Newspaper Page Text
Sloop, little pigeon, ami fold your wings,
Little blue pig'on, wltb velvet eyes,
sleep to t tie Binging of mother-bird swinging—
Swinging the nest where her little one lies.
Away out yonder I see a star,
silvery star with a tinkling song;
To the soft dew falling I hoar It calling—
Balling and Tinkling the night along,
in through the window* a moonbeam comes,
Little golden moonbeam with misty wings;
All silently creeping, it asks, "is ho sleeping—
Sleeping and dreaming while mother BingaV”
Up from the aca there floats the sob
Of the waves Unit arc breaking upon the shore
As though they were groaning in anguish and
Bemoaning the ship that shall cntno no more.
But Bleep, little pigeon, fold your wings.
Little blue pigeon witli mournful eyes:
Am I not singing? See, 1 am swinging—
Swinging tbo nest where my Uailing lies.
The moonlight excursion to St. Si
mon Island a few oycnlngs ago, was
one of tlio most charming of the season,
a largo number of pleasure seekers were
present, and a neat sum realized. The
cake walks which were given, first by a
number of little people, ami afterward
by a number of “society ladies and gen
tlemen,’’ were features of the evening.
The cake was won by littlo Miss Lilian
rfeilTer and Master Frederick Dorsey
Walter, who were judged the finest
couple on tho lloor, and who created
much amusement for the spectators by
imitation of their elders, and the cute
way in which they carried out tneir
Miss Kllzabcth Nightengale left yes
terday for South Carolina, where she
will spend some time, the chnrming
guest of Miss Klise Cliafou.
Mrs. 11.1.. B. Wiggins and little son,
Master Joe Wiggins, of Wayeross, are
spending seme time in Brunswick.
Miss Kate lterric, of Camden county,
is spending some time the guest of rela
tives in Brunswick.
Miss Loie Mullins, of Huntsville,
Ala,, is recelvlug many attentions ami
making a host of friends in Brunswick,
whore she is spending some weeks, the
guest of relatives.
Mrs. W. 11. DeVoe aud daughter,
Miss Mane DeVoe, arc anticipating a
pleasant fall, spent among the moun
Ml's Edith Tlilot, of Savannah, who
was expected In Brunswick la-.t Sunday
did not arrive, but is expected shortly,
to spend some time the guest of her
auut, Mrs. E. A. rcnniman, at her
home on Union s'reef. a pleasant vacation, Miss Kate
Hess will return to work on tho first.
Out at the fair grounds tomorrow af
ternoon Manager Newman has arranged
a line program, which promises to bo one
of great interest to the large crowd that
will go out. The famous game of hall
between the Fats and Leans will he re
peated, beginning at 3:30 o’clock. After
that there will he horse racing, some of
the popular Brunswick horses having
been entered, foot races, which will be
quite amusing, and many other forms of
amusement which will he interesting
aud laughable to the spectators.
O— ——
The Bruuswick Kitletnen, who leave
this morning for Wayeross where they
will engage in the target practice and
spend a p’easant day, will carry many
members and a large crowd of civil
Many friends regret to know that Mrs,
G, W. Blanton Is quite sick a', her home
on Norwtch street.
It will in crest many Brunswick
friends of Miss Mamie Richmond, of Sa
vannah, to know that she is ependlug
some time at T.ithia Springs.
Miss Ethel Conoley is expected on St.
Simon tomorrow to spend some time the
attractive guest of Miss Olivia Uaenoy.
at the Downing cottage.
Mrs. Charles Floyd is welcomed
among many friends after her recent se
rious illness.
Many friends arc glad to know that
Mrs. 8. Cargyle, who is spending the
summer lu Virginia, is greatly improved
in health.
Rev, W. L Raeney spent yesterday
In Brunswick from St. Simon, where he
and his family are spending a month.
The Biuuswiek Uniform Hank Knights
of I’ytliias have arranged to attend the
big drill in Detroit on the twenty sixth
of this month, and many ladies will be
among the party, who anticipate a
charming trip.
Mr. Gustave Anderson and a pleasan
party of young rrentlemen leave in a
day or two for Fernandina for a fish,
going and coming in hie neat little sail
M iss Jennie Davie leaves in a few days
for South Carolina, where she will spend
some time the attractive and charming
guest of relatives.
Mrs. 11. S. Lee continues q lite ill at
her home on Lee street to the regret of
many friends.
After escorting Mrs. W. A. McNealey
and children to Huntsville, Ala., where
they will spend some time with friends,
Mr. W. A McNealey has re’urucd to
Ihe little boys’ Jiasecall teams, the
Brunswick Wonders aud ihe Bruuswick
Juniors, had an interesting game in
Magnolia park yesterday afternoon in
tho presence of many spectators,
Many Brunswick friends of Miss Kate
Black of Dalton arc glad to know that
she is greatly improved after her recent
Master Harry Day is spending some
days out of the city on a fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs W. J. Way are antici
pating a pleasant visit to frienps In De
troit the latter part of this mouth.
Miss Lydia Jeffers leaves shortly for
Bavunnali, where she will spend some
time the attractive guest of friends.
Mr. J. E. dußignon has return, and from
a short trip to Savannah.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Shannon have
moved to Savannah,where Mr. Shannon
has a position with the 8. F. and W.
railroad,and where they will male their
future home.
—o —
Mrs. Moses Hirschof Atlanta is spend
ing some lime in Brunswick the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, al
their home on Union street, where she
is receiving many attentions from old
Mrs. V. Jeffers has returned from a
visit to High Springs, Fla , where she
spent some time the guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs William Grarnbhng
Deeded to the Lord,
The most remarkable deed ever
drawn may be seen on the private es
tate of a resident of Worcester in Mas
sachusetts. It is chiseled on a rock
on what Is known as Rattlesnake hill,
situated near the boundary line be
tween Worcester and Leicester.
Old Solomon Parsons, who was wide
ly known In Worcester county as an
tccentrlc character, and particularly
as a crank on the subject of religion,
paid William C. Hall $125 for a parcel
of land, and directed Hall to convey it
by deed to the Almighty. In order
that the greatest possible publicity
might he given to his disposition of the
property Parsons had the deed of
transfer cut Into the rock verbatim et
During his lifetime Parsons is said
to have made several attempts to have
the deed recorded, but the register of
deeds, wlio was aware of his eccen
tricity, each time put him off with the
explanation that no official record was
required in ttie case of a transfer of
real estate to the Almighty.
Parsons died Intestate several years
ago, and the administrator included
the parcel of land on Rattlesnake hill
in the inventory of the old gentleman's
estate which he filed in the probate
court. A wag of a law*yer raised the
question of title, but the judge decided
In the favor of the administrator.—
New York Journal.
Anecdotes of Colonel Ers.
Colonel Ege was a famous character
in the early days. Although living in
Doniphan county, he was often in Atch
ison. followed by a pack of hounds,
ne was a high toned southern gentle
man. with a U.ipd heart.
One day while returning home from
this city he came across a man whose
wagon was stuck In the mud In Inde
pendence creek bottom. Colonel Ege
at once started in to help the man pry
out his wagon with l) fence rail.
While botli were working away P.R®
became angry and yelled to the man,
“Lift, you son of a gun; you are not
lifting a pound." The man picked up
the end gate of the wagon and split it
over Ege’s head, laying him up for
three weeks. Ege had Ills lmt off when
he was struck and was so bald before
coming to Kansas that he was known
as the Bald Eagle of Maryland.
Ege always carried a pistol and was
always trying to shoot through some
bodv’s bat without hitting him- One
day. at the Independence creek ferry,
he shot at n man, but aimed a little
low and creased him. But Ege was
always a gentleman; he took the man
Into his borne and tenderly cared for
him until iie recovered. —Atchison
Tile Spider find Ihe Tuning Forlv.
A gentleman was recently watching
some spiders, when It occurred to him
to try what effect the sound of a tun
ing fork would have upon them. lie
suspected that they would take It for
the buzzing of a fly. He selected a
large, ugly spider that had been feast
ing on files for about two months. The
spider was at one edge of its web.
Sounding the fork, the man touched a
thread at the other side and watched
the result.
Mr. Spider had the buzzing sound
conveyed to him over his telephone
wires, hut how was he to know on
which particular wire It was travel
ing? He ran to the center of the web
very quickly aud felt around until be
touched the thread against the other
end of which the fork was sounding;
then, taking another thread along, just
ns a man would take an extra piece of
rope, he ran out to the fork and sprang
upon It. Then he retreated a little way
nnd looked at the fork. He was puz
zled. lie had expected to find a buzz
ing fly Then, strange io say, he got
on the fork again and danced with de
light. Evidi ally the sound wns music
to him.
Very v:t’i!.iV'.e RemcJy ia alt
ofieetioiis ot* the
I .aiye lto* lies, csjn
DAYIS I WVI.T.Ni 1. .. , t .iiui:ed,
l'r.qi’e of l'crry Davis’ IV.n K Her.
Petition to Incorporate.
State of Georgia—County of Glynn.
To the Superior Court of ulynn County:
The petition of Oliver N. Taylor. Wm. S. Tay
lor, of the city of Brunswick, Glynu county,
Georgia, Anthony W. Cook,Tnoa. 15. Cook, Ja
cob ii. cook, Rebecca A, Cook, inf Cooks burg,
Pennsylvania, .John W. Cook and Ida M,Calvin
of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Jlaitie J. Ross,
of Clarion. Pennsylvania, respectfully shows
unto this court:
1. T hat they drsire for themselves anil as
sociates to become lncorpoiated under the
name and style of the ‘•laylor-Cook Cypress
2. The term for which your petitioners de
sire to he incorporated is for twenty (20) years,
with the privilege of renewal at the expiration
of that tune. The capital stock of the corpor
ation is to he one hundred thousand dollars
($100,000) divided into shares of one hundrrd
dollars ($100) each, with lull power and auth
ority to increase the capital stock by a maj
ority vote of the stock issued, to a sum, not
greater th;in three hundred Jhou>and dollars
($300,uu0.) The principal cilice of said coropoi a
tion is to he located in Glynn county, state of
Georgia, with authority to establish.’whenever
the business of the corporation may require
or justify, other offices in any other locality or
city within or without tne coniines of tlil
3. Your petitioners pray, that upon ten per
centum of said capital stock being paid in, eitli
in money or in real or personal property, equal,
iu value often percenium of said capital stock
they may be allowed to businessman and
with full power and authority iu said corpora
tion to accept and teceive in payment of stock
subscriptions, real and personal property
or real or personal property at least,
equal in value to the amount of such sub-'
scriptions. Your petitioners further pray that
said corporation may*have aud use a common
seal, change, alter or destroy tho same at their
pleasure,sue anti he sued, plead aud he implead
ed with iu the courts of this state, or any oilier
Btate.or in the courts of the United states,
and have in addition thereto all general | ow
ers usually given corporations, whether spec
ially mentioned herein or not.
4. The object of said corporat ion is to en
gage in the aquisilion, manufacture and sale of
all kinds and character ol lumber, shingles,
cross ties, and all and singular any ar
ticle or articles which can or may he manu
factuled from trees, timber, wood or their pio
ducts, aud to that end to own, maintain, oper
ate and conduct any number of saw mills,
shingle mills, dry kilns, skidders, tram ways
ami other machinery, appliances, vehicles and
other means needful or necessary in or about
t-aid business. To acquire and dispose of any
tree or trees, timber, lumber and wo a, whclhei
manufactured or unmanufactured, or whether
the same be manufactured by said corporation
or any other person,natural or artificial. To
have the power and privilege of operation in
connection therewith a general and special
merchandise business. To have the power nnd
authority to do a commission and brokerage
business or a commission or brokerage liusi
hess, To load or unload any railroad cars, ves
sels, steamships or other means ot transporta
tion used for transporting passengers or
freight on water and charge for the same. To
engage in the business ol towing or propelling
by steam or othor motive power, any vessel,
steamship, or any commodity or commodities,
timber, barge or craft within or without the
waters of this stale, ami upon the high seas.
To have the power and privilege of acquiring,
in whole or in part, any vessel, steamship or
other cralt propelled in whole or in part by
steam or other motive power, To have the
power to charter vossels, ami to act as ship
brokers or agents. To have the power and
privilege of acquiring or constructing any ca
nal, railroad or tramway for the purpose of
transporting any timber.logs, article or articles
or freight of any description, either to be man
ufactured by said corporation or any other
persons, or for shipment to the markets of the
world, or for delivery to any customer of said
corporation, and to uo any and all acts perti
nent, incident to, or necessary to be done and
performed for the successful operation of the
business for which your petitioners desire to
ho incorporated and not especially herein
enumerated. To such end and purpose your
petitioners pray that they may be incorpor
a ted, as aforesaid, with full power and auth
ority, In said corporation, to have, hold, u.-e
and enjoy any and all real and personal property
ol every description whatsoever that maybe
come necessary for the operation of the i usi
nfloi; for which your petitioners desire to be
and with full power, in said c r
-poration* to trausfor apd dispose of the same,or
anv part thereof, at w iil aud ju any manner
which may be deemed exi edient or neotvaary
for the best interesisthereof. With full power
and authority, in said corporation, to borrow,
money and pledge the assets thereof, in whole
or in part, to sepurethe same either by mort
gage, deed of trust or other instrument when
ever, ani at such times it is beaejiciai fi neces
sary for the interest of said corp ra ion
Whereupon, Your petitioners pray that they
be incorporated under the name and style
aforesaid, apd for the term of years, ami for
the purposes,and iq the manner herein alleged,
and with all and singular the powers allowed
corporations of like chat acter grapte4 under
the laws of this state. And your petitioners
jyjll ever pray.
Atkinson & DrxwopY,
Attorneys,for Petitioners.
Original petition uied in office. This 12th
day of July, A. D.,1900.
IT. F. pu biomon,
Clerk Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia.
Georgia—Glynp County
J, 11. F.du Bignon, do certify that the within
and foregoing is a true copy of the original pe
tition to incorporate “The Taylor Cook Cpyress
c ompany” filed this day in the office qi the
clerk Superior court of Glynn county.
This July 12th. A, 1).. 1900.
Clerk Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia
ietate of Georgia I County of Glynn.
James S. Wright et al,
and | Injunction and Re-
Foster & Lang, ct al | eeiver pending in
vs. Glynn Superior Courjt
Merchants and Traders* I May terinJUpO.
Bank, etal. ,1 ~ _
All persons interested in this case desiring tQ
file interventions therein are requested to do so
within ninety days from tl)is date. After the
expiration of sai l time no ot her interventions
will be entertained. Let this be puh'ished
twice a month for three months in the Bruns
wick Call and also in the Brunswick Times.
This in open court June 7th, 1909. .
PAUL K. SKA BROOK, Judge Atlantic Cir
cuit, Piesiding.
Service By Publication.
STATE OF GKOltGf A--Copy|ty of Glynn.
John Rogers, 1 In Glynn Superior Court, May
vs. 5 Term. Hoo.
To the Defendant, Susie Rogers:
You arc hereby .commanded to le and appear
at the December Term, next, of Glynn Superior
Court, to bo holdcn at the court house door iu
Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on tbo
First Monday iii December, 11HK), and by Ten
(10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then
and there to answer the complaint of the plain
tiff in the above stated case in his Lioel for
Divorce. „ _
Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett,
Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County,
tbt. llw lotU iluj* ol July, duBIUNON ,
Clerk Suiiorior Court, LI) nn • utility, Ga.
GEORGIA—GIynn County.
All persons UavinS claims or domamls
against ihe estate of Maiiou Kobinson, de
ceased. are hereby notified to present and file
(hem with me. properly verified,, as required
by law. This J uly 27, HMO.
1 HinVIN BKOItsTON, Estate Marion Kobinson.
The Federal Transport and*! lu Equity in the
Insurance Cos., et. al, | Superior Court of
vs. i. of said county
The Atlantic Cotton Cos., ; Suit to enforce
et. al. | payments to capi
} tal stock.
The defendants, J. H. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C.
Schumacher .S Cos., a copartnership A. Korden
A* i o„ a copartnership, H. W. U. Edge. \\ till am
O. Vllison and J.S. Thomas,are hereby notified
and required to be aud appear in person or by
attorney at the next December, lUOO, term of
the Superior Court of said couuty, tube held iu
the court house of said county, at Brunswick,
on t lie first Monday in December, next, anil by
hi o'clock, a. til., of said dav. then and thereto
answer the plaintiff, in this in default
thereof the Court wtll proceed as to justice
mai appertain W itness the Hou Jos. IV Bon
net .Indue of said Court. This 27th day of July,
P)ou. It. F. mi BIG NON.
Clerk superior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga.
GEORGIA, Glynn county—
Will l*e sold before the court door of
said county, on the first Tuesday in September
next, within the legal hours of sale, ihe follow
ing described property, to-wit: All that certain
tract or parcel of land lying and being in ihe
city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, and state
of Georgfh, and described according to the map
and plan of said city made by George R. Bald
win, A. D. 1837, as follows, to-wit: The 1101 th
we-t one fourth of old Town lot Xn, 548, con
taining 45 by 90 feet, and bounded as follows:
On the north, 90 feet, by a portion of Old Town
lot No. 547; on the east. 45 feet, by a portion ol
said Old Town lot No. 548: on the south. 90 feet,
by a portion of i>aid Old Town lot No. 548, and
on the west, 45 leet, by Amherst s reet. Levied
upon as the properly of tho defendant, Cba leg
Morris, under and by virtue of an fx cu ion is
sued from tne Supeiior court of sai; county, in
favor of the Atlantic investment Comp my and
against the said Charles Morris, in the princi
pal sum of $795.40, besides interest and costs.
Notice of levy given tenant in possession, as
required by law.
Also, at the same time and place, that ce tarn
tract or parcel of land, sit .ate, lying and being
in Glynn coun-y, Georg a. in ihe city of Bruns
wick therein, in the southern portion of said
city, in that tract of land known as the Thirty
three acre tract, and known, designated and
described on and lu the map and plan of said
Thirty-three acre tract, as made by E. A Pen
niman, city surveyor, which map is recorded in
book K E. foli * 256, of the general records of
said county, reference to which is had for all
purposes, as the northern one half of lot num
her four (4). Levied on and sold as the property
of John D. Lung, under and by viitueof an exe
cution issued from Glynn Superior court in fa -
vor of ll:irrv Tattnall and against John I).
Lang, for $100(.0 piincipal, cost and inte■■ear.
W. H. BKRIUE, Sheriff
Also, at the same time and place, the north
eastern one-foili th of Town commons lot, num
ber seventy-nine (79), between Amherst street
and Cochran avenue. Levied on and sold as the
property of Rachael Harmon, under and by
virtue o’f an execution issued from the Superior
court of Glynu jounty and against Rachael 1
Harmon Massie, Patr cU and John C. Moore
and in favor of A. D. Candler, Governor, for
$l5O principal and $20.25 cost.
W. 11, BERRIE, Sheriff.
Also, at the same time and place, one Peerless
job printing press, chases and rollers. Levied
on and sola as the property of Mrs. C
A. Leavy, under and by virtue of an execution
issued from Glynn Superior court in f .vor of
A. Kaiser & Brother and against Mrs. C.
A. Leavy, principal, and It. R. Hopkins
and II H. Harvey, seemity on replevy bond,
for $74.00 principal, $7.25 interest, ami $21.25
Also at the same time and the following
described p’opertv to-wit: That certain two
lots or parcels of land, situate lying and being
in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, known nnu
described on Simmons’ map of said city sis
Dixville lots numbers one (1/ and two (2) east
ol Gordon, betw en Loudon anti Prince streets.
Levied on as the property of the estate of E. C.
I*. Dart, under and by virtue of an execution
issued by 11. J. Read, tx collector, for state aud
county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of
tax SI.BB with interest and all costs. Levy
made and returned to me by It. S. Pyles, deputy
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit; That
certain lot or parcel of laud, situate Ling and
being in the city of Brunswick, Glynn county
Georgia, known and designated on the map of
the city Brunswick, made by George R. Bald
win A. D. 1837, as the southeastern one-half of
Old Town lot number 261. Levied on as the
property of \V. E. Penuiman under and by vir
tue of an execution issued by H, J. Read, tax
collector for state and county taxes due for the
year 1899. Amount of tar *22.44 with interest
and all costs, mad? and returned to me
by R. S. Pyles, deputy sherett.
Also at the same time and place, the
following desc ibed property, to-wit: The
lease hold interest in and to one-hall of the
western one-half o?Towns Commons lot num
ber 151 between Wolf and Albany streets, in
the cit yof BniU'-wicK, as per Simmons’ map.
Levied on ns the propty of J. T. Abrams under
and by virtue of an execution Issue uy H. J.
Read, tax collector. Amount oi tax $5,13. with
intere.-t aud ail costs. Levy made ana returned
to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time aud place, the
following described property to-wit: That
certain lot, tract or parcel pf land
situate lying and being in thp city
Brunswick and known and design aed on
the map of said city, made by George R. Bald
win, A. I>. 1837. as the eastern otie-i alf of old
Tow*, lot number 466. Levied on as thep on
eriy of Join* H. Buage under aftd by virtue of
an execution Issued by H. J. Read, tax collec
tor, for state aud county taxes due fqr the y^ar
1899. Amount of ax $19.38 with interest and
all cots. Levy made and returned to me by K.
sj. deputy sheriff.
Also at the sapvetime and p’ace, the follow
ing described property,to wit: The lease hold
interest in and to the n i ll)western one-fourth
of Town Common lot number 127, between
Lee and Stonewall streets, in the city of Bruns
wick,Georgia, as per Simmons map. Levied
on as fhe property of Jack Adams and by vir
tue of an execution issued by H. J. Read, tax
collector, for state aud cqumv U*es due for
the 3 ear 1899. Amount of tax with inter
est and all costs. Levy made and returned to
m,e by R- s* tylos, deputy sheriff.
Also also at the same and place, the follow
ing described property to-wit: The lease
hold interest in and to ihe nprtbcrn one-half
of Towns Common lot numljey 105, between
Gordon and Johnstou streets, in the city of
Brunswick, Georgia, as per Simmons map.
Levied n a the property of Wm. McKinzie
under an i bv virtue of an exception issued by
H. J. Read, tax collector, for taxps due for the
year 1899. Amount of tax $3.25 with interest
and all Levey made returned to me by
R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Also a', the time and j>la.>e, thp following de
scribed property, to wit: That certain lot or
porce) of land, situate lying aud being in the
city of Biuuswiek, Glynn county, Georgia,
known au i degt(runted in flie map of said city
made by George Baldwin. A 1). 1837, j*s the
southwest one-fourth of Old Town lot number
543 Levied ou tho property of Regina Til
lis under and by virtue of an execution issued
by H.J. Read, tax collector, for taxes due tor
Hip year 1899. Amount ol tax $ >.OO with inter
est and all cpsts. Levy made and returned to
me by R t*. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time and pluce.tbe fallowing
described propeity,to-wit: Those certain two
lots.parce's of land situate and lying in the city
of Brunywick, in the Evansville addition there
to and known Evansville lots nunibeis 35
and 36, Levied on a* tup property of R. II-
Alston, under and by virtue o an is
sued by H J. Reed, tax collector, for state and
count v taxes due for the year 1899 Amount of
tax Levy made and returned to me by
R. s. Pyles,* deputy sheriff.
Sheriff Glynn County, Georgia.
Administrators Notice.
GEORGIA—GIynn County.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has applied to tin* ordin try of said county for
leave to sell land belonging to the estate of
Amanda Hughs and for the payment of debts
of said estate. Said application will be beard
at the regular term of the court of ordinary for
said county to lie held on the first Monday in
September, 1900, This the oth day of August,
1900. J. K. KNIBB,
Administrator Estate of Amanda Hughs.
Georgia—Glynn County.
To ad whom it may concern:
R. R. Hopkins having in proper form, applied'
for permanent administration on the estate of
J. D Jones, late of said county, this is is to
cite all and singular the creditors aud nextof
kin of J 1). Jones to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, nnd show
cause,if any, they can. why permanent ad
ministration should not be granted to R. R.
Hopkins on J. 1). Jones* estate.
Witness my baud aud official signature this
6th day of August, 1900,
Horace dart,
State of Georgia,
County of Glynn,
Underand by virtue of a decree entered by
the Superior court of Glynn county, < eorgia, at
its May term in 1899 in open court June 20,1900
and a decree supplemental thereto giantedat
Savannah, Ga., on the 14th day of July, 1900,
pursuance of an order taktu in term time on
the 25th day of June 1900. the undersigned, as
commissioner appointed utder said supple
mental decree, will, wit.>iu the legal hours of
sate, betorc the courthouse door of Glynn
county, Georgia, on Thursday, the 16th day of
Augunt, 190% expose and offer for sale at public
outcry the unexpired tenn of an estste lor
years granted by the Mayor and Council of the
city Brunswick, Georgia, ending on the 2:st
day of Die. mber 1978, unou the terms and con
duionsor nntal and taxation cunlaiued in
said conveyance, of, in and to a certain tract of
land and water front in the city of Bruuswick,
Glynn county, i, .ud wh eh is * i same
propei ty convey and under the imsenturo lor a
term of years expiring on the day of De
cember J 978, and deseriin and as f< I o\v >: Com
mencing at a stone on the nortlivve t corner,
sixteen hundred twenty-six feet from the
southern line ofthec.ty of Brunswick, Geor
gia (as per-map or plan of said city made bj’
George K. Baldwin A- 1). 1837) at a point
where the eastern line of Bay street, if pro
longed south of tho Old Town of the city of
Brunswick would reach; thence west.wardly
live hundred twenty feet to wharf line of the
dock of the McCullough Export Lumber and
Warehouse Compan>; thence in a southerly
direction seven hundred forty-two feet six
inches along said pier head linei thence in an
easterly direction eleven hundred forty feet to
a stone post on the .shell boulevard; thence
northerly along the edge of said shell boule
vard two hundred ninety two and one-half feet,
to a stone post at the sottheastern corner of
Glauber & Isaac’s property; thence in a west
erly direction five hundi cd forty feet along tho
southern line of the Glarber a Isaac’s properly
f o a stone post; thence in a northerly direction
four hundred iifiy feet along the Glauber and
Isaac's property, being the eastern side of Bay
street, if prolonged, to the point of beginning;
together w ith, all and singular, the wharves,
Imiidmgs. improvements, tracks, switches, ap
purtenances. hereditaments and riparian
rights unto the same belonging or in anywise
appertaining. The terms of said sale are that
the successful bidder thereat shall im • ediate -
ly upon the property being knocked off o him
pay to the unuers'gned, m cash or certified
check acceptable to the undersigned, the sum
of live thousand dollars, and in the event said
sale then and there made is confirmed ly the
court under said decree “and supplemental de
cree then tho i esidue of said purchase price
'hall be pa} able in the terms of the decree en
tered in the Superior court of Glynn county,
Georgia, on tho 2tth day of June, 1899, and of
said supplemental decree byjtlie Honorable
Paul E. Beabrook, Judge of the Superb r courts
of the Atlantic circuit, piesiding; reference to
which decrees on the minutosof Glynn Super
ior court, is hereby bad. By the terms of said
supplemental decree the lowest bid which will
be received for said properties is thirty thous
and dollars.
Comm ssloner.
Til’s July 16th, 1900.
GEORGIA—G’ynn Uonnty.
Will be sold in said county on the first Tues
day iu September, 1960, between the hours of 10
o’clock a. m. and 4 o’clock p. rn„ at public out
cry, before the court h mc door (Grant Street
side), of said county, to the h ghesi bidder for
cash, certain personal property of the estate of
Marion Robinson.deceased,consisting of wear
ing apparel, ti links, In oks, one zither, two pair
opera glasses and one field gin sand other per
sonal effects. Said sale will be continued from
day to day until completed. Sale made in pur
suance of an order of the court of ordinary
granted August 9,1900. This August 9, 1900
Admr. Estate of Marion Robinson.
PROCLAMATION.—State of Georgia. Ex
ecutive Office. Atlanta.—Submitting constitu
tional amendment regai ding pensions for the
widows of confederate soldiers to a vote of the
people a ttlie next general election.
Whereas, tlie general assembly of 1899 passed
by a constitutional majority the following act
to wit:
“An act to amend sect‘on J, article 7, para
graph 1. of the constitution of Georgia, so as to
extend the provisions of sahl section, article
aud paragraph to the widows of confederate
soldiers, who, by reason of age and poverty, or
infirmity and poverty, or blindness and pover
ty, are unable to provide a living for them
selves, and for other purposes.*’
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the general assem
bly of Georgia, and it is nereby enacted by au
thority of the same, that suction 1, article 7,
paragraph i, of the constitution of Georgia, be
and the same is hereby amended by inserting
alter the word “service” in the 13th line, the
following words: *'or who, by reason of age
and poverty, oi infirmity and poverty or blind
ness aud poverty, are unable to earn a living
for themsclve ,’ so that said sect.on when so
amended, will read as follows, tow it: “To sup
ply the soldiers who lost a limb, or limbs in the
military service of tho confederate states, with
substantial artificial during life; and to
make suitable provisions for such coal'edprate
soldiers as may have been otherwise disabled
or permanently injured In such service; or who
may, by reason of age aud poverty.or infirmity
and poverty, or olindness and poverty, art un
able to provide a living for themselves, and for
tlia widows of euchconfederate soldiers as may
have died in the service of the confederate
states, or since, from wounds received therein,
or disease contracted iu tne service, or who by
rersonofago and poverty, or infirmity and
poyerty, or blindness and poverty, aro unable
to provide a living for themselves; provided
that the act shall only apply to such widow s as
were married at the time of such service, and
have remained unmarried sinca the death of
such soldier husdand.”
Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, that, if this
amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of
the general assembly, of nach house, the same
shall be entered on tneir journals with the veas
and nays taken thereon, and the governor shall
cause the amendment to he published in one or
more of ihe newspapers in each congressional
district lor two months immediately’ pjccMiing
the next general election, and the same shall be
submitted to the people at the next general
election, and the voters thereat shall have writ
ten or printed op their tickets, *For ratifica
tion of section 1. article 7, paragraph 1, of tbo
constitution of this state,” or “Against rntiflea
tion of section 1, article 7. paragraph 1, of the
constitution of this state,’’ as they rnav choose;
and if 3, majority of the electors qualified to
vote for members of the next genera* assembly,
voting, shall vote iu favor of ratification, then
said amendment shall become a part of said ar
ticle 7, soctlon 1, paragraph 1, of the constitu
tion of this statu, and the governor shall make
proclamation thereof.
Sec. a rppoals pouflicting law?. Approved
December 21, Iso9,
Now, therefore, 1, Allen D. Candler, governor
of said state, do Issue this, my proclamation
hereby declaring that the fo ego mg proposed
amendment of the constitution is hereby sub
mitted, for ratification or rejection, to the
voters of this state, at the general election to be
held on Wednesday, October 3,1900, as provided
in said act. ALLEN 1). CANDLER,
By the Governor, Governor,
Secretary Executive Department.
GEORGIA— County.
To whom it may concern: John J. Hpean has
applied for permanent letters of adminisira
lion upon the estate of John Campbell, of said
county, deceased. ? ml said matter will be heard
•it the September term. 1900. of the court of or
dinary of said county. Let objections, if anv.
be filed on or before Monday, September 3.19 6
AugUstO, 1900. HORACE DART,
Ordinary Glynn County Ga.
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