Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, May 7, 1994 'Houston Tunes-Journal
page 2A
j 1 Death notices
Willie Frank Harris Jr.
PORT PIERCE, Fla.-Willie Frank ’Boss Bo®’ Rams Jr_ 39.
fonacrty of Poxy. (feed Saurday. April 30.199* i* Fan Pteroc. Bara a
Pary, be attended Basa* Corny pubic schools. He was Be son af ifee
1 m Vdbe F tmk and Bear km Harris. Sarrivarv cfeddrea. Dezasra
Hi Man Harris. Trellis Harm, Esserirea Ho* and Tania Haas. afl of
Waraer Robo» atari Gene Joses of Besson: asm aad broshera. Jessie
Mack of Madison. S.C_ Ffoahe* Harris, Sank Aa* Hams. Barton Jean
Harris md W3be Lee Harm aB of Waraer Roc ijh. McfeeOe Hams of
Boeast aad Rack Jaboras. Marks Harris aad Larry Capriand all of Perry.
sKpgrmdraoifeer. Arens Hams of Peny. aad a gnodefafri
Seri ices: Will be heid May ?, 199* m the Bofcfcy E
Glower Morsssry ■ Perry ® 3 pm. Banal wfll sake place m the Mctsx
Olive Cssbobt; afso is Perry. The Rev. Harold Rass wifi cefksxe.
Leemon A. Humphrey
MAGON-Lecaaon A. ’Baddy’ Haspcrey. ~1, of Mac*, died
Thursday. May 5, 199*. Bora is Dodge Coanty. be bad bved m Stacoc
die psa ** years. He mas a reared meat aas far tbs Melbexrv Pn>Tsac
Co. He mas a ssember of Wheeler Height* Bapes Oarer, arc Liberty
Hill Lodge So. 308. F&AM Leemoa mas a U.S. Army veteran.
San h orx: wife. Thelma R. Humphrey of Macoc; children. Joei C.
Hi—phrey of Waycross a&d Boame Wagner of Sua Momim tmo
ssera, Banstfl Thigpes of Macs* aad Hhtal Whae of Perry: sod tmo
Services: WH be held Saurduy. Maty “. 199** is die Middle Gesrca
Memory Gardens wafe Masocc sen ices canducacri fey Lie Crora. Gaarpu
Maoaic Memorial Asscconon. The Rns. Mifeoa D. .Adams arc Eddy
Wilcox mill officiate. Cress Lama Funeral Hocoe has charge of
Epsie Murphy Lamar
Epsae Morphy Lamar. 77, of SCO Stanley Sl_ (feed Tuesday. May 3.
199* is a kxal hospital A iifdoog resident of Houses County. she mas.
the daughter of die late Da>id J. arc Mary Edna Sanders Mtaper.. She --as
a homemaker aad was a Mffenftg Epoe -as preceded is dear: by her
hashaad. Lewis Lamar. San hors: sister. Carotya M. Cains of
A erases, fom gnokAiidres: aad nine great-gwafcialdraß.
Services: Were held Friday. May 6, 199** in the Lamar-Clieu
Cemetery. The Rev. Jim Shipley officiated. Wacsoa-Hmt FanerL Home
* Perry had charge of arrangements.
James Franklin (Jim) Priddy Sr.
TUPELO. Miss.-Janies Franklin Jim Pnddy Sr.. 59. died. Bora a
Lee County . Miss, he mas die sac of the lace John K. and MynJe Jane
AOen Pnddy. He retired after 22 yean midi the LLS. Marine Corps, after
aanpieoag several jobs of doty overseas Jut. *as a member of Verona
Fins United Methodist Church and was a graduate of Maorevifle High
School in Lee Cotsay. Survivors: wife. Diasm Priddy of Tjapefcs: see..
Janes F. Pnddy. Jr. of Perry: brothers. Derrel "Btsssr Priddy of Tupelo:
ssters Padne Nonoc of McMkHivLic. Tern, Florence Mara aad Mary
Jo PaaneL bods of Tape Jo. EJaine West of Verona and Martha Jane
Sanders of Sooth Ham, Miss.
Seniees: Were held Wednesday. May *. 199* sb die Jefferson Street
Chapel of 9. E. Pegaes. The Rr> Ckms Bens cffiriTri Buna! took
place m the Andrews Chapel Cemetery. W. E Pfcgues Funeral Home had
char® of anaageeaeats.
Sugar lovers
take note of
stevia herb
I cast *'22i ic id! yoe this. We
base this woaidcxfui herb called
sevsa that is 200300 omes raesier
than sagar. It is aimoa eakne-frec
arc as grsa. for children because it
ikes no: promo®? ore. decay.
I'm sure you rs all awe of tbs
arribk »a> sicar triggers z nse a
blood ssgar Sagsr gives yoc 2
snodc. bora of saergv, folkywed by
fadgne ire 2 reed for another ’'fix’'.
This is had especially for diabetes
arid people with hypoglycemia
because of arc strain it puts oc their
paaersss. Stevia does not cause
this rise ic blood sugar or feed yeast
inf echoes as sugar does. It
increases, energy and aids digestion
b> actually stimulating the
Stevia has been used for
cetanes by the Indians of Sooth
Amenta »tiere a grows *i3d It xs
£ member Oi me whm san them cm
family and a is- totally safe. Tbs
-parent are the greatest consumers
of sievia since artificial sweeteners
art banned r. ."apar.
Stem is available in a r umber
of forms, indotferg leaves, greer
powder, a brownish liquid extract,
or a »hue powder. With one
leaspooe of me mime powder and
three tablespoons of filtered matter,
you car. make a liquid coneeraraie.
put a a a dropper book, refrigerate
iL and use 11 as desired. It is sc
potest, one teaspoon of this
mixture -ill approximately equa.
one of- of sugar.
Does this sound too good to be
true' WdL, u is ana that's why the
Nstrasweet Company is jempiag
up and down fighting the
Airman Sykes
completes USAF
specialist course
Air Force Airman Ist Class
iota S. Sykes has cotnpieted die
inventory management specialist
course at Lowry Air Force Ease m
Students were taught property
accounting, customer support,
stock control, and equipment
management far a base supply
system They also were taught 10
inventory supplies using cksctromc
data processing ajwpraesL.
Sykes is the son of Dora L and
Johnny F. Sykes of Perry .
John is a 1990 graduate of Perry
High School
Cm™ i
importation of stevia It is the
healthy way 10 sweeten foods arid a
win hat their marker.
Yes can get while aeva powder
scarier fats for 519.95 with recipes
a: Life Tree Natural Foods. Let s
discover this wonderful herb to
naturally satisfy our sweet toour
s henao* over fa: T<e -ouscr
Dou". Board o'Zinnc Appeals wil *oc =
ruoic -itfeTC o' T* os. of W;a. 22 ‘ 3s*x
a fit hoar -of 7:00 P.ll 0 ctodk s' Te
-ouscr Gout. A-riex Suiting r Vvame'
BoDra. Geotga o*T.e pu*3osr d‘ baaing
oo+«rto*s ■•a-’* tr, = .aianoe as piovaec
3* the te —srN-oustor Dour. Zoning
Al ra- far 3- perse. a*c lyr*; nan;
Lane isx "ADoHhe Ta-iT Dssnr -'rusts'
Oouny Georgs. located st *l2 -a—
: cs.B-t Aooi Kmsstng 3* 2 ‘ 3 acres a*c
Dene- cow* as Te property r Hoy
Al sarttes sc r latasr an; cnzehs seal
hat* Tie oooD-Uhi!* Id 3= haac a: sac
tr->s a'<; 3*3* •enar.-e t; pernio* fiia; py
Te 3* r* 3 T D3an. r -juesto' Bo*
T Cst36
5*- Oar - * - Itu' Dish,a J*
Secteay TunoTy E Anowws
5-3* S 7-571
Note* a he'6o. ovsr T« -ouscr
Caurr% Bean o‘ Zoning Appeals wil hue a
ouoii: hearing ar ft B> Ms. 23 13 the
sc Tie odu - 3* ?a)0 PM o'ebak a: T*
-ouscr Count*' A*ri6* Buidn; r Warner
Boor* George. fer Tie putpose
ooieciio's. -an, ci Varianceasprvaec
3* Tie w-ns of r* -o-stor Oox.r* Zoning
PfCPEFTv 0£BC».l~tON
Al Via: tar o- sa-oe af anc »vrc sere
_arc _r:222er tr» = ifr usance o' nouscr
County. Georg-a tocatad at toe
-ocafiantos Dn*« so'SKsarg of .18 are
a*c ben» r known as me property of
Sa-adr'6 'Vrcent.
At pumas a r;ier®ss ana =fiae*s
*ia*w Vi# ocoo'U'iit. ic 3e “•aar; sc ssas
n->6 ar*S 3*D6 ’ - 3ettcr filed by
Ve oaria- of V* 3ropt -y r auesto'
Se>-a*hr« Vnoerr,
3y Onair— A'ltiu' CSrt» Jr
Secretary Timothy E Andrews
-5-3* S7-ST
Notice is hereby giver, thas trie hou^io-
PPG fuels fire safety program!
Perry Fire Chief Gary Ham bn (left) accepts a S3OQ check from
Ty Sturgeon. Supervisor of Personnel and Safety for Perry's
PPG plant. PPG makes an annual donation to the focal fire
department in support of its fire safety program for
elementary school chMdren. Through the program, which is co
sponsored by the National Fire Safety Council. Inc, children in
kindergarten through fourth grade receive an array of fire
safety materials such as the ‘Official Fire Safety Manual" Mr.
Sturgeon hokts in this photo.
Agricenter packed with
events during the month
Staff Writer
Talking Lh>c: horsepower, the
Georgia National Facrgroczds *l3
be loaded -r± s over the next lew
■weeks as three horse shows and &
casaora car shorn hate bees-- booked
at May.
The firs: of the horse show s is
the Regie* 12 Aofcsae Horae Show
siaied May 10-15. More Liar. IjOOO
horse* and approximately 5.000
owners, nders ad family members
from tferoeghom the sootbeasKra
Lie led Stales are expected io amve
in Perry for these eqaestriaa
cccTipecincc*. Perfortaant e* scan at
5 am. daily and arimissue is free.
Tacirg place cm Friday and Sat
urday. May 20 and 21 will be the
Southern National Spring Horse
and Tack Sale. The tack pamc® of
the sale will occur beginning at
6:30 pen., that Friday with an aac
tacm of Qaaner and Pam: horses fol
ic»TQg ae soe© Saturday
qo® is free.
Also sarong or: May 20 will be
the Horseman's Q-arc-r Horse
Shew winch will start at 9 am.
daily through May 22, and the SE
Ascigues and Collect:bies Market
w hiefc tikes place from 2 p.m. until
6 pjn May 20, 9 a_nt. umO 6
pun. May 21, and 10 a_~. until 5
per. May 22. Admisaori to the
horse shea a free., while fees iq en
ter the antique market is S 2 per per
On May 21 and 22, the Fifth
Dixie Rod arid Custom Ciassx Car
Shew an:l Outdoor Swap meet,
Ooj- y Bear: o' Zonrc A;c<aa:s wil hue a
ox>ic 'leasing o- me os. ;>• Wia* 22 '-h**
ac Tie h3-' o' 7:00 - W ; :oo a' Tie
-lousto- Oojnti i,'r*» Stating r Manec
Boons Georgia, fo'tha pirpc-Se o'fiea-rc
33>ano':s if any tea Vawanae as ors'idac
3. Tie &—is o'Tte -io_si3' Goj-y Zanrg
= , BCP > E= _ *‘ C'EbCBPTC'N
Al: Tia: :*ar or oa-ca 3" ana »yng
pare _a-c _or * * dr* ",T Dsrc o'
-DU3S3* C-ojnti Ga3”g.a located AC t frsr
Srae' r 80-aiie corisstrc y £ 02
a*c Detter ciow as T* o' jot
O WbDifSia.
Al oaufes a vnmst aid dozens s".ai
**.'6 the aoootJ'iit* t: 3e ■■aa" 2 sac
p—« arc 3*36 rateave t; oaitio' fita; o.
T« orwwraf Te m guesao' jot
O WtcOufft*
-OJSTOh COuNTv B 2A = 2 C r
ZS'N.NG i A =,=, EA_S
By 2'ai —.2 ATu" bail j*
Secretary Ttmolhy E Aharews
5-3£ 57-S'll
’notice is he-rao. gi.*e- T. 2 T-e -iousoo"
Courdy Board o'Zonrc A33aa.s wil hoc a
ouoic '6=.ti: or the as* of Ms* 23 1990
sc the hou' of ?:X PtJ ; door at the
-loosto' bojoy A'rier Boiarc r, Vva—«■'
Boorts Georgia fcrTie puipcee T'leamg
ocyactio'a, 7am c a »a-.a'ce as oovoec
p* Tie le —a of Tie -o-sur County Zonrc
At tec Tact or oacei of arc vre
oerc Land Lot 10 a* the i2r. Oistnc: of
Houstor. County Geo-gia located at 20Z
-ier*cr Boas consstng rf 1905 acres
arc 3et»' tcrow as Tie ocpaTy zf Ana'*
D- Aratso-.
A) oaties ac rteras" and citzens
'iave the ocportruty c 3e riaard sc sac
time ahd 3ace reafre t petttiar feed 3y
tteCMnerofVtepcpeTy r ouestcr. Artane
0 Aiateor.
By Channel. ATiur Oiar*e Jr
Sscrate *y "r-cT i £ A'o aws
5-37 S 7-5.71
Notice ts heratiy g<var that Tie Houston
dubbed as the scale's larges aao
moeve everu. wili feature harireds
of rods., custom*, classic*, ssusck
cars arc tnci tnicks threega 19"2.
This evens wiS be held frees 8
am urml 6 pun. Saturday. May
21, and from 8 aun. uadi 3 pm.
Sunday. May 2L AdHsua is S 6
for afeh* S* for senior cmzsm aad
free for rfcudren under the age of 12.
The final two ereah coraeaiiy
booked far the month are the Geor
gia State Doubles Horseshoe Pitch
ing Tournament w rucis starts as. 10
am. May 28 and the Georgia Cnt
ttr.g Horse Show which star* at 9
dL-TTi . May 28 arc 29. Admission so
both of these events is also free lo
the general pskGc.
To confirm that these events
have not charged times or dates,
call the Georgia National Fair
grounds and Agncenter at 987-
June blood drive
scheduled for
Perry residents
A blood drive will be held at the
Agncaliare bedding on Carroll
Street Tuesday, }m& 14 from noon
until 5:30 pun.
Due lo the drssdc&dy reduced
supply of blood, a greaser response
is needed from donors is ail parts of
the country. Make every effort to
donate bfcod os tins date.
Car ry Boac pfZonng Appeals wil noid s
ouoic 'isstc o' Tie os* o' NAs* 22 1 She
sc. Tie nor 7XXS PV. : :oo a: Tie
-lousto' County An'** Butarc r 'Aamer
Booms Georgia tarthepueposec '*amg
ooiemons ra-. ca . anarc* as o-ovoa;
3* Vie ie-ns o- T« no. so- Dor r. Zo-in;
Al: T*' rar o r oaoa o' sa'c iyrc
Deng _=rc _o: V 9 o' re 14T- Disnr of
Houston Gout. Geo-ga iocateca:2Ss'
Highway *i Sour, oemsstre of 1.57 E
arras and oette* as Tie p-ooe— > o'
_*-ietse E i Patrroa l. *
Al oanes 2 rdenesS and ctosans
-iave Tie ooootunr. c oe heard 2 sac
gme and oiaoe -siat’ve c petdor hied 3*
Tie OW-.6' of Tie propel* r suester.
Ga:i*ge N Bow
HOUSTON CO - A * a.A*. iut-
By Chat —.2 ATi-r Cate J'
Secrscary ''moT-y E Ano-aw
5-36 S7-S7l
Notice s 'leradi gwer true T*
County Boat: -J Zoning Appears wil hoc a
ouoic haaoid r re®, o* Wa* 23 i She
2 T«e hour zf 7X© fW. o'cdsk 2 Tie
-lou-tr- Dour* At** Buian; r tore-
Booms Georg*. fexT* purpose of heafflrg
ooiections tan* c a vanarce aspovoe;
3, Tie te —is of Tie housev County Zonrc
AH Tar Tac. or paroa of arc vne
Oaing : ar.n Lee 117 of the 58h Duane* Of
-ousto* -Count* Geoegte. ocanec *”!
Ei—o'e Dm-e -a*oe **’ Pne forest S©,
dO'aws-ng of 537 acres ahd Pette’ *now
as Tie pnperty of _naa A Pyies
Al pa mas 2 mteras: arc oitzens seal
have tne opportune to be heard at sac
time arc piaoe ratafve c petitiar feed Py
the owner -a! the properr* rr queston. <uhaa
A Pvies
By Qhaaman ArTwr CiaiNe Jr
.Secreaary Timothy £ Andrews
5-35 S7-S7l
Special Mother's Day performance
Staff Witfr
Theatre Macon give will present
their production of Stephen
Sondheim's Teio the Woods* on
Mather s Day Sunday, May 8. The
performance is a benefit for Perry
yvu - ---• D ..artim r,i |-f
rHjOj PTOLiRg ryoo.
Everydaag over the royalty costs
for the show will go to Perry
Players to help pay the costs of
renovating the community theatre
at 909 Main Street.
So, Perry people are encouraged,
if the* intend to see ’lnto the
We Waul To Ik* Your Personal Jeweler
• 10K & 14K Gold Chains
& Bracelets
• Gold Earrings
• Watches
• Diamond Solitaires
• Diamond Cocktail Rings
Perry Market Place
Shuts Sfe® - Fri 10-7 Sat. 10-45
< Lp[um dVztty i
*& Simv , Perry
Mother's Day
Lunch Buffet
only $£295 <££££2,
Children under
Includes 6 free!
• Ham, Lamb, Roast Beef
•Fried & Baked Chicken
• Assorted Vegetables
• Large Soup & Salad Bar
• Dessert Bar
• Corn Bread & Yeast Rolls
Sunday Hoars 11:30 • 3.-00
Larry Harvey
After the unexpected,
expect the best from Alfa.
Sooner or Ltcr, tke unexpected
kappens. Storm damage. Fender
bender*. Burst pipes. Accidental
injury. Plan akcad and call Alla. You
can count on your local Alla agent to
ke tkere, offering protection *itk
Atta s full line ol policies lor your
car. your koine and your tile.
Cal your Alla agent today to provide
lor tile t little surprises*.
1108-B Washington St. • 988-2532
Woods', to do so on Sunday, May
8, at 2:30 p.m. Ticket* are sls
for adults and $8 for students.
Three Perry people arc in the
show. Mark Suandburg plays Jack
(of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'),
Wendi Hammock plays Cinderella,
aid Dave Galloway play* the Wolf
(of Tittle Red Riding Hood").
Please support these individuals
and please support Perry Players!
Contact Dennis* Hooper at 987-
5354 for tickets or any Perry
Players Board member.
' J
*«NX ' '
*L*&*m* • st-cfti.* - Mtssissippt
• Tennis Bracelets
• Slide Bracelets
• Layaway with no
service charge
• Jewelry & Watch
Repair Service
Your Home For
High Quality
Jewelry at Low,
Low Prices.
Come See Us Today