Newspaper Page Text
| ' '
Tije wedding of President McKin-
neico, Miss Mabel McKinley, and
*£)r. Hermann Baer is announced for
'Sep’ember 12tb. Miss McKinley is
tba only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Abner McKinley and is well known
in Washington. She has Dot be>n
closely identified with the sooirl life
of that city, es she is but little more
than a school girl, and has always
been more interested in her musical
studies than in social gsyitie*. She
was graduated last year from that
long-established New England Col
lege. Mount Holyoke, after a four
years’ collegiate course. President
McKinley was present at her gradua
Mias McKinley is an unusually at
tractive young lady She has studied
muaie under the best masters in New
York, has traveled abroad, apeake
French fluently, and ia a devotee of
Wagner. She has been pre ent in
Washington only during vacations, at
Christmas, Easter and in the summer,
when she has always been the guest of
her uncle, at the White House. The
summer heme of Abner McKinley is
at Somerset, Pa., and it was th re
that Mias McKinley met the youDg
physician to whom sbe will be married,
President and Mr*. McKinley will
be present at the ceremony, as well as
a large uumber of relatives and
Miss McKinley will receive her
trousseau in a few days. *
Miss McKinley’* wedding gown is
sf heavy white peau de sole, There
is no trfmmlngoa the skirt, which
flares alightly at the edge and ends in
strain three yards long. When this
■Mils in billowy masses here and there
pprevealed an interior deep flounce of
accordeon pleated chiton, caught
with rosette of white satin baby rib
bon. The skirt Is completed about
the waist line with piping, and has
two box pleats in the back. It is
woven over the corsage.
A hand-’ucked yoke of ohiffon, from
and back, is used on the corsage,
which has a high neck and long
sleeves. A Marie Aniionette ehawel
of point iaoe, th? gift of Mrs. William
McKinley to the bride, with a fold of
chiffon, outlines the yoke and is
knotted in front with long ends of the
trimmed wi>h lac?, which is
the edge of the skirt.
The collar is of tucked chiffon,
ornamented with point lace applique.
This lace is used on the sleeve* in
to as to fall over tbs
hands. The veil that is to be worn
with- this gown is of Brussel* rat,
edg and with narrow point iac
Many Brunswick people rsgreted !o
here of the sad ending to a sad young
1 fe in the death, by her
Mrs. Annie Day Mays in Valdosta
last Friday. Mr, Mayes came to
Brunswick a year ago last April and
endeavored to give a plsy or an elocu
tionary recital. She was 'aken up by
Mrs. J. A. Montgomery, who is well
known as one of Brunswick’s most
philanthiopic women, and afer much
discouragement and hard work suc
ceeded in giving the pip 1 , which was
least a success financially, namely
“The Angel of Santiago.” Mrs.
Majet then went to Atlanta where
abe was well reoeived by the charily
women of that city , who succeeded in
enlisting the sympathies of social At
lanta and gave successfully the conaio
opera “Bibi”— half of the proceeds go
ing to the Grady Hoiptal. Leav ng
there the brave little woman ende. v
ored to give the play in other towns
until meeting with poorer suocess in
each place until at last the culmina
tion was reached in Valdosta, where
the affair was a tola', failure and the
courageous little heart broke under
the oruel straid of disappointment
While in Brua6Wick Mrs. Mayes made
many friends and oonfided to some of
them the old story of an early mar
riage, negleot and friendly desertion.
Too proud to return to her home in
Ohio, where her family ig very promi
nent, sbe started out in the world io
battle her own life with ooly li -r
elocutionary talents to aid her and
ooly to die at last by her band,
Bdt there is a tender-faMfcer, who sees
our hearts and
bear no aore,?-p -wk Jippe h#4as'
called her home where s no
more aadness where, “ij
oease from troubling and the weary aria
at rest.” • *’ -> *■
Miss Janie Symons and la,
Symons, of Savannah, are visiting
M as Mamie Symons on Union street.
Miss Mary McNish Burroughs, the
talented society editress of the Times
Cali., is away on a vacation, during
which visit Louisville, At
lanta, Madison and several other citiev.
Miss Burroughs fame as a brilliant
young newspaper woman is wide
spread, and her cbarmlog personality
winning her friends wherever she
goes, her visiting list to different
places is large and growing so that
only a pep-oall is allowed hsr in each
one until sbe returns to B-unswick,
where her weloome is always waruust
and her talents and usefulness is most
Miss Bertha Baker leaves next Mon
day for Douglas, where she will spend
some weeks wtth her .brother, Mr.
•C’leon Baker.
Mrs. K. 1,. Branham and children
left on M mday night for their home
In Macon, to the regret of many
friends hare.
Miss Mud Hooder.pyle leaves next
week for M.lledgeviile, where she will
| attend the Industrial school.
Miss Katie O’Connor is spending a
month in Madison at the Hotel Tur
oi 11.
Miss Ruby Dart is receiving many
attentions, the gueat of relatives in
Laftyette, Als.
Mrs. J. A. Butts, one of Brunswick’s
most brilliant literary light?, leaves
today via the Mallory line for New
Y ork, whither sbe goes to place in the
bands of her publishers her latest lit
erary work entitled “Mothers of Dii
tinguisbed Georgians.” This book,
which has been prepored at an im
mense outlay of time and money,
promises to be of great interest and
value to Georgians, it being a compila
tion of short biographies of noble
women, some of fbem written by the
“distinguished Georgians themselves,
and some by Mr*. Butts in her own
bright, crisp style. These aregrogped
interestingly with photographs of the
gentle “mothers.!’ The book is of ea
pecial interest to Brnnavviokjans, who
fegl a pride in the oaleot and ingenui
ty of the oompiler and appreciate her
originality in devising such a work.
Mrs, Butts is noted in her literary
work for unusual broad-mindedness
of opinion, coupled with a tolerance'
of customs both social and religioqt.
While progressive, she ba* no desire
to be a “reformer” in any sense of the
word, and her popularity with all
classes ie well deserved.
Many Brunswick people who re
tnembsr Mrs. M. B Holland will be
ioteresled to learn tbat she and her
daughter, Mlsa Holland, are looated
in a lovely home on Auburn avenue,
in Atlanta
, . r
Mrs, Moses Hireeb, of Attaiffa, is
visiting her mat bet; Mrs*. J. Hoffooan.
Mr. and leave shortly for
Texas, where tbejrwill reside itNfcbe
% .
Cards have bgan receive J*liere ftcta
Dr, 4,. G. timber, ireirretnembered as
.the “Todian 1) jotoi*,” announcing the
tnarrialy of bis daughter, Mies Kliz*.
\o Mr. Jennings I tort*
Mot.cod, on Bept_.fl. at the Q|iristia
bburob in South Pittsburg, Perm. The''
youn({ many friends here who
wish her much hjppinefs.
Miee I,'ilie Bu.tfs is much improveo
from an attack Of malarial fever.
■Sr .
Miss Annie O’Connor has returned
from g 'trip to Atlanta and Labkout
Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Hitch are at the
Bonaire hotel on Peachtree street in
Mrs. li. W, Coats- Sod daughter,
Miss Rosa, Who-have been spending
the Summer in Qbodarsonvllle, N. C.,
le’t tbat piaec Newt York, where
they wjfijL spaed some time before re
turning home.
Mrs, A. J. and daughter,
MltsMary left Wednesday for
New York, where they will spend
some time. ‘
The worries of isek ami sick mother are
only begun with the birth of her chile. By
'l#y.her work 1- '(j 'XiknUy Interrupted and at
'night Her rust in I rokwi' by the wailing of th
peevish, puny Intent. In. Pierce** Favorite
Prescription tliiakes weak women strong and
’idck.tfeoien well. It lightens all the hardens
of maternity, giving to mother* strength and
vigor, which they import to their children.
In over thirty year* of practice Dr. Fierce and
hi* associate staff of nearly a score of physi
cians have treated and cored more than half a
million angering women. Hick women arc in
vited to consult Dr. Pierce - by teller free of
charge. All correspondence I* h rictly private.
Address Hr. It. V. Pierce. Invalids' lloteiand
Surgical Institute, Buffalo.
Advertisements are read at all times
without regard to whether the business
season be dull or active. Therefore the
bueine.s man who advertises when busi
aese is quiet is bound to be remembered
by the purchasing public when commer
cial activity becomes greater. Whoso
ever among merchants can keep himself
In public mind will enjoy the greatest
amount of custom.
For Backache use
troldtbvraite & Hon, Troy , Ain., wrote:
TKnuiKA*# cptedy ouro*f of Hires and erup
ionft upon the kin hnv<* been rerourlable.
Be&ri tu sf The Ki&d You Have Aiwa/s Bought
The following valuable building lo’e,
charmingly situated the resident
portion of the city, are for sate on easy
135x180, on luion afreet, running
back to Reynolds street. This piece
of property can be divided into six
lote, 45x90 each, ttiee fronting 00
Union and throe on Reynolds streets,
and is situated Immediately north if
the residence of Mr. Glauber Lot on
the east side of Union street, opposite!
the residence of Mr. John H. McCul
lough, 90x180 feet, can be divided in’o
four|lots|4sx9o; two fronting nn Union
and two on Ellis streets. Lots 180x180
feet, cornering on Albany, Albemarle
and Amberst Btreete,.oan be divided
into"eight lots, 45x90 feet each. Alio
lota.on Gloucester street, between Al
•ogN* • *jGT y
oany and Amherst streets, and lots on
AUrtny, between Gloucester and F
streets; anti On Amberst street, be
-’flu. I*. ■ **' MB#* , l . .
tweeti Gloucester aud F streets. To
anyone wishing desirable building
lote, either far their own residence or
i for mt,-6a,nnt)t*fail r to be satisfied with
these loo|pdns. Kpr further Informa
tip ippl'y to
<£ ’ iE. nuBIoNON.
Kissemmee, Ga., Jane IS, lsfls Mo
lAlan’s Strongtenlng Cordial and Blood Portlier
is the boat medicine of its kind made. 1 have
used it and know it to he good. C. I’. Me Dan -
Jrl. For sale b} IV. J. Butts, the druggtßt. !
Ki na Kl-nn, tu Tasteless Quininft Tonic,
fcqrcs chills andievor- 95e n bottle.
C- M, Tilton haa closed bis store
at the St . Simon rnicr and returned to
the city.
i A.QUICK cure for
\ valuable Remedy in all
affections of .the
, Large Bui lien, 5:5 e.
! mv,s * 1 ■ WhEXU, (A, limited, :
, Props of Per. y J-a-e.iCih,. '
w’SHf*£.-tv" ‘-x-~ iT'; ■ -• • >.yj
Dried Smokeless Boneless
Herring and ajquickly fried
egg make a most acceptable
‘hot weather’’ breakfnst
pleasing to cook, pleasino
to appetite. 1 have the
Herring, the real “Katzen
dammei’' kind, with tiue
dyed-iasthe wool flavoring,
the kind which wakes up
the jaded appetite. Jt is
absolutely bonelesa and- in
thin strips about 5 inches
long and half inch wide.
A jar will make a meal .
Packed in glass jars. Try
ajar now—just the season
for them.
Phone 11.
312 Newcastle Street.
(■KOKOIX—Oiynn Cor.nty.
Wi urea*. Ella ,I. Jennings, administratrix of
(-serge W. Calvin estate, re present* to the
court In her petition, dhly filed and entered on
record, that she has fully administered Ceorge
W. Calvm’s entato. This is, therefore, to c.ti
all persons concerned, kindred cud creditors,
to show cause, if any they csn. why -uid ad
ministratrix should not he discharged from'
administration, and receive letters of diemis-,
•ion on the first Monday in December, liioo.
HOKACE DA UT, Ordinary.
Notice ie hereby given (hat the Merchants’ i
Produce Company, a firm compiled of L. Lnd • I
wig and C. >1 PlrtUlpH, is thlsdey ditaolred by 1
mutual consent. L. Ludwig will continue the I
business, stumming nil liabilities and collection
ail accounts due the late firm.
Brunswick, Oa., Aog. Hi, 100.
Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chainless Bicycle,
Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle.
Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle- This is
something nice. Try one—buy one!
sls OO tO $20.00
\\ .1 buy a good Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle, at the
*&M - a m
A clearance sa'e to make room for new goods.
I Parlor Suit, fi pieces, worth S4O, now $29. __
1 Oak Refrigerator, worth S2O, now sls.
Room Su 'te, 3 piece?, worth $25, trow $lB
Bed Lounges, worlh SIG, now sl2. .Jai
, Centre Tables 59 oeuts to SO.
Ice Cream Freeaers worth $2 .50 at $1.98.
A large assorl nent of Sideboards, Cupboards ■£- U'
and Chairs. . ill'
' Prices Below the Market. PsaM
Jii cz> eg: fr
Of Stone. Brick #9r Frame Buildings
Manulacturnrs of CcliiensL Tllo and.'Artificial Stone.
EVERY BARREL SELECTEO has stood our quality test. Failure to come
up to ibe required standard means failure to form part of our stock of Wines and
Liquors. Only that which is good value for money is offered.
F=?_ \S . DOUGLAS,
206 Bav Street*
When Cmlescing I#”
Use sny of If' brand* or WIVES AM >Jp Ai* j
I-IQUoItS and nature will be greatly 1 t .
MhiHted in work of rpcopoiation. r-'J:* ’ \
My goods arc of excellent quality, and H \jM-t
tiave been boltlcd mid matured under \
our immediftte superyisioo, J£*oh SE&'&yf* 1 -iS
brand has been g' lected becftue of sotiio i
pedal merit. Find out which suHfls " t ,
Bsy Slrevt, Brunawicli, l,a. 1,1 f —'-Y_