Newspaper Page Text
^ aistxd w
NO. 1 l
Twelve months, in advance $8 00
Six months, • “ 4 00
Three months, “ 2 00
One month, “ 75c.
<Vf.ekly Enquirer, nue year 2 00
Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 50
Sunday ami Weekly Enquirer to
gether, one year a oo
tJosslp About the Heroic!’* Manugr-
ment The I.t««t Spnoish Hevolu-
dun -A VirtuouN Recorder—
yow York Gawtom House
Iniquilie*--The Trade of
the City Last Year-
l'olton Depressed —
tkiobolieal At
tempt to
Murder a
lyn Reformer.
ticubir instance in which he hud removed
a meritorious officer for the purpose of
putting in his place a notorious pavtizau
of Henry W. Genet, now s fugitive from
justice, and this through Genet's influ
ence. I am ufraid that Hackett will find
it hard to reply to those accusers. lie
has made a splendid judge, but ns he
owes his position directly to Tammany,
ho might have treated her mandates with
a little more consideration.
Conii'rcNNloiml Proceed inn*— SuIhi y
Hill PnNsed—Economy Postpon
ing' ltills Senator ilordou'N
Speech—U corgi a Dclegnte*
-Cusltliit to bf Rejected
IICCIMIMC Oi Politic*.
New York, January 1), 1874.
Accept, my dear Enquirer, the con
gratulations of your correspondent on
your nuptials with the aS'ixw, os also your
acquisition of such au able veteran of the
press as Mr. Martin. “Lord of all you
survey” in the field of journalism at Co
lumbus, you will doubtless bo able to givo
to your readers the very best paper pub
lished in your section of Georgia.
.For some time past the &'tin of this oily
has been decluiing that James Gordon
Bennett bus npppointed Jolm Russell
Young mauagiug editor of the JJerald,
uud has invariably followed the announce
ment by hitter denunciations of Young,
calliug him the 11 Sneak AVw Thief."
Young is unquestionably a gentleman of
groat ability, a ready, brilliaut writer, and
a mauagiug editor of decided capacity.
During his brief career as manager of the
Tribune, lie greatly increased the popu
larity uud circulation of that paper, and
was earning for Lirusolf au amiable repu
tation when nil event transpired which
put him uuder a cloud. It seems that he
Was one of the proprietors of a paper just
started iu Philadelphia, which could not
get the Associated Press dispatches, and
it is said that. Youug took advantage of
his position on the Tribune to supply his
paper with tho news. The affair was in
vestigated and resulted iu the withdrawal
of Young. From that time the Sun has
been unsparing in its denunciation of
him. Justice to Young requires that it
should bo said lie claims that if ho had
been allowed a fair hearing, it would have
been seen that ho had not acted dishon
orably ; and certainly, whether criminal or
not, it is scarcely fair iu the Sun to hound
the man down and to hold him to public
odium. At the same time there is no de
nying that his appointment as muuaging
editor of the lie raid [if he has got it) will
subject him to mote abuse thuu ever.
True, the present managing editor, Mr.
Uonuery, is not especially popular. He is
a young man of ability, ami has done wel
iu his present position, but ho is full ot
prejudices un i is rather vindictive to
wards those ho does not like.
The telegraph has brought you news of
Bit* revolution in Spain and overthrow of
Castellar’s government. This simply
means the restoration of the monarchy,
aud 1 atu satisfied that the coming King
will bu Alphouso, sou of ex-Queen Isabel
la. General Paviu, who expelled the
Cortes, is au avowed Alphonsist, and Ser
rano, Sagasts, Topole, uud the other
members of the new Government, arc
ready to swear ullegiuuce to any King who
keepR them in power. What effect the
ohauge will have upon our relations with
Spain time and Caleb Cushing must de
teriuino. litre, tin* implosion prevails
thut. the change will be an unfavorable
one, as the monarchists arc all of the
“blue bio >d” aristocracy who prefer to
gel thrashed and lose everything in a war
rather than yield quietly. It is said that
our relations with Spuin are nut yet
cable. Why they should not bo (if they
are not) I cannot imagine. Secretary
Fish haviug hacked down from the esseu
tial points of the protocol, I do not sec
anything to qumel about, uuless the
Dons demand damages for the depreda
tions ot the Virgiuius ami other vessels in
Cuban waters.
Recorder Hackett, of this city, has got
himself into a tight box through too great
a new-born r.oal for judicial independ
ence of political parties. Reformed Tam
many having swept the city at the last
eleotiou, actiug upon the Jacksonian
dogui i that “to the victors belong the
spoils,” proceeded to apportion the muni
cipal patronage—giving so many officers
to each district. One of the district com
mittees wrote to Hackett, informing him
of the arrangement, ami requesting iu-
That sink of iniquity, tho New York
Custom-House, is again receiving atten
tion from the public. It is the vital part
of a largo riDg which has its headquarters
in Washington, and the principal duty of
its subordinates seems to ho the black
mailing of our merchants. I have au ac
quaintance (a fiery Radical and loyal soul)
who got iuto the Custom-House late in
1870—a few mouths before I left this
city. A couple of days ago 1 met him on
Bronlway elaborately gotten up.
“My dear fellow,” he said, utter a brief
conversation, during which he mentioned
that he had left tho Custom House, “a
rnaiRof moderate desires need not remain
more than two years. You see, the laws
are so complicated that nobody under
stands what they really mean. When,
therefore, a merchant, believes that he
ought only to pay $8,000 duty, ull you
have to do is to call upon him for $10,000
and threaten to seize his books if he
doesu’t pay tho money. He gets fright
ened, argues tho matter, and you, being
a kind-hearted, good follow, take his check
for $1,000 aud discover that he was right,
after all.”
“But, my dear fellow, that's bribery
and bluckmailiug.”
“My dear A, T should get angry with
you if I was not certain of your ignorance.
Good God! man. Do you iiuugine I
would tuke a bribe, or blackmail auybody?
But just consider the time and trouble it
requires to go over the matter, to scru
tinize tho law, aud save Silk, L ice «fc Co.
from employing a lawyer to do the work
for them. They would have to pay a good
large sum—at least $2,500—with the risk
of tho Treasury officials deciding against
them. They pay ine $1,000 and the
mutter is settled.
My “friend” G. has made his “pile.’
Ho has patriotically retired with a snug
fortune of perhaps fifty thousand dollars,
saved out of $2,000 per annum in two
years. Singularly ouough, the merchants
objecting to tho complacency of such
amiable men as G—, professing not to be
under tho necessity of either leeiug him
or a lawyer. It is said that the loading
importers have employed a lawyer to so
codify uud straighten all the revenue laws
us will make them “as plain as n pike-
stuff,' and this labor is to be presented
to Congress in the shape of a bill which
the merchants will ask our law-makers to
new yopk’s trade in 18755.
Notwithstanding the panic uud all the
other drawbacks, the trade of New York
increased largely iu 1878. Nearly one
thousand more vessels entered this port
in 1878 than during the preceding year.
It is also a cheering indication that for
the first time since the war tho number
of American vessels exceeded the number
of British. We are still very much be
hind in steamships and sailing vessels of
tho larger sizes : but even there the pro
gress has been rapid and encouraging.
A belief is prevalent that tho trade of the
present year will not be as heavy as that
of last year. Should Congress attempt
to restore specie payments, I have no
doubt that our imports will fall off' heavily
bo far as foreign goods are concerned, but
there will bo a heavy exportation of our
bonds from Europe to equalize tho bal
ance of trade. On the othor hand, should
there bo a further iullaliou of the curren
cy, we shall do as largo an import business
as ever.
Cotton continues weak aud drooping in
this market, and will continue so for
some time. Au impression prevails at the
South that this depression is tho result of
combinations by capitalists. Nothing can
be more erroneous. Cotton is low simply
b°cause tho crop is large and but little
demand for cotton goods. Tho market is
fairly glutted with cotton manufactures,
and prices of the same are lower than
when tho war began. Just so long as the
factories are working on half time, with
few orders, and the Manchester cotton
markets are dull, we may expect cotton to
continue depressed.
Ex-Judge Morris, of Brooklyn, who has
beeu conspicuous iu pressing the suit
against District Attorney Bnttau, has just
had a narrow escape from a frightful
death. Ou Now Year’s day a hoy called
at tho residence of tho Judge during his
absence with a package, which ho gave to
Mrs. Morris. It was addressed to the
Judge in these words: “A Now Year's
Gift for Judge Morris.” Taking oft' the
wrapper Mrs. Morris saw a cigar box, and
supposing that it contained cigars (the
Judge is very fond of tho weed) she laid |
it aside, unci before the day had passed J
had forgotten all about it. On yesterduv |
tho lid a most diabolical machine met his
astonished gaze. In the centre of the
box was nn oblong tube made of guti
cotton, tilled with slugs and nitro-glyce-
rine. At one cud of the box was a thick 1
wudding of sund paper closo against
which several matches rested, all the cav- '
ities of tho box being tilled with lose '
gunpowder. Tho matches wore so at- ;
tached to the lid of tho box by a wire !
spring that they must have raised with it, 1
scraping against tho sand paper, igniting j
and exploding the infernal mnchiuc. but ate, Flanagan introduced bills to change
for the accidental snapping of tho wire, j the present boundaries of the Eastern and
Judge Morris had barely strength to Western Judicial Districts of Texas; to
rush into an adjoining room aud deposit ; create a port of delivery at Jefferson,
the box in a bath tub full of water, he Texas,
was so utterly unmanned. The machine IIoh*o.
is now at the Brooklyn Police Headquar- House refused to table the Educa
tors, uud a reward of $2,000 will be 1 lional bill, aud then it was postponed till
offered to-morrow for the conviction of | March next.
tho wretches who sent it to his house. r Arr,vM «' “<"*•«"* '►•leif.ue..
Hud it exploded it would have destroyed I Geu - K U Tho,nM - Co1 ' P - S
^ FI I "N G 1 G . j u whloh tbn I'uiou imuiea hud hoeu sue. I FOREIGN mmiUKNCK
cosaful, aud spoke only of those engage
ments in which they had been defeated.
He, for one, appreciated such magnanim
ity. It sank deep into his heart, and he
mentioned tho fact to prove that he was
not personally hostile to President Grant.
Mornlux ttcftNiou Kfimte.
WahHinotun. .Tauunrv i;l.—Iu the Sen-
Tll«> A.liiuilrc War—A Prisoner ):«•
train Rome—Cnrlimenn
N'kw OitLFaNd, January 1:1.-Cotton
quiut : low jjrud.'a easy; mhhllin|;a HI;
low- middlings 15;*, strict good u.’dii.ury
Hi : net leceipt* II,Cld; txpirtx to G.
! Britain 8(587 ; sales l ist * m. 7»>(MJ • stock
1 271,278.
| Charleston, January 18,—Cotton quiet
and easy: middlings 15^; low middlings
London, January 18.—Special advices i 1r . .. , ?. ■” r*«
. ... . |, „ .. ,, . „ bi.p, atnet good ordinal y I4‘; net receipts
to the st,n tlanl, from Oaptnm OonrU’»«. ,. xpu „ s Ureal Jlrilam S.UK), to
tie, report that tho King of Dahoiuey has the Continent 020; to Franco 1 flop* sales
. . 1,200; stock (5(5,507.
not only tho Judge, but Mrs. Morris and
their two children also.
Frank Leslie lias eudoare 1 himself to
all the boys of the United Slates by bring
ing the author of tho “Jack Hardaway"
stories from Euglaud to edit kiH “Hoy*
and Girin Weekly." Mr. Bracebridge
Hcwyng is a most delightful writer of
stories for children, and had made repu
tation in his time. Leslie 1ms obtained his
exclusive services at a heavy expense, and
he will henceforth take up his residence
here. While on this subject I desire to
say a few words for Leslie’s publications
and to express the ln>po that they will he
liberally supported at the South. His
HluHtratfd \nns/uij)er" and his “G/t/m-
nry Varner" are equal to any literary
journals in the country in point of literary
matter and illustrations, and as they are
non-partisan, conservative, and non-sec
tional, they are especially worthy of
Southern support. I am quite disinter
ested in this praise —no, I ’ll take that
back. I am disgusted with the patronage
bestowed upon other Now York literary
papers which weekly abuse the Southern
1 people, and when l see more acceptable
literary journals T like to give them a lit
tle praise. Ahtua.
son* and Col. B. NV. Frobel, delegates from
Georgia to tho National Transportation
Convention, arrived last oveuiug.
Col. Johnson and Gen. Thomas are also
accredited to tho Convention of Mexican
War Veterans.
A Tier noon Session-Semite.
House bill tilling tho vaeuncy in tho
Smithsonian Board of Regeuts was passed.
Tho Senate appointed Sargent, of Cali
fornia, a member of the board. Speeches
on liminco followed, when the death of
James Brooks w as announced. After eulo
gies the Senate adjourned without hold
ing nn executive session.
* llou*e.
Two thousand soamen have petitioned
for the repeal of the Shipping act.
The Educational hill was po-dpolled to
March. Dawes said he hoped that by
then the receipts of tho Government from
increased trade would justify tho bill. A
motion tabling the bill was lost by 1 o'.♦ to
eielt. gov. withehn nomina
ted l ost 1J. S. SENATOR OVER
Richmond, January 18.—Upon reassem
bling of the caucus this morning, a rule
was adopted to drop the lowest name on
each ballot, and allow no reuomination ;
aud further requiring that all nominations
bo made before tho lirst ballot. Under
this rule eight ballots wore taken. Ou
tho fifth ballot ex-Gov. Walker, being the
lowest, was dropped ; on the sixth Judge
Christian was dropped : on the seventh
James Barbour wns dropped : on tho
eighth ballot four names were voted for,
with the following Jesuit : R. E. Withers
84, R. M. T. Hunter 82. John Goode 81,
A. H. H. Stuart 80.
Tho hour of 12 m. having nrrivedr the
caucus recessed iu order to allow tho reg
ular meeting of the General Assembly.
Both Houses met, and without transact
ing any business, the presiding officers of
each vacated their respective chairs until
5 o'clock. At 12:80 i\ m. the balloting
was resumed. Goode w is dropped on the
ninth ballot. The tenth billot showed a
majority for Withers over Hunter, and his
nomination was made unanimous.
Willies'* Elected Senator.
Tho ballot for United States Senator
resulted us follows : Withers 1255, Wick
ham SI, Lewis 8, Evans HI. Caleb Cush
ing I.
OWIS Ui: Tit I Eft TO RE-
T \ I ft I’OWEU.
Naval appropriations were resumed.
The Salary bill, as passed by the Sen
ate, passed the House by a vote of 22(5 to
25, and now goes to the President. (This
bill makes salaries as they were before
tho increase, except that of the President
and Judges of the Supreme Court. |
House adjourned.
Tito Senate Oppose* ('uniting Oltjee.
lion* to Hint Political.
Ft was supposed yesterday afternoon,
when Sonator Edmunds moved that tho
Senule go into executive session, that it
was with the iuteutiou of actiug on the
nomination of Caleb Cushing to bo Chief
Justice of tho United States. Senator
Edmunds who is Chairman of Committee
on Judiciary, having reported favorably
on tho nomination the same day it was
made, before an adjournment wah carried.
This adjournment was regarded ns unfa
vorable to tho nomination.
Some of the Senators, however, voted
for adjournment on accouut of tho late
ness of tho hour, it being 41 o'clock,
while the larger number did not care
formally to enter upon Hie consideration
of the subject uutil time should bo
afforded for further individual examina
tion iuto the entire question.
The caucus of the Republican Sonutors
this morning was called, especially to ex
change views relative to nomination,
when it was d Hoovered the opposition was
much greater than was suppose even by
those who had made lip their miiidi to
voto in tho negative on tin* question « 1
The meeting of the Senate in the after
noon was interrupted by the further pro
ceedings of the caucus: but after uu oaiJy
adjournment the session of the caucus
was resumed, when Senators Ivlmunds.
Conkiing and Bout well advocated tho
continuation of Cushing as Chief Justice.
These Senators were lus principal
advocates, but those who spoke on the
oilier side were far more iiiinou*». and be-
! love the discussion emle.l it was discov-
: ered that tin* nominee's friends wore in
, the minority. UinulH the gentlemen
whoso names are above menlioue l .se* mod
to yield to tho views of the majority.
As the best indication of tho view*, of
I the Senators, it can lie positively stated
| that tItm meiiibc:s ot tlie Committee oil
r. Is,.,, hi sub- j j| |fJ .Judmiarv were requested to wait on
reason ot the un- > |j IH Piusident iu ruferditqp to tho noinina
law under which
Eire him! Eon* ol Ell'e—The I'ueiit-
ployed and Toiler Tu**le j
NuMpeimfloaM — Howe* «1
Mney—CTty Hurituir-
lim bul Quid.
New York. January 18.—This morning
i tire occurred in the brick building,
number 24, Rwt doth street, and the
flames spread with great rapidity. it
being known a number of persona
were in the house, a second and third
alarm was sent out, and in a short time
largo numbers wore on the spot, and eve
ry device was lesortod to to roach the
occupants, but tho tlremeu were diiveti
off at evory point by the flames.
Mr. Jacob Htinor, a well known tea
morclmut of this city, jumped from one
of tho back windows of the second story,
and was found in tho yard t» burnt and
mangled corpse. A servant girl, named
Mary McGuire, was also found iu tho
yard with both legs broken. She was
removed to Bellevvo Hospital, aud but
very little hopes arts entertained of her
The lireiuuu, m searching tho building,
found tho dead body of Mrs. Sliuor, ami
her daughter, who won* smothered in
iheir rooms.
The building wan owued by Mr. Stiner.
The tire is said to have been caused by an
imperfect heater, which was known tube
so for Nome time. The loss is estimated
at $10,000. Fully insured, ll is minor-
ed that there are several other bodies
burned in the ruins, but mo funsearcliing
parties have failed to discover them.
Trouble* About I'orodr*.
The Coiniuittoe of Safety has adopted
a resolution declining to give permission
to the sooiotios to parade to-day, and
abandoning their own programme. An
other committoo has obtained the consent
of tho Mayor to address a meeting of
those unemployed in Union Square.
Tho suspension of Josiah S. Colgate
was anuouuced at the Stock Exchange to
In tho involuutary bankruptcy case of
Howes Jr Macy, the firm turned over as
set s of over aBN'iillion dollars to Register
Dayton. Pending tho distribution, Judge
Blutcbford to-day uwatdcd their custody
to United Staten Marshal FUko.
A Squad of Hie Eneiiip o.» e<l 'I n*lie
wllli (lie Police Officer*
New York, Jan. 155 Yesterday the
Park ComiuiubiouerH, haviug control of
Tompkiu's Square, withdrew their permit
previously granted to the workmen to
hold a meeting there this morning, amt
requested the Police Commissioners to
prevent the projected meeting being held
A large number of the unemployed, iii on
ly congregated in squads of a few hun
dred each, gathered in the quire, ap
parently waiting the amval ol yt» h* h.iu.L
and their leadoiH, that a meeting might be
Polioo CoriimirtHioner Du •■yea a as in the
locality and went to the I7*h Precinct
station, whence sjon is*»u •« twenty-two
policemen under the • omniumI ot Ciq>\
Walsh and Sergeant Beit bold I h**
marched quickly to Tompkins Squ/o* uni
divided into two pari-., ihe Captain cum
m Hiding one, and the Sergeant tin* ohi.-i
Seig ant Barthold move i on au ugly
looking crowd having a banmo inscribed,
Bout heavy reinforcements to the Ashen
Rome, January 18.—Manuel Pastor,
who fired ot King Victor Euiauuel in 1872,
has escaped from prison.
Madrid, January 18 —■Cartagena has
surrendered, and is now occupied by
Government troops, under General Do-
minqutz Upon the capitulation of the
city the futraiisigente Junta aud the lib
erated eouvicts went on board the frigate
Nunifinea. which was attacked by the
Government squadron, and at the lima
the lust, dispatch was forwarded the naval
engagement wns in pi ogress.
INftt'RRECTION AT It A114 ’ EI ,<l ft* A*
Madrid, Jnnuaiy 155.- The Intrumsi-
gontu insurrection continues at Barcelona.
There has beeu considerable lighting in
tho suburbs. The Governor of Madrid
has arrested tho officers of SoUdoro prsi-
ou, because of tho escape from that insti
tution of the assassin who whs to have
boon executed to-day.
The Captain G on oral has issued an or
der to the Republican volunteers of Mad
rid, directing them to surrender their
arms to-day. All who diHohey will he
tried by court-martial.
The authorities will search the city for
concealed arms to-morrow.
TK I.KU It A If ’ NOT Eft.
—The full cabinet had a two hours
—The flagship Worcester is ot Havana.
Officers u»:d visitors exchanged visits, and
frequent salutes were given.
A lire in tho business part of Nalie,
Massachusetts, near Boston, destroyed a
half million of properly. Boshm sent
at earners in aid.
— In the Ohio Legislative election for
United States Senator, Thurman receive I
22 to 14 votes iu the Senate, and 57 to 14
i J urinary 1!!.—Cotton quiet;
| luuMliiiKi loj); net receipts ;i,00L>: exports
j coastwise SOI: shIim 1 ,«hio ; slock 7:
| I loSTON,
January 18.—Colton steady;
middlings 17: net receipts .*.8; gross l :
exports to Great Britain 77:* Hales ,*»o(i*
Htook 5,000.
Auoukta, Jauuftiy 18.—Cotton weak;
middlings 15£; receipts 1,218: sales I.i'.m,
iu tho House. His election to-iuorrow is
London, January 155.—The Auna, from
Loudon for Pensacola, ban been badly
damaged by a collision.
Arrived at Havre—Bsrk Volunteer, from
New York, January 155. -Arrived -Wil
mington aud City of Brussels.
Arrived out—Bailie uud Duly.
II ti.ifax, January 18.—The British ship
Sphynx arrived from Port Royal, Jamaica,
yesterday, with two cases of yellow fever
on board.
New York, Jan. 155 Ariivod- Mont
gomery, City, Dallas and San Salvador.
Savannah, Jati. 18.—Arrived—()n.-
meiitu, Eli/.i Dutton, Edith, San Jacinto,
Oi.oiital, Johu Buiiyan, \V. II. Jenkins,
Leo, Emma I). Finney, Ballmorid. D*ph-
iiee and (ledscn.
Grand Gift Concert.
Public Library of Kentucky.
Over a Million in Bank!
Success Assured!
ll 1,1, UIIAUIM. CKU'l'AIA
On Tumday, 31st March Next!
In urdci-to uicot tho general wbli ami iwptv-
tailon el the jiublio anu ileket-holdeia, lor the
lull pay in cut ol l he iii.igiiiMconl gll t» aim un
od lor the Fourth Omni (Jiff tluncert ol t>.<
1*1111110 Library ol Kentucky, the inanugfUK*:.:
have determined to ptmtpnnc tho Ihaieori and
I b an In” until
Tuesday, tho 31st of March, 874!
They have already toally.ed
Over a Million Dollars,
And have a rimaI nniny AkoiiIh yet i«> hear
I rnm.
WIIKTHKIl Al.l. AUK Hol.lMilt NOT Til COM l.f.r
AM) DUAWINO Wll.L 1*<'HIT t N KI. Y A.M) I NLQt t-
Only (JO,DUO tickuLs luive been is7*uc«l and
XB.OOO Cniuh OiftM,
will ho dlMtrlhutod hiiioiik tho tieket-holdcry.
Ihe tickets liro printed In uoiipoio, ot tciiia
and all fractional parts will ho represented in
tho drawing JUrit a.s whole ticket* are
List of Gifts.
10 GASll GIFTS *10,000 each.
ao GASH GIFTS &,000 ouch liio.i*
&0 GASH GIFTS 1,000 oacn iu.u.
40 GASH GIFTS oOO each 4U,i*
loo GASll GIFTS 400 each 4o'X
160 G AS 11 GIFTS BOO each 46.0*
1450 GA.n1! GIFTS 200 each 6u,o*
326 GASH GI FTS loo each :« .>
11,000 GASH GIFTS 60 each 660 m
17, .M
ainoiinthiR m f 1,600.
Tho chance' Inr a ullt are aa one 1 «• live.
Prico of Tickets.
W Imlu ti< kola 4)60.00; Halve* 4t2(' dO; Ten:
t>r each coupon f6.0'); hlovcn \V\n*lo 'Vo hoi-,
*600.00 ; 22) i Ticket ri lor *1,000.00: 11.; \\ •
Tickets lor fj.uoo.oo; 227 W hole Tickets mi r
ooo.oo. Noili.*o<iunt on lesr than *6uo uu >..•
(ill )
th Wan! As
cut i
ll •» d v t
ItV TELEGIC *1*11 TO Eft4|
.(lane,) mikI Stock ftni'kHi.
London, Jan. 155.— Aioej'icoM seciintji-s.
small sales, titichuuged.
Puils .|,in.l8. Jinnies 58f. and (1.6
! '>'r\v Yottk, January 155 (}old open*- I
I |i Stocks dull and n regular. (5<*i<i l! n
' M »m v *5 bid. Ktcliungc long I .
| abort IH.\ < lovel tjiiietils dull. Slate b mis
Pro) isiioi mill Ollier Mail* cts.
1 il vKRI'Ooi.. J all. 155. -Breadat illl s qoii't;
* long olcnr middling- 55' and 5V.
<•1 Ticket
Tho Foiirtn Gilt (.'oio cr
all reopect* Ilk** ihe three
beon u'l/c.n. and lull partlcul
Iruni olruulai
and Hppll<'ati«oi! i lor :• s<• j
« ie- will la* attended to In the older tlicy i:
received, and it If hoped they u I I he -cnl i
promptly that there itnv t» • n*odi-appoint»s
oi delay in tdllnu, all l^iheral tenuf give;. >
thimo who buy to 11 agulo. A.I agentf ;•*
ptrumplonly i«<|Utred to s«*ui*i op t!»* 1 r *
counts and return all unsold liekeli* h\ i.»«• ■
• lay ol March.
THO. E. IK If t tl 1.8 .1"! 15.
Ap.eoi I’uhlie Lilirary Kentucky.and .ifnin:
•d trill t-'oneiTL, Public Lihrarv liuiMi
LuuifVtlli, liy. [del.'t <12 till) k
Ticket-hu' - i !c and pi i/.c- collected Ire**
Hu rice, h>
Capt. C. A. Klink, Ayt.
o) n*»:
N i
j uud ii>
Wheat unching'd
* Ptirk nun at v
Austin, l i x is, Jan 155. Whereas, the
Supreme (’ourt of tlm Stain has in a ro-
cent decbiou derdarnd tin* elections hold
on the 2(1 day <»l Doceuib
stance to 1 c. invalid by r
constitutionality of H
said election was held: and wborons,
great public injury aud further daugorou.s
complications of public afl'uits are likely
to result from any attempt o i the part of j RtoM „ |>(m the subj
those claiming to have boon chosen for
members of the Legislature nud other offi-
bo tin*
c Assn- ’
Hits Idmivv.
tion. Although they wore not favorably
instructed, it was the general understan i-
iug that they should repiesent to him tho
feeling mid views of tin* Republic,m Scn-
•d tin
formation ns to whether ho whs ready to
make appointment* of offR-ars of hiscoutt j morning Judgo Morris was about louvin
ou their recomiuendtitioii. Hackett re
plied, declaring h's ardent devotion to
tions they claim
Therefore, for tho
which i* is not necessary to incorporate
heroin, it is deeuiod advisable, and it is
so ordered, that those who have been
I chosen Legislators or for other offices,
should not attempt to assume tho posi
tions unless by further action of adequate
authority. Such election may bovonfter
bo validated.
Ail good citizens are ndvised to abide
by tho decision of a competent tribunal,
utid aid iti niainUit.iug public order and
moderate counsels.
E. J
111•,111 to let ire in pear
sion for a disturbance.
IId was answered by h tall I
military aspect, who appeared t
loader, calling upon the nc ii ol
cialion to stan ! tirni, and they t
officer walking by. thie time <
front of the leader, who refused to move ' t *'
back, aud the tw » engaged in a stvng.»U*. j i #
The sergeant steppe 1 ipncklv t • n-si-i tin- *17
officer, but whs met bv a lit• l»* hungry-' Uiscinnvi 1
looking perso 1 named Meyer, who struck * quotable In*,
him on tho temple with a heavy earpen *'-• U«>rk lir
. . . Ul . u * * , _ j ^;d): keltic, quiet at Bacon
tent hammer. BlooIHu.u.l I.«,.ly I.uu, , f “ r Mholl | )lorH 1 . ^ ,„ r ,.|aor; i
the wound. Meyer was at once knocked subs. Whiskey tinner but high'
sonsoIosH, ami a general and vigorous, Sr. Lotus, January 155 EI01
clubbing began, out of which the officers' grades below treble, woak
with them
quiet ami
higher. (‘«i
NYht-k v
Iiiir,| flf
The opinion, therefore, prevails among
„t Siiiil election to a-mue lira po.i- j „ luIU tlj|ll „„ , (li „
! Klxtemour, «ill withdraw lira nomination. 1 ram0 bei,rlu <
and othor ronsoua j Tl() „,, j „, lilltlS tl , Calah Crahino »nmhor of priMiierH
did not aIV.‘ft hi, 1..„.h1 qimlificat ons for Wllon M ' , y or ' vas 11,0
lira position, hut were In,sod p.incipall.v , «''>K" ant l ) ortU ; ,1< ) ‘> n "‘nnk hio,
on his political piinciples, Imretofoio do
dared iu his official uet*q which were con
■ at :
f all ,
and lower ;
husitioss small. Corn active uud higher :
No. 2 mixed, GO. Whiskey funi at ‘.*7 :
Dork steady at * 14 75a$15. Bacon un
changed. Lud linn : steam
<01(0)1 Harlots.
sidered as not being in aceor
nntcrhiined by tho Republit'ai
Senators expressed their
much animation and with a
which showed h deep sc itc I <
the nomination.
with lit
posit tveiiess
his house to purchase some cigars. In
forming his wife of his errand, she told
the Democracy, but p tsitivoly deoliuiug him he could save himself the trouble. !
to comply, becauso he would not suireu- Thereupon she went lor the cigar box and
der his judicial iudepoadeuce and exj> brought it to him, at tho same time stat-
the records of hiflAmnit to political parti- iug that it was a New Year's gift. As she
xanship. For twontv -four hours Hackett handed it, Mrs. Morris Haid, with a laugh :
was extolled as a noble Rouiun. Next “I hope there is uot an infernal rna-
morning, however, the committoo aud chine in it.
half a dozen others completely deuiol- “ Pshaw, what an idea, ’ said the Judge on the New .J
i.sheil him. ’Ilray »hi,N»ea how he had iu ve.ponse, have (juit work
us, Governor.
Uonlou, on (lie Malar
anti A|*i»oiimf lost.
(tordon, of
Moiidav, on
'I he speech of (5
Georgia, in the Sen
the salary question, was listened to with
groat attention, especially liuil poll ion of
ll which pur:o)k of the nature of a per
flonal explanation and which i»*feired t(
tho surrtuider of Gem ial Loo ul Appomat
tox. Mr. Guidon made i: because, he
said, he had been chniged with being in
fluenced by persona! prejiub-.e against
tho Adminihtratioii. He smi that
ho was one ot lho-e who he'd
u counuuiid in the Uonfederato at my
— Tho engineers, train and truck hands wliou it suri^ndeied to < Grain at
southern Railroad ( Appomatfox Until that time he hud
locomotives are all never known what giief was. '1 ho Logo
, .. .. . ... ...... in the'shops at Manchester, but jue partly tiations ocupied lorn days and four
made appointuieuts and turned off able lhrusting his knife under theeOv<r, t n M . ljnuei ., 04 | f an ,| caiinol be run out. I nights, and during all that time not otn*
aud deserving * ffieors at the demaud of j Judge Morris miaed it, nud ah he did no • The truck has toeu torn up in vurjuii* word of exultation es aped the lips of the
th. Uto ilujf, oitiujj uira J,»r- I »uuiaUmiK lik« » bj.nug l.urat. itai.iUB Nu Jraliirh.uc reported. F*Ur»l ooiuuramlors. In fact, they nvod-
J'i l’ARTMliNT OF War, »
Wauhinoton, Jan. 18, 1K7-4. >
ProbabHitie*. — For tho South Atlantic
Stales, cloudy weather, with arcus of raiu
and with but slight changes of presume
and temperature.
answered, “Bocnnm Hooeflecher 1
(their leader; told me to strike any polic-
meii tlm* inteferred with u* Besides,
siid Hi: prisoner. “I urn two day* with
out food, and J aui dospeiale.”
At the chief precinct a largo tniiiihw of
p dice were liel 1 in renditions.
A man in the crowd camel a ll »g, but
ii*) did not got time to unlnrl it.
I'll’dl tioilllfl < louilril. I»itl (Dm-
imrativfl.v QiiiH.
Mayor H.ivemeyei w i * at th** police
hea'l'i'iuteri up to noon, when he came
down to l is office aud -at I li« would not
fetred to address the w >rkingtnon. First Avenue
continued crowded up to one, mid
the workingmen fiom time to time
paraded two deep along the side
walk, but did not venture into Ilia
square. The adjoining streets and
avenues nro crowded with people, who
fear to venture into First. Avenue. Al
though tint avenue is so lud of people,
there ts no shooting or di-foi lor, and the
police s-iy tho lotsoii the jiotuin g d ibis
morning will have a wholosoiuu eiieot
kktool, January 155
linn; Uplands tSjii; ()rlcai:
odd, including 2.000 for ,
ul ilioti. C«)tton to an i vl
ot uplntuD, iiolhing belov
shipped l>ceemlM*r and -T.«»t»
ditto, ditto, slopped IMivua
• s ; i
Ni.v< Yokk, Jim. 155. Uu:
11.. upland * Hi;. < irleuns l
Fulures opoin-d a* tollo
15 28-82.1 l.'t 155-1(5; l ehruai
.; 115; M.ncll Iff ! ! Iffal). 2.5
y. M - Cotton
s h;«I: sales 12,- ,
xpoit and spec- I
cheaper. Sales
• good ordinniv.
iliinry, S 55-1)5(1:
1 aud March,
>n dull: Hides
Iff 55 82aIff
2: \piil 17*
*=> HIJNT -x-1JNT c*
BO >< >lv - l!IM)i \(;
AND II KI NO SCI* 1*1.1 lit) WITH Al.l TH«
Modem Styles of Machine
ry and Material,
To Exccuto will) Accuracy anti Dispatch
Book & Job Printing
March b l.i. — Collou—Fit-
sales 155,000 bales, us
15 2:1-552: February
2-5*2: April 5 7',: May
17.; June 17;.
Gottoil easier; sales 155^, at Iff; to 17:
n**l luceipts loll; gross llil;5
Liverpool, Jau. 155 - 5 i*. m. —Silos of
uplands, nothing below gooJ ordimuy,
delivuldible in March anil April, Sjd.:
sales of Mrloiins, nothing below good oi- shipped in February and March,
s-.d ditto, nothing below* low middlings,
deliverable in March and April, ,s^d.
Savannah January 155—Cotton firm :
middlings lff»*. : net receifits 811.5 bales :
exports to Great Britain 2(585 ; sabs 1212;
stock 104,(5515.
Using Steam rower, running G*.
of the most improved and best niako
Presses, with constant addition' to
our already very large assortment oT
Elegant Types, Rules. Borders, and
other material, and skilled workmen
in every department, our facilities li r
turning out all descriptions (f woik,
expeditiously and neatly, at tfie Low
est Cash Prices, are unsurpassed t y
any establishment in the State.
t^*On1rr> Irani aitruml w ill n-.
«*it«* ili<* *(••••** aiiiiKian u« If the
vi ere |>rc*«*m lo (vitiisiit i
tli«* hit it ***» .tn«l \\ ill i»« i»t -
i> nii.K.