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Garden vegetables
can flourish even
without pesticides
This year I’m really going to do
it. Fm going to plant a vegetable
garden and Fm going to garden
organically. I want my home
grown vegies to be the best they
can be, and that includes pesticide
free. Here is a sample label on a
typical pesticide can, box, or bottle:
"Caution! Harmful to humans,
pets, and livestock. Do not inhale
or let product come in contact with
skin. Do not use vegetables treated
with this product for one week after
application." Why use that if it’s
not necessary?
Did you know that over the ages
many pungent herbs have served
man as natural pest repellants?
They were used effectively long
before the present chemical craze.
You can find information about
organic gardening at the library, but
I just wanted to bring to your
attention a few things that you can
plant in or around your garden to
deter pests.
My favorite herb, garlic, will
turn away many garden invaders.
Plant it throughout your vegies and
it will help scare off Japanese
beetles, aphids, and other annoying
insects. Mosquitoes and ticks don't
like it and I understand vampires
don't like it either. Garlic is the
king of homegrown pest controls
and a useful herb around the kitchen
One of the better known organic
Houston 4-Hers bring home region honors
Houston County 4-H'ers returned
from the West Region Project
Achievement competition with
honors in their project areas.
Held March 25-27, the meeting
at Rock Eagle 4-H Center was
attended by 370 senior 4-H’ers from
46 counties in the West region.
Houston County 4-H'ers presented
educational demonstrations that
made them winners at County
Project Achievement in October.
The 4-H'ers also had to complete a
portfolio of their 4-H and project
work, which was due in February.
Bryant Bledsoe placed second in
the Plant and Soil Science. His
local donor was Houston Fertilizer
and Grain. Mark Slaughter placed
third in the Shooting Sports
Demonstration project. His local
donor was the Sports Center in
Perry. Amanda Meadows placed
third in the General Recreation
project. Kim Augdahl also placed
third in the Housing, Furnishing
and Design project
Other participants were: Karen
Ludwig-Environmental Science,
Donor: Tribble & Richardson,
Inc.; Aletha Cherry-Human
Development; Abena Adutwum-
Computer, Donor: Shaheen’s
Office Supply; Samantha Dunn-
Flowers, shrubs, and lawns, Donor
Williams' Landscaping; Kelly
Dodson-Public Speaking, Donor-
Noon Optimist Club.
A special thank you is extended
to the individuals and businesses
that were part of the 4-H Donor
Blood drive to
be held in Perry
Tuesday, June 14
A blood drive will be held at the
Agriculture building on Carroll
Street Tuesday, June 14 from noon
until 5:30 p.m.
Due to the drastically reduced
supply of blood, a greater response
is needed from donors in all parts of
the country. Make every effort to
donate blood cm this date.
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pesticides is pyrethrum. Some of
the commercial products labeled
"pyrethrum dust" are laced with
those toxic poisons so it's best to
grow your own. They provide pest
repellent action when grown either
throughout your garden or as border
plants. Look for Chrysanthemum
cinerariaefolium or Chrysanthemum
coccineum. If you want to treat a
localized infested area, you can
pick, dry, and crush the flowers'
petals to make your own pyrethrum
You could make a strong tea of
the power and spray it directly on
the insects. It is toxic to soft
bodied insects and to some cold
blooded vertebrates on contact, but
it is non-toxic to you, your
livestock, and your pets. It can
even be used as a safe flea powder.
Some plants that are great
pesticides are feverfew, certain
varieties of marigolds, dill, nettle,
and borage. Be sure not to grow
the "new-improved" no scent
varieties of marigolds. It is the
disagreeable odor that insects don’t
When you spend your valuable
time growing your own vegetables,
you want them to be the best
quality. With just a little effort
they can be pesticide-free.
Program. Christine Braski, the
County Extension Agent in charge
of D.P.A., is very proud of the 4-
H'ers that competed.
Clower, from 3A
reason that these facts are subject to
change is that God's Word, the
unchangeable truth, has promised
us His victory... 1 Cor. 10:13 says:
"There is no temptation that has
taken you that is not common to
man, but God is faithful; He will
not allow you to be tempted beyond
what you can indure, and in the
temptation provide a way for you!"
God has a way of victory! If we
won't give up on Him and His
standards, He won't give up on us.
Our hats are off to the youth of
today. Think for a
adults, we have declared open
season on them for every
conceivable attack of the enemy.
There are no restrictions on what
we allow to be shown on
television, in the theatre, and even
openly on the streets. (I saw a shirt
in the grocery store recently that
would have been considered poor
taste at a bachelor party a few years
ago.) In spite of all this, our
young people are crying for support
and encouragement!
What can we do?
Very simple put...Be a man! If
we are the Christian nation we
profess to be, let us wake up to the
fact that manhood and
Christlikeness are synonymous!
Let us be man enough to confess
that we have blown it in the areas
of examples, guidance, and
encouragement. Let us forgive
from 1A
and area bands. The parade begins at
General Courtney Hodges at noon
and will continue through Carroll
So, come on out and join the fun!
Show your Dogwood Spirit!
Perryan Cheers
for MC
Tamlaka Jonas of Parry la a
mamber of the Macon
College cheerleading squad.
The cheerleaders root for
the Mustangs men's
basketball team during their
home games. A 1993
graduate of Perry High
School, Jones Is studying
psychology at the college.
If anyone is interested in
learning more about the Houston
County 4-H Program, please call
542-2020 or 987-2028.
others for the wrong committed
against us and ask for forgiveness
for the wrong we have
committed...let us return to God
and His Word as our standard: "If
the Lord be God then serve
Him...but if Hollywood (my
paraphrased) then serve it..." I
Kings 18:21 (Clower's loose
"But as for me and my
house, we will serve the
Lord" Joshua 24:15
Fend leys,
from 3A
Nursery and Amber works there.
Debbie helps serve church suppers:
served on and was chairman of the
church nominating committee and
in the past has been active in
She is the daughter of Mary and
Paul King of Perry. Stan is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fendley,
also of Perry.
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I Home composting
I is catching on!
It is that time of year. Gardens
| and yards are starting to grow. And
| with the growth comes the
1 trimming and cutting it takes to
keep the homesite looking nice.
We have all been used to tossing all
our trimmings and cuttings out on
the curb for the city trash
Well, all that stuff adds up to
about 17 percent of the waste that
we generate. It is a lot and can be a
lot less if we participate in home
composting. Home composting is
catching on around Georgia and
other parts of the country,
especially where they have banned
yard trimmings from landfills. Did
you know that Georgia plans to ban
yard trimmings after September
The Governor of Georgia, the
President of the United States, and
many other governors have home
compost piles at their residence.
Now I am sure they do not
personally do the cutting, trimming
and composting, but at least they
To help promote home
composting in our area, the city of
Perry has built a demonstration site
at the comer of James St., where
Swift St. runs into Houston Lake
Road. You can spot it across from
Robert Lumpkin's Shell station.
There have been some visits by
interested residents, but more are
needed to spread the word.
To help do just that, we plan to
host a special demonstration on
April 9 and again on April 16.
They are Saturdays and the time
will be 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Mr.
Tim Lewis who is head of the
Agricultural Dept, at Perry High
School will be in charge, along
with Bill Hafley, the city Recycling
Members of Perry FFA, Clean
Community Commission and other
local composters will be there to
help answer questions. Everyone is
invited to come by and learn first
hand about making "black gold" at
home. That is what master
gardners call the humus that is
produced in a working compost
We particularly would like to
invite elementary school students
and their parents to come out and
see how easy home composting can
be. Composting at home is a
family activity and an excellent
educational experience to show how
nature returns organic material back
to a useful soil amendment
Remember, April 9 and 16 will
be an opportunity to see and learn
about home composting. Come
and visit the Home Composting
Demonstration Site.
Saturday, Aprl 4,1994 Houston Times -Journal-
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Temporary employees will be expected to rotate shifts, work
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rfluflet •*
Lunch Buffet L
P Roast Leg of Lanib jTy]
• Chef Carved Roast Beef eCj/
• Honey Baked Ham AH db g* /VTro
• Golden Fried Chicken This
• Whipped Potatoes |HM
• Assorted Vegetables ** wA\
• Soup and Salad Bar ,7K\\
featuring our home-made salads Senior
with garden fresh vegetables Citizens 11
• Assorted Dessert Table
including Home-made Peach Cobbler j,
• Each Price includes Tea or Col Tee Children «J> 50
• Easier Treats For Kids 6-11 Years O *“*■
\A/ \ Children FREE 1
/T \ Under 6
The Perry plant of PPG Industries
has several openings for temporary
production workers and will be
accepting applications on Monday,
April 4, 1994 at the Georgia
Department of Labor, 741-A Main
Street, Perry from 8 am to 4 pm.
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