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War veteran Albert Morton re-visits Vietnam
Staff Writer
Twenty-eight years ago, Perryan
Albert Morton, a member of the Ist
Calvary Division, was waging war
in Vietnam. On April 1 of this
year, he, along with 33 other
Vietnam War veterans, left Seattle
and returned to this land of con
Landing in Taipei, they changed
planes and flew to Ho Chi Minh
City (Saigon) in South Vietnam
which was the old capital of
From the many pictures Morton
took and his recollections of what
he saw, he was amazed at the
beauty of the country-its moun
tains, trees, flowers and waters, and
the friendliness of the people.
Although some of the country is
well-developed, parts of it are very
Morton found out about the trip
through the Ist Cavalry Division's
newsletter. Those who went came
from all over the United States, but
only two were from Georgia-
Morton and a man from Augusta.
A former Vietnamese Colonel was
the Americans' tour guide and took
them to his brother's home for
lunch - a very good lunch which in
cluded bread, watermelons, bananas,
peanut butter (which the Americans
furnished) "and lots of neat things
to eat," Morton said.
Although Morton recorded much
of the scenery and people through
photographs, the Americans found
their old bases were torn down and
they were not allowed to go inside
the active bases.
In recalling the first visit, Morton
Hooper tells Exchange Club
theatre group serves public
Staff Writer
Perry Players is dedicated to
serving it's customers, Dennis
Hooper told the members of the
Perry Exchange Club during their
regular meeting Thursday afternoon.
Hooper said there were two types
of customers served by the commu
nity theater. The first customer was
the person who came to the theater
to be entertained by the play or
drama. The other customer was the
volunteer performer or production
worker who made the play work.
"We are sensitive to the audience
we perform to," said Hooper. He
said that many community theaters
ran into trouble with the plays they
performed being out of step with
the community. "You want have to
worry about that in Perry," he said.
Hooper said Perry Players tried
to make participation in a produc
tion as open as possible, noting
that one-third to one-half of the par
ticipants in each performance were
new to the Perry Players. Over 450
different people have been involved
in the 35 shows produced by Perry
Players since its founding, he said.
"We don't require experience,"
said Hooper, quoting from Perry
Players mission statement. "We
provide it."
Only the director and the pro
ducer are paid in a Perry Players
production, said Hooper. However,
they make only SIOO per produc
tion, which Hooper said amounted
to around 16 cents per hour.
Perry Players is gaining a wide
reputation, said Hooper, who said
cast members in recent production
have come from Macon, and as far
away as Dublin. "We are also send
ing people from Perry to other
community theaters," he told the
Exchange Club.
The board of directors recently
decided to go ahead and finish con
struction on their theater on Main
Street. Hooper said the theater had
received $112,000 in donations for
the renovation of the theater from
451 donors.
"We would love to double the
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Perryan Albert Morton with some of the photographs and souvenirs he brought home from
his recent visit to Vietnam.
said that his base camp was at
Ankhe (pronounced AnKAY) and
maneuvers were by helicopter to the
Cambodian border.
Morton said of the trip, "I enjoyed
it. I was glad to see that North
Vietnam didn't make a big deal over
the United States being run out (of
South Vietnam) before. It felt bet
ter than the first time (we were
On the trip, Morton said that it
took 16 hours to fly to Saigon
number of donors to 1,000," said
Hooper, adding that that number of
donors would indicate a "really
broad community effort" for the
Recently, Perry Players has re
ceived two grants from foundations,
said Hooper. The E.J. Grassman
trust has given the community the
ater $5,000, and the Luttie Pate
Evans Foundation has contributed
SIO,OOO. He said E.J. Grassman
Trust could give another $5,000-
10,000 in July.
Hooper said that Perry Players
has spent $168,000 on the Main
Street theater so far, with $20,000
coming from savings and $36,000
coming from a construction loan.
He said the Players had $64,000
remaining in loans they could draw
from a SIOO,OOO construction loan
written by seven Perry banks.
The Perry Players will next per
form Arsenic and Old Lace, with
the first performance on June 10.
Please see HOOPER, page 9A
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from Seattle. From Da Nang back
to Saigon he flew on a Vietnam
Airways plane. From Saigon to
Pleiku, he flew on a plane from
EVA Airline, formed in 1992. He
went through the main terminal at
Taipei on his return trip to Seattle
and Atlanta.
While in Vietnam, Morton was
interviewed by Don Ross, Copy
Desk Chief for USA Today, which
is located in Arlington, Va. The in
terview took place on April 14 and
appeared in USA Today on
rfl \’ <v '* ’
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Earl Cheek and Hulda Cook
Cook named president of
retired teachers group
Houston County retired teacher
Earl Cheek congratulates Hulda
Cook as she becomes President for
the 1994-95 year.
Retired teachers and school per
sonnel are invited to join this active
group which meets at the Holiday
Inn on Watson Boulevard in Warner
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Thursday, May 26, 1994.
The Mortons live on Morton
Road (named for his family) at
Houston Lake, and have been there
since 1952. His wife of 19 years,
the former Julie Pippin of Forsyth,
is bookkeeper at Perry Middle
School. They have two sons: Brian,
16, a student at Perry High School, Keith, 14, a student at Perry
Middle School.
A video of the trip is being made.
Morton may be available later to
show interested groups.
Robins the second Wednesday at
11:30 a.m. during the months of
September through May.
Other officers for the upcoming
year are Ketus Cawthon, president
elect; Sara Shepherd, secretary;
Evelyn Ross, treasurer.
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