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Your Opinion
Please, just smell the
flowers, don't pick them
Dear Editor:
As a private citizen it is very disturbing to think you can't ever grow
flowers in your yard to enjoy, but some people will go in your yard and
help themselves without even asking and if you say anything to them they
cuss you. I’ve even told them they are welcome but to please ask next
I live on Kings Chapel Road and I have had this problem for several
months now.
Thank you,
Hazel Watson
Paying tribute to the
Class of 1964
Dear Editor:
I am writing this on behalf of the high school class of 1964, and
especially the Perry High School class of '64, as high schools all over the
country are having 30-year reunions.
We, the class of 64, came all the way from white buck shoes to sitting
around watching satellite news. We were the boom babies bom right after
World War II when the country was on the move and starting new.
We played army in a backyard field not knowing that it might be for
real. We saw the first TV-Superman, Father Knows Best and all the rest.
We saw Elvis Presley do his thing; Dwight D. Eisenhower was president,
and then came John F. Kennedy and Intergration. We sat sobbing in our
senior class as we heard the sad news that Kennedy had left us, and now as
we celebrate our thirty year reunion we sit sobbing abain over the death of
Mrs. ’’Kennedy". Then Bill Clinton brought our class of '64 to the White
House and made us all proud.
Then the Beatles came on strong. That's when we started wearing our
hair so long. We all thought it was fun, until we hit the streets of
Saigon. Yeah, we had a generation gap with everyone wanting to wear his
own cap.
Now...we have kids in high school and college (and some of us like my
self are grandparents), but they don't know that we were "cool". They
want to do their own thing. So, why not? We did the same. We slowed
pollution and showed the danger of nuclear fusion. So, I know that our
kids will carry on the strive for more. But...there will never be another
class like '64.
Oh, class of '64,1 think about you every now and then, when pot was
something that you put flowers in and Coke was something to drink;
back before eagles were almost extinct, Halloween was a fun time of year,
and Santa Claus wasn't just a game.
So, class of '64, we form the majority of America. Like it or not, we
have the power to propel America into its greatest hour.
Linda Moody Tolbert
Perry High School '64
'facet 7o '7He ScUte%.
'PteoAc s4eUotedA them.
To: Editor
Houston Times-Journal
P.O. Drawer M
Perry, Ga. 31069
Houston Times-Journal
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With today's world ignorance may be bliss
ALL MY life I have followed the
news avidly. I got in the habit, I
guess, when I started delivering
newspapers at the age of nine.
While waiting for the daily
newspaper to come off the press I
read the paper from cover to cover
and worked the crossword puzzle.
After church on Sundays, my
parents bought a Sunday paper. It
usually was the old Atlanta
Georgian, a wonderful newspaper to
read because it included so many
features, news stories, comics,
columns and even short stories. In
those days a Sunday newspaper had
so much more to read than today
and the percentage of advertising to
news was much less.
We took the newspaper home and
spent most of Sunday afternoon
reading it
Perhaps this affection for what I
read in newspapers influenced my
desire to write for one, though I
suspect the real reason I became a
writer was because I could earn
money keeping score at two
softball games and then writing the
stories to the next day's paper...all
of 25 cents for the two games, plus
the stories.
Anyway, interest in the news
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Safe Kids award made possible by members
What does the Mayor of Perry,
Westfield School, Robins Air Force
Base, Safety Officer, Police and
Fire Department, Board of
Education, Perry Hospital, County
Extension Office, Health
Department, HEMA, Georgia State
Patrol, State Farm Insurance
Company, Red Cross and 911
Office have in common? They
are all concerned about kid's
safety in Houston County.
Working together Houston
County Safe Kids recently won an
Award of Excellence. The award
was given at the State Conference
in Forsyth. Safe Kids is an
organization founded to fight
against preventive injuries in kids
ages one through 14. Preventible
injuries kill 6,000 children a year
and countless more are permanently
disabled. More children die
annually from unintentional injury
than from all other causes
combined. C. Everreu Koop, M.D.
stated "If a disease were killing our
children in the proportions that
injuries are, people would be
outraged and demand that this killer
be stopped!!!" This feeling is
echoed at each Safe Kids Meeting in
Houston County. This group under
the leadership of Melouie Elliot and
with Perry Hospitals as the lead
organization has accomplished
many projects. Some of those
Voice Your Opinion ...
Write a Letter to the Editor!
All opinions published are not necessarily those of this newspaper,
therefore all letters must be signed.
Houston Times-Journal
became a part of me at a very early
• * *
NOWADAYS I read three or four
newspapers everyday, watch too
many hours of news on television
and read a couple of news
magazines a week. It seems I can’t
get enough information on what is
going on in the state, the country
and the world.
My wife says I am a news junkie.
I may be.
Recently, I have been concerned
about my desire to get all the
information I can absorb. It makes
you worry. You see the direction
your country is going and know
there is nothing you can do about
it. You see wars all over the globe
and you know there will be more
when these end. You read about
corruption in government and waste
and the more you learn the worse
things seem to be.
I sometimes believe it is overkill
to keep abreast of everything.
* * *
I KNOW two women who never
read a daily newspaper, never
listened to the news on the radio or
watched it on television.
They may know who our
activities include:
•Distributing smoke detectors
•A Book Mark contest for Farm
•Distributing bike helmets and
car seats
•Educational projects at Kroger
celebrating bagging day, Elko
community day, Dogwood Festival,
Festival of Trees
•Participated in the Warner
Robins Air Force Base Fire Safety
Week, Child Safety classes at Perry
Hospital and Georgia National Fair
•Safety Programs for schools
Safe Kids members have done
everything from assisting with road
blocks, and Mock Auto Accidents
to wearing Crash Dummy suits in
90 degree weather.
Members of this organization are
dedicated to the task of preventing
all injuries including accidents
involving bikes, cars, poison, fire,
water and playgrounds. The Safe
Kids Organization for Houston
County works hard but also has a
good time. Many have a lot of
stories to tell about their
involvement with Safe Kids.
Charles Parker from State Patrol
Office recently received a letter from
a family that visited his booth at
the National Fair, and it reads as
Dear SgL Parker:
"I’m writing you to thank-you
Wednesday, June 8,1994 “Houston Tlmes-Joumal
Page 4A
president is, but I feel sure they
cannot name both Georgia senators
or the man who represents them in
They may know the name of
Georgia's governor, but they surely
can't tell you that Sonny Perdue is
their state representative.
They probably never heard of
Rwanda or Bosnia. They probably
are familiar with the names of Israel
and Korea and Vietnam but they
don't know why. They don't know
anything about what congress is
doing or is not doing and they
really don't care. They just go
about their business and pay their
taxes worry about things that
mean a lot to them personally.
They are happy in thier ignorance.
Sometimes I envy them.
• * *
I CAN’T go as far as they
do...completely ignore the state and
national and international news.
But I am trying to cut back on the
amount I read and the time I spend
watching the news on television.
Even after cutting back I suspect I
will know more than I really want
to know.
Now I am facing a new dilemma.
I'll have a lot of time on my hands.
and to encourage you to keep
working with the Safety Program.
We had been having trouble
keeping our six year old daughter
buckled with a self-adjusting
seatbelL She had been switching
without permission to the middle
seatbelt which was adjustable.
Needless to say, she kept it loose,
very loose. Every time we caught
her, we would make her switch
back to the other seatbelt and we
would warn her of the risks she was
On December 19,1993, we were
headed towards Perry on Highway
127-224. A little bit after passing
Bledsoe's airfield, a girl who had
been coming from the opposite
direction, turned into a driveway.
Without checking for oncoming
traffic, she backed out. My
husband tried to avoid her, but it
was impossible. Both vehicles
were totalled.
Our daughter confided to us, she
had been tempted to switch
seatbelts, but a few minutes before
the accident she remembered the
video you had shown us at the
National Fair in Perry on October
9, 1993. She remembered the
woman on the video testifying that
her seatbelt had saved her life.
That, kept her from switching
Only the Lord know what could
A FoyS. k
Evans I
Several hours a day. What am I
going to do with this time?
Perhaps I will get around to
reading those bookshelves of books
that I bought over a period of years
"to read when I retire". I haven't
found time to read them because I
have spent so much time on the
daily news. Now the time is
available...if I can just resist the
temptation to fall off to sleep.
* * *
A NEW TAX? The United
Nations has come up with the
suggestion that a "global income
tax" be imposed on the people of
all nations. An absurd idea?
Surely it is. But considering how
much the people who run our
country in Washington like new
taxes it wouldn't be surprising for
them to say it is a great idea and do
all they can to tax us for the rest of
the world.
have happened. Sir, Thank You
again for your time and effort. We
know they are well spent Keep up
with the good work."
Recently I heard the statement
"It takes a whole community to
raise a child." Houston County
Safe Kids are a good example of a
community coming together for the
common good of kids.
(Editor's note:
Congratulations to all the
local members of the county
Safe Kids for the award.
Through the programs
sponsored locally, lives will
be saved.
We at the Houston Times*
Journal encourage the public
to support this program and
attend the activities held in
the Perry area in conjunction
with Safe Kids.)