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Members of Westfield's graduating class of 1984 gathered
on the school's grounds, with their spouses and child, re
Ten years later...
Westfield's Class of 1984 holds reunion featuring picnic
Staff Writer
Westfield’s Class of 1984 held
their 10 year reunion last weekend
which included a party Friday
evening, a picnic on Westfield
Schools’ grounds Saturday at noon,
and a dinner/dance at the Officers
Club at RAFB Saturday evening.
The committee that organized the
reunion consisted of Susan Thames
Maddox, Donna Leverette Hughes,
Chris Thorpe Barr and Levin
Classmates, spouses and their
children who attended were:
Antique cars to be featured at Crape Myrtle fest
Classic antique cars of all makes
and models will be traveling the
roads early Saturday morning, July
2, as they make their way to the
1994 Crape Myrtle Festival in
Marshallville Georgia! Proud
owners of Model A’s, Model T’s,
Dodges, Desotos, roadsters, coupes,
pickups and many more will be
joining the festivities and
displaying their antique cars for the
enjoyment of the expected crowd!
Interest in these beautiful relics
of days gone by is widespread in the
Middle Georgia area! There will be
15-30 antique cars on display in
downtown Marshallville during the
one day festival. Admission to the
festival and to the car show is free!
Some of these marvelous
automobiles belong to local folks
people like Mac Crowe and his son,
Dennis Crowe. Theirs is a 1928
Model A-all original! Their
pleasure in the car is evident as they
tell about its being one of the First
Model A’s produced! It has been
maintained in its original state with
factory installed upholstery and
original paint! Perhaps that is why
it was selected for the filming of
Fried Green Tomatoes and is under
contract for another movie to be
made soon! Mr. “Mac” says these
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New Kiwanians
Perry Kiwanians welcomed their two newest members to the
local club recently. They are Jake Campbell, left, a financial
consultant with The Roblnson-Humphrey Co. and Veto
Roley, sports editor at the Houston Tlmes-Journal.
Agricenter Schedule
July 2: Big*Bang*Boom
11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Admission:
$5 per carload. Celebrate
Independence Day at this event
featuring family fun, games,
contests, entertainment, country
music bands, food, and fireworks
synchronized to music and
simulcast on radio. For additional
information, call 800/987-3247
(toll free in Georgia only) or
July 3: Firecracker
Futurity Lamb Show 9 a.m.
From Perry: Wayne Nelson, Pam,
and their daughter, Logann; Daryl
McDowell, Cathy, and their son,
Jacob; Adrienne Horne Walker,
Larry, and their sons, Ben and
Cody; Todd Walton, Deena, and
their son, Will; Diane Culpepper
and daughter Whitney; Michelle
Morris Bearden, Brian, and their
daughter, Cydney; Keith "ChaCha"
Wilson and Monica.
From Elko: Susan Thames
Maddox, Jeff, and their son, Jacob.
From Warner Robins: Chris
Thorpe Barr, Paul, and their daugh
cars are “living proof of what it was
like” years ago and he can
“remember very well when this car
came out”. His son points out that
the older cars were “better than the
ones (produced) now”. Yet, a 1928
Model A could have been purchased
new for less than $500!
Many of the special -visitors
expected are members of the
Memory Lane Chapter of the
Middle Georgia Region Antique Car
Club! Charles Johnson, editor of
the chapter newsletter (“Rebel
Running Board”) reports that the
local chapter has over 100 members
and many will be on hand to share
their love of old cars and to allow
others to see them.
Mr. Johnson is a native of
Marshallville who currently lives in
Houston County. He is a strong
advocate (or the club. It is not
necessary to own a car to be a
member, but one must join the
National Antique Car Club prior to
joining the region club. Club
activities include participation in
festivals, parades, picnics and
holiday celebrations. It’s family
fun enjoyed by all!
Another Middle Georgia Antique
Car Club member, David Rader of
Fort Valley, hopes to be on hand
Free admission to the general
public. For more information call
July 5-10: State 4-H
Horse Show 9 a.m., daily. Free
admission to the general public. 4-
H members from throughout
Georgia will compete in the show.
For more information call 706/542-
Please Note items on this
calendar are subject to
change. Call 987-3247 to
confirm each event.
cently for a family picnic. The classmates also enjoyed a
dinner/dance at the Officers Club at RAFB,
ter, Devon; Jo Evans and sons,
Wesley and Joseph; Margaret
From Macon: Ellen Myers Bunker
and Dell; Stephanie Hooks Tinkey
and David.
From Atlanta: Tony Darnel; Gary
Serman; Pierce Nelson and Kathy;
Randall Buice; Levin Pritchett
From Americus: Chip Langston
and Hope.
From Montgomery, Ala.: Donna
Leverette Hughes and Scott.
From Columbia, Miss.: Jeff
Brett, Martha, and their daughter,
for the festival! Mr. Rader owns
several antique cars, a beautifully
restored 1928 Model A Roadster
Pickup, a 1930 Model A Roadster
and a 1925 Model T Coupe. Like
MR. Crowe, he has fond memories
of the way cars used to be. He
indicated that he learned to drive in
a 1928 Model A Pickup very
similar to the one he now owns. It
belonged to his grandfather and was
used on the farm back in Indiana!
But memories go back even
further than 1928! Many will
recollect the days of horses and
buggies! In addition to the antique
automobiles, the festival will boast
a display of surreys and wagons
dating as far back as the 1800’s.
The collection belongs to Mr. Roy
Windham (originally from
Marshallville, now residing in
Montezuma) and will be located
near the festival Museum.
Everyone is cordially invited to
come to Marshallville, July 2,
1994 for the second annual Crape
Myrtle Festival! There will be
something for everyone-not only
Antique Cars, but also arts, crafts,
softball, antiques, flea market,
Kids’ Zone, old book sale,
grandstand entertainment and
delicious foods with that old south
Amanda Malone
Malone receives
scholarship from
WR Civitan Club
Staff Writer
Amanda Malone, member of the
Jr. Civitan Club and recent graduate
of Perry High School, has been
awarded a SSOO scholarship by the
Warner Robins Civitan -Club, se
nior sponsor of the junior clubs.
Application forms were submitted
for judging by the Warner Robins
Amanda has already received the
check and plans to use it at Georgia
Tech where she plans to pursue
studies in preparation for pre-med
with children.
She has won many honors
throughout her high school years,
including "Best Actress" in State
Malone is the daughter of Charles
and Terri Malone. Charles is owner
of Home Place Realty and Terri is
receptionist for Dr. Ed Strickland.
Houston Times-Journal
From Vail, Colo.: Kelly Jerles
Christensen and Kail,
From Greenwood, S. C.: Maggie
Cochran Blackstock, Bill, and their
son, Will.
From Stanford, Conn.: Andrea
Tabor Pearson and Bill.
St. Augustine, Fla.: Steve
Bohannan, Sandra, and their daugh
ters, Ashley and Stephanie.
From Peachtree City, Ga.: Bob
Moc/.e and Kerri Ware Moore.
From Lithia Springs, Ga.: David
Thames and Sandy.
flavor! Come, celebrate the past,
the present and the future, July 2,
1994, beginning at 10 a.m.
Follow the Andersonville trail
north from Montezuma or south
from Fort Valley or take 1-75 exit
42, then travel west 12 miles to
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Wednesday, June 29.1994 Houston Times -Journal
Mrs. J.F. Rozar
honored with a
reception at FBC
Staff Writer
In honor of her mother's 90th year, Mrs. Clint (Frances) Strouse
gave a reception for her mother, Mrs. J. Frank (Exie) Rozar, at Perry
First Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, June 19.
Co-hostesses were Sandy Brooks Stokes and Margilu Watts Mims,
1956 Perry High School classmates of Mrs. Strouse, the former
Frances Rozar. Many friends and former fellow church members at
On Monday afternoon, members of the Eula Riley Sunday School
Class met at the home of Mrs. Evora McGuire to enjoy a social
hour with Mrs. Rozar, a former member of their class.
Mrs. Rozar and her daughter reside in Oregon, 111., and both are
former residents of Perry. Mr. J. Frank Rozar, their husband and fa
ther, and former Houston County Commissioner, is the person for
whom the J. Frank Rozar Park in Perry is named.
The Rozars moved to Perry in 1939 and lived here five years at the
Beckham's Starbuck Farm before moving to Tallahassee, Fla. After
three years, they came back to Malatchee Farm outside Perry in
1948. Following Mr. Rozar's death, Mrs. Rozar continued to reside
in Perry until 1992 when she moved near the residence of Frances
and her family, which includes two daughters, Pam and Cindy
Mrs. Rozar is a subscriber to the Houston Times-Journal and tries
to "keep up with the news from Perry." She said that she "just can't
say enough good things about Perry. Middle Georgia is the best
place to live."
Members of the Willing Workers Sunday School Class have sent a
card to her every week since she moved away in 1992. She is con
stantly amazed at their thoughtfulness and these cards keep her from
feeling so lonely in surroundings away from her Perry "home".
She and Frances are "thrilled, and filled with awe, about the park
and the lovely building at Rozar Park" and hope that "their family
can be represented at the dedication service."
While in Georgia, Mrs. Rozar, Frances and her husband, Clint,
will travel to Eastman to visit Mr. Rozar's relatives and his
gravesite. They will then go to Bremen for her Gamer Family
Reunion and return to Illinois afterward.
Her address is below, for those who would like to drop a card or let
ter to Mrs. Rozar to help keep her abreast of happenings of her Perry
friends: Mrs. J. Frank (Exie) Rozar, 320 Lovers' Lane #4, Oregon,
111. 61061.
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