Newspaper Page Text
NO. 88.
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'«tmrM»m«o‘ 1. «bang«l more Ui.n
nMlBlhw® n»»‘h» *h" mlowtlw .III 6. ch.rg-
3 i .f oomptMlHon. Foreign sdvor-
!... -at M ,Mi» the, .thorn..
-The Georgia I
rill meet in Auanh
State Dental Society
till meet in Atlanta on Ike 11th of May.
-Atlanta, too, report* considerably
Ihi demand for gnano tbia year than last.
-Augusta iufMted S3,COO in Kentucky
lottery ticket*, end dram back §1,957 no.
-The bank of Borne, with e paid-np
W |>it.l of #100,000, wan organized laat
_ The Savannah If net aaya that the de-
oM nl for gnano tn its city the preaent
M asoo falls oonaldarably below that of
preriona years.
-The rains of last week were very,
heiry in Upson county. A number of
bridges end mills were waahetl away, and
tbe low lands inundated.
—The number of interments in tbe
wreral cemeteries of the city of Sevan-
s ib, for tha first quarter o tbia year,
were 262, of whom 97 were whites and
1115 blacks.
—The Thomaeton Herald tells of ■
goose, now 31 years old, in Upaon county,
wbteb laid eggs regularly np to seven
jeers ago, when she held up until this
year, and ia now laying again.
—The Albany Newt' correspondent et
Mieon reoords the feilore of Charles
Bonadtree, a notad planter of Houston
county. His liabilities are #60,000, and
tbe oanae of his oollapae was all ootton
ibd no con.
—lb. 0. H. Fhinizy, of Anguata, ia tbe
oener of Basil Duke, who won the trot
ting match on Friday, in 2;41$, 2:35$,
2:3'jJ. Tha Chronicle aaya that, after tbe
rsce^ he was offered #5,000 for the bores,
but declined the offer. v
—It was the deoided and unanimous
opinion of the members of tbe Oeorgia
Medical Association, who visited Bain,
bridge laat Friday, that no loonl oanae ex
iitod for tbe yellow fever wbioh prevailed
kit year.
—Boat, or something resembling it,
hi* appeared upon the eats in part* of
Thomas oounty. This crop is repreaented
to be unnaaaUj floe all over Southern
Oeorgia, and it would be n calamity should
my diatster blight tha proapeot of • good
—Some unknown persons broke into the
jail of Oolumbie county, on Monday night
ot laat week, add released the prisoners.
The prisoners were three in number—a
while men couvieted of conntsrfsitin)
nickel coins, a negro man oonvioted o
murder, and a negro woman oonvioted of
attompt at arson.
—The atockholders of the Augusta
Commercial Insurance and Banking Com
pany, at a meeting held on Friday, passed
• resolution in ftvor of winding up the
biuineas of the Company and returning
Ihe assets to the stockholder*, cn aoeonnt
of the unsatisfactory working of tbe in.
—Tbe Savannah Advertiser stye that
“Ur. Bowers, who ia now ona ot tha as-
Blatant* in PoihiU't drag store, corner of
Abercorn street and Charlton lane, re
cently took out of an egg in Aiken, South
Carolina, a monstrosity among fowls in
tha ships of a formation half dnok and
half ebioken. It has two beads, one of a
duok, and one of a ehieken, four eyes,
chioken feathers and n duck's legs feet
aud wings."
—The Jessup Georgian learns that a
cold blooded murder was perpetrated at
(ileamore, No 10 A. A G. U. B., on
Wednesday last. It appears that a man
by Ihe name of Carter bad been living
with hie brother-in-law, James Corbett,
nssr the above station, tor two ot three
years, and assisted the Utter about his
place. About two months ago Corbett
vent to Florida, leaving Carter in oharge
of his oattle and plaee, and settled with
his family in that State. A few days ago
Qorbett returned for bis oattle, and was
in the act of driving them off, «heu Car
ter appeared and shot bim from bis borse.
—The Hewkiusville Dispatch says: We
have one mor* item to report in favor of
sugar oane culture in Southern Georgia.
Mr. W. W. Harrell, of Paleaki, made laat
year 800 gallons of syrnp from cane
grown on a littls leas than two scree of
k?d, and also saved 15,000 seed oane for
this year's orop. The eyrnp was sold last
wsekfor AOo. per gallon, to be delivered
*t Butman depot, Macon A Brunswick
. Bailroad. 1 bus Mr. Harrell lias realized
*100 cub on tha prodoot of two acres of
land, n far better showing than can be
•a ids in favor of ootton.
—The Miuissippi river is rising, and at
S*w Orleans it ia two to font inches above
the high water of 1871.
—At a regular meeting of the Cbioago
Presbytery formal ohargea of hereey were
preferred against Prof. David Sivia, pas-
tokof the Presbyterian Church in that
°>ty, nnd one of the editors of The AUi
Washington, April II —Flanigan pre-
■anted a petition of C. S. Anderson, of
Texas, for tha removal of hi* political
disabilities. Deferred to Judiciary Com
Tbe Committee on Finance reported
back the bill to provide for payment of
bond* of tbe Loniaville & Portland Canal
Company, with s recommendation that
the House substitute for the bill be adopt
ed, with oertain amendments. It was put
on tbe calender.
Frelinghnysen, from tbe Judioiery Com
mittee, reported beck the Civil Bights
bill, introduced on the first day of the
session by the late Senator Sumner, with
an amendment and reoommendatlon of a
majority of tha oommittee that it be
passed, aa amended. Placed on tbe cal
Bill to authorize the Secretary of the
Treasury to deliver to J. B. Betz, receiver
of the State Bank of Charleston, S. 0.,
certain bonds, iunsd by tbe State of
South Csrolina, nnd now in the Treasury
of ths United States. Pused.
The Oommittee on District of Columbia
reported favorably on tha bill giving the
approval and nanotion of Congress to the
route and termini of the Anaoostia A Po
tomac Biver Bailroad Company. Calen
Scott, from the Finane* Committee, re.
ported, with tn amendment, the bill
amendatory of the National Currency net,
being n bill introdnoed by Oonkling, in
January last, in relation to tha individual
liability of stockholders in national banka.
Carpenter moved that the Senate pro-
oeed to the consideration of the bill to
provide for n new eleotion in Louisiana.
Sherman said he hoped the bill would
not be taken np. He did not desire to
prevent any Senator from making
apeeoh on tha anbjeot, end, at ■ proper
time, he would move to lay it on the table.
Carpenter said so far u he wu con
cerned he meant business, and be wanted
the Senate either to pau ths bill or kill
it. He did not bring it here for a foot
ball that speeches might be made, but for
action. Tbe bill wu then taken up.
Frelinghuyaen, of New Jersey, made a
legal argument on the power of tbe Pres
ident, under the eontaitation, end con
tended that the appeal m*de to him to in
terfere in Louisiana wu on* which he wu
compelled to heed, being sworn to ex
ecute the laws. The proeeednre con
templated here was without precedent
in the biatory of Ihe general govern
ment, and if the Federal Government
ia tbe exeroiae of en arbitrary power, was
to set aside the State Legislatures and
Btate Governments, then there would be
an end to all State rights. Congrus had
batter far let tbe State suffer for its own
misdeeds—even let the innocent suffer
with the guilty.
The Federal Government had guaran
teed to the Louisiana Goverment, when
its troops were sent. If there had been
frauds in tbe elections and usurpations
of offioe, let tbe remedy be found in the
coarts of the States. If Congress
should interfere now it should be to
install MoEnery rather than order
new eleotion, as the Senator from Wiscon
sin, Carpenter, admitted that he, McEuo-
ry, had 9,60G majority of the votea cast.
If there had been fraud on bis aide it
made no difference, aa he had a prima
facie claim to tbe office, and it wu fur tbe
oourta to put him out afterwards upon be
ing satisfied that fraud bad been perpe
trated. He did not went to be understood
u entertaining the opinion that MoEnery
should be Governor, as be did not think
so, but any Congressional interference
should be to seat MoEnery, and not order
a new eleotion.
Kellogg bad been Governor since 1873.
Laws have been enuoted with his approv.
al; rights bad been vested, and tbe peo
ple of the State have ordered that be is
Governor in aocordance with the will of
the people, haviog had a majority of the
legal votea oast.
He reviewed tbe condition of affairs in
Louisiana during Warmoutb’a administra
tion, and said fie frauds perpetrated by
bim were for tbe purpose of defeating
Us quoted at some length from tbe
testimony taken by the committee, to
show that in a number of districts the
vote for MoEnery wu larger then tbe
number of whites registered. Tbe evi
dence clearly showed that Kellogg had a
majority of tho legal votes cast.
In conclusion, he argued that there
could bomo possible propriety in Congress
ordering a new eleotion. As to the Leg
islature of the BUto, he would uy noth
ing,- aa an eleotion would aoou be held in
harmony with nil the lawa thereof.
West being entitled to the floor, yielded
to Morton for a motion to adjourn.
The House, by a majority of thirteen,
paued the Currency bill. This goes to
tbe Senate :
That section 31 of the set entitled an
not to provide a national currency, secnr-
KISS. «•- ■“ » ~ ■“»•* “
tribunal. Tha oua excites great interest several associations therein provided for
i® ohnrob circles on account of (be high I shall not hereafter be required to keep on
■tending of the accused.
Seo. 8. That evaiy association organ
ized or to be organized under the pro
visions of the said act, and ot the several
aot* in amendment thereof, shall at all
times keep and have on deposit in the
Treunry of the United States, in lawful
money of the United States, an amount
equal to five per cent, of its circulation,
to be held and used only for the redemp
tion of anoh oironlation; nnd when the
circulating notes of any snob association
or associations shall bepreunted, assorted
or unassorted, for redemption, in soma of
#1,000, or any multiple thereof, to the
Treunrer or any Assistant Treunrer of
the United States, the ume shall be re
deemed in United Statu notea. All notes
redeemed shall be charged by
the Comptroller of the Currency
to the respective associations, issuing
the seme, and shell notify them generally
on the first day of each month or after, ft
bis discretion, of the amount of inch re
demption. Whereupon each association,
so notified, shall forthwith deposit with
the Treasury of the United States a sum
in United States notes equal to the
amount of its circulating notes ao re.
deemed; and when snob redemptions have
been so reimbursed, tbe circulating notes
so redeemed, or if worn, mutilated or de
faced, new notes instead shall be forward
ed to tbeir respective asasooietioni; pro
vided that each of said associations shall
reimbnrse to ths Treasury the coats
of redemption, and of supplying
new notes in place of those redeemed,
and the associations hereafter organized
shell also severally reimburse to the
Treasury ths coals of engraving and
printing their circulating notes; and pro
vided farther, that the entire amount of
United States notes, outstanding and in
oironlation at any one time, shall not ex
ceed the sum of #400,000,000, as now an-
tborized by existing law.
Seo. 4. That any association organized
under this act, or any of the acts of whioh
this is an amendment, desiring to with
draw its circulating notes, in whole or in
part, may, upon a deposit of lawful mon
ey within the meaning of said acts, in
sums of not less than #10,000, with the
Treasurer of the United Slatea, withdraw
a proportionate amount of bomjf deposit
ed in pledge for such circulation, end he
shall redeem, cancel, and destroy an
amount of the circulating uotes of Buch
association equal to tbe amount issued
upon such bonds.
Sec. 5. That sections tbirty-one and
thirty-two of the said aot shall be amend-
ed by requiring that each of Ihe said as
sociations Bhall keep its lawful money
reservos within its own vaults, at the
place where its operations of discount
and deposits are carried on; and all tbe
provisions of the said Beotions, requiring
or permitting any of said associations to
keep any portion of its lawful money re
serves elsewkoro than in its own vaults,
or requiring or permitting the redemption
of its circulating notes elsewhere than at
its own counter, except aa provided
for in this not are hereby repealed,
Sec. 0. That upon all circulating notes
hereafter issued or hereafter to be issued,
whenever the same ahall come into tbe
Treasury in payment or deposit for re
demption, or otherwise, there eball be
printed under such rules and regulations
as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre
scribe, the charter and numbers of tbe
associations by which they are severally
The House then passed, by a majority
of 38, the Senate bill, aa follows:
That the maximum amount of United
States notes is hereby fixed at four hun
dred million dollars.
See. 2. That $46,000,000 in notes for
circulation, in addition to anoh circula
tion now allowed by tbe laws, shall be is
sued to National banking associations now
organized, and which may be organized
hereafter, and such increased circulation
shall be distributed among the several
Statos, as provided in seotion ono of the
aot entitled “An atit to provide for the
redemption of the three per centum
temporary loan certificates, and for an
increase of national bank notes, approved
July 12th, 1870"; nnd each national bank
ing association now organized, or hereaf
ter to be organized, Bhall keep and main
tain, as a part of its reserve required by
law, one-fourth part of the ooin received
by it as interest on bonds' of tbe United
States deposited as security for circulating
notes or government deposits ; and that,
hereafter, only one-fourth of the reserve
now prescribed by law for national bank
ing associations, shall consist of tbe bal
ances due to an association, available for
the redemption of its circulating notes
from associations in cities of redemption,
and upon which balances no interest shall
be paid.
Tbe status of tbs Currency bill now is
this: The House bill bee to await tbe ac
tion of tbe Senate, of which a majority
may not be favorable, or may be delayed
indefinitely, whereas tbe Senate bill goes
directly to the President for bis signature.
It is currently reported thet it will not
receive his approval. To sign or not to
sign, “that’s the question.”
Waakliigrton Kates.
The seizures of three illicit distilleries
in Tennessee, five in Utah, two in Ken
tucky, and throe slots of tobaooo in Nor
folk, are reported.
Robert Faazier, of Virginia, has been
nominated for Consul at Palermo.
Henry Kernsghen is confirmed Post
master at Brandon, Mias.
ivram twvn •minor.
Washington, April 14.—In the Bnprema
Court of the United State*, in tha case of
John W. Topper, Collector, Ao,, against
tha Merchants' National Bank of Chicago,
Chief Justice Waite delivering the opin
ion, ths Oonrt held that ths tax on tbs
capital stock of a bahk at ths plno* of its
loostion, although owned by a stockholder
having a different plaoe of residence with
in ths State, was legal and constitutional.
Btateoumt of the Osgtsla-Tke he-
llevlBK Vesssel Dealt*
■is Aneest.
Nnw Tour, AprU 14.—Copt. Lamorie,
of the Europe, states that the vessel was
recently lengthened refitted end supplied
with new boilers and machinery. This
wei her fifth voyage sinoe she wu
While coining oat of Havre, ah* »craped
her bottom againat the atones, but he did
not believe that the damage wu urioua
in character. I wu confirmed in the
belief, when I reached Bristol two days
afterwards, and found ths vesul right.
On the third day at sex, the chief mete
reported to me that he'had observed con
siderable water in the engine room, end
had no idu where it ume from, exoept
from the ahip's bottom. I found, on in-
vutigation, that n leak had ooonrred.
Pumps were vigorously applied, but with
out avail, u the water poured in mor*
tepidly than we oonld discharge it.
Tbe following day we signalled tbs
Greece, fired e guo, end pnt ont signals
of distreu. The Greece came up, low-
ered her boats, and in two honra tbe pas
sengers nnd orew wars transferred from
tbe Europe to the boats belonging to tbe
As soon u we got on the Greece, Mr.
Book, the first offloer of the letter, took
possession of the Europe, but returned af
ter a while to the Greece.
They only uved the mails, end made
no attempt to uve the valuable* in tbe
ume room.
Tbe vessels were nur each other for
eleven hours, and no disposition wu
shown to uve tbe cargo. It oonld have
been done, though the sea was very huvy
at the time.
The officers of the Graces behaved in a
most infamous manner. We uved the
meile, but they would not allow ua to uve
the baggage. The captain of the Grecos
promised to allow the mate to go on board
next morning, but did not do ao.
Captain Lamoria did not ohanga his
olothes after getting on board the Greece,
not being willing to accept any courtesies
after the manner in whioh the officers of
the Greece had noted. He attributes the
diauter to tha diurrangement of the
Captain Thomas, of the Qraeoe, denies
very emphatically the statement that the
French captain maku in every way.
Paris, April 14.— Adviou have been
received from Bio Janeiro that the Bra
silian Government hu pardoned tbe
Bishop of Pernambuco.
Madrid, April 14.—The strike of the
bricklayers resnlted to-day in a riotons
disturbance, in whioh five persona were
injured. The disorder wu speedily sup
pressed by the polios, who mad* fifty
Washington, April 14, 1874.)
Probabilities.—For tha Sonth Atlantia
end Eutern Gulf States, southeast to
southwest winds, generally cloudy weather
and probably light rain.
Nnw Yona, April 14.—Ootton firm; I
ulea 1,099; uplands 17$; Orluna 174.
Futures opened u follows: April 16 |
18-82x10 15-82; May 1628-82; Jane 17 7 82
Bl7$; July 17$.
Nnw Yona, April 14.—Future* oloeed
study ; sale* 15,100 bales : April 16 18-
82, Mey 16 11-10, Jane 17 8-16a7-82, July
17 9-10nl9 82.
Cotton qnlet nnd steady ; 2251 bales
sold at 17$*$c. ; net receipts 1902.
Chablxstoh, April 14.—Steady; mid
dlings lfl$c; low middlings 15$al6$; good
ordinary 15; net receipts 009 bales; sales
500; Rtook 81,827.
Boston, April 14.—Quiet and firm;
middlings 17.4; nat reoeipta 21; sales 250;
stock 0,000.
Nnw Obluaxs, April 14.—Active end
higher; middlings 16$, low middling* 16,
good ordinary 14$, ordinary 12$; net re
ceipts 1490; exports to Franoe 1800; aalu
4000, lut afternooon 4000; atoek 197,902.
Mobil*, April 14.—Firm and higher;
middlings 16$; low middlings 15$; good
ordinary 14$; net receipt* 192; ulu 400;
■took 82,691.
Savannah, April 14.—Very firm; mid
dlings 10$; net receipts 728; exports to
Continent 7,016; h)n 826; atook 40,993.
To Let.
City Tax Returns.
LL person# subject or liable to City Tax srs
requested to cull and make returns as required,
All real estate In tbe city. (Assessors have val
ued It, but It is necessary for owners to Indicate
excess of $9U0.
Valus of all lewelry, silver plate, musical Instru
ments, horses, mules, and other animals.
Humber of one or two-horse vehicles.
All male citlsens between the ages of 21 and 40,
f t flremeu.
lure to make return will render the defaulter
liable to a double tax, and as tha tlma allowed for
receiving returns is limited, it Is requested that
parties will attend to It at their earliest
Give In Tour Stats
County Taxes!
mm TAX I
X srs bow e
Office at J. K
: BOOKS of Musoogeo Oounty for 1174
Hedd A Co.’s store.
M. W. T 44 W MATT,
Tax Receiver Muscogee Oounty.
Important to Farmers.
the most reliable and efficient QIN-WRIQI1TB in
the country. Wherever he hss worked he haa
given satisfaction; and, si he proposes to make a
‘ ueedlng Gin rj^al
r In a short time, planters i
Of the Laet Legislature,
\/ra i aBLf-
any disorder affecting the stomach, the live
kidneys, Is to tone, clcau’e, and regulate thsaa 1m-
portaat organs by the use of DM. IUTT’ff VMGKT-
A BLE LIVER PILLS. They act very mildly, yet
thoroughly restore the functional action of the
digestive organs and the intestine* aud renovate
the whole system. They produce neither nausea,
griping or weakness, and may be taken at aay
time without change of diet or occupation.
Pries 26c a box. Bold by all druggists.
possesses qualities that no other dye does. Its
effect is lastaataneous, and so natural that It can
not be detected by the closest observer. It li
harmless and easily applied, nnd Is in genera! ust
among the fashionable bail dre«sers in every large
city in tbe United States. Price $1 a box. Bold
- TUT Ls
' S DELlC.V'}; '
New Advertisements.
144 SCHOOL lEACHlEi WA41LD S; ri *J!fX
■>Mth li'il?N U |? n,er 10 * * U " ,MM Mil** $lof per
w P 8 iVo I »*itaH o .T;k 0r 80UI ‘ OHARM -
Ki t5Xu.£ wi2 B Ita*. hy mall, for
AdJre 7w f
nrRPf * n#w hotik 00 th *
Murnetm ahJLif i » complete system of-
ruonetic ruort-ll »nd, the shortest, moat simnle
pMyad shorn 1 learn this srL Price by mall 60
Artdreis T. W. EVANS A
OO., 188 Edith 7th streel, Philadelphia? pg, 4 W
Aff—Cy tf F— want tn make wmsy, M ||
Tha big
fan am
laughter, 350 comic cats. ft. people
it. It will sail la dnll times 11 Show it
to a na>i, and he surrenders. It Is sure every
time. Don't bother with heavy hooka that nobody
waata. Humor is the thing that take*. Agents
wanted everywhere. Send for circulars and extra
terms to To-day Publishing Company, Philadel
phia, New York, Boston, or Chicago. 4w
package of goods sent
_— aith six cent stamp, M.
YOUMQA Co., 173 Greenwich st., New Yo*k. 4w
strnctlons and
free by mall. Address,
NC ‘
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Sold by Dra«*l*ta «w
Million* of Aoree
rich PAiunira urns
Tan loan’ (Ml, latafsat saly 4 gar seat.
Daacrlptln Putphl.l, with BmUouI Kag*, unt
The Pioneer,
a handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the
Homestead Lew, mailed fm to all parts of the
world. Address O. P. DAV18,
Lead Commission'.r U. P. R. H.,
mb27 4w Omahs, Nob.
Scrofula, Kruptivn hitmen of the Bklh, Pt. An
thony's Pirn, Krysipelas, Motche*, Tinuore, Bolls,
Tett«r, and Salt Hheuin, Hue Id IIujmI, Ringworm,
Rheumatism, Pain and Knlurgejuftui of tbe Bones,
Female Weakness, Sterility, I eiioorrlxee or
hand any itoonat of money whateyer, by
■ ^*** * . ! reason of the amount of tbeir respeotiTe
, —A ran oonntrvman, gazing at a gar- ; re “°“ UI luo , J ..
d*n in tbs vicinity of BoBton, iu which I circulations; but the moneys required by
**r* several marble statute*, exclaimed: ' said qpclion to be kept at all times iu tha
‘JtW aa* wbat a waste! Here's no leas ! orjaiQa i B0 . to w biotx the aot last afore-
luan at* acarsorowa iu tbia ten-foot patch, | , . ...
»ud any of them would heap tha “rows **id ia an amendment, be aud lb* lame is
front a flva-aer* lotI hereby re enacted.
t front •
Boston, April 14.—Tho 23d ballot re
sulted ia follows^ Dawas 87, Hoar 71,
Curtis 70, Adams 13, Bullock 9, Banka 6,
Sanford 2, Pierce 2, Waahburu* 3, Wbit-
| tier, Pittman and Lsard 1 each.
Haney and Stock Market*.
London, April 14.—Erie 84$.
Paris, April 14.—Bentos 59f. and 82c.
Nnw York, April 14.—Stocks active,
but lower. Money 4. Gold 113$. Ex
change—long 485$; short 488$. Govern
ments strong. State bonds quiet.
New You*, April 14.—Money assy, 4*5.
Exchange very dull *t 485$. Gold 14$.
Governments strong, higher and active.
States quiet and nominal.
Prevision Markets.
Nxw Yobk, April 14.—Flour a shad*
firmer. Wheat advanoing. Corn firm.
Pork baavy. Lard tteady at 10 1-10.
6t. Louis, April 14.—Flour firm and
in fair demand; low grades prices un
changed. Horn firmer; some sales;
05*00 for No. 2 mixed on east track in
elevator, oaah; held at 07. Whiskey
higher st 98. Pork #10.05al6.75. Ba
con quiet and unchanged. Ltrd firm at
9$; generally held higher.
Louisville, Apiil 14.—Flour dull, #4
for auperfiae. Corn quiet end unchanged.
Provisions firm. Pork #17. Bacon—
shoulders 7, dear ribs 9$, olesr 9$ packed;
sugar cured hems 12$al3. Whiskey 94.
Cotton Markets.
Liverpool, Aptil 14—Noon.—Cotton
firmer—prices advanced a fraction; up
lands 8$a8$d.; Orleans 8$a8$d.; sales
15,000 bsles, iuoludiog 3,000 for specula
tion and export.
Later.—Sales of uplands, nothing be
low good ordinary, shipped iu March,
8 13-10.
Kales of uplands, nothing below low
middling, deliverable iu May and June,
3:30 p. it.—Bales to day iuoluda 9,000
bales American.
Balsa of uplands, nothing below good
ordinary, deliverable iu April and May,
Liverpool, April 14—5 p. ii.—Cotton
to arrive 1-10 dearer. .
Bales of uplande, nothing below low
middling, delivery April and May, 8$d.
end Piles, mil proceed from impure blood.
,1s the most powerful Blood Purifier known to
medical sclsncu. It euters Into the circulation
and eradicate* every morbific agent; reuovates
the system; produces a beant'ful complexion and
causes the body to gala flesh and lucreaso in
Keep the Rlaad Healthy
and all will be well. To do so, uotbing ban ever
been offered that can compare with this valuable
vegetable attract. P I cm $1.00 a bottle. Hold by
Our Seventy Page llluetra*
ted Catalogue of
Msllsd to aay see lst.rv.U4 Is belldls*, o
receipt of sUaip.
tat * tsa canal stunk.
jytl 4«wly N1W YORK CITY.
R. M. Water, t Co., SS Broad «L,
Naw York, rooolvo Deposit Account*
on favorable term* from Bunk*,
Banker*, and Corporation*, tubjoot
to eheek ot tight. Loan* mod* only
on Ootton ond Approved Stock Ex
ohang* Collateral*.
Those Spectacles are manufactured fron "Min
ute Crystal Pebbles" malted together, and are
called Diamond on neoobnt of their hardness aud
Having been tested with the polar loco pe, the
diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen
per cent, less boated rays than any other pebble.
They are ground With great scientific accuracy,
are free from chromatic aberrations, aud produce
a brightness aud distinctness of vision not before
attained in spectacles. Manufactured by the
ffpeoccr Optical Manufacturing Co., New York.
Tor sals by responsible agents lu every city in the
W1TTI0II ft KIN8KL. Jewelers and Opticians,
are sola agent* for Columbus, Ga., from whom they
can only be attained. Mo peddlers employed.
Do not boy n pair noises you sro ths trad*
stark ^ octtf deodowly
$90 n week, am-
TIId highest Msdlwl n«thsrllles
•f Enrops any tho strongest Towle, Purifier
nnd Dsobstrusot known to Dm medical world Is
It email dsaay of vital fore**, exhaustion ot
tho nsrvous systain, raster** vigor to ths dabll-
Itatsd, slsanasi vluatsd blood, nuiovss vsilsla
LDOO, II Platt St* N. Y. aw
$2fi00 A YEAR splendid
nation ProBp+ctuB,
enabling yon to coamenoe at ones. For outfit
I fall
BOM ITU 1 NO that wll pay you/V
ANTIID FOR ALL, either sex, young or uid; <
be dona during Islsaro tlma at your homos, or pays
msaty to travel. Large salaries to experl-
I ft A splendid outfit free!
• JBL\J£jJN 1H for it at once, to h IRAN K
ft HALL, 16^ North Charlea street, Rultitunre,
;G° LDtH StS
Thomas Gilbert
Blank Book Manufacturer,
(Old Sun Otto* Building,)
HR *«wvwwv w — 77.7,
_ and dispatah ordsrs for PRINTING ofsv-
■ry dsssriptioo, vis:
Bailroad Bosaipts, Bills Lading, Ao in
book or loots, Blank Book* of all
kind*, with or without printed
head*, made ut short notio*.
Giving »F sntlr* psrsosel ettsnUoato Job
Printing end Binding, I am enabled to All *11 or
ders proespUf et LOW CASH PRICES
guaranteeing sttlefSetlon
Olden from abroad resolve •*■• attention **
ir parties were prsaent. Send lor Pile* List.
W A full etook of Georgia sad Alabama
Legal Blank* elweye on head.
Spring is Coming!
"Tit# buds ere beginning to swell."
Likewise our stock Is beginning to swoll
TIKX. Mesh sad Is colors oast and ■ub.UutM
work for school wssr.
We hero *11 the favorite styles for Men’s Wear
in best hsud-sewed, sod iu cheeper grudis of
work, ell guaranteed reliable.
Brogans, Flow Shoes,
sod ell other fftep'e Goods for the went* of the
le, Is unexcelled,
s art well supplied with
Leather and Findinss,
sad can offer ledscemeete to ell classes of buy tie.
N. B.—We pay the highest market price for Dry
73 Broad Street.
Choice Simpson Cotton Seed
(Fori R*I*et*4 Stalks, by
mbs if
Wood. Wood !
QKST WOOD, ready .awed, MJX) per cord. Wood
mwsd for M state far sord. Order. Cited prompt
ly on sppUevUo* I. lb. '<