Newspaper Page Text
NO. 47
$8 00
4 00
2 00
2 00
2 r.o
twelve months, iu advance
ontbs, “
jhrc'ft months, “
nonth, “
i,y Ekquireb, one year
irsDAY Enquirer, one year
iVnuay aud Weekly Enquirer to
gether, one year
Art vertlni iiif Ha Ira.
i; j.-t* 1 JAM* 4^ tH»
. i v.- it with tlio jirivilego of n chnugo
, t .!••• in ml hi. For yearly canls a liberal Jig-
> will liu tuudo.
|'lii> Weekly rates will invariably lo oik-third
• Dally.
u-ii mi ndvortlnotaent is changed moro than
in three months thn advertiser will ho charg-
i with the cost of composition. Furalgu advor-
nust pav as do those at home.
glslutivo Action—Kimball tionc-
i Ucrtell niirtlor—Tlio Orig
inal I'ltllSC.
ico, .11 o- ‘potidenco Kuijulrc-r and Fun )
Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 23, 1874.
To-day Mr. Watt, of Muscogee, offered
resolution instructing the Comptroller
eneral not to issue ft fas against Tax
elleotors on account of tlio Constitution
Convention tax, provided they mako a
itisf.mtory exhibit from their books that
ioy have paid over all that tax collected
thorn, which was Agreed to.
About uoou the House look a recess to
m., in honor of Washington’s birth
v. The Senate took no notice of it.
The . Senate adhered to its amondmeut
the tux act, taxing express, telegraph
d sleeping car companies one per oont
their gross earnings, and receded from
umendmont relative to tho coinmis-
ua of tax-receivers, disagreed to by
Tho following were passed :
To amend tho peunl code rclativo lo
burning of uninhabited houses; to
like tho 2(JtU of April a public holiday
lupt from jury duty members of
[ulunteer companies; House resolution
tho President be requested to extend
outivo clemoucy to all such persons in
Stato who may have been convicted
if illicit distilling.
At night session House bills wore read
md time.
The Houso referred the Governor’s r
ige regarding a site for a new cupitol to
Bpociul committee.
The following were passed:
amend tho charter of tho Macou and
linciuuati Railroad, lost on Saturday aud
onsiderod, with an amendment pro-
Ming that suid company should not havo
o exclusive light to build a road on the
0 stated, aud repealing tho exclusive
ivileges and State aid ; prescribing tho
auner of Inking injunction cases to the
jnpreuio Court and rogulato the practico
r °in : to amend tho common school
w relative to poll tax; Senate bill to re
nd tho State aid clause in all charters
jorotoforo granted where railroads have
t obtained vested lights,
dr. Carlton gave notive of a reconsid-
r iiion, to require judgment creditors iu
nuin eases t.» have their judgtnonts re-
rded iu tlio county of tho defendant’s
1 ne following were lost:
prevent the Hale of agricultural pro
fs between sunset and sunrise; to pro
le for u registration of births, marriages
Laths; tieuato amendments to uppro-
->n act giving sums to memorial as-
' idions except Savannah, which to-
He has already handed a noto to tho
dilution oftloe, stating that sickness
M his family requires his immediate pres-
u ’ in Massachusetts. Ho promises to
Bliu n. Tho thirty days ore uot yet out.
Ic* Ims made no explanations. I told you
-t were telegraphed last night tho ro-
| ll! *he first day’s examination of
• »'<nes Chisolm. | through the fault of
unit.* one in the telegraph office, tho inos-
1; ' WrtS U °1 received until tho following
Burning,—News F.n.J Tho prosecution
a. not yet closed, 'the testimony is
bong against Chisolm. Threats by him
must Uedell, and tho cjnfessiou by
bisolm that he did tho killing were < loar-
l ’ proved by several wituesso’*.
the court was crowded. Tho exumina-
will consume two more da;.s
I he first cause of tlio killing stems lo
-e thin.
A s't»:k drover, from Virginia, tunned I
ipencer, was swindled out of .^],soo m '
• -Htill h rooms by sitno gamblers, la 4
huiNiduy, with which Bedell had nothing’!
’ ti °- Hedell owed Chisolm srme
atu Thursday afternoon Chistlui l.<m.i
^ little game that bad been played in '
‘•LU n room, uud thought that he, of
JUr * r * b“d a share in tho plunder. Ho
for him ut 0 uee, to gecur( . ;
litn the parties met before 1’. ck's store, !
"b ll denied having hud ouytl g to do 1
dh the fitviudlo. Chisolm Rusted that I
’ u-rn, and used numorou** oaths and epi- !
''hioh caused tin* tight, and the!
led to tho homicide. Muscogee.
[special coRnrai’oNDiscR knqcirbr and sun.]
Atlanta, Feb. 23, 1874.
The trial commenced this morning be
fore Justices E. W. Munday aud E. It.
The prisoner came iuto court attendod
by counsel, whoso names have been given.
Ho showed considerable composure. The
court room wr.s packed. Tho examina
tion of witnesses was conducted by So
licitor General Glenn, und cross-examined
by Gen. Gartrell.
John Llewellen, formerly wood-passer
on State Hoad, was in “Kimball Office
Saloon." Defendant was staudiug be
tween witness and cur shod. Saw Unities
Chisolm, officer lirozletoii and John Chis
olm. John was in the middle of Pryor
street, looking back; defendant facing
the railroad. Each hud a pistol, defeud-
ant’s hanging by his right side. Heard a
pistol shot. Uus was lit. Bedell wuk lay
ing at the comer. Guinea Chisolm walked
to him. Bedell said, “Von damn rascal,
you have shot uie," Chisolm replied,
“Yes, I have," or, “Yes, I’m the man thut
done it." Witness helped carry Bedell to
his room. John Chisolm rau after tho
firing. When defendant walked off ho
suid, “You havo killed meu around the
streets of Atlanta loug enough, and now
I hive killed you.”
K. F. Maddox testified he heard defen
dant say, loudly and excitedly, when pass
ing tho National Hotel, “1 have killed
him; ho c.imo very near hiding me."
When witness reached the Kimball House
corner, Bedell was being curried off.
D. P. llill testified that, on Thursday
evening, ho heard a cry of fight, on com
ing out of the Turf Excbauge ; cry caiuo
trwtu Bedell; on going there saw defen
dant on all fours and Bedell slrikiug him;
triod to stop light ; Bedell suid, “The
diuuucd s— ol’ u b got mo out hero
to curse tue, and drew a pistol on mo and
I knocked him downwitness helped de
fendant up. and Boded knocked him down
again. Chisholm either said “wait a min
ute, I'll fix yon,” or “wait till I get fixed."
They were separated, and ho went with
Bedell to his room. Bedell’s right hand
was bruised, aud he complained of it, aud
s.»id, “he called me out hero, abused me,
und drew n pistol on tun ; I knocked him
down and threw the pistol in the street.”
. Did uot see Chisolm striko Bedell. Chis
olm was on nil fours when witness arriv
ed ; witness went with Blalock to Hent/.'
to get a gun for Bedell, lleutz would not
let them have it. Bedell was unarmed,
aud said In had nono in his room, and
wanted tho gun to defoud his own apart
W. F. Wright swore snmo ns Hill re-
gnuling fight, avowing that Chisolm got
up on his feet and said to Bedell, “you
are wrong, 1 did not menu it or intend it;"
Bedell struck him again; witness triod to
stop fight; about this time two police offi
cers came up und arrested p&rtier; Chis
olm said either “wait till I get fixed" or
“I will fix you;" witness, u low minutes
after, mot Gaines and John Chisolm to
gether at Coker's bank; thinks fight oc
curred half an hour before ho heard the
discharge of a pistol.
B. O. Haynes, a policeman, testified to
seeing Bedell striko Chisolm, and Chis
olm begging, nuil to the two being car
ried to the guard house. The principals
did not meet there. John Chisolm came
to guard house shortly ufter Gaines was
carried there. Witness left two together.
Immediately after the fight Chisolm went
into Turf Exchange to wash his wounds;
the blood was running down his face in a
Bichard Clark was at the Maison de
Ville, heard a shot, sow defendant at cor
ner, saw Bedell on ground, heard defend
ant say “damn him, l have killed him; he
lUiuo near killing iuu and 1 had it to do:”
saw no arms on the defendant; the first
man witness met was Johnnie Lloyd; ho
soid “lookout they might shoot this way;
Lloyd was on sidewalk."
John F. Hall sworn—Saw defendant at
Wull streot entrance of Kimball House;
defendant said “I'vo got him, God damn
him, thero he lies, he beat uie up;" wit
ness heard nothing more oxccq t a tepoti-
tion of this remark; the crowd were just
taking Bedell up when witness arrived:
defendant had nothing in his right linnd,
and no hat on his head; bin shirt was
John W. Kimbro keeps the Turf Ex
change, and saw tho Iasi part of tho fist
fight. Before thou, defendant came in
and asked for Bedell. The two went out
together. Dofeudaut returned to euloon
fifteen minutes befuie the shot was fired.
John was with him, inked for Bedell,
found he was out nod the two left, Iu
fight, CLi-m'm was badly beaten.
J. P. Halil.ger sworn thut John aud
Gaines name i" i utf Exchange und usked
for Bedell b.n minutes ufter the fight, and
defendant hid his face washed. Tho
brothers hailed several seconds beforo
goiug down street.
Jordan Love, colored briokmason,
swore he w *■■ ‘ K mb ill House entrance; j
soon John and (4 lines Chisolm, the former
three feet behind, coming from Adair's
office: defendant was holding his right j
bund to his side: at corner John stepped 1
to ojih side; just then luard pistol shot; ;
saw Gaines firt; John was be tweed witness 1
and Games Chisolm; the llc-di was a little j
to the left of John; heard Gaines sny, “1 |
have killed the damn rascal and nm re- j
sponsible for it: bo tried to kill mo and I
have killed, the damn rasca';' heard po
liceman cry out “don’t shoo*;” saw Bedell
fall; could not see who defendant was !
shooting at; did not see John Chisolm
after tho shooting.
Dr. J. J. Knott simply testified to tho
nature of tho wound, which ho supposed
was caused by n Doringor pistol.
It. L. Jennings was looking towards |
tho car-shed, heard a shot, policeman run
ning and crying “don't shoot I" saw de-
faidant, who was near tho wounded man ;
he faced witness aud Raid. “If you want
to know who shot him—I shot him, God
damn him !"
Policomun J. G. Brazleton testified to
separating the parties in the light When
Hill came up, and officer was about to
take Bedell to Ids ro »ui, Bedell said to
wi'nrvM, “Here’s a twenty dollar bill—go J
i" li ii.z’s and get mo a gun—I wuut to
protect myself." Bedell also told witness !
lie had knocked a pistol out of defend- :
ant's hand, und he would hud it iu the
stroet. Witness and others searched for ,
ths pistol, but did not find it. lie then
told Bedell ho must go to the guard-house.
Wright or Blalock whs with him. Bedell
stepped back, picked up a pistol, which
ho banded over to witness, saying ho
was unarmed and that witness must
protect bin ; Officer and Bedell wont to
guard-house, where Bedell was released j
on his own bond, aud then witucss start-
on to go homo with him. When witness
got near box on coruor, saw Guiues aud
John Chisholm, defendant was a few
puces uhend ; just beforo reaching corner,
John stepped to one side; wheu witness
first saw them he said, “Poun, there they
are;" Gaines was ou sidewalk near, out
side. John stepped to one Bide aud
planted himself; Gaines had a sliming
pistol iu his hand; witness thinks he was
tivo feet from Gaines, uud seven foot from
John; Gaines was facing witness and Bo-
dell, just on edgo of pavement; witness
lmd Bedell’s left arm; when witness said :
“There they are,” Gaines said, “Ah,
Penn, Penn," and leveled bis pistol. At
this instant John fired, then Guinea firod;
tho. two shots were almost together ; Be
dell’s pistol wttH in witness’s right hand
coat pocket. Penn grabbed pistol wheu
witness spoke. An instant after witness
.spoke John fired ; Bedell told witness he
was expecting them; witness did uot
turn loose Bedell’s arm ; Bodell did not
get his hand out until ho fell; Bedell got
hold of pistol, but did not got it into po
sition to uho it; only two shots were firod;
John Chisholm tired one shot;saw also flash
from Gaines' pistol; when Penn dropped
witness jumped to ono side two foot;
Gaines turned round and said to witness,
“you tako up for him," aud cursed; wit
ness run off a short distance and cried
“Police!” “Police!’ witness ran up to
embuukiucnt and saw that Gaines turned
back ; defendant walked up to Bedoll ns
if he would shoot him on tho ground; wit
ness then went back aud helped Bedell
up; Bedell said, “John, I’m shot; I’m kill
ed; help me to my room.” Went back
and met Lieutenant Simmons; witness
tbeu went with Simmons to the “Maison
de Ville" and arrested defendant; searched
for John Chisolm, but could uot find him.
Shots were iu rapid succession. Den t
know where Bedoll got tho pistol ho hand
ed me.
W. A. Bonnell was in tho station-house
wheu Gaiues was brought there; defen
dant remained some ton minutes; was dis
charged, and left with John.
Here the case was po.stponed'until next
morning. Muscogee.
I.atcr b.v TcIcKriipli.
Testimony t'loncd—Unities C'tilnolni
('oiifcANCN the Shooting - Ho
Thought lledell Would
Nhoot Hint..
Special t.> Kmqcuur-Fun.J
Atlanta, Feb. 21.—Tho testimony iu
tho Bedell murder caso closed this after
noon. Tho nrgumeut will commence to
morrow, when a conclusion will be
Tho defense introduced only three wit
nosses, and their evidence iu favor of the
accused was very tame and poor. Not a
link in tho strong chain of evidence
aguiust him was broken, or even weak
ened. Tho general impression is tho do
fondant will not ho allowed bail.
Guiues Chisolm, the defendant, made n
short statement. He confessed that he
fired tho fatal shot. When tho killing
occurred ho was ou his way home to avoid
a difficulty, llo fired at the meeting with
Bedell because ho thought Bedell was go
ing to Rhoot him.
Tho decision will, without doubt, be
reached to-morrow.
Corey, tho defaulting Cashier of the
Freodmen’s Bank, was bound over to-day
to the Superior Court. Muscooee.
Strasbourg, February 21.—Goober and
six other delegates to Reichstag from
Alsace and Lorraine, have published a
manifesto repudiating Bishop Kaess’ ac
knowledgement of tho Frankfort treaty.
Thu citizens at Strasbourg demand of
Bishop Kaess tho resignation of his seat
in the Reichstag because he Ijub acknowl
edged the validity of tho treaty of Frank
Venezuela Iu a Shaky Condition.
La Guayiia, February 1).— 1 There was
an curlbquuko here on the <itb inst., tho
severest since 1812. Tho people rushed
in terror iuto tho streets, and much inju
ry wus done to persons and property.
[ La Guuyra is a town aud seaport of
Venezuela on the Curibhenn sea. The
populutiou is 8,000. The town was near
ly destroyed, in 1812, by an carthqunko.
—News Ed.J
Madrid, Feb. 24.—Sickles took leave
of Sorano Monday.
Tlie Epoca newspaper has been fined
for violating press laws.
—George Lynch, aged 20, suicided in
Baltimore yesterday, by shooting himself
through the head. He was to have been
married that night.
—The Maine House of Representatives
refused to pass tho bill abolishing death
—Kegardiug the recent murdor by tho
New York police, the chief soys tho
i Hirers had a right to smash doors, if
they thought their man was in any of tho
rooms. Luhey was evidently so nervous
and excited, he fired his pistol in the ab
sence of something better to do. A club,
instead of a pistol, should have been in
his hands. Besides, officers forgot to
wear their shields, and that was very
In t% I’criloua Situation.
Detroit, Mini., February 23.—A heavy
wind to-day lias driven tho ice from the
mouth of the Saginaw river iuto tho bay.
It is reported that about 300 fishermen
are cn tho floating ice, and at lust ac-
counts they were tivo miles from land.
Great fears aro entertained that tho ico
will break up before tho men can bo rns-
cuetf, and that a fearful disaster will ro- J
Department of War, *
Washington, Fob. 24, 1874.)
Probabilities.— For tho Ohio valley,
South Atlantic and Gulf States, continued
northeasterly winds, cloudy weather aud
The Mysteries of the Con
necting Link.
TWO 1.1 VEft IV TWO lloniEft.
Peculiar Anatomy ol' llraln niirt !
From the Now York Ucrnltt, 10th.]
Philadelphia, Feb. 18.—Your corres
pondent was at tho meeting of the Uol- J
lege of Physioiaus und Surgeons to-night, , Washington, February 24. -The long
the only journalist independent of tho hearing of urgumeut, beforo tho Sotiato
his teeth, there being found on his per
son, wlicn ho was killed, a heavy rifle,
| three i i .tula, and a knife, with a blado
about twelve inches in length, llo was
1 only about 28 or 2D years old. lie is said
to have boon tho most cowardly,.and at
tho sntuo lima tho most treacherous and
vindictive of them all.
Chun in I ttec Fqinilly IHvIrtcrt “More
Vowtert WroiiRN than Vest oil
medical profession itself. Tho number
of uiedicul professional men proseut was
exceedingly large, and the fraternity woro
exceedingly particular that ull others
should be excluded.
wero lying upon a wooden table directly
fronting tho audience, while upon a plat
form near woro sauted the commit too
who hud conducted the autopsy, along
with tho regular officers of tho college.
Dr. Panooast, owing to tho indefatigable
porsovorance of whom the fraternity are
indebted for their choice study to-night,
occupied a middle point, and road to his
congregated brotbron the report. Of
course it was filled with perplexing tech
nicalities, which tho ordinary render
could not comprehend, and which
Committee on Privileges and Flections,
in tho Alabama contested Senatorial elec
tion of Spencer against Sykes, was to-day
concluded by lion. Alexander White,
counsel for Mr, Spencer. Tho discussion
has disolosod that while tbero is no doubt
that tho Republican candidates fur tho
Legislature woro olocted in the disputed
countioF, upon which turned tho question
which of tho two rival Legislatures had a
quorum und was thn truo Legislature, yet
those in tho Democratic tor Capi
tol; Legislature having tho certifi
cates of the Secretary of Statu, it
j is probnhlo that a rtrong minority
oorrespuudout is personally obliged to t * M1 oouiuiiltoe, if not a majority, will
pass by tlio board. But, apart from report that the Democratic members woro
these, tho soquol will mauitest tho most entitled prima facie to their seats, to bo
interesting detuils. Tho twins them- I fl
Helves wore not ploeenut to heboid, their 1 UU8lri1 ' mbncuuenlly, after a proper con-
lower extremities only being covered with leK * * * u tuoanwbilo their
a slight drapery. The skin of the abdo
men untorially was thrown entirely back,
exposing the entrails, tho opening extend
ing down the lower extremities. The
body of tho ono who diod first was per
vaded with a dark bluish tint, while the
corpse of the ono who diod lust wus com
paratively white; showing conclusively
that tho idood hurt flowed from tho living
into the dead aud coagulated in tho veins
of the latter, rendering tho same, ns sub
sequently shown, more easily to bo pre
served. Tho naval, as heretofore state !,
was directly in tho centro of tho connect
ing link, uo other umbilicus existing,
of each extended only to the middle uf
the baud, aud honco a pin stuck in the ouo
made no impression whatovor upon tho
other. Honco when Eng awoke and found
Clmng dead, had ho cut a lump of flesh
from bis brother ho might have saved his
own lifo, and pruducod uo pain upon him
self, because, as just stated, tho construc
tion of tho nerves of the two was entirely
independent, extending only to tho mid
dle of the band. Thero was no anterior
incision nindo ou the connecting link, all
operations proceeding from the rear. The
baud wus found to coutaiu pouches
resting one against the other, tho outlines
of w*hich might or might not have been
gono urouud with the knife while the
twins wore olive; that is, the question of
their separation is still a doubtful ono.
There is very little nervous distribution
identified with the pouches. Reflections
of the peritoneal membrane occupied the
interior of the baud connecting with the
abdomen of each, and forming the sep
arating sacks or pouches of tlio mem
valid, and invalidate tho proceed
ings of tho body by which the election of
Mr. Sykes was made.
It is likely the Committee on Privilege,,
and Elections will divide equally on
Spencer and Sykes. (’arperter, who
closely questioned While, retorted that
thero seemed to bo more vested wr-mg.
than vested rights.
COM-It I.SNlO Vk I..
Washington, Feb. 21.— In tho Senate,
a number of petitions worn presented,
both in favor of and in opposition to any
further increase in eurioncy.
Scltuiz presented a tneinoii il from tin*
merchants of Chicago in favor **l tin* re
sumption of specie.
The Idler carriers w»»iif more pay.
Norwood presented the resolutions ol
Cot ton Market*.
LiYERUooi., Fob. 24 Noon.—Cotton
dull and unchanged; sales 111,000 hides,
including 1,000 for speculation and ex
Sales of Orleans, nothing below low
middling, deliverable April und May
8 1-1(1.
Later.—Sales include r.,200 American.
Sales of uplands, nothing below good or
dinary, shipped February and March, 7
New York, February 24.—Cotton dull
ami nominal; sales A72 bnlos; uplands l(ic;
Orleans Hijjc.
Futures openod ns follows : February
1 '* 1*32; March Ifmlo;}; April lojjnlM;
Mny lUj.Kij,
New York, February 24.—Sales 1,236
at lliatdjj; uot receipts lor two days 1,-
220. .
FutnroH elosod quiet, sales 21,800 ns
follows: February 14jaHi; March 14 31-
32at**»; April 15 l!»-32air.i; May 16 3-32a
l<i|V; 'Blue Hijjalti 21-32; July 1 «> 31-32a 17.
Liverpool, Fob. 24. Yarns and fabrics
Galveston, Feb. 24. -Net rneeipts
11'• •: exports to Groat Briliau 267: salus
1500; stock 10,00(5.
'\K\v Oi:t.i;\NH, Feb. 24. Net receipts
•"» 1 exports to Great Britain 1059;
salon •3000- Iasi afternoon 2000.
Mom 1 e, l ob. 21. Not receipts 1080:
sales lOOO.
Charleston, Fob. 2t.- Net receipts
2089; nules 2500.
Boston, Fob. 2!.—Not receipts 18;
sales 200; stock 5000.
.A. New Enterpi *ieie l
Grocery and Provision House
In Marshall, Ala.
rilAK KS ,,I,,„ K Murclnml. uli.l
L n • , , " 1 ,, """‘i"hi,R c.imtr) tliat I...
i* K ro.n,':.. ry W | l 1 ^r i;.v , vV.;L^;v;. r H.r l r::;!
C "“.l" "'‘I'Hj liny licummia. ' ihitliii 'watnTfc
Ennhall when lin »vn,d» 1,I K I, u„.,, l.nvll.s
111) ii'iitH i*»v ) 1,,, |„ etmbleil to Hull n
Holland 1S7 Baker
u 1 tli a full lino of
Groceries and Staple Goods,
ja-8 ill in] Hill, jitnd t<> tlio trade.
Co to Pomeroy’s,
at Iiooiiiiirs <’oiim:h v
For Ferris & Co.’s Sugar*-cured Pig
Hams and Strtps, Ferris' Mild-cured
N. Y. Bellies, Wright’s Ne Plus Ultra
Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore's,
Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemon**. Pre
served Ginger, Jellies, Corn btarch,
Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes,
Christmas Eggs, Turkeys, Ducks and
Chickens, Wine, Milk, Buttor, Boston,
Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crocker',
Snaps, &c.
U10 Georgia Legislature, asking
tho Atlantic and G out Western • '
Tho Committee on 1‘rivlogcs at
lions, upon Morton's motion, can
ing sessions of the Senate.
•Sobut/. made a long speech ug»ii
inti ttion of the eurioncy. and fav
speody return to specie pntiiu 1,1.
id fu
tho volu 11
of tin
oriiig >
1 II.1
tho flu
individual lay closo to this band, adjacent
the one to the other: hence the liver of
one was abnormally placed 011 the side ' .
contrary to that iu which reposed the j ,lon ;°‘“ , , urro "
liver of tho other. Iu fiotal lifo it is con-
jocturod that tho twuiu had a common ;
liver, as an injection in tho mesenteric i
vein of the ono passed iuto tho tnesoute- 1
ric vein of tho other. They also pos- I
sossed a common navel, or umbilical cord,
which until the moment of investigation i
was a matter of great doubt.
is that tho brain of the smaller was tho
most acute and powerful, although ho was J
the most dissipated of the pair. Ono was ,
a jolly “boil fellow well met,' while tho j
smaller ono was peevish and fretful.
Although the contract with the family •
prevents uuy examination of tlio brain,
tho great contrast in disposition shows
tho bruin of each to have been totally and ,
entirely distinct. The investigation has.
thus far, not proceeded to tho heart, and
this organ is as yet involved iu mystery,
as tho brain ami liver of the two are dis
tant. As a mattor of course, however,
thero caunot bo u single heurt
Tho roport of tho committee, sifted
down as the lateness of tho hour romiern ;
it necessary, amounts to nothing mure
than the above. Tho livers, which may
havo once been united, aro now sepura- •
ok i
Itrief E:
A batch of unimportant bills
troduood and referred.
After tho introduction and r f
a vast number of bills, tin* H
eeoded lo discuss the lull rev
fr.-.nkiug piiviloges. but udj >ur
out action.
Washington Item*.
The Cominis i*>m r i f led >1
protests ng'iuist tl
mutes. '1 ho Quid
The. House Uoimmitoe on I
iusiru ted 10 examine into the
the First National Hoik, with a
i.oginpher and expeiis.
duello.1 of his csli-
*ill give tin if views
ted, and ou accouut of its
furnishes iu itself ft curious study. The
n of each is independent, as likewise
tho hearts. Thu statement us to u
joint existing in the middle of tho baud
incorroct and ridiculous, there being
• division of the carlilngciieous attach
ment of such n nature.
It is supposed that during lifo each slept
upon his stomach ; while the nervous in
dependence of euch is again established
from the fact that while one slept soundly
tho other was known to be awake. 'J lie
cause of tho blood rushing from ouo to
tho other at tho time of tho demise is ex
plained in tho fact thut. independent uf
the pouches, which are simply reflexions
of the peritonial membrane, there exist
arteries which, in caso of separation lim
ing lifo, might havo been tied, as they
could havo boon had tho ouo who died last
ent a piece of flesh from tho ono who ex
pired first.
Aside from elaborating upon those con
jectures but very little was done to-night.
Four plaster casts were seen and many
photographs wore near, in order to more
fully explain the stages of tho post-mor
tem. The most interesting purt of the
cstigntion is yet to come -namely, that
of tho pericardium or n.< mbrune which
closes about the heart.
ew York, Feb.
ace, It alia,
eamship Risin
Aspimval), put
1 of February,
M A H K I! IS.
BY Tl.I.r.IJIt A I'll it) INqt lltm.
Money mill Stock .Yltirkof*.
London, February 21 Lrie It;: s
Paris, February 21. -Rout*** 5tf. ;
New Y«
t Iu5 pi
uuy 21
g'ii 12;
21 Money
-itug 1
■ I. Gold
tl 13,
ing und lower. Slate bonds quiet: Ten
nesHccs strung.
l*rovl*lon Market*.
New York, Fob. 2b Flour dull. dull and dec.imug. Corn dull aud
heivy. Potk firm .*15 2U.il5 :.u. Urd
D 5-lUa9jjc. Turpentine un
it osin at >2 1 :.,t2 ;.o,
Ft eights firm.
Louisville, l ob. mny 21. - Flour quiet
atid unchanged ( >m — wiii'o 72.»74c;
mixed ilo. Provisions quiet and un
t iNuivNATi, Lobruaiy 21.-- Flour easier
ut $1; 8547 10. Corn qiue* inl-vadv it
5hat)2o. Pork quiet $it ,u,n 75.
tbraa Urao wonuda'ln iba i 1 -“'* 1 b.-..- |t„l
/...., Hteady; shoulders tiAnd/ ; clear r.b
mi: i>i:atii or an
A dispatch from Moss Nock, Robeson
couuty, N. C., says the young man who
killed Steve Lowrey liirotl a cart and took
tho body to Lumberi m. Immodiatciy
thoro was wild commotion in tho town,
aud tho streets wero soon filled with un
excited crowd, discussing tho tragedy, and
all rejoicing that tho last ono of the out
laws had been killed. Tho body was per
fectly riddled with bulls und buckshot.
Tho head was perforated in several pine
and thoro
heart, any ouo of which would huvo T in
proved fatal. The outlaw was armed to price, packed. Whisko
My .Stock of
Opposite Perry House,
Columbus, G-i.
!’< Mi CASH.
puli Hi- »'y Tllinrr iiavs 1 »iii oil
L’-IInnir Irim \l- tlunnn, mnlli .*11.*, r„ r <l!l.',
;t.t (lorae Iron A\le -• tu-u, -- ^inn
I It I'.i-potl.twlin
V |' ,, || , | l 'le I*|J||".' .I.'lr,
Opposite Perry House,
Columbus, Ga.
Engineer and Machinist,
I lATIMi I., V . I.I..V
1 I I'laenu: .M.i I •. j- i,..%v i r- I*..i I in „||
’ I Work and Repairs of all kinds.
AM, WORK t, I' A It A s I 1.1.1».
.8 . I • <»3U^f K N,
J"‘l JOHN W. 1101)0.
T. J. Pearce & Co.,
Surrftisors »■> Wlllinms, Pi-arr,* A Iloilo ,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
No. 20 Broad Stroet,
r lKSI'ElTM I.I.V iiaiiutimi! to tlii ir Iil«*ii(ln amt
L (In* |*iil«|i<- ilnit (4u*y will I'ontinin* IiiimIiii-h
at lie old Miami, wln*r<* they ttill k*-<*|i a good
Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c.,
H Id' ll "ill Iio poi<l low ami strictly for cash.
JH d dm T. J. I'KAHOK A CO.
Smoked Tongues, Breakfast Bacon,
New York Bellies, Ice cured.;
Cream Cheese. Goshen Butter,
Capers and Horse-Radish,
Messina Lemons,
Queen Olives and Bay Rum.
Pure Apple Vinegar, 50c per gallon;
White Wine Vinegar, 50c per gallon;
Choice N. Y. State Buckwhoat Flour;
N. 0. Soft A Sugar, 7 pounds for $1;
Yellow Clarified Sugar, 3 lbs for $1;
Bakers’ Premium Chocolate;
New Zant Currants, 12 1-2c per lb.;
New Turkish Prunes, 16 2-3c per lb.;
Maltby’s Prepared Cocoanut;
Morgan’s Sapolio for house cleaning, 15c c'h;
“ Hand Sapolio, 15c per cake;
: Flour, Meal and Guts, at mill prices*
hki.i\ kui:i) nu;i: of dkayaok
it.iik nn.i-.trf,,.. . .. .. For Salo at Low Pricos.
J T’rt Tt""'"* *'( ' f”" " " l * "" s "iy «»••>. i
<■<*01*1;lit ll<mi<* Itnuk Ituilrtiim.
A.t Very Reduced Prices!
I Oil I ASH ON! , : r "V
1,i. , , ... . k Null! 'li, I 1
; mmm v
Dl \ >iom» s»*i:< i ti l l s •
•I*--. J. W. PEASE i NOKMAN.
Uii 'ii
- *1 ; i 1 - j 'i.,.idu i. n * lit* in i very city iii
u rn It'll J KINAIIL, Juivolura Htnl Opticim
r« ..■!*• hk*ut* l *r t'liluiiihiii, i.i , Iruia wl,..i„ i|,
1 altulmd. No jitHldierM oiu|il»yi*«l
tli,< tin
m .li-o*UHi)
li i Imy 4 |>«