Newspaper Page Text
Church News
City Manager Hay Is A
Member Of First Baptist
Staff Writer
Marion Hay, Sr. , a native of
Worth County, grew up in Albany,
Ga. His wife, Marilyn Wisham
Hay, grew up in Tifton, Ga.,
He is a graduate of Albany High
School, received an A. S. degree in
Agriculture from Abraham Baldwin
Agricultural College and a B. S.
degree in Agriculture from the
University of Georgia. He com
pleted graduate work at Georgia
College in Public Administration.
He is an Ordained Deacon and a
member of First Baptist Church,
He and his wife came to Perry in
1977; he as City Clerk. During the
administration of Mayor Lewis
Meeks, the job title was changed to
City Manager.
Marilyn Hay has been employed
with Alltel (formerly GTE) for 16
They have one son, “Buddy”,
who is attending Georgia
Southwestern College to earn his
certification to teach in the public
school system. He recently
instructed in the Houston
Vocational School on a temporary
basis..He is a member of the adult
choir in First Baptist Church.
Marion’s current professional af
filiations include: Board of
Directors, Municipal Gas Authority
of Georgia; International
City/County Managers
Association; Georgia City/County
Managers Association; Board of
Directors and Legislative
Committee of the Georgia Rural
Water Association; Ex-Officio
Member of Board of Directors of
the Perry Convention & Visitors
Bureau; Military Affairs Committee
of the Perry Area Chamber of
Commerce; Georgia Water and
Pollution Control Association and
Ex-Officio Member of Board of
Directors of the Perry Economic
He is a past member of South
Georgia Chamber of Commerce
Association, Georgia Industrial
Developers Association, Georgia
Travel Council, and member of the
Board of Directors and Legislative
Let Me Introduce Myself To My New Readers
It has been a joy for me to write
a weekly column for The Perry
Times during the past year, but
writing for the newly formed
Houston Times-Joumal will also be
rewarding. This newly formed
publication is certain to reach
thousands of homes throughout
Perry and Houston County, and I
thank all of you for allowing me to
share a small part of the day with
Let me introduce myself to those
of you who are new readers. My
family and I moved to Perry two
years ago when I began pastoring
Rehoboth Baptist Church. We
The Following Sponsors Support Your Local Church
Northrop Corporation
Georgia Production Site
Thompson Road, Perry
Interstate Paint & Body
1410 Sam Nunn Blvd. • Perry
Rush , from lA
check) includes such vital informa
tion as name, address, social secu
rity number and date and place of
Questions on the form that must
be answered include:
■Are you under indictment or in
formation in any court for a crime
punishable by imprisonment for a
term exceeding one year?
•Have you been convicted in any
court of a crime punishable by im
prisonment for a term exceeding
one year?
•Are you a fugitive from justice?
•Are you an unlawful user of, or
addicted to, marijuana, or any
depressant, stimulant or narcotic
drug or any other controlled
•Have you ever been adjudicated
*- jp^
Marlon Hay
Committee of the Georgia
Recreation & Parks Association.
Current and past civic involve
ment includes: Perry Rotary Club,
Houston Lake Country Club, Air
Force Association, Tifton Mason
Lodge #47, Royal Arch Masons,
Waycross Commandery #36,
Knights Templar, Hasan Shrine
Temple, Albany; Perry Shrine
Club, Former Scoutmaster and
Former Roundtable Commissioner
- Boy Scouts of America, Past
member, Georgia Jaycees and Past
member. Perry Exchange Club and
Waycross Exchange Club.
His past employment includes
Chief of Economic Development
Division, and Southeast Georgia
Area Planning and Development
Commission in Waycross, Ga.
From 1964 to 1967, he was
County Supervisor, U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Farmers
Home Administration.
He has authored numerous pub
lications, including the nine county
“Slash Pine Area Overall Economic
Development Plan..
His hobbies are hunting, fish
ing, farming, reading and traveling.
He has a small farm where he can
relax and enjoy some of these hob
He works tirelessly for the best
interests of the citizens of Perry., in
cooperation with the surrounding
immediately found Perry a
wonderful place to live, and we are
looking forward to a long stay. I
am a graduate of Warner Robins
High School, and my parents still
live in Warner Robins so I feel as if
Houston County has always been
home to me.
My wonderful wife, Cynthia,
and I met at Brewton-Parker
College and have been married ten
years. Cynthia is currently a
teacher at Kings Chapel Elementary
School, and the Lord has blessed us
with two marvelous daughters,
Trisha, who is a second grade
gran CB&T Bank Of
laUIU Middle Georgia
Bank of 918 Maln st-
Middle Georgia p.rry - ssr-isaz
. J Member F.D.I.C.
U.S. 341 Just North of 1-75
mentally defective or have you ever
been committed to a mental institu
•Have you been discharged from
the Armed Forces under dishonor
able conditions?
•Are you illegally in the United
•Are you a person who, having
been a citizen of the United States,
has renounced his/her citizenship?
Sell, from 1A
interested persons should either con
tact a local Exchange Gub member
or call and leave a message at 987-
5540. Although the deadline for
ordering or reserving flats is Mon
day, February 28, Cox added that
**£ H;p. ■*' - 4 ’’
1 ■ k
r’w-fr'iafe r *
life; -
fjjr ■ x
ip* vfri if
James R. Dykes, publisher of The Shepherd's Guide,
announced recently that the first Metro Macon edition of the
Christian directory will be coming to Perry In June
Phone Directory For
Christians Is Coming
The Shepherd's Guide, a Christian
yellow pages, will the hitting the
Metro Macon area in June according
to Publisher James R. Dykes.
Originated in 1980 by Douglas
Scheidt Jr. in Baltimore, Md., (at
the young age of 22) the publica
tion has a distribution of over three
million today.
Touted by Dykes as a "business
man's billboard statement of his
faith that will reach thousands in
|.m IT"
ijZ 1 Rev. John I
Iff m I
student at Kings Chapel, and
Bethany, our four-year-old pistol.
I have been pastoring since age
nineteen, and my seminary training
was received in For. Worth, Texas,
Friends, from ia
Smith, Dr. Dan Stewart, Floyd
Tabor, Ross Tolleson, Janice
Walker, Trudie Warren, Draper
Watson, Bill O’Neal and Dennis
Bill O’Neal, 987-1951 (work) and
987-1043 (home) is the contact
point for this drive. If you have
questions before or after you are con
tacted, Bill will provide information
for you.
the club is planning to purchase a
couple of hundred extras for those
who may not be able to order until
The berries are expected to be de
livered in Perry either the weekend
your area”, local representatives
will be contacting area businesses
through the end of April concerning
The finished product is distributed
to churches, Christian families,
Christian non-profit organizations,
bookstores, conventions, concerts
and to Christian businesses.
Distributed in over 100 cities, the
purpose of the directory is to ac
quaint Christian consumers with
Christian businesses and profes
at the Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary. The Lord
has opened many opportunities for
ministry in my life, and writing
this column allows me to expand
and enlarge my ministry.
What are my columns usually
like? They are short, sometimes
humorous, and hopefully thought
provoking. I like to make my
readers laugh one week and angry
the next week. If you will continue
allowing me to share part of your
day each week, I'm sure we’ll have a
great time together.
Member F.D.I.C.
Whore Everybody Turns For Racing/
To Subscribe Call: (912) 957-7224
From what the Friends were shown
in the community theatre building,
you are going to be pleased with the
finished project.
“The Music Man” opened Friday
night, February 25 to a full house.
The play will run Feb. 25-27, and
Tuesday, March 1-Saturday, March
5. All shows will begin at 8 p.m.
except for a Sunday matinee at 2:30
of March 10 or March 17 with the
exact date to be announced closer to
time. The pick-up site will be the
old Mark Powell Chrysler lot at the
comer of Sam Nunn Boulevard and
W.F. Ragin Drive.
Houston Times-Journal
Saturday, February 26, 1994
Churches Plan Activities
For Members, Community
Houston Lake
Revival at the church begins
Sunday, Feb. 27 and lasts until
Thursday, March 3.
Featuring Evangelist Fred
McCoy, special singing will also
be a part of each service which will
be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. on
Sunday and at 7 p.m. Monday
through Thursday.
A dinner on die grounds will be
held following Sunday morning re
vival service.
The next Super Saturday will be
held March 5 from 9 a.m. until 3
p.m. at the Agricenter during
Missions Fest.
This is for the entire family with
adult activities taking place sepa
rately. The children's committee in
vites children in first through sixth
grades to go and encourages parents
to enjoy the day also.
Opportunities for the week in
•Saturday, Feb. 26:
Maddix/Slivka wedding at 11 a.m.,
the second day of a Disciple Youth
Workshop at First Baptist Church
at 5:30 p.m., a Baptist Women’s
Meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m
and Youth Power Hour will be held
at 7 p.m.
•Tuesday, March 1: Ladies Bible
Study from 9:30-11 a.m.
•Wednesday, March 2: Youth
Pizza Blast at 6 p.m.
The church welcomes new
members Michael Huff and David
First Baptist
Tickets are still available for two
upcoming concerts:
•Michael English, Mark Lowry
and First Call will be in concert
Monday, March 7 at Mabel White
Baptist in Macon. Tickets are
•Atlanta Passion Play is
Saturday, March 19 at the Atlanta
Civic Center. Tickets are sl2.
Weekend fellowships for young
people include: 7-Bth grades,
Sandra and Tommy Long's; 9-12th
grades, Tricia and Charles Parker's.
A beach break meeting will be
held at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27 in
the fellowship hall to cover the de
tails of the summer camp for mid
dle school students to Panama City.
Sign up forms are available at
the church office for the Walk for
Life, sponsored by Sav-A-Life, to
be held March 5. The two mile
walk is for everyone (strollers,
wheelchairs, etc) and all funds raised
will be used to help women in
Middle Georgia who are faced with
a crisis pregnancy.
Rehoboth Baptist
The adult choir has begun work
on special music for the Easter
season entitled "God So Loved The
World” by Camp Kirkland and Tom
Fettke. Lord, Jesus Christ is being
conducted by our Minister of
from 1A
looks really good."
The lobby renovation project will
more than double the space of the
front lobby, increasing the square
footage from 500 square feet to
1,100 square feet. Tolleson added
that the project will also give the
Pink Ladies more storage room.
The sidewalks are being remod
eled to meet Americans with Dis
abilities Act standards. The act re
quires that all public buildings be
assessable to people with handicaps.
In other business before the au
thority, Hal Cotton was re-elected as
chairman of the authority and Carl
Beard was re-elected as vice chairman
of. the authority.
page 3A
Kellwood Outlet Store
202 Kell-wood Drive
j Peachstate Cable TV
j p.o. box ties
IPCT V Perry*Qa
Music, Rev. Bill Warder.
The Youth Group has begun a
study on Sunday evenings called
StraighTrak. This study involves
the youth in active discussion about
contemporary issues concerning
them in today's world.
Our "Great Cookie Caper"
Outreach is continuing with over
200 cookies delivered to date, our
goal is to deliver a total of 1200
cookies to families in the Perry
community in the coming weeks.
Deliveries will be made on Monday
evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Come be a part of this exciting
Perry United
Well-known area artist Butler
Brown will present the program at
the March 2 Family Night Supper.
Any adults aged 40-55 who
would like to get a group started for
fellowship, fun and learning please
call the church and leave your name
and phone number.
The Prime Time group is taking
another cruise this summer. Sign
up now because cabins are limited
for the five night cruise through
Mexico. On June 12 the ship will
leave Miami to Key West, Playa
del Carmen and Cozumel.
Also for older adults will be a re
treat April 4-7 at Epworth by the
Sea. Sponsored by the Georgia
Conference, the accommodations
include three nights and nine meals.
A group from the church will go if
there is enough interest.
Crossroads United
The Reinhardt College Concert
Choir will perform in the sanctuary
Monday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m.
The choir members, some 30 men
and women, will need places to
spend Monday night following the
performance. Anyone willing to
open their home to these college
students should call the church of
The church's youth will attend a
UMYF Lenten Overnight Atlanta
Retreat March 11-12.
A committee needs recipes for a
new Crossroads cookbook.
Members also need to get pictures
to Leanne Greene or Di Lanier for
the bulletin board.
Rev. Sammy Clark will be
coming April 17—19 to conduct a
series of worship services.
New Life
Worship Center
David Walters, popular evange
list in both Europe and America and
has great success with youth and
children's ministries, will be speak
ing in both services at New Life
Worship Center in Byron Sunday,
March 6 (10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.).
Everyone is encouraged to
attend. Call 956-3315 or 784-9875
for additional information.
i .
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