Newspaper Page Text
M nwrimb —One pint of soar Bsilk,
ptece of melted batter sue of an egg,
two te—poonfnh eaierataa, flour enough
for • tuff better
(* fLirwxr^.—Tfafa fa * very pretoy
addttooc to • jar at psekled oabbegs,
bat it mate be pat to otet end water tot
two days fleet before it to added to the
Tba Oakb.—Fear eapa floor, foot
rape jwefl toilk, two eggs, two apoan
fala rraam at tartar, one teaepnnofal aal
eratoa, email pteoa at better, sweeten if
yoa like.
Worr Ouam.—Half a poaad of
powdered eager, jtuoo of two lemons, '
one gib of cherry. Mix and add om
pint of tiuok, xtefa accent Set on joe, .
whip to watroag froth, sad terra to I
OfitMua Teaer.-—Thera eggs, beaten
well, g*au otoM eta ftata Ate Mda
of tore iotabtate eta iflto snail pteoas, a '
little aulk and one ouaoe batter, all
mixed together with a Uttto salt, Owl
heated and served on hot toast
tanner RfWto hit halt a pint of t
shnaspa, ptak oat all the meat bow the
tails, potmd the root to a mortar with
the jateo of half a lemon and a piece of i
batter ; pane the whois through a stere.
.Mnkefjpft of malted butter ; pat the
metatato tae tails tnt ft, add a dust of
oayanna, and when the aaaoe boils stir ,
into it the shrimp butter that has coma
through the stere, with or without a
tabto®pcxxtf*l <W
Pans Unoeu.—Out octee euUete boaa
a neck of pork, trim them neatly and
take off Uss otane bene; give them a
few btewa srftb the bot, and grill than
on orlnfe tfloftfte tiro , oprtoklo theta
with salt anti arrange them in a circle on
a dish, with maahod potatoes to the osu
tar ami the following sauce round them:
Put a largo piece of butter, rolled in
flourjto eatonpau, alightly rubbed with
gartlF; 4dd' m nah rooms and a Mt tie
chopped ahalot; moisten with equal
quant! fagsfit ■vinegßr •*** , add salt
and grated nutmeg ; strain, bud Mup ;
mid a little mustard, eUr well and serve
Ar»LB Cusakthl—J’eel, core and halve
ail tonp® ®|>ptob, tawnming *hn®i ao aa to
get them all of aeiae ; drop lb am as they
are done into cold water with the juice
of a lemog eqnficfifid into it to prevent
tliairturning brown. Have ready a strong
sir* (tends Lwith one pound of sugar
and quart of water) boiling toot; put ths
appteatton ttoto, with the thto nod of a
lemon and two or three olovaß. As eooo
aa they are cooked—great care mast bs
taken that they do not break—take them
out and dispose them, oouoave aide up
permost, on a glace dish; place a piece
of owranl jelly or qninoe Jelly in ths
tabk apple, then well ratoon
the sirup and when cold pour aa much
of it as to neoeaaary under the apples.
ronoft nr tKitoxeii*.
" Therw'e a beatneas which ought to
be suppressed," remarked an eminent
profeenor of chemistry to a reporter, aa
th- ouuple peeved a stand where “ lem
onade" was being diapeuaed from an me
codnpnfftortafl evidently seen ita beat
WfW so! ” flaked Ute aoribe.
" laiuonadi , repluxl the profneaor in
his muetimpreasive manner, “even whan
made from lemons in a tin vessel with
soldered jetato, or in a galvanised-iron
roeeel, will take up the lead from the
oqa asdtae auto toon the other. A aalt
to |l>an termed whirl* to very uawhole
rome, and, when taken continually or in
large quantitMa, abaolutaiy poteonoaa.
Thu injurious action la considerably iu- :
enwead if eatrio an.) tartaric acids are
used iMtoad of * lomoua' in making the
I aunrads. Consequently, the uss of
atvh vessels for lemonade should be
n voided, especial ly if the conlenta are
allound to etaadJor any teogtii of tune.
An oeamiee* of any of these acute is bad,
an ! IMJ Ire worse when taken in Ute
ligta e< letaotiari*. Nothing would b«
likely to giro jpu the ehniera qumtoer
than a »uc<*etot»n of those dnnka.'*—
Tub ggMt Untied tMatoe has 7,400 mrai
of|aera in ita navy. Qniy
abM one -Ah Os theee eeaman are ever
atesa. One reeean to that we baront
ships enough in sailing condition to ao
<xuMMdaite ever ene-third of them, even
if fata maamed. and the other to that
they are away on laneae et aha once and
•base dtay aani don't oam to hde the
foamy billow We euppoee they are also ,
to aa bed a oondiiian as OUpt. Ooroorun’s |
erwn.'gfl tefM the torpstehoroan art fa
o >Dccrn<& but Itecretary Honl aught
leadtahste a hornpipe during the dull
summer days, when he has nothing etoe
to do
Wn*M one to at work on arithmetical
peobtoSM it to well to uae a pencil to
aero the brain. When we eee a man
eeratehing his cranium to an abeeot
atMtod aaanasr, we am apt to think toe
to carrying to mnah to torn toeed.
Iu ttos garden two fl-year-old children,
a girl and a tony, unhanged vigoaoua
nww w-—■ —K»>
I Plow wn*l W’TWflWITta, <*YtaU3 wullw Twinm
mauag each other at the top of their
rotate tike Hoeeeoc hern as. Waasma
luteHerra, and, after a»ach difficulty. ,
suiroroto in eeparattag thsan *• Whaf
in th*- uam>- al gunltxwa are yoe up to,
ron unbafqsy Itttte wretehsu » ’ • Ftey»
uig b-rber-f and vitot mat"
- - 1 - ,
Can to useful to proTofcf* OOCCUDOD
part—?’ “
Arrsonoa, liks the iron smith, shape*
as it smites.—Hoeee.
Oss wssUh g»a kstolßCat Asch aeeeeßsaJ •"
WW e*r awtram warn yroul sue;
Clbbat gnats m« the modicums of our
, iaaeer sorrows.—-SAak®iwr,
tfaßMi are flaws to dtemoofc. tfltee fa.
amber and faults tn every man.
Mncdtal mooeite setetoes Witii a pen
1 efl, tojulfeewifeiggMltaP.— De.Sfffur.
ABSSSSS of oamsaUim Is aot rad;
A mtaS <rrt*» roml is t wtM tostrauad.
I T -Jfxr-mr.
, at thsar vocation.—Mrs. Alexander.
No pAtaoog, bofpi nr tag Wjta» 1
*Tww »'«r •nlaUwd teas an fco son
* ' >
JsAixron ia the bight of rgntira, self
love and the imitation of false vanity.—
Lima to finnMMinnr mure Ihauto in.-
tallect, and learn to conoentnta taougtot.
I Bte»te>se, Us tatefe itosTM, »< Bm havws.
Hmm swe Uro rtm, but ssUmw as tiro rue.
Tub '
I is uftanitoMPUtocof our greatest sorrows.
Tbs earth cannot tie entirely covered
with notota snri udawimna; there Blast
arsAV ÜBi-ros, '«•■» Rte' s*aw
li WwM n<4 to rem* toll. ta<i eta'll UK.
Mm tea** fltafa M >'<**i*« tote fll*-
powerftd grubtoee, I* tfaffi U Inbte
responsible for all their binnttera.—
Mtefameds fftael. o .
Lite not till the bloom of fancy begins
to fade that the heart riiM-ns to tlie
paaaicn that bka>m FWteta taM
os uw Mu>s»«f )i>r»
Borrow irOMB tesni/ and Mom • (yu>t
1 lo>. connut wMh •«,
’ Ir einfctflnt fhfli vhr»w history has
been vrtffien omild rptartt p tote, he a
1 they would laugh sCwhsfhad K-en Haiil
ts them —i’ s..
Tub V>ill«fci<»VvsiaK tj-italie
rose of t ap! Cltaa M <'4J, 1 of-Wt»l
o:ty, who wsR by bl. Jaeolw Oil,
flier suffering for ytter« with rheums
tirm. —• i'</r(- (.Vr h. i HrpulAiran.
About S.UUU pounds of rosso are re
quired to produce one pound of the otto
oi ruses. 11l is delightful perfume is
pruduiteUp taigaria, wfaefe the
i annual avsrsgn jprodtoctidn of otto *be
’ tween IM7 and 1871 was 400,000 meti
i cals; that of JBjß 600,000, valued st
jrtdn.nho. A Tho produce of iww *u
| estimated al the value if about £I,OOO,-
A LAuaa to not always ths symbol of
a freak ohotneter. You meet ia thia
world with false mirth as often as with
false gravity; the grinning hypocrite ia
not a more unoommon character than
ths groaning one
Or a taisMly man somebody fwfctet
“Rh-i)i*tol vffiy. but his hand twarfj
<h<t' HU brain flnraucl, but Mb heart
couldn't.". .
'l-S-taXIL *
Thf Philadelphia F<i»y Hour men
ttous Mr. J. A. Walton, of l'J45 N.
Twelfth street, Inst city, aa an enthwn
astic indorser of Ht Jhcolm Oil for the
relief and enm of diM-aam <d hbraag. I ~i
' XT . 'jit-
A rcLBBUAntn fllver-wcwtang compa '
i py advertises the " Princess Louis
spoonx," when, In tact, the Princess
never spoons.
If you waat to enjoy a can I, shady,
hrrory. cose, roetaMe. delightful sttni
mcr rest, go u> Bailey Spring--, Ala.
They have h perfect crowd of the niceat
sort of pnspte then- atai are enjoying
themselves hugely. Tits water was never
better, the mnrir t< drti«lrtritt, rite fare
te lineroMitiflusble, |lw fatteiidatae;fi»xt
chu», an<f indeed w/ mitt- trutftfftlfv
that Bailey is bag*mar Ip to a'gnod
thiag far both ga*t- Ih-l proprietor*
that the public has decided the a-nuti
drum, “where can I get the most benefit
bm4 sitawv *t the Irtai e*4to* and
trouble," in favor of tjailev fipruuL*.
Uta. < oh total
bihty and disease of the kidneys blad
der and dtin, that have defied ths doc-
I ton and resisted all other medical
l apringn, are gvUta« well there every
, week so easilv and quiekiy teal ktoean
vahda slr«ena« yeaae to th*- conclusion
that th' r* nseCr wta enich the matter
I with them. If y>-u are m uadominate
I as to be interested in each matter*, dhT
‘ a postal card to Klti- fi ob., ami ask for
i B cifdiJjU. XlMfatt W 44bta
, whose flame* am Sicnerh to the Ctatifl
mie, amtjf there i* anyifl jtol’ *Ut *>ut
Vlt, rouTlstMinflud it .It w y
' tvwtay<<-'ne’t»*ibrc<ct Ajtingtn*,'. tuitutrel*
wwvw teklng Wsrtro'r Hafr Kklnev »ml Lim
I Cora. It made them bapPr
Ha bappssMd to pevws the foot of a
young lady, who was aiUing next to the
floor, in gtettag out of a street oar. Tbs
demal, tato br* fofa> «,
awe-meptruig frown, ejaculated : “ You
etaflMy wratah!** Many men would
haw loebed tooteato emd apotagtaad, but
OoL Itoßowe wan equal to Cha oocaaioo.
“ My dear young tody,** he mratatmed.
“ you should have foot targe enough to
. be awhmata .than they wouldn't bo
tooddaa tposC - Tier brow relaxed, bar
eyes sparkled, bar bps sßaited, and th,
mj«y Wtefoaptatan. -Mw M ffibr
4 aavata.
' -1 teO you, aah, dte partnership tom
‘ tM« mi pu serial eeaky." aatd ths old
mA mi be nibbled a green otaon at ths
cStenl Market. “Ims' Month I want
tJpw tom star wid Owner White to do
pAct batata* Mo fttmfehsd do meet
hL 1 ! bought de peanuts, an' we was
I. Ahndk Up ta profits. Dot Csaear am
a tasl MM, ta’ dota* you fotgtt It If I
h&i't beta on do watch fur him Td bin
citaned out high-oky. What sort of a
d’ye 'apo* ho toted to play on
Jo one could guana, and, finishing the
rA of toe onion, the old man oonUn-
W :
1 wn, eta, aiwn ~ni Bates torose
-/dA paawfltadta^W 7
l*e dat de shrinkage offsot sill my sheer
itate hi mesa, an’ be ordered me to IT* I
aEy from dat roaster on’ go home '
. An* yoa wont to law ?'
W* Jio, •*& I I JF* “ taapiraahan 'bout
|B tiflMb-M 1 ’ da wbote boahei
iloabortol </ water. Ia firemfadta
<Mi. peanuta had swallad all my capital
»k an* gw ma a 6-ahillia' ctadm on de
rotate r beside, an' de way Canaar gin me
■ ,r "M^Y M >- r*. r /LI
la It Possible
' jß»t s remedy made of «uch common, «im
- 'Jr fdante as Hop*. Bashu, Mandrake. I>«n
etc., make »n many and »och mar
Bion, and wonderful cares a* Hop Bitters
■ * It rnuit be, for when old and younr. or ab| I>®ctor. Lawyer
M t tehiir ui mivinr been eared
theta, we met believe and doul.t no
Mger. Bewwtbee eeteaw*- Puat-
■la Gila valley, 130 mdee from Too
tan, Arizona, are the famous Pintados.
J heap of rock*, about fifty feet high,
( Hoverd with rude figures, geometric
M.l anatomical. Hero arc nqtuirec, cir-
J-H, rrotoai, truuigla*. anakea, toads
tad verm in, men wttboot heads and
Kg. without tails. The aketeliea an ;
. Kc theee of Wn- Aztew calendar atone in
*•»•** IfoflJ to trit M*. 1
I r<»ur»e’f day *nd night, r*t ton
uch with'itjk ]*r i with
i |r nostrum* advertised; and then von will
How to get Well.
Mei I* awweVvd'id'three ««tel» -Take
bp Rlttet.l other eolaiun.—-Etpreae.
BjUoon|, flH'inJ k>!d to pot a hUlp
utmeg into the rice pudding, picked
Bt the smallest cne in ths box and
uvw it in.
Tnoniivm tevtirv to the cw.tivc protwiM.
r I.vdta E. Ptiikham'* Vstrrtable OoDpimid in I
1 CMatesotaffatuta.
Tkbub ia nothing mare chining to an
Ktant touat than the Beautiful's No.
■ Ai( attempt is being made by the
toivingrtotfn Mhftion to snlti
■ate some of the different epeci.w of
Jnchoaa in the mountain valleys of
Bie Coagu
“*. M Ma*. ~
1 Ask Drngrista for tt Jt d«wi out rste ate,
fcsokw bea-bufla, flies, vansta, testa. 16a
1- r'-tv*—'ipripcpwa, eevvna* proetr.u<wi
Bad all forms of censral debflity relieved by
Bring MxiexiTMr’sPerroMixre Bvsr Tome, Um
fcily prrj.arsUon of beef contelntny IU entire
■ moinuorn propwtta. Tt cnotalm blood m*k
ar, feree-genmthic »r>d llfs-snatalntag prop-
Btim; is Invaluable In all snfeebied cosJifmaa
jßbether the reealt of «ih»n»tton, nervon« prow
overwork, or taite dlseaee, iwrUetUo-iy
ita rcnlting from fsteuMn compi»ii.t«, Ote
»ill, W■■■ail bite,aanprtana,Jias Xocfa. _
f I*.fi I ••• IbMflfl Wit E h’Hd’np of lbe lunge
■ « w I
■- « a. mv bir.l,4
-tM "** U ’***•** ■*'** 1 WA t to.'l-
IB* w«• V— lol( • 4 .l.»r Al C-Mlwa •
’■.st. J “ *-
l('4t tattle, ebsu, to a,y agrp* ««. I omd
a (ta»i |w< ia tht* tair-fl j amv . ifl-rttd
■uu l toAJ.-4 ; u4g . «, t lu . hfl WiiXtflM u
»>■ si I ..I - ui—SU, m.— m n i .mi asm.*■
Thrw r.intllar word* rrcell Io Iho tanner
hn.l Other* interMUCd. th. an ncoe
klt< <» taneUmM rcuinr rut nt st-w-a that
l« not aUnble on »cvntnt of bl cm
l-be* or lin p* K r von L.'*
Ihi. method, bi m **‘ r
block to nrvt.-m** condition. 1. theplan
herewith Qufentcd. The .l.nal tw-nent ot
Ihr . n.-St- fertnaaStoaiSUv u> uwnlritai -ry
muon.bly Indued It. application to the
BUffcnns. and ailment, at the dumb erwa-
Uon. besinnlns with the Hone. PvopU- who
tried It were more than surprised by It. re
>nlu. •« attested In the uMrdy *»l jwraw
nent cure or their .IMKfa flnd/tnry <M-Hy
announcmS their experience by wont of
' fifl rnitll to-day
KaxnitM^tbe^^wrßVovsa,ar, u«iq x ,ro
Jacor* Oil with delight. aattatecUon and
prolll. The others who
mistake of dflW to..- their
Ihlnklnc that ta. block by a
Awta isrs*>.-,.
for a Hors. . FJmkIV omy There
Is made b ot( ,^ ra (
who humanely <v«*rd the welfare of their
talthrul dumb creature*, and provide lor [
r r.;IK?CEUX‘' t'lf * h '"' r
snd tnt wwte v.sw*v*r w- .*o.dW: supr.i
- . Jaohuuii, the sarest and S|~ <*lle»t
IWtel tbrTMamassrrrwws snrtem ....
dsacujsrr t Whenever there app,are anv
e. Mabe- whatsoever or duw-aac nt* ata j
Amons Animat., they should have the best
potato! < treatment, a* it nera amis w> de
fer st I -:iUon to Htoek InasmoHf. theAw- is
la the part of rommon prude ore to u*e the
aurrnl curative mean, in lb- bewtnnlnir
•very stable t'arm . sokatetel'* < ■
be abundantly sup®Mata faflti- ■
OIL. whteti la urol ktalrec.viilmrode.thv ' ‘
the beet Horaeinen In the country as an ar-
If block than any other remedy known F<m
Bpavte. BAntasw.. WTitattal. rieah
jft tan**. Fe* l
HwAaKtari -ratal’ll. naro>- Es
te, I sansa sag,Htteflas. Cvwsap. of tea Mat*
VtotaXrMStoaro talk ■■»to > Stt
Otam naismgj
Mses*, ht.
flume treatment <>r droaaaa nt domrtac
aaimtaqwaqfl ag**q W P'issUafl. b»,
® fl *?oanJß * Ofc. Mdaan* Ml
Ha-VTLL -tamu-a affitete •< «-
kmtataipsopta. totoer TortwiS ear. A
A euißß'iiy writer sage tkta wtoen a
<ta is hempteg her heck eg tae to rroDy .
tel In ng by a toga. Bert of beta talk.
Mta Fata J&rtafl .
PERKY 1> AV x*.
» toft ANO SUAE I
Wfß fIfMOV fOfl
Igl Rhwwatism.
. Ifßl Hewatgia.
Dlarrtlcea '
(MEmH °y sente n'
w* I
I *8 ains
g 11K Bruises
1 kiwSR toiK
I‘i 11/I 1 / Uh Scaids '
I if Ilf) H Tootbachf--
■ IBf
Ittongll Mtaketa In Every Joint
find fiber- wtth foeer and afwe, nr bth-tt* 1
RmtUent, the svatrin may vet be freed (rum ;
the maliroaat onn with lloatetter's Slum ,
Hitter* Protect the system ' >
flfth thf* benedrieiil antiepMuio tic, which
fa furthermore a supreme remedy lor liver
Kmiplaliit, r'nnstipstisn.'fvai epain, ilei.ility,
yfieninatlrtn, kidney troubles and other ail
For salt by al) I*ruc«i*t. and Healers
A eßlrniWAirTMl»lMlh«»«<taraata.ia.ll.
JV taePMeoal tlta. aadSHde*- rel«**4 TV pM
as.i, htarosl rabltshlag Oa., railsdelphi.. te.
—————————— |
Payne’a Automatic Engines.
kUatoMtate Ktol ZfIOBBaUCBI, iltfArROA •
i-w-e* pe«rer tHM Uflfl Fw7t aszf HMtlFr flAm» vmy MA**
JMBUV pot Bttetl with <n AutonuUL-
f »»‘ r ncifi by f/<r mr«o 1
B BBb B B Bf 880 A BAB 11 ■***•* pr o/f4««»>i. furl
B B B B &B B B f>V«p*l»«4o <.rrtrra/l
HF B ~ B B B BB ■■il Ability brmuU lit. ■
Bba f B BB b jBKKt *>ii«e« Ah«f •/ * «•<- ■
I F B B B B B Jjß B B B ■ U >» ■ ’*•»■<'•••• PrMTrri B
j InoM fi (®mwir» f
M- < M4**/>*m »**W,A r F
I JilgMF!^ ll . w —fay l K»g7<BBRyWM>XSfSSnS> ay labor waaosmalMy bar
, <b, "‘* ■ 4 ncaUoo rs aMOnihdki no* ■!»• ■» l»uth roller. but oo tn. contrary, wm foUowedby
terra Mad (cwiUacud U^daaoUla At iba It meTbeean Um moo?your lanwTotnc. tram wtilch I re
euaodaHe*wt ’°t |l >«*lu*« >a<i weedwtS raeelt. It>MR raargy and 1 found Ural my natural forra
!*** -4“*y—f^* 11 «*—»* A bean end «fcrwa beutaoef lira Tonic Rlnoc nalnatt I flora doM twice tto la-
b * r . l 4 , * l ?T'j‘ a .‘° lh * **** tUM.durtM My lUmm, and wtu> dvubu Um n—a With U« Uanqull rwrra
.nd ttyoe H M». ba. «o«M Mao a ila.raMU at bWora mJond Ifu>« Tonic beano*, done Um
wort, Itaww not wbrt 1 awlt tbrtandtt, J, P, Wrrarn. I‘ww Ohrtnian Cburob. Tray, <>.
/V»a> Pmaa Tferrte teal fijp^^aSSSE3KL!LaK!!5Smi-^JFSgg?'*""' ""““W*" 1 '.'""l
J tjjj
IpAataa <«••«<-««re«( ■ B B B B B B
-<tA B 881 Bff iB ff
if BWB B B B B B B B B B A B B V
w * cr *i
•f • <]*■ 8» TMt oX H
Bookwalter Engine.
Effective, Simple, Durable and Cheap
< ■>ti l ;m t, Bub«tai tia . E« «h»oid:. a and Ea*.lv ManagodL
G'uaran/rcri k> imrk tre.7 nrwi ./trv/u ' jmw . la ■ ><i.
MMMMmMM icvfcnY I’jaA i:i<
"■ »un« a <’c>6* 'n '»i»« or ( Vi' -i I iva nna.
••^.^jm bt*<» . p ««r u luuvh I < t!< ra .! he ~;•<■: l.a'i i,<•!•.»• p*>war
52 ' £ orR £ - >u
3 H otw Power Engi ue, (240
4 * " 2m>
6 ‘ - - - «*
- no
iddrran Majutf*. tnrnri f r donrr.i tiv j at,,]
1 >»■»» i.r.rrri. a <a»,
• mtnatirtd. «Ma.
, . MM
yiy Ajff 4 !.'./ !r y:? '*.- .wranc'. or .IOM. of bile. I«xio. t„, a
AMI Ana baa of «beew re ben Ma KLU, wWt fan atrertteon for n
« 3K-c,:
Mown cnancAt. rxmr ITT ny., , ra,
» » » a PUIS
t fCJoHbMrt* A Ite. Btaea. Mate.
fsvtaViy Ma»s»r. Ms. ——
s simple, inexpessive sml wffwta t! rem
A'edy, preventive amt cure of totbttutl
rest.reties, and accompanying evils, after
Bulerins mentally and physically from it.
eflbru (or mtnv years. F, icloupott il Ctrl
Box 6, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
i tffi tbfl »<«ck of th* T>*n»flr I-flad flnd !a»pror*fn«mt Co«fl-
R * Froffitfl miwfl than two per cwflf pflt mrintß. ao«o-
Jygafe >op»reerti<l llabdHy- J *" l
I Baal RMai« Ihridtade paid te-fnlflrly. by
I -wmioeal flfloo flfanLhlTta
I mdlu, or buamofifi man bauTfir.' Any DQ®oar m
nbiirfli at Tan Dollar* aafib, fl»nt by axail oo rtc*ip< «
money CTrfiulaie fl*bl free fljdraflfi
A. H. Eavw, Trefifiarer ; M. H. Bmit«, BacrfiUrf.
Mo. «M Lartflnaf Bt.. Dan rar, Col
W O Fw-f’ Vrttlew CABDK for»*j i » » r • 100
1 iJ for li Tiby mail. C. <7Wk*. Owen. U.
■a-HarraN aooa tx> is w. iw. M. xV r.ttmt*
z / ’®&
E-XJX.-flirro -7
(A dlcdlrtar. not u Uriah.) ■
co.TSivs H
Ittil-H, nrCItC, .ttANDBAKE* E
A.i.Ttt' ft arsr sat’ ' r'l 'lS'"' .l-l>t al.l ■
i itsil I erttss ■
3 H 1.5 ( I’lti-: I
A I DiMM'-ficf c'n-irh. F«>wrl«. Flood. ■
1 it «T. kliftWYfl. nt’.’l I flUnl J < HkiiAli*. S<r ■
tuufiiit-flfl NsM-pic»«ni“.fiait I fffiprcUAlljr g|
Feiuaic Complaint*.
® 1000 IN COLD. -<■
Will b* nqM for a cjiat they will nnt r ire
U< Ip, ur fur ant tiling Imptirv or mjunuufl |a
f'juud In tin tn. ||
Afky n u* druiruUt tor Hop Blltrrfi sn-l f• r B
tU’ iii t*Tvr* )on flh-t-p Take mu olbrr. B
I) i ( f« fln : Mnin’r anti IrrcaiMl'’!'enrn for E
IfruQkCi.nrflfl, n—■ of c lum, luuacco -aqu ■
■■■■Bi Cn.r* tAE
AH Itert tfrWTfikfa. E
lt«>p Hitters Mi*;. < ,R * hrotwr. S. )., A f w-wvte', <•«>. K
Two haxrtta pr»** a Auo-lb.
ydMV7||| l*ifi hi • «•<’->’nd" Fu. tower
% ■ , Ml r*-sr ! rra iv fur ariotlu - bale
\ rJE® s“' Hffi / •" •**“’ , "'Tfi < oovs-'tieht,
5 / l uwerfril, Durable. K> juiree
& E** jr IltA Ia w tsilen ta-rew
Jb 7 Jfa h">’ 1 I a H»’ prr» .in a
I RMw* riK b • tin nut*-’ cirt liar* free.
n BVKUF—<, Mano
‘<ws': ■ * tan urer, Riafe oquarr, N. C.
i •
vniiun MPAt ,f y° a •>*”» Tal*«aajhy It.
I VUIwU HluiT f.,. ir tnnnlbti and ba certain of * •Hu
adJrrM YALXXTINK HROH., JanafitilU, W M .
IS tn l? o** u Dtwafi HaapteWMili Ffrflfl
10 Addxefifi Hti aaoa A Ca., FuiUAod, MaUa*
FMs’ Scales.
The World's Standard.
• i K
■L JL-Bi
For Weighing Cotton at tho QL-.
WOT .-Wlsy sv«.
n 1“
Trams, Rooks and all other require!
F'edr'bajolca' S-bsmdaxd
djeytji Wsss tiisday u bomss*«lr mats. c«uj
«h I roouisi Use. Sddrro Tsva S OS.. *“«“* “'
for Colton Gin use and puieral plantation
/wta /assy aTAzr £<to"e »« Me w,dJ to
Pamphlet, and Price Lhl Sl’T’l’ by ">> I t" P'S
AVI. t .M AN St TAYLOR C<’ 4PANY. M*irin.*A
U»tio _______________ . -
to A TV’II L*U Tatalfmwa fr**
n A ly.H EN t a «w wroh c«- rm.**'* fk
Encyclopedia —
This to Iks akaapTO ta Mly sowiplrta ••<
work an Ktiqnfitta a»d Builnfifi* and Aoria! f'»rm» H i* l
bow to perform all iha »miom doila» of h<«. fl« 4
•ppsMU Io Ilia beat advaotfigeort all occaalcM
AffWWta Wanted. -Sand for eirrulars •**<*"” •
full deaeriDDon of Ibe work and sil(» urmi b\f*
Addraaa NartoaAL hMflfliifl <•., AtlanU*
@4 hta • . nrlrtiul !!■ ' ' ft ft _
test Itubllritcd. b rd 111 JI Isl
maiupuetem|ral.l,l’ ’ ’Mil
(1 A3cku.inir.lak. n ) VUw
It Is a rmrtk-altrr ..r b-'d
re.. . I.y a b « Jl* , ”*h.
ml |..*nnr' , 1?,,’
vrosku<>*letoe n-qi"rot > b
uablelormv et.»»as4«s
mar-:torr ven . .
rt i A.inm.'ti t-t. L’-""' r :I’.J
GEORGE E. LEMON. Att y at Law.
WAsinvuros n. <-.
ttelSrsnce. stars to actual dlenl. in nr.'l' ' k „
ty In Uta 0.8. Cnirespondrnr. »,rrrl. 'T' 4 ,, w
roU.I tn sate Ik. t-e".‘sl»J‘t>. S*
eer vloafi O>ll••OCWSkfif'il. bfif*<>l tahsHl jle-’- __e
sro ro tag a TAXA ta eipanro u s«*.w
77 7
wox- oMuisfi
CMta toy Maltawl Ftaroles-Vta
Price. fll.OO. m»ta».*«»*!!3
GOVEHNORS, Afl Sfifid for W*
143 Mate Street LOUISVILLE.
Cyclopedia Mtorary rfttotas
aro roylro. larjpsypstaro. **•'’’ * ...
an**** uaeult IM» “rt? »•
• 13| in half Baarffl, ’••• •*»
esA SsssteUr-sto.I.M , >(
S O 000 REWARD T ;
'•ws • taro. Mata" *’X.’ta as '
tosses Ire Balsa, talaaia. Us—,T»m«at« _