Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, 11% 25 1994 ‘Houston Tkms-Joumai
Page 2A
Essie Irene Bryant
UNADQJLA -Esse Irene Bryant, 88. erf Unadiiia died Smday. May 22,
1994 ib a local mirsmg home. Born in Dooly County, she was tbe
of the fane Waller Martin Miras and bene Griggs, and the wider*
of Pans Lee Bryant. Essie was a member of the First Baptist Church, a
member of the American Legion Auxiliary, the Fidel is Sunday School
Class and was a farmer Third District President of the American Legion
Ain illary. and was a horaemaker. Snrvrvors: son, Raymond Bryant of
Unadißac daughters, Elsie Chambless of Nashville, Charlene Knight of
Henderson and W anda Gray of Perry: 10 grandchildren; and 14 great
Ser»iees: Were held Monday, May 23, 1994 in tbe First Baptist
Chinch in Unadiiia at 2:30 pm. Burial took place in die W'alnut
Cannery The Revs David SumraE and Fred Swann officiated
Joe Musselwhite
Joe Mus&eiwhite. 47, of 602 Starbock Dr., died Monday. May 23,
1994 at a local hospital Born m Tinner Coirnty, be was the son of the
late Warren F. and Rvsca E. Bryan and was married to Sharon Hill
Mussel white. Mr. Mussel white was tbe owner and operator of
Mussel white Lawn Service and was a Baptist. Survivors: wife. Sharon
Hiii Mussel white of Perry; daughter, Elisha Gibbs of Pitts; sisters and
brothers. Nan Williams of Cummings. Betty Williams and Wiida Harvey ,
both of Hawkmsviile. Hilda Masters of Alto, Brenda Lyles of Cochran.
Thomas Mussel white erf Blakely. Floyd Mussel white of Cliff side Part.
NJ and Julian Mussel white of Wnghtsvilk; stepmother and aepfadier.
Luc;lie Mussel*hits erf Cordele and Bud Gray of Uaadilla; and two
Services; W ill be held Wednesday, May 25. 1994 in the Reboboth
Baptist Church at 2 p.m Burial will take place in the Perry Memorial
Gardens. The Rev. John Waters will officiate Watson-Hunt Funeral
Home ha? charge of arrangements
Wilma Jean Lester Storzinger
ATLANTA-Wiima Jean Lester Storzinger. 36, of .Atlanta, died Friday,
May 20. 1994. Born in Houston County, she was tie daughter of Mildred
E. Whuerst and the late Woodrow WTiuerst and was married to Albert Paul
Storzinger She was a nursing student and a member erf the Mount Zion
CME Church erf Perry . Survivors; husband. .Albert Paul Storzinger erf
Atlanta; daughter. Shundna Lester of Atlanta, mother. Mildred E.
Whuerst of Perry; grandmother. .Annie Mae Brown of Perry: sisters and
brothers. Betty Lester erf Perry . Patricia L. Robertson of Warner Robins,
Laura .Ann Golden of Ft Bragg. N.C., Charlie Brown and Jerry L. Brown,
both of Perry. James Brown erf Panama and Tracy L. Winters of Kaw-aii.
Services: Will be held Friday. May 2~. 1994 m the Oglethorpe Hill
Chapel in .Atlanta a: 10 a_m. Patterson & Son Funeral Home has charge
of arrangements.
Daniel Duayne Weir
ELKO-Darnel Duayne Weir. 87, of 2615 Elko Rd.. died Sunday. May
22. 1994. Born in Wayne County, N.Y., he was the son of the late
Samuel and Manor Bills Weir and has resided in Elko since 1990, moving
from Plant City. Fla. Daniel was a reared farmer and was married to
Lillian Bryant Weir He was a member of the Henderson Baptist Church.
Survivors: wife, Lillian W'eir of Elko; daughter. Marion Weir
Gohsano of Half Moon. Calif.; three sons, Richard D. Weir erf Elko.
Robert S Weir of Donaldsonville and William Weir of Hephzibab:
sisters. Laura W. Reynolds of Rochester. N.Y. and Clara Weir of
Hansford. Conn.: 13 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.
Services: Were held Tuesday, May 24. 1994 in the Waison-Hunt
Chapel at 2 p.m Banal lock place in the Perry Memorial Gardens. Tbe
Re . Howard .Alford officiated. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests
contributions be made to the Henderson Baptist Church. Watsoo-Hum
r uneral Home in Perry had charge of arrangements.
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Death notices
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Monies T&i2cn Cjrlf&ttc
Perry girl
scores high
on TIP test
Staff Writer
The scares of Houston County
seventh grade students who were
participants in the 1993-1994
Talent Identification Program
Talent Search were reported recently
by Duke University.
The students took mathematical
and verbal parts of tbe College
Board's Scholastic Aptitude Test
and the Test of Standard Written
Tbe following students qualified
to attend tbe state recognition cere
mony for high scoring Talent
Search participants:
•From Perry Middle School:
Moraca Teigen-Gilletie.
•From Northside Middle School;
Daniel Bennett, Lisa Cheatwood,
Michael Grabowskd and Michelle
•From Warner Robins Middle
School: David AmetL Robert Dees.
Kristyn Embrey, Melissa Fritcher
and Neha Shah.
Pvt. K. Wooley
completes class
.Army Pvt. Kelby C. Wooley
has graduated from a helicopter
repairer course at Fort Eustis in
Newport News. Va.
Wooley is the son of Sieve J.
and Cheryl H. Wooiev of Perm.
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912-987-0011 912-929-4145
900 Russell
Warner Robins