Newspaper Page Text
Administrator’s Sale.
On Tuesday, the id day Jaunary
next, (and be continued Jrom day
to day until all is sold) at the
plantation of Wm. T. Danil , dec.
in Greene county, on the Mouth of
Fishing creek , all the personal es
tate of said dec. negroes excepted .
CONSISTING of ttve crop of
corn, cotton, wheat and fodder ;
one riding chair, leveral head of
horses, one, ox, one yoke and cart;
the flock of cattle,Theep, and hogs;
3or 4000 weight of polk; house *
hold & furniture*—planta
tion tools, and a number of other |
articles tho tedious to mention.—
Accredit will•be given until the
twenty-fith day of December, r 816,
for all firms over five dollars—the
purchaler giving bond with ap
proved security
At the fame time and place, the
plantation will be rented, and the
negroes hired, until the 25th'‘of
December, f%16.
Ail persons having jufl demands
againfl. laid eftatd, are requefled to
bring in their accounts, duly attest
ed, and within the time prefenbed
by la#—and thole indebted are re
quested to make immediate pay
ment. JOHN 1$ DANIEL,
Samuel Daniel,
November 10, 1815.-44 21
for Sait,
The tract ot land whereon I live,.
containing two hundred and four
teen acres, on the Washington
road ; Tour miles below RayTville,
and a/.ut twety eight above Au
guftaJUibotit one hundred acres
cleared—molt of which, is frefh.-
it is more conveniently watered,
than any place I have knowledge of
—& good dwelling houf'e, two story
high; thirty by large
framed barn, two Itouy high; to
which is attached nice machienery
for ginning <j:btf6n, or thrashing
wheat, and every other material
building usual to be found on a
plantation. The present crop on
the plantation is lufficient evidence
of the fertility of the land. A
grpt bargain will be given ; it is
an excellent (land for a (lore, and
is fortunately situated in a neigh
borhood of friendly, indullrious,
and refpeStable people.
Odober 26, 1815. —44-3 t
f.xecutor’s Said.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
January next , at the Court House
in Wilkes county , all the personal
estate of Richard Hilyard , dec.
CONSISTING of the follow
ing negroes:—Spencer, George,
Jess, & two women, named Sarah.
Twelve months credit will be
given—the purchaser to give bond
with approved security.
WM. HILYARD, Executor.
November 10, 1815. —44-6 t
Executor’s Sale.
Will be sold , on the 23T of December
next , at the. late residence of Wil
liam Thurman , dec . the following
Four negroes, household artd
kitchen furniture, one horse, a flock
of sheep, and fome geese.
Terms of sale made known on
the day of sale.
November 10, 1815. —44 ts
Trustee’s Sale'.
Wifi be sold to the highest bidder
at the residence of John Cain, late
of Wilkes county dec. on Thursday
the 23d day of November next, all
the estate (real and personal Jcf
said deceased —
CONSITfNG of the trad of
land and premises, two negro men
and a woman, corn, fodder, horses,
cows, hogs and geese, household
and kitchen furniture, a waggon,
and farming utenflls.
- The land will be fold on three
annual inftalments; all the other
property on twelve months credit
—notes and approved security will
be required on ail sums over three
dollars, with filtered from the date
if not punctually paid. The terms
to be complied with before the pro
perty is removed.
Ay perforis having any demands
againfl said estate, are requefled to
exhibit them duly attested ; and all
perfonS owing said edate, are re
queded to make immediate pay
ment to Wm. M. KAIN,
A ding trustee for the heirs.
Odober 27, 1815. —43 3t
On thefrst Tuesday in December next,
at the Court House in Elbert coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
three o'clock, the following pro
perty — viz.
Five negroes—Sarah, and four
children—Barltett, Allen, Hannah
and Loiufa ; the above negroes le
vied on as the property of Beverly
Martin, tp fatisfy an execution in
favor of John Bolton.
Also ,
Three negroes—Lucy about ten
years old; Jim, about l'even years
old ; and Cato, about five years
old ; said negroes levied on as the
property of Wm. Htad, to fatisfy
an execution in favor Sami Self.
Conditions cash.
November 3, 1815.
That whereas I gave Richard
Ward two notes of hand—one for
twenty two dollars and fifty cents,
dated the 13th of April, 1813, and
due the 25th of December follow
ing—the other dated the 13th of
April, due iu the month of OCto
ber, 1813 —given for feventy-five
bufhelsof corn, rated at 150 cents
per bufliei,— The above notes all
person or persons are hereby for
warned not to trade in any respect
whatsoever for, as I am determined
not to pay oIF said notes to no per
’ son or persons whatsoever, as they
were fraudulently obtained.
November 3,1815.—43-31
GEORGIA, 7 Personally
Oglethorpe county, y came before me
Mrs. Henrietta Morgen, and being
duly sworn faith on oath, : that she
was in pofiiefiion of a note of hand,
given by Beverly Daniel to Henney
Morgen for a sum of money under
twenty dollars—the exact sum not
recollected—and that said note is
miilaid or loft. * ■
Sworn to before me,
this 17th of September,
1815. ,
Joseph Vinson, J. P.
On thefir'stTuesday in December next ,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten <sf s
three o'clock, the following proper - *
< ty — viz.
0 Two hundred acres of land, :
more in Wikles county, on
Reedy creek, adjoining Walter
Perry and others, in the occupancy
vof James Nicholson : levied on to 1
latify an execution in the name of
James Ifatterfon, Administrator, a
gainst Archibald Gresham, admr.
of Thomas Harkins, dec.—pointed
but by the plaintiff.
One dark bay horse, five years
old, five fee* high; levied on as
the property C George Dardin, to
fatisfy an execution in favor of
Sally M'Knight & Susannah Form
by, againfl; said Dardin—pointed
out by said Dardin.
Conditions cash. ’
November 3. 1815.
Washington Still Manufactory.
| ALL kinds of Copper work
done in the belt manner, viz.—
Stills made and repaired, hatter’s
wafti filh & dye kettles, tea kettles,
copper and pewter worms, &c. by
the fubferiber.
%* Old pewter, lead and cop
per wanted ; for which cash will be
given. E. M‘F.
Odober zjtb, 1815. 42 ts
An additional class of thirty pu
pils, between the ages of fix and
ten years, will be received at the
Pestajlozzian Institution on
the 20th of January next. Appli
cations tor admission may be ad
drefied to either of the I‘ublcribers.
Should the number exceed that
of the pupils proposed to be admit-.
ted, (as is expeCted) the firft appli
cants will be preferred. The ne
cessary teachers are provided.
Board and tuition at a hundred
and ten dollars per year.
WM. W. 8188,
* m * The Editors of the Georgia
Argus and Savannah Republican
are requefled to insert the above
three times and Forward their ac
counts to this office for payment.
Odober 2Jtb, 1815. -42 ts
The public are hereby cautioned
againfl; trading for a note given by
Josiah B. Harris to me, for the sum
of sixty five dollars, bearing date
(to the best of my recollection) in
in the month of February, 1811
which said note was traded and in
dorfed by me to Thomas Gresham,
Esq. for lels than half the amount
it called for, upon the express con
dition that I was not in case to be
come responsible for the payment
thereof. lam therefore determin
ed never to pay said note or any
part thereof.
GEORGIA, “) Personally came
Wilkes county. § before me, John
Sappington, and made oath that
the above flatement is just and true.
Sworn to before me this 7th Sep
tember, 1815.
Josiaii B. Holmes, J, P.
Administrator’s * Sale.
Will be sold on the 2.6 th cf December
next , at the house of the subscri
ber, seven negroes, belonging to the
estate of F. Murphey , dec. .
CONSISTING of men, women
and children. Terms of sale—one
third cash; the ballance twelve
months credit, w|th fmail notes an<fe
approved 5 security, with inferef*
from the date if not punctually
paid. • - f
% Administrator .
September 23, 1815. ~ ,
Out he first Tuesday in December next ,
# Court House in. Wilkes
county , between the hours of teX
and three o'clock , the following
One negro man, named Sam, a
bout nineteen years of age; fold
by virtue of an execution, on the
foreclofure of a mortgage, in the
name of George Willis, fenr. vs.
the administrator,/ of George Ih
Willis, junr. deceased.
Conditions Cash.
September -29, 1815. ■
Aclmin strator's Salt*.
Will be ssold, on the first Tuesday ip
December next , at the Court house
in Wilkes county ,
A trad: of land containing 390
acres, be the fame njore or left, be
ing all the real estate of John
Weaver, dec. to be fold in three
lots—forthe benefit of the heir s &
creditors of said deceased, by the
September 8, 1815. —
Administrator's Sale:
Will be sold , on Tuesday the sth day
of December next , at the Market
House in Washingtony *
One horse, bridle,,
the property of George D. Willis,|
deceafued; to be fold for the bene
fit of tile heirs and creditors of said
dec. Terms of faie made known
on th|tday.
Administrator .
Odober 20 f 1815. —41 eow tds
The copartnerfhip of Sterling
Grimes, NickeHon, & Cos. has ex
pired by its own limitation. Thos.
W. Grimes and Andrew Knox,
having purchased the filtered of
Sterling Grimes & James IT. Nick
elfon, in the above firm—thofe
having claims on, or (land indebted
to said firm will apply to Grimes
and Knox for settlement; who are
duly authorifed to close the fame.
The undersigned having become
foie proprietors of the Fontainville
Mills have removed their residence
from Greenfboro* to that place
offer for sale that well known Hand
for business lately occupied by
them. For terms apply to Thos.
W. Grimes, at the Mills near
Greenfborough, or to Amdrew
Knox, Savannah.
Fontainville Mills , 7
j Appalachee,Qd. 14, 1815. \