Newspaper Page Text
| Typhoid Fever Eiperience
!Is not des : rsd in yenr own per
‘ son. A Doctor’st}bsc>rvatio.n
Is Yaioabla to Ail.
I*- Head \\ 1 i :i t on. s:ya about
tJoSio’s Olhii h FersT. foiiie
K. . t b Aehad a of
• • . ;.• t*n*>s> TT
r -***&!<& rVjrr. borne pullouts dleTj
>- ' fi -wnpt \ .'TV. iUcr.Mx nr
r, \ve**cs. -AfU-r t ryUm fetf Filar r<urt
t '-‘.“{W >••&•<, !
r. hy*r-Kttifrpvycr leftie,. *tj no >;.*
Ittwi l* , t*vea* jfivej*. ;r- ;-i
r# f tviivu’fever e-. • I
r-1 <U4I .’Aam. V- • s
P>rci<-unKi i^j.ssy '
! Ifa’se r^OHMSv'7VN;G, at
RtjwW first symptom, and
; KE b P WtL L.
pA; EL tMranjcau, Savannah, Ga,
[ . -
; Ooe Ftpaiar Week J'
fill M
. XVe;vi
’ Saiut iay. ,
Leaders in Modern Repertoire.
' ■Ppsuialties wili t>e iutroduced
between the acts i>y
The greatest acr..batic comedian n
the American itago
Otielso D, Peruchi
£' —AND—
The Great Child Artist.
Prices only 10,20, 30c.
3021 Newcastle St.
:.:. lit is
S toea Fresh Ererr Sir, Kill! Shake
Soda Water Sto,.
All Kindi of,Candy.
Pleasant to the taste.
Effective, reliable.
Eliminates uric acid. The best
remedy for Rheumatism and
diseases of the Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys.
$1 a Bottle, at druggist*.
ft, 10.*. WO
\V ‘ RI'TTS, The'Drugtfist. l
Contractor and Builder,
■ llit South StonewaU Street.
Brunswick, - Georgia.
AUeuNJIYot E*k-, * poYdfr. If ru’ r paiuftUi
smartiny, I P-TOUB feet a/;-i natit.nofi
initunUr rata* Un; Mingov* .;f m I.- and it, u
loriu t’* o>t %rvh <*t eon.frrt M - veij -ftm.
ak© Alien-- ' u‘. w a.. oi . >v
(boet leei t t-p. It le- h C4JI tU!Ji f :T; lor SV,'.-at*
log, cßilotib mi V>i. tired, acbiug leet. Try it
to lay. hold by all drnggiars and shoe Mores.
By me.l3 tor 2c in atainte, Tri 1 iaok m Free,
jlrl.jrfm* aHi n K. Qlmaf’Mfl. I*o Hoy. N, I. ~ ***s6
'make laws
Georgia legislature Con
venes Tomorrow
■Quite a Large Number of
Local Bills to be
At 1 • o: ", rorr .• nil jr
1 tba G.£~rgts I ! i.i-re will mt,nd
this. iM fjwj !u be one cf (Ur mostiw-
S seralon* >v- r Ust.L Kaprerint
I %",ti be cp h&wd at Hie
'i fCsl iji? second toi mof our
■ repi;eeßt'i>iVii ftini t;e dLaubtless will
feel at home . Mr. Sy moils will bsVe
a number of local bills to got through,
and every one of them are good cues.
„Th*ejrfl! also be a number of State
bills. Tue old. time-worn tc-mperauoe
moaeure will, of course, come up again,
but i’ baa ioat trirrda since the last,
session, siul it will make a poor
showing. Boll) Senator r,.church acd
Representative Symons are in f&vorof
local oplioc, and Slieir voles aod inllu
snee will go against this proposed
The Timcs-Cali. hss engaged the
services of a correspondent to report
and Bruns
wiekians will g-'f the news while it is
] It Is exaspemliag to ina who Knows Foley's
| Uouvy ami Tar, and knows what it will <lo, to
have a dealer recommend ,soirg|Uiig else us
“just the same,” or “Just as good'’ for colds,
coughs, oroup, la grippe, etc. W. J. llutts.
For Backache use
This Is the season when mothers are
aliyroed on account of croup. It ie
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Cure, which children like to take. W,
J. Butts.
Mr. H. F . Hoffman, press agent of
Gentry’s show, is one of the cleverest
ften on the road.. Mr, Hotftnau is an
old newspaper man and baa done 6er
vice on some of the largest papers in
the country.
The Quakers Are
Honest People.
tThe Quaker Iterb Ton
ic is not only a blood
purifier, but a Blood
ui a k er for Pule, Weak
and Debilitated people
wbo have cot strength
nor blood. It acts as a
tonic, it regulates di
gestion, cures dyspepsia
and lendf strength and
; --• ■ tone to the nervous sys
i tern, lis a medicine for weak
It is a purely vegetable medicine, and
!- : *n be taken by the most delicate.
K.dney di-ease, Rheumati-m and all
i.seases of the tiiooc Stoßfaeh arid
Vsrves soon socrui* b to its wonderful
i effect on the human system. Tbous
“.ud, of people in Cieorgia iecomnn-nd.
i it. Price fli 00
leine that the Quaker Doctor made nil
of his quick cures with. It’s anew and
wonderful medi.-ine for Neuralgia,
. Toothache. Backache, Rheumatism,
■Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in tact, a'-’-
pain ran be relieved bv it,. Price i.ic
snd itrOc.
a medics ted soap for the skin, scaip
nd complexion. Price 1 Or; a cake.
vegetable ointment for the cure of
-■er, i zertia and eruptions ot We.
• a. Price J(>c a box
•.'!< SALE Jit 1 * t'RUOOTSTS
f- A DILLINGHAM, Proprietor,
Polhill s Drusz Store
If All Right the Oyster Factory Goes
Into New Hands at One?. ■
The a torneys who have been engag
'd in t s'ao In'.ijg the oyster factory
'i'les are nearly through wi'h the,
' orb and it is prohabl.i that ibe new
owner w )1 hsv<* tto property within?
the uCxt few days. -i
Applet a'ing thi fa t tint the 9'asoij.
for cannii ;■ o.v s - e:s ia.vpcn him and
every day de’ayt and, menus a-1 > a,-'Sir,.
Tatum, too pu:chaser, wtli bihiti
t'lry :j si it- -~, 'u . s is'
pog:i',i ; . ein,.and willTfhish iiso.astor
rot t.i rcneoj(t work tb:-' tpaaori
- Ill; to ho hot; I.that thCrc.w.U;. b
oo dtPry as all hi'e-iynuous to.are
lively, out t.bcro agdiif.
A Min-.wrfj Good Vfwk. ''
- - ' ie ■■ ;> • < ,0i ns co'-fv. >:i iu
l.otUe t.i ChanOirriali’ s chjlfc, Chotsgh tuid
t>l.'vrrtuii^fTtei,iei!f > toolrtv. ■> ,Io? o tvas ii.o
tilth}- furtd,’’ says llov. A, A. Powyr, ej khjtp.-.
Via, Kiiri “ily nei;4tit)f ur-rdiiV Uiurtioct was
slek for ovin a week, had -tn-o i.j tut cw n,
iiiedifike tom n-.o doctor. Ho u,£d tlv;wn fur
three or four days without rebel, lift nsitUod ia'
snothur do"i.,r who ttf 'id him foe su'.ne't’.ays
and nave him uorj'.i 4 , so diaubwi-god him. I
weut over to see hiiaiheiiexf mtod/e. lie
said hisfuiv,ids vrorc in aferv.lile.iv. fhat ttisv
laid beta runnUig OS' so fitng t hat ii wsu, aliucat
tdopdyflox. 1 acted him If he had , ritd Cham
ketltdn'a Colle, Cholera apd IMm-rhiva Keniod.w
amt ho said, 'No.’ t went hOM! aud luxuijilit
him my bottle and.gave turn one dose; told fltm ,
to take -inother dose iu dfieeu or twenty o,lu-'
Utosit be did not find reltsf, but lie took it ),
more, and,.has entirety <yn<t , X think; o, tbs
' twst mt-'Uef • 1 have ever tried.'.' ft* laity
Or. Bishop's drug store.
Grarnl Afillinery opening next !’,ies-'
<tay and AVednt-iilvy, Oetaber 2d aa<l
31 at Sfi k,ate Sitter’s.
It Heals the Lungs.
When sUTero g fiouj an i ; ,ep coi.gli takb.'
diet, uf •bJsj-’sJiiJiwy A<l 'J'bc . urei.jjssj
tviHXie reliwedstuid a ) arm, yralcful u-tiingi
andlieuttugor util he. e*pSd
Tieneod. Take hoMOi-aiturn. 'V. ,7. tjrtrs.
Money loaned
property amT'real csTa^e. f
ply to J. W- Wat Kins. -- j
I)r. W. 11. Lewis,"Lawreucevire,
Va„ writes: “X am using Kcdol Dys
pepsia Cure in my practice amongse
vere esses of inijigesMon, and find it
an admirabla/rentedy.' 1 Many hun
dreds of depend upon the
nee of Cure in stom
ach troubles.. It dlgosts what you eat.
and allows you to eat ad the gojgl food
you need, providing you do not over
load your stomach. Gives instant re
lief and a permanent cure. W. J.
Second hand household
furniture bought and sold,
also pianos,
mirrors, carpets, etciF.T. W,
... ttUfUTACTUaEB BY ...
For Diabetes use
iisi of mm foiffis
City of BrunswlcK for Year :y f W.
A, F i) A.iielJ Li it
A mun, W <_ Adam if.
Atk Uitfuc, It L
IF w#o, E &7u\\ ii J A
Mu'lL Mi to v, . r< ,. v , *, i
1‘ *J‘ mlud, A t ntll D u lord , I> A
Bf iutloy. W G
Hi van, W W H i J>. i* ij
* Bral' ytlVl '
‘ lOi - )f‘l. Jr :■ li{* Coti’jcij. Ilpi,
UoiJi, Clark. T o Hr
Cd -:d)vKd J VV
Uollro , J W Cox, vrn
Wiiliftin Doeiftingof, W 7
D ; t. •) E Davli*. ‘Da‘ iii
J K I>oeHimgvr, V J
Dotjjfling#!-, V Jo If tf i-,L a
J Daniel, Slv-€3 lavi-,, John Reugtpo
i Do iitifU'jb, 11 1 Dai t, John b
I lan;els, B H Ixuulag. C VV
, Dempster, W t lUmUKm, Albert
“tve have :c- children. - Before the
OirtUcf fie* i uc my wife used four Dot- j
ties of J.v. ’ l HIi.ST). I!you had the
1 pictures i '< drcii, you could see al
a glance Us.. . c last one
-LvhealUiiest,. icstend
flSesl-UrakL them all* fec'w- •
My wife ttl Mother’s
1-ntnA Is hv ' hast
and gran t .'“A
rentedy in ',c ;-,jflaiEL4
•world for e - :.
'il- ch- * .‘stf ::ia x :.::r4.riuT'c? 7 '
t:;ewder,,’fccause this refax
toy, pc ctiaflfis* hftlnJcat Aifevcs the]
ii ;u.;l d'suess. A r good -ncftired mother 1
is pi liy-sufe iuh.'Vc i geod-nutured child.
,The paiiCHt is .kept in a strong, healthy
coudiiK'R, which-' the child also iuhetiis.,
Mother's r- 1 iCtlvl ii h.: ;s a wife tln cu&h the
ctisis. quickly ani nlnwst II
in hen rapid recovery, and wards
off the ttint $o cfleu follow d;-
liveryy: ' ‘V u
Sc!(LF: Uiugctflta tor $1 u I otile.
Gctftil f-.>r oar fvvc LlusirntOfl book v?rit,te
y Col ©Jtjiootanc mo-.hvn*.
Dwii", L’losLin. !>.i j B' •_
•K/fiffnopl, N FlPAort, i, h.l; iea,
i“rttttVo-'V 1”, Tiio-N
■ r
jriwr I; L FMjnde- vT VV
F’fthm. TANARUS \ % Ft. ler, 1 D
Fi < ‘ i (>i
L-'rli i t. • r -Vii-tfil
TG’iiiikL'i V L Floyd, C W
;p: 0.0.0, A Gout i. ft*.
IjPjJbrtfit I, (. Go-.xil.r- :,d., S T
>•: 0• vv (• • ■ ,u- ( yJr
, dd'-iittith, L
)Hp|fLt:’ ] c (.. (:
Gi <f|n, .7 i, uootlyeur. C 1‘ Sr
Uorto' •) di Goetog, II B
Gill- Kober'.
A . H
Holmes W H Harrell, M VV
ik’UJ’iv, Tu ts H Ifodisefc, M A
Ji&iiiflx. Iff 1 ton, U K
H''-iTne#*, Den jpsc.y Heldt, J 0
Vi m :<’a ay, s J Hai ■ j t*, J w
;j<mnig=, ,1 A IT J;Ujtie*, A D
.luhngoo, Ovvt i) .Tuques', G F
Jobnaon, <D;o Jaque j , J L
Joeriger, F Joanwon, VVm
Keller, D L Krauna, D VV
Knudsen. Peter Kelt, Butler
Loback, Will Lott, J J
Larsen, A Lang. VV L
Laracn, O A Lornm. Leo
],eyy,AlT Lamb, T L
Tyfavy, L J Jr Leviaon, Slff
Munly.EßT Masoit, E H
Mad do a. CU Maaon, JR
Manor, J K B Metta, R L
Merchant, Willie Matthews, VV H
MoiTifltld, G H
McKenzie, W-M McCaaki 11,^1
Mclntyre, Solomon Mev’aulort^c.'t?
Nixo’i, LT
Orr, G J ON,onnor; Tolu at*
Oihacm, L D
Fat; til mat , B A Pitch r, Geo I.
Pfltfr, I 15 Uotnaru, A V
Potter, W A Purcell, i: a
Pray or, Joa
Boa?, H J liaifo.JS
Itv-' 1 ,' A Randolph, fl B
Kich-tnKyn, G W Roba; *.' L L
liohiD'-xui, L T Unwell, $ h '
>tn'( i. :u;A U xSt/fiuer, < A
Hy * o ’V t' , Sbooppol, W A
Stf i' Kl.uHi. J J Art v. yer, It M
Sou ) . Peter Sctfrl. P A
Stf.rt,Uhtif? SLniuons, Lewis
*te c *ii o: llftin y SOflitratf!, JM.
Tborfl a , ,J \Y TaylnY, C H.
Taylor, 'S' J Tray lot. A <i
T'.o. i.-, . T.i- l-t, \VG
Ter.ttjjv A ’imy \ J T liner. F A
W - law, J W V .tie. V/W
VVTipi w L V Wy'iy, C f>
r, VV y J W
Wade,Mil \veuz, a . c
Wilfhar, JiUTe W.i'.ulH’f ly, fj U
w igicine, nuclei VVMtbeW, ii
AVeiftf , L
Y .■
f Vou|f,(^
w -c.
GiloßGiA. Glyiui County’.
VVill bv sold'before th*o coufthou.-ve door in
paid county, ou the first Tuesday in XoveuiVier,
’v-00. the Kamo the Oth day thereof, within
the hours o! .sale to Hie highest bidder for
aah, the following property to-vtit : One roller
■op desk, sis Q) Dak mautels, three (:.) incite
hve (SVritual) toinb iione.-t, one Vl
ler iron |Mo* * lj€vied oft as the property of the
Tvler.ifapt.-Ktied i£. T,nMauee, to saJisly an exc
i’i:tlo; iwtu.'f^li.lit the rt.urt "! Pvur 1-
wh:h, e"nniy, ;r. till' olAreh ierui, l.Vjil,
Sn fftvfli of Swindler & Falconer for. tIU‘C:O hun
dred -w ! eighty-one ‘ioliars amp- four. e<*iua
inteiv..d thbri-on from
December U t ,Js-hi. at h per -tH;- per annum
until puWiuvd-nH-engt.*.- l.evy. iuade and rc
turned lo me by !■ K. T- \ . p;u v Phri iiT,
Also it? t\m and place, th*
roiL’-u inv prppori .. > it: Th feer
tanutol. t. n. t t*rp.iror*l < -f . 1. '; rtr*. Ijrfnof
ski'd belt; - ; ,t. CO • ,ty Brrn.- e'i.c. .miii.ii ~j
Gtyiu> s ktino Goorg:a. aci known au. de^
k \n'< IH.A J) ii ,<* ,J. | rii\ 1 : id. k i m
UIC .. A.' " * ■ ,VY ; .h
(Jlfl t o'.vr. : ' ’.. I;l'.j ,>j, ... in..
!*• P. , p w ■ .1 ■<■ fiuwr under nd
fewto' ' ; isifofl bvBS. .T.Kfl.icU
! an I co’infy taxes due fov
jO’ir J* *,i • of tax v itb infer-
afkc msdo ttnd returned to
|HLa, too Hiw.iv ttnxe ami pla**t\.
s 'A. \ 1 1 .)
|B ■ ■■*•: *
; I fT ; v . a.-
;• .-Jme. • at* :
m..4XOP* g.l ' .
Hut ..Gordon
■■PE’.’ts. i.L'Vn and (1 ; ni... y
I v bwni : .>,■ II , %., N , (; v
. >v; ■I: tV .. .1 wrr:%
! i.m uied- nud i. • , u-> ■ me <*r I'Vh
ncpivy f..bun’f'.- -a * • .- '.• * " ’
Alat tile -0 .< Hum asi'fiyVtmfK-. Uu
" T7;!S. ;
' UIW- or; :;, .IHd . . . <t pa. oK%‘b
i)et h inland, c*>Qkaln(ti<r two liuuctved (i f‘) acros
tvioi c or iess,. Louud. i dhtiio irorth by lands.
<t the houtli ytru a.xwhik. Kmiu a v Co*,, on' tlu*
woSi try 1’ ,‘iitcy I?!iJl‘ oi\s3k, on tho - " south and
■ asf b| lands of t’u Hruuswiek Dock Go. Lev
b'd <m xm the property of Lrunnwrck Dock
Go. umler and by vfrloe i a;' execution Issued
by 11 . T. I), uoHf’cd<>r,i' r. t ito and ootuttf
taxes due tor tho year 1 ■ -.t. • oonucol lux ouc
humixetl amt twmif-Uu a- lliis ,fi2 v) with
interest aotl al! co^t - .-. Levy made and ivturn-
M tv* mo oy R. pyb . deputy ehetiij.
rtneritrGlynn CVuuly,Ga.
.U.E(i L-’TR AT:4-0X NOTROH.
Oftlee.City OUm k, BFutiswicJc. Ga., Oot. 1,1000.
)u accord <■ with Sectlofi X "o.£ the . ameudod
cbttr'er <-itv of l> rune wick, him rovod
November C'-, l-SR'A 1 will ou iho first Monday iu
October, P.H'O, at iu a. m., open the books for the
round ration (>i the qualiliotl (to bo q u alt lied to
regiiitei’ all 'State, County apd City Taxes must
ho uau!) yoter.s of the city of Brunswick, (_>a ,
and keep the same open until the first Monday
in November, m 0. L. U. BODKT, Clerk.
<; K.O R tI A~ < i lynn County.
To whoui it may coucern: A. C. stiannon
having m proper form applied to me for per*
uianeut letters of-luUoimKLratiou upon the <*s
uiteof D. F. bleeper, of said * oiinty, deceased,
tuis is to cite the cretlitors anti next of kin of
ii 1 docoascd to l e aiul appear- at- toy office
within the time required, hy lav.’ ana .show
(V’use, .i aiiy, why permanent letters should not
granted to the applicant aft nrayed for.
Tv Itnc-s my official xi urtnro till* 11th of,Octo
ber, moo. - Mon ACE. D AUT, orditia.-y, v -
(i KOUGI A—Glynn County.
Lortma Ttuner, wife of Alfred Turner, has
applied Tor exemption of nersMiuUtv undsMti
ing apart aml vahmt a of homestead out of
his pioperty and I will dsf.i upon the sauie at
b‘ o clock a. iu M on the z2ml day of October,ihoi),
at toy ortlee. This .St-ntember 29th, 1900.
Ordinary Glynn County, Ga.
State of Georgia—Comity of Glynn.
Mrs. Edna Wylie I Libel for diyoree; in thft
superior court of -Glynn
vs. (county, May term. 1900,
| order to perfect seryic*,
James Wylie. | granted at *a,d term.
To the Defend art, Jamt.* Wylie.
You are hereby inquired, m person or by at - ■
torney, to bound appear at the Docemher
term, 1900, of Glynn Superior com t. to tie Jiold
en in and for said county, at the court home,
in Brnuswicltj Glynn county, Georgia, on the
first Monday in December, 1900. and you will
tie there by ten (10) o’clock of the forenoon of
vatd day, tnen and there to amwor the com
plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the
above stated cape, in her libel for 'Hvorco.
Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Benefit,
Judge of the Sin enor cohit of -Glvup county,
this theJUtb da> of August, 1909..
Deputy clei k of the Court-, Glynn
county. Georgia.
Attorney for Plaintiff." '
GEORGIA—Gfvon Countv
By virtu# of ao order of the Coun of Ordi
riarv of Baut cCmnty, 1 will gel l b t rnilfiiij ouiery
on lh* firt Tuu.ri'lay in November, 1900. at tbe
court hougp in raid uonntv, wnbiu the legal
hiiurs of sale, the following <loserbftil ln< s, tho
property of tbe e.siate of Bridget Minehan, and
- situute in the City ol ilrauusww h, in
said Htate and county, to wit: Lois number#,
twebe hundred and thirty sqvou (12317). twelve
hundred and thirty oighi (J 2), tw'eive nuudvod
and thirty-nine (1239), twelve / undred and
forty (1240 j, alx hundred and forty-Gvo (042#
and ) hix hundred and foft.v-three (043), reapoc
lively, Hu i' i* r i 1 tot.s l*ftifig in th t| a: t.o of
aid city < uiiD-nly called “New Town,* and
deKignutul uticM tne map of the plau fssid
City uh rti;v by Geo. R,Baldwin. rv* y *r, A.
D. 1837, and ' iht addHion thereto, by tbe nnni
ersfibovi't! edbed, ana to wltieh nm m.d lo
iht* ordorot Sciid coart of oidiiifuy Hfpi u-aid,
n-iforer’ e i made for all piupOaca "f dt dip
ADo, thi* miexpii -d leasehold i-u-ro.* in
arc tf* f h> . ill v I >, i,t# o imjiul..,oi l .it
uftto in flic ciiy of Bt une-WMik-. and n- li purl
t hereof eoioiu</i u'U' qiii on >’ i .
wits Thai portion uf lot ;iuuH*er s< v* .>v five
7v) '/routing t’oit-. -In feet ut. i.limivL .n t
aid ninety (r 0) feet no J in ot, i < *d* ii
tLft ■! • iii t*\)di ing UjiOii March !l*0.: I
bet me.hundred and thirty-five (13 .. i
i.• j Wolfe ’t. ■at id uorl h iy 'bd • . (n
buicclt c I 'dud. till 1 1\ iu r,. ami -/ron
u; •.i A cany ami *• e.- r'b j. ~i / yot
r.iri i V !)• .eel il- '. it ortdll ’‘t'-nd -t Nil *' 0- H
of tinoni and iud%), i.iv (ift 1 f few*
AiIL ■•. pi.iGd'/ 4st. iQ,LbUdj:r c* oh o.’fid
aiul Ctrl, udir ijiy I- iin*ie ? ; ik i ' .v : .v
at reel, j utb o tot number <r c bu. and.. and n
tlli. t . ii V•• < -LsC tent '> Wolf* dlv
# ;rin b i.ol ifTnih r b-iii n- . i it
ti.JVC ftlwlthc rf>>>i|• *. f : ;w!‘f‘oo f ae’<*
hit .. UUi I. . ill • h lit) FH;J Ii); 'l'l (
t-M fremDli lwet.|y iii o t Sr. t ~ ~,
Albaffv -Mid id; HO'. J-ill :lf'(9 1 h‘C' ; •dj
d’ft,*’ ’!•• I -*;l ''h dii t'pl, tl't. -I’f’i . .) 11,.
4M-: -• ' ■*s H-. utbc- 1 carl, Hull* iMiid
Towi L '■ efi> hit ft.} ,1 t ( a:, i, f .
Vi ■ tfcT* '!■. 0 Ut* m 1 <■ On
0 u*'<Jyh • '-(Xngli .< j i,*) own
t ditnv !r Ibn it) coy iJ nio in me of ■.)>
b|,4d< • ’ •IKej'Ko; ']. ci. Ikne c*
T tuft • * ...or !<(*-!, \ <)
Adi’dmir: m! r t. t •-tc. UlMg' t .aim,'
' NO'H OF. TO TA X 1? \ VJtR.S.
Fof t'P'/V'T frf efldectin r 'be dif >• ;fi.
Ootifr'.y Ti.\ lo<- 19' •. ’nil . <U
iii ,d’t . -,'j. * : .un and, Cd lt;
V' Dp .O. l, Si. S< *V. (9 olid I'ee. H,
2f Djsl. o. i Siu,, Nov JJonndDve* 4
135(1, Oe ..ou D'. 3
I*o9 Dial. OfiC. 21, N<. v, Ji •ui Dec. 7
20 Digt. Oo;, 23,:. . 31, N is. 23,21 au<? Dee. i
B,'TO, H. 11. „Hk ah, |
T. G. Glynu Cos, 1
Service By Publication. -
STATE M^-iGEonc f A--County of Glynn.
John Uogels. t i luGlyim Court, May
vft. ;} Term, 1900.
s tmi e Rogers; ) 1 TBE TANARUS, B'O R DIA ORCE.
To the Dftfftndaut. StiMe Rogors:
) on i|,ro hereby to be und nppear
ftc the liecemiier r l>nnautxu of Glynn Superior
Court., to Ite at tho court house in
unswick, Glynn County, Georgia- ou the
Fhst Afonday in l><‘cemb<;r, 800, ;ind bv Ten
(10) O’clock of tlio forenoon of *.rdd uatfti;. then
ml tho re to nijsvfer tit*' complaim <4&Uv phiin
rifi ir the alnive stated cuae' in hi.-; Lioel for
Divorce*.. * . '
Witm the llono; Jot-r j h VV. B-. nncD;
Judge, of tlto Sup .riot < \ii\ri of Glytfn Couuty,
tlii.ri i bo littli day of'July. 1 G>.
f G N ON,
Clerk Superto.v ottnty.Ga. - J
GL! jI?Gf A--jf)lynn f.'entity.
M< : ..Usppr.rct - vp. J*iiTerpq,n
‘X N ttonal Bguk ptßriUi's-widlj an ! thcTMav-
Nr aioVC '■ iti.;ircf'thTii’piefr-U.--poth-i'ite for pju
■ion o? realty in Glyiiu Suptvioit court, Do-',
. ia>vni;-or Term t Jcp w>k v ) v ... *
i'o-jlkj DcGunlijof Jefferson Levy:
Ym.t. are herch;. ..otiiied (hat’ lite peti i imiovfi'U
t’ •• a ' datCv'e r a parti
; t!•'!.*. ut that rtiff -i.\ u ft-'- fh- ■ • i ihu t4fe
j of4Steo.rgta,.c,<-ftntyotG!>pfu ; I't' Ki'iijojjj;
;W1 >bOu it* i^llows; t t - NoVfhtcOßfai'n
I norsb’ii. of AV lull i&’kn.u\-u a t and ralica;%6
‘••Tiuriy acxe or **.Hu Wl'.u Tdvuhp
-hiWffUg ’.he fqlhe.y jag urn! <ih,Lance-TiJ*
• w>t; '<.h-qienV**V./ centre of fbo atj’
p.Li‘j:iim >U\", U-i-,d rujuiSng lb--
j -. >i, EOfb tjier.*’o runuluc !
buAtfdly '.'lO iVci; tlieu.’o rtlnuhig x.• ■ Mi-imt
fMHO'fV Ih<’ti ; i .-tc V, tw.u-.ilv
Il Uy tun v.O-m ”• •■(!' i :;ppli“;tt !*u 11 :gr'
[•titioJU (,)f iSiiid land whil •* n-.ulc at tin* ir^c,
bon t ‘.cjoip VV, H< up; it.,
m *ai.: ease.
. 'yttiuis t:i. '. i n-.•.!•:. o i u: !•:. Fc.-Hirtoff.
| : 1 - u'l o-iis l j*-. .;i o lore'v 1
!i r :-i k;\-nU
U.k's.’-k-.-Superior ‘ ‘our-t, Glnn Count v, GiL ;
S r * AIM) SasT \ V ITT V, '
. Petitiooe3'’ri Attorney3.
-■ . ••!'
JohnM,Steele ) Application fo re
JanieHudler,formerly j moVttl.of ;
Janie Siedlo. ! disabilities. £ ,
Notibo is hereby given that ou the fith tiny oi
October, TPOO, the unoomigned filed in the offiw
of t-i'O c?erk of the Suporior court of Giynti
county hr-’ application lor removal of tlu disa
bilities j Cctir g upon him unitor tbs verdict #i*tl
judgment rendered in sa|d court May 2 i, Kioij,
m the! suit of his former wife, Janie St udc.
ugaumt himfor divorce, dud that paid appUcu
inm will be hoard at the term of said
; inning un tin? first Monday in December next,
this October ft, lOuo.
GEORG 1 t —Gljnn County,
To whom it. may concern: if. J. Read having
in proper form applied to mo for permnaohy
letters of ad min nitration on tho estate of
Ueorge Ma|B lliur, late *.f said oounty, this is to
cite all tho cretli tors and next of
km of Goorgo McArthur to be and appear at
my office with iu the time allowed by law ami
show C.U..-C, if any they can, why >oruiauent
administration should not be granted lo it. J
Rmidon George McArthur's batuto. Witness
my luuu! orllcial signature tide 12th day Ttf Oo
tober, 19C0. ii GRACE DART,
citation] *
-Georgia—Giyrrn County.
Mi s. l annie A. Smith haa applied for exemp
tHino poi-sonnlityand Clio setting apart and
valuation pf li°inetcad out of ibo estate of II
. ce^X ,ftto of s bl county aud
fttftt&anid I will pass upon the samo at ton
o ciock a. ra,, on the 22nd day of October, 1900,
ut uiy ofiico in the court house of said county
and .state, J
Ordinary Glynn;<Jounty, Ga.
GEORGIA—GIynn County.
W hereas, Elia J Jennings, administratrix of
George W. Galvin estate, represents to the
court in her petition, duly filod and entered ou
record, that she has fully Goorgo
W. Calvin’s estate. This is, therefore, to cito
ail persons concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if auytheycnn.whysaidad
mrqLsfmtrix should not be discharged from
administration, and receive letters of dismia
gion on the first Monday in December, 1900,
HORACE DART, Ordinary.
Georgia—Glynn County.
Mrs. Mary Mahonej' having made applica
tion for twelve mouths’ auppoit,out of the
estate of Timothy Mahoney, and appraisers
?j ) s§i ntea t 0 befc apart the same having
filed theiHreturn, all persons concerned are
herehr required to ghow cause befoi-® the court
or ordinary of gaid county on the first Monday
in November, 1900, why said application should
not be granted. This ith (lav of November,l9oo.
HORACE Dart, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—GIynn County
U j baiina Dart, of G !ynn county, in said State
has applied to the Ordinary of said county of
Glynn for exemption of peraonalty and sotting
Itpart and valuation of homestead, and I will
past* upon the s tine nt 10 o’clock a. rn. upon the
1.-fth dc-y 'of October, 19(K>, at the court house in
said county of Glynn. This September 22,11)00.
Judge Cf:v Court of lirunKwick and pro hac
vice Ordinary Glynn County, Georgia.
Administrators Notice.
AM person l * Ir.ving claims againat eatale of
J G. Campbell will present them to the under
tdgned, and all owing said estate will nleaso
T-fW their aceouiito to J. J. SPEARS,
' Adna’r. Frtate J, G. Ciunpl^il.
Tim I’d* lie D’km’.*. v notified that a bill will
i< • fie v* M "i” mxt #c3stpn of the le<rirtature
i i< didi jig lb*' .'.ii t'ler of the cUv of Hrutiriwiclt
H* on* wick, Gfl., Sept. 27,1900.
- y of o I'kfia—Comity of Glvun.
■ -pi■ lit ’whip Ucreiitfoi’e exisfcintr. nndOr
*’d- H n tine and .style of Tftylor,G*Hik & Com
\ui' it a.. in Mm saw m.U bu-lnerift, in Lire
in HU ..■ tort* if ej |.n s lumb# , .mil ot herwi.-e,
;a m vwuk, Gm , having served its
H! y a. re*‘d by ali
• i Hid vnitt,:! -iiU'd iciiiber* of raid firm
• kid j> i*‘nerstuu be and the
j ' •* ;* t- Ived by Miiuual coimetit
>b > I,* diets are *D.•.* ckrriad on ii; the said
" pv• y wilt be exfw r be I 'mducteil by the
4 • 7 ‘‘it' c 'e.’iC’i by the S perioreourt
* Gl\, D , -.mjv, Pi with it. ptinciff#l
' b.iM 'q’ii■* , *i,Ga , know a.4 and caliQ.l
L 'l .y i t < .ook < ’ re-" t eopau.v. All debt
ui*,ci i! ■ ~'l ofher p trio dealing with
> '* i' lrim hip* l p,oi and nil pcrabn
•- rt Hi .j in.* i-* iii take notice. ThmOc
i ' 1 mu i. il p. , iiit *,
. W. I T. H Cook.
if i: *• TaMoe. J. H Cos, k.
M'’ H ill l dv A. VY. Cook,
M|>. li . . , s (.: ok. J. w. (O' U
Ai m I M. Calvin.
Th > is Vu r.o'vify id i emicorncd that
tUftrc. v 11 be Introdu .v*l a tii# next e.Hsion of
no rd nejAl h ta’niidy ui icb vKiu a bill to be
critic i Ah to Prohibit .ill I'ersoim trom
rfctldi, Fire i.u un i Bul’utug Wood# Within the
Limits ufGlyim Cou: y m Sam State; to Pre
re i be ivPnn.Hty Therefor, nn l for Other I*ur
pf'se s, This October IJ*OO.
***** VV. A, CLARK.