Newspaper Page Text
Most everybody knows
something about
Old Virginia Cheroots
as 300,000,000 of them are being
smoked this year. Ask anybody about
them, if you have, never smoked them
yourself. J They have made their
own reputation and their own place
in the cigar trade, wholly on their
merits. Three good smokes for five
cents, and no waste 1
Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this
year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. s
•j -V ■<?< : .#• v £r-,„?
Doctors find
A Good
lor mankind
J™ • *•(,, at Dniggliti, Greco*, Kotanraat*,
10. Newsstands, General Store, and Barber,
They banish pain, induce sleep, and profane life.
000 gives rsnefl No matter what's the matter, else will
•• >M good. Ten samples and one thonsud testC
earn by mall le any address on recafao of ofa.
W tot fa— Co., seiSgrace MonrTrrt OF
We can sell you a nice two*
story dwelling for less than
A small payment down and
balance SIO.OO per month.
United States Weather Bureau Says
Rain is Needed.
The weekly orop bulletin of the Uol
ted Stales weather bureau, J. B. Mar
bury, is as follow*:
The past week has been intensely
hot over tbe entire State, and without
rainfall, exoept a very few toattered,
light showers. Rain is badly needed
in. every seotion, as nearly all oropi
are suffering from tbe lack, of moist
ure. The prevailing conditions were
most favorable for saving and curing
the fodder crop, which is a large yield,
and has bten housed in excellent
shape. Tbe excessive heat and lack of
rain has arrested ootton growib, and
materially ies.ened tbe pro-peote of a
fair yield, except, possibly, in North
Georgia, where the crop seems to be
in better condition than in tbe lower
counties. Reports are numerous of
shedding, rusting and premature
opening, and much will depend on the
weather of tbe ensuing two weeks as
to tbe outcome. Pioking is in full
progress in several central and south
ern counties, and small quantities are
being marketed. Sweet potatoes, oane
rice and peanuts are doing; well in
most sections. Upland corn is aleo in
fairly good shape. The movement of
tbe peach crop is fairly over, except
in the extreme north. The weather is
too dry for turnip sowing, and is un
favorable on tbe seed already sown.
Stock oontmses in good condition, and
pastures are generally fine.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a Giorrible Burn, Scald, Cut
or Bruise. Bueklan's Arnica .Salve, the best in
the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal
it. CuiesOld bores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils,
iFelous, Corns, all Skin Erupt ions. Best Pile
cure on Karth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar
anteed, Hold by all druggist.
Some people fish for compliments
with bated breaib.
Tbe Dread of people with weak lungs
who suffer with stubborn coughs is
consumption. Foley’s Honey aDd Tar,
if taken in tini", cures the cold, heals
tbe luogs aod always cures incipient
Consumption. W. J. Butts.
Tbe Brunswick Riflemen will leave
in special car over P>ant System to
morrow morning to participate io the
target practice at Waycross. They
will return same date. Rite of SI.OO
baa been made for soldiers in party of
40 or more on one ticket, and SI.BO
round trip for civilians.
It Saved His Baßy.
“My baby was teiribly sick with the (liar
rho;a; we were unab!e to cure him with the
doctor’s .assistance, and, as a last resort, we
tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy,” says Mr. J. H, I)oak, of Wil
liams, Ore. U I am happy to say it gave imme
diate relief and a complete cure.” For sale by
Dr. Bishop’s drug booic.
It’d only nature) for • follow to feel
obeap wh n bis ealiry bas bceu re
Keep the body healthy at this season
by using Pricki.y Ash Bitters, it is
a necessary condition to successfully re
sist malarial germs W. J. Butts.
Tbs girl who oan be won by flitterj
isn’t worth winning.
S6OO Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any case
of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation or Costtveness we
cannot cure with Live rat a, the Up-to-Date
Liltfe Liver Pills, when the directions are
st ictly complied with. They are purely vege
table and never fail to give satisfaction, I'c
boxes contain 100 pills, 10c boxes contain 40
pills, 5c lioxes contain 15 pills. Beware otyub
stitutes and imitations. Se tby mail. .Stamps
taken. NERVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin
ton and J ickson Sts., Chicago, 111. For sale by
Biown Drug Cos.. Br ana wick, Ga.
Coal Yard Meeting Again.
The Timee-Union and Citix°n of
yetterday said.
“Tbe Jacksonville baseball team re
turned from Fernandina last night,
having deen defeated by a score if 7
to 0.
O’Neill went in the box for Jaokson
vill, and once more pitched winning
ball, but bis support was poor, and
tbe outfleld, with tbe exception of
HariLon, was largely res; o eible fir
the d> feat. Particularly was this io
In K.lly’s case, at and that player ws
dropped from the team last night.
Ould Steel or Death.
“Tli re is but one small chance to save your
life and that is through an operation," was tho
awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of
I. Ridge, Wis M by her doctor after vainly
trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count
ou the marvelous power of Electric Bit teas to
cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she
heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly
cured, avoided surgoon's knife, now weiglia
more and feels better than ever. It's positive
ly guaranteed to cure stomach, Liver and Kip.
ney troubles and never disappoints. Price 500
at all drug stores.
Some men are sbortsigbted who
djti’i wear glasses.
The Remedy forStomaoh and Bowel Tronbles
“I have been in the drug business for
twenty years, and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire list I have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remeey for all
stomach aud bowel troubles,” says O.
W Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family, and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of it to tny
customers to their entire satisfaction. It
affords a quick and sure cure in a pleas
ant form. No family should be without
it. I keep it mmy house at all times.”
For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store,
A cycler may be Indefatigable with
out being tireless.
If you have a baby in the house, you will wish
to know tho best way to check any unusual
looseness of Hie bowels, or diarrlura so com
mon to children. O. I’. M. Holliday, of lleming,
Jnd., wbo has an eleven months’ old child, says:
“Through tbe months of June and July our
baby was teething and took a runnlngof the
bowels and sickness of tbe stomach. His bow
els would move from live to eight times a day.
I had a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
aud Diarrhcca Remedy In the house, and gave
him four drops in a teaspoonful of wa'crand
he got hotter at once.” Kor sale by Dr. Bishop’s
dreg store.
Many a boptlein liar aeoretly re
spects tbe truth.
“I am a switchman,” writes A. J.
Jennesse, of 9201 Butler St., Chicago,
“and am out in all kinds of weather.
I took a oold which settled in my kid
ney and was in very bad shape. I
tried seveaal advertised medicin e
with no bentflt until I was recom
mended to take Foley’s Kidney Cure.
Two-’hirds of a bottle cured me.” W.
J. Butts.
Wise femal*B never trust their let
ter < to the males.
Millions will be pcnt in politics this year.
Wc can’t keep the campaign going without
money any more than we can keep the body
vigorous without food. Dyspeptics uned to
starve themselves. Now,Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
digests w hat you cat, and allows you to eat all
th> good food you want. It radically c ues
at >mach troubles. W, J. But'.s.
J. W, Watkins will loan
you money on personal prop
erty and real estate.
What most pcoplj want is something mild
and gentle, when in need of a physio. Cham
berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the hill
to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in
effect. For sale by Bishop’s drug store.
M 0 lit MIS
i As to the best place to
__buy your Summer Furnish
~'n”s’ J ust come ,n here, * a ke
///' a look at our complete stock,
/ / ——foCj \ ask tne prices, and you will
f ' U be satisficed.
Like ours gives half the pleasure of
summer. With its use come cool situ
ations and airy delights otherwise impos
sible. Better invest in one of these
“Summer Comforts.”
Coney& Parker
Coal and Wood, Brick,
Lime, Cement, Plaster, 11 air, Shingles and Laths.
Phone 18 525 Bav St.
p' ,u (tzs£\ 1111 is omi
With you as to whether
pf you need glasses or not
call on us, and we will
ill tell you. You never
J I \ knew a person to have
I brain fever,sunstroke,
' 1 A T congestion of the brain
J M or apoplexy, who has
* * " never been subject to
headache. Persons subjec to headache, always have
weak eyes. Weak eyes may be the cause of all the
trouble- (’all on us and we will tell you. LX AM
Jeweler and Graduate Optician.
215 Newcastle Street,
j spec tor of Watches for Southern Railway. Time l.y Wire Jailv from Washington
Jno. Veruki
wines, Liquor,
Cigars, Etc.
In now leady for business, VVY will null you goods 10 per
cent less tnan original cost.
606 Monk Street.
Mien CoivolesciiQ \f~~ W~
Use any of my brands of V IM> AM) W
LIQUOKS and nature will be greatly 1 t M
assisted in the work of rrcupern Hon.
Mygoodsaru of excellent quality,ami 1. 11
have been bottled and matured under 1 j IV
our immediate Earn J /TQI
brand has been seh cu and bee; I 1
special merit. Find out which su.t wJfclwHfißßk. I \ I
Bay Street, Bruuswink, <ia. '****