Newspaper Page Text
” < WORK
_»ery Description
hd nomn eikitid at
Manufacture* Iron and Brae
Caatinga. Mill and Gin Gearing
* I
wl and Machinery. Shafting, rulieva,
Hangrra, Arc . ( ircuiar saw .Mills.
E- Hand and Power Preasra. sane
M illaand Evaporator a.
"*■ “ :i
•* Belting. Packing of al! kind*, In.
apiralore, Injectors, Valaea. Piping. Fitting*, Steam and Water Goafea, Ac.
gf c ar* sow making Portable Steam Engine*. which we sell with an
absolute guarantee m to quality aad workmanship. and at prices that defy
OMapeUUoa. Wanlsoadi Allan and Arne* Engine*. Turbine Water
p Wheel*, Mill ttaMß. BoKiag Cloth, and everything needed about a mill
ar gin.
Call and ere HS or writ* la an before buying.
is AT
I a s 0W3531 a o®
Iff baiirrfartio* f»*»natecd with every pair.
Tb* Ul AciJ Pbr-phnl i» Alitor ha For uar either with
or without «*®ip»aDt, NirvMi hah bmmm ** n hwthh will bm
Ba *tm.
I "iiiih (onin hub.”
BS «i Hat wa superior an aeottm nr rm in Fertihaer Ifcada the
plant thn»‘ma<«it the aeaann hat <h*» »*•* *>wm it I »• dry
waathet Krrwttee ii mwUuaw Awohmii*, Paoapaonc Arid am
I'o **h ta pri*|*er prv»|»wtiox
Eaperialh adapW t« Hnua. and UCdlre land* that do
-* »*»« reqaire mmh A ts» < ito*jwr. rnafrr and better than
ih* hmwriv AtetetWliated tiaan«>*.
>** <*to h r
ORR & HUNTER. Athens Qa
Ami l»r reliable dealer* at rm lead atMueaa.
rt•«««•«« *r
Aalciir’Fe HKAT i»owi:i«.
<XMKM *• tee Ctaagrat ata tea* teal Mt CraAiag Stews* sta H*»gv*
_ AaJiaae C. m m. A*t**aX *®ae«B «•< Wmmmawe.
rfSMWrfbdi ■ iSbAsWSBtoIWC 1 SAB
:1F tarn « • ««MNBk «**« *Wf
BSb ***«» **«*• **—► »*M* ** »
M*m to*
. ,
®lje 2Ul)eiw wtAlg (Cljvoniclc.
lh *“
*S**m*> * WT!?****.,* *■*?--*'*
•». toe to* •* ■* * *‘"*4
jMMMK h*» waw* w **
gTm"to to. -to tow a— *—• *•
«£TCm bam - >*"■»• *• WW
KMr. *.-, IIS /?*»*•« tot. Bp*
*TC^£-~ X£ COTm
a*** •» eaato ■**■** to ma *<m <■*■*!' •
MMMh«H» *» ■***■*.
C. A. SNOW & CO.
T„ ** #
Oht M sw aoe mmm btett whom wtem a
OnaMr Uk« «w wwrta* tbroufti th* Mr.
Mat then eo*4raf> Crom Chet one moteT Mghh
Oat Magta mow wMto doe* a* beommbeorr
* eav * >how bort riom ftw> Ob* oeem.
Um ter at whom th* Mroico poet itoffi
ttew theater*, the ten ym ee tby wtem l
Ttere are bm Me Man when them ateaM to
ate ttey tty gentle ateam, pate aa* ooy.
Ate ttea that tewiy PMte Mat to tearo*
That thou auchtAW not look ten aa rotate
B* who ewan a atraaaa wltt eate.
Ate tatan term *m> Uasaa bate.
■y am fwteva to raw* tern
There tea ptemest itttte charter la the ro
aaan at Amaitaia htetory wfcjrh te worthy
at paruaaj and recaatabrance. Ito toetteota
cnammd aAnarwt a temSnU yean age, on the
tatenoT me teMttfhl Ohio river The chief
hero at th* tote wea thana young army oAeer..
Fifty yean aftarward te bamme the ninth
ITWT tor th* eatabtetaMt at a fovarteaatot
to the wtuternam ucrthwmt at th* Otoe rtvur. t
tetetein teat rtgh* were otterte tor otto to
wtWtil t. AgfFWB jniBXHOM, M On **MIMB|MnCCQC
emtrt et s*w Jaraay ate aitetertow at Gov ’
aroor WUUam Mnacatew. of that alate, jw
rteate t<w Mtewif ate often «_»**>.<*« wee*
of tote la th* riah ate taauufui eowairy aw
th* right tank at th* <Jhto. tat worn tha Great
Ute Ditto Mtate rivera, imthalt«< th* Mto of
JMWiMMF •tUI • iNBMtiNr <4 tamWa* ®t • pißOt
€*Dn*S Üb® RmmS Ob® luwiabb
piatte ototetog the fruitful ntea at a earn i
y Vt* L® CAA***l Ly Ibl® DilAttß. Hdl
tten tovna Ste O MME/WaUbCHI W Ibb®fi>
tag iaoM—B . bat Cwfrtd. fin hni*
Troop* tetaUte fce th* fewtoettan at tta '
MBnkU •Httluß"®, w* Wsdbml <£ Um WBdib
ttetejmeharg* «t r.«a«a Lana, a <ay ate
warmly weiraitoinl by hywm ate the
Ia ' ' < 1 Uk * UHI ■ r *
•■, < • <•. «..•. <■«. * •.> Nt
tawaawl’i or th* apett* at rntt biXt a |
hot ywigaeeht, geveritel Ktedga :
aayttratte by th* mu ttWag btaeU*y«aete
prwtty tore at m* ynng wife <4 earn at th*
aw tten at Barto Bate. Wtea to* toeUmte
iii'ivwai to*toogreMtMateteto at Ito*
etawwwr Th* atarmte tetotate ra*eaM tea
JKpaMmbgtt toy. «rn«w» at tea ateari
xteam m T; «. -r~ PKatem t
Lam nttpte tettw* tan* ram UnomaXami
teA k« part* eatam
Ibmulß fih®®moMß® db®
M«nti Brnf w
*. , ... . . •« ■
era nwvtag watoar ton tameeraatLen, W ayn*
BfNkM* Mb® LuißbiMß In tt» JkrbF®
NMb jbwMSbOßbibß <nt Nb® ImfWnHMN® Ly Idb®
eraa te th* »»*■■ an i /*lMb* <■«»■
Imhbhb ImmA Mb
mm rite* at O|*. Martoma,
Jvttf* »rrara hte eraatea warn
w4hd®®i B®b®bb EbbbdL Bcbt fc® Nhßfi
twaßMwt earn* km tmtey aa eattertetar. I tot
«atnM>» gaa* a* Ute toepmMi «*M* at
«• "eST* U—.-X*
lA* to*; rt.-rt.tow K
earn** J**y»
• ’
toad eart Mart am. aa earn* tor
■ ... •■ ■ , , ■ . v. .
taam iiwiiiWt M»to am* tag ■ mW art
toe **pay*rmm*i «M*Med ta mi a*
JTSaTammi* *ta* tow M
ta> • « T <i» *ST
ema* Itartb Raab o* • **tT aamtag
•» j*br* Tbs hm» mm* •*»«*
•>. ■ -*h<mlM* Man
; I* ta tomW* «mb • mtMMta. »»
o «b» iimmmi M fa*y myim*. •*•
... , o -
:*•««•*> Tta* emb a* tort* atoarte la
Itare VaahtafaMk mA MWW am* to*
Mrarw* 4 ** pmrtMp »m> team
A to* MM«a dapant UMS -"tot* tamam
m* M»a*W ■■ *
I* «mT*«R» bpMm
tto* * mmM at tai WaMaapn*
■ta* m*art Mi Md— mt * •»eapm*
Bataa* •**"’■’’T"
•w to. M. I mMßaert yes tarn aaaatal
I tarn*
. > T** , *» iinnn ■iiiiaa»>Mtat.
•to******* ***** ****** •*
Tw ya*M *Mav *m aM**l I* m
MW •** • «■* «m**mW **»•■•
| VFFMMB 081 O* <Mk *QOMhNM*t
ta*a» WaaM* M* W aMa*a «■*■*■*
. aa* )M*aar «m* «a» ma mm**.
MaNMM. l « > b>Mk M aiSTwn 'll HMM
' •MMMTa?«* **»
BMMI I*m * WwH HHNMb * Hl WWr
<MB- 'MSw 4MCK *ilt IB
mry or me aorniweet «m«ry. ajr» a
late apot at tha foot of gratia billa, about
three hundred yards from the Ohio rinr,
Jud<c Hymmto built a eornroodioin bouse for
the young couple, one end at which waaa log
csdnn. ciapijoantei over. Thia waa their
tame dsraUian place during tta ataxnt half
century at ttetr happy marrite Ufa Therein
their cMldna ata wane at tteir gratayliil
dten were bom la thia modest, two atoned
bouse Gen. Beu junta Harriacn, the praident
of oar npabiic, first mw the hgbt of mun
dane life, tn August, IHBS.
Judge Bymmaa. wta died to 1834, lived to
be proud of Lto oobte son-in-law. wta entared
the national congnm, four yuan after hte
marriage, ac the first rtprera tativ a ttanta
of the raat Morthwaat territory. Ha was
made the first governor of the territory of
Indiana: gained renown in rtroggtea with
tta butartena tot the Wabaah region, espe
cially at the battle of Tippacaua*, ata a*
eurad antficl fun® by Ms a£hi®Hr®sn®ntb m •
mliHary fcwiar tn the north wwt during the
earliar porUon of tta second war tor Itae
petMfaruM. He afterward aarvad to public
Ute to many ways, notably aa a mamtar of
tha Ohio I gtetotaro ata at the United Staae
aeunta. Hawaetantatarte toa Republic at
rydf®tphtbu. Sovtii AixMMricik, fai Mbd in
1841 ta took hte aaat in the chair of Waahira
ton aa prahtaut of the t'nltad States. He
did »« antoX that exalted atetton faagp
Hearty three score ata tan yean of age at
tta ttena of Ma taangwutim, ta survived
that event only one arontte. H* was tmduobfr
edly a vtettm of tta erwai paruecutiaaa at •
ewurm of bmngry baggan eelfiah u®c*
I vtottod Worth Beta toaady autram, l«tt
Wot Mag was left at the Harrinm dwsulag
th srs bnt the mta of the aailar ata of a fire
tiiaaa, it haring bam am eUaas a tow yaan
badeew Ly tt* hand of aa toeuteUary. Upon
bb bcnlMMbo® m* sty vhieb owrlMim tht
Worth Beta of tta Oteto. to th* tomb of Gam
rrawtod by iraa, ahrtebtatry ata greeuawurd.
I* tfigta of aay rt*tt at Ctera. a vih
tag* rt»ta two mltee ovwrtteteffia trim tta
Bend, and euygwd and pawed th* evening
with tta family dWWH. Taylur, &vj,
whom ertfa waa th* daughter <4 Wtfitam
Hmsry Harrieso and Anna Syvnnwn
fastenaUag totadawtoof Bae beaakifai private
Bf• id her pamsto were related by their ksrtag
cry* wall Ttatepswtratea <rae hangtag to
«h® fiMHL Th®4 oft tb®r tbtlMr fMNtMkMI
by Bmmnl, at CtarlaaMbti. to Ch® wtet®r at
I mt‘■4l, mm! 1® ®® a acandiafxj tflb®*-
aam at to* urerttoM. That of bar mUtew-
fam Weratoa
mata. >® (**Mas*2 < |M IMlaskJ Ml
Bbmkl. ta MVK wlum bta® wwi abaal S 3 yiww
wtadted ta New Yteh whan about toratarit
for Italy, h to tta prtrta at a mtai ata
tamattful woman. Mn wm ym tatag to
tf® a« tta ttP «Nb hw maifcatt
Harriman. Mag, al InwratontaM*. five toMm
far tow dtowa th* Ohta I waa la*waned thm
tta etlfi nite fa ill w aasseh of tta lean ty of
tow young wumaesbsvsi thee the iittto pur
wait was a good Itotmd tar ad tea parted
at MF v*** Mr Taytar ktodly pramied «•
tatota *" W _**"*
toe MUh year of tar ajps. Funeral earrira
thylnr artaawn ali that naasataad <m th*
earth at atatramu Aaai Bywimm ttaratog
aAewary pwtodertar Mm-ana* tatan to tta
tab tap w ikis* ...wriMdtant the piacw of ItaUr
toerathhg tbetae at tar hafteita, ■*’.
ata hta artnto a®i«ra ®Lr*. «*. 3®
tury. tram J Lawtag ta Oae• Weak.
Mr IM Baaerafl, Ike faai»l aa4 rfßcJ-M
if-wry OWf d«a* M Um p »«« aS a IM *
,w!intt to *mmi to Mb fwto l ®***’*'*® l B***
a i mi e **a».
T BFO ftoWßtotoll •StofBBJHI fisMl
Btoto Miilvß Sn s ®toWB
iwtoy itoidk’itaßt li *** ttoi towt
rw tost w ImmH erf tto *fe«r ms ttot •
imf swt s wtW erf trftotosrf to* st*
•BtoHtstototorf towysflt
I* lb* jraaar IMI Opt T. I. Ball
-rs HprSaf Val» k araa a<44tarti< 4a*
Us* cM*sstostol to vtiicHb Im tMsiosMtF)
•m rmataU a»4 all tWU bagnafv
«a* teM. Aaaoaf « ’•?*. Hairs taM
•MtaU *aa a wy •»• aa*rrwh*aaa
(Up*, apna Um fhaa* «t »b«cb arsa a
v ? 4 iweMriftgf hto SAMMta totoliißrf
aaam. Ataurt Ufa* wwfca ag* Capl.
RUi rawlaari a tauar »Mcii bad beta
w* i I tos Utos p*c*sii. sb stotoMT ia |
LaMptia sad tararaaWl by Um> |MM
•*MM to biaa. arriuaa by a fralia
•a* ia ladlab*, Myia« taat la ISS*.
ii..> a . *.ir M-h n iafeal -IMW*
a Um
FMttod by lb* cMaaaaad to abk-b Im
totoskrftoi mm! ttoto • ttMTrm iiiAW Hl
01* brartag apae a *«M fdato am
*l* fraat Um aa»» at T I. Rai! bad
Um« a»d ibara tads* tato bto pua-
Hkvrato to iawjuira If aatba aaaa
baud la «r aa*r Laatpbia. ( apt Ball
A'ww les Imnbb* wrf ibSB tosrf
ItoaeataMm Wbea w aa« Cap*.
Bali tea* Mhwday ai<b< ba bad bawd
ftoMMi Übw srf toto Utoto t&
—■ ■m mar--*M**itawl Wb totlW ««.
prwa al a*e*.—l aUtbm UtaaaA.
Mm* <to*M. ambat SM CtaM*. wm»
tfSBbJ A MMlirf TTwnfA
■-*■ & i
f W*" m *
I MB* Bwl CtoMT MMBbd Twa ttoMp*
-> ...toa Am f wrtMt im eßkMrdt
■ AtoM AmK W Mb a *m.w
n* —* -- —»—- >— —— mWI
?'3;- ■ MMW’ tow»w w u*r ••„
‘aarfTto* Ftoßn » M» taa-aw-i**.
laaan taUiM Mlß*. »bto M CmW«
,’ «•» *M« BM AswMrr
.. W 4 V • W*M > M -4TTWWW i
*Mto*..«to w-dtoß* CtoM*b **«mm
ta»BWM.aa4M«to«MM wwhb m»>
*-*«*.«a«4 RmUMtotof to w« ».
•w M«BaW •■*»«••• brtMMMi »b»
MpMMMWMßtattoa OMM*«to
«HBr *9 tana to**** Cb* aay am Mtf
—O.M** »M»
t, -r- -
JL w« aartrty «t to* ar flba tow Wb
Ctor 11..r< W a» m fcwaaa* «to» W
**•*Wtoßww»Warn T ** y<W T.. , * H ?
tone* «■» mb «W awm- »W*
MM iito-rt toaaaay ato >«*• W ato
. umshb to to* wtocto* '»*** ***■
We bare that a prominent young lawyer
of tbia city made application yesterday at
the p<wt offic-, for five cents worth of tea
oeukpoata-'e atamps. Tue young lady in
charge informed bun that etamps of that
dehctninalios could not be divided.
We are plea«ed to are from onr A-agnata
exchanges that Rev. Frank Hudson, of the
North Georgia Conference of tbe M. E.
church. South—who is, by tbe by, a Hail
county boy—has taken a high stand io tbe
work ma :ned him by bls church, in that
chy. Our county is J'istly proud of hav
ing furnished th-: c inference with thta
talented and rising young minister
Gainsville Bagle.
Mr Hudson bsa relatives and friends in
At be: s and Clark county, who are grati
fied at the progress be is making.
A little Item appeared in the Chronicle
Vtaerdav fa Which it was Mated that Iba
Grand Lodga at Jloomm will meet in At ■
toaia lb* last of April. Tbto was a m»-
take. It sb-uld have been tbe Grand
Cbaplerof Georgia. Im Grand Lodge
of Manons always an«*« te Macon m Oc
Caroline Smith, a colored convict, made
her escape hom ita county farm yester
day, bat fa a liitte while ata wm arrested
by policeosea Cu'p ata Mooo ata again
carried ta tbe farm.
A recent writer fa tba Wesleyan Chris
tian Advucaie cmpimM-nta quits highly
Mrs fiittou formerly id this city, w-o la
n«>w the tevCta* of music in the Young
Hams laatiiuiv.
Biind hgrre are get’log fa their work
Mon la there no w«y (or Altana tn gel
rid of ttamt Ttare to a will to get away
with them ata wtare there’s a will, there's
Dr <IC On, tbe Sanitary Inspector, re
j .mi rti- r'.j in a very taallby wmditwa.
W«areata fa tawa thia ata tag* Uh
Ciliaeoa wdi keep it fa that potaUML
Mtoa a.Fed Grey. <wa <4 the bngbtret
young Itai-e of tta Lucv C-fab la»l lute
ta apetaing ita work with tar mmtar at
tta rmMetaw as Judge G»> C I bom a*.
We bare tfa* Mr. Hußtam who ta.
taato * rtb Tahna-Igv Bre*. baa taker, a po
shtaa M tta Altaaw Foundry, and Ibal Mr
Kdwaad Botocftdt, fo»mer:y al tta post
oAre. tan iataa a prarioa with Talmadge
Tta More <M F wadry Mrwt. next door
to Mr W L WwalX Sta ecupted by Mr.
W. A. logiaml wm brakto late Bunday
by mmm of tta hgst fhteereJ gantry, ata
wot* artu tea of good* state*. Mr Knaiaad
»(>» cm. mto tta pvrprtraior* of tta
data, tan to Itankful that no mure daoMr-
Mwdora H«mys that tomteiobarcr ami
* tow ottar arUeim to *ll ttal ta ta»
. BIr.JL P a Phare vp fawtata ifantfav
Ltatatotale. Ml fatw* aad New Hop*.
« MMfare «mmy, aaaaa®** i» tta mag*
«4 tta Prabytawte* churea. Hare. <X W.
Lar* prearb d tta teataHattoMi aeraon. ata
ftov G. H Carttedga sure tta charge Io
ita pa*U>r atod tta peopi*. *Tte Mteteere
wm ray targto, ata tba preapret of tta
sew paetar*» tewfa’era to vwy gota.
Mr Drateg to ®dte pnpalw w«b oar
p*«pte, and ta will tare tta ta*rty no*
opreattm of ttam te »ta rawing at Ita
Mr J ft Mo*L nfter ergaate’s* tta CW
taps Y. M. C A, toft tbto moraiag for Ai-
Ttaenh at tta a A M- rnUrota agate*
ttaCtoy ter ♦JO.tao » attremia* sumw *u
taafttea. Tta trasart tor the p«tatiA my
Vtay w® era* ua* aN rtgta, vfate <3ty
Afteeaay A J. <Mtt Ira sited • damwrra
totta dwstoretteto apaa wta* bewislta
wantatoibrew tbaoaMMrt «f oaart.
Wstort sad wry Mbftal
CfMFtßii WsrfiMHl•>
Imm rtorf MM teto Um SMBBtory * lea
Mje W W w*a*|tototo ta*«. f«»*
<mb toi to aaaßbtr It Is a pm way to
IM*M«to tommy at tte toad"' abb Maha
d .at ers
Tte Bbrntto Star am M" CBtarna.
■MHtavtd Hit«. K Stord at Artom. b»-
BHMtod tohMd totaa • ft d Cbtotom
om*». to (tatotoMßp* toaaly. Tub •»
tadam «bs W*«t rwlfemfe. ito m*m
rmd tarn Aaram •*• P-*«to Uto ytam.
la CBtomn wwaW **•*• “* W
«toalba<Mta« tar** W»tton Amato
Mto* pay*, abd tt* »*m
•mmWabpt.mUm*** to®*** aad
fPMMM* Tto ******** ns*lp» i a* •
namai* by Mm Ttoa** «m C.«ftoa*
» to* w*tods««*B*wrty y«*n*M.
Mmarrtto *• te atotod by TmCa
Wtoto l*W mwt. h to i w,p maßi d
Mto* W W*» *W war* *H be Sttad *«a
CM. « A Mwtoa toe a Ato yak «d
bwwe « 8 |l> to» * tatowytarb *«H«»
Tt*»*tobato'tm. tmapbiue toittßri.aad
• b a*d «•» ♦« W
toe MOto to mi* fbto Mr Marry Qek
tov.y by«i*a«*. Ha a**y trtmba
Alto*, toe* tor M • epsaJy Ntomry,
*■ warn a*a*a
«» ■ tMto **»*<» voaaar*
dM **> a* CM* M. C. Marwab mm**m 1b
to* tap*** arnrt. Tto fa*«* F»to*l
«sm. to *WA l«tae G—<to
A«Mto« « torn es CtoL «*»■« a*d to*
<toeta«BM a*d Mmto »-ad. *a* pal upas
ttKrndtoatom baamc to* wm*fa
wA* mad a dtoMda* idmßi tadpr
CMtobb toatoM*. Tto aaem W»A <
(M Maato* sad to* aa*» »•** «**«•-
Mana* Mm*«***dW M*AW W Am*
«rn TtaMsr* A«m rWarta to* «*««m
*1 toaUaW tart atobt.
04 «ww*. taMwaar. a* torn Iba
’ - - to* *b- to.-- fta -a Inb
■®b Sb# SB ■ l om3r^T--. to* W »* WW
M n tart «»J aad «*• pawad toa*M» a
Wyw« aeWS. ** tapa < ■■■■ rtpart.—
■art***. Ob., tato •—«A read bn
Vat Maatob t**Ar,» tom tomtoy.
Atomftmarx w.ttam bed to tab*
»rta*e to ta* tarmrir bm to wto* to •*•
ww-bw* «m»»toia' talm ataaidtow,
sBAMBAB A®rf trfwWWewß- ssst West fcrfcesA Ssmubsib
aamextoaet tags fe *t* tßtad to*
.. SMBtrfUj IWSW rfBBWW AjrfWWrfßßWrffcSWß BBS SA-AB - *
- IWBWMeth SA At MWet .4&esWeiß o4rfsWt WW tSBW
• to»«Ortatoam*--AM<*rt*
Naw la the Accepted Tlase.
O tell not of things for tomorrow,
It’s fortunes are too far sway ;
It’s troubles I care not to borrow.
Nor can it give manna today.
I fear I should forfeit for ever,
The treasures I covet on high,
If hopes 1 aliould trust which can never
Suffice those who ou tbetn rely.
Tomorrow is veiled from my vision,
1 know not its joy nor its care ;
Today is the lime lor decision —
Today must bring answer to prayer.
O Saviour, giant now tby rich blessing,
Tomorrow can yield no supply ;
Today are my wants ou me pressing—
All help must descend from on high.
Today is tta day of aalvation-
Tta time to seek biesaiugs uivioe;
Lord gnuil to me now tbe libation—
Tomorrow may never lw mine.
A UJUtosr** at Athew*.
Col. H H. Jones, tta cot respondent of
tbe Macon Teiagrtph, in some glimpses of
Athens, baa tta following in the last num'
bcr of bis paper:
“On* mailer under diacussion which has
been alluded to. canpretauds a peiitiou to
the General Assembly to appropriate tta
of tbe Western & Atlantic railroad to the
cause ut public euucaUuo, giving three
>ablM io ita University, tta outer five
eigbtba to be applied to the >upja>rt o( tbe
pub ic ichooto and bcanch coUegta buouid
Utl* ta dona, it te ptupeord on Ibe part of
tta University to rellnqutob all claim to
the laud scrip fund aud lb* Experiment
Biaixm, thus removing from the aiena a
Vexatious ome of cooteotxm. and allow mg
tta taimsra to am tta laud scrip fund t»
fuuud a literary school c-ml>guoua to tbe
Esper.meal ttarioa when located. Os
course, all proper condittou* aud sate
guaiito for tbe ptotectiou of tue University
would ba instated upoo te the premmea. ■
Tta above to • mnia outline of the mst
ter as gathered >m tta streets and m.y
beset aasume tangible form <»r sultataace.
1 rarely gtv* lb* report for what it w
worth. But w>n»* moveuseni of tta kind
to al tral puwsibia, 11 not probate*, and
meets with general favor tare. Aa tta
Kxperiteeatai farm will orrtainly be
the reaMW.d tram Altama, te tta abacnca of
115.UU0 appropriaiMM, add.boaal amus
m »t ta loitirtxmiiag o support tea cuain
ot btotogy and agncultm* iu tta Univra
tat law raor. c r. m*CatYi aaqiißaT
Taw aavaul aud educator,
recently deca isrd. many years ago mad. a
atogbfar dvuattoa of lao.ikw to Urn Uni
versily, subject to several unique coodi
-M...,. A-«»qwv-rtty-he ib.UAXi'LVar fa
Utet board w trua*** |L> ml® ot the
aorausi te bonds, wfak tta conpoM ran
niag to 1»»T expired i< Tb» moat import
•al it that tba ®&uual iolawM
aboil Ik raaveated, aud not * d>4inr oi
•ntar pnocip.i nr lateral to alfawad to
ta eapawded for tta me of Use University
ante tta tenth of tta gra»u-cbUdreo of fate
IttM J. J. UMtaMAto.
tta present ptanfaehl of tern board of
trrarea. and tta daoams, ton, of ad ol
bto own grandebrtdrm. it will ta fate te
Ita aeai eentary before the tuud will ta
nuate ra>ly avauabM, aud by itaa H will
bare awtelr* to a prteewy sues. This
caMfam teqwra shows ttal tta rahag
poasma for eainatetfoa of tta great
maitaamurihe w«a auwg grea to death
Ctancvita- Boggs *nd bto family wld
ba tare e*riy * April. He teeapacted
to be preamt ta Atlanta April *, wuaa
Ita qmeera of tta InwUra of tta expor
wwiil farm will tai demded.
Cwattamoooa, rmr* , A|w-I I—Jam C-
Osliuiaa. a t.nawr and prominwit ta bra
awm. rrllgbra and wwnal ctraira at Dalton,
to kill bto family aad bim
aeri yoaraday. Be pfTMTOf«•<} * h®U*fiMFt |
and * tertUa of '••rtalie asad and ma*.
Ha numetad bto wile, etriktag tar three
btowaabnwt tbe hand aad ahooldrm w.tb
tta tatebrt. H« ttam torwa* bw uavalid
dhtegbtow, eotua* at bar ear. ll* started
tor bto Uttte boy. tart lb* tarter escaped.
Takra ’ba tatfe. ta eat bto throat and
ewaifawrd aa naans and a ba- f of tta
Bmrtaf-C mml mmb* CMhmom B**d b*
wife arte dwu tta daogbirt will reenra.
it to sap prate 'fart ta tad as Jdeady grae
moMM aaar taaarai mature.
■Ma Woe* tai raw tare■ Nies.
Tta Alta OaDfarata. am at tta tataHa*
teafam ta Baa Fractons, ta spanking at
Be* Bam F. J ara, wbn te now ountra -
te* aaortm at menmgn ta itai my. tan
thte to ray aboart fam:
Ttaprembmnnt donafaH jmrim to
tta gratae of tarn J-smn. Bia aiong and
bto fanfatof referewm to sacred namm end
MbH* **owM®t* I* Cb® tec® Mu* ott*
te bm to maapennm ptenttenta the gift of
aantewy Tbtotebto charm, and tbongb
■saary mny tbto* lirat tat power ttas en
tmriy to tta nrawMv aa brings, m ta» B
to to the way ta brings U-
Bia atasr—tai m aterana te taeraJ® to
tom, a antoi- ta* Stang te fawauMiea. tor
ta a i*t fitigir rt -r tfatatbor aoaat Un
gtatoTtaaton. l*M»|N««oto te-atamM
ar« ptogr ita nc«tr nod tte
oratae. te te the pra of tbe great toAtei
WoteaoteodtoaMof MBawrare r*Hr<*m
totorewnoao. «nd ma bore gma frah in tew
S4Lclt*>ram Ctte*
the team logrera bm fawn te fc«m. ko
nrattt tent farts osore egpartanes to «upm
M mmae and to dtonm teat by awe
ataitai ureas teteewa manpra*
Ka-C.*i<rt'arasto W. J. Oman, of Marik
(tamtam, tern ramttrad a tartar tram *■-
PimMaM JoAwnm Bmto. aaktag Cetomf
Gram to hwrah Mm wttt a ternary, tarn
mnmory mtetarerra.ofCte trewmea* at
Unto* mMtan at Btestoota totaod dmtag
Um wm. La Ma tanar Mr. Daria aamm
tom ta toot praam nmprifag tte teem
rad a ternary to ®
fam awy nrato «• too uonMMm of rata*
®t NbW®dL Gnmmi
mm tei ■■■■** ® ■ nvamM at torn
Ward* at Wisdom aad Kxh*rtati*o
Fr*o> the Palpit.
There was a general mixing around
Sunday at the churches. Dr. Lane was
out of the city, and Rev. H. M. Quillain
preached the sermon at tbe Presbyterian
church, and Dr. E. W. Speer filled the pul
pit at Oconee. The crowds in attendance
were large, especially at the latter place,
and the sermons were of a very enjoyable
Rev. J. C. Davis, rector of this church,
preached one of bis characterstic Lenten
sermons to a very large congregation.—
H* theme wm the throwing aside of al]
ungodltnem and worldly lust, and living
soberly and righteously. The manner in
which he handled his subject wm aa evi
dence of deep study, and the impression
left upon every mind was that tbe ungodli
ness and worldly lust which to a certain
extent cbar«cteiie all mortals should be
laid Mule quickly. A true Christian will at
all times be willing to give up tbe world
and all that is in it. That we should live
soberly and righteously no one can or will
deny. The importance of so uoing was
strongly urged, and the reward of those
who are true to His leaching* wm empha
sised by the preacher.
Thia church wm packed trom pnlpil to
gallery, and Dr. K. W. Speer gave one of
hi* fineat sermons, from the text: “Godli
niM is profltablejunto all thing*—having
U»e promise of the life that now is, m well
m that which is to come.” In tbe intro
ductory, tbe preacher referred to tbe un
godly men In the time of tbe prophet
Jeremiah, who discarded tbe service of
God, and declared agafaat iL From tbe
text he took tbe position, that, to ««y
nothing of the future life, a course of piety
in this world, to the surest road to success
In every *en*e of tbe word. He then an
nounced three things as being Ingredients
in a happy life, via i Bodily health ; Ckm
peteucy ; Contentment. In tbe most for
cible m well m tbe moat pleMing style, the
apeaker took up each of Hmm potato in
i heir order and showed that piety wm tbe
true way ta which to attain each of them.
Some <4 the illustrations, m drawn both
from the Scripture* and other sources were
very fine, aud th' vrenon produced a pro
found impremfa ai un the tent* and attec
lire audience. From many aouraa* we
hoard Ihe wto.i etprerad, that Dr. Speer
would more IrequsuUy vou**! to preach.
Tbe sermoa wm exceedingly appropriate
a* lire ojM-nmg dtoc.rtir»e of the promoted
service which ba* been taaugurated in
Oconee fUrert church
AT TH* mat BAmsr.
R*v. C. D. Campbell fined the pulpit at
tbe First Baptist church, and took M hte
text, Italma, ifi, •; “ffalvatioa belofigetb
unto the Lord.** The meaning of the word
’■beioogeth" waa commented <ml It be
longs to the merchant to sell their goods,
to tte farmer, to till lb* soil, to the doctor
to attend to hte pattent, to tte hott*e
k«wp< r. to krep th* bouse ta order. There
are fares way* in which * man can be
rarad, and only three way*. Ist, man can
be raved by being cbargeabh onto no
wrong. He can be innocent and tte ia
nocent are not condemned, tnd, aot that
they do no wrong, but the wrong done to
not very venal to Ito nature. Ao apology
H to be made o* account of tte weaknem
of bomaa nature, and God will overlook
H. fad, God may save whom He dbooee*
to rave. The firet will eot do becaua* we
are ell guilty. Tbe » emd overthrow* tbe
Kira of Ihr alwofate perfection of divine
goveromeai, implies Imperfection fa God's
taw, or makre God a wrakllag who cannot
raferae Hw law. In regard to tbe third
we can all agree. He m more laU rested
in rar enlv.uoe than we, and more com
petrat to eceomplMk IL We can all afford
an tract him. “ttaivaUoa beioogeth Mto
(be Lced."
AT TW* r*M*mC*l A*.
Dt. Lee* taring abeeat from tbe otty, tte
pulpit at fate church wm filled fa a moat
acceptabe maoecr by Krt. H. M. Quillain,
part** of OoMwe church. Hte rubjecl we*
Ckftet'* tee* enuy into Jerrasiara, and tte
raroa of tte teat wm 'W at humility. He
spoke of th* towitnsm xad humility of Ibal
•strance. where Cbrtet rod* into Jeraratam
oh aa me, aad yet that humility bad a
great deal of *ignifa*M* etucted to M.
He wm a king, end He came ran kieg, but
bomaa eye* mraM eot see rt tha*. It *M
aeeal ta Ita*** Umae to celebrate tte Ui
smpb of a great general, apd give him a
pwislte rec-ptioa. Chris* wbe* be entered
tnto Jeraratem wm «m M* way to a victory
which era* owl at tte vte* of bomaarty
If tte peopte eraid bare me* tbte vtotowy
to which Cbrtet wm gotag. they would
here received ii« crith royal brara*.
W t>«» IP a* forty years later eotared Ja
nsmtam a* s craqeerar, te went back to
•ome a*»d wa» reeeieod royaliy. CratreDt
tte two seMptteha. T«t which bad tte
greater reeaH. Tte** ata two great pro
nieei im moving steadily onward through
•te ague, both aide* tecrvmteg with tte
Infra at ttea* Whtefc proeradoa are you
«*r WbMraado yra watt to be te f
Ttere era tte qwwUns* to be eeuled by
**bb aad rrerv pr»w« today
at ra* man nrKoar.
R»*. w, D. AmfarenH preached upra
tte seli-ci es J ua tte B<pte* aad Scrod.
Ctetei *ted that John tte BhpMM wm tte
grretae* araa ten* of womes. Tide high
eaoratem wra predimtad targriy es tte
heptte • epteadata taraaaMy. Who* a oraa
terraMß litawnrae to tta. religsoo* aarata
of ant tra*. if we regard bw ttfe aad deed*
torrefy ted aetely a* tt* jwofawt aad ex
presatoa at dtvte* tawor, w* are fast ta to
—* ;*raraK * -itl*' d*■ **raire •*rit atel 4 .
bam from erara* aS tte (tated*aaa for
»* *ara* exrarag fa Abraham. He mw ta
tat NNiiiftrai. anorai wed *ptri*aal tatag
the* a* a wtaeh great thing* to bumaa end
’ «*▼»»« w
lb* Srfrta* repraeeataMf tte ***** prodaet
jat d**tea nrevtetta* *ptm tte heart sad
i eaaactarat at oat reee. For rewiarimGnd
bad droit wMk Hte ancestry by right hmto
<Ar, seoraJ tew aad tribal btotary. Job*
tta Bepuat Mtotted (te Hgb water mart i
i wader tta* dtare* tetorage. Sraee G-d I
. ersMafatat to tarn a great attoara, a raw-.
i ra* tovotviag tta vstotomg at tte dtetaa i
purpose nnd the best interests of the human
race; to srit, to say to men, “Behold tha
Lamb of God, that tuketh away tbe sins of
‘ the world.” John turned from the temple
an ignored priest and from the depths of
the wilderness he cried: caught the ear
1 and arrested tbe thought of tbe multitude.
Herod had comracted an unholy alliance.
He knew that the moral and spiritual sen
timent would not tolerate bis act; he
sought the patronage of John ; for if he
would approve or even be silent. Herod
felt safe as to the fruits of his crime. He
flattered tbe great preacher and doubtlem
extended tbe hospitalities of the place.
The ordeal wa* trying, but John said : “It
is not lawful for you to have her.” Silence
would have been crime: Can the right*
eous man in tbe presence of evil be silent
aud maintain bi* righteousness.
Monday’s Daily.
Death es ten. UK- A. Crowell.
Mrs. M. A. Connell, wife of Mr. G. M.
Connell, (died at her home in this city
yesterday morning at about 11 o’clock.—
She was taken ill very violently on Tburs- •
day, and in a very few hours was dehriou*
aud suffered intensely until tbe hour of her
death. Mrs. Connell was a member of
Oconee Street Church, and tried to live in
accordance with the profession which she
bad made. She wm a faithful wife, a low
ing mother and a kind friend, and will be
greatly missed tn the circle In which she
moved. A stricken husbaud and four lit
tle children mourn their great lorn, and
have the aincare aympatbie* of a large
circle of friend*.
The funeral took place thia morning at
10 o’clock at the residence, the servicea
being conducted by Rev. H. M.
At’oltea* Y. IM. C.A.
Mr. J. R Mott, of New York, Interna
tional Odleg* Secretary of the Young
Men's Christian Association, delivered a
very int> resting lecture Sunday night at
Y. M C. A. room*. The lecture wm de*
hvered rtpeciolly to th* student* of the.
University of Geotffa, *nd a pretty large
number ot the boya were there to bear him
speak. The work of the College Y. M. C.
A. wm outlined in a clear aud forcible
manner, and tte great good it wm acoom*
pltahing wm shown to thorn present. In
me United State* there ar* over ISOO a*.
•ootaUoa*, in tbe leading college*, and are
sircngthenlug every clam of »tudent* tn
the tailh of CbrteL At th* conclusion of
the lecture those present went into a dte
cuariou mto the advtaabllity of establista
mg a Y. M. 0. A ta Oollege, and it wm
determined •>> to da Mr. T. W. Reed WM
r»tta4 to tte chair, and twn committee*
w-re appointed ; via, a committee ou per
in mrni orr-ni* <tl<»n, composed of Mc**r*.
Ga-' >O, Brown and Y man*, and a com
tu.tlre ou m•‘tuNrsbip, < -feting ?£. ■ ,
Moa**. GUI.\ i’upe Kid Rusaeil.
I nto w an nation is * good om, and will
go hanu i; itsad with tte lly
We wish i: •» eaJy and ißcreaniug growth,
aud t**l that it* success ta ensured.
Tte ftiy !*«***l’« Mbrary.
Mr. Braaton's library scheme for the
bent At of tte young people of tbe dty la
* »uece**. Tte town i* largely ta tte debt
of Messrs. Stern, Barrow and Flanigen,
who have telped Mr. Branson in every
way ta tte erection of thia grand
public benefit However, it to true that
almost everybody m tbe city hM contrite*
ted money or book* to tbto rad, which
mean* that everybody to moat largely in
debt to everybody el*e for thto tremendou*
mean* of popular education fa tte dty.
Tte library I* two year* old and to worth
H.OOOaltbe ieMt estimate. There are
x>»e twenty-three hundred volume* on
tteitelv**. We note that It I* on* of
three public seted librarie* reported far
tte Boattera Hute* fa CommMoaet
D*w*ra‘* reprt recently ferate front
Wellington. It I* tta largest of las three,
tta, bomb for Attam* I
Mr. Branwn telto tte that over (wo hun
dred votame* were toened * fortnight ago
to tte pupil*. Every otter Saturday abont
thto number goes rat into th* home* of
tte dty ta be reed by ita boya aad girta,
tte oktar brothers and *tet*ra, tta father*
and moUiers. R-eeetly forty odd took*
from tta library have teen read by tba
Eugiab Hutrey clsaa—took* like Boott’s
tvaaboe, Kmgtey'a Hareward, Charcb'a
Jraat at Ute ffairra Shore, Tte Ni-beluo
gea. Abbott 1 * Margaret at Aajaa, William
of Noraraody, Tte Ctaptes* to Taineto
Eugtfeb Lite: store ra tte Saxon and tte
Norman, and tte Ifta. Ualcntafa th* Im*
men** edocative vain* of thia library to
tbto city. If yraeaal Tta man that put*
tbte library >« bto wilJ for 110,000 will bare
doe* tbto town tte graatta benefit
poMibie for all tba* But totter M 11, to*
smae great beariad teaut put SIOjDOO »t tte
cornmaad of these geatteeian aad live to
Mtbagood te ba* deae. Mr. Brraera
propose* to have fire thousand volume*
brfsr* be atstaa a hatL We believe ta
will get tbers. aad ws bdtore tte dty will
cteerf ally to It* pert fa tta matter■
*Tta Arirorotamra
To tte to:‘or of tta Breton Globe: Ma
ny at yrer r-sdere will be glad to kao*
that Cepteta J. B. Btarkey, msaanrar of
vesreto fa tte •orvcyor’soflkie Boston earn
tom boas*, ta* srede th* feitowtag calcn
latioa a* to tte dtaMMfans of heaven
“ And te ewsraKed tte dty srith tte reed,
l»jMO fartoog*. Tte length and tte
breadth aad tte bright are equal"—Rev,
xxxL, *. Twdre tboneaod fwfrags—
fc« robed—®7,7«ASSA»AW.-
OUOjMS fert. lieMrvtag ba* l half at tbto
•peer far tta ibroae sad ftmrt of tearea,
and ana- taif as tte tadanc* for streeu, we
Divide tbw by 4‘rt* rotac fret fa n roan
rixtaes f»*t aqaars, aad ttars will be »*-
fail SM.TM/IMUMO rooms. Ws wHi sow
sappreette wnrid elwey* dW and always
wW emrtafa WOOtejMO fabohMaata, tad
that a gMterstfaa tau »Sj years, nuking
b* aB SjFfoMOJWS every crotery.aad ttal
tte waftd wdl stand IjMOSW yeere, or
W.IWO oratories, fabate
itsels. B«rw Mippree ttaro were 1»
i® IMMBkIMV 9t
itaat<tta doreifoe of years, a total at
t persona, tte** wreid
jte anare £baa IS® rare** rirtaaa tat
rifaare ter aecb aad every psnra.