Newspaper Page Text
Co-host, Andy Kim
please the audience. As for
Daisy she was back in her
home territory and she
knew it. All Daisy had to
do was to step on the
stage and the crowd
melted in the palm of her
Entering the contest
this year for two nights
of competetion were thir
teen lovelies. They includ
ed: Erica Towers. Dee
Dee Wilson, Lucinda
Bronte. Gay Lynn. Trisha
Danelli. Cheerleader.
Candy Cane. Brandy
Dee.nLady Fabre. Misti
Dawn, Adrian Sanchez,
Clara Kennedy and Jamie
„ Eaves.
After the opening pa
rade of contestants, all
thirteen girls with Miss
Dalton in the lead did a
special production num
ber called “Lullaby of
Broadway.” The audience
On Sunday night, Feb
ruary 16th, the beautiful
Amber Synclair prepared
to relinquish her crown
and retire as the first
Miss Gay Chattanooga.
Co-hosting the two night
pageant this year were the
Powder Puff’s own Andy
Kim and from the Onyx
Lounge in Atlanta the
a 1 w a y s fabulous Da i s y
Dalton. Andy Kim, who
has not been performing
but a few months did her
best to entertain and
loved it and the contest
was on it's way.
It was a long first night
and the tension was rising
as Miss Congeniality and
the five finalists were an-
naouced. There was a tie
when the contestants voted
among themselves for
M i s s Congeniality . The
Cheerleader and 1974’s
Miss Congeniality. Misti
Dawn. When the tie was
broken, only one vote se-
perated the two. The
award was finally pre
sented to the rah-rah girl
of the South-Cheerleader.
The five finalists were
then announced. They had
to come Sunday night to
compete in more poise,
personality, and talent ca-
tagories. Luncinda Bronte
Trisha Danelli, Lady Fa
bre, Mistia Dawn, and Ad
rian Sanchez were the five
ported it once again this
AND CAROL-to Rita for
making the contestants
numbers and the banner
and for doing all she could
to help the show go as
smoothly as possible---to
Carol for running all sorts
of errands and for putting
up with Rita and every
one else. A debt of grati
tude goes out to Billy on
the lights all night. It gets
awfully hot up there and
to Kathy on that never
racking D. J. Stand. Of
course special apprecia
tion to Linda, our lovely
backstage co-ordinator.
She did a sensational job.
Last, but certainly not
least, the judges. They in
cluded Bill Smith and
Jeannie Graham of the
Trisha Danelli
The Entertainer, Daisy Dalton
The Scenic City’s Only Gay Supper Club'
You Bet Your Sweet Ass We
Open On Sunday (Till 3 AM)
Powder Puff Lounge
28 East Main St.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
An All Star Cast
Adrian Sanchez
Cheerleader Trisha Danelli
Lorraine North
Disc Jockey
Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday
3 Shows Nightly
Friday Saturday & Sunday
Phone (615) 265-9190
Crowd Favorite, Misti Dawn
W WW'W W4?'- Ip$f| ,
Lady Fabre
Amber Synclair,
Miss Gay Chattanooga 1974
BARB, Mary Burner of
Fredericks, and Susan
Geiseman, editor of the
UTC University Echo.
All in all, it was a very
interesting contest. Won
der what it’ll be like next
year? See ya then!
[L] Susan Geiseman, Mary Burner, Bill Smith and Jeanni Braham
The Winners, Lucinda Bronte,
Lady Fabre, and Misti Dawn.
First Runner-up, Lucinda Bronte
The judges narrowed it
down and the winners were
announced Sunday evening
before a packed and ten
sion filled audience. Se
cond runner up and crowd
favorite was Misti Dawn.
First runner up Lucninda
Bronte who had to be talk
ed into entering the con
test just hours before it
began. Miss Gay Chatta
nooga 1975 is Lady Fabre.
Miss Fabre is a twenty
year old native of Chatta
nooga, a graduate of Cen
tral High School where she
was active in the Varsity
Glee Club. She likes
swimming, horseback rid
ing, and music. Her zodiac
sign is Cancer.
It was a great pageant,
all in all. and credit must
be given where it is due.