Newspaper Page Text
Church News
Hayneville Baptist to hold
benefit bbq and gospel sing
On Saturday, May 14, a benefit
barbecue dinner and gospel sing
will be held at First Baptist Church
of Hayneville with all proceeds
going towards medical and other
expenses of Joyce Mussel white.
A Hayneville resident,
Musselwhite is retired and under the
care of Dr. Charlie Dean of
Hawkinsivlle. She is scheduled for
surgery in Augusta.
Barbecue plates will be available
at the church annex Saturday from
noon until 5 p.m. Each plate will
feature barbecue, beans, slaw, bread,
cake and iced tea. Cost per plate is
$4 for advanced tickets or $4.50 at
the door.
The gospel singing will start at
5 p.m. and a love offering will be
College choir to perform at Perry FBC
The Brew ton-Parker College
Choir will make a stop in Perry on
Thursday, May 12, as part of their
1994 Spring Tour. The Choir will
be in concert at Perry First Baptist
Church at 7:30 p.m.
The BPC Choir is one of the 90-
year-old private, senior college's
best ambassadors. For the past 28
years the choir has been under the
direction of Hildegard Stanley, BPC
Professor of Music, and has
performed for audiences both at
home and abroad. In 1966, the
choir had 40 members. Today it
boasts 100-plus voices and is heard
during a wide variety of programs
throughout the year including a
week-long Spring tour. This year's
tour, scheduled May 10-15, includes
stops at churches in Dudley,
Cordele, Talbotton, Columbus, as
well as Perry.
The choir's appearances will be
enhanced by performances from the
College's handbell choir known as
the "Baron Ringers", conducted by
Dr. T. N. Retif, Professor of
Music, and by the College’s Brass
Ensemble, under the direction of
Daniel Smelser, Associate
Professor of Music.
For the 1994 tour of Western
Georgia, the choir will be joined by
the "Baron Road Show”, a
combination of concert and jazz
bands and the "Baron Singers", a
sixteen-member pop-vocal group
also led by Professor Smelser. The
Road Show will perform at a
number of high schools across the
region including West Laurens
High School in Dublin, Dodge
County High School in Eastman,
Crisp County High School in
Cordele, Hawkinsville High
School, Perry High School and at
the Tri County High School in
Buena Vista.
The Choir's annual spring tours
have taken them across the state of
Georgia, and into South Carolina,
The Following Sponsors Support Your Local Church News
Houston Times-Joumal
P.O. Drawner M
Perry, GA
Apply thine heart unto instruction,
and thine ears to the words of knowl
Proverbs 23:12
County, from 1 A
County body earlier this year.
Members of the current Author
ity as well as members of the
county commissioners all agreed
that keeping these members in
volved was important as each have
shown great dedication and have
been heavily involved in various
on-going airport projects.
The fourth proposed ex-officio
member is Art Grady, a Houston
County resident and Northrop em
ployee who has expressed an inter
est in working with the group. All
proposed ex-officio members were
approved unanimously by county
Secondly, Thompson, who is
also a member of the Airport’s
governing body, told fellow com
missioners that the group was eager
to go ahead with the renaming of
the airport, as it’s former Perry/Fort
Valley designation is no longer ap
Thompson emphasized that the
Authority had tossed around several
possible names, but that they had
also requested some input from
members of the county board.
Of the names suggested, “Perry
taken. Groups donating their time
and talents are The Olivers, The
Good News Singers, Wayne
Holcomb and Randy Bozeman as
well as othc rlocal talent.
All donations and help with this
benefit will be greatly appreciated,
love offerings and food items will
be accepted at the church annex all
day Satmday.
Advanced tickets may be pur
chased from the Seeds of Truth
Chirstian Book Store, Precision
Tire and Muffler (Bobby Fowler),
Randy Bozeman (987-7122), John
Fowler (987-2694), Lind Grincr
(987-5139), Cathy Fowler at Perry
High School, or call Pastor David
Fisher at the church (987-3747).
North Carolina, Tennessee,
Kentucky, Florida and Louisiana.
The choir has performed for the
Georgia Baptist Convention, the
Southern Baptist Convention, and
for numerous churches, schools and
civic organizations.
Over the years the choir has also
performed internationally in Israel
and the Holy Land, participating in
the Christmas Eve Festival of
Choirs in Bethlehem on four
occasions, in 1970, 1972, 1976 and
1984; for U.S. troops aboard the
USS Kennedy; and in a command
performance for King Hussein of
Jordan. Most recently, in the
summer of 1993, they took part in
a 10-day tour of Germany as part of
the Georgia Baptist Convention's
"Partnership Missions Program",
established between Baptists in
Georgia and Germany.
Youth to raise funds
at free car wash today
Christian Fellowship Youth will
be accepting donations at a free car
wash being held today from 10 a.m.
until 2 p.m. in the parking lot at
the comer of Main and Washington
streets behind C&C Photography.
Singles dance to be
held in Macon June 4
A "Lost in the Fifties" Singles
Dance will be held June 4 at 8 p.m.
at Glen wood Hills UMC, 3357
Rice Mill Rd., Macon.
Cost is $5 per person and re
freshemnts will be served.
Prizes for best costume will be
awrded and drawings for door prizes
will be held. Music will be pro
vided by D.J. Jim Wells of Jim's
Mobil Sound.
For more information call
(912)788-0118 or (912)-788-6655.
’ 1 CB&T Bank Of
wUIU Middle Georgia
Remit of 916 Maln St '
us - 341 Just North 011-75
Executive Airport”, met with the
most disapproval from commis
“I really don’t think we should
give the airport a name that
connotes Perry only,” said
Commissioner Larry Snellgrove
said, drawing nods of agreement
from his fellow commissioners.
“We are providing funding, too, and
it belongs to everyone in Houston
County. I feel that the name should
have Houston as at least a part of it
or neither.”
In other business, commission
•Approved a request from Daniel
W. Gentry of Byron to re-zone a
parcel of land located at 1241 South
Houston Lake Road from R-l
(residential) to C-2 (general com
mercial) for the purpose of opening
a veterinary clinic. Gentry told
commissioners he hopes to be in
business by July of next year.
•Approved a request from Lolita
M. Nipper of Perry to re-zone a
parcel of vacant land located at 2953
Highway 341 South from R-AG
(residential-agricultural) to C-l
(neighborhood commercial) for the
\** r~
\ j Rev. John |
Court decision
on Kevorkian
justifies murder
On Monday, a jury found Dr.
Jack Kevorkian innocent of
breaking a Michigan law that
prohibits assisted suicide, the
much publicized case was wrought
with emotion, and both supporters
and opponents of Dr. Kevorkian's
practices saw this as a test case for
future reference.
Some of the jurors were
interviewed following the acquittal,
and they commented that Dr.
Kevorkian's own testimony
convinced them that he was not
guilty of any crime. They
concurred that he was not taking a
human life but rather relieving pain
and suffering. Dr. Kevorkian, who
has helped 20 people kill
themselves, is now seen as a type
of hero of personal freedom, willing
to take on the court system for the
right to die.
But isn't the right to die an
entirely different matter? The
people he has helped commit
suicide have not been connected to
life support systems against their
will, nor were they brain dead
without an ability to communicate
to the world around them. It's not
simply a matter of refusing life
support systems. Dr. Kevorkian
helped those people take aggressive
action which resulted in immediate
death. That's not the right to die
it's the right to end life that we
don't like.
If Dr. Kevorkian and his
supporters are allowed to continue
with their tactics, then where does
it stop? This most recent case dealt
with a young man who was
afflicted with Lou Gehrig's disease,
and Dr. Kevorkian helped end his
life because they judged the quality
of it to be poor. But does any
doctor-any person-have the right
to pass judgment on the quality of
life and end those lives which are
deemed to be of poor quality?
What if someone determines the
quality of life of a down-syndrome
child to be poor? Should we assist
in his suicide? What if an elderly,
disabled nursing home resident has
a quality of life that seems poor?
Should we determine that life too?
Where will it end? What if people
started killing unborn babies
because they are disabled or
unwanted? Oops-we already allow
that, don't we?
purpose of creating additional park
ing for her existing commercial
property, McCormick Grocery.
•Voted to re-appoint Greg
Chapman to represent the county
commission on the Region Five
Emergency Management Service
Board. Chapman’s has just com
pleted his first three year term on
the board.
from 1 A
approval and a key factor driving
the administration is the
expectation that next year’s closure
list will deliver a major blow to the
nation’s bases and the communities
that depend on (hem.
To slash defense jobs across the
country before his 1996 re-election
bid would lx - political suicide, said
Rep. James Hansen, a Republican
from Utah.
Houston Times-Journot
Churches plan activities
for members, community
Perry United
The church will celebrate
Mother’s Day this Sunday at the
same time as Festival of the
Christian Home and Magnolia
Manor Day. Because of gifts
through the League of the Good
Samaritan, Magnolia Manor has
helped many whose need for care
has exceeded their ability to pay.
Also Sunday morning, Larry
Roberts from the Methodist Home
for Children and Youth in Macon
will be visiting to discuss with the
Christadclphian Class ways to sup
port the home.
During the evening worship ser
vice, the Lord's Supper will be cel
Coffee and refreshments will be
available before Sunday School for
the next few weeks with donations
being used to help children attend
Children's Camp.
Registration forms for Middle
School and Senior High camps,
which will both be held at Camp
Mclntosh, Indian Springs, must be
turned in by May 29. Forms are
available in the church office or at
The Youth Choir will not be
meeting this Sunday as the program
has concluded for the school year,
but attendance at UMYF is very
important since this week students
will begin delivering gifts to shut
ins and nursing home residents.
The annual Baccalaureate service
will be held at the morning worship
service Sunday, May 22. Also that
day will be a senior luncheon and a
picnic at UMYF honoring seniors.
The "Power and Light Singers”
from the University of Georgia will
perform at the church Sunday
evening, May 15
Houston Lake
Plan to attend the Fish Fry and
Kick-off Rally for the Brick—Day
building fund promotion being held
today at 5 p.m. Also, stay after
wards to hear the Good News
Singers. Their performance begins
at 7 p.m.
A Baptismal Service will be held
Sunday evening.
All Vacation Bible School
workers are requested to attend a
VBS clinic to e held Tuesday, May
10 from 7-9 p.m. at Shirley Hills
Baptist in Warner Robins. The van
will leave the church at 6:30 p.m.
Although Super Saturday has
been cancelled for May, the
Children's Committee will be meet
ing May 19 at 7 p.m. to plan for
the new quarter.
The church welcomes its newest
Member F.D.I.C.
Where Everybody Turns For Racing!
i J9l2^^^^22^ im^^
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The area being submitted for a Community Development Block Grant by the City of Perry la
outlined above.
Drink, Malt Beverage (Beer) and
Wine, to lx 1 consumed on premises,
located at Natala Corporation.
Holiday Inn of Perry, 7(K) Valley
Saturday, May 7,1994 Houston Times -Journal
members, Jerry and Kathie Axtell
of Warner Robins.
Rehoboth Baptist
The church will celebrate
Mother's Day on May 8 by honor
ing all mothers present at the
morning worship service with a
gift. This will be a special time to
give thanks to our Lord for
mothers. Why not worship with
your mother this Sunday?
There will be a Vacation Bible
School clinic at Shirley Hills
Baptist in Warner Robins on May
10 at 7 p.m. This clinic is for VBS
directors, teachers and workers in
the pre-school and children's de
Rehoboth's Vacation Bible
School will be held July 11-15 in
the evening. There will be classes
for pre-school through adults.
Watch for more detail in the
coming weeks.
First Baptist
Members are encouraged to help
young women in crisis while pay
ing tribute to their mother with a
$1 donation in her honor to
Pregnancy Care Center of Perry.
Contributions are tax deductible and
will be used to minister through
counseling, teaching and witnessing
to hurting women in the area.
Envelopes will be available in the
pew racks on Mother's Day.
The College/Career Sunday
School Class will meet in the bal
cony until the parking lot project is
Senior Recognition will be
Sunday, May 29. Be sure to drop a
senior picture by the office by May
The Brewton-Parker College
Choir will be in concert at the
church Thursday, May 12 begin
ning at 7:30 p.m. Hosts will be
needed for about 7 college students
for that evening. Call Larry Wood
to volunteer as a host.
An Associational VBS clinic
will be held at Shirley Hills Baptist
Church Tuesday, May 10 from 7-9
Greater Union
The Spirit of Love Gospel Choir
of the Greater Union Baptist
Church will be celebrating their
Annual Choir Anniversary Sunday,
May 15 beginning at 5 p.m.
This joyous occasion will be
held at the church, located at 1006
Drive, in the name ot Martha
Sharolyn Hudson.
Approval was given to Change
Order No. 10 Contract 1 for the
Marion St., Perry.
The church encourages everyone
to attend.
Crossroads United
Youth Sunday will be held on
May 8 (Mother's Day). Preparations
are being made for the special day
this month.
Baccalaureate is May 22 at
which time high school, college
and graduate school graduates will
be recognized. This will be a time
of great rejoicing with special mu
sic, recognitions and a luncheon
following the service.
It's also time to register for
Camp Dooly to be held July 24-29.
United Methodist Men District
Rally will be held May 26 at the
Dooly Campground at 7 p.m.
Featured speaker will be U.S. Army
Colonel Ben Purcell from
Clarksville. Reservations must be
made by May 17. Cost is $5 and
the church must send in the reserva
tions with one check.
A trip to Warm Springs at lunch
at the Bulloch House Restaurant is
planned in May for the Young at
A going away reception for the
Thomason family will be held
Sunday, June 12 from 3-5 p.m. in
the Phelps building. Contact Di
Lanier to help with food or flowers.
Vacation Bible School will be
held at the church July 18-22.
Andrew United
The church will celebrate its first
anniversary by adding a new 8:30
a.m. morning worship service on
Mother's Day May 8. One year ago,
the church became a new congrega
tional development of the Macon
District of the South Georgia
Conference. Since that time, the
church has experienced tremendous
growth, has developed ministries
for all ages including a five day a
week pre-school, vocal and handbell
choirs for all ages, full youth pro
gram, an alive and vital mission
ministry and now is adding a new
dynamic worship service in order to
continue to grow.
The public is invited to come on
Mother's Day either at 8:45 a.m. or
11 a.m. for worship service.
Everyone is encouraged also to at
tend Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
The early service will be a less
formal, prayer and praise service
with several persons sharing the
leadership for music and preaching.
This service will be 45 minutes and
Please see CHURCH page 10A
Kellwood Outlet Store
202 Kelh'oo d Drive
Peachstate Cable TV
P.O. Box 1198
"T \f 'v Perry. G*..
** M W 31069-1198
L -J
Water 1 me Extension Project
around the North Perry Parkway.
Contract 1 was increased by
page 3A