Newspaper Page Text
NO. 89.
daily, mmTunvMKt
t Lrii«P» i[ °* LHOUW '
tJU ■***»» advu*.
montb«, M
fki** ■o° tta, > „
Om ■a® 8 **’
hi Ewmm °®* *•"
8CW.T EnuCIBIB, »»• . ...
gather, <*»>«**-;•
MfMttilM *•*•••
1 Week, **!**»•••••" 6 oo
.$8 00
. 4 00
. 2 00
. 75c.
. 2 00
. 2 50
8 00
J Month.
• 60
8 00
18 00
17 00
20 00
22 60
26 00
48 00
m.* ahere Is with th« privilege of a change
For * lib * wl d,# *
^The Week?/***** will Invariably be one*third
'‘SSi'eaedrertleeteeut la chaaxed *rore the*
i. thfM month* the advertiser will be charg*
Tit* tbeoott •< eompoildo.. yorelgo edr.r-
,Ml P»M do thota »t kote..
flWMU nwi.
BM ting of tb§ phyriolan* of Talbot
Miuty is to bo held la Talbotton on Bat-
nrdsy next, to fora a medical asaoeiation.
_Qor. Smith baa appointed M. F. By-
iostoa Judge of the Count, Court of
Clayton, viee Wm. E. Tucker resigned.
—There were heavy frosts at Tnnnel
Hill sad at Gainesville on Satnrde, morn
ing last. The damage to fruit and wheat
is not yet reported.
—Hr. John Lawson, jr., of Taliaferro
connty, accidentally shot himself in the
biaaet the other day. The wound is
thragbt to be a fatal one.
—The Cartererille Standard and Ex-
preu says ths way they keep prisoners
orer night op there, is to put them to bed
naked end carry off their clothes. Hot
one, so far, has oome up missing.
—A little eon of Hr. Oeorge W. Dun-
ten, of Hall oounty, fell into a ereek last
week, and wonld have drowned but for
his dog, whioh dashed into the stream,
seised the bqy with his month, and swam
Hhore with bim. The dog is of the eom-
mon mongrel or cur breed.
—A hurricane attended the rain storm
of Wednesday of last week, through a
narrow seotion of Stewart county. It
aored from south-west to north-east,
about six miles west of Lumpkin, and
blew down a number of negro oabine and
mnoh fencing on aereral plantations.
—On Thursday last there was a de-
etraotiv* atora in Hoc bee county. The
deeDIng-hirase of Hr. lames Butler, the
gin-boom of Hr. Elbert Banks, and quite
a number of negro oabine were blown
down, and their effeots scattered. The
rock dam of Howard's mill, that had stood
for thirty years, was broken -by the flood.
The loss in fencing was very great.
—The Gainesville Advertiser, of Tues
day, says: "The wheat crop throughout
Jfortkeaat Georgia is far more premising
than any of the previous seasons for sev
eral years. Should nothing befall in the
way of disaster, the yield will be enor
mous, as large quantities have been
pointed to obtain subeoriptions to a fund
which Opelika will tender as a considera
tion forth# location of the University
—The Hontgomery Ledger is informed
that the track of the :*..<» * *• •“
washed away bctwbafl'OreeayilW and
Georgians by an immense water spout,
whleh was this largest ever heard of. The
track for some diaUnoe on either side
of the spont was entirely washed away.
—The Ohloago Timm baa been muolted
*10,000 tor calling a lawyer a shyster.
The case will be appealed.
—The river at Hew Orleans has risen
three inohes over the levee at the bead of
Sanohen street, and is a foot deep over
the Hobile Railroad, from Jefferson street
to the lower end of the French market.
—Cincinnati anti-inflation meeting was
strong. Resolutions were signed by Geo.
F. Davis and sixty-nine vice-presidents.
On the other side, documents were signed
by 00 manufacturing Arms, claiming to cm-
E luy 5,000 hands and represent ten mil-
ons of ospital, signifying their approval
of Congress in authorising the re-Wane of
the forty-four millions reserve, and the
proposed inoreaae of the national bank
—The New York morning papers, of
yesterday, contain editorial statements of
the affloers of the steamers Europe and
Greece, respectively supporting And de
nying the charges made by Captain La-
morie against Captain Thomas, in relation
to claiming salvaga. The crew of the
Europe, ana the rescued cabin passengers
of the Europe, have presented Captain
Thomas with a ohronometer watch and
chain, as a slight token of acknowledge
ment of his services in saving their lives.
—The Fort Valley Mirror reports the
trie* of corn in its town at gl 60 per
bushel on time, and says that some so-
called “farmers” are buying it at that
prioe. We hope tor the beat, but it will
lake a good deal of labor on cotton to pay
for one hundred bushels of oorn bought
at that prioe.
—Colquitt Grange, at Cedar Town, Polk
county, has passed a resolution that “it is
the sense of thia Grange that the ladies
should encourage the wearing of'oalioo as
their principal artiole of dress, at least
during the year 1874, or until our people
are relieved from present liabilities."
—A reporter of the Atlanta Herald has
visited Gaines Chisolm in Jail, and Ron
tons the aooonnts of the bad state of bia
heeltb, rendering confinement for any
length of time dangerous to life. He is
•aid to suffer continually and severely
from injuries in his head and stomach
received in the first rencounter with Penn
—A letter from Hr. William Goodnow,
from Chicago, informs the Atlanta Con
stitution that he has made arrangements
for the grandest excursion in June that
waaever gotten up in the South." He
ctates that one of| the objeets is to get up
a closer business sympathy and communi
cation between the South and West.
—The Georyia Forester, of last week,
*aya: “We learn that several fine while
•had Lave reoently been caught in the Al-
•paha river, near this plaoe. We never
before beard of this fish being caught in a
•traam flowing into the Gulf of Mexieo.
We understand that there is a subterraue-
*® passage which conneets the waters of
the Oconee with those of the Alapaba,
»»d it is supposed that these fish find their
*sy into the Alapaba through this pas-
Great Destruction of Property
NasHvnjLi, April 15.—A tornado passed
over and through this city, from west to
east, at 12:30 o’olook this a. It., doing an
immense amount of damage. It struck
the oity at the Fair Grounds, passing di
agonally through the city and out by the
University and lit. Olivet Cemetery. Its
width seems to have been about a quarter
of a mile. After passing the Fair Grounds
it struok the Exposition Building and the
Kidwell House, seriously damaging the
former. The front of the Academy of
Husio, Frietb’s grooery store, Derney’s
wholesale liquor establishment, and sev
eral other smaller buildings situated near
the oorner of Broad and Cherry streets,
were crashed. The front windows of
Harley Bros., and Hanson A Co.’s four,
story building, near the same looality,
were crushed in. Beadle's livery stable,
containing an immense astount of feed,
wagons and horses add nettle, was blown
off its foundation in the back water.
Several horses, and it is thought one
man, were drowned. Parisher’s livery
stable, on College street, in rear of
Beadle’s, was seriously damaged, besides
several feed stores and email negro dwell
ings. It passed' from there, crushing in
the front of the oolored Hetbodist
Church; next the Hedioal College, taking
off a portion of its roof; from thence to
the megnifloent residence of Jaige Par
ish, moving the whole of the roof ont
At this hour it is impossible to enumer
ate the number of buildings damaged
loss, which will exceed one hundred thou
sand dollars. Many poor families are
^rendered homeless, It is feared there
will be serions damage to property and
loss of life along its traok. The tele
graph line is prostrated all along its
course from Union City to Nashville.
Boston, April 14.—Twenty-ninth bal
lot—Dawes, 92; Hoar, 59; Curtis, 71; Ad
ams, 28; Banks, 7; Washburns 5; San
ford, 4; Whittier, 1. Adjourned until
It was understood after caucusing this
morning, that the friends of Dawes re
solved to stiok to him.
The Republicans elected their tioket
Albany, N. Y., by a majority of 150.
Tha Democrats elect a Mayor and
Counoil in Jersey City by 1,000 majority.
The Democrats carry the oity of Ho
boken, N. J.
—Tha Lumpkin Independent tells of a
Udj in Us town oaring her fast dying
•hickent by mixing some of Dr. Hood’s
“Earokt” in their food. It made them
well and hearty in a day. The “Eureka,"
as everybody knows, makes good livers,
And all good livers want healthy chickens.
We suppose that’s* the way it works for
the benefit of both man and fowl. We
understand that the ohioken disease cured
by the “Eureka” was the oholera.
—Hon. Thos. J. Judge, one of the best
lawyers in the State, is proposed by some
nf the press of Alabama for J udge of the
Supreme Court.
*—The negroes have commenced “ex
torting" in Alabama already. Several
hundred arrived in Montgomery ou Tues
day, from Selma and np the oountry.
—Between Birmingham and Deoatnr, a
distance of ninety-three miles, on the
south A North Railroad of Alabama, there
Are no lees than fifty bridges, by actual
Pabu, April 15.—It is salaried that
Benll, whose death was reoently an
nounced, committed euioide.
Sari Canal-Coal Mine Exploalen
London, April 15.—Owing to what
remarks as the unfavorable action of the
International Commission in regard
tolls on tonnage through the Suez Canal.
M. DeLesseps thereby dismissed bis pilots
and extinguished the lights in the light,
hanses, thus virtually closing tha oanel.
The remains of Dr. Livingstone ware
disembarked to-day. The oeremonias were
A coal mine explosion occurred at Dirk-
enfleld, near Ashton, under the Tyne.
Forty-eix bodies have been recovered from
the mine, which, it is belisved, are all
that were killed. One hundred men who
were left in the mine after the accident
were safely rescued. The explosion was
caused by a naked light.
__ . . . Bxbun, April 15.—The tr& of Arch-
SSLoIJiJllI' 1 "’ w * ter bishop Ledobonski, of Poeen,for violation
—William Hall, of Cherokee ooui-ty,
of the Eoolesiastioal laws,resulted in a oon-
Washington, April 15.—The bill ap-
propriatieg *9,700 to pay echool-teaohars
the Dietriot of Colombia, was taken up.
Tbe biU paying District of Columbia
•ehool-teeohen, passed. It taxes person-
property of the oltieeue of the States
who are here under public employment,
and edueatea their ohkldren at tha axpenea
the District.
West mede an able effort in behalf of
the Kellogg government in Louisiana.
This .obloquy followed bis set speech:
Carpenter said he bad eeea a telegram
from New Orleans stating, although ths
Legislature of Louisiana had passed an
aot repealing tbe alaotion law, it had on
the laat day of the lesalon reenacted it.
West said he had no knowledge of eneh
Hamilton, of Indiana, acid being
member of tha Committee on Privilege*
and Eleetlone, he deemed it to be hie dnty
say something upon the Louisiana af
fairs generally. The facts differed from
those in any preceding see*, and won
filled with evidences of fraud, tyranny and
West read a telegram from Gov. Kel
logg stating that ha had bean informed
that soma of the “last ditchers" had tele
graphed Senator Carpenter that he, K*1
logg, had a bill before him to repeal the
new election lews. The statement, he
said, was false, and they could have a fair
election under the lews.
Hamilton reed a communication signed
by J. C. Z cherey, of New Orleans, assert
ing that Kellogg hed in hia possession the
new bill, whioh wonld give bim control of
the whole eleotion mtohinery.
Morton said he had never heard of thia
until now.
West said he had no knowledge of coy
suoh thing; but even If it wee so, the
charge came from the other aid* of this
Chamber, and the oomplaint of using tbs
election machinery earns with rather a
bad graoa from that aide.
Bayard said, if any meaning could be
gathered froth the remarks of tbe Sena
tor from Louisiana, West, it was an ad-
mission that snob a repealing aot bad
been passed, and subsequently an act waa
passed repealing the repealing aot; so
they can be provided from the pocket of
this so-oalled Governor on tbe eve of an
election. All the machinery which makes
frauds in elections wonld be not only poe-
sible but highly probable, if Kellogg
should be permitted to oconpy the piece
he now docs.
West—He does not admit anything of
tha kind.
Bayard—No, air. He does not admit
it; he has not the oandor to state the faot.
He merely says he does not know as to the
facts. He is professing to speck from
special knowledge of the truth of the
facts in Louisiana, and says here to-day.
in regard to this most important faot, he
has no knowledge whatever.
West—And he says the truth. He has
no knowledge of it. He does not qualify
it in any way. He never heard of it,
newB to him. That is what I mean
without equivocation or reservation
any way.
Bayard—It is a confession of igno-
ranee, sir, in regard to important facts
whioh the gentleman professes to speak.
Hamilton, resuming his argument,
viewed the testimony taken by the oom-
mittee in regard to Louisiana, the elec,
tion of Senator* by two Legislatures
tha State, and the action of ths oomniit-
tae. He wonld have preferred that the
whole Louisiana matter should have been
inquired into and a report of the commit
tee made npon the whole subject.
Kellogg wea not tbe legal Governor of the
State, Pinohbaok had no right to a seat
this Chamber. It must be shown that ths
Legislature eleoting Pinohbaok waa the
legal one, before his oradentials oould
have the least efficiency.
He referred to the recognition of tha
Kellogg Government by the Honsa
Representatives, and’ssid that their aotion
waa not binding open tbe Senate.
The President was compelled to raoog-
nize some government in Louisians, bat
only for tbe purpose of preventing vio.
lenoe, end that recognition had nothing
whatever to do with the validity of the
Before oonoloding bis argument, be
yielded for a motion for exsontive saasion,
whioh was agreed to.
A bill was reported abolishing mile age
to members of Congress.
WMkleiiea Notes.
WaSHixoTON, April 16.— Confirmation :
James Cochran, Postmaster Culpeper
Court House, Vs.
Tbe question of Hoar is whether the
President will vetotbe finance bill—pres
sure heavy. Tbe beet opinion is (hat he
will sign it.
Ths President reooguixad Joseph H.
August and P. O. Stavin Vice Conanl of
Franos at Pensacola, and Charles Pilli-
ohady ditto at Mobile.
In tbe House the Legislative Appropri
ation bill oooopied tha day. -
By a personal appeal Congressman Wad
dell scoured an anvanoa in salary of sev
eral of bis oonstitnanta under tha em ploy
of tbe Government.
prevent the money from.being paid I Nxw Yobs, April 15.—Cotton quiet I
out of the Treasury. •»* flrn >i *•'•« 1,806 bale*; uplands 17*,
Judge W,U. to^a, mid if the <*ort ^XiTpened a. follow.; April 16*
attempted to restrain the payment of I a9-16, May 1625-7 T ■ - • 1
money by the Treasury, It would have 117 19.82s).
little eta* to do. II was only where ear- Naw You, April 15.—Cotton quiet but I
vioe oould be made personally, or against «taadj; 1,719 bales at 17*«17*c; net |
the real or peraonel aetata of the party, ^XradlS^y; 9 ^..6,4001*1^1
that the Court oould act. a* follow*: April 16 16-32.15*0; May
Ha resolodad tha reatrataing order, tha 16 21-39el6 U-16o; June 17 6-88*17 8-16o; [
oleimant, Lamar, being a resident of New W 17-82*17 9-lCo.
York, and therefore aotion oaunot II* in *•*“*“» April lS.—Cotton Arm and to I
this Dietriot. _ IW* <*"1®** «®» «•»■ |
The loath Corollas Ratter RoDero
To Let.
lings 15*af; receipts' 404; ' shipments |
157; stock 40,543.
'Boston, April 15.—Firm and quiet; I
liddlingt 17*; net receipts 25; exports to
— * 200; stock 6,000.
Firm; middling*
' 1015) • •
W ashinoton, April 15.-The Anal hear- 3^Britata777; mUei
lug on the South Carolina trouble* be- Apt i 15 ,_
fore the Sub-Judioiary Committee cam* |6* ; net reoeipta ~
up before the House thia morning. 41,692.
Oardoa* spoke for the oouutar memo- Chableston, April 15.—Cotton Arm
*“'**■ • — ■* ^ atfaft±Sa»S(fLrS|
-k, ». W , th. ffiKVSS VK>
debt; holding that tb* Republican Ad- Galveston, April 15.—Cotton Arm and
ministration Is only responsible for in good demand; good ordinary 15; mid-1
on* million throe hundred thousand of it; £|*®fl® net r *°®jP** ®9®J *®P®I
denying that the bonded debt can be °“ Un “ l ■*>» *- 000 l "*"* «’•
riiown to be over ten milUon ud Mflra- Apri l i 5 .-V*ry etroag;
tag that of that amount tha old State middlings ig*; low middling* l«*i *®«®
government is responsible for eight mil-1 eels* at 16*; good ordinary 14*; ordinary |
lion eevan hundred thousand; held that
tha Democracy in South Carolina era w- ^ ^ -Utnooon ^ (toek uo.lS!.
eponribl* equally with th* Republicans Avaxmkt XptU , 8 ._ PlrllI . middling* I
tor the existing state of things. 16c.; net reoeipta 108 bales; sales 822.
Thos. Y. Simmons closed for the me. Mown, April 15.-Firm ud higher ;
morialista in an exhaustive address of half bar* of cotton 16}, low middlings IS),
an hour, in whioh he showed op In detail 8®®d °r < B n *rJ r *‘*1reoeipta 224; |
many fraud, and outrages perpriratad | -1-«»i ax,90» bale*.
since reoonstnution, under fora of law,
and carrying their perpetration bom*
npon those in power there for the last six
yean. H* asserted that disability under
the reconstruction aots was an absolute
barrier against participation by leading
cltixena in the formation of a new State
government, and doted by an earnest ap
peal for suoh an inveatigation aaahall
show tha troth, or otherwise, of the
charges made by th* tax-payera’ commit
What aotion the Jndioiary Committee
will take is a matter of mere eonjaetare.
It is hollered they will And, however de
sirous to do so, no fair ground for a
recommendation to Congress looking to
an investigation, though ths matter will
doubtless be made the enbjeot of Con
gressional discussion
M«w Advertfeincnti.
U* KIM menus iiitD&sgs
ti ” bwwm unanin*
Bow either eex a*y fascinate
ailriaint ill mb ioimh. fr**. h« mmii r.i«
K P%0 H ,? M H A .J 0 ^ or SOU1 ‘ OH ARM.
J“ y *»>® t-elo-e,
HWI.P.MAfHT," a new honk on Ihe
TboeMta ni!£, if e eoaplete ejretewof
. Ike ehortcet, meet elupte,
“■Mriwailre, eeebllns ear one me
rwlTf * t ^ re P or * trlele, epeechee, eermone, Ac.
»>'h 48 etrokee of
B!.fe letniii l"' The nnem-
pleyeS ehoehl leera thin era Price hr well 10
eenle. Ageete veotnd. Aid reel T W KVANi* A
OOn it* toll 71k etreel, Phtlednlphln. Pe, 4w
™o hlggeet t leg yet. UuBor, wit, pathoe, life,
the awl leagkter, gee cewlc erta The people
yew* or It ItwiUeellfadalf Usiaeft flow It
te a Bun, end ke enmndere. It la eare every
•toe. Don't Bother with kasry hooka that nobody
waste. Rawer b tke thing that takoa. Agenta
wasted ererywhere. Read ter clreahire aad extra
terwe to Today Pnblleblns Company, Ihlladol-
pkjjjRew Terk, leetea, or Chicago. 4w
ployment at home, day or ereetag; no capital; la-
etraotleae aad relaaMe paekego at goeda east
•JrahywaH- Addreae, with elx oent atemp, M.
VOUItaA Pa, ITX Oteeawlek at., Hr w York. 4w
Annual Galekrattou-Teat tf 4k*
This unrivaled Medicine li * *rranted not to eon* I
tain * alnplo particle of MimouBT, or ftftjr lo)«rioM I
mlnorftl labfttftaoo, bat it
MNftllllNMN MMBOdbjr $t»H»
I off th« Um mmd BtwtU. I
| Sinunont* Liver Regulator or Medicine I
Rpmtal t. EtqalneAaa.) fc emlneetlr a Vemlly Ntoteine. end h, helM
HaOOIV. April 15.—No. 6 threw 248 kopt ready for immedlato retort will aavo m»njr an
feet 5 inches; No. 2, 266 foot 8 loohe. , | S'ff"' "“ J * d °"“ " *'” “*
No. 4, 237 feet 10 inohes; No. 1, 218
feet; No. 8, 222 feet and 9 inch**,
DBFAmTKixT or Wan,
WASHINOTON, April 15, 1874.
After oral forty Teen' trial Itb otlll reoelvlag I
tho moat anqaalitad teatlaiontalB to Ite rlrtnaa I
from prnona of tbe hlcbeot character and raapoa* I
aibllity. Kmiueut phyflclaaa comaiand it as tka |
Anted with thia ANTIDOTE, all ellmatea aad I
ProiabUiUtt.—On Thursday, for th* Dloa ' MA nr BAB HO ERVALI
Booth Atlantis States, eonthesst to north,
seat wind*, generally cloudy weather, and
Savannah, April 15.—Arrived: Arra-1
oon and Charlie H. Dow. The Mayflower,
tor Key West, put in for ooel and repairs I
to boiler.
Clesred; Lindienes end J. L. Tracy.
Belled ; Alfred, Medietor, Rival, 0. B.
Haxeltlna, Herbert Beech, Regia, Crown |
Prinoe, Goeterne, Joe. Fish and Effi* J.
Ths Mayflower experienced a severe I
gal* on tb* 12tb, and threw overboard two
thirty-pound Parrot guns, and seventeen
ton* of ballast to save the vessel. She |
arrived to-day with all wall.
NxwYoax, April 15,—Arrived: Ben Ja- |
einto and Maoadoni*.
Arrived ont; Herman.
II le the Cheapest, Pereet, ud Beet fenlly I
Mealetee Id tke Worl4 I
■MOMSveasD «n ev
JL% r
NrarolgU, Pilia hM&uhs,
Liarrhoea. Bella OldSerw,
Lamenen, Bums, Sot mm,
Teothaehe, So«ld«, Bprtlnt,
Eouamm, Ulo«ra Wound*,
Sort Throat, Oolio, Bralm,
Bhmmatlsm, Somorrhagm
Coujjha, Colda, Hoaraanaaa,
ieldky Dragelete. - 4w
Millions of Aoroo
Tea Tears’ .Credit, lateral eaty 8 per seat.
Doaoriptivs Pamphlet, with leeUoaei Maps, seat
Tho Plonoor,
a keedeome Qleetmted Paper, eoatelaleg the
’aw, naUot free te all parts of tha
■a O. I. DAVIS,
Lead Gommteeiomcr U. P. > R-,
Omaha, BbIi.
fLe htgikewd medleal nnekwrltlca
•f Rnrape aay th* straagast Toate, Partner
sad Deeketiaeat knew* te tke nsfllesl world le
It arrests decay of vital r
— i Liver sod
,uPuttlt-N.r. Q ‘to"
world. Add raw
Mht7 4w
MWtl dtaajof ?J
i ■trriMM fyMML r
tad, clDaaaacrtUat
itraotloM aid i«M
BBffA YEAR **ap , «adhi° l,r
nbinatlon Wroapootuo.
. AmhaMtad la every eoaely a id town
family. Ageete weeded la every eoaely
is tke Uetlod Mates, 1* make a permease I
aen ee these works
tONBTHIHO that wU pel yea.,
TO D0.2k ( j|jip'unwKL
AMTHHD rot ALL, either sex, yoseg or aid; ru
be does derleg Mean tine at yoer hones, or pay a
In crawly le travel. Large aalartee to expert-
A HALL, idfl North Charles street, Keltlmoro,
DR. PI F- R C. f S
A" -utAtO'CAL
maHl eedfcwgn
I Boiler
•atf 8h**t Iron Worker.
Haney and Btoek Market*.
Naw You, April 15.—Stooke aotive,
but lower. Gold 114. Exohauge—long
485*; short 488*. Governments eotive,
but strong. Btat* bonds quiet and nomi.
Nxw Yobk, April 15.—Money e*«y at
*3 per oent. Exchange doll at 485*. Gold
Arm, dosing 113}all3*. Rate* for oar-
vying 8a8* per cant. Governments strong
bat dull. Btate bonds dull.
Provision Markets.
a | “assnw swasasi |
tar. Pork quist at $16 75. Lard Arm; | fude to complete the MasoNIO TKMPLH, sow ]
stsam 10*o.
Cincinnati, April 15.—Floor quist And I ukieg—ttirwhol'y'inThecjuaeoMduu"y°°*he I OK favorable term*" from Banks,
unchanged. Corn Arm and in good da- uoocert win posuireiy take piece oo Bankart, and Corporation*, subject
mend tt 67e70. Pork dull tt $17. Lard Teeedaj, tke 5th ef Bay, 1*74, I to OllOOk at eight. Loant mad# only
quiet but Arm; 9ja9* for steam; 9**10 tot I end no farther poetpooemeat le gaereateed. I #0 Oattoa and Approved Stock Ex
kettle. Bsoon quiet, but eteady; 6*a 7 for L1IT 01 Qine.
shoulders; 9.12**9.20 for dear rib; 9.62* I Oo. Orud Cash Olft 460,000
for deer. Wbiskev eteedv at 94. OnaGraod Cash Gift 85,not)
tor Clear. m uiaawy eiwauy » we. Ooa Oraod Caeh Ola 18^00
Louisvillb, April 16.1—Flour unebanged. ooa Qrud flash out 10,000
Cora 72. Provisions steady. Baoon— one Oreod flash Olft *,«»
•houiders ffc eiwrib9|; eta*isug.r °^SJh2h»L*.iv5S
eared hams 12^x18. Lerd 10*10$. Whia-1 eucaabairu, jwuwcu I8.600
60 Oftflll Oilted MM s
100 tiaah Qlfte, 160 each....
160 Oaah Gifu. 100«acb...
690 Oath flltte, 60each...
8,000 Oaah Olfte, 8aach
1 triad in Etoweb Circuit Court, last vision, and he haa beau sentenced to a
waak, for the murder of bis wife, (whioh dismissal from hia See. No appeal from
®®°®rred in 1865,) and waa sentenced to the judgment will ba allowed,
tb* Penitentiary for life. Eleven to one j u.-^~n —
•ere for hanging bim. | —An Indiannpolin girl oloaan a lovn
—The eitixene of Opelika held a large 1 letter with—
meeting on Monday night to take steps to I Tbs ring is round, tha dish is square,
baenre th* location of tke Southwestern and we'll be married the next Btat* fair.
Presbyterian University in their oity. The bell sball ring, the dram shell play,
Several able ud snoonngtng addresses ud we'll go duoing all th* way. An-
were delivered, end e committee wee ap- »w*r soon. Mux.
Washinoton, April 15.—Mr. Lamar, of
Naw York, reoently obtained judgment of
th* Court of Claims for $579,000 for a
ootton claim. Mr. Chaavar, as adminis
trator of his deaessed brother, who it wu
claimed bad u interest in the claim, filed
a bill in th* Equity Court of .thia dietriot-
A Masonic Grail Gilt Concert
10,000 Pr ise to b* Given Away,
Ateoaatiav to $850,000, all la Carreacy. I
mU 18 PDterprtM li couluctedl bv tho MASONIC |
under auf ““
paaa<*d Ma
ruode to complete
R. M. Water* A On., 88 Broad $t.,
Now York, rooolv* Dopoait Aooounto
•hong* Coll ■ to rale.
key 94.
St. Louis, April 15.—Flour—low medi
um grado* scarce -ud firm at higher
prices; suporflna winter $4.25a$4.75.
Corn Arm, soma grades higher, No.
mixed 65*66 on traok, 67 for May, 68 for
Jane. Whiskey firm et 98. Pork quiet I
et $16.62*. Bacon nnebugsd—Jobbing
order trade. Lard Arm at 9* bid.
(•ties Markets.
Grand Total, 10,000 Gifu, all aaeb $260,000 I
Whole Tickets, $6; Half Tickete, $2 60. Club
Rates—11 Tickets for *60; 22 Tickets for $100.
—in L Roper, Presldei
Treasurer Jamee Y Leigh, wm«»i a* *> 7 .ux,
B Oldteld, John A Roeeon, Daniel 11 us ted, Wll*
LlVXBPOOL, April 15—Noon.—Cotton iitmU Wales, HU, 8 Well, John T'Ked.
aotiva and firmer; uplands 8*. Orleans owed. „ .
K4d • uIm 20 nnn balae iunlndins 4 nfln Hie Bxwlleocy Ex-flor.rnor Qllbert 0 Welker,
?*“• • ®a | ®®, uuu . oaies, inoioaing 4,ooo ^ Ktimt , „ r . K HoDsaM, r d
tor speouUtion snd export. Oewwe.Aer; J J karraegbi, Oepllaauel L WeiU,
Bales of nplands, nothing below good Virglsla Leglelstan; Bob'! a Wlikera, o M 0 u
Bales of nplands, nothing below good Virglsla Legislators; Bob'! H Wlikera, O M O U
T ■-**■ 1 eloetloue to
BN NY V MOOBB, «eer.tary
•Uef araoletlon, Norfolk, Vo.
ter partlealsrs apply te
a. Chill, axpru. Ag.ot,
Oulanbue, Ua.
able in May ud Jnoe, 8 8-16 ; do, noth
ing below low middling, shipped in April
and May, 8 5-16; do, dalivarabl* in April,
8* ; do, deliverable in May aad Jute, 8* ;
do, daUrsrabl* la June ud July, 8*.
I. B.—for farther
Our lavanfr Paga lllustra*
tad Catalogue of
D O O R S,
Mailed te aay oae latareetad la buiMiag, oi
receipt ef eteap,
jyll dAwly BBW YOBK CITV.
Spring is Coming!
•The bnde ere begluslnc to swell.”
Likewise our a took le beftsnlnc to ewoll
TIES, black end Id colors ueet snd eulieteutiftl
work for achool wftsr. , ...
We lisve ftli the fevorite rtylee for Mm e "««r
in beet bsiid-iewed, end in cheaper giudce of
work, all guersoteed rvliftble.
Brogans, Plow Shoes,
snd all other staple Goods for tha waute of the
people, is unexcelled.
We are well supplied with
Leather and Flndlnes,
aad can offer Inducements to all cliiesca of buyers.
M. B.—We pay the highest market price Tor Dry
73 Broad Street.
Choice Simpson Cotton Seed
Raised brae Selected Blalka, by
, Wood. Wood!
rrydy eaved, 44^10 per oor.l. Wood
ear-1 »r 50 eeale per cord. Orders tiled prompt-
yoa egplioetloa te tke
tekutr Moaooaaa EABTNa oo,