Newspaper Page Text
We, the Grand Jurors, selected‘
chosen and sworn, beg to leave to
present these our general present
We have examined the pension
list and approve same, and recom
nend that those now receiving pen
sions continue to receive the same
amounts now paid to them.
We recommend that our Ordinary
Hn. lenry Cook, be paid out of
& : county treasury One Huncrad
"a)llars ($100) as extra compensa
uion for valuable services re..dered
the county.
We recommend thet the Ordi
nry obtain the service of a com
petent, certified e ountant 1o
check the books of each and every
county off eer handling the county’s
money, or uny money by virtue cf
his position as a county officer, and
t \at such accountant be paid for
h.s services out of the connty treas
ury; and, in this connection we rec
ommend that the special book com
mittec appointed by our bedy co
operate with the accountant, and
render him “any service that the
members the e f ecan in order to
have the books properly checked.
For,the purpose of having the
county books examined, and for the
purpose of rendering the sccount
ant hereinbefore referred to such
services as he inay deem necessary,
we Fereby anpoint from our Lody
the following named gentlemen s
a spec’al book committee:
J. M. HinsoN, chairman,
Lorr W. JonxsoN,
J. H. BooxE,
And it shzall be their duty to ex
amine all books of the connty ofi.-
cers snd make their report to the
next Grand Jury. For their services
as such committeemen, we recon -
mend that each be paid at the raie
«f two dollars per diem - during the
time he is ehgaged in such commit
tee work.
We r:commend that the Jurors,
Grand and petit, and beiliffs Le
paid during the ensuing year at
the rate of two dollars per diem.
We further recommend that the
Foreman and Clerk of our body be
paid at the rate of threc dollars per
diem for their :e-vices instead of
the regular per diem of twvo dollars.
: We recommend that these, our
weneral presentments,be published ‘n
Tae Hazlehurst News and t’ e pu! -
ushers thereof be paid e uollars
therefor. ;
We rezommend t:at, when vari
ous couaty officers are in need of
any books incident to the conduct
of their ofiice, or supplies of any
nature, they subiit a list of such
books or supplies to tle Ordinary
and that the Orciaary furnish same,
provided such books or supplies are
by him deemed necessary to the
proper conduct of such offlce; and
that in the event any county officer
amenable to the county, should pur
chase any books or supplies without
the consent «f th 2 Ordiray «r
thirough the Crdinary, the Ordinary
refuse to pay for such purchases.
We beg to ¢ppend here to and
make a part of our general present
ments the report submitted to our
body by the following committee:
Committee on Public Buildings.
Book Committee, also report cf
Book Committee appointed by t e
Grand Jury. |
We call the attenjion of our citi
uens to the general bad condition of
our public roads, and particularly to
the miserable condition of the fol
lowing roads: From Grakam to
Mann’s Ferly, From Hazlehurst to
L. Stone’s, rrom Appling county
line to Frank Lord’s place.
The time has arrived when our
citizens should realize the impor
tance of good roads and take some
steps to put our public roads in
first class condition. The roads
should be worked and at cross roads
signs should Le erected, and we
recommend that our Ordinary set
on foot some organized movement
0 arouse the interest of our citizens
and seek to improve cur roads. -
We recommend that for the pres
ent, in view of the financial crises
through which we have just passed
the erection of a county jail be post
poned until times are more propiti
~We recommend that John F.
Simmons he appointed N. P. and
ex-officio J. P. of the Altamaha
District, to succeed L. D. Stone.
We particularly regret to learn
of the illness of Hon. John W. Ben
nett, who for so many vyears has
served this circuit as Sol citor Gen
eral, and we hope and trust that he
may soon recover.
" _Rerort of Book Committse. !
e "et
1109, to exan i the books of the)
N. P’s. ond J. P's. beg leave to sub
m't the follow'ng report: We find
the'boo sos the 1622, 1621, 1620,
nea'ly and corraetly kept. We find |
for tue 1631 and 1364 incorract,
cost not being itemized, nor footeu
up, nor prope entr'es male. '
Boo'k Committee,
J. R. Horton, R. J. Dykes, J. M,
To The Foreman and Grand Jurors
' Of Jeff Davis County:
We, the undersigned committee
appointed by the Grand Jury of
said ( o.nty to examine the books
of the county officers, bee leavs to
report tla we have (x minxl the
(lerk’s Ordine ry’s Sherift 8 and Tax
’Re"éiver's Books and find them
'well kept, and in a satisfactory con
! We desira to ma'e special men
tion of the neatness and correc n:ss
!of the Tax Receiver’s Books. |
As 1o the accuracy of the aczounts
of the saveral officers, we cannot
incke a report, as we were unable
to got the 'T'ax Collgetor’s book.
this book beine the fourdation of
o'l the financial affairs of the coun
"We were unable to make a
thorough investigation and cher k'ng
ot all the officers, or eny of them as
we were anxious to do.
- The Ccnnty School Commissioner
failed to bring his books for eur in
vestigation and approval. We are
tt erefore unable to make any re
port as to his books. Resp’t sub
mitted, J. J. Frazier, F. M. Haynes
J. A. Walker, Book Committee
We find that some dsmage has
Leen done to the court house by
the striking weight to the elock,
breaking loose and falline through
the ceiling, we recommend that the
O-dinary have the necessary repdirs
done at once, and have the -clock
put in runn'ng order and to have
some heavy timber placed under the
clock weight’s to extend across both
larce colums in the ceiling, to re
' ceive the weightsin case they should
break loose acain, we think this
would not only be a protection to
the court house but to the lives of
o 2 @
The Heward- & lliams Co.,
Incorporated. Capital Steck $50,000.0°
120 Bay St. East,Savannah Ga.
Bagging And Ties At Attractive Prices; Now
Ready Fcr Shipment.
e officers of this.Comparny are veterans in the
cotton business. It’s facilities for selling and handling
cotton can not be matched. ‘
ANTS IN THE SOUTH, in handling of Upland Sea
Island, Florodora, andigyptian Cottons.
Liberal Advances. ‘ Quick Retrirs
Don’t Rumn
The risk of losing your rights bv not having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record.
“‘Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the land lics. Record may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
prierity eve: a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”==Section 36; 18.
“Mortgages en realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in the county where the mortgager
resides at time of execution.”-Sectien 27, 26
I will re-record at half price any deed
recerded in the old ceunties. :
Yours for protection,
our ¢i izens. W.J. Googe, J. T.}
MasEachin, J. F. Hinsor, Comm’ -
tee on Public Duild'ngs. ‘
In ronelusi n we des''e to ex
press our regret at losing as Jud e
of the Superir Court of our Coun
ty, His'Honor T. A, Parkr, who
has served us fearlessly and - faith
fully since the creation of our coun
tv. We hespeak o*him in sum
ing the Cu.ies of the rew e reuit,
our everv ~ood wis} . 1
We desira to thank Hon, Joseph
H. Thomas, o 1 r Solicitor General,
for his coreos to our by,
Resp’t submitted.
J. H. Boone, Fore nan, Jawes Cai
ver, W. H. Dilbon, Joz L. Crosby,
'H. A. Dykes, G. W. Harrison, W. T.
Byrd, H. E. Mims, R. [I. Dykes,
‘W. F. Hinson, H. H. Hand, J. A.
Walker, Clerk, F. T. Clough, W. J.
Googe, J: F. Hinson, J. F. McEach
in, J. M. Hinson, L. W. Johnson,
G. W. Wileox, G. L. Hinson, J. W.
G, G. W. Best.
GFORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
By virtue of an order of the
court of Ordinury of said county
will be sold at public outery, on
‘ the first T'vesday in Oct.ber
11909, at the Court House in said
| county, between the usual hours
Los sale. the following real ¢state
and capitol stock in Jeff Davis
county te—wi': one lot and resi
derce on Tallahassee and Mcßae
|Street, 180 by 242 feet, also
Twenty-five shares of the Capitol
Steck of the incerporation Lom
pany known as Jarman & Wil
linmns, as evidenced by stock cer
titicate. Terms, one third cash,
one third in xix . months and one
third in twelve months, defered
payments to be well secired.
Said sale to coctinve from day
to'dav until all of said property
is so:d. This the 6th day «f Sep
tember 1903. I. L. Coox,
- Administrator.
R SO RED TN R e S, £ 8
Money to Loan at 7§ ver cent
per annum on farms.
(Cm'respondenb Frank & Son,
Augusta, Ga.
‘«(] S ’ D>e
k List 1
.90 isten.
] ' 5
i We iavite the pubiic to stop at our Store
look at our Goods, and listen at our prices.
' We guarantee to sell you gocds as cheap pe
you can buy them any where, considering %:
. A
l quality.
| bk |
7 N
' Cur Furnitudre
, is stacked from the floor to the ceiling, and is the best
' assorted stock ever shown in H::zlehm:ct, consisting of
- QaR and Iron Beds, Mat
! tresses, Springs, Chairs,
| Room Suits, Qdd
! Dressers & Wash
{ Stands.
i : v
‘Center Tabls, . Dining Safes, Etc
and we are selling them just‘, as cheap as they possibl
can be sold. Let us know your wants in furniture be
fore buying. A 4§
The Famous Red Seal Shoe
A complete stock now on our shelf, justarrived a fe
days age. You should patronize home industry. Re
S2sls are made in Georgia, and are made good. too.
The Red Seal Shoe Factory will give away 1
piirs of shees this year for a record of longest servic
Buy your next piir from us, {ry your luck for a ne
pair free.
1% 1 - £ : *
tild ‘Brand Clthing
We have just received and marked up one of tl
nicest lines of Men’s and Boy’s Custom Made Clot
ing ever shown in Hazlehurst. The price is printed ¢
each Shield Brand Suit, and youn know at a glance wh
a suit is worth. Prices range from SIO.OO to $15.00, 1
more or less. bl :
We also carry a goed line of Hatx, Staple Notion
Dry Goods, Crockery, Tin and Enamel Ware. Trunp}
Bags, Ete. e
© Call en us when in town, make our stet
headquarters; and remember, if you a
looking for both quality and quantity, it wi
pay you to see us. ;
; 3