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Our Opinions
Tin Can Sailor’ has power to
make all Americans thankful
Every American should read a bode like Tin Can Sailor, just published
by Naval Institute Press. It's the eyewitness story of Raymond Calhoun,
an officer on the U.S. destroyer Stenett in World War 11.
Sterrett was one of the most distinguished American "tin cans" in
history's greatest war. The highlight of the book is Sterrett's participation
in the savage Third Battle of Savo Island. That was part of the epic
struggle at Guadalcanal, turning point of the war in the Pacific.
In that bloody close encounter of battleships, cruisers and destroyers, at
night, the U.S. Navy took a beating; that was not the fault of the fighting
men aboard the eight destroyers and five cruisers which intercepted a
Japanese force including battleships, and turned back the Japanese fleet.
Reading descriptions of the bravery, quiet dying words, unselfishness
and patriotism of so many fatally wounded men on a U.S. warship should
make every American proud. Reading how the badly wounded sat in line
waiting for the one overworked doctor, quietly, without complaint or even
a murmur, makes one glad to be an American.
Every citizen today can feel a greater pride in this country recalling
inspirational unity, courage and dedication of Americans in the greatest
military struggle of all time. Reading how the crew of Sterrett coped with
triumph and disaster makes one thankful. It’s a time to be remembered,
the nation's finest hour.
Maybe they just don’t want to
give a buck for Donald Duck!
Euro Disney, bankrupt, has been given a new lease on life by its parent
Disney company and 63 creditor banks. The new infusion of hundreds of
millions of dollars, it’s hoped, will make Euro Disney, 18 miles from
Paris, profitable.
One wonders. In this country, with its lower educational standards and
childlike television programming, millions are vowed by Mickey Mouse
and Donald Duck. In Europe, where students and adults are more serious
and better educated, perhaps most never will go bonkers over simulated
cartoon characters.
It may be a situation similar to that involving Nancy Kerrigan recently;
this intelligent figure-skating silver medalist accepted a million dollar offer
to come to Disneyland in Florida and ride in a parade. As she drove about
with a suited-up Mickey Mouse by her side, she realized it was all very
silly-and said so.
Most Americans are easily entertained, even by canned-laughter
nonsense passing for comedy on TV. Europeans are a bit more
sophisticated, on average, and Frenchmen have lower incomes. They may
not give a buck for Donald Duck, or something like that.
Deadlines For Submitting New
Articles and Photographs
5-pM Moriday For Wednesday
5 pm Thursday for Friday Edition
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Houston Times-Journal
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Houston Times-Journal
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Member Georgia Press Association-National Newspaper Association
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The Houston Times-Journal is published proudly for the citizens of
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newspapers that you, our readers, are proud of. We will reach that goal
through hard work, teamwork, loyalty, and a strong dedication towards
printing the truth.
Bob Tribble
Our Staff
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Daniel F. Evans
Julie B. Evans
U.S. health care doesn’t need bureaucratic ills
The newspaper headline was
reminiscent of many we have seen
before: "$10.77 Connector Cost
Navy $544."
A spark plug connector that can
be bought at the comer hardware
store for $10.77, including sales
tax, was bought by the Navy in
quantities for $544 each.
You remember the S6OO hammer
and $2,000 toilet seats? And other
items purchased by military
services for outrageous prices?
How, a friend asked me, can this
Who is at fault?
The defense contractor should be
banned from doing business with
the federal government now and
forevermore. It won't be. You can
bet that today the same contractor is
selling items to the Navy.
Business as usual.
r didn't D.O.T. JJ'ir
\. Finished? / tiovil /
An update on changes at your local newspaper
Well, I guess it's time for an
update on some of the changes
going on at the Houston Times-
Many of the old policies I'm
used to working under are still the
same-weddings, engagements and
births are printed in the Wednesday
edition, cartoons are printed on
Wednesdays, Woods and Water
pages are printed on Saturday,
church news is printed on Saturday,
But there will be some changes
many of you will want to know
Your Opinion
Land owner lauds foresters
(Editor's Note: The following letter was sent to Mr. John W. Mixon,
Director, Ga. Forestry Commission, Macon, Ga.)
Dear Mr. Mixon:
This is my letter of appreciation for the outstanding service rendered on
February 28,1994, by your Foresters in Houston County.
I own 47 acres of mature 35-year old pines on Langston Road, about 1
mile from Perry, Ga. At approximately 5 a.m. on Feb. 28, the Houston
County Sheriff was cruising on patrol. He noted a blazing fire on my
property, spreading rapidly through the pine tree underbrush. He contacted
the local fire department and asked for help. They determined beyond their
scope and promptly contacted the Houston County Forestry unit.
Within minutes Joe Batchelor was on site when the fire was raging.
Joe met Faye Allen who brought the dozer equipment from the Forestry
Unit located on U.S. Hwy 41, south of Perry. Joe spent the next two
hours cutting the necessary firebreaks and contained the then controlled fire
to about 7 acres. Because of the prompt intervention of your Forestry
personnel, my mature pine trees remain unharmed. This is true of
adjacent trees and nearby homes and other structures. There could have
been major losses due to fire damage.
Joe Batchelor is a remarkable professional. He is typical of what we
have come to expect from the quality people working for the Forestry
Service. Several years ago, I planted 110 acres in loblolly pines under the
F.I.P. program of reforestration. Harry Graham and Joe Batchelor were
most helpful to me. They gave appropriate advice and supervised the
whole project. The pines are looking great with more than 95 percent
survival, thanks to their guidance.
The Georgia Forestry Commission renders the residents of this county
and state a great service. We sleep better just knowing you are here when
we need you.
Deryle T. Whipple, MD
Retired Pediatrician
The person or persons in the Navy
who bought that item should be
fired or court martialed, depending
on whether it was a civilian or
military personnel. Three
whistleblowers who had become
frustrated because their superiors
would do nothing about this came
forward. Fortunately a
congressman has taken steps to
protect the whistleblowers from
reprisals. There's nothing
particularly wrong with buying
$10.77 spark plug connectors for
$544 each...bul something's gotta
be done about those scoundrels who
blow the whistle on such practices.
As for those responsible for such
waste of taxpayer money, some
way will be found to protect them.
When I was in the navy during
World War II when somebody
screwed up we gave them a
First and foremost, if you did
not see the page 1A brief, all
newspapers will be delivered
through the mail beginning with
the Saturday edition. The Shopper's
Extra will still be carrier delivered
and circulation will increase to
everyone in South Houston
Another change on the horizon
will be an increase in subscription
rates and rack prices, effective May
1, 1994. There is an ad in today's
edition explaining the new rates.
Houston Times-Joumot
Page 4A
promotion and transferred them.
Which brings my thinking around
to this: How would you like your
health care in the hands of people
like that? There isn't enough
money in the world to cover all of
us with those kind of purchasing
agents buying our health care.
* * *
Speaking of health care, I get
around to my own experiences
My wife and I both had surgery
during the past two months at two
separate health care facilities. The
contrast between what we paid for
similar services is startling.
For example, she had knee
surgery. For $1,400 everything
was included...operating room,
anesthesia, anesthesiologist, EKG,
surgeon, the works. She was put
to sleep. So was I.
and the offer to renew your
subscription during the month of
April at the current rates.
A recent change that is still
causing some confusion is our new
deadlines. Due to our new printing
schedule, classified deadline for the
Wednesday edition is noon Monday
and for the Saturday edition is 5
p.m. Thursday.
Deadlines for submitting
articles, photos, announcements,
Letters to the Editor, etc. is 5 p.m.
Monday for the Wednesday edition
and 5 p.m. Thursday for the
DARE graduates learn why
they should say no to drugs
Editor's note: The following letters were written to us from two
students who have Just completed the local D.A.R.E. program. Like
other fellow grads, both say they are thankful tor the program.
Dear Editor:
This year in D.A.R.E. I’ve learned more about drugs. I've learned what
D.A.R.E. stands for which is Drug Abuse Resistance Education. I've
learned that any kind of drug you use is still bad for you. I've also learned
about different kinds of drugs like marijuana, crack-cocaine, dope, pot, and
I've learned that alcohol is the most dangerous drug of all and that it
damages more lives than other drugs. I've learned that not only adults use
drugs, but children too. Some use it because they're depressed, or becuase
they want to get back at their parents, while others do it to fit in a group,
or try to be cool.
So kids, please don't do drugs!
Jessica Green
Dear Editor:
This year I have learned that drugs are not at all good for your health,
and they can make you very sick. I feel great about being a part of this
excellent program.
D.A.R.E. is an educational program, but I’ve also had a lot of fun'while
learning. I also learned about self-esteem and that it's important to have
good self-esteem because if you don't you might do something stupid.
Peer pressure and how to handle it is another topic we have discussed. I
really enjoy D.A.R.E. class.
Josh Crockett
Wednesday, April 6,1994 "Houston Times-Journal
My charges were different. I had a
hernia surgery. My bill from the
anesthesiologist was SBB2. The
cost of the anesthesia was $385.
Charges from the hospital
pharmacy were $577. Medical
surgical supplies were $352. Use
of the operating room cost $1,506.
Use of the recovery room cost
$372. There also were charges for
EKG and monitoring. There were
other charges. I haven't heard yet
what the surgeon charged.
Please see EVANS, page 7A
Jj Brigette L
P m Loudermilkl
|| Editor
Saturday edition.
As always, we will continue to
cover happenings in the community
and welcome articles written by
individuals covering club, school
and church activities.