Newspaper Page Text
Church News
“Dreamer” Coming
To Houston Baptist
The Continentals 1994 World
Tour, featuring a concert of con
temporary Christian music, will be
coming to Houston Lake Baptist
Church in Perry Monday, March 14
at 7 p.m.
Featuring over 35 cast members,
including vocalists, instrumental
ists, dramatists and technicians, The
Continentals will present the
award-winning musical "Dreamer".
The musical, written by Cam
Floria, is premiering an all-new
cast recording and is produced with
full costuming, singing and
pageantry for an audience of all
ages. It has recently been re-orches
trated, newly revised and recorded
for the 1994 touring season.
"Dreamer” is based on the life
story of Joseph. Sold into slavery
by his jealous brothers, the
Dreamer survived to become
Pharaoh's appointed ruler of all
ancient Egypt. In addition to
"Dreamer", The Continentals will
present a short program of music
featuring well-known inspirational
Rev. Fisher To Take
Over Baptist Pulpit
The First Baptist Church of
Hayneville has extended a call to
Rev. David B. Fisher as their new
Pastor after serving two months as
Rev. Fisher is a native of
Abbeville, Ga. He graduated from
Abbeville High School and attended
Norman Baptist College in Norman
Park, Ga. He was Pastor of
Northside Baptist Church in
Fitzgerald for 26 years, seeing the
church grow from ISO members to
over 2,000 members during his
Pastorate there.
Rev. Fisher has served the
Georgia Baptist Convention as
member of the Executive Board
Member of State Nominating
Committee, nominated as vice
president of Georgia Baptist
Convention, served on Board of
Trustees of Georgia Baptist
Childrens Home. He also served on
the Ben Hill-Irwin Baptis
Association as Moderator, chairman
of Evangalism and Nominating
Committee and the city of
Fitzgerald as Chaplain of the Police
Department for 15 years, member
of Housing Board Authority for 10
During his Pastorate preached in
more than 350 revivals across the
No Matter Where You Go, God Is Near
The Sunday School teacher gazed
at the class of first graders. She got
their attention and asked them,
"Does anyone know where God
lives?" One of the anxious children
raised his hand and replied, "The
Lord lives in our upstairs
"Oh, really," the teacher
responded. "What makes you think
the Lord lives in your bathroom?”
"Because,” the youngster answered,
"every morning I hear my dad
shout, 'Good Lord, are you still in
That story seems funny, but
A Look At What Really Happened At Carmel
Have you ever read something
for the 12th time and begin to see it
in a different light with each
reading? And you ask
/ourself..." Why did I not see that
ijefore?" That’s the way God’s
Word is to His children...nothing is
nore exciting than the feeling that
something written thousands of
/ears before you were bom is fresh
The Following Sponsors Support Your Local Church News
Northrop Corporation
Georgia Production Site
Thompson Road, Perry
Interstate Paint & Body
1410 Sam Nunn Blvd. • Perry
All of the young people who are
part of The Continentals are care
fully selected from among thou
sands who audition annually from
around the world. The program is
then fine-tuned during an intensive
rehearsal camp in Denver, Col., be
fore each group leaves for an ap
proximate three month tour
throughout the United States and
many foreign countries.
Touring groups of The
Continentals have been the training
ground for countless individuals
who are currently involved in many
different arenas of the gospel music
industry and church leadership. In
addition, numerous well-known
Christian artists, including Wayne
Watson, Paul Smith, Karla Worley,
Steve Taylor and Jim Custer began
their careers on a tour with The
Nursery care will be provided for
babies and preschoolers.
For more information contact
Gail Baase at 987-0276.
.*. mKttm
Rev. David Fisher
United States First Baptist Church
of Hayneville is located nine miles
South of Perry on US 341,
The congregation extends a
welcome to Rev. Fisher and invites
the public to attend. Services on
Sunday are Sunday school at 10
a.m., Morning Worship at 11 a.m.,
Sunday night service at 6:30 p.m.,
Wednesday Night Bible Study and
Youth Activities at 7 p.m.
where does the Lord actually live?
Where does He walk and talk?
where does He spend His time?
Where can you find His presence?
One of the greatest truths of
scripture is that God dwells among
us. He is not in some distant land.
He's not on a high cloud looking
down upon you. He’s everywhere
you go.
God has often been described as
having an inescapable nearness. If
you climb the highest mountain,
God will be near. If you descend
into the deepest cave, God will still
be near. If you sail the farthest sea,
from the pen of God especially for
Paul said, in writing to the
church at Corinth concerning the
hidden wisdom of God, "But God
has revealed them to us through the
Spirit." God has been teaching
something to this pastor concerning
His church that is for all believers.
Recently, while sharing in a
mmum CB&T Bank Of
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Mary Hamilton
Music, Church Set Pace
For Perry Music Director
Staff Writer
Mary Hamilton grew up in
Warner Robins, the daughter of a
Baptist minister, pastor of Warner
Robins First Baptist Church
She is a graduate of Warner
Robins High School, received her
undergraduate degree from Florida
State University, and her master
degree from Auburn University,
attending on a scholarship and
majoring in piano performance.
At Auburn, she started a choir and
began choral conducting.
She and her husband, Gary
Hamilton, have two children,
Jennifer 13 this month, and Alan,
15 in May; both students at
Westfield. Gary works as CPA-
Providence Manager for Dr. J. L.
Mary is into her fourth year as
Music Director at Perry
Presbyterian Church. There are 38-
40 members in "the choir but the
choir can always use more." Some
people think that you have to be a
trained singer to be in a choir.
"Not so," says Hamilton. If a
person can sing "on pitch", she can
use that person. She quoted Psalm
13:6"I will sing unto the Lord, for
he hath dealt bountifully with
me." She also quoted Walter Savage
Landor, "Music is God’s gift to
man - the only art of heaven given
to earth; the only art of earth we
take to heaven".
Hamilton said, "Christianity is a
lifestyle struggle all the time to
combat the modern lifestyle of
personal peace and affluence. We
God will even be there, too! His
nearness to you is inescapable.
Are you facing troubles and
sorrows? Are you experiencing joy
and happiness? Are you currently
walking through the dark valley of
depression, despair, and
discouragement? If so, remember
that God is with you. He has an
inescapable nearness.
You may not be able to see God
or touch Him. You may not ever
smell Him or hear His voice, but
He's still there. The world may tell
you that you are all alone, but don't
you believe it. God's inescapable
membership class, we shared the
often used statement "What the
church today needs is a Mount
Carmel experience!" Of course the
intent was directed toward Elijah's
challenge in 1 Kings 18:21 "If the
Lord is God, follow Him; but if
Baal, follow him." Now any pastor
could hold a three week revival
using this scripture as a text. Just
Houston Times-Journal
need to bring our life under Jesus
Regarding her role as mother,
wife and choir director, she referred
to Colossians 3:2-7,"Set your
affection on things above, not on
things on the earth. For ye are
dead, and your life is hid with
Christ in God. When Christ, who
is our life, shall appear, then shall
ye also appear with him in glory.
Mortify therefore your members
which are upon the earth;
fornication, uncleanness, inordinate
affection, evil concupiscence, and
covetousness, which is idolatry;
For which things'sake the wrath of
God cometh on the children of
disobedience; In the which ye also
walked some time, when ye lived in
Favorite verses included: Isaiah
26:3 “Thou will keep him in
perfect peace, whose mind is stayed
on thee; because he trusteth in
Philippians 4:6-7 "Be careful for
nothing; but in every thing by
prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be
made known unto God. And the
peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your
hearts and minds through Christ
Choir practice is on Wednesday ,
6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. in the choir
room on the second floor of the
education building, Perry
Presbyterian Church,lloo Second
Please see HAMILTON, page 12A
£ j Rev. John I
nearness is always with you.
Remember the word of Christ to
His desciples: Behold, lam with
you always, even to the end of the
think of the possibilities: (1) It's
time to get sin out of the
church...(2) The only one who can
save planet earth is the One who
created the earth...(3) Don't force
your world on me..." You get the
picture! It's so easy to wrap
ourselves in our religious, self
righteousness and preach down on
the drunks, the homosexuals, the
Memher F.D.I.C.
Where Everybody Turns For Racing!
To Subscribe Call: (912) 987-7224
Saturday, March 5, 1994 Houston Times -Journal•
Churches Plan Activities
For Members, Community
Houston Lake
The next Super Saturday will be
held March 5 from 9 a.m. until 3
p.m. at the Agricenter during
Missions Fest.
This is for the entire family with
adult activities taking place sepa
rately. The children's committee in
vites children in first through sixth
grades to go and encourages parents
to enjoy the day also.
Nine more homes are needed for
the Continental Singers for
Monday, March 14. Please see
Betty Lou Dabbs or call the church
office (987-0277).
Take note: The older RA’s cook
cut at Rickey Batchelor's home has
been re-scheduled for April 16 in
stead of March 12.
The church family is encouraged
to attend a farewell party for Daniel
Hoover following the evening ser
vice Sunday, March 6.
Joseph Huff of Kathleen is wel
comed to the church as its newest
Other opportunities for the week
•Sunday, March 6-A bridal tea
for Laurie Sarvis and Mark Hill
will be held from 3-4 p.m.; All
youth workers are asked to attend a
committee meeting at 4:30 p.m.
•Tuesday, March 8 a Brotherhood
meeting will be held at 7 p.m.
•Wednesday, March 9 a Business
meeting will be held at 7 p.m.
Perry United
A new Sunday School Class for
married and single young adults be
gins this Sunday, March 6. Meet in
the Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m. be
fore moving to the classroom. Mrs.
Jackie Marshall will serve as
"mentor" for the class.
A general meeting of the
U.M.W. will be held Monday,
March 7 at 12 noon in the
Fellowship Hall. Bring a sandwich
(soup, dessert and drink will be fur
nished). A nursery will be provided.
Jimmy Faircloth will speak on
Vision 2000 at the next Family
Night Supper to be held
Wednesday, March 9.
Billy and Sunshine Key are get
ting together a trip to England for
this fall. Anyone interested should
give them a call.
Members are encouraged to at
tend the Americus District's second
annual Choir Festival to be held at
Cordele First Methodist Sunday,
March 13 from 5-7 p.m.
Thirteen different choirs from
across the District will be partici
pating in the event with individual
performances from each choir and a
mass number performed at the end
of the Festival.
Space remains for the upcoming
Prime Time Cruise, but cabin
selection is dwindling. Call or
bring by a deposit today.
Opportunities for the week in
•Monday, March 7-UMW meet
ing at noon, Children's Choir at
Crossroads To Host College Choir
The Reinhardt College Concert
Choir will present a concert
Monday, March 14, 1994 at 7:30
p.m. in the sanctuary of the
Crossroads United Methodist
Church, 1600 Main St., Perry, Ga.
The public is invited to attend free
of charge.
gamblers, the adulterers , etc.
Today, as He did two thousand
years ago, Jesus is telling
Christians to examine themselves
before casting stone.
In that light, this pastor began
to study what really happened at
Mount Carmel. It did not take long
for God to get my attention! 1
Kings 18:31 became a neon sign,
3:30 p.m. and Handbell Choir at
6:30 p.m.
•Tuesday, March 8-JOY Choir
at 11 a.m., Children’s Choir at 3:30
p.m. and Evangelism Committee at
7 p.m.
•Wednesday, March 9-Youth
Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.; Higher
Education at 10:30 a.m.; Family
Night Supper at 6 p.m.; Adventure
Club and a Couples Bible Study at
6:30 p.m.; Youth Bible Study and
Sanctuary Choir at 7:30 p.m.
Rehoboth Baptist
The Media Center is sponsoring
a "Reading Circus" during the
month of March for all children
through age 12. Each child who
participates will be recognized and
prizes will be awarded for the chil
dren in each age category who reads
the most books. Our Church
Librarian, Elizabeth Fountain, in
vites all children to join the
"Reading Circus".
February, 1994 was an historical
month for Rehoboth in that we not
only celebrated our first year as a
Constituted church, but we averaged
over 100 in Sunday School each
Sunday. The average attendance was
A Phase II Steering Committee
has been established to begin devel
oping plans for researching financ
ing for our next building which
will include space for the church of
fice, additional Sunday School
rooms and a fellowship hall.
Crossroads United
The Reinhardt College Concert
Choir will perform in the sanctuary
Monday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m.
The choir members, some 30 men
and women, will need places to
spend Monday night following the
performance. Anyone willing to
open their home to these college
students should call the church of
The church's youth will attend a
UMYF Lenten Overnight Atlanta
Retreat March 11-12.
A committee needs recipes for a
new Crossroads cookbook.
Members also need to get pictures
to Leanne Greene or Di Lanier for
the bulletin board.
Rev. Sammy Clark will be com
ing April 17-19 to conduct a series
of worship services.
New Life
Worship Center
David Walters, popular evange
list in both Europe and America and
has great success with youth and
children's ministries, will be speak
ing in both services at New Life
Worship Center in Byron Sunday,
March 6 (10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.).
Walters has appeared on several
national telecasts and is the author
of six books.
Everyone is encouraged to at
tend. Call 956-3315 or 784-9875
for additional information.
The Choir, consisting of 31
select young men and women, is
under the direction of Judith R.
MacMillan, Chairperson of the
Reinhardt College Music
Department. The group will sing a
program of sacred music including
Please sea CONCERT, page 5A
demanding prayerful meditation:
"And Elijah took twelve stones,
according to the number of Tribes
of the Sons of Jacob...vs 32... Then
Please see CLOWER, page 12A
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Page 3A
Rev. GlenL
Victory Christian I
HBPiiiP Fellowship I