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aaiuiaay, n/iarcn zo,iya4 Houston iimes-oourna
of Events
of events
The Masons of Houston
Lodge No. 35 F&AM, Perry
(Thomas Fast, secretary, 987-2376)
meets every second and fourth
Monday night of each month at the
Masonic Building, Jemigan Street.
Meals are served at a nominal
charge beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Regular meetings begin at 7:30
p.m. All member Master Masons
and visiting brethren are welcomed.
Perry High Booster Club:
Meets every 2nd Monday of each
month at Perry High School at
7:30 p.m.
Houston Drug Action
Council (HODAC): A free
rape support group is now being
formed. The group will begin
meeting on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at
Houston Drug Action Council,
2762 Watson Blvd., Warner
Robins. (Next to Warner Robins
Supply) Those interested in attend
ing please call 953-5675.
Support Group in the
Perry area for caregivers of
persons with Alzheimers idsease or
related disorders such as dementi
Parkinsons, Picks disease,
depression and others will meet
through March on Thursday
evenings at 7 p.m. in the Medical
Library of the Perry Hospital.
Their goal is to make a difference in
the lives of people with Alzheimers
and their families. A booth will be
set up April 2nd during the
Dogwood Festival in downtown
Perry to distribute information on
Alzheimer's and other disorders. A
Forum is scheduled for April 21.
All who are interested and concerned
are welcome to attend.
Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Step Aerobics from 6:30-8 p.m.
Sponsored by the Perry Recreation
Department. Saturdays from 9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. at the Perry High
School Cafeteria Deborah Hamlin,
ACE Certified Instructor. 10 weeks
is S3O. This is an on-going
Children's Grief Support
Groups will begin the first week
in March for Children who have
lost a loved one to death. Groups
will meet according to ages from
Kindergarten and first grade through
teen years. These free groups will
meet for 6 weeks. Registration is
being accepted now. Call Emily
Dennis Hospice Bereavement
Services Coordinator for
information/registration at 922-
March 17, 24, 31: AARP
Counselors will be available at
the Houston County Public Library
from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. to provide
free tax assistance to low or
moderate income taxpayers.
Appointments are not required.
March 19, 26: AARP
Counselors will be available at
the Houston County Public Library
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to provide
free tax assistance to low or
moderate income taxpayers.
Appointments are not required.
Thursday, March 25:
Houston County Branch of
the NAACP will hold its
monthly meeting at the Jimmy
Rosenburg Community Center,
Appian Way (off Cannon Rd.), at 7
p.m. For more information and
items to be placed on the agenda,
please contact the president at 922-
March 26: Women's
Aglow Fellowship to meet on
Sat., March 26. Coffe at 9 a.m.
Meeting is followed at 9:30 a.m.
A buffet luncheon for $6.75 after
the meeting. To help in planning
please call 922-9621 for
March 30: The Perry
Friends of the Library will
have their annual membership
meeting at 4:30 p.m. at the Perry
Public Library. Valerie Whipple
Craig, noted artist, will be the
featured speaker and give an art
demonstration. Please attend this
meeting and support both the
Library and its friends.
April 9: Voter
Registration Drive hosted by
the NAACP will be held Saturday,
April 9 from 12 noon to 4 p.m.
The drive will be held in Perry at
Kmart, Kmart Shopping Center on
Sam Nunn Blvd. and in Warner
Robins at Food Max, North
Houston Road.
April 12: Attention
Deficit Disorder Support
Group Meeting at Shirley Hills
Baptist Church, classroom 1, 615
Corder Road in Warner Robins.
Contact Judith Lilley at 922-2365.
News of record
The following Houston County
residents applied for marriage
licenses through the Houston
County Probate Court between and
March 16-22,1994.
Ronald Leonard Fauconniere Jr.
and Deborah Lynn Cheek Young.
•Richard Curtis Ivester and Katine
Marie Johnson.
•Michael Monroe Denton and
Virginia Ann Dukes.
•Michael Antono Harrell and
Mildred Louise Napier.
•Christopher Noel Croom and
Melody House Daly.
•Jimmy James Johnson and Edith
Rose Angelo.
•Dale Curtis Dutcher and Janice
Marie Everidge.
•Ralph Eugene Grain and Bernice
•Kent Allan Keiser and Hye
Chong Yun Catoire.
•Bobby Joe Hyatt and Charlotte
Wynell Buchanan Hyatt.
•Kenneth Donney Stokes and
Tammy Lyn Stewart.
•Jeffrey Lyn Smith and Tracey
Ann Shepard.
•Jonathan Ray Ringley and
Kelley Michelle Tucker.
•Alfonso Joaquin Pardo and
Lorraine Asher Peterson.
The following divorces were
granted in Houston County
Superior Court on March 16-23,
•Shelton Denard Billings and
Sandra Denise Rountree Billings.
•Joan L. Coleman and Edward E.
Coleman Jr.
•Benjamin Lester Cutler 111 and
Gabrille Christine Cutler.
•Amy Elizabeth Glaser and David
Landon Glaser.
•Sharon K. Homan and Eugene
M. Homan Sr.
•Nell Howard and Albert Howard
•Karen S. Jones and Danny D.
•Semettress Jones and Gregory
•Lynda S. Lynn and Steven M.
•Patricia A. Moore and Alfred
Moore Jr.
•April F. Morgan and John W.
Watson Receives Training
Marine Pfc. Curtis L. Watson,
son of Lehman J. and Marsha F.
Watson of Kathleen recently
completed recruit training and was
promoted to his present rank.
During the training cycle at
To Get A New Car Loan
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loan availability subject to credit approval Rates are subject to change without notice. Certain limitations apply. Rate
requires automatic deduction of monthly payments from deposit account. ©1994 Bank South Corporation. Member FDIC.
Easter Dress
IP 50% or,
/4|/ Jf Retail
' > '\f\ /il / Sale Thru April 2nd
ITI jfl // Behind Long John Silvers
100 Hampton Ct. • Perry
I / 987-2881
I 7 Hours: M-S 9-9 Sun 1-6
Morgan Jr.
•Dwayne Edward Purvis and
Pamela Jean Purvis.
•Donald Larry Weldon and Debra
Carol Weldon.
•Billy Frank Wilson and Evelyn
Hattie Wilson.
•James L. Winters and Frankie D.
Land Transactions
These are a list of land
transactions recorded in Deed Book
1086 in Houston County.
•Lawrence J. Littmann and Carol
M. Littmann sold John D. Fuller
and Carolyn W. Fuller all that tract
or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in Land Lot 162 of the sth
Land District for $85,500. Being
known and designated as Lot 11,
Block "C" of the Northwoods
•Chin Suk Sung sold Wayne R.
Hough and Claire A. Hough all that
tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in Land Lot 194 of the
sth Land District for $63,500.
Being known and designated as Lot
5, Block "D”, Addition to Block
"D" of the Cherokee Hills
•Sammy W. Franklin and Billy
Wilson sold Cornerstone Custom
Construction Corporation all that
tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in Land Lot 132 of the
10th Land District for $14,000.
Being known and designated as Lot
6, Block C, Section No. 1 of the
Tara Estates Subdivision.
•Kevin D. Taylor sold James M.
and Kathleen B. Daigle all that tract
or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in Land Lot 189 of the 10th
Land District for $75,400. Being
known and designated as Lot 1,
Block "B” Section No. 1 of the
Pilgrim Rest Subdivision.
•Jeffrey G. Lawrence and Kathryn
M. Lawrence sold James B.
McKellar all that tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in
Land Lot 151 of the sth Land
District for $70,000. Being known
and designated as Lot 6, Block "E",
Section No. 3, Phase No. 1 of the
Echo Glen Sutxlivision.
•Ciaude P. Hattaway sold Martha
B. Jackson all that tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in
Land Lot 224 of the %th Land
District for $33,000. Being known
and designated as Lot 4, Block 7 of
the Mattie J. Watson Subdivision.
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris
Island, S.C., recruits are taught the
basics of battlefield survival,
introduced to typical military daily
routine and personal and
professional standards.
Area Students Nominated by MGTI To GOAL
Robert Mclnvale, Mabel D.
Moss and Angela N. Reid, all of
Perry, Roger W. Tennent of
Kathleen and Wen day G. Gulley are
five of the 32 students nominated
by Middle Georgia Technical
Institute for the Georgia
Occupational Award of Leadership
(GOAL) program.
GOAL, co-sponsored by the
Georgia Department of Technical
and Adult Education and the
Georgia Chamber of Commerce, is
the first state-wide program in the
Sexton Announces
DCI Board Changes
William J. Sexton, Sr.,
Chairman of the Board of Davis
Company, Inc., of Perry has
announced several changes to DCl's
corporate board structure.
After joining the company in
August 1993 as Controller, Ed
Chapman, Jr., has been appointed
Chief Financial Officer and elected
Treasurer of the corporation.
Chapman brings some 15 years of
financial accounting experience to
DCI from his prior associations
with Chapman CPA in Perry and
Riverside Ford in Macon. He is
active in the Perry Rotary Club and
Perry United Methodist Church.
Bob Largent, DCl’s Director of
Human Resources since April
1993, has been elected secretary of
the corporation. Largent is also
active in the Perry Rotary Club, as
well as the First Baptist Church,
Chamber of Commerce, and the Air
Force Association.
These changes in board structure
and responsibilities are another step
in positioning the 48 year-old
family-owned Perry company for
new diversification and growth
opportunities. DCI today operates
17 convenience stores with over
140 employees, and provides Shell
and Chevron gasoline products
throughout the Middle Georgia area.
Clean Your Closets
& Make sss
Call 987-1823
To Place Your
Classified Today!
Mark Heath
The "Mark" of the Trade
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Now Serving
Houston County
- 1 Resort Logo Hats $5" Resort Logo Visors *4°° Niblick Shoes *59"
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'T ■ N. Shaft 3-PW 135 Metal Wood reg. $595“ - Our Price *42s°°
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V (including bag) ’lO9 98 »Medicus Teaching Club, includes VCR tape *79"
„ Hours: Mon - Fri 9-7 Saturday 9-6 Sunday 12-6
1448 Sam Nunn Blvd.
Perry • 987-2776 Denny Dicks - Manager • Jon Cason - Asst. Manager
Owners of business personal property (Inventories, furniture, fixtures,
machinery, equipment/leasehold impr..) and other tangible personal property
(boats, airplanes, livestock/farm equipment) are advised that personal
property reporting forms must be RECEIVED in the TAX ASSESSORS’
Office by April 1, 1994.
All applications for Freeport Exemption on Inventories held by manufactures
and “in transit” goods held by a warehouse or distributor must be
Questions regarding the above should be directed to:
Houston County Board of Assessors
Personal Property Division
Room 105 Houston County Courthouse
Perry, Ga. 31069
nation to honor excellence among
technical students at the post-sec
ondary level.
"To be considered for the GOAL
title," explains Middle Georgia
Technical Institute's GOAL
Coordinator Rose Larivee, "a stu
dent must be nominated by his or
her instructor. Leadership, presenta
tion and presence are stressed at ev
ery level of the competition."
Instructors consider grades, charac
ter, attitude, attendance, personal
goals and enthusiasm when choos
ing their nominees.
One winner from MGT will be
chosen to compete at the state level
with 35 other students from techni
cal institutes throughout Georgia.
We Deliver!
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Houston County
Lunch Menu
Monday, March 28: 8.8. Q. on
Bun, French Fries, Apple Sauce,
Brownie, Choice at Milk.
Tuesday, March 29: Chicken
Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit
Cup, Chocolate Cake, Roll, Choice
of Milk.
Wednesday, March 30: Pizza,
Tossed Salad, Buttered Com, Jello
w/Fruit, Choice of Milk.
Thursday, March 31:
Manager's Choice.
Friday, April 1: Spring Break.
Lunch Menu
Spring Break