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T>’!•: Fhiend and Monitor.
•% W**;* *#* #** $ * •*• ** * *
Friday, February 10th.
THE arm of our illustrious
jackfon has again tiiuinphed over
cbe enemy, with a glorious and un
''paredleld success; three thousand kil
led and wounded, to seven killed
• only, is a difoarily never before re
corded. What a leflon does it
teach of American superiority and
favour! Favour from him who di
-'efts t!ie. destiny of nations—who
rvills, and millions live or perish!
Away then with the Carnival,
the Bachantrites, the roar of drums
•and artillery: These are but bub
bles of celebration; often msfehe
vu us in their consequences, and
■undue offerings ffcr such Hieflings
~-ict solemnity be ekercifed on this
’ occasion-—let prayres of gratitude
arise, and while we prostrate otf/-
{elves in the temple of the moil
high God, acknowledging his care
and munificence, be our enemies
remembered in forgivenefs, anil
t . sec.-uses which lead to the
Butchery of th# human family, en
tte it to be revoked forever.
At the commencfement of the
yjref nt war the old men of this
uoui ■ ’yv formed themselves into
do npanics, and exhibited a degree
qf pe ’ iotiftn augUrial of the molt ’
beneficial, e ffe&- But alafs! in the
Course or two years show, theie
ge ■ * n b jeome sick of the farce,
an .- y a’ total di<continuation of
their military display, forfeit our
admiration and gratitude.
0- Though we feel the greatest
personal regard for the gentleman
who handed us the communication
Signed Moderate)', we cannot, with
out cortfiderablc injustice to others,
In its prefentform, give it publicity.
If hotrever (as the author observes)
it is the sentiment of a decided ma
jority of the Grand J urors of this
county, drawn at the lass Superior
court as a protest again ft twelve of
the Grand Juror’s proceedings in
reference to the Judges opinion of
the alleviating law, we will publiffi
at, provided thole’ protecting Jurors
tueir names.
By a letter from Columbia to a
of this place, we learn
with mingled exultation and regret
the loss of the frigate Preffdenr,
Com. Decatur. She was captured
as we learn by a force some-nvhat
superior to the Frcfident, being only
two Seventy four’s and two frigates,
after an engagement of four hours ,
in which three of the American
Lieutenants were killed. We are
allowed to hope that the immortal
Decatur is fafe or vve should cer
tainly have beared to the contrary.
From the Savannah Republican.
Richard Richardson, Etc. of this
place arrived here a few minutes
fmee from Darien, at which place
he law and convened with eapt.
Tatnall of the United States Army
who informed him that a Eritifh
bomb (hip arrived at St. Mary’s on
Friday lull from the squadron off’
New-Oi leans, in a paflage of G or 7
days, the Officers of which state,
that a general engagement had ta
ken place between the American &
Batlih armies, in which the latter
totally defeated—the deffruc
tion of the Britilh officers ttas so ;
great that there- was fearcely any
ieft to conduct the balance of the ;
array off the field ; that the expedi- :
tion againff New-Orleans had been j
abandoned ; and that the remain
der cl it would turn against Savan
Milledgevillc. , Feb. i. ,
Maj. Dale arrived here this cw- ■
ning as an Express from New-( r- t
leans, w ith Despatches for the Gen-;
eral Government and for Govern t
or Early. The success of the gal
lant Jackfca has been great indeed 1
Greater even than we hatl anticipa
ted ! Let us offer up our devout
thanks to the Giver of all Victory
for the glorious achievements of
our brave countrymen.
Extract of a letter from Col. Butler,
Adjutant General of the Ith Mil
itary District , dated at New Or
leans, to Gen AVlntcsh.
44 1 he enemy landed their forc
es on the 23d of December, since
when v. e have killed, wounded and
taken prisoners from the bell infor
their choicest troops. Among the
killed is Lieut. Gen. Sir Edward
Buckingham commanding, and Mnj.
General Kean wognded. Avery
(hurt time will determine the fate
of the remaining army. Admiral
Cochran with his whole flotilla is
off the Lakes ”
Extract of a letter from Capt. Adam
G. S afield of Gen. Ai’ fates he's
army . to his friend in this place ,
dated Fort Decatur, fan. 21.
“Maj. Dale reached this’place
left night, Express from Orleans.
He Rates that Gen. Jackson has
had two engagements with the Bri
tilh about tour miles below the ci
ty, in which he has killed, wound
ed and taken prisoners about 3,000
with a loss of only 7 killed and 12
wounded. The tirft engagement
was in the night, the fecend was an
attempt of the enemy t.o florin pur
works, which fotne of them actual
ly reached, but they never returned.
The daughter of the enemy is fa:d
to have been dreadful. I'he Ex
press who was an eye w finds to the
ficene dates, that he coul i have
walked over ten acres of ground
without toutching the . earth, so
great was the carnage. The ene
my demanded a ceffatioh of hpftiii
ties for 4 days to bury their dead -
left they ‘fhould in that time effect
their retreat, eight hours only were
granted, at the expiration of which
time, the enemy being very dilatory
in their movements, our batteries
re-commenced their deadly fire.—
Jackfoirs force is computed at 16-
000, that of the enemy supposed to
ibe J 2,000, The Express heard a
heavy cannonading after he left our
army, the refuit of which is not
known.” Geo, Jour . Extra.
St. Mari's EiacuuD V
An official difpach reached Sown
this morning to general Floyd,
which Hates that the enemy evacua
ted St. Mar C & Point Peter o:i
Tuesday last. Sifter burning the ba. -
racks ahd blowing up the fort at
die latter place; and dual there is
no doubt Savannah is ultimately
their object.
A set of officers uniform for
sale . £??ctilrc at thin office.
Massachusetts compared to Georgia.
Never did faction more com
pletely degrade and fink a people
than Ihe has done in Maflachufctts.
That once high minded‘ftate lias
been attacked by the Bririfti with
a (mall force. They have been
allowed without an effort to dis
member it. ihey haveefbibliihed
a regular government in their con
quers. As no effort was made by
this State, whole population a
xnounts to above 700,000 free
people, to prevent the conqueff, ib
none is made to expel the enemy.
The State, enfiaved by faction,
whines, scolds, murmurs, winces,
and curses the admiiiiftration for
not defending it, although every
poflible exertion was made to en
febie the adminiftrati n and ten
der it incapable of defence.
To sum up the, whole, IVlaiTachu
fetts is energebc, bold, dart; g and
decisive in a contest with the gen
eral government —fts will not a
bate an inch—(lie dares it. the con
flict—fhe takes it by the throat de
termined to ftrargle it—-she is un
tamable as a lion orr tvger—out
(lie is long f offering, p-tnur. harm
less, ‘uoffer.cive. gerdlc au f meek
as a lamb when she comes in con
tact with an enemy !
But mark the contrast 1 what a
contrail! Georgia’ with a territo
ry ol 62.000 fquar miles—a white
population of only 147,215, and
a formidable black one ol 10.5,218
to guard again!!, is aflailed by the
mofc powerful combination of In
dians, and those of the bravest char
acter 1 1 1 o: ever existed since the firlt
settlement ol this country. She
never winces, nor whines, nor curs
es the government, nor threatens a
reparation. She rises in her
fttrengtb, and girds on her armour
-—{fie calls her lons from their coun
ters and their ploughs, Irom. the
benHi and the bar—from the Sen
ate house and the Council-chamber
ami with a frnall degree of as
sistance from one of theyoungeft
dates in the Union, (Tennessee)
—a state yet in the girdle, five van
cyuilhed the hardy whom
a falfe reliance on Britilh aid, had
tempted to their ruhi. Every fuc
cefiive effort on the part of the de
luded affaiiants is equally prcgpant
with deflruClion. And complete
ly vanqu’lhqd they bend their necks
to the yoke
The Genious of the nation hides
her face with Mwe when- Ihe re- ’
gards the ancient state of Matiachu
fetts, degenerated frqm anc- a dis
grace to her hardy ancestors—but
she looks down with pride and
pleafitrO on the youthful, high spir
ited and patriotic Georgia and Tuh
It is hardly poflible to find a
ftrenger contrast —one more dis
graceful on the one fide, or more
diffionorable cn the oh. r.
Liberty Nall.
I: a era ! Hiit z:e i ! iht r . •. ‘ !
We are coming to a fine pass
truly (lays a Liverpool paper of Oc.
tober 20th) when not one of our
fmaU veffcls dare venture from liar
bour without escort. A‘few days
ago a government \'efiei laden
with gun powder, was chaied into
Wextford, by an American priva
teer, which has prevented several
from failing from that port.
Out fun has set i! wo 2ra gone!
gone I! gnne : ,!’
From the Kational Tntell; sneer.
B advices jult receivcu from
England as late as the third ol No
vember, we find that large rtin
; ocements are fending out to A
merica, with a view 7 ol prosecuting
the war again ft us upon 4, a great
Rale.” No hopes of a speedy
p ace with that country, can there
fore be rationally entertained.
in this state of things, what are
ve doing? Are we prepared to
melt the approaching conflict, to
save our cities from deft ruffian, raid
cur country from being overrun?
Have vte taken mealures to raiff ac
army fufii .iently numerous and
powerful, to contend with the en
emy's legions; or have we taken
raealures to fib our exhausted to af
r ry, by means of which ai army
might be maintained ? Alafs! -ve
have neither done the one or the
‘the” Our claffification bill, no
; tore j efembhug Bonaparte’s “con
icru and a.q .re ve ; .
a eil'cL, tea, r:eea treevherouff . and
wick-: . cri- ’ •]< a w t -at
name ; -and our naticuakbunk hi)!,
ro.--.iT,-y u■ ■■ \r- - w umm • a
<■ ■ r ‘.L ‘! a.
Ul| * *
icjedtod. Thus lias the vigilence
and forefight of our Chief ‘lagis
trate. in afi. ibling Congress as ear
ly as th 19th >oay ofSepterubet
last, for the purpoi'e of railing nuts
and money to defend the nation,
been fruftrated and rendered ieef
eFtual ; and thus is the country left
exposed, and perhaps to bleed st
every pore-
Americans 1 Look wqJJ around
you, in this moment of dang r to
your wives, your children* and your
fire sides I—to fav bufj-ttle of your
independence, your liberty, and
y-our national honor, ihele last
feetn to be faft’ linking into objr'v.b?
of a secondary coafideration, v/itfei
yourreprefentatives ; but when they
like the out-poftsof a garrjfon, are
destroyed. the former will o a Tail
ed and you may become hewers
of wood and drawers of water.”
Let every pretended patriot be dis
carded from your service; and let
such only as leltrve that name be
honored hereafter with your confi
dence. Nq matter what he* is call
ed, or what party he belongs to —if
he is known to be a man of honor,
and v ili promise to pursue an ener
getic course against the common en
emy, independent of all party con
fideratl mt, while the war 1 -.lts, give
him yqur confidence, am* let hie
diti inclions iff democrat and feder
aiift, heretofore so fatal to cur pub
lic felicity, he buried in perpetual ob
But • by the imperfi;c!i i.-n
turpitude cf f'.'ir./a-: r.. tub
would ■ .. .
let us suspend afi party.
ticr? u ail vc -:n ‘theat ihe trier •
from e: r shores, Tiffs !• no tnor -
th: k la i;c:’.? M '.:re *: • ;ff o rtu us #••
hough to co- -the violators of all
national law j the op fixers of
the ocean ; and the brutal employ.
•en of the favag I iians, to ■ t.
hawk and scalp our -fir i.eekk v/o.
men and children. VV hen we have
driven them from out country, we
can then, again if we must be deal
ing in fomethiag derogn'ory to ra
tional brings and in con lift ent with
our own happiness, revive the per
r.iHcus diftindions of federalift and
democrat, for our amusement; like
the child, who is .pleased v.ith the
beauty of the freckled fuake, and
. (ketches forth his hand to grasp
.his neck ! CHATHAM
r >