portion of the former
Huguenin plantation. Twenty-five
hundred acres were thus secured for
timber, and sawmills will be located
here immediately, This tract is con
sidered among the finest standing
timber in southwestern Georgia.
Ten insurance companies, having
failed to comply with the ‘law requir-
Ing them to file a semi-annual staie
‘ment within sixty days from June 30,
1909, with the governor’'s office have
been denied the right of doing bus
iness in Georgia. <(Governor Brown
has handed Comptroller General
Wright, who is also insurance com
missioner, a list of the' delinquent
companies so failing to comply with
the law. They are: The Blue Ridge
Fire Insurance company of Marianna,
Fla.: which has consolidated with an
other company; the Jefferson Fire In
surance company of Philadelphia;
North State Fire, ¢f Greensboro, N.
C.; and Southern Fire, of Lynchbuhg,
Va., all of which have reinsured their
policies; Live Stock Owners’ Insur
ance Company, oif Buchanan, Ga.;
Merchants’ Mutual Five, of Atlanta;
southern Life and lealth, of Atlanta;
Southern Co-operative, of Griffin;
Unica Health and Accident, of Den
ver, Colo,; and the Woodmen's Cas
aalty company, -Indianapolis, s Ind.
Governor Brown has written declin
ing the invitation of the St. Louis
committee to join President Taft’s
party at that point to make the trip
down the Mississippi to New Orleans,
thence through the intervening states
back to Georgia. This trip will re
guire at least ten days, and Governor
Brown says the business in the execu
tive office is such that ¢ cannot af
ford to leave it for that length of
time, .'
Half a dozen or more operators of
grocery stores in Savannah charged
with selling or displaying goods on
Sunday were tried in the police court,
Several of the leading offenders were
fined, and others dismissed with a
Nathaniel 13. Stewart, American
consul at Madras, India, a former
Georgian, and reared near Americus,
purchazed the looper plantation at
Americug, paying nearly S4O an acre.
Consul Stewart purchased the planta
tion as an investment, and his broth
er, Walter Stewart, of Ttylor county,
will locate. there as manager of the
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o SO LSR R A S N b R
LR .'\‘Ww. b TN )
ad S "
Interest Paid On Time Deposits.
Attorneys at Law
3 Hazlehurst, Georgia.
Practices in state and federal
courts. <Collections a specialty. Of
fices upstairs in Court Houee.
Attorneys and Counselors At Law,
‘ Lawyer
I secure loans on your
farm lands for any amount
=t ?per cent interest.
Call and see me before you
boriow money. All loans
made promptly.
Sidney D. Dell,
Office in Citizens' Bank Building,
Dr.L.P. Pirkl
Physician & Surgeon
: Diseases of women and children a
Calls attended to promptly—day or
Office in Capital Drug Store. Office
Phone bsl; Residen,ce Phone 92.
King & Sellers,
Will practice in all the courts.
Office Upstairs, over Citizens’ Bank.
“My mother is a great sufferer
from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles’
Anti-Pain Pills is the only remedy
that relieve her.”
Roycefield, N. J.
. Tor the pains of rheumatism there
15 nothing that can equal ‘
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Piils.
They overcome that nerveus irri
tation, relieve the pain and swelling,
while they have a tendency to aliay
fever. If taken as directed they are
invaluable to chronic sufferers, as
the .weakening effect of pain is less
ened. Try them—your druggist
sells them.
The first, gpkfiryll} benefit; if not,
your ‘rgfi& will return your money.
Sumimer Tourist Ti ket
: TO
Lake, Mountain and Seashore Resorts
.. 4 §
. and all Eastern Cities,
-~ Full information can be had of any Sea%oard
Ticket Agent, or by applying to
R. H. STANSELL, Ass’t Gen’l Pass’r Agt.,
_ Savannah, Ga.
o o——————————— n S S S S e o S S e -
Georgia and Florida Railway.
No.B No } Effectiva August No. 2 No. 4
Daily Daily 29th, 1909. " Daily Daily
SBk 69 .. .. ...... ) s .o .. N 11:456 9:10
SOO 18 . o naooaie )D5.... «: .. LOOOB 7:55
88 5:87 .. .. v R 0) WHIEBCHOERSS . .. Ar 9:48 18
ST AT ..ihe eh s " Naahville .. .. .. AF B W
AR 8.... i e oD B s LJAr 11:25 TN
BIRE 1030 .. .. iiuy e 00l IR Valdosta .. .. .. ..Ar 7:42 5:26
Sk 3 .. ... .. ... 6:12 4:00
s A g G A ———————————— ————————— el e ettt et
B D.. .. e o D.. .. ...... &1’ 3 ©
BSR.. .. iy BRI R.. . s sLv 7:00 3:07
1. Southern Railway Nos. 13 and 15 north, Nos. 14 and 15 south.
2. Atlantic, Birmingham and Atlantic Railways Nos, 2 and 4 easi]
Nos., 1 and 3 west, _ ,
3. Fitzgerald, Ocilla and Broxton Railway, Nos. 2 and 4, also 1 and 3.
4. Atlantic Coast Line Railway, Nos. 90 and 96 east: Nos. 91 and 97
5. Georgia, Southern and Florida Railway, Nos. 2 and 4 north; - Nos,
1 and 3 south.
6. Atlantic Coast Line Railway, Nos. 46 and 180 east: Nos. 185 and
189 west, o
7. Seaboard Air Line Railway, Nos. 77 and 79 west; 76 and 78 east.
J. M. TURNER, General Manager. - A. POPY, Traffic Manager.
Not necessary to own a printing office or be a
printer to publish a newspaper. Write your locals
and advertisements and senc the copy to us. We
print the paper complete and send to you ready
for mailing, filling all blank space free of charge.
Hundreds of papers now being successfull; pub
iished by our plan. ‘
Religious papers containing suitable reading
matter a specialty. ' :
- Orders filled promptly for weekly, semi
monthly or monthly newspapers, in all standard
sizes, at reasonable rates. Address BOX 327, -
ATLARTA Q... i i oo : i