Newspaper Page Text
n she jist beceiveb
White and Red
Sets. !
- AIWO |
500 DOZEN ;
Toilet Soap.
at acctt©« PMCM.
WboltMlc B»d Urnxgiata
and IS Culleße Avenue,
Athena, Oa.
TB* «mn <BHO* It I E IM nmn*
Local I Join.
Fr< a. tb» Cosset. Proceeding* It will b.
n 'bet • eueamitte* he* taco apf-ront**!
V.»l* tl* BSMtief <4 art)
■r A W *•*« WlB «*»•*<“ •<
tta K*f**ro -®c» »»«4 '•* ntara of O*p*
U> <> u,Ur.
Mr. T«a Woude M bow with tM«re A
D<*ery. M« B • c**vt» imUmn, aad
BodatatettU th* >
■ roa AmW PatUBM. who ba* taea
MNMm •• *•>»*> baa raiun«-l home,
ata ba* oM*«v, **• UlJde, baa lakes tar
>< Tba Council P».*»o*lto«* ateow that Ite
Mros' car Um » to ba .itoroJ*»l aad laaa
IB vortoea per* <4 tba My. Ttao to ee*
ktoag tbal to (fsally aaaAad
Mr W L tau*. turnraly at 1 any
baa aw (Mad a f-Mltora cm IM Haaarr.
Tba waw brmc on Uajtna aUe>t, Mraar*
Ixmae A KUJ-r, J. J. C. MeMatoaa, Uro*.
Deaktare A Um, ar* a«tU«K la Umm g>~da.
mmJ will tuna ba ready to make * tad Iw
Made. All at theca ut ibur tedcip
ratcwl trooiooea Bate. aad will have •
l.rga pstn,cage
(<l liter* Hrtte ACm BOW .arwpy tbau
B<W •tort-ro.-ro ato Waahtag'ua tart ll
to tiled wtob a large atoaA «4 saw *»1 «h
--goal baggwa. c*rr.**«a aad war** Tba
•rm lx* aa laana trade lr«wa all lb«
eammudrag rosolta*. aad baa* already
add a Bva»Ue* id aaAWtoa
Fte J«lly Ttoabtoee. Prato Jan. k«
Cwam Ptotee, Fir *»•»• Fly, Lam« Umama. »W . aaed yvte tadara to J
II ilaegx*
We pabiwb cm ew third pag. toAay
(\a*c<l Prune ding* They are eery *■
tereauag aad ataraM be tvol by every <AI
Mb laafuMloei matter* ar* dtawaaad
Ml F U l aabeek M detag • tee bert-
Bte* al ato U»h* <* Pttaro eaveea tl«
to a e»wd e-rtta*. aad alwade tartbOb) !
I ’
Mra J X Ora-po* ratarwd laM alght ;
trim, a«W tbrcrng* Watbm aad (taroae
•MMttoa lie randto »bal erwya baa ,
•ad ewb«a to . gam nag atoag Iba Itaa.
tor* » to llu>l«B<a. bad daegbtara I
Mtaeoe Itadm aad Aaace, aad Maa Mama I
Mcmeard. ba** laaetaed to 'be ewy trvm
Tanm***!*, wmee ib*y ba»* tom *»<*ad
tag Bred weaba Tb*W beaaa to tern*
wife tor aw Ha** Itaagbaaty atana. bbai to
Mr * A Jeaaea'A
Wa toara «bta Mr H L Iteeee* baa ymr
taeeed he* Mr J. M Money bto 1 ■■»■
aad a«toae aaatogtoi, aad wdl etowtty acart '
eg» omdba* baa itaa lie will taemee m a 1
tow data a tel «f tee etaM. Bad wdi awec <
all trama
J II Hagraa to Mamk|«arta*e toe 1
■ aieea aad F'eba. Bi. c •*»*«. **a
Mto te* Ftommg to MBgrwetag bar toaam 1
OB Mil da* ateawa I
Or Fb«|> »**» b«e moemi «r ba sew I
toBBN *• Udi Me***
M l. B.<m A Oto. are ba vtag tbew <4ht•
Far r Br>m a*e aetog tba w*eb
• * ragaei ta toeew tbal Bute Martas
teMbce* >4 Mr Ad* M
tawexaiy *
A tamedtel HBb *d Cl imberto «b IMa ' {
•* Ada aad Tba fcaa. aa J M Ogggtoef
A matoawd ewime agreed.d to tbe mayee
tee a eodte * bee be tewed <M tbal toe ,
m*oto tote be Weebl mweree wee a ydee
a. to bbbo «d ba |aegto cbombl be taartad
IB way aaaA way He abas eeat *d aad
temwM awe btotad*
•Wb*e* Ad yew gm *al tare **MCI- '
wtoai dad yew At *e If wee a geaMbm '
teeday. H gaal ■.* ear too nyy. trna
Ctor** batat tteMa A Ua. aad ttoe lad «d toe (
bom we to. I got •to ranee P*w wwwMbX ,
toetoeee tot ts t were to tad yew Cta tod ,
toe* al tbew «aea* aad g* f* wae tee ye* ,
•»*' " l
tto. Mtwto t» bewtaa b* aasßtad tbe «
gMy Itato Mew Verb r
Mm* UiWte* aad tan** bee* bad (
erne* earn. twMmarad >«eb do* ea tbew (
toe* to tbono* ********
tern waßeUy be* to too w>taa. aad we*
Ctow ei,v* nyoeaw tbe* j <be« bo 1
ama *> eadtoeg em>mgb gnoto te b*y ba *
aab B» owgta to ed *e**ta*
Mr M>to eberna to iba* ibeee bar nd
•te i*a *• ore •«•*•« tone taewew ’
Aw*** «ad *• aaAAto dewto TM» a a
•mW <A»w*tog toe A *•» *f aa*oo lb* b«g» ’
Mto B L Me** aad taw ere**4 bto to*. I
aoeai e wtob to- A» C Bera* I. a* ta*
te*i|wr aad Wd* •*** tbe **M yeradta* <
e-*»b tewe A Btaw f I
B* n A teed adt Aa aawtatog tee ba (
btoi to AB Ito a. tie •« wear* ata* I
toe Hbbc *« A* f*y*e d we*M •» A* I
g»y tee bw yagw A* gtawttae* tedem w. I
*BB*AwaaMae> Mm*4
Ito «ar*w*e WW ArmU Wto mwtoded
to Ag* antae at yewtoetoeg w* *gn r
wee* at toe I *<o* sorry etaa et WA ba
MM be gee Mera i wwb toa to*a* taws I
tom Madam «.**• • A*** rtaba** *
ua y»<e*M »A »w» * led am r-we Ac *
*MW wtarnw *» AB awga **•**• w* ,
Wtodme toe tameead e ****** « W ranllß f
ywmo ta. He ear • y**ag aw edtaremd
tot «A wan bw»m aw aad **> wheat gßaae f t
Bwtaßibmadwte | g
A e.m»« m Klrcoes.
At tb* r*<|ur*l <>t winy i»r«>n*. Ree. C.
I) Camptrrll will pr- ach •«' tbe rUtotrin*-
ol El- cU ei, at tbe Firel churcli «>n .
Sunday n><>n>iuy writ. Tbr public g» t- :
erally are invited to allesd.
«Toe tglr.”
Johnny Hilliabrinrer arked a reporter
tL» unening to My in tbie • v> nmg'a pe|x r
that Lie would-be arrived lael ni«l>t,
but that »l»e wee "100 drf-on-ed ugly and
trxr old for Luu."
AIU ball A 4'teaedier.
We call tbe attention of our ridden tn
toe a.lverti*' meal <4 tte above-named firm :
U> be f'Mii.J in Ibe CnBOXH Ut t<-day '
They are prepared to kr.u money oil term >
land* al 8 per cent; tune. Are year*. Tbir
i* certainly a great opportunity for tbe ,
farmer. They are also in the real estate
buaineei. and if any of our r«ad«rt leave
pritpi riy tar tale or rent, Urey will do well '
to call <>o Miicb< II A Cbandler.
04 far Berne
A rwbJegram w«* recrivrd b«-re lent night
by Dr. Lipoumb, anoouucint! Ure depart
ure <4 the Euruj*ati party, cotraretitig of
Me Millie Kutberronl. M* Kaiw Kuun-t
--turd. Mme Blanche Li|wortni>. and aeveta.
young ladies, fur Ibe thorn of America.—
Tiny bare »pent a deuaiiltul io tta
Ohl World, btrl will t>o doubt tie clad to
get soother eight <4 Lome, *w*t boon
Will iba aiy tmdd Uw public *eta>»i
baibliaga now needwl ao badly ? Tin re
would aunly be so LKAtog agaicat a tu m.-
ment <4 Urie kind They are needed, and
oeeded badly.
W* were pWamd to tea ou our atreeit
tt>ar utoraieg Mr A V. Wralharty, an >«id
Atb*a* toy. Hr w now coeir««-tcd with
Juba Bilvey ACo , Atlanta, Ga ami to a
Use wm lie net many frieed*
io A’.hen.
Parttea want tog Chine. Ulas* and Qe**n
ware aad ll>wmferniahing Gu.«i». don't
lad to call ob J. It Huggttra.
tboradey r Pa-ly
eniNi.l giMawewwa
Br. W J Be*** aad Bto* Agee Bernlae* la
be Bern i i T* aigta
A <pt*t toarnag* BUI take place oa
iteulb Biitaaige Avewue Wißiabt al •
Tbe ooo'rari ng parttaa are Mr Wm J
iteaeua aad M* Aitote Hamitam.aad Bev.
C D UampbeU win perform Uw carr
Mr. Brwwm to a young gvstlewi«a. who
uacae to tato city abusl luer yearn ware,
aag ba* base wwamg at the Cert tag
ebopa <4 Ktota A MwUa fur eaaimi, and
tme totot* many Irwad* durtag bto May la
* city H« law yuemg brale t* U>>
Megi tea <4 Mr Ito HamJloe, aad aamtar.
o*r trtewd* by ibe awew Tb* CM Boe it u«
.ateerto cemgraiatau *u
•o*« aits** W-■>**><« ( Iswrvm.
Aron* Soaday eight * proirac**! bwcC
■Bg <4 euaetmrstee i .ter* be* bees la
iw»<r*m at Us* abnae otakreb Th* eee
grvgaii>«* ar* targe aad aluet.** aad a
aeeabto «4 per** have ash* I fur tb
prayer* at etemitaa pm pte Mr IJeiltam.
ÜB® |Bteßta4F *teß4 ttb®i IbAFB
.ttat teer* srasrM be a mf*tee at tb*
aamab *v«*y ssnrateg M beJf fmM at**.—
La* every ataueA member, aad aO wbu
ar* taler** *4 atteeJ tbee* ***«*-«*, *».'
■rngag* brandy te the wtafc. We pr*y
last agvarin** r**t*al any masdi from
Iber* labors tb» aaeettag ;wW prstoabiy
*e protracted dsrtag the wbuto at aut
A® *<•»<•••« Milb>»
A Orawerm a man wee wwesmiag wHb
* miatote* <4 the *Ay. Ito* asoesMtr. wb*
be ta*4 at a retaebe slurb * m«ato*e* to a
a«*gb**«iag eamety <«** to a towa sack
cowpie wae eswM eat rifrern from taikiwg
aad aearttag dertog lb* eeavton ll* bed
tbe* ****** to d*ei ftato
*B*h assMteta. tan bto atjowiteaitow.
aawtod a>ebtag the ompto war* eeatod
to ibe r««t <4 tb* absrva. a*4 ibe a*MT»
g*H* wa* targe a g*«ie r* I
pw'p*<. ead havtag a eased BAte to bto
bawl. Arttamatoy walked Io tbe tawk *4
Ibe rkerrte Maadtag tomedwiU* beAiad
tb* nmpw be told A* ILtee la Ma band
•tea be into I Ma eerwtoe II a seed
tom a. toy Mkat they tematoad gatot dsrtag
tb* tali*** eg Mw aervto* Owe <4 war
min totars my* ba iwtob* to* a4l Idea
ibe eawtopte W* gf«* itaa to a w*r. j.»g
to >ei at tae y**g pmyto. etas a* t«r
beg** ibe leepaertta* at tbe ***** a »
■uw Warn to tewgb aa4 tata to tbe tame
gt Ami
S| les I toepetot t toeretl.
W* tear* tear « to tb* totaeu* at Mr*.
B F K. .4*. tae yew w M Ito* atoms
lAetoA. to tagpi* a wee* «4 Useebtag* Beat
ItahAmtb. wbrnb etot m*«toe* tart eg east
w**A Be* «e Coda, at taavr9,. w
*t| irrnl te Be to Mwesty. aad wtil amoM
to the wweatag It to a Btote BaAantoßMe
that Aar* wA to a am*Ae* to ibe aw *g*
teem toed W Bae* AteewK tot B te act *a
B*i W*ieil cwaßw*. Br K'atai toed at
ewd bto ee aaawteMsd Mt Qeetem W -
w tee bad aaweaeeto bto terra mg an mm
m*e» tbte e»*a Tbee* *»• ea*Mb P* *
yte la Ew* Atheste to Al ta*» ebutors.
wad tee yegg tot a grmra** owetato •»
ta*i*a toevetag e* «to iw*u rwemee
Ma* W M AsSweA too* fete items to
tea* swell IM* ai L*g ato tlwii t
> Ww4 tee tteeevb Tb* <Aet*A • gvaat y
!**■ sad sad toteto a* Ite* W F. B»**r*.
tee ptatar* *4 WsetarteiTr itevete be* Mee
amwwetoy btoeand Aa rear to tea fibre* -
*•»**< bto ewer «<****.** ei bto *w-*a*
Mr W T too*, wtae to ww m tai
eM te*w a tees* Cto Um, «wt a m*
taeaat aßu*. wwa tar «waM mm »*
pwl emtae aay r eatatrini. |t «* «m
> *ii te»to to wtorb tat eta taea taety •
tta* yaw* agw.
lie at mmrtato toe toy Uw ttottabag ctad
Bob Abt*. toa*BC tab* Ji« J V too tat in f.
tea gatae tn tew * itl iso » to ctoeaee
oil 111*1 y, bto met* a* «e»i.' sp * bto **»
samaa. ■ MmE**! tpe tee
yaots*. Ata -to aweg. wto ato or* te*
oapauato Tto »-g*** la tagged r■■
mA M '»«A*g Ab tee* * toJoatoamt
i e*!»>••*• Ijty sl> ii>.
• Iheea < lalm. tbe Bea* Poblic Meboel
Sy.irm io tb« Mate Uerlarrro.log
Facilliir. ter Kdeeaneo.
The city schools have opened, and tbe
children are happy again.
Tbi* morning at nine o'clock tbe bells of i
the city schools which have been silent I
during the Bummer mouth*, pesled forth ]
th»ir joyful note*, and the little children,
lirid of their vacation, went skipping along
with light Lear * to their respective «cb<nla
I The t« acher* wi re at their posts of duty,
i and gladly welcomed their scholars to their
> Tbe corp* at teachers in tbe schools to
■ao eseil.ent one. At M irket street sciiool
i >n: i<i be lounJ Prof. G. G. Bond, Prine -
I pal. Ma M BoCon, Ateialant Principal, |
i Mu* Claude Thompson, Miwltusk Newton.
Mm Mollie Bernard, Mi** Jennie Woodfin,
' Mt** M ry Newton Cobb, and M.w L zzte
' Bscoo.
At Meigs street school, M.a* Annie Lio
| too, f’tineijmi. M;to Hsllu ILidgaoo, Mi *
> M E Noble, «od Mito V J. Boprr.
i At Ocooee sueet ichooi, Mw* Florrie
! Carr, Principal, Mua Bernie C'.iugcr, Mis*
i Mamie K-nuaid, and M «a Buby Thurmond
Tbe colored sc to 4 s will not oj»n until
' o-p'emle-t M il, uo account of • lack of
M.vttng Hope: Intendent E C. Bninaou,
we Inquired of tbe achoui* and their coe
| ditiub*.
“Weil," repltai Mr Brannon, “you tn»y
’ > *«y that tbe acbouto sre crowded far l» -
! y ud their capacity. Thiy '-prued the
‘ morning with every deak taken, and many
' app.wants ha.l Io tie turned away It I*
1 nimply tn>t>«ait»le f.< ua to afford seat* t<>
i «J1 who ap(«iy We need badly, and mu.t
1 i Lave. If w« aeooßMaodale all, al lewal two
' s«* budding* One <4 aiioul ibe
i ' located up town, and Uw other down town
I Tbta m <niag owr tw sty ack lan were
mrno! at from Mrig* atrect tch<»il, on ac
ouunt of having no r atal tut them By
CrbtoUnaa,over two hundred will b* unaUe
M> gat s»*ta EaUa aeate beeu put tn
Ocuoa* at»e*t aciruoi, but *UIJ tba demand
1 u U‘>< aat *Acd."
“How airiul tb* enera* of study tn tbe
h«b ecbutii daparUßvßt*"
1 "ll bu Uwet. tlupriiVtol. Greek ba* Ixew
1 Mbted to tbe Course wtacb la a greet ad
ditk-n A new high acbtooi teacher ha*
*)»> hewn appointed.
You m*y ato« my that tbe buying and
to ling <4 <4J o* aocood head book* al tba
taetaalu** bMjaat Imo camwmcl. and
1 to dutag gieal guod. It very mate nelly
temasw lb* (kpaeww a parent Incur* m Uw
' ;tatt itaa* <4 to.A* l>r bi* cbihiren.
1 Tba Waabtegtoe Mr*al AsbuJ »tail
, eadaat bo astra tougg in It.
' Aa He* worthy <4 recording, to that
rbata Lw admiiiaaew have t>**a toawad to
1 tbe <bl«lr<a <4 fourteen lamdas* who baa*
i «*ovto bar- Mac* Jwaa. Thu meats u>.
ctvaned rwputeUua lot ow sctuxAt, *.
j rremto pupwiatlne. aad tw rwMcd aspen
r; dUarteta o«r city
Itaa thing » a;<panat, howevrr, that
I 'b«»* ar* very !*w bouae* in which to pet
war new v.umaa The ■ a metier wbwn
r*q tma iba attveitos «4 owr pwtqto"
Ami her* Mr Braamei toft a* Mt attend
le bto imptaiaat aad prawing tetaioawa
Th* srueid my that w* b«>p* acthm wii<
b* tab** al uwua ta regard to th* new
, ! artaad buod.nga. It they ar* nerniad, aad
I j ar An ata ttoebl that Uwy ar*, tbaa Mt tbe
j at* at oac* pwwate them
tte* Aihaa* Mtewtear* r*a With |IQiM>
• year from tba ctiy am. A*,iß» Irma lb*
I Atata land, etaaiag *> suite par oaptea ali
teal torh so to* PM* Te* to tbe k>w«*l
raw is Uw Baton Eighty mi.'to te Uw
etatMeum aad tweety tw<> tb* woauaeai
a nty on A> etaatag Lett, r laaa ptneai*
wto !ta ha* e»ty tra»to* Thwy ar* ea p>-
f«a< mi Utor wta Cage a* rakrtteda. ta any
otter teeter Lal Albarn* pru»U* tta bar
' wtoutaa Wti.
Wattaaatoy'* Barty.
•a. te»* WA«MMBB.
teieih M a tatto te.amtiilag • ••**
Fta aaaarai day* utU* ata tee* have tawa
agipa sitae IS tot I StotaiKL*. rwtattag to
lb* <wwJ»taw» ta A« gifted amt highly t*
b«m*d yw«ag aaaa Fw twv a* <br«*
*.»♦•. tw to tat* ItotUeg Wrtb t**a*. at
tb* boas* ta Dr Uwtar te Vieterv>de, aad
al I** l*w a rw era. eaitatieA* •*• t*H a*
to tb* teaattaalwe ta ta* csnsAwt ll* bad
lb* test tateMMi aUwatte*. ami tb* aacat
rartaal aeaatag. tto rt wa* *ll ***** ng
Nta awry gid Da Carter hteawil grva ewt*-
tateltag laiteathta, bet an*a ta lb* aato
I *aai*»l paywattaaa ta Ibta e*ty *•** Mtn
' ■reilitd te. bet H was *J tstit w ato
wet etebt. a* abssat tota-paat aggbl e'ttorA.
Iba ttaßara-d ato«*. ba wa* wee of Uw
mto gaftod ato bwhiy tatet* 4 y»«eg
' tea* ta that *<**!• U* Wa* • gradeal* I
iba Varaaatoy. ato hto a*> tab** a 4t-
ap aa •gteeata* pewciaaa. il* towed to*
pm Altai a, aad teadwd ***y bard, ato kept
eg eto to tba Satete Atwuvvrw* ato *g
pteaae** te ba f Aewi w. It* bad tees
pncvwaag In* amt time as Aertbemta,
aad B eaa whata is tb* Aw* arg* ta ba
oteiracaed Wbaab amnate b* taa B* bad
’ aad** ba otf* a tog* a eta Sea at to*** pa
ttemtb ami *• •*«*>*» aad tteetee* al
it ■ ttete, »<<rt a*J Jag. wkwb be <***,
uiaSi I * .-aWB M* te Ito a r«te*
kuaato te tb* toeaa* Fr-sn lb* Ato. b*
awatato te rswobter Mt cam mb*r bega
waa. ead Ate. al <sto*. egerteed tgeteas
Mta Faw pwaag mm baa* ib tend apwe
Me wAb w<btar yr-■ par** ta eaema. aad
bbl Mb beea gpared. ee AmM be tetod
law aueai IB A* awry Bwet raaA ta tee
8m teat ta to. D* w after* ww* * Aa*
**toM aearriw 1 CWaaase. ato tea tat.
at wate w Mt yv'Sieetw. atamsad tee* b*
*** retoy G* ib* greed emerge. ate tea
te*rt* wa* m> toate ee-aared **• lb* «e
--barceaew •**; awn trsyttei. amgrgjad.
ato Uto fatoSb tee »w*y * F * west*.
yeem be to.’ tee* » air*i ta* ta the •***->
ton etowa, ato te* «wty A<w*b w a grwai
W db® VIMVHb Üb® <WMBNMv*T
Tto a«"A pare Ute* aftermta* ai
tto Br Itemsat gteaack al W **wv. te. te *
• - eoaaA
Ttor* bet tee*. Mwdw bmg Maws
A* '.** taagr.” titeawbm te Em* Aih»a*
*.* tMwetmw amd ) warn Aay A waaml *g
te a* rntoead B*ci ■Feta Bag.
taste a rratf-w time me a*d Aa BapCeaa
d'wsg tte* mm* -to MtSteitoaaa Tte*
■»*m gueaew • teste to* Msy-f wM base a
amst-hw «< An mt* taea <4 teak etewarbwi
tatAaa* b«B TaraS* ■**»«< «• A* < • wry*
ti iautfi emfrert. ato teaaMy Ami
e£ M mt-mm.
IHradgeerter* ul Albeit*.
We learn that Mr J. E. Dodson, Snpcr
i inti-ndi nt of tier G., C & N. railroad, will 1
move to Athens, and make this city his
! headquarters. Mr. Dodson will tie a val
uable acquisition to Athens, aad we are I
ultrj to k ow that it is bu inteot.on to
move to the city.
t Skiilfal OperaUae.
■■■ 1,1
Dr. W. W Powers has just returned
i from Buford where he, with the assistance
I of Drr M tcb< U and Rowe, of Buford, per
-1 f«mcd a mat skillful surgical operation
I m removing a tuineroua cancer from the
breast of Mr* R. H. Alien, of that place- i
Ttie lady is getting along spl-ndhlly after
M>ch a painful opcrathMi.
Knowledge required and applied, brings
forth sneers* as iU legitimate fruit, which
; it verified by the succc-s Hk ff, tbejeweler, I
's* having with his Diamond apn-tacles. ’
flow can Athens boom without » city
I cluck »
' “Y**, I abali M«ak Uu ebgageneut,'' ths
1 to J, todiag her arm* and looking deli*4.t> j
“ll u really too mueh trouble to eonvera*
’ with bun, b**t nt deaf n» s post, tnd talk*
ilk- b* tod a mouthful of mu.h B*wde«, the
way he bswkt nod *p'ia it d.tgualing ” “llon'l
brake lb* «ngng*tueu< for Itol; fell him te>
lake Ifr Sage’. Catarrh It Witt
cur* him completely " “W*U I’ll tell him I
do bate to brake II ot. for in ali other re.peel-*
I he * ipute too ctonuiag." Ol course. It cured
* bi* catarrh.
I koi ELkb U» 1 MUtMIL TMCMKB.
W H Kelt*, Ceiared, Learr* a Heart-blag
, | twbeoL
1 | ———
, News reached th* city thia morning that
, | W. 11. Davia, 14 thia illy, who ha* been
t j IrtohiUg ID Jattoon C>>UDty, *M tiXftd to
, j give up hia acfcutH and return tr Athens. I
. He Ua: a school ot about on* bumired and
thirty pupili, aud was making a auccem ul
, itacuiug
It was reported around u> J<k*on that
ite Ua>J uec'l auuie wry iaaulttng languagt
I n referrnco to *>mbc ind-ea, and ll ea*
, ; termed advtaable for him to leave.
He dr UK* three report*, and aay* they
wrra circulated by negr-wa who did nut
Ike him. ttul to s»otd trouble be hat giVan
up uia acixto sad returued Io Athens.
ATorUkX MOilr
Fiate Braeawlck to, t* Barpby 1 C.—
kibe* aa tb* Lhw
Th» iteorntng a irjxtrt beard a vagur
retort la regard t« • u«w rued, aad al
utecw a strut <<«t aevcral gwotUtteea, and all
' tabd that itoy bail beard such report*, but
<o*4) giv* nothing *ulb*et>c. At length
ta* raportar ran upu« s gentleman who mid
' ba would tell ua all to knew about it. Haid
j to
"Mr Martin, Ito raHrom! contractor waa
! >a tto city Haierday, aad a*4J that a cita'- j
tar titter btal teen applied f'«r or granted, ;
1 forget which, fur Um B kN road, ind
.bat A’ten* was ue the line ta tto prv
-1 < ;awed rout* "
Tb* stove la suUrstc Infurmaiton, and
we arc glad to -earn that Am road B to
| pas- Ibrowsh tbe City it Will tea gu>al
frester, sod will te ta vaal teuclit to Alt
We burn that tte meeting st Wstklnr
’ vtlle te awcaptag tea lows and awinlry !
A gwattoutea who wa* over Umv* yaeter
lay iaf rtm* aa that tte cbarcli will not
»uM the tßßtUtwPm that awaaable etcbl:
*t is* *<bi. aad tte* Ay cungrigntioa* ar*
arg* aed aathawaauc. The sue ling »
rae »p«i*Jly on what I* known a* tb* bo
>ia**e lie*, aad pmua* ar* laviwd to a»k
fur tbe *pKul tomrtng of aanctifkalio.
. W* haa* hot tateewd ** u> Us* aumter
|ta cue awamee nr aam tiAcauoaa. bet ba**
, teea Maarad that tb* tteaeUng la a vary
j gracaue* oat.
Tterw are a large aumbar <4 vlartor*
' | rmral. Mte<mg wb«<* may te m««-hm*d 1
>L*a G«e* Deva). Feits X Brown, H I I
Onwaa M ier WtUrs aad ulbera Ttar»
■ are aata to to four «4 ib* Cowan brother*
' ea wen sa a aerator ta workrra, mala aad I
lamala ad ta wtom an eakl te te “red-tot.*' j
Tba a—eting will gu ue for w»in day*. |
aad wa —*ra that it a bavteg • *wy pro
loead tefiaawca ovw U>e pwofd* <4 Wat. 1
h.aavta* aed to tbe aerriieedtag cogatry
•ileesrtr Mksgaem.
Thia iweaedy te becoming en well known
ato •* a* to a*e<! srwei*. aaaataoe
Ali wb> ba*« med E—eirtc Howaatag the
asm* weag ta peaaer A pent toiaowe
A*e eert • s ar. aad ll te gwaroataed ho 4< I
all that te caauatast Koetrw Usitec* wu. j
car* a*< An laaim ta tte* Hew ato kldoeya,
wti; rvto'e* psraptaa, tatoa. mft rheum.
. bed -rtfe-r tate'i-we ruwaed by Imper*
huwta W i-1 dktva ms,tana from th* «y»
>! taea, ato pr* »«■»l. ■* w»i. aa tek, aid eao
na> !•»*»* Fu* car* at toe lartea. couatr
muw *to uaAgswaaa. Uy fcwetnc Bowe*
Knur* seitoacthm gwarsntaw-l. er money •
rtaamtad. Pita* W ««*. ato I JK far bw
U*. rai Jute CrueKtoJk (ha's drag *U«e
W e*b W Ul « imim a I *e a*b*m* Shows
Br A L HaA teformad aa Aw OMirbiteg ’
AM Ib* U . C 4 N - te abdvmg ahaag vary '
Imb iwh.y Twa whoa* taaa ■ ao ten
•eresryed Tte oarpa <4 rog'-wcr* ar* at
wore sow a* tto Mme totw**e t teeaaw, H |
C. ato tb* Aeawnteh t **» * baa tea* |
aervay • tbrogga the mad WU. ta M M
twettweaa ta tee rooirocm-ea
Atamt ttenbe* las. tbe r* aMrvry WkE ta
cwmanawewd oe Ito tear team tto rises**-**
Wtw »o A Area Ttae anoe teea B tte
wbad tb* weak wta te camwertad ms Bat |
teat lawum Two tea km* tea wee* Al
-earn A Attorns *1 be re- ami *to tb*
roowerta M. to w* assy »rt «•
lbw ate ta tb* taaa ta t»n maawte wry
•ar-» Tta «.CA Nte ceaawg <* ■wm*- I
By ate ww wti: lam.- -ba alw.ha at Aa
mg eua a ««s» c«ty *es -mg
J T ria-nma tta * lew A W tow ate-
. ***** ag«*l Wte wm err aww J M Altetae
tea ***** Jag a* te* merge ta taagwy
wa* wienmni from jad yaartarhay Ha bed
tawas hrowgA< te Atern ato *w smArr
Ae eae* ta towrtS War. Baa tate we*
poaoert aa Ato- ate *b tew to atagort *«i !
<ta Jte. B* st® to wwd, -t a* perwamed. at
tee aest to* ta tee ewen
***• teiSiig a*was.
Mr N A. M <4 Pwdfe. Moimw
aewary. endted aa * bmtey tte yammwMai
m wvte sew ggoraaama ta *sn wet Arte
tatA. It wan 4ra*4 aa tee year IBM. sad
la m wta yroeerewri m 'tawuA dated tea
f> eaa t eaa* H* bto uaer*y * beabm
ta K ate am wirma wwa te to t rote aa M
‘ an to tak wm ta h* term mat Wata.
■ -■t.ill.
Tbe t •nimiller on l.ikht- Will Keporl
th« Jlraaare I'r di., Aflcrtioun.
i Yes, we will have the electric lights !
As wdi be si-eu lr<>m the proceedings of
tbe City Council in another column, tbe
wnimittec on lights were instructed to
iixik ictu the advisability of having tbe
city lighted by the electric system, and
that Mr. Fiauigen of the Gss Works Co.,
I uad submitted a proposition to the Coui.-
ALX art A-hCRKD.
This morning » teporti r was conversing
with a prominent councilman and learned
that the street* of tbe city would almost
assuredly be lighted by the iucandiaceut
| light He said the committee were now
tunning their report, and until that was
j read and adopb-d by the Council, be could
| not give us much information.
■ The plan of the committee, ww believe,
i is to retain a number of tb<' gas .auij* aud
. is-.- both gas and tbe electric plant for the
I p irp-ee of lighting the city.
The coat will then be very little, if any
more, than the ga* now is.
it tbe rv|»ort of the committee is ac
cepted, ere th* first frost falls, our city will
be tinUuuilly illuiuiuated by the eivClrie
We hope the U-'iincil will accept the
report of Ui* committee, and let work
bc.m at once- Nothing advance* the
prosperity of a city, nor advertise* it better
than giAjd light*.
Teo propositions have been submitted
by tbe Gm Uo., one to light t<oiii resident
and business struct*, »ud the other, only
the bmuieaa portion of tbe city.
Aa all iiul-Ttant change* *re made by de
gras, Mid s* ll is liw ioteutlou us tbe eotu
miltgc to confine the eoel a* near a* port i
talc to that ul ibe ayaUiu now tu vogue, it
is believed that lot the prewrul tbe bust
new* purlHxi ta the city only will be lighted
Uy tbe eKciuic light. But u*e work will
out top here—aft. r the »oi<w, wire, en
gine, etc., are put io operation, we don't |
believe ll Will be a great while beturv tte
dotuiui Ire can see their way dear for
tlgblmg the eatirv City by the luean*
The nwrtuing there wsa a eoiored boy I
e>«uc fifieeo or aiateeo year* of age uo tbe
street* who claim'd Uil* i prophet. Hi*
face a badly bur net, and be carries en
iron tube eroeud with lum through which
u* {day* a lour. He a*id that be could
pr< pueay auyone'* death by putting bi*
hand no ibdr neck*, sod that be could
perform other miracle*. Hr san! also itet
tb* world would b* burned up very soon.
Wbil* tbe b<>y w*« talking on Ihi* styir,
Opt. C. 0. TtamaJga cam* up Ui A*
1 oruwJ wuicb bsd cuilcctrd around the
hoy The Uapl. said to the prophet put
your band on tn*.
Tb* boy made a mot too aa if he would
do ao and then Said, 'I Won't dolt—l
■lon'l want to ar* you die."
The Chpl. tb< u drew a ratrtiit foot from
btai prtkat and appr achiog the prophet
aal'l, “it 1 can put lhw uo you, TH fie
The prophet broke tolo a fast run aod
I dll nut atop until be tad put some dw.
| lance between himaeif and Capt. Ta-
I madge.
I« t«*oajliM lacerate* *
Bead tte following Mt C 11. M"Tria,
I Newark. Ark . aay* ”Wa»down with Air
arae* <4 Lu ng*, and frww<!* end physician*
, pe n-'enert! rue an Incurable Ci>naum| live.
■ lot*>> taking Dr King * New Dhcovecy
' far UtwtaumjrtHm, am now oo my third
, botll*, and nftie to i-wnrr lb* work on my
. farm. It •» tb* finest mwdldne ever tu*->e ’’
Jeaae M«MWwhtt, Dacatur, Ohig **»»
-Had It »•>< Ix-ea Le Dr King* New Dte
cwvery tor C>>naamptsm,l wmkl have died
■«4 Luag Trulttoa W«a gtv»»> iro >•* d e
tags Ara now In twet of bwailh -/ Try it
I riantpie b"<ii«a fnw, at John Crawford A
Co 'b drug -i'<*
BT. LOl IA 80., FrU-BlapAUb
aay* 'leduui »>■«•« are prwvertaaPy
taidlhy, a*d •tfing, often marcl.lng tor
Lay* with their babrtw upon tbetr tor a*
tn fart. Ifcry fra,urntly g" tb* day bef-a*
awl taler eimfli wm. nt, with lb> tt tritea.
upon tue march Thea* w.<n« acquire
j tb* meat strength nod power ta ewier
a*rtw by taafng a weed that grow* tn thalr
towtly. out ta which a aaw.Sicta* w w-w
tatag esade, aed kern by Ur* draggwr*.
saw ibe warn* INDIAN WEED |F«
- mala Mimaris*)
! - INDIAN WEED Faaala Mk«ciw«!
ha* prvvva a great Uewwag tu th* w**k.
<te/»cwi». over-UMirted wioien ta "or iarg»
i citwA. fur Haul tbtt all wb<> war it k-»r
rotoaa* ead baearthy “ Jua* Cti*ri«ni
UO keep f.
A «arg» sewer e to be placwd err ea
F-*aa«*ry stro*'. al tta lalernertem ta •»*
* *»h agt- -a itrwl Tt-u * a modi t>»wd . I
ad orwwr, a* ad tto drme-ag* now sweep* !
ttowt* through th* Ftowtry yard, ate
eteie a tag rora r»««a, aaaca daraeg* a
; dtaea by tto wwr Bow.
A a eve** *»••••«••* A.-o**.
W» Aero frwa Bt C- W Key r.<4da that
j a prn*roe**d aaaec a< wu. be oeaawwond
al Ib* Y- M C. A prtM a* xt riewtoy
a<kt. Mr K. te*aa*a a* teal qwta a
I BBtetoß ta yeaaac aaaw war* act at tte
prayw-aaawtleg te** »<«*«. aad tb* ra*e* a<
wa* vary u*t«rw**nsg. Ail th* y««*g mae
ta tto erty an* lev.ted to atund tta*
Tto raw* *■■ ~ to to g-wM aew
*■■* <g B ners lurt>**rS!te te »*-wta ** «fe*
aOßn* Asa* n m aww Bieß wet*, and the
tart tert tarot * aero*.-*.--* anroSy aw
aauetartMw eto w if, wta aw B. te what
Baa *roe te «M» weCwaae a ******«T aad
Okie grower aw* ttaM at ray «•*« *m**cw
Merit Wins
■wta* aaawew-—* crow* Avetaates A*A
to'"to a*J «A B aroma. rirW-ato, tok
■roAeato- Bn u li. 11»i in in Tito
Ttort r -e-ret, rr«e*m a* Ajtsrtis* werogte
ro* * Srrwa* tateta ** th* Wtol* tjroea.
■ ■ ■*» Wewro aw*Mto M *aM at *w
M*to * wy ta> * F**wW MCI tote
• bto iprtitarirwii, teoata M to
Athens, Ga., Beptembe> 2d, I&S9. -
•t o'clock p. m. I
The regular monthly meet! gos council was
held this evening. Present Ilis Honor Mayot
Hunnicutt and Alderman Giiflith, McDowell,
McKinnon, Booth, Pitner, Barrow.
The minutes of the lust regular meeting weie
read aud confirmed.
Mr. A. Coleman appeared before council,
aud slated that he had been unable thus far to
secure the presence of Mr. Dunson as required
by his bond. He asked that council defer the
final execution of the bond until NevemLer
first next. On rnoUou the peliliou was \
Os J. A. Peeler, asking council to refund to i ,
him a part of tbe insurance premium paid by
biiu ou the middle bridge.
On motion tbe treasurer was instructed to r
pay Mr. Peeler such amount as tbe insurance i
company would allow him for cancelling tbe
Os Mr. W. B. Adams, to remit street tax
paid by him the present year, he hav ng been I
required to pay road tax tn auo her city. Not I
Os T. Fleming, asking that the sidewalk
fronting bis residence be repaired as agreed |
by the street comniiMioner at tbe time the
grading wm done and shade trees removed
from walk. Referred vo street committee with
power lu act. |
Os * number of ciliien*, asking that * lamp
be placed ou Pulaski street, at some point be
tween tbe residence* ut M a Colbert aud Mr.
Phelps. Referred to commitlee on light* with
power to act
Ul K. G. Harris, A. L Mitchell and J T
Vo*s, aakiug the privilege of nmmug the line
of the street railroad over tbe following
From Broad street along TbomM to Wash
ington, thence to College a reuse, thence tu
Hancock *venee, then starling ou belt line at
Corner of Waabiugton aod Jackson street* and
running along Jackson to Hirer street, thence
to College arena*, and down College avenue
to River or Savannah atrret to Northeastern
depot, theuc* along Hall sireet tu Hancock
areuur, aud alto leaving Pnoce avenue where
Hill street inler*eel* it, aod running up Util
street to oorporake limit*. Referred to street
com nil i lee io luveatignte aad consider and re
port tack tu council Friday evening neit at 4 i
atroav or couwtrvvns
Street committee mad* tnetr regular month
| iy repeat, also submitted recommendation of
street commissioner that Cedar rtroet ta ac
cepted and worked by lb* city. Rsport re
port nscstvvd, and tta question of acaepliu;
aad working Cedar Street referred te *te*e t
euo.iniltee to investigate
Cviumi'tee on ligule reported that tbe
Albea* Ua* Light Cotupau v tad submitted a
proposition io pul in dedne lights, tat that
th* cvtnmiUee were uol tel ready to report ou
the waiter, and asked tor further Uni*. Fur-
Iber Um* wae granted, with the request that
tbe committee report nsil Friday evening.
Committee on public property reported that
they bad laveeugntod tb* quealma of the r«-
moval of Ib* sagta* bouse from Waabiagton
•trust. Tbe commitlo* slated that Mr Ca
ruber* proposed, it tee otly would remove th*
old aegln* bouse, to s*U Ule euy on* of tbe
•tor* boowM reeeuUy erected by bun on said
•Ireei for in* sum irt
Alrt*rm*a Metktnnoe moved that tb* offer of
Mr. Carilbera be accepted MoUun loal.
A division being celled lb* vote stood a*
t ea* McKmaoa, Booth
■Way* Unffeib, Burrow, McDowell and
Tb* ntoalbly report* of lb* Chief of Folic*
aud taaaaerer were read and received.
Alder tun Unffeth mated tbai m iber* was
considerable eppogMtoe to lb* povtng bill ba I
would move that lb* p* r >*4 bill ta withdrawn
ul tn lieu ta th* Mni that tb* euy attorney ,
be irotriKted te draw and bar* uitroduc*d in j
»b* legtslotor* a bill firing lb* uty eouucii ‘
tb* utbanty to reqoir* a.iie-walks pared
carted <rt olbsrwiw improved u, wteb maaosr
as lb* erty evuuru. aboil deem proper, aod re
gal** Ibe property owner* owning property •
aboUiog on awrti waits aa ar* required to be ’
povad. airbed ut ottarwiaa improved to pay
tb* tool *f sain* Adopted
Aldarmu Urt**«b moved lhal Hon. U. C.
Twek. our raprawsateiir* in tbr legisiotur*, ta
requested te IstredoM a bill a«Modiag our
•Uy charter an as to tueke lb* term ta olbe* of
tba mayor lea year* inotead rt one, the some
to tab* -MM at iba eapirauoo ut lb* term of
tb* prweol mayor Adopted.
Uy AMartum. UntsUi
Ueetaeed. Twm Ue mayor appmsl o eom
mrttee <rt Mgbl to conaiM of taw ataermab end
four Ciuaeu, lbs mayor to ta added aa chsar I
man. amd wmintUee to laraaUgate aed eun
wdsr tbs q*e«Uoa ut tutor ng * park for U.o (
my Adopted
Commute* to ta nameeeeaA neat Friday. I -
On meUu of tldermao Gr.Mlk Ue •Meet
eemuiaaeMMM* eaa luelrweted te -reel a public
privy os tea let new eeewptad by tbe rily.
sol Us Aomtery Inspector -.aMro*ted to set
tost it b* k*pt ta a *i*aeiy wsjmsr
Atderwu M<Dowse etetod Uol an old negro
women ia Iteaf Au-w sad isceeUV died, ud
UM daneg bar atekaewo Fuay lisrpar, eel ,
tad esited wa tar, be Uiowgni Sta ebowid ta
pert aowirthiag by lb* rt y tor lai. esrviee. os
tee old Sswsu, wa* a pup*r. aed wa* oe lbs
taede ta too *tly.
Arts*anas I iUmw me*sd that Esaey Harpe*
ta pert lb* rom of |lu ter Uu om>kw
The fedewtag Lute ear* ordered pert when
property appro r«d
A. Hows gs . Avua* Caaoaica*, flltAO J. H.
Crewbry, lllpih B H Mu.-to*. Usury
Hate. H.M. Cwmr* Brow*, ft te, W Mckia
aee, 8* . Ota* Ptewart. |l, Hash A JCbertan
taa. Aue*a taeear. fkl aed 11», Wnakta-d A*’ I Ta, J M Gardner, (11 J# ; J. A |
rtaa**BM* .J H Hou, 81 pi. J H Haggiae' |
8? *t A 18. MaOteiy A HaumeeU, pt end
ULA*. Jaw Crewtort A Ue. IAS, W. Mr-
DoweS A Hee. •*•«. Aktau Uu tagbl Com
peay, fcSMO J S A tag A Co. I*l*, Ktaa A
Maroa BB>Mk krtß, Avwwa* Coaeatc** lllkto
Aitaws Qao Ugbl Uo. B*4 K, <; At ITU
till weak I use i te a»M oe Prwtey
• vesiag sell a* < v’osoc*
* A U>k*aa*aa,
IB *A* IdSAka 14TTW
Al Vaaa* •sew Erte* amd Beery Meta
aart Mr la.
Ye. they v-» irrv-< rrrry f»-w day*,
am! ra tar root krta. Tb* fact *, Urey orc ’ I
«4 asrooat every m**< and at your ova 1
pm. aod tbetr a*** art renaartaha* This , !
tear* «4 a cueacrseLsJu was aufikum to ,
ar «aa* tta camety <4 * Cbb>i*mxb ra
ymrwr. amd ta tagan to tovoetigate. U a
Uttj* wtaie ta fo*»d evt 'tai kJ Um ttak
was in regw-i to tm* fine treggM*. car
rtagte am.’ wagcroa ttak CwiUct* Hutts A
Cm. ant gettteg rwry few taya. Ttamr vt- j (
Metai art ao otylmb am! <4 such fiaa ton ’
ttat ttay ••& rapsf'j Os c-rtrua uey ar* . i
sue! ctamp. am! Um dasstad M racre*u< i'
ta tM MB*
ro-ow ♦
■arklew'a Armlrm Mmlvao
Tbb ilmrr &a*.vb ra tta world fee Cat*
Sr.os*. >*«» i :.rt
.•tores. Trtter. t. bopcrol Hua. ÜBdtawius t j
C»-r«e. and el. s»u Erap.* cm, ead pom
trv* y curtn Fcort, ar ta po> taqsued. It
m furan Ina! Ba gtva perfect BBUa!ea»>*t,,
or taurory rtaemtad. Free Ml orota per
tart F-gsme hv JuHn Crnwfunl A Uu. ‘
10l titrkaair; Mort
C-mdactor Bob Garrarte VM peg ao te- i 1
rwmtay Bert as was nt S-M reported, we i ’
art gtad » any H* wm arrereiy brstard. <
emd w® ta kept is taawt* fcr arvmi ’
carta. Hot ta* tofxne* art mat at • aeriio*ra i
•aisrt. _
-* If You Are Sick
With Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Dyspep
sia, Biliousness. Blood Humors, Kidney Disease.
Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague.
Pleeplcsuess, Partial I'aralynls, or Nervous Pros
tration, use Paine's Celery Compound aud bo
cured. In each of these the cause is mental or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria,
the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys
tem, resulting in one of these disease* Remove
the Cause with that great Nerve Tonic, and the
HUSt'LT will disappear.
Paine's Celery Compound
Jas. L. Bowks, Springfield, Mass., writes:—
" Paine’s Celery Compound cannot be excelled as
a Nerve Tonic. In my case a single bottle
wrought a great change. My nervousness entirely
disappeared, and with it tno resulting affection
of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole
tone of the system was wonderfully invigorated.
I tell my friends, if sick as I have been, Paine’s
Celery Compound
J>Will Cure You!
Fwld by druggistA. fl; six for >5. Prepared only
by Wbua Richardson a Co., Burlington. Vt.
for lie _Aoed, Nervous, Debilitated.
Offers to the Trade the Best Line of Cook Stoves
Ever Put on the Market. Among them
Mav Be Found the
Which with .it’aluaUy U3c!" 'MU WLLU* UAUZj* w»—j.'! DOOR Ddies the World
to Urcdueett'acquaL A Uli AHL EH OAK la
a 11 ii' fiijesfwi'
You can make yonr wtfe. F a’.ao carry a foil Uno o£
the im (in » noil
Having handled them for the p»*t flfte n year*, I c*n refer with pride Io thous
.d« of the o’trow in uae, working and talking for theinwlvn*. In addition to th
i.ive I carry a large line of low priced glove*, which I am aelling »»*
Y on to'.'i! o r!to hnv * Cmk Htove my .Uo* of*8lov«
wrich it tbe Largcat in NorUieut Goorglu J
And General Merchandiae. Highcat price paid for BUTTER,gCHICK
ENS AND EGGS. Call aud see ua.
WU'lt.Uktl A"n BKTAIL
< A kS 0 • 4 *'• 11 •
y Musical Merchandise
MHsHt rm bhoao ht„ atiienh, oa-
New, Kall, Wide-Awake Faculty ; New additions on tbe
groundH-, New Boartiing iio(i»e; New cottages for ,
young men and families. Almost every-
thing is bran new out and out. * J}fl
La oa a new career of prueperity aad exv-nded mefuiiMm. Yon can odocato you
•no* aed dtugbtora at .
Hayesville Male and Female College
F-w ataaoal mAMng Other Colle/aa rack* a profit of three or four dollar* per month
tar Lrard on -ecb pep«i- You eaa save that by going to Hayiwvllle. fkmrd in
bnarding tanas* aevea dnitara par aroolb ; la private familie*, air doUara and even
83 00 PER MONTH.
Ten M rath* Seswtaß from Birty-Dw In On* Handred Drtlara, all told.
Tnitvrt te Train ng Bcb»oi. Bs.oo to $7 Vt for five tn ratiu *e**ion.
QoUrtfiafe DepartaMet. *> U> io <8 V) per month.
Bunk-Karp*ag and Peemaeahip a apacralty. Ao excellent insfractree* will give
pwa-rii ra draa-tng aod Potnuiqp
ProT. o-r>ro g»m t<. laetrum-ntal a»d Vxd Mat. W H. iiiL&wia, for
owriy Ma* Lrzara -rrr>». late at Yooer H <rn* Inatitate, wifi have charge at lo
gntvoti: Mmc. laatructloa la Korte, <1 00 per tn •oik
Y rang ram <-*a board ttatnsrivee ia oonartoric* aad pay uiuro for ten aonlha,
*n Irtt. tor ttlfJO
ar ban * rkpew* Angart, 18. 1«M Appiy to
REV W. B BALDWIN, President,
EU ZIBET' I A. T1 >rroaa4 M tba A4m>om *
teatet* of tta *atek* of Hrtta Ttar**«o :
tanag la lb - Coart I tat ata b*4 <
f»3y oArara -rtwro* a*rt Ertrt*. ali pmwoa oro ’
bevifcy art ta* to «taw **••* rs aay ktay eaa,
*1 tta rsgate* Ortotav Tars* !•>»> of tta Court
rfOvtaw'V rtOaea* C*wa(y war ata ataart
M* te 4tertavgw4 fruaa sort adwetrtratiwi
*»4 rwrot** tetter* rt girwiaaM. ta terra* of
Itate* TVa IM* Jay «ff Joo* law
JeitU, 1* tatatery, I
Warranted to color more good* than any nth*
dye* ever made, and to give more brilliant and
durable color*. Ask for the Diamond, and taka
no other. . ___ ,
4 Dress Dyed <—■ ) , FOB ?
4 Coat Colored f | '
Garments Renewed J - cents.
A Child can use them! ;
Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Work,
At druggist* and Merchant*. Dye Book free.
WELLS, 81CHARDS0X & CO., Prop*., Bvrlhgtab Vt,
O'r « kart« wa, l<rt-tf J.,
ta*te>air*to* <4to* Ute* *i T*aa*« C»aa
■oa*. 4* tearoi, r-e*M*ak« teat te ta* (oUy
<U*tte*g*4 tta J*tMo rt cart irau. aa t tesya
tar Ltete./. rt ttaauoteva Tta* t* ta.rrt*** la
artafy oil prtaro* *rx-r*«te to ata* eaWM, 4
•*, tery «*a. ee or tatov* Ite ttert 4 rvltj to
.w**w *«rt. **,» tel tauter* ataeU as*
Ite grtetod aa4 **.l 1 tetarzad.
Aag ItAm. Uv4iaary.