Newspaper Page Text
Washington,. Novenibei* 17.
■■ mm aiw • mu-,uts
Through the punctuality of our tovjn
patrons w have bfeen enabled to pur
* chafe an additional funply of excellent
type; ki consequence of which, we
purpose in a few wtrwre lfrfcingour pa
per on an enlarged ; fize Among the
many difficulties we have encountered
since commencing the printing bufinels,
that, of a scarcity of PAPER, has not
blan the molt ealy furmquntedj peace,
i/jwever, with its golden influence has
considerably increased the quantity and
Itfi'eneti the price of that article—and
there is nothing now preventive to a
great and speedy supply, provided our
country subscribers wii! gratefully bring
to recoile£tion, our etcpeafes’ and long
indulgence. *
We congratulate cur friends, at the
prcfpeCt of a with the
,Mitw or the redfilck tribe has subsided,
and cur Comniifiioners, employed to
run the liue of div-Con, have nearly
accotnplifhed that objetl.
It wiii bes en by extracts it: our pa
per of to-day, ,ihat theßritth nationieet
leftiefs and unhappy in the relation
which TANARUS: bears to this country. D:fap_
pointed ambition and humiliated piide,
are of a nature altogether incompatible
with that nobleness of foul winch im
pels a greaL mind to bow to the chas
tening rpd of afFhctoh, cr which induces
a perfua injuring to make suitable at
tenement to the injured. England,
with all her seeming cordiality and
friendfhip, is Hill our inveterate foe ;
file can never rife with love in her heart
from the proflrate state in out
Jaft contelt left her— her navy dfgraced ,
her choice troops driven at the points
of untutored ‘‘American bayonets.—
What a change'! what revetfkm of
‘‘But jes erit Jjfc he word of C~sar
.. liave StrSuaga hist, the world,
i Npw lies lie there, aid ur.te
® So pr o. to do hin> itvt.i iicc!”
But yeflerday, and these marauding
fuiUains reared an arm of victory over
two thirds of the civilized world—but
yesterday, and their bloody ftMpiard
floated on cur fliores, and we neard
their threats —ravijhtntnt and uncondi
tionalfubmlflion —But mark the change j
mark their hibernation A meaty,
greatly advantageous, a fame, glorious
and unequalled, have been the result of
the virtuous and heroic perieverearce
of our countrymen. Paniing from the*
contest with wounds yet unficatrized,
our enemy gain fixes an eye on the
fields of his former trials and disgrace,
anticipating better fortune, sighs for re
* venge.
Are we prepared to meet him ; not
with his malignity of foul, but with
ihofe means that will ever ccndu£t a
good cause to certain vidory ? Or
will their Canadian preparations pro
seed without correfpending exertions
on our fide ? I trull not for sow is
the lime to be on the alert.
A nation like ours, balking in the
sunshine of the molt excellent of go
vernments presents to the view of des
pots an obje£t fateful indeed, and they
will by every means in their power fub
* vert principles which are so much at
ifTue with their own; and when an
open and avowed hoftiky fails to pro
duce those changes which ar required,
secret emmiffa ies often spread their
baneful influence —and in this particu
lar, we are truly annoyed. Let them
be fought for, and as (pies, or traitors,
fuller thepunifhmentdue to their crimes.
Cj?*The Reverend Mr. M‘\Vhorter,
will preach in the Academy on Sunday
Married, on the 2d instant, by tfte
Rev. Mr- Caple, Mr. John IV. Free
man, to Miss Ann Callaway, daughter
of Mr. Joseph Callaway ; all of this
county. 3
Thv temple 11 Ah in, is formed
“VVidiago and, and shadow'd o’er with Howes,
| And timing-'\ it Jbjjucio‘>3 courts
i Breaths the soft voice of love, ofvouth,'b?-jo£.
i‘: ‘ ‘ <
-Augusta Prices Current ,
■HHHS, ... . wsP
| November 13.
i Cotton ‘D. 2G *.
Flour 9
Com GS 5 4
Corn-Meal f5
Bacon 18 3-4
j Butter 37 1-2
Lard 15
Sugar 23 to 2.5
Coffee SO 33
Salt l G 2 1-2
Whiskey 75 80
: Iron 7 8
Cotton Bagging * 80 85
Ac\ mih is tra tor VSa le.
Will be said , at Lincoln Court House,
on the first Tuesday in jitanuar;
next , agreeable to an order of the
Honorable the Court of Q ordinary
of said county ,
One tra£l of land, containing
two hundred and fifty acres, lying
on Pistol creek, whereon I now
live. Alfa,one twenty
years of age ; it being part oi the
real and gerfonal til ate of John
Ruffe!, dec. lave of said county.
Conditions—twelve months cre
dit; the purchaser to give bond and
approved security, before titles are
November 5, ISIS. —it
GEORGIA y / By David Ter-
Wiikes County, y rel Clerk of the
Court of Ordinary for said county.
WHEREAS Nathaniel Snellon
applies for letters of Administration
on the efhte of Robert Snellon,
, deal.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and lingular t|te kin
dred and creditors of fahi deceufed,
to be and ‘appear at the court
of Ordinary to be held in and lor
the county aforefaid, on the iff
Monday in January next, then and
there to (hew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters Ihould not
be granted.
Given under my hand this 1 6th
day of November , 1815.
D. TERRELL, Clerk.
IF he yet lives, or has left any
children, he or they, by communi
cating with us, lhall receive infor
mation of a matter, in which they
have become interfiled to their
Thos. & W. A. Turner.
Windsor , Birtee county , 7
N. C. September 7, 1815. 3
0- We will thank the editors of
the several newspapers printed in
Georgia, to give the above adver
tisement, a place in their refpe&ive
papers fpr three months—and to
lend us, each of them a paper con
taining it; on the margin of which,
if the amount due for the publica
tion shall be marked, it lhall be
sent them by post, or it fnall be
paid in any way that they may
point cut.
T. & W. A. Turner.
Nov. 17. —45-301.
Bank of Align]}a.
24th 06lober\ 1 815.
THAT twenty five dollars, re
maining due on each (hare of the
Capital Stock, be called for, and
caid, in bills of this, or of the Plan-
Bank .of Savannah, on either
the 23d day of November* Decem
ber or January ensuing at the op
tion of the Stockholders, and the
intereff thereon will be calculated
at the dividend in May next, ac
cordingly, of which all concerned
will take due notice.
By order of the Board of Dire flors,
65“ For the accommodation of the
public and efpeciallv the Colle&ors
of the United States Internal duties
afScL Taxes— Treasury Notes , Bills
of the Planter's Batik , or Checks
thereon , at sight , will be freely giv
en in exchange for the Bills of this
Bank—and Treasury Notes, in ex
change. for Bank Bills of either of
the three Southern Stales.
% „ m i he printers of the several pa
pers it: this State . are requested to
insert the above twice*
* #
Woollen -Factory Lottery.
S C H E M Ei
Dots. Doi.s.
“1 Pi:ze of 10,000 is 10,000
3 do 5,000 - 10,000
4 do i.oco - 4,000
8 do 500 - 4,000
3o dot 100 - 2,000
4° do 50 - 2,000
100 - do CO- 2,000
200 do to 2,000
4300 do 5 - 21,000
4,675 Prizes 7S>s°°
6,820 Blanks . .
11,500 Ticket at 5 and. each 75,500
More than two Prizes to three
blanks, being more favorable to the
adventurers, than any fcherne
heretofore published in this ccun
Stationary FHzcs,
Ist drawn. No. on the Ist day’s
drawing Do!s. 1,000
do sth do 500
do 10th do 500
do 12th do 100
Lass drawn number 5,000
Prizes payable twenty days after
the drawing is completed, fubjsdl:
to a deduction of fifteen per cent.
All prizes that are not called for
within twelve month alter the draw
ing its compleed, will be considered
as given for the benefit of the Fac
The proprietors feel happy in
the belief that, from the rapid sale
of tickets of late, the drawing will
commence about the time of the
convention of the next Legisla
Prizes made payable at What
ley’s Mills, Greensboro’ cr Mil
ledgeviile, as may best suit the
C? Tickets for sale at-the Poss
Ofiice, ’and Mr. Levi F.chols’s,
July 21, 1815. —29 163V/tf
For sale at ilih OFFICE.
: . The dyayrlng of which will
commence on the Ist Monday
in next.
Authorifed by an Act of the Le
gislature of the State of Georgia,
palled on the 22d November. 1 8 14,
entitled An Act to raise money
for the rmrpofe of opening and im
proving the Navigation of the Oco
nee River, from the month bt
Fiuling creek, to Barnett’s shoals.”
SchemFof the Lottery,
i Dells. Dolls.
3 prizes of i o,coo is 20,000
3 * do - sN°° ‘ l s’ oco
4 - de. 2,000 - 8,060
5 - do. I,coo - 5,000
10 - dq. 500 - 5,000
50 - do. 106 - 5,000
100 - do. 50 - 5,0'0d
**2oo - do. / 20 - 4,000
300 - do. 10 - 3,900
6 coo * do. 5 - 30,000
6074 Prizes ioo,oco
Subject to a dedu&ion 6f 15 per
cent.— 20,000 Tickets at 5 dollars
each, is 100,000 dollars j less than
two blanks to a prize.
The drawing of the lottery wilt
commence in GreensborougT, on
the fir ft Monday in November.
Payment of Prizes will be made
in the fame place, and commence
at the expiration of sixty days, af
ter the drawing of the Lottery is
nniihed ; of which due notice will
be given. Prizes not demanded
within fix months after the draw
ing is finifhed, will be viewed as li
beral donations to the Oco4e
vigation company, and foment
barred accordingly.
The Commiffioijers have ap*
pointed Sterling’ Gpmes their a
gent, under vvhofe lignature the
Tickets will be iffiied.
The Oconee Navigation Lottery
, Office, is eftahlifhpd in this place ,
where all letters or orders directed
to the agent (poll paid) will meet
with immediate and prompt atten
/Tc’ v %Tn ‘
March 1815. (n)tf/
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the Judges of the Inferior Court
of Warren county for leave to fell
the Real Effate of James B. Thomp
son, dec. for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said dec.
Henry 13. Thompson,
, Administrator , with the
Will annexed.
Apiii 7, 1815. mgm
For sa'c at this Office, the
■ fallowing FLANKS :—
Warrants of Appraisement,
letters of* Ad min ift rat ipn,
Do. Teflimentary,
Do. Guardianship,
Administrator’s Bonds,
Constables do.
Collectors and other Deed?,
Marriage Licence's,
Snbpcenres, Executions, Juflices
Warrants, Fi-fa’s, Guardian’s
Bonds, Indentures, Ca-fa’s and
CcmmiPTn of Interrogatories.