Newspaper Page Text
5? the first Tuesday in April next,
at the Court-house in Washington,
in Wilkes county, between the hours
of ten and three 6* clock, the fol
■_ lowing property, or as much thereof
Cs will satisfy the taxes due there
on, together with the cost — viz:
£ WO hundred two and an half
of land, more or less, third
quality, No. 170, in the third dif
trift of Wilkinson county, granted
so Roderick Eafley, and levied on
us the property of said Eafley, to
fatisfy his tax for the year 1813—r
fyx due 1 dollar, 12 i-2cents.
. Also
Two hundred two and an half
•ncres of pine land, more or less, ly
ing in the second diltridt of !-ilk
inlbn county, No. 197, granted to
Lucy R . Wynn, and levied on as
her property, to fatisfy her tax for
the year 1813 —tax due 2 dollars
and 99 cents.
One hundred acres of land, more
or less, third quality, in Oglethorpe
bounty, on the waters of Long
creek, adjoining Woodruff, granted
to iYueball, and levied on as the
property of Andrew Craten,to fat
isfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax
<4ue 6 dollars 97 cents.
Tax Collector , Wilkes county.
January 27, 1815.
“hji the first Tuesday in March next,
at the Court-House in Wilkes coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
three o'clock , the following proper* •
iy—viz :
negro man named Jim,
Hfty-feven years of age, alfo * one
waggon at this time unfinifhed,
taken as the property of George
Walton, to fatisfy an execution in
favor of George Walton.
Conditions Cash.
William Johnson, D. S.
•January 27, 1815.
Will be Sold, j
*Qn the first Tuesday in March next,
at the Court-House in Oglethorpe
county , bciwccn the hours often
and three o'clock, the following
oNE lot in the town of Lexing
ton, whereon William B. Brown
now lives; taken as the property
t>f Nathaniel Borum, at the instance
of Wiley Crowdis.
One negro girl by the name of
Tilly, levied on as the property of
Myal Green, at the instance of the of the University, and
One negro girl levied on as the
property of Christian Sims, at the
instance of Samuel Whitehead, ad
ministrator of Little Billy Sims,
Also 1
Three cows and calves, levied
ion as the property of James Kidd,
at the instance of the Executors of |
Solomon A. Hopkins, deceased.
One sorrel horse, levied on as the. I
’ fffSpesty of Wilfoii Woodruff, si
the instance of John Walton.
One negro boy, levied on as the
property of Joseph Hubbard, at the
instance of Soloman A. Hopkins.
Fifty acres of land on Milftotie
Creek, with a Grist Mill thereon, ;
levied on as the property of Ephraim
Jackson and Woody Jackson, at
ihe instance of Hopkins & Phillips
for the use of Soloman A. Hopkins.
One hundred acres of land on
the Buffaloe fork of Long Creek, ,
whereon George Dogget’s family j
lived ; levied on as the property of
George Dogget at the instance of
Nancy Lumpkin.
One cream-coloured hone and
one sorrel mard and colt, levied cn
as the property of Walter Shopftiire
at the instance of the Trustees or
the University—property pointed
out by Spencer Shropshire, security.
One sorrel mars, one bay horse,
one sorrel fiiley, three cows and two
calves, levied on as the. property of
Yelverton Maxey, at the instance
of the Trustees of the University,
property pointed out by William
Stewart, security.
Eighty acres of land whereon
James Alliion’s family lived, join
ing Manly, and three negroes, viz.
Rose, Billey and Reubin, taken as
the property of James Aliifon, at
the inftance\of Nathaniel Borum
for the use of James Garlington
and Hopkins, (D. Phillips for Hop
kins) property pointed out by the
One hundred acres of land on
the waters, of Little River, levied
on as the property of John Lawson
at the instance of John Freeman &
©there, property pointed out by de
One negro man by the name of
Bird, levied on as the property of
George Borum at the instance us
the administrators of James Hay, Sc
others, property pointed out by the
. defendant.
I Also
Eleven hundred 3nd twenty-four
k acres of land whereon the defend- ■
ant now lives, levied on as the
property of John Stewart, at the in
stance of Robert Freeman,indorfee,
and others. •
Conditions Cash.
; P. COMPTON, Sheriff.
February 3, 1815.
i HE fubferiber offers for sale
; his valuable plantation, containing
four hundred and sixty-six acres,
with good improvements, situated
one mile south of the town of Wash
ington, (Wilkes county, Georgia.)
i In point bf health, beauty of fitua-
I tion, and fertility of foil, few places
has a preference to this—one hun
dred paces from the house is the
Mineral Spring, mentioned in Mer
le’s Geography, so celebrated for
medicinal uses.
For prompt payment a great bar
gain may be had, or on a credit,
such a one as every honest man
1 might live by. For further parti
: culars enquire at the office of “ The
J Friend eE Monitor ,” or to the fub
| farther
•’ * e •
l&e fubferiber having erected £
Fulling Mill at his reiidence on
Little River wishes to purebafe flno
woollen, or cotton and wool cloth,
not less than a yard wide, for which
a liberal price will be given ; he
informs his friends that he will be
in readiness to receive, full and dye
any cloth that may be cbmmited
- to his care after the firft of March
next, ansi makes no doubt but he
will give general fatisfaSion.
: Feb/ 10 1815.
j Administrator’s Sale.
Thursday the ninth day of
March next, at the late rtfidcnce of
Major John A. Patterson, dec.
in Wilkes county. —Ail theperfen
al property of said deceafcd, con
lifting of two waggons, horses and
harnds. two stills, and fevera! oth
er articles too tedious to mention.
Twelve months credit will be given,
by the purchaser giving bonds v.ith
approved security.
January 27, 1814. adm’r.
On the first Tties day in March next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county, bet ween the hours of ten &
three o'clock , the following proper
ty — viz.
hundred and twenty cine a
cres of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Clark’s
creek, adjoining Jesse 11. Bramlet,
Henry Johnson, & others; where
on Henry Wood now lives, taken
as the property of John Radciiffe,
to fatisfy an execution in favor cf
Matthias Maher, & Cos. against said
Radciiffe, cn the foreclofure of a
mortgage, pointed out by plaintiff’s
Also ;
One sixth part of an undivided
tracf of land containing three hun
dred and fifty acres, more or less,
in Wilkes county, on the waters cf
Newford creek, adjoining Wylie
Pope, and others ; whereon Jincy
Beasley now lives.—Also one dark
bay horse and saddle, all taken as *
the property of Ambrose Beasley,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Ofliorn Stone, pointed out by the ;
Terms — Cash. 1
February 3, 1815.
j. Will be Sold, |
On the first Tuesday in March next,
at the Court-House in Oglethorpe
county , between the hours cf ten .
and three o'clock, the following
property — viz:
TW O negro girls named Ab
bey and Seiiey, levied on as the
property of Joteph Lumpkin, to fa
tisfy two executions in favor cf
John Grifham, jun. and Robert
Bledfar for Mary and John Flem
i ing.
* 11
One hundred and fifty-four acres
’ of land, more or lels, on the waters
i Kittle Creek, adjoining Thomas
| Rhoads, levied on as the property
* of John Edmonds, to fatisfy an ex
| ecution in favour of Henry Pearfpn,
i jun. & Cos.
Lins r.cgro girl named
levied on as the property of Thom
as Dillon, to fatisfy an execution ia
fa veur of Benjamin Johnson.
Also *
Three hundred and eighteen zp
cres oi land, more or less, on the
waters cf Long Creek, adjoining
Stephen Arnold, levied cn as the.
property pf Jeremiah Walker, to fa
tisfy four executions one in favorer?
Henry Pearson, jun. & Co.—also
one in favor of William and Felix.
Gilbert, one in favor of John Wal
ton, and one in favour of James I
Conditions Cash.
February 3, 1815.
** J, ~ 1 f 4,r_ 1 r li l
Collector’s b ttte.
On the first Tuesday in April next*
at the Court-House in Elbcrton,m
Elbert rountv, between tbs hours cf
ten and three o'clock, the following
property, or as much thereof as
will satisfy the taxes due thereon,
together with the cost —viz :
OUR hundred and fifty acrcT,.
of land, more or less, in Eioert
county, adjoining lands of James
Mojoifon, on the waters of War
hatch creek, levied on as the pm
perty of Edward Lyon, to fatisfv
Ills tax for the year 1813 —tax due,
3 dollars, 75 cents.
Fifty acres of h,nd in Fibers
county, adjoining'lands of Murrqi
Pledger, on the waters of Deep
creek, levied on as the property of
John Storm, to fatisfy bis tax for
the year 1f: j 3 —tax due, $8 cents,
Conditions Gas b.
February 3rd. Tax Collector.
GEORGIA,, Wilkes Countv,
By David Terrell, Clerk of ihg
! Court of Ordinary 9 for said county\
WHEREAS Abfalom Mont
gomery applies for letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of jona*
than Montgomery, deed.
These are therefore to cite and?
admonish all and Angular the kin
dred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at the next court
of Ordinary, to be held in and for
the county afofefaid, then and
; there to ihew cause (if any they
: Lave) why said letters should no-:
be granted.
1 Given under ray hand this I jfi
1 day of February, 1815.
j D. Terrell, C. C. 0.
1. ■■ .yi —.
| Notice.
Whereas Charles A. Hill cf
y Laurence county, hath presented
a moll fraudulent account agaift
me and obtained surreptitiously a
; settlement of the fame with my
; friend Benjamin -Sherod, Esq. to
whom I am under many obliga
tions—This is to give notice to
all persons that though I am fatisfi
ed Mr. Sherrod a&ed from the,
molt friendly motives m“giving, on
or about the 18th inst. his note of
hand as my agent to the said Hill
for 660 dollars, 53 cents and an.
half, I am constrained in justice to
myfelf to declare the fact; that I
have never authorifed Mr. Sherrod
by any power of attorney ta make
this settlement, and that I confider
the said note of hand as not oblig
atory on me John H. MTntqsh
Washington, Feb. 2Ut 1815.